SAVE LIVES, SAVE LIVELIHOODS Stand for Health. Stand for Truth. Stand for Freedom.

It’s time for a healthier, more constitutional and more compassionate anti-COVID strategy. Our understanding of COVID has grown and so has our understanding of lockdown measures. While COVID is much less deadly than we initially projected, lockdown measures are proving to be far more deadly and damaging than we even imagined. Lockdowns threaten the health and prosperity of our vulnerable children, our vulnerable community members, our vulnerable local businesses and our communities as a whole.

The argument that lockdown measures, school closures and health mandates are helping more than they are hurting is no longer true. We do not wish anyone to be harmed by COVID-19 and are willing to take measures to protect others. However, we draw the line when these measures cause more harm than good. We draw the line when this path is causing more death and destruction than other options.

Therefore, we believe it’s time to put an end to lockdowns and mandates. It’s time to change our approach in order that we come through this time of crisis with our people, our children and our communities intact. There is a way forward that protects those who are vulnerable to COVID without destroying lives and livelihoods in the process. There is a way forward that brings us through this adversity united and even stronger. It’s time to choose this path!

In writing this letter to you, our state, county and city officials, it is our serious and earnest call for you to put an end to lockdowns and all health mandates immediately. We are calling for you to stand with us for health, for truth and for freedom. We are calling on you to stand with us in the pursuit of a healthier, more constitutional and more compassionate course of action.

Therefore, we urge you to thoroughly read this entire letter and implement the following action items: 1. No More Lockdowns 2. Allow All Businesses to Operate 3. Fully Open Schools for Our Children 4. Change Anti-COVID-19 Strategy: a. A Path of Less Death and Destruction b. Focused Protection for the At-Risk and Over 70 population c. More Autonomy to the Counties and Local Government d. Focus on Strengthening Immune System and Overall Health

The goal of this letter is to argue against current anti-COVID-19 strategy, stand up for the vulnerable, stand up for constitutional and inalienable freedom, and recommend a better way forward both for now and for the future.

On the following page you will find a list of key names and signatures from those who support the message of this letter and who have joined in the stand for health, the stand for truth, and the stand for freedom. Many more will have read and signed this letter/petition on our website. To sign/read, donate or learn more visit our website

Thank you in advance for your timely and serious consideration of our urgent call to action.

Sincerely, Concerned and Convicted Citizens of Oregon and the United State of America 1. No More Lockdowns

 A recent study reviewed the cost-benefit balance of lockdowns and found that lockdowns could be 10 times more costly to public health than no lockdowns. Ari Joffe, a specialist in pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases, and pediatric critical care medicine at the University of Alberta used the “Quality Adjusted Life Years” (QALY) metric to measure the cost-benefit effect of lockdowns. The model assumes that health is a combination of “length of life” and “quality of life,” and the QALY is the “sum of years lived by the population, weighted by the health quality of those years.” The global economic recession caused by mandated lockdowns costs 250 million QALY, while imposing lockdowns can save roughly 25 million QALY. This means the cost-benefit balance comes out about 10 times against lockdowns, according to the study. 1

 Lockdowns hurt our most vulnerable community members. According to WHO Special Envoy for COVID-19 David Nabarro, “Lockdowns have just one consequence that you must never ever belittle that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.” 2

 Lockdowns hurt those who suffer from mental health conditions. According to a recent survey from the CDC, 1 in 4 young adults (18-24) have “seriously considered suicide” due to the pandemic and lockdowns. 3

 There has been a 70% Increase in Drug Overdose Deaths in Oregon between 2019 and 2020 according to Oregon Health Authority. 4

 Lockdowns threaten the health of all individuals. People aren’t going to doctor today because they are too scared of COVID. Additionally medical systems have been altered to deal with COVID in such a way that has made them less effective at dealing with other major medical issues. People are opting out of trips to the doctor for things like immunizations for their children, screening for cancer, diabetes monitoring and much more. 5

 “The United Nations secretary-general has reported a ‘horrifying’ global surge in domestic-based violence linked to COVID-19, and calls to helplines in some countries have reportedly doubled.” 6

 Lockdowns increase domestic violence. Looking globally, the U.N. Population Fund estimates that six months of lockdown could result in an additional 31 million cases of violence against women and girls. 7

 Lockdowns increase potential harm to fetuses. “Lower-income pregnant women are more likely to be domestic violence victims than their more advantaged counterparts, and COVID-19 likely amplifies this disparity through the shelter-in-place orders,” said Rossin-Slater, a faculty fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. 7

 According to WHO Special Envoy for COVID-19 David Nabarro lockdowns “may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year.” 2

 In the last 20 years we’ve lifted one billion people worldwide out of poverty. This year we are reversing that progress immensely. The U.N. has estimated that 130 million additional people will starve this year as a result of the economic damage resulting from the lockdowns. 8

 “This is a terrible ghastly global catastrophe (referring to lockdowns) actually, and so we really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary control method,” according to WHO Special Envoy for COVID-19 David Nabarro. 2

 Jay Bhattacharya Professor of Medicine at Stanford University is among thousands of doctors and scientists who are speaking out against lockdowns. In his article A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy, Professor Bhattacharya says, “As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID- 19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.” 8

 Professor Bhattacharya was one of three epidemiologists who came together to write the Great Barrington Declaration, which can be read and signed here: As of December 23, 2020, hundreds of thousands have signed it: 709,441 concerned citizens, 13,045 medical and public health scientists, and 39,384 medical practitioners. 9

 Lockdowns threaten our constitutional freedoms. 10 Lockdowns go against the Oregon and U.S. Constitution. The below references have all been taken from the CONSTITUTION OF OREGON 2019 EDITION. 11 o Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 2: “Freedom of worship. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences.” o Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 26: “Assemblages of people; instruction of representatives; application to legislature. No law shall be passed restraining any of the inhabitants of the State from assembling together in a peaceable manner to consult for their common good; nor from instructing their Representatives; nor from applying to the Legislature for redress of grievances.” o Oregon Constitution, Article 1, Section 18: “Private property or services taken for public use. Private property shall not be taken for public use, nor the particular services of any man be demanded, without just compensation; nor except in the case of the state, without such compensation first assessed and tendered.” o Oregon Constitution, Article 3, Section 1: “Separation of powers. The powers of the Government shall be divided into three separate branches, the Legislative, the Executive, including the administrative, and the Judicial; and no person charged with official duties under one of these branches, shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided.” o Oregon Constitution, Article X-A, Section 1: “At the time the Governor invokes the provisions of this Article (Catastrophic Disasters) under subsection (3) of this section, the Governor shall issue a proclamation convening the Legislative Assembly under section 12, Article V of this Constitution, unless: (a) The Legislative Assembly is in session at the time the catastrophic disaster is declared; or (b) The Legislative Assembly is scheduled to convene in regular session within 30 days after the date the catastrophic disaster is declared.”

2. Allow All Businesses to Operate

 Lockdowns hurt our most vulnerable local businesses. Many have already gone out of business. Many more are on the brink of extinction. 12

 Lockdowns hurt employees of these businesses and their families. 13 All jobs and all businesses in our community are essential because they provide essential income to individuals and families, which has a huge impact on individual and community health and well-being.

 Lockdowns threaten the vital part of our community and cultural identity that these businesses provide. 14 This isn’t just economics we’re talking about here. This is people’s livelihoods. This is the health and well- being of many, many people. This is our heritage, our culture, our legacy. We cannot stand by silently any longer while lockdown measures threaten our friends, neighbors and communities in such a crushing manner.

 We mustn’t downplay the importance of local small businesses in our economy. These businesses play a vital role as outlined in the below statistics. Allowing even some of these businesses to fail is leading to devastating and irreversible results.

 According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses in Oregon employ 55% of the private workforce. 15

 Small businesses are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy: they create two-thirds of net new jobs and drive U.S. innovation and competitiveness. A new report shows that they account for 44 percent of U.S. economic activity. 16

 According to The National Federation of Independent Business/Oregon most businesses have done “‘everything asked of them in order to keep their employees and customers safe.’ Small businesses bear the economic brunt of the pandemic. The federation says nearly 40% of its members face permanent closure within the year.” 12

3. Fully Open Schools for Our Children

 Lockdowns hurt our children’s physical health. 17 While children from wealthy homes are becoming fatter and more sedentary, children from poorer homes are at risk of . According to WHO Special Envoy for COVID-19 David Nabarro, “We may well have at least a doubling of childhood malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents in poor families are not able to afford it.” 2

 Lockdowns hurt our children’s mental health. According to the CDC, “Compared with 2019, the proportion of mental health-related visits for children aged 5–11 and 12–17 years increased approximately 24% and 31%, respectively.” 18

 Lockdowns lead to child neglect and even infant deaths. “There was an alarming 20% rise in babies being killed or harmed during the first lockdown, Ofsted's chief inspector Amanda Spielman has revealed. Sixty four babies were deliberately harmed in - eight of whom died. Some 40% of the 300 incidents reported involved infants, up a fifth on 2019. Ms. Spielman believes a ‘toxic mix’ of isolation, poverty and mental illness caused the March to October spike.” 19 20

 Lockdowns lead to child abuse. The United Nations secretary-general has reported “child abuse is less likely to be detected during the COVID-19 crisis, as child protection agencies have reduced monitoring to avoid spreading the virus, and teachers are less able to detect signs of ill treatment with schools closed.” 19

 Lockdowns are hurting our children academically. Research published in the New York Times shows students are falling months behind during lockdowns. 21

 Lockdowns threaten our children’s future, earning potential and life expectancy. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that “missed instruction during 2020 could be associated with an estimated 5.53 million years of life lost.” 22 23

 Lockdowns hurt the most vulnerable children. Children from poorer families and poorer countries are disproportionately affected. According to Human Rights Watch, job loss and economic insecurity from lockdowns “are likely to increase rates of child labor, sexual exploitation, teenage pregnancy, and child marriage.” 6

 “Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice. Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed,” according to Jay Bhattacharya Professor of Medicine at Stanford University. 8

 According to the CDC from Feb. to Sep. 2020, 92 children under 18 have died of COVID-19. In that same stretch the flu has killed 123 children, and ordinary pneumonia has killed 313. Over 19,000 children have died of other causes. Hospitalization rates for children are no higher with COVID-19 than with the flu. Of the children who have developed severe illness from COVID-19, most have had underlying medical conditions. As far as children spreading the disease, all of the evidence we have so far is consistent with the theory that children under 12 spread COVID only in rare cases. 24

 “We’ve hurt our kids long enough, and it’s time for the fearless and fearful alike to grit their teeth and put a stop to it . . . Class should no longer be dismissed,” says T.A. Frank in his article, Forget Zoom Kindergarten. Put Kids Back in School. 24

 Referring to Sweden’s approach to COVID-19, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Martin Kulldorff said, “Schools were never closed for children aged 1 to 15, with zero covid-19 deaths . . . and the United States has now passed Sweden in terms of deaths per million inhabitants, despite Sweden having an older, more high-risk population.” 25

4. Change Strategy a) A Path of Less Death and Destruction

Rather than work toward herd immunity in a responsible manner, we seem to be taking a path of most death and destruction over the longest period of time. Interestingly, this approach also increases the demand and need for a vaccine. It can be argued that this approach serves certain interests better than others.

We are also using COVID case counts as the basis for current public health policy which is problematic on many levels. First of all, we are told tests are inaccurate and uncertain. 26 But even if they were accurate, basing public policy on number of cases is too narrow, without also looking at the myriad other factors needing consideration: total ICU bed demand, total COVID deaths, total annual mortality, total hospitalizations, individual health consequences, and damage to our communities and economies from lockdowns.

As total number of cases increase, we are also getting closer to herd immunity. Sure a vaccine will help us achieve herd immunity faster possibly, but those who will not take a vaccine are seeking immunity naturally anyway. An approach that allows the low-risk population to be exposed and move toward herd immunity, while also protecting the at-risk, would not have near the collateral damage we’re seeing from current policy.

According to Professor of Medicine at Stanford University Jay Bhattacharya, “I should say something . . . about the idea of herd immunity, which some people mischaracterize as a strategy of letting people die. Herd immunity is not a strategy—it is a biological fact that applies to most infectious diseases. Even when we come up with a vaccine, we will be relying on herd immunity as an end-point for this epidemic. The vaccine will help, but herd immunity is what will bring it to an end . . . Our strategy (referring to the Great Barrington Declaration’s strategy of Focused Protection) is not to let people die, but to protect the vulnerable. We know the people who are vulnerable, and we know the people who are not vulnerable. To continue to act as if we do not know these things makes no sense.” 8

In a study referred to by the New York Times as “the most comprehensive and long-ranging study of immune memory to the coronavirus to date,” concluded that immunity may last for years and possibly even decades. Shane Crotty, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology said, “That amount of memory (immune memory) would likely prevent the vast majority of people from getting hospitalized disease, severe disease, for many years.” 27

In their paper, Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions, Ken Rice, professor of computational astrophysics, Ben Wynne, postdoctoral researcher, Victoria Martin, professor of collider physics, and Graeme J Ackland, professor of computer simulation, present how their findings suggest that prompt interventions were shown to be highly effective at reducing peak demand for intensive care unit (ICU) beds but also prolong the epidemic, in some cases resulting in more deaths long term. 28

From the following chart, it’s clear that a focused protection method (similar to the red dashed curve) would result in less death and destruction over a shorter period of time, whereas the current policy approach (similar to the green dash/dot line) is resulting in more death and destruction over a longer period of time. Keep in mind this study doesn’t include all the collateral damage done by lockdowns that have been outlined in this letter. 28

PC (Place Closure -closure of school and businesses) CI (Case Isolation) HQ (Household Quarantine) SDOL_70 (Social Distancing of Over 70s) SD (General Social Distancing)

“These findings illustrate why adding place closures to a scenario with case isolation, household quarantine, and social distancing of over 70s can lead to more deaths than the equivalent scenario without place closures. We therefore conclude that the somewhat counterintuitive results that school closures lead to more deaths are a consequence of the addition of some interventions that suppress the first wave and failure to prioritize protection of the most vulnerable people,” according to Rice, Wynne, Martin and Ackland. 28

Why are we choosing the path of most death and destruction over the most time? Whose interest does this path serve? a) Focused Protection for the At-Risk and Over 70 population

 Focused Protection Strategy is gaining ground among doctors and public health experts. 25

 The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration said that because older people are 1000 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than younger people, an “age stratified” approach could allow resources to be focused on older and high risk patients, while allowing younger and healthier people to attend school and keep businesses open, thus reducing the collateral damages caused by lockdowns. 25

 Professor of Medicine at Harvard Martin Kulldorff, said that, “with focused protection, low risk people could remain active and that this would help communities reach herd immunity sooner, which could shorten the duration and harms of lockdowns. Herd immunity, he said at a meeting in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, ‘is not a strategy—but a biological reality that will arrive sooner or later, either naturally or through a vaccine, or both.’” 8

 In March we thought the fatality rate was 3%. Today, we know that it’s more like .2% or .3%. 8

 “Whereas COVID is not deadly for children, for older people it is much more deadly than the seasonal flu. If you look at studies worldwide, the COVID fatality rate for people 70 and up is about four percent—four in 100 among those 70 and older, as opposed to two in 1,000 in the overall population . . . In effect, what we’ve been doing is requiring young people to bear the burden of controlling a disease from which they face little to no risk. This is entirely backward from the right approach,” according to Professor Bhattacharya. 8 b) More Autonomy to the Counties and Local Government

 On Nov. 18 2020, 51 elected leaders from Eastern Oregon signed a letter asking Gov. Kate Brown for changes to her approach to COVID-19. The letter states, “A one-size-fits-all approach to shutting down the state was logical and appropriate in March when the onset of this pandemic was new and was unknown. Over time, we have learned, adapted, adjusted and improved. Keeping counties and regions in a Phase II for an indefinite period of time is a one-size-fits-all approach that does not work any longer.” 29

 State representative Bobby Levy said, “We all are doing our best to help keep our communities safe and financially afloat — but shutting down businesses, schools and churches that have no correlation to outbreaks is not the answer.” She added, “I want to make sure that HD58 and the rest of Oregon has a fighting chance to survive this pandemic. Physically, fiscally and mentally.” 29

 State representative Greg Barreto said he objects to how the governor’s mandates are “carte blanche” for all counties despite their differences. He described Brown’s measures as unnecessarily draconian. He said the governor should not be focusing on COVID-19 rates but rather at the number of hospitalizations and those requiring respirators. 29

 The letter from Eastern Oregon leaders continued, “This is not a sustainable position for our communities. Our COVID-19 cases will ebb and flow over the next several months just as they have over the last several weeks. This metric is not a reliable indicator of the situation. The metric that is most important to reconsider at this time is the original goal of ensuring there is adequate hospital capacity and not overwhelming our medical facilities. We have met this goal from the onset and continue to meet this goal. This must be the benchmark for future conversations on how we learn to live with COVID-19. There is still much we don’t know about COVID-19, but what we do know is the continued closure and limitations under these guidelines disproportionally impact women, single-parent homes, rural communities and small businesses. Our students are struggling in their education as well as their mental and emotional fitness, families have been stressed to the maximum, and decade-old businesses that are the lifeblood of our Oregon communities have closed for good.” 30 c) Focus on Improving Immune System and Overall Health

Current Anti-COVID Strategy is Bad for Our Health

The health measures we’ve taken as a society in response to COVID-19 are bad for our health in the long run. We aren’t arguing against these measures in acute application, however we are arguing against universal, long-term health mandates. Below is a list of these health endangering measures, our reasoning and supporting references.

Social Distancing

Social Distancing is a practice that makes sense to slow the spread and protect the vulnerable in short term, isolated instances. Especially when we are sick with symptoms. However, widespread and long term social distancing will hurt human health and the immune system. In-person socialization is so important for human health, it’s like we were designed for it.

 Socialization improves mental health, improves emotional health, decreases depression, improves our confidence and self-esteem, increases quality of life, reduces blood pressure, increases brain health and cognitive function, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s, boosts immunity, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, reduces risk of cancer, reduces risk of osteoporosis, reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis, increases feelings of love, joy and hope, promotes life purpose and increases life expectancy. 31

 According to Psychologist Susan Pinker, face-to-face contact is like a vaccine. She says that direct person- to-person contact triggers parts of our nervous system that release a “cocktail” of neurotransmitters tasked with regulating our response to stress and anxiety. In other words, when we communicate with people face-to-face, it could help to make us more resilient to stress factors in the long run . . . Like a vaccine, they (neurotransmitters) protect you now, in the present, and well into the future, so simply shaking hands, giving somebody a high-five is enough.” 32

 We need social interaction to build our microbiome and our immune system. Living too isolated from others and in too sterile of an environment negatively impacts our microbiome and our immune system. This is particularly important for children as they are still developing. Studies have shown that children with more exposure to people, pets and dirt have better immune systems and less occurrence of conditions like asthma and allergies. 33

 According to Kiran Krishnan, a microbiologist and chief scientific officer for Microbiome Labs, “Exposure to microbes is an essential part of being human. Most of our immune system is comprised of tissue that requires activation by the microbes we’re exposed to. The immune system requires the presence of friendly bacteria to regulate its functions.” 33

 To boost your microbiome and immune system experts suggests these strategies: o Reduce your use of chlorine-based cleaners. o Reduce your use of hand sanitizer (unless necessary). o Skip the antibacterial soaps. o Start a garden. o Consider getting a pet. o Have closer interactions with people. 33

From the above mentioned reasons it’s clear that not only is social distancing damaging to our health, but so is closing places of social interaction like restaurants, schools, limiting social gatherings in our home for long periods of time, etc. will also have negative health consequences.

Fear and Anxiety

The message of fear that we are living under has devastating health consequences.

 Fear and anxiety weaken our immune system, can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, decreased fertility, accelerated aging and even premature death. 34

 In a Model Health Show podcast titled, What Is Stress and Fear Doing to Our Immune Systems, Shawn Stevenson hosts Cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, who shares how our thoughts instantaneously create chemistry in our bodies, and how constantly being inundated with fear may be leading to far worse health outcomes. A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Stress & Health found a significant correlation between the capacity of individuals to cope with life stress and the health of their immune systems. According to Stevenson, “We have decades of evidence from fields of science like psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneuroendocrinology to show us how stress and fear can make us sick, increase our susceptibility to disease, and even kill us. But the current disease media marketing machine will never tell you that. The more you’re in fear, the more you’ll stay hooked. Versus when you learn how powerful you are to manage your stress and thereby increase your resilience, that’s when you become empowered.” 35

 According to Cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, less than 1% of disease is coming from genes. Over 90% of disease is coming from stress. Stress is not genetic. Stress is perception. Stress is anything that gets in the way of your destination. I’m stressed because I believe I’m stressed and so my cells are going to respond to this belief whether it’s real or not. Stress interferes with the immune system. Right now the whole world is in a stress situation. Because the immune system takes an enormous amount of energy, it’s the first thing that the body shuts down in order to deal with a stressful event. Stress hormones shut off the immune system to conserve energy in order to deal with the stress such as a fight or flight situation. Unfortunately the body was designed to deal with short stressful life and death situations, not fear and stress 24/7/365. Every time we turn on the TV, read a newspaper, search the internet or scroll through social media, we are being inundated with stress and fear around the clock. We have bought into a fear. The fear is more deadly than the virus. 35

 Fear can interrupt processes in our brains that allow us to regulate emotions, read non-verbal cues and other information presented to us, reflect before acting, and act ethically. This impacts our thinking and decision-making in negative ways, leaving us susceptible to intense emotions and impulsive reactions. All of these effects can leave us unable to act appropriately. Fear and anxiety also have long-term mental health consequences like clinical depression and PSTD. 36

 On the contrary, hope and a positive outlook have tremendous health benefits like reducing physical pain, boosting circulation and respiration, and improve cardiovascular health. 37 Hope can help us heal, lead to more positive outcomes, help us have better physical health and better health behaviors, better social support and even longer life. Hope also leads to fewer chronic health problems, less depression, less anxiety and a lower risk of cancer. 38

Gym Closures

Shutting down gyms is bad for our health. While gyms are important for health year-round, winter is a particularly hard time to exercise outdoors making gyms even more important in the colder months. The benefits of exercise are numerous for our immune system and our overall health.

 According to Dr. John Winters, “Exercise improves mood and brain chemistry, eases stress and decreases anxiety, increases sense of well-being and confidence, increases endorphins—the body’s ‘feel-good’ hormones, increases energy levels, muscle mass and strength, helps with weight loss, increases body mass, blood circulation and immunity, increases insulin sensitivity, decreases blood sugar, blood pressure and blood fats, decreases belly fat (metabolically active and harmful), improves skin health and appearance, improves memory, cognition and brain health, improves oxygen supply to tissues, increases removal of toxins from tissues, boosts immunity by moving toxins away and white blood cells toward, helps with relaxation and improves sleep quality, can help reduce pain, improves sexual function and desire, reduces risk of many cancers, reduces risk of falls and makes you steadier on your feet.” 39

 When exercise increases, our well-being increases, our immune function increases, our overall of health increases, and our ability to fight off viruses, bacteria and infection also increases. With increased exercise our risk of chronic disease decreases and our risk of becoming severely ill or even dying from COVID-19 also decreases. 40

 “Think of the lasting immune effect of exercise like this: Say you have a housekeeper come over to clean your home for 45 minutes most days of the week. The house will look a lot better on that first day than if someone never came. But the more frequently the housekeeper comes back, the better and cleaner the house will look. Exercise really is a housekeeping activity, where it helps the immune system patrol the body and detect and evade bacteria and viruses,” according to Dr. David Nieman, director of the Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Laboratory. 41

 Exercise reduces your risk of obesity. Obesity is linked to chronic disease and increased risk of becoming critically ill and death from COVID-19. According to Noel Caplice, a professor at the University College Cork, “Higher levels of fat in the chest and belly put pressure on the lungs . . . reduced breathing capacity may add to respiratory distress in patients with COVID-19. Carrying extra weight also means there is a higher oxygen demand. Fat tissue is a potential source of unchecked inflammation which could cause damage to organs, including the lungs, as a result of COVID-19. People with obesity are commonly shown to have an unbalanced or inflamed immune system. Their blood often has higher levels of several inflammatory signals which are similar to COVID-19 responses in the body. This may mean their immune systems are more likely to overreact to coronavirus infection.” 42

Mask Wearing

Most of the mask facts below come from Shawn Stevenson’s program on Mask Facts. The program and all the many referenced studies can be found here:

Again, we are not arguing against mask use in some, short-term, close-proximity applications. However, we are arguing that long-term, universal, mandated mask use is not only based on false premises, but also damaging to human health. People are different, masks are different and the settings of application are different. Many of the studies and health facts below have been said to have been “debunked.” Yet, does their fact checking hold up to the same rigors of the studies below? You’ll have to answer that or yourself. At best we have conflicting information and each individual needs the freedom to choose what is best for them.

While the main purpose of this section is not to argue the ineffectiveness of masks, but rather to argue the health damages from long-term mask use, the real world studies that demonstrate masks ineffectiveness are still worth citing.

 Masks have little effectiveness at slowing the spread of COVID-19. In their article, Masks-for-all for COVID- 19 not based on sound data, Dr. Brosseau, a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases, and Dr. Sietsema, an expert on respiratory protection, say “A cloth mask or face covering does very little to prevent the emission or inhalation of small particles. As discussed in an earlier CIDRAP commentary and more recently by Morawska and Milton (2020) in an open letter to WHO signed by 239 scientists, inhalation of small infectious particles is not only biologically plausible, but the epidemiology supports it as an important mode of transmission for SARS-CoV-2.” 43

 A human hair is 80 micrometers wide. A bacteria cell is 2 micrometers wide. A virus particle is too small to be measured in micrometers. Virus particles are measured in nanometers and range in size from 17 to 140 nanometers. You can fit hundreds and even thousands of virus particles inside a bacteria cell. The conventional pore size of a conventional cloth or surgical mask are gigantic compared to viruses. 44

 Viruses are spread via aerosols and droplets that we all emit continually whether coughing, yelling or just breathing. Droplets are about 5 micrometers in diameter, this is large enough to get caught by the filtering action of a conventional mask when you cough or exhale. While droplets fall to the ground or evaporate within a few feet of a person, aerosols can travel substantial distances in the air. When we breathe, talk, cough or sneeze into a mask, we are all still spreading millions of virus and bacteria particles into our environment. It only takes one virus particle to infect someone. 44

 A randomized peer reviewed study published in the British Medical Journal looked at the efficacy of masks to prevent viral infections in hospital health care workers in 15 different hospitals. The study found that participants were statistically more likely to become infected wearing cloth masks than wearing a surgical mask or even no mask at all. This is not to say that wearing a face mask cannot be helpful in acute situations but being advised to wear a cloth face mask over the long term could be outright dangerous. The researchers stated that moisture retention and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection with cloth masks and that cloth masks should not be recommended. 44

 A 2015 study conducted by scientists at Oxford University found that the accumulation of moisture during prolonged usage may exacerbate the problem of infection risk by increase the resistance to airflow. Moisture accumulation is also thought to facilitate the movement of contaminants through the material of the mask itself. This was confirmed not only with cloth masks but also with surgical masks. 44

 A meta-analysis of 19 randomized control trials published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies examined the effectiveness of masks in reducing infections in eight community settings, six healthcare settings and five as source control. The study concluded that medical masks were not effective, and cloth masks even less effective. 44 What’s less effective than not effective? LOL.

 A meta-analysis published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that included six clinical studies and 23 surrogate exposure studies, the scientists found no significant statistical difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of laboratory confirmed respiratory infection or influenza like illness. 44

 The study that claimed that masks can reduce the spread of COVID-19 by 75%, was done with hamsters in two boxes with a hole cut out in between them. In one setup the hole was left open and in another it was covered by a mask. Unlike the previous mentioned studies, the hamster study doesn’t exactly replicate a real world scenario. The real world studies show just how effective these masks actually are. Not speculating or making gross assumptions. This is how things work in reality. Even the very best mask does not consistently outperform the most useless mask, because the entire premise of a mask is ignoring the nature of how pathogens actually spread throughout the environment. 44

 But the ineffectiveness of masks is not the only issue. The health consequences of wearing a masks especially over long periods of time are alarming. A peer-reviewed study published in 2004, fitted patients with N95 masks and monitored the physiological impact the mask had on their bodies. 70% of the patients showed a significant reduction in partial pressure of oxygen (PA02), which reflects how well oxygen is able to move from the lungs to the blood. PA02 is usually reduced by severe illness, but in this case, it’s being reduced by suffocating ones face with a mask. It’s dangerous and a major component of hypoxemic respiratory failure. 44

 A study on the respiratory consequences of N95 masks on pregnant healthcare workers found that even during low-intensity activity, wearing the N95 mask reduced their normal volume of air displaced between inhalation and exhalation by 23%. The volume of gas inhaled or exhaled specifically from their lungs each minute was reduced by 25.8%. Their volume of overall oxygen consumption was reduced by 13.8%. The ability to expire carbon dioxide was reduced by 17.7%. And this was not after a prolonged period but only after low-intensity activity for 15 minutes. 44

 A study published in the Journal of Ergonomics found that even at low work rates wearing a mask contributed to significantly higher levels of C02 rebreathing with notable side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and muscular weakness. 44

 Reduced levels of oxygen can damage your heart, lungs and brain. 44

 These effects are not just seen in N95 masks either. Another peer-reviewed study from 2008 reported that surgical masks induced deoxygenation of physicians in surgery. While another study conducted by the CDC revealed that by wearing a mask, the highly sensitive thermal nature of the face and breathing pathways can be inhibited leading to increased anxiety, elevated stress hormone, false suffocation alarm in the central nervous system and panic attacks. Even within minutes of putting on a mask dangerous effects begin to set in whether you realize it conscientiously or not, and the longer masks are worn the more devastating their affects can be. This should be particularly alarming to us as schools are requiring our children to wear masks for hours per day. 44

 This isn’t just a physical health issue, this is a mental health issue as well. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience affirmed how the brain immediately seeks out facial data to determine how trustworthy someone is and accordingly how safe or threatened we should feel. 44

 Instinctually and subconsciously when someone approaches us and we can’t see their face, they pose an immediate threat. Sure we are getting used to it and we can consciously think its ok, but turning off our instincts and our sympathetic fight-or-flight nervous system isn’t so easy. 44

 In developing children it’s critical that they can see the faces of their peers as part of their mental and social development. As noted earlier, researchers have already documented a rise in child mental health issues resulting from the social lockdown. Some researchers have said that the full toll of COVID-19 on children’s mental health won’t be known for years. 44

 A study on the effects of wearing an N95 mask on heart rate, thermal stress and subjective sensations found that there is a micro-climate created within the mask that causes high breathing resistance making it difficult to breathe and take in sufficient oxygen. This shortage of oxygen hyper-stimulates the sympathetic fight-or-flight nervous system. 44  Wearing a mask negatively effects your immune system. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh found that immune cells become overactive when oxygen levels are deranged and they respond excessively to infection in a harmful way. 44

 A study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology found that hyperactivity of the fight-or-flight nervous system does increase immune gene expression, but it does not increase in a way that helps to fight infection. The scientists noted that abnormal stress like what is caused by self-suffocation by a mask is not an adaptive immune response. A short burst of inhibited breathing will have a nominal impact on your breathing, but the longer a mask is obstructing your breathing, the more abnormal levels of stress hormones are produced and the more this activity becomes immunosuppressive. 44

 Researchers at, a clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer scientists, and actuaries, did an analysis of all 50 states divided by those that had mask mandates and those that did not from May 1 to Dec 13, 2020. According to their report there were an average of 27 cases per 100,000 people per day in states with a mandate in effect, and an average of 17 cases per 100,000 people per day in states without a mandate in effect. The researchers report this trend is consistent in urban and rural areas, when mask mandates were in place early, and when mask mandates were in place for long periods of time. In his article, Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates: How long do our politicians get to ignore the results, Daniel Horowitz says, “We can turn the numbers upside down and inside out, but no matter how we examine them, there is no evidence of masks correlating with reduced spread. If anything, the opposite is true. And it sure as heck is not because of a lack of compliance.” 45

 We all have different bodies, different minds and we all have to learn about ourselves in order to make the best health choices for ourselves. Health freedom, the freedom to choose the health measures that are best for you and avoid the things that hurt you, is an important and inalienable human right. Mandated masks (and/or vaccines) at best threaten this freedom and at worst are a direct violation of it.

The Common Denominator

 Preexisting conditions are the common denominator with those who die from COVID-19 and Influenza. Almost 90% of COVID-19 patients who passed away in New York City had at least one preexisting chronic disease. The state of chronic disease in our country has dramatically impaired our immune function. Preexisting disease and COVID-19 are comorbidities. 44

 A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association analyzed the data of COVID-19 patients in New York City and uncovered that the most common comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. 44

 Poor diets are the #1 cause of chronic disease in the United States. Most of our country’s chronic diseases are preventable and even reversible with diet and lifestyle. 44

 According to a recent CIA Report, America has the highest rate of obesity of any nation with more than 40 million people. Right now, there are over 200 million people who are overweight or obese, 125 million people who have lifestyle-related diabetes and pre-diabetes. 44

 According to Cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, 40% of U.S. Citizens have 2.7 chronic diseases. 60% of U.S. Citizens have at least 1 chronic diseases. Lipton says, “They are compromised before the virus ever shows up. They are weakened because their immune system is under stress. If you are healthy, get the damn virus and get it over with, because your immune system will make the best vaccine in the whole world. Our immune system is better than any pharmaceutical drug could ever be.” Dr. Lipton says there are four things you need to do to stay healthy and in a strong immune stance: 1. Eat Well, 2. Take Supplements (namely vitamin C and D), 3. Exercise, and 4. Reduce Stress. 35

 Studies have shown that you can dramatically impact your health and immune system in very short amount time. The proper diet and lifestyle changes can impact your health significantly within a matter of weeks. Proper sleep can increase your immune response overnight. Short walks increase your immune system nearly instantaneously. Millions of people have boosted their immune system instantly with vitamins and nutritional supplements. 44

 Our medical system allows millions of people to die every year from preventable illness because they are looking at things through the lens of disease and pharmacology and not through the lens of what actually makes people healthy like proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, exercise, sunshine and fresh air, strong social support, stress-reduction, mental, spiritual and emotional health, and vitamins and supplementation. 44

 The old saying, “You are what you eat,” is being confirmed by modern science. Our immune systems are made up of what we put in our mouth. The human heart is literally made out of the food and the water that we put into our bodies, yet cardiologist have very little training in nutrition. Heart disease remains the number one killer in our country claiming the lives of over 600,000 people every year, according to the CDC. 46

 Today, every field of conventional medicine is founded on the same faulty premise. Doctors are taught to fix symptoms with drugs and have very little training in the clinically proven approach of holistic health. Our doctors are trained to match a drug or a surgery to a symptom, rather than solve the underlying cause of the problem, because frankly, there’s much more money in the former. 44

 Shawn Stephenson says, “Despite rapid advancements in medical science, our immune system is still the main weapon against infections. If we don’t fix the culture that’s damaging our immune system, we’ll continue to lose lives unnecessarily. The beauty of science is to be able to ask questions, to be able to think from multiple perspectives and to come to well-thought-out conclusions for ourselves. It’s time to put facts over fear and to help our families and our communities to get healthier.” 44

How to Prevent and Reverse Illness and Disease

The health crisis in our country didn’t start with COVID-19. COVID-19 has exposed the health crisis in our country. As a society, we’ve traded the fundamentals of health for fast food and quick fixes. It is because of our poor health, our lack of knowledge about how to be healthy, and our lack of applying health principles that we are at the mercy of a broken and corrupt medical establishment.

We don’t think we have any other option. But this is simply not true. It’s not too late to turn the tide. We can take our health back into our own hands. We don’t have to live at the mercy of the medical establishment. And if our leaders are really serious about public health and not just some agenda, it’s time to lead people back to the fundamentals of health that can lead to a strong immune system and vibrant health for life. As mentioned above many of these fundamentals can revolutionize your health and immune system in weeks, hours and even instantly.

 WATER - Hydration is possibly the best thing you can do for your overall health. 60% of the body is water, the brain and heart are 73% water, and the lungs are 83% water. Your body, cells and organs all function better when you are properly hydrated. Adequate hydration helps your immune system fight off illness and disease, while dehydration increases the likelihood and the severity of illness and disease. Hydration promotes weight loss, increases energy levels, and lowers risk of heart attack. Drinking half your body weight in ounces every day is ideal, but if you aren’t there yet, start with a quart per day and then work your way up. 47

 NUTRITION - “Food is medicine. Food has the power to heal us. It is the most potent tool we have to help prevent and treat many of our chronic diseases . . . truly what you put on your fork dictates whether you are sick or well, slim or fat, depleted or energized,” Rick Warren, The Daniel Plan. Avoid processed foods, fried foods, refined flour and refined sugar (refined sugar is detrimental to the immune system and feeds nearly every disease we face). A diet rich in real, whole, organic food can put you in a strong immune stance and lead to vibrant health for life. Eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day (1 serving = 1/2 cup) is ideal, but if you’re not there yet, try eating one whole fruit and/or veggie per day. Stock the fridge with fruits and veggies you like, because if you like it, you’ll eat it. 48

 EXERCISE - Exercise increases mood, endorphins, sense of well-being, energy levels, blood circulation, sexual function, relaxation, sleep, skin health, oxygen supply, removal of toxins, and immunity. Exercise decreases blood sugar, blood pressure, blood fats, risk of cancer, risk of disease, and body fat. According to Dr. David Nieman, exercise improves the surveillance activity of the immune system because each time you exercise, the activity increases the exchange of important white blood cells between peripheral tissues—which help with the body’s immune response—and the circulation (blood and lymph vessels). This increases the activity of immune cells in the bloodstream looking for viruses. Try to do some form of exercise every day even if it’s just a short walk or stretching. Start with something easy and attainable. Consistency is more important than intensity. Find something you like doing, because if you like it, you’ll do it. 41

 SLEEP - Sleep is when the body heals and repairs itself. Getting to bed too late or not getting enough rest can short circuit physical and emotional health. Conversely, getting regular, adequate rest can support the immune system and long term health. Adequate sleep increases energy and mental function. Adequate sleep decreases stress and cortisol levels, hunger, obesity, and depression. Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Your sleep routine should be quiet, calm and at a consistent time. One study conducted by a team from the University of Tübingen in Germany found that a good night sleep boosts the effectiveness of specialized immune cells called T cells. In the study paper — which now appears in the Journal of Experimental Medicine — the scientists explain that T cells contribute to the body’s immune response when a potentially harmful foreign body enters the system. These immune cells recognize and kill pathogens. 49

 FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE - Go outdoors and breathe deeply every day. Diseases, including cancers, thrive when there is a lack of oxygen. Exposing just your face to sunlight for a short amount of time produces Vitamin D, which is critical for a healthy immune system. Sunlight also can lift the mood and help to prevent seasonal affective disorder. 50 Fresh air improves blood pressure and heart rate, cleans your lungs, give you energy, sharpens the mind and strengthens your immune system. By increasing the amount of fresh air we get, will increase the amount of oxygen which helps our white blood cells function properly by fighting and killing bacteria and germs. 51

 MENTAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL HEALTH - Nine out of ten illnesses originate in the mind. Fear, anxiety, anger, unforgiveness, negative thinking and stress wreak havoc on the immune system and your overall health. Conversely, faith, trust, love, forgiveness, positive thinking and a relaxed mindset are life giving and health preserving. Turn off the news and social media. Start a thankfulness and/or prayer journal. Read and watch uplifting and/or educational material. Spend time with people who focus on the positive and build you up. In his book the Daniel Plan, Rick Warren asserts, “Neuroscience teaches us that every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good or bad. Thoughts exert a powerful influence over your life and body. Whenever you have a happy, hopeful, or optimistic thought, your brain releases chemicals that raise your spirits and encourage you to feel good. Positive thoughts exert a physical response and have the power to immediately warm your hands, relax your muscles, calm and soothe your breathing, and help your heart beat in a healthier rhythm.” 48


 Vitamin C is a powerful health and immune booster for preventing many illnesses including viral infections and respiratory infections. White blood cells carry Vitamin C to fight pathogens. Try to eat foods rich in Vitamin C like citrus, broccoli, berries and many other fruits and vegetables, and take Vitamin C in supplement form. According to Helen Saul Case in her book, Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone, “In our house, illness rarely ends up in a statement like ‘I have the flu.’ We like to target sickness before it is a problem. We take high-dose vitamin C at the first sign of sickness: a cough or sneeze, runny nose, sore throat . . . An important key to tackling illness is to get to it early. All nutrients are important when addressing illness, but especially vitamin C. Take C before there is a big problem. Don’t wait to get to the point where you feel so awful you must finally resolve to go to the doctor and get a prescription. Ideally, we get on top of symptoms so fast with high-dose C, sickness doesn’t stand a chance . . . We take larger preventive doses of vitamin C, too. If we know we are going to be around someone else who is sick, we load up. We take C all the time. When in doubt, we take more. My kids have yet to need an antibiotic.” 53

 Reports are coming in from ICUs that are testing the blood vitamin C levels, that the majority of their critically ill patients are vitamin C deficient, many with undetectable levels of vitamin C that would diagnose scurvy. One ICU in Barcelona found 17 out of 18 patients had ‘undetectable’ vitamin C levels, akin to scurvy. Another, in the US, found almost all their patients were vitamin C deficient but those who didn’t survive had much lower levels than those who did. 52

 Dozens of articles on the effectiveness of Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) in treating COVID-19 are documented on the website Unfortunately, according to W. Gifford-Jones, MD, “researchers are experiencing trouble getting their findings published. Contacts also tell me that doctors who use IVC in North America are being harassed by authorities. In some case, being told that if they persist they will lose their license to practice medicine. It's time for the government to demand that our medical schools conduct a study of IVC. There is no shortage of patients. We have the scientific talent in our universities. Vitamin C is inexpensive and will virtually never cause complications. Vitamin C has never killed anyone. Besides, this study could be done in a short time and not require thousands of patients.” 52

 The best results are being reported in ICUs using vitamin C, steroids and anti-coagulant drugs combined, which has been standard treatment protocol in China since April. China’s mortality rate from COVID is 3 persons per million compared to the UK’s 624 per million, according to Worldometer data. 52

 According to Thomas Levy, MD, “Vitamin C has already been researched more than any other supplement or pharmaceutical drug in the history of the planet. Don’t allow another 70 years of research to transpire before its proper use begins.” 53

 According to Suzanne Humphries, MD, “Since I’ve learned to use vitamin C, I found that not only has my own health become extraordinarily better, but my prescription writing has gone down significantly, and the health of my patients has also improved greatly.” 53

 In one of his articles published on, Andrew Saul, PhD, says, “Many years ago, when I was first starting out in the natural healing field, a physician said to me, ‘You are lucky. You have no license to lose.’ When doctors are to be silenced, they are simply threatened with loss of their license to practice medicine. State licensing board attacks on physicians are private and administrative. Such proceedings never get to open court; they never get to a jury. It is all behind closed doors. The most effective instrument of compliance is a bureaucracy, not the judiciary. And it works. That is why I am publishing this series of 22 case reports from a board-certified specialist but without revealing the doctor’s name. I want this physician to keep being able to practice and heal sick people. Read them and decide for yourself about the merits of vitamin C against COVID-19.” You can read the details at “To sum up: Virtually all the above COVID patients received 25,000 mg vitamin C intravenously for three days. They all recovered, and many recovered with spectacular rapidity. This information is being censored by the commercial news media. It is being kept off Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube . . . As A. J. Liebling said decades ago, ‘Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.’ Withholding vitamin C treatment information from the public withholds it from the patient. We accuse the media of negligence. They can correct this at any time. Until they do, we will do it for them.”

 It’s also important to note that “most vitamin research has used inadequate, low doses. Low doses do not get clinical results,” says Andrew Saul, PhD. “Decades of physician’s reports and laboratory and clinical studies support the therapeutic use of large doses of vitamins and other nutrients. Effective doses are high doses, often tens or hundreds of times higher than the US Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) . . . RDA may be sufficient for a healthy individual, but there are far more people who would benefit from an increased intake of essential nutrients, not merely the amounts suggested to prevent deficiency . . . Unfortunately, many of us do not even manager to obtain the low recommended amounts of vitamins every day, let alone the amounts required for the prevention and treatment of illness.” For more information on dosages for specific illness read Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone by Helen Saul Case or visit Always look into things yourself and consult your doctor (if your doctor understands and advocates for the benefits of nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation, even better). 53


 COVID studies have shown that patients with the highest vitamin D levels have shorter and less symptomatic courses of infection. Vit D is essential for healthy immune system function. And is important in maintaining your body’s natural balance and preventing many diseases. Take more in the winter time. Less needed in the summer if you are getting 15 minutes of midday sun exposure. 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day. Up to 10,000 IU per day in the winter. 53

 According to Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, in his article, COVID-19, how can I cure thee? Let me count the ways, “Vitamin D has been clearly documented to strengthen immune function and decrease the risk of infection from any pathogen, including the COVID-19 virus. Patients with the highest vitamin D levels have shorter and less symptomatic courses of infection. While vitamin D has not been demonstrated to cure viruses as a monotherapy, maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D is vital for both preventing the contraction of infectious diseases as well as for recovering more rapidly from such infections, with a clear decrease in mortality rate. [8] In a recent study not yet published, Indonesian researchers studied the effects of vitamin D on mortality in 780 patients hospitalized with COVID-19. They found that nearly all (98.9%) of COVID-19 patients with vitamin D levels below 20 ng/ml died. Yet, less than 5% with substantially higher levels of vitamin D died. Consistent with these findings, it has been shown that the most life-threatening complication of COVID-19 infection, acute respiratory distress syndrome, occurs much more readily in the presence of a vitamin D deficiency. [9] Clearly, vitamin D supplementation should be part of any treatment protocol for COVID-19 or any other infectious disease.” 54

 According to Professor Roger Seheult, MD, Quadruple Board Certified, “For more than a century, vitamin D deficiency has been suggested to increase the susceptibility of infection.” And “Increased risk of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) . . . Recent studies have provided further evidence of vitamin D as an important regulator of human immune function, as vitamin D may stimulate the innate immune response which provides front-line protection against infectious agents.” He goes on to note that If you live above the 35th parallel you can’t get enough vitamin D by sunlight alone and you need to supplement, especially in the winter time. 55

 Some hospitals around the country are even using vitamins as a treatment for COVID-19, not just prevention. According to Dr. Peter Osborne with Origins Nutrition Center, "A lot of doctors are now learning this and coming out and saying it! The East Virginia School of Medicine actually has a COVID protocol that includes Vitamin D. So if you're a patient who gets hospitalized for COVID, they're automatically putting you on between 20,000 and 60,000 units of Vitamin D. This is part of their standard of care protocol in that hospital system. Vitamin D is very inexpensive. You can buy it at the local nutrition store, and it might just save your life, should you get sick.” 56

 In an open letter sent to world governments on Dec 21, 2020, “120 health, science and medical experts from the UK, US, and Europe say there is clear scientific evidence that vitamin D reduces Covid-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. The group of scientists are calling for immediate and widespread, increased vitamin D intakes with most signatories declaring that they personally take at least 4,000 International Units (IU) per day – many take more.” 57

 ZINC –

 Zinc is a vital mineral that your body uses in countless ways. In fact, zinc is the second-most-abundant trace mineral in your body — after iron — and is present in every cell. Zinc is necessary for the activity of over 300 enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many other processes. Adequate zinc levels decrease oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and is critical for the development and function of immune cells. Zinc is also needed for your senses of taste and smell. Because one of the enzymes crucial for proper taste and smell is dependent on this nutrient, a zinc deficiency can reduce your ability to taste or smell, according to an article published on 58

 According to Dr. Peter Osborne with Origins Nutrition Center, “Zinc stops viral replication multiple ways, so it prevents the virus from hijacking your DNA, prevents the virus from replicating. It also prevents the virus from entering the cell, so zinc is very important right now.” 56

 According to Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, “Zinc is needed inside the virus-infected cells to stop virus replication by inhibiting viral RNA polymerase. It is a possibility that many of the younger individuals that are either killed or made severely ill by COVID-19 are chronically zinc-depleted due to inadvertently zinc-deficient diets. 54


 Quercetin is a chemical found naturally in a number of foods including apples, onions, teas, berries, and red wine. This flavonoid is also found in some herbs such as ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort. Quercetin acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals—the chemical by-products that harm cell membranes and damage DNA. Quercetin also possesses antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. 59

 According to Dr. Peter Osborne with Origins Nutrition Center, “Quercetin, which is what's called a natural bioflavonoid. Quercetin opens up the cells in your body so that zinc can get inside your cells, where it works. So think of quercetin as the key. Think of zinc as the repairman, that is allowed into the house, so-to-speak.” 56

 According to Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, “Since supplemental zinc has only a limited ability to reach the cytoplasm of cells due to its ionic nature, zinc ionophores (agents that help transport zinc to the cell) are known to be good general antiviral agents. Quercetin is one such supplement, and it can serve as a good adjunctive agent to any COVID-19 treatment protocol. [10] Chloroquine, discussed below, is also a zinc ionophore, perhaps explaining its potent anti-COVID-19 effects.” 54

There are myriad other vitamins, supplements and treatments that we could get into here, yet for brevity, we will leave it with just the above information on Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Quercetin, because these seem to be a few of the most substantiated and accepted so far. Although, you likely won’t hear about any of it the mainstream news. Information about the effectiveness of diet, lifestyle, vitamins and supplements is being actively suppressed today. From the medical schools to the research studies, from the doctors to the patients, and from the medical establishment to all major media outlets, information about these simple and powerful tools is being shut down.

In conclusion, the goal of this letter is to argue against current anti-COVID-19 strategy, stand up for the vulnerable, stand up for constitutional and inalienable freedom, and recommend a better way forward both for now and for the future.

Summary and Conclusion: 1. Current health measures are at best questionable and at worst grave injustices. 2. Lockdowns are bad for individual and community health and well-being. 3. School closures are devastating for our children on multiple levels. 4. Business closures are devastating for employers, employees, communities. 5. The path we’ve chosen is causing more death and destruction than other options. 6. Current measures threaten constitutional freedoms and inalienable freedoms. 7. County and local officials need more autonomy. 8. Social distancing is bad for our health in the long term. 9. Mask wearing is at best questionable and at worst damaging to human health. 10. Gym closures have an immense negative impact on human health. 11. The message of fear negatively impacts individual and community health. 12. Bad diet and lifestyle is the common denominator in much illness and disease in the U.S. today. 13. The medical establishment is better built to treat symptoms than the root cause of illness and disease. 14. The medical establishment, media and government are actively suppressing vital health information. 15. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Quercetin are safe and tested for the prevention and treatment of illness. 16. Fundamental health principles like hydration, nutrition, sleep, exercise, socialization, sunshine, fresh air, mental/emotional/spiritual health practices can lead to a strong immune system and strong health for life.

Never again do we want our health politicized as it has been throughout this pandemic. We want truth! We want freedom! We want health! We want the truth and true health information available to all medical professionals and citizens. We want freedom over our own health and health choices. We want healthcare system that goes beyond pharmacology and works to solve the underlying causes of health issues and chronic disease.

Recommended Anti-COVID-19 Strategy: 1. No More Lockdowns a. Open All Businesses b. Fully Open All Schools c. End Mask Mandates and All Health Mandates d. End State of Emergency 2. Focused Protection for the At-Risk and Over 70 population a. More Autonomy to the Counties and Local Government b. Resume normal life. If sick, stay home. c. If at-risk, take measure appropriate for yourself. d. Educate at-risk on how to protect themselves and communities on how to protect at-risk. e. Businesses continue to provide services for at-risk like curbside, takeout and delivery. f. Organize volunteer/community groups for grocery delivery and other services. 3. Focus on Strengthening Immune System and Overall Health a. Recommend/provide daily Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Quercetin (prioritized at-risk). b. Educate citizens on the importance of hydration, nutrition, supplementation, socialization, sleep, exercise, sunshine, fresh air, and mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Correction, Education and Legislation: 1. Fight for and protect the truth in medicine, media and the government. 2. Fight for and protect health freedom and inalienable freedoms. 3. Fight for and protect constitutional freedoms. 4. Fight to limit our government and its emergency powers. 5. Fight against corruption, ill-gotten gain, corporate power, and agenda driven narratives in the media, government and medical establishment. 6. Require extensive nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle education for doctors. 7. Remove regulation and subsidy that inhibits free market competition in the medical industry.

To sign/read, donate or learn more visit our website To read the full letter visit

1 Lockdowns Could Be 10 Times More Costly to Public Health Than No Lockdowns: Study no-lockdowns-study_3629240.html?v=ul

2 WHO Official David Nabarro urges world leaders to stop using lockdowns as primary virus control: YouTube video: Article: lockdowns-as-primary-virus-control-method

3 CDC Report Finds that 1 in 4 Young Adults Considered Suicide Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

4 OHA sees 70% increase in Oregon drug overdose deaths during April, May April-May.aspx#:~:text=Analysts%20in%20the%20Injury%20and,the%20same%20time%20in%202019

5 Locals Struggle To Find Non-Coronavirus Health Care Amid Pandemic

6 COVID-19’s Devastating Impact on Children

7 Lockdowns Increase Domestic Violence and Potential Harm to Fetuses

8 A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy

9 Great Barrington Declaration

10 Covid-19 and the First Amendment: A running report (Nov. 30)

11 CONSTITUTION OF OREGON 2019 EDITION 12 Small Businesses Decry COVID Closures

13 Economic Fallout From COVID-19 Continues To Hit Lower-Income Americans the Hardest income-americans-the-hardest/

14 43 Reasons You Should Support Small And Independent Businesses independent-businesses/?sh=5baea9017007

15 2018 Small Business Profile for Oregon

16 Small Businesses Generate 44 Percent Of U.S. Economic Activity activity/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20D.C.%20%E2%80%93%20Small%20businesses%20are,percent%20of% 20U.S.%20economic%20activity.

17 Lockdowns could have long-term effects on children’s health childrens-health

18 The impact of coronavirus lockdowns on kids’ mental health lockdowns-kids-mental-health


20 'Toxic lockdown' sees huge rise in babies harmed or killed

21 Research Shows Students Falling Months Behind During Virus Disruptions

22 Estimation of US Children’s Educational Attainment and Years of Life Lost Associated With Primary School Closures During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic

23 School closures may be killing our kids

24 Forget Zoom Kindergarten. Put Kids Back in School.

25 Covid-19: Group of UK and US experts argues for “focused protection” instead of lockdowns

26 Covid-19: Mass testing is inaccurate and gives false sense of security, minister admits

27 Coronavirus Immunity May Last Years, Possibly Even Decades, Study Suggests decades-study-suggests/?sh=36295f574185

28 Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions

29 Pushing for COVID-19 reform 9fcf-7738cb396220.html

30 Letter to Governor Brown form Eastern Oregon Elected Leaders /94/c94a5eae-2c16-11eb-9e72-a32bd1a33995/5fb9408247dd3.pdf.pdf

31 8 Health Benefits of Socialization

32 What are the health benefits of being social?

33 Could Getting Dirty and Being Exposed to Germs Boost Your Health? health

34 Impact of Fear and Anxiety

35 What Is Stress And Fear Doing To Our Immune Systems? With Dr. Bruce Lipton

37 The Health Benefits of Hope

38 How hope can keep you healthier and happier 132507#:~:text=They%20found%20those%20with%20more,a%20lower%20risk%20of%20cancer.&text=That% 20increases%20hope%2C%20although%20usually%20the%20fix%20is%20short%2Dlived.

39 Benefits of Exercise with Dr. John Winters

41 Does Exercise Boost Immunity? What to Know About Working Out Right Now, According to Experts

42 Covid-19 Linked to Greater Risk for Obese People people_3345575.html?v=ul

43 COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data data

44 The Model Health Show & Shawn Stevenson

45 Horowitz: Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates How long do our politicians get to ignore the results? comprehensive-analysis-of-50-states-shows-greater-spread-with-mask-mandates-2649589520.html

46 Deaths and Mortality

47 Top 7 Reasons to Stay Hydrated

48 The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman. 49 How sleep can boost your body's immune response

50 7 Health Benefits of Sunlight sunlight?utm_source=social&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=sunlight_benefits

51 6 Benefits of Getting Fresh Air

52 Vitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds

53 Orthomolecular Nutrition for Everyone: Megavitamins and Your Best Health Ever, by Helen Saul Case and 30 Experts in the Field of Nutritional Medicine.

54 COVID-19 How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways.

55 Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2)

56 Studies suggest 4 vitamins to lower risk of severe cases of COVID-19

57 Experts send Vitamin D and Covid-19 open letter to world's governments world-s-governments?utm_source=copyright&utm_medium=OnSite&utm_campaign=copyright

58 Zinc: Everything You Need to Know

59 The Health Benefits of Quercetin: The flavonoid may help to reduce blood pressure