

T E TE C " VOL. XXXIII. NO. 159. . - -BOSTON, MASS., TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914. PRICE TWO CENTS ...-. ._'-


Mysteries To Be Divulged Later 'To Be.Left At The Cage By 5 Must Be In Saturday Afternoon Men Holding Cards May EFnpoy -Likened to Tech's Mr. O'CI0ck-Al Ballots Must -Public Sale To Start The Privileges- Nows Given' Smith. Be Signed. April Fourth. By Y. LC. A. Sunday morning and afternoon the There are two big things that it All Ballots for the-Senior Class Day application cards for securing the General Secretary of the Technel- is not customary for the Technique Committee must be in at the Cage seats at Tech Show were mailed and ogy Christian Association, Mr. L.R_- Board to divulge before the appear- this afternoon by five o'clock. The they should have been received by mond Talbot, -announces that She auce of the book, but Technique 1915, committee in charge of the election now. These must be returned prop- Young Men's Christian Union of-Bos- in order to keep Up with its stan. wishes particularly to call attention to erly filled out as desired before 5 ton has offered the T. C. A. the same dard of progressiveness, has decided the fact that the success of Class p. m. Saturday. Tne applicationswill facilities and privileges that were ar- that it is only proper that the under- Day depends largely upon a full vote be filled as far as possible and held ranged for with the B. Y. M. C. -A. of the class. graduate body should have some idea in the Show office for five days. Un- recently. In this manner the Teeh Several unsigned ballots have been concerning these things. They are men who are members of the T. C. A. handed in. All Seniors should re- such important parts of the book may have upon payment of one dol- member that all these will be thrown that they may really be said to con- lar the privileges offered by both .he out. In case men have not paid their trol the whole publication. Without Y. M. C. A. and the Y, M, C. U, These class dues, they may hand them in at them the book would, in fact, be a privileges include, among others, lhe the Cage with their ballots, and their total failure. use of the gymnasium and the sWIm- votes will be counted. The ballots The corporation has their mysteri- ming pool, at the usual membership may be obtained at the Cage. ous Mr. Smith and last year's board fee. had their mysterious leather cover, The only condition on the part bf but Technique 1915 does not see TECH BOWLING LEAGUE the Tech men at the Institute is tht why there should be so much mys- they be members of the Techno0lgy Garrison Team Still in the Lead tery concerning all good things. Christian Association, and that they -Matches They have stated without hesitation This Week. hold the tickets received from 3he that they are giving the students the At the end of the fourth week of local organization upon payment of best book that has ever been pub- the Tech Bowling League season the the fee of one dollar. This tickst lished and they have enumerated the Garrison team is still in the lead with now entitles them to the privllcges various good points of their publica- the faculty Rogers team second and of not only one of the Boston asso- tion. They- have not merely said that. the Pierce five third with one match ciations, but of the .two. The Boaton their book was the best but they still to roll off. Mr. Mackenzie is now Y. M. C. U. is located at 48 Boylston tied with Vose for the high average street. The president of that UTilon (Continued on Page 4) at 95, both having dropped off a is a Tech man, Mr. Frank Locke. couple of points. Vose's three string Any men wishing to partake of -the opportunities SPECIAL DRILL total is still good. The Garrisons W. P. KEITH thus offered them and have captured the team total rolling claimed orders, after that, will be who are not members of the T, e. .Extra Work Necessary To Pre- 1409 against the Walker team. The sold. A., may become members by-sigfilng pare for Coming Inspection. schedule for this week is Lowell vs. In filling out the blanks the appli- the membership card of the Assola- Union, Tuesday at eight o'clock; cant must be careful to put his school tion, and thereafter they may obtain The cadet corps is. to have special Pierce vs. Walker, Thursday at 4.30 year after his name and, under the their privilege card from the General drill during the next two weeks, to o'clock; Rogers vs. Garrison, Friday space marked "class," put his rating Secretary at the T. C. A. office In prepare for the inspection which will at 4.30 o'clock and a postponed match as it comles on the pamphlet en- Eng. B. be made by a United States Army between the Pierce and Lowell teams, closed with the application cards; officer on April 6. As this is about the date of which is not yet decided. that is, whether he be Class "A," WEATHER six weeks earlier than the inspection The standing to date is: "B," "C," "D," or "E." If any doubt ;-is' usually made, the work is not as - Team - W. L. P.C. exists as to what the applicant in- For Boston and Vicinity: Un- as it should Garrison ...... 13 iadvanced be. In order 3 5457 tended, the application for seats will settled, generally fair tonight; TMes- ito make up the deficiency, the drill on Rogers ...... 11 5 5099 be filled out by arbitrary choice of day 'fair; moderate southwest -to 'Wednesday of this week and next will Pierce ...... ' 7 5 3802 the management. Therefore, care west winds. last from 4 to 5 P. M. The periods Union ...... 6 10 4979 must be used in making out the on Monday and Tuesday will be --as Walker ...... 2 10 3728 T 1 i- cards. The postals must be returned usual. we ...... 7 90 with the applications and with the CALENDAR Later in the Spring, when the Individual averages--Mackenzie 95, name and address on the proper side. weather is warmer, and drill work Vose 95, Hardy 94, Heath 91, Mann Of the two Boston performances, - Tueaday, March 24, 1914. will be less pleasant than it is now, 90, Metz 89, Ring 88, Proctor 87, Yell the afternoon is Intended particular- 4.15--Technique Electoral ComDnt- this extra work will be more than 86, Covitz 85, Lewis 85, Dailey 85. ly for the undergraduates, but there tee. 23 Rogeris. made up for by. letting the men off. 5.00--Glee Club will probably be good opportunity Rehearsal. R0nm GLEE CLUB REHEARSAL for the students to secure good seats B, Union. SHELLS NEARLY READY at the evening presentation. 5.00-Senior Class ay4 Ballots'Due. 8.00-Lowell vs. Union, TechnolQR, Glee Club Members! Tallman urges On April 4th, all seats will be Bowling League, Trinity Place- - Work on the two Technology shells team-work on your part, in view of turned over to Herrick's, and the va- leys. is now progressing -rapidly, Con- the fact that rehearsals are few, and rious theatres where the Show is to structor Davies says they may be time is short, before the next concert be given, for a general sale. The Thursday, March 26, 1914. ready even before April fifteenth, to be given at Chelsea on April 8th prices there will be the regular box 1.30-T. C. A. Union. ,since one is already-planked and will and at Stoneham on the 10th. Prompt- office prices, as the management has 4.30-Mandolin Club. Room B, be finished Saturday, and the other ness and attendance at rehearsals are arranged for their sale without any Union. is about ready for- planking. They highly important. Men who do not extra charge. 5.00--Glee Club. Room B, Uflotn. are forty feet long and twenty inches show up for practice will not be al- Any man who did not receive an 5.00-Technique Electoral Commkt- wide. - lowed to sing at the Spring Concert application blank, or any man who tee. 23 'Rogers. A general- meeting will be held or other intervening concerts. Don't wants another application card, may 7.45--Chemical Society. Unlon. April 1 in order to get together the forget-tonight at 5 o'clock, room A, get them this week at the Show Of- 8.00-C. E. Society. Ladies' Night. Union. flce. Huntington Hall I men who are interested in the crew. I THE TECH, BOSTON, MASS., TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914A I - ~~ ~ ~ ENIERN AND - I I ENGINEERING AND" rnI SCIENTIFIC NOTES THE TECH U Wireless Notes. I Mass., under the'. act of ' Congress of U March 3, 1879. Communication was held last week U Published daily, except Sunday. dur- between the wireless station at ing. the..college year by students of the Nauen, Germany, and one at Wind- YMsss ehusetts InStitute of Technology. hoek, Cape of Good Hope, South Afri- i MANAGING BOARD ca, a distance of approximately six U S. -L-- Taylor,. '14. ....General .Manager U E. A.--Wdeaver, '16...... :ditor-in-Chief thousand- miles.- The messages that IX. E; Armstrong-"'15;..Managing Editor C. W. Lacy, '15. Advertising Manager passed were clear and' distinct. At . Rogers, '15.....Circulation Manager various times there have been reports I A,. B. Hall, ,'15...... Treasurer of messages traveling six thousand NEWS, BOARD I C. 'A ,Sandburg, '14.Assignment Editor -miles or more, but very few, if any, W. T. Knieszner, .'.6... Institute Editor of these have been direct communi- I E. Millis, "'16 ...-...... :.;..Assistant;. U G. W. Wyman, '16 ...... Societies Editor 'cations. March seems to be a favor- E. F. Hewins, '16 ...... Assistant U L." E. Best, '15 ...... Athletic Editor able month for making long distance H. P.' Gray, 6.-' .. . .Assistsnt". records. H B.'W. Lamson, '15 . Science Notes ;"- · NEWS STAFF A motor-driven life boat, equipped I B: :N, Stimets, '16 H. E. Lobdell, '17 for wireless telegraphy, has been fit- /"My last few days at college E .T M...DeBell. '17 ted to the new Allan liner Alsatian, U 'U.ce, 42 Trlnity Place. were a phantasmagoria of ambitious longings I Phone-Back Bay 5527 or 2180. which lately left Liverpool on her sec, mixed with dire uncertainties as to just how I Night Phone-Back Bay 5527. ond trip to Canada. The boat, of ma- this old world -1 was going to treat me. I re- .BUSINESS STAFF hogany and teak, is 28 feet in length member the comfort I derived at that time U EL.-Alfaro, '16 -S. Keith, '16 I with a beam of eight feet. It is very from Fatima Cigarettes-our college standbys F.' S. Conaty, 17 H. P. Claussen, '16 9r .1 compactly built, and is especially de- -and in fact, today I find nothing better than I '. OFFICE IOURS, signed to-encounter' heavy seas:" Over I the pure, good tobacco of these cigarettes." (Dal'y except Saturday) half the length is decked in and there I Qeneral Manager ..,..5.30 to 6.00 P. M. Today more Fatimas are sold in this Ma naglng .Editor...... 00 to 6.00 P. M. is a water tight self draining cockpit Adve.rtlsing ·Manager..1.30' to 2.00 P.M. country than any other cigarette. Treasurer ...... 1.30 to 2.00 P. M. abaft the cabin, from which the boat Not in a gilt box but in a plain, I is driven and steered. simple-life package--quality all in U Subscriptions, $2.00 per year, in ad- The engine is a four-cylinder Glenif- the tobacco. vance. Single copies, 2 cents. fer paraffilne motor, but the most U Subscriptions within the Boston Postal Digtrclt,; and. outside of the, United I striking feature of the boat is a com- ;·liFe965IuecoOCQjT· tates&, muist'be accompanied by postage I plete wireless installation which has I at ?rie rate of one cent a copy. U a range of 100 miles. This 'boat and i similar craft were put through a ":: TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914. I - ,- . , series of trials on the Clyde recently ; during a moderate gale, and showed U IN CHARGE OF THIS ISSUE. up well' attaining a speed of nearly U 7% knots. The motor power is suffl- Editors: J. R. Spalding, '17; A. E. cient to tow eight or ten ordinary U I Keatihg, '17. ship's 'boats in a moderate sea. "Associates: R. F: F.-Brooks, '17; I F. '. tearns, '17. ' Large Electric Power House I The new generating station of the U U '-With Technique and Tech Show I United Electric Light and Power Com- I MeMORROW nearly ready for presentation and pany, which ranks among the largest I the-second issue of The Technology of its kind;in the world, was recently I U Month.ly gone-to -press, undergradu- placed in commission. The purpose U ate-.activties-.at the-Institute are at of this station is to supply the grow- -- College Shes CoIege Men -- U theirjbielghtL The actual-publication Ing upper section of New York City, for I work of the Technique 1915 Board and for that reason it is built to per- I will be completed this week; the mit the installation of further equip-l 38 Washington St., Boston, Mass. board members are busily engaged ment. I 'in obtaining the support of the stu- 'At' present it contains three 10,500 OPPOSITE T8HOMPSON'S SPA I dents by means of. the little gray kw.- turbo generators and there is U sign-up slips.' The 'ast 'and choruses I sufficient space for five additional of Tech ;Show are 'daily'practicing units. The builing, which is of brick, U for-. the first 'performance April' 16th concrete and steel throughout, is sev- and te' Musical."Clubs ate giving ern' stories high in the main part al- GET YOUR BOOKS AT -regnlar concerts in nearby towLSi. though 'the equivalent height in the boiler house is divided into only two U Men in all departments and classes I The Old Corner Book Store, Inc. U of the Institute as well as outsiders tiers; Above the boiler section is a 27 AND 29 BROMFIELD STREET Icoal storage space having a capacity are prepariig"'copy. for the Monthly I and thd News 'and- business men on of' 15,000 ton There are' four chim- .El0o - T -1 U THE 4.'OI'--r t tBuiier'than-'at any neys'each'22 feet in diameter and 325 thfie:'time this 'year-. owing to the feet high. All the operations are con- trolled from a gallery on the 'second I- actlvities in other parts .'f the. In- DON'T forget the address floor, containing the I FRENCH CLUB TO MEET -irlite..'It: 1sl'noit unnatural that ac- generator bench board and the' semi cilrcular feeder We make a special effort to win the I tivities should be at their.climax at I control boards, from which all the Professor Langley To Give Talk esteem of Tech men. I thi'ti eti'of yer;, b'ut 'when one sees switches are controlled. On' the first Friday, Room A, Union. '{H;'-bfiill amount of time that the COPLEY SQUARE PHARMACY floor is the storage battery and the iverige' studeit -spends in endeavor- This evening at 7.30 there will be E. G. BOSSOM, Prop. generator rheostat. On the basement in'g to make these activities success- Huntington Ave. Boston I floor, Which is on the level with the a meeting of the Cercle Francais in -- s -- I Room A of the Union. Professor - ful, he .canot but consider their con- street, are the exciter control boards, dition rather precarious. Langley of the French Department exciters and transmission transfor- termediate French (L 62) will have an opportunity of viewing many- of mers. - will give an illustrated talk upon Purdue students in English are "The-Evolution of Paris." The stere- the scenes told of in their- "Notre U busy'-discuosing- the difference. be- opticon views will be interesting and Dame de Paris." I tween-.the- "Follies" and "Damaged Fencing is springing into promi- well worth seeing, as they are pic- All who are interested are invited Goods". Some say the moral effect of nence at many eastern universities on tures from Professor Langley's pri- to attend. The Cercle Franqais 'et- U the.irst is worse than the -second and account of the approach of the inter- vate collection and have seldom been pect a large number at the meeting others claim that the second is the collegiates, which I occur next Satur- shown. as the club feels sure 'that the eve- U bad kind. day. The members of the section in In- ning will be very'enjoyable. U I I U I THE TECH, BOSTON, MASS., TUESDAY,. MARCH 24, 1914. I _ __ __ -- (I - ~ Al _ I _ C_ _ _I - e ILLUSTRATED' TALK ON GOVERNOR WALSH MEETSI I SENIOR PORTFOLIO All Goods Required by . POWER. DISTRIBUTION ALUMNI C(MITTEE1 BLANKS DUE NOW : Studeht at - H. K. Rowell- To Speak at In- Conference 'Held To Considei Publishing Contract Is Let- formal Meeting of M. E. How Institute May Improve Some More Proofs Are Society Wednesday. Service. Finished. Ma-clachian''s Tomorrow, March 25th, the Me- Last Saturday President Maclaurin There are still one hundred Seniors 502 Boylston Street chanical Engineering Society will hold and an alumni committee conferred who have not yet handed in their another of its informal talks in room with Governor Walsh at the State statistics blanks to the Senior Port- Drawing Insiiruienis, and Mated. 11 B. The speaker will be H. K. House, discussing plans whereby the folio Committee. It is necessary that ials, Fountain PensiText Book- Rowell, a member of the A. S. M. ED, Institute may improve its service to these be turned in at once as the ma- . _ . who will talk on the general arrange- the state. The alumni committee terial must be sent to the printer be- ment of machinery and distribution of was appointed recently by President fore the end of the week. power in' textile mills. Whiting of the Association to consid- A few have not turned in their Mr.' Rowell will illustrate his talk er this matter, and the Governor in- proofs and they should get them in with some special lantern slides vited it to the .conference. immediately. Proofs were ready at which he has had made to bring out In opening the conference, Mr. the photographer's yesterday for Lev- the main- points. The meeting will Whiting referred to the address of inson, Campbell, Easter, Maier, Sand- be entirely informal and questions Governor Walsh at the Alumni ban- -burg, and Spaulding. These men are from the students will be in order. quet, noting that the committee is requested to call at once if they have The installation of machinery in the direct result of a suggestion not already done so. worsted and woolen mills will also be made The contract for publishing the I there. He sketched briefly the taken up. help that Tech has given the Com- books has been let and already one The speaker has had a wide and monwealth in the past, and expressed hundred fifty prints have been sent practical experience in this line of to the engraver's. The work of the the desire that the Institute and the business. He began with the Colum- Committee is progressing State might become still more close- well but bian Mfg. Co. of Greenville, New much trouble is occasioned by the de- ly united, so that "Technology may Hampshire, manufacturers of denims lay in returning the statistics blanks become the strong right arm of sci- and cheviots. From there he went to and the proofs. Members of the class ence to Massachusetts." the Cabot Mfg. Co. of Brunswick, Me., will be allowed until April 1st to Windsor Cafe Governor Walsh deplored the lack and from thence to the Lockwood and sign up for Portfolios. Those not of research information 78 Huntington Ave. Green Co. In this firm he served in available on then signed up are liable to lose their The most attractive cafe In the Back Bay the capacity of assistant to Mr. public problems, saying that Massa- chance of getting the books or of hav- chusetts is far behind the other Section Green. From here he went to the ing to wait until the middle of Sum- The Best of Everything Dean & Main Co. He is now serving states in this respect. He further amer, if enough desire them to publish as Industrial Engineer for Charles T. said that it is impossible for the a second edition, since the number Splendid Service Main and his specialty is Industrial Senators and Representatives them- contracted for is two hundred twenty Reasonable Prices Engineering, particularly in regard to selves to investigate and study out five. About one hundred seventy five Our special 40c and 50c lunch- the manufacture of cotton, wool, pa- public questions; this could very have signed up to date. eons are very popular profitably be done by some institu- per, and rope. Mr. Rowell has con- Music evenings and Sunday afternoons tributed papers to the A. S. M. E. and tion or university. Tech is in a posi- tion to give material help to the BOSTON HOUSE to the New England Cotton Manufac- TO CLOSE THIS WEEK CLASSIFIED ADS. turers Association. State, and the Governor expressed TO RENT-Double and single rooms This talk is of especial interest to his wish that this help might be for Tech students. House entirely re- Special "Gala" Bill Saturday I given as thoroughly as possible. By To furnished, continuous hot "-'ter.154 Seniors in Course II who are taking Mark End of Present doing this work, the Institute Huntington Ave. the Mill Option and to the Juniors would Season. in Course H who are taking Mechan- gain better support from the Deo- _ I Siebel, Mr. Muratore 'as Faust, Mr. ism of Machines. The talk promnises ple. With the forthcoming week the sea- Marcoux as , and to be very interesting to all who at- President Maclaurin replied that Mr. son of the Boston Opera Company Danges as Valentin, with Mr. Wein- tend. the Institute existed only for the -ends and with it performances of op- gartner directing. service of the State, and that it was era in Boston end for nine months, as On Saturday afternoon "The Jew- to this end that the Institute em- NEW T. C. A. SPEAKER the Opera House will not reopen un- els of the Madonna" will be sung, flit ployed the leading specialists in sci- til January 4 next. The week will tingly closing the iubSclrption :ji- ence and maintained costly Cambridge Pastor To Speak on laborator- bring forth bills that will awaken the formances of the year, as it began ies. He said that the new location, "True Manhood" Thursday. interest of the public and show the them. Miss Elizabeth Amsden will the alliance with Harvard, and the company- at its most versatile best, The Rev. Mr. Austin T. Kempton be the Maliella, a role which she as- cooperation of the people with the as the subscription performances of sumed at will be the speaker at next Thurs- one of the extra-subscrip- Institute would all tend to increase the week will consist of a classic day's T. C. A. talk, and this will be tion performances of the 'Wolf-Ferrart the efficiency of its service. He fur- and a modern opera of both the opera earlier the pastor's first appearance before in the season; Mme. ther pointed out the great benefits French and Italian schools; the Sat- Tech students. He is pastor of the Gay will impersonate Carmela; Mr. of Tech to the State in the past, urday night offering will be a "mixed" Northampton Baptist Church' of Cam- Zenatello will be the Gennaro, and citing the work done in physics, bill; and on Tuesday two special per- ,bridge-, and he has received consider- Mr. Ancona the Raffaele, with Mr. chemistry, bacteriology, and the dif- formances of "Haensel und Gretel" able publicity on account of his in- Moranzoni conducting. ferent engineering lines. and of "Tosca" will troducing plays into the church pro- be given in New On Saturday evening a; "gala" bill At the close of the session Pro- Haven. gram. On Sunday evenings, will be presented. First "The Secret a play fessor Jackson outlined some of the "Aida" will be sung on Wednesday is given by the talent in the congre- of Suzanne," Wolf-Ferrari's- charming things in which the University of night with the same splendid cast gation, various plays having been giv- one-act opera, will be sung by Miss Wisconsin has aided its State. that presented it so nobly on Satur- Myrna Sharlow and Mr. Fornari, with en in this manner. Recentl4 "Dam- The members of the Alumni Com- day: Mme. Lucille Weingartner aged Goods" was played-in a much as Mr. Rimini conducting. The second mittee are President Whiting, Secre- Anda, Mme. Gay as Amneris, Mr. modified form, however. act of "Faust" will follow with Mmine. tary Walter In his talk next Thursday, Mr. Humphreys, J. F. Mc- Zenatello as Radames and Mr. An- Beriza as Marguerite, Mr. Laffitte ac Elwain, Judge John F. Meany, Pro- cona as Amonasro, Kempton will speak on "True Man- with Mr. Wein- Faust and Mr. Ludikar as Mephis- fessor Jackson, H. C. Brush and Rob- gartner conducting. Verdi's spectac- hood." topheles, Mr. Tournon conducting. ert- G. Valentine. ular and brilliant music-drama will Then will follow the third act of thus be given a final performance in "Tales of Hoffmann," with Mmine. TECHNIQUE BAND every respect worthy of it. Beriza as the Antonia, Mr. Dangeiisis Look here! Do you play any in- BASEBALL PRACTICE The performance of "Faust" on Fri- the Docteur Miracle, and Mr. Deru strument-a band instrument? Then The candidates for the Freshman day evening will be a notable occa- as Hoffmann; with Mr. Strony direct- you are the man we are looking for. Baseball team will practice tomorrow gion. In the first place, it will bring ing. To close the evening's entertain- All the fellows who played in the noon at 1.15 at the Gym on Garrison forward Mme. Weingartner and Mr. ment the delightful ballet, "The band at the TECHNIQUE rush last Street. All men out for the team are Mlarcoux in roles in which they are Dance of the Hours," from "La Gi- year, and all the fellows who play a requested to be present. For further altogether too little known. Again, it jconda" will be presented by the en- band instrument are requested to particulars see tomorrow's TECH. will be' the farewell of the Weingart- tire corps de ballet of the Opera meet Sousa irooks, the leader, in the ners and of Mr. Muratore. The cast House, with a solo dance by Miss Union, Thursday afternoon at 56 Iowa expects to have a $135,000 will include Mme. Weingartner as Dolores Galli; Mr. Schiavoni conduct- o'clock. ' gym some time next year. Marguerite, Mme. Swartz-Morse as ing. ---THE.-TECH,BOTON, MASS., TUESDAY, MARCH 24,-1914. ---r - ___ c ------'--I - _ L- -·- I l-- I i i MR. LITCHFIELD_ NAMED - STUOENTS' OAST-OFF CLOTHINGS : - : h-I" gna Boston OperalHouse MANAGER -FOR ALUMNI and other personal etfeets bought by ' -WVED.; '8 to 11;. -AI)A.' Wengartner I Qy. Zenatello. Ancona .Cond., Wein- K EEZ E R : TECHBARBERSHOP Mrtner. -To.Keep Associations IIS. 8 -to IL .LAST APPEARENCE i Informed 360 Columbus Avenue 585 Boylaton Street Z flIE. WEINGARTNiER AND-.S on Affairs.of the Near Dartmouth WEINGARTNER. FAUST. Wein- St. Krtner, Swartz-Morse, Muratore, Mar, Institute. Bghbest prices paid for se - Copley Square % iler.uuuzlt ~ng~e,, Ebrdtt,--M COd.,"Weingart;. rmmoant 016 1 hbone. Wrxet or Call Bootblack Second FPoor 3AT.; 2 to 6.15.. JEWELS OF THE At the last meeting of the Alumni Open ,veings to 9 o'clock . .OOJrNA. Amuden, Ga y, Zeulatello, Council, Ancona -Cond., Moranizoni. a movement for the purpose SAT., 8 to 11, GAvLA PERFORMANCE of bringing the Alumni associations ND CIOSE OY TIHE SEASON. SE- CBIET OF SUZANNE. Sharlow, For- into closer relations with the Institute narl, Tavecchla. Cond. Rimini. PAUST, was initiated. It was voted A'VT . (Garden Scene).- Beriza, to ap- 5Wartz-Morse, Leveroni, Deru, Ludikar. point a "field manager," whose duty it Cond., Tour-non. LUCIA.- (Mad Scene)'. ytney.Cond.. Lyford. THE DANCE -will be to visit the associations and [ THU HOURS from LA GIOCONDA. keep them in touch Mhme. Gall and complete Corps de Bal- with the Institute [ let. Cond., Schiavoni. Pop. Prices, 50c and its progress. ft. $2.60. Box Office, Weekdays 9 to 6; Sundays I. W. Litchfield, '84, who already (fbtoiconcert tickets only), 2 to 9. Reg. serves lPrices,$1.50 to $5. Downtown Office. the association as editor of its Steinert's. 162 Boylston. Mason and publication, has been named field Mawlin Pianos Used. manager. He is already on his way AT THE to Buffalo, New York, where on Tues- day night there is to be a meeting of the Buffalo association. Rochester THEATRES will be visited on Wednesday, where the Tech men in the Kodak and other works have formed a strong local as- I TREMONT THEATRE sociation. ,EvgO 8. Mat Wed. & 8at. at 2 On Thursday, Mr. Iitchfield will UI THE BEAUTY SHOP meet and talk with the Syracuse alumni, -and will explain to them the I plans of the new buildings and tell of HOLLIS ST. THEATRE the co-operation with Harvard. I The number Evga. & Mat Wed. & 8at. at 2 of associations is now forty-five and it is expected that by THE POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL another year there will be fifty. The LondonI alumni are considering the matter, and it is also proposed to I PARK THEATRE form a Tech Club in Paris. Evgs. 8.10. Mats. Wed. & Sat. at 2 FACULTY NOTICE I l FANNY'S FIRST PLAY March 23, 1914. l The course in "Storage Batteries I COLONIAL THEATRE and Their Applications 653" will commence the week of April 6th. Evgs. 8. Mat Wed. & Sat. at 2 The course will be given at the hours THE LITTLE CAFE and in the rooms which are at pres- I ent alloted- to the lectures in Al- i iIternating Current Machinery. I BOSTON THEATRE Applicants for this course are re- questedI to notify. Professor R. R. vEvgs. .L,Mat. Wed. & sat. at 2 Lawrence before March 31st, of any 'The Trail of the Lonesome Pine (conflict. I WALTER HUMPHREYS, ,P ,:.P.Frices 25c to $1.50. Registrar. UI TECHNIQUE NEWS U .. PLYMOUTH THEATRE (Continued from Page 1.) I .Evg. 8.15. Mats. Thur & Sat. 2.15 ahave given data and proof which lcannot be disputed, why then should l ..- '':UNDER COVER they further delay in making known these two great things that play so dominant a part in the formation of I MAJESTIC THEATRE tthe complete whole? There is no U .Ev. 8.-10. reason and for that very reason they - -- -- Mats. Wed. and Sat. at 2 ! . 1have become most liberal and confid- IIE Who Does Your - . ;WITHIN THE LAW sed their hitherto deepest secrets to Trinity Court THE TECH that this illustrious pub- lication may make them known to Bowling Alleys Typewriting and UI ; SI. QUBERT THEATRE 1the student body at large. TECH BOWLINO HEADQUARTERS StenographicWork? I Who is there that does not like Estabished 1898 Opposit Evgl 8. Mat Wed. & sat. at 2 tUnione ito have somet'hing secret, just a lit- Try tle something that he does not want Two minutes' walk from all Tech .. ITTLE MISS BROWN -I to tell to everybody? Former Tech- Buildings. Unexcelled facilities, the niques 'have felt it their right to en-' most fastidious Bowler can enjoy this W. P. WATSON fascinating and healthful pastime. The (upper) Tech Office U joy such secrets that they might be Alleys:reserved I and screened foi = ICASILE SQUARE THEATRE sprung on anxious and excited stu- private parties. "The lowest price consistent with the -" dents with the first appearance of Come in and enjoy a little fun and best work." Daily at -10 and 810. exercise the book, but why should a Tech- between periods. SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE nique which differs so far from oth- - JUNIOR CLASS PICTURE ,1 er Techniques in so many ways de. t. 'q whif rnntrihute mnore thau The Junior Class picture is now on U sire to keep anything from the stU- n,-*''ing else "''"ard the making or sale at the Cage. Those who hold re- li CORT THEATRE dent body? This they do not want to a splendid book. ceipts for the deposit already made -" Evgle.'8.10. Mat. Wed. & Sat. at 2 do, so at some future date: THE can obtain the picture by presenting II TECH will be able to tell you. some- Illinois has established an agricul the receipt and the second deposit of i PRETTY MISS SMITH thing about these two mysterious tural library. seventy-five cents. [] I~