The Rock Wrestling's Tough Guys Series ¥ Glossary Crossword Puzzle 1 2

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Across Down 3. an incredible force 1. the device that connects the ropes in each 5. acting parts corner of a wrestling ring 6. a way of doing something 2. the main pro wrestling organization in the 7. a move in which a wrestler faces an opponent, United States grabs the opponent around the legs, lifts the 4. one of the WWE’s most important titles, along opponent up, and slams the opponent down onto with the World Heavyweight Championship his or her back 5. the names that wrestlers use while in the ring; 13. the championship usually not the wrestlers’ real names 14. a move often used by The Rock to finish a 8. a wrestling event in which two-person teams of match; The Rock crisscrosses the ring, then wrestlers battle each other; usually only one drops onto his fallen opponent, landing his elbow wrestler from each team is allowed in the ring at a on his opponent’s ribs time and teammates switch places inside and 15. a wrestling hold in which one wrestler presses outside the ring by “tagging” or hand-slapping his or her opponent’s face down against the floor each other while holding on to both of the opponent’s legs; 9. a pair, a team of two the move creates pain in the opponent’s back 10. competing against another person or team 16. very 11. a hold in which a wrestler tightly grips an arm 17. when the active wrestler in a tag team match around an opponent’s head slaps hands with his or her partner, leaving the 12. the most powerful; the very best ring and allowing the partner to take over