Veterans Pro Bono Consortium Annual Report 2006
VETERANS CONSORTIUM PRO BONO PROGRAM 2006 ANNUAL REPORT James Himes Joshua Parker Given the focus of the Pro Bono Program’s mission to provide legal services free of charge to veterans and spouses seeking justice within the VA claims system, there is a function of time and history in the process that requires Program members to look toward the past in order to lend a hand to the veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the First Gulf War, and the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. While assisting veterans of wars past and those of ongoing conflicts, how- ever, we cannot, and must not, ignore the courage of the men and women currently serving in harm’s way around the world—the veterans of the future. This need arrived at the Pro Bono Program with explosive clarity on December 2, 2006, when veterans law specialist Kristin Holland received word that her stepson, PFC James Thomas Himes, had been badly injured when the Bradley fighting vehicle he was driving was the target of an improvised explosive device. James was evacuated to Germany and then to Fort Hood, Texas. Fortunately, Kris was able to see him briefly during a layover at Andrews Air Force Base and later attended the ceremony in Texas at which he received his Purple Heart. As James continues his recuperation, the Program also hopes for the safe return of Spec. 4 Joshua Parker from Iraq. Joshua, a tanker serving with the Steel Tigers, of the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor, and the grandson of Deputy Director Carol Wild Scott, is serving in the Baghdad area.
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