Lorillard Tobacco Company Glossary of Names
LORILLARD TOBACCO COMPANY GLOSSARY OF NAMES Aaronson, E. Kaye Scholer, Attorney Abelman, Frayne & Rezac Lorillard Counsel Abelman, Frayne & Schwab Lorillard Counsel Abelman, L.E. Abelman, Frayne & Schwab, Attorney Abrams, F. Cahill, Gordon & Reindel, Attorney Abrams, J.R. Nutter, McClennen & Fish, Attorney Abrams, K. Lorillard, Vice President of Personnel Achey, T. Lorillard, General Sales Manager Ackman, R.S. Imperial Tobacco Company, In-House Attorney Adams & Reese Philip Morris Counsel Adams, A. Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Analyst Adams, A.M. Schnader, Harrison, Sagal & Lusir, Attorney Adams, D.M. Jr. Evans, Dalby & Cumming, Attorney Adams, Hoeth & Justice, P.C. Tobacco Institute Counsel Adams, M. B. Philip Morris, Senior Assistant General Counsel and Regional Counsel, Latin America - 1 - Adams, S. Warner & Stackpole, Attorney Adams, W. Tobacco Institute, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President Adelman, D Burson Marsteller, Employee Adkins, G.C. Philip Morris, Assistant General Counsel Adler, Pollock & Sheehan Philip Morris Counsel Adorno & Zeder Brown & Williamson Counsel Agress, E.R. Lorillard, Associate General Counsel Agrimonti, L.M. Doherty, Rumble & Butler, Attorney Aho, B.J. Quorum Litigation Services, President & CEO Ahrensfeld, T.F. Philip Morris, Senior Vice President and General Counsel Ainsworth, W.E. RJ Reynolds, Vice President and Counsel for Governmental Affairs Akerman, Senterfitt, & Edison Lorillard Counsel Akin, D. Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Attorney Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld Joint Industry Counsel Alan Hilburg & Associates Lorillard Public Relations Firm Albanese, J.A. Jr. Callo Carroll, Inc., Employee Alden, D.B. Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, Attorney - 2 - Alessi, R.J. LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, Attorney Alexander, A. Lorillard, Employee Alexander, J.T. Winston & Strawn, Attorney Alfonzetti, V. Lorillard, Employee Allard, N.
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