Reflections on Centaur Upper Stage Integration by the NASA Lewis (Glenn) Research Center

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Reflections on Centaur Upper Stage Integration by the NASA Lewis (Glenn) Research Center 1$6$70² $,$$±± 5HÀHFWLRQVRQ&HQWDXU8SSHU6WDJH,QWHJUDWLRQ E\WKH1$6$/HZLV *OHQQ 5HVHDUFK&HQWHU Scott R. Graham Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio $SULO 1$6$67,3URJUDPLQ3UR¿OH 6LQFHLWVIRXQGLQJ1$6$KDVEHHQGHGLFDWHG &2175$&7255(32576FLHQWL¿FDQG WRWKHDGYDQFHPHQWRIDHURQDXWLFVDQGVSDFHVFLHQFH WHFKQLFDO¿QGLQJVE\1$6$VSRQVRUHG 7KH1$6$6FLHQWL¿FDQG7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 67, FRQWUDFWRUVDQGJUDQWHHV 3URJUDPSOD\VDNH\SDUWLQKHOSLQJ1$6$PDLQWDLQ WKLVLPSRUWDQWUROH &21)(5(1&(38%/,&$7,21&ROOHFWHG SDSHUVIURPVFLHQWL¿FDQGWHFKQLFDO FRQIHUHQFHVV\PSRVLDVHPLQDUVRURWKHU 7KH1$6$67,3URJUDPRSHUDWHVXQGHUWKHDXVSLFHV PHHWLQJVVSRQVRUHGRUFRVSRQVRUHGE\1$6$ RIWKH$JHQF\&KLHI,QIRUPDWLRQ2I¿FHU,WFROOHFWV RUJDQL]HVSURYLGHVIRUDUFKLYLQJDQGGLVVHPLQDWHV 63(&,$/38%/,&$7,216FLHQWL¿F 1$6$¶V67,7KH1$6$67,3URJUDPSURYLGHVDFFHVV WHFKQLFDORUKLVWRULFDOLQIRUPDWLRQIURP WRWKH1$6$7HFKQLFDO5HSRUW6HUYHU²5HJLVWHUHG 1$6$SURJUDPVSURMHFWVDQGPLVVLRQVRIWHQ 17565HJ DQG1$6$7HFKQLFDO5HSRUW6HUYHU² FRQFHUQHGZLWKVXEMHFWVKDYLQJVXEVWDQWLDO 3XEOLF 1756 WKXVSURYLGLQJRQHRIWKHODUJHVW SXEOLFLQWHUHVW FROOHFWLRQVRIDHURQDXWLFDODQGVSDFHVFLHQFH67,LQ WKHZRUOG5HVXOWVDUHSXEOLVKHGLQERWKQRQ1$6$ 7(&+1,&$/75$16/$7,21(QJOLVK FKDQQHOVDQGE\1$6$LQWKH1$6$67,5HSRUW ODQJXDJHWUDQVODWLRQVRIIRUHLJQVFLHQWL¿FDQG 6HULHVZKLFKLQFOXGHVWKHIROORZLQJUHSRUWW\SHV WHFKQLFDOPDWHULDOSHUWLQHQWWR1$6$¶VPLVVLRQ 7(&+1,&$/38%/,&$7,215HSRUWVRI )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH1$6$67, FRPSOHWHGUHVHDUFKRUDPDMRUVLJQL¿FDQWSKDVH SURJUDPVHHWKHIROORZLQJ RIUHVHDUFKWKDWSUHVHQWWKHUHVXOWVRI1$6$ SURJUDPVDQGLQFOXGHH[WHQVLYHGDWDRUWKHRUHWLFDO $FFHVVWKH1$6$67,SURJUDPKRPHSDJHDW DQDO\VLV,QFOXGHVFRPSLODWLRQVRIVLJQL¿FDQW KWWSZZZVWLQDVDJRY VFLHQWL¿FDQGWHFKQLFDOGDWDDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ GHHPHGWREHRIFRQWLQXLQJUHIHUHQFHYDOXH (PDLO\RXUTXHVWLRQWRKHOS#VWLQDVDJRY 1$6$FRXQWHUSDUWRISHHUUHYLHZHGIRUPDO )D[\RXUTXHVWLRQWRWKH1$6$67, SURIHVVLRQDOSDSHUVEXWKDVOHVVVWULQJHQW ,QIRUPDWLRQ'HVNDW OLPLWDWLRQVRQPDQXVFULSWOHQJWKDQGH[WHQWRI JUDSKLFSUHVHQWDWLRQV 7HOHSKRQHWKH1$6$67,,QIRUPDWLRQ'HVNDW 7(&+1,&$/0(025$1'806FLHQWL¿F DQGWHFKQLFDO¿QGLQJVWKDWDUHSUHOLPLQDU\RURI :ULWHWR VSHFLDOL]HGLQWHUHVWHJ³TXLFNUHOHDVH´UHSRUWV NASA STI Program ZRUNLQJSDSHUVDQGELEOLRJUDSKLHVWKDWFRQWDLQ 0DLO6WRS PLQLPDODQQRWDWLRQ'RHVQRWFRQWDLQH[WHQVLYH 1$6$/DQJOH\5HVHDUFK&HQWHU DQDO\VLV +DPSWRQ9$ 1$6$70² $,$$±± 5HÀHFWLRQVRQ&HQWDXU8SSHU6WDJH,QWHJUDWLRQ E\WKH1$6$/HZLV *OHQQ 5HVHDUFK&HQWHU Scott R. Graham Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio 3UHSDUHGIRUWKH WK-RLQW3URSXOVLRQ&RQIHUHQFH FRVSRQVRUHGE\WKH$,$$$60(6$(DQG$6(( &OHYHODQG2KLR-XO\± 1DWLRQDO$HURQDXWLFVDQG 6SDFH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ *OHQQ5HVHDUFK&HQWHU &OHYHODQG2KLR $SULO Acknowledgments 6FRWW5*UDKDPZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN&UDLJ:LOOLDPV(GZLQ0XFNOH\'RQDOG3DODF%U\DQ6PLWKDQG -RKQ³-RH´1LHEHUGLQJIRUWKHLUKHOSDQGFRQWULEXWLRQVWRWKLVSDSHU Level of Review7KLVPDWHULDOKDVEHHQWHFKQLFDOO\UHYLHZHGE\WHFKQLFDOPDQDJHPHQW $YDLODEOHIURP NASA STI Program 1DWLRQDO7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFH 0DLO6WRS 3RUW5R\DO5RDG 1$6$/DQJOH\5HVHDUFK&HQWHU 6SULQJ¿HOG9$ +DPSWRQ9$ 7KLVUHSRUWLVDYDLODEOHLQHOHFWURQLFIRUPDWKWWSZZZVWLQDVDJRYDQGKWWSQWUVQDVDJRY Reflections on Centaur Upper Stage Integration by the NASA Lewis (Glenn) Research Center Scott R. Graham National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Abstract GRC Glenn Research Center HQ Headquarters The NASA Glenn (then Lewis) Research Center (GRC) led IUS inertial upper stage several expendable launch vehicle (ELV) projects from 1963 IV&V independent verification and validation to 1998, most notably the Centaur upper stage. These major, JSC Johnson Space Center comprehensive projects included system management, system KSC Kennedy Space Center development, integration (both payload and stage), and launch LeRC Lewis Research Center operations. The integration role that GRC pioneered was truly LH2 liquid hydrogen unique and highly successful. Its philosophy, scope, and LOX liquid oxygen content were not just invaluable to the missions and vehicles it RF radiofrequency supported, but also had significant Agency-wide benefits. An RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generator overview of the NASA Lewis Research Center (now the SC Shuttle/Centaur NASA Glenn Research Center) philosophy on ELV integra- SEP solar electric propulsion tion is provided, focusing on Atlas/Centaur, Titan/Centaur, SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory and Shuttle/Centaur vehicles and programs. The necessity of ULA United Launch Alliance having a stable, highly technically competent in-house staff is discussed. Significant depth of technical penetration of contractor work is another critical component. Functioning as 1.0 Introduction a cohesive team was more than a concept: GRC senior The NASA Glenn (then Lewis) Research Center (GRC) led management, NASA Headquarters, contractors, payload users, and managed several expendable launch vehicle (ELV) and all staff worked together. The scope, content, and history projects from 1963 to 1998, most notably the Centaur upper of launch vehicle integration at GRC are broadly discussed. stage. These major, comprehensive projects included system Payload integration is compared to stage development management, system development, integration (both payload integration in terms of engineering and organization. Finally, and stage), and launch operations. The integration role that the transition from buying launch vehicles to buying launch GRC pioneered was truly unique and highly successful. Its services is discussed, and thoughts on future possibilities of philosophy, scope, and content were not just invaluable to the employing the successful GRC experience in integrating ELV mission and vehicles it supported, but also had significant systems like Centaur are explored. Agency-wide benefits that might also be useful to future NASA activities. Nomenclature NASA’s Centaur upper stage was the first of a new genera- tion of space vehicles that pioneered the use of liquid hydro- AC Atlas/Centaur gen as a fuel for space flight rocket engines. The Centaur ADDJUST Automatic Determination and Dissemination upper stage was developed by NASA Lewis Research Center, of Just Updated Steering Terms now Glenn Research Center1 in Cleveland, Ohio. The Centaur CISS Centaur Integrated Support System became the world’s first high-energy upper stage, burning CRRES Combined Release and Radiation Effects liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid oxygen (LOX) to place Satellite payloads in geosynchronous orbits or provide escape velocity ELV expendable launch vehicle for interplanetary space probes. In combination with the EOS Earth Observing System ERB Engineering Review Board 1 On March 1, 1999 NASA’s Lewis Research Center (LeRC or FLTSATCOM Fleet Satellite Communications Lewis) in Cleveland, Ohio, was officially renamed the John H. GFE government-furnished equipment Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field (GRC or Glenn). GOES Geosynchronous Operational Environmental Because of the historical nature of this paper both center Satellite names, Lewis (LeRC) and Glenn (GRC), are used inter- changeably herein. NASA/TM—2015-218742 1 RL10 rocket engine (currently manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne), the Centaur became (and still is today) the highest performing upper stage and one of the most prominent launch vehicles in America’s exploration of space. Centaur has launched over 200 payloads, most notably the Surveyor landers to the Moon (a precursor to the Apollo lunar landings), the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft to the outer planets, the Viking landers and the Curiosity rover to the surface of Mars, Cassini to the rings of Saturn, and the New Horizons probe to Pluto. Centaur has also launched dozens of communication satellites into geosynchronous orbit. The Centaur upper stage was developed and manufactured by General Dynamics Convair Aerospace Division (later renamed to Space Systems Division) under the direction of NASA’s LeRC. The Centaur Program started in 1958 with its first successful flight (AC-2) on November 27, 1963, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Since then the vehicle has undergone numerous evolutionary upgrades and Figure 1.—Centaur Program organization showing modifications to improve its performance, operability, and LeRC-managed contracts (circa 1980). reliability. Centaur has flown as the upper stage for both the Atlas and Titan launch vehicles, and continues flying today as With its acknowledged technical leadership, LeRC evolved the upper stage for the Atlas V. Last year (November 2013) into a position of manager and system integrator of associate marked the 50th anniversary of the first successful flight of contractors, supplying the guidance subsystem and RL10 Centaur. In the early 1980s, NASA embarked upon a large engines as government-furnished equipment (GFE) to General effort to modify Centaur to safely fly as a high-energy upper Dynamics Convair as the prime integrating contractor. This stage inside the space shuttle cargo bay for NASA missions mode of operation was well conceived and highly successful such as Galileo and Ulysses, and certain Department of for many years, up until LeRC’s ELV program transitioned Defense missions. This program, known as Shuttle/Centaur, into procuring launch services from industry. Up until that was cancelled in 1986 shortly after the Space Shuttle Chal- transition, LeRC managed separate contracts with General lenger accident, just a few months prior to the planned first Dynamics Convair (multiple contracts), Teledyne (Centaur launch in May 1986. The Centaur G-prime upper stage digital computer), Honeywell (Centaur guidance), Pratt & developed for the Shuttle/Centaur program later flew as
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