Australia’s progress towards hepatitis C elimination Annual Report 2019 Suggested citation: Burnet Institute and Kirby Institute. Australia’s progress towards hepatitis C elimination: annual report 2019. Melbourne: Burnet Institute; 2019. Burnet Institute Head Office 85 Commercial Road Melbourne, Victoria, 3004 T: + 61 (3) 9282 2111 E:
[email protected] W: /burnetinstitute @burnetinstitute Burnet Institute Kirby Institute Wallace Wurth Building UNSW Sydney, NSW, 2052 T: +61 (2) 9385 0900 F: +61 (2) 9385 0920 E:
[email protected] W: /thekirbyinstitute @kirbyinstitute Designer: il Razzo The Burnet and Kirby Institutes Prepared by: Anna Wilkinson Edited by: Margaret Hellard Alisa Pedrana Maryam Alavi Mark Stoové Joseph Doyle Campbell Aitken Gregory Dore Alexander Thompson Jason Grebely Behzad Hajarizadeh Data Contributors (in order of data presented): • Australian Collaboration for Coordinated Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance of sexually transmitted infections and bloodborne viruses: Margaret Hellard, Mark Stoové, Carol El‑Hayek, Jason Asselin, Long Nguyen, Victoria Polkinghorne, Michael Traeger and Jennifer Dittmer, Burnet Institute; Rebecca Guy, Basil Donovan, Tobias Vickers and Alison Carter, Kirby Institute. • Australian Needle Syringe Program Survey: Jenny Iversen and Lisa Maher, Kirby Institute. • Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage study: Heather Valerio, Maryam Alavi, David Silk, Carla Treloar, Andrew Milat, Adrian Dunlop, Jo Holden, Charles Henderson, Phillip Read, Janaki Amin, Louisa Degenhardt, Gregory Dore and Jason Grebely, Kirby Institute. • Monitoring hepatitis C treatment uptake in Australia: Behzad Hajarizadeh and Gregory Dore, Kirby Institute. • Real world Efficacy of Antiviral therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C in Australia project: Jasmine Yee, Joanne Carson, Josh Hanson, David Iser, Phillip Read, Annie Balcomb, Pip Marks, Gregory Dore, and Gail Matthews, Kirby Institute.