Gold, Labor and Colonialism in the Late-Nineteenth Century Gold Coast
Raymond E. Dumett. El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African Labor, and Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875-1900. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1999. xviii + 396 pp. $24.95, paper, ISBN 978-0-8214-1198-8. Reviewed by Andrew F. Clark Published on H-Africa (August, 1999) The later nineteenth century witnessed the capitalistic gold mining. He examines various his‐ most extensive and famous series of gold migra‐ toriographical questions and provides consider‐ tions in modern history. Gold rushes occurred in able new information on the topics of mining, la‐ different parts of the world, including California, bor relations, capitalism, and colonialism in Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, southwestern Ghana. The high quality photo‐ and the southwestern Gold Coast of West Africa. graphs at the end of each chapter depicting both Each of the gold discoveries caused large migra‐ indigenous and expatriate gold mining are a valu‐ tions of prospectors, skilled laborers, engineers, able addition to the book. land speculators, share pushers and con artists Gold mining and trading predated the arrival who moved from one fnd to the next, bringing of Europeans. The Akan region was one of West with them various skills but all with one goal, Africa's major gold sources, along with Bambuhu profit. In this excellent account focused on the on the upper Senegal and Bure on the upper Wassa area of the southwestern Gold Coast, Ray‐ Niger, for the trans-Saharan trade. West African mond Dumett, who has published extensively on gold made its way to medieval and Renaissance the colonial period and on gold mining, explores Europe.
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