New Mexico Lobo, Volume 047, No 43, 6/8/1945 University of New Mexico
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1945 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 6-8-1945 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 047, No 43, 6/8/1945 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 047, No 43, 6/8/1945." 47, 43 (1945). daily_lobo_1945/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1945 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ~----~,~Tr~·~~~~-----------------~------~--..~-~~~~~ J \ ., •"'"' ........ .. NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, June 1, 1945 Page Four OF NEW MEXIC0 . ' ~NfVERSJTY LI~MRY)'N . ·-· .· .··· .. EW ., ,: I'" I •1111' ;<1" 1 • I' • 1 1 M~XICO LOBO ·' Tishie Denny Chosen Queen Of The ·Wardroom•' • • • senior class dues pa1d by the stu~ 1 Weekly ~ublication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Kappas, Alpha Chis, KA' s, dent body m the ;past two years, ,, Pyle Originals ANNOUNCEMENT Junior-Senior Prom ' ,,'. NROTC Wardroom Formal E~nie and to try and get a class fund II Vol. XLVII ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, .TUN.l'J 8, 1945 No. 43 G1ven to UNM Will Rogers once Jmid, ADPis Winning Debaters started, tb,s prtce was decided up~ ( Coptmued from page 1) 11 Pcople talk about how bad (Continued f1•om page 1) To Be Held June 9 on, All of the money left over from the dance will go into tlus . ' In SUB Ballroom Saturday1 c1.aft cauter·, and the cable copy the weather JS1 but they sophomore, both of Albuquerque, II,, descl'Ibes h1s s~)l" mth mvadmg pever do anything about it." The llffirmatwe declnt!;'d that the Well1 all you jumors and semors, JUnior-senior class fund, Patricia "Tish" Denny, attended by Betty Tate and Mannes on a Pacific island, Wtth a few words changed Ge1;man people wet•e not now cap are you all dateg up for the b1g Tickets are being sold Py soror prom Saturday, 9 June, 1945? Its II Marilyn Meyer, will reign as queen over the annual NROTC One of the columns, in Ernie•a 1t could be made to read: able of governing themselves, and Ity women, Vigllantes, and Kht\tali Students talk about how bad going to be sort of a revival dance, members for $1.75. We're trying • mspu.ed ;poetic Pl'Ose, speaks of that lt would be 20 years before • Ward1'oom formal 1n the Student Union ballroom from 9 11the sad uncanny silence that fol the school sp~nt is, but never they \vould be. They qsse1 ted that as there hasn't been one on the to make this the best formal of h11l fm• quite some time, and its to 12 o'clock Saturday evening. The NROTC and Navy lows the bedlam of war," do an~tlting about it This is the Germans had a 11double M" plan the year, and we need the co-oper- or V-12 battahon will pass in review before Miss Denny and 11A blight sun made the room trtJe but let's improve tHe whereby lcadmg fascists wete pUt gomg to be one of the best yet. atian of an the JUnior and senia1· es.1 1s nEW m 0 The dance to be sponsored this class, Remember, th1s dance is en e 1 spmt. Thete iS: notbmg that ppo1n he1· atteudants on the :>tadium pa.. ing hot/' he wtoto, "A cfre~hing into conccntut.tion camps, and when I radc grounds at 1l o'clock Satur Jx., Moni Smlthj Jack Slumahan, little l.lleeze sang through a pine can cheer a crowd up more released by the Allies, our govern year by Khatali, in their campaign fol' you, semors and JUniOl's, you .~--~----~~---------~--- Kog~ to t·evive some of the old schoal and your dates. ' ' day mornmg, Allee Jane Bodme; A. w. tl•ee1 there wasn't n shot not• a war than a good song. A good ment would thmlt them "good" I 412-414 E. CENTRAL AVE. strom, Betlm Young, D M. Sweet, hke ;:;ounc{, I sat on a bluff for a school song would help tl}is Germans and allow them adminis traditions, and maybe to mtroduce ---- Joe Kelleher will present the some new ones, and Khatali has royal tl:10 roses on behalf of Marton Young; Don Thomasson, long t1me, JUSt lookmg.11 school a lot. Thursday, June trative power. They also declared Publications Helen Tmdall;- W1llmm D. Wood, The manuscrtpts were accompah 7, the1'e WJII be an assembly anauged fo1• Marty Baum and Song Johoson and Thunderbird Out Dr. Philip Wernette that the Allies should control Ger By John the Navy urut. Miss Denny, a Mudel Collms; R, v. Thurston, Jed by a letter to Dean Hatnmond at 12:45 tn the SUB to pick man industries to lieep down arma h1s orchestta to play for your NE W ME 1XI C0 'S FI NES T S T0 RE S sv,Phomore1 is from Gallup and a dancing entertainment. Chub 1\lur member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Mrs. Helen B. Adams; Bill Kur fi om Managing Ed1tol.' Dick Thorn the best song of the ones ments and help pay the wtn debt. ray is planning to bring in some Banquet! soror1ty. M1ss Tate, Alpha Chi lander, Marjorm Tormochlc.n; Har b"Qrg of the Scripps-Howard Alli- tumed in in the song contest In reply, the negattve sa1d that FOR WOMEN Monday , June. II Will Take Office July 1 entertamment from down town, Baum Wins first Prize ry Boweu, Peggy Power·s; l311l Omega, 1S from San Angelo, Texas, ance. last month, The songs wel'e the U. S. couldn't import its sys and from what he says its a Canyon Cafe, 6:30 June·9, Members of Staff Expect I and M1ss Meyet also a member of Ch1lton, Jean Degenford; Noble nll Wl'Itten by students on the tem intO Gel•rnany and that Ger 1 <~wow." Alpha Ch1 Omega, lives m Albu- Wllhams, Mmy Mmthcws; G. c. Members of Honorary campus. The assembly will many :-!:hou]d be allowed the re Song Cont~st Winners Chosen and Amendment Speedy Sale of 250 Copies Harvard Man, Author of Four Books, Has Traveled natcllff, LOIS Souell. not be compulsory, so let's see sponslbtlity of her own cltoice. Your write1· understands that Hinkel's Saturday; Awards Made .-.. ~"querque. The queen will kn1ght how many turn out to im The Pt Kappa Alphas wtthdrew tbet e has been considerable com~ Passed by Student Body at Assembly Thursday the NROTO gradu~tmg class which Jell'y wnson, Ann Bertling: Organl·zatl"ons Announced Santa Fe New Mexico RosweU . .. 1'he Publications Boilrd of U. N. Extra! Extra! Read all about Extensively Over Continent; Holds A.B., M.A., Ph.D. w~U PI! commissioned th1s month. Emcst Gumu, T1lhc Snnehcz; John ptove school spirit, There from their debate planned fol' ment on the _price, $1.76 per couple. ... M. IS having its semesterly ban· it! First issue of the Thunderbird Voller, Dot C01nclms; Fred Black, (Contmued from page 1) Will also be voting on amend There's a reason behind Khatali's Marty Baum nnd h1s orchestra Thursday, May 30, at 4:30 p, rn., Now in preparation: Hinkel's , , Albuquerque "New Mexico U." by -Sam Johnson and Marty Baum quet th1s Saturday evening at 6:30 comes out Monday, June 11. Ext1al Dr. John Philip Wernette, associate professor of eco• Nnnnette Tnylo1·; Bill Kulhotn, Ro- membelS of Mot·tar Board tapped ments to the school const~tu~ madness for this Many of you wtll fu1msh the mus1c fol· the tra~ thus giVlng the Alpba Chi Omegas, · 'took first prize of 'a $60 war bond Thursday afternoon when at the Canyon Cafe. The Publica Extra! nomic:s and business administration at Harvard University, b~tta Young; Gcr.1.·y D1cke1son, Evelyn Elhs, Annehes F1el, Mar tion, know the expense m havmg a b1g d1tlonal affan· which will take place represented by Nancee Derryberry, the student body assembled at the SUB ballroom, listened tions Board will have as its guests, Police Seek Murderer of Sorority Bal'bara Grnnmer; Bob Mecke~, jodc Tireman, Beth Hampton, dnnce like this one, and most or will take office July 1 as President of the University of New m an undersea setting patterned freshman, Albuquerque, and Jean the Editors and Business Ma}la~ GirU ganizatiOns which g1ve them have to four selections, then voted for a UNM school song, "Alma Mexico, Judge Sam G. Bratton, president of the Regents, from, Davy Jones' Locke1•. A theme Frances Gomes, Cad E. Lang, Judy Jane Yust, and Peggy Hight. Stokes, sophomor·c, Albuquerque, a gers of the campus pubhcations: Hurr1cane Hits Convoy! some financ1al backmg besides the Mater" by Caroline Parkhurst and Larry Rogers won a $25 of green wdl be used m the decor Castlilo; Bill Ashby, Pat Mutch; Pat Sanford t·ead the names of 'f" I J 5 victory by default, while the Alpha The, The Who, The Thun Japs Blow Up Fuel Dump! announced Thursday. S. E. Stapley, Glona Grimmet·; members of Sigma Alpha Iota, bon S ticket sale. At the present time, 1 ations. J 1m Pr1chard and Bill em1 lOa S Une ; Delta Pi sorot••ty tepresentatives war bond, and 'F1ghtl Fight! For dcrbtrd and The Drydock, and Mar·mes Take Gandi! Dr.