Great on February 01 Presentation (Meeting) of Our Lord Jesus Christ Martyr Agathodoros of Cappadocia; New-martyrs Jordan of Trebizond and Gabriel of Constantinople الكاهن: تبا َر َك هللاُ إل ُهنا ك َّل حي ِن، اآل َن َو ُك َّل أَوا ٍن وإلى دَ ْه ِر Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and الدَّا ِهرين. .unto ages of ages الجوق: آمين. .Choir: Amen


Choir: Come, let us worship and fall down before ئ القار : َهُلَّم ل َن ْس ُجَد وَنْرَك َع لَملكنا وإلهنا. .God our King Come, let us worship and fall down before َهُلَّم ل َن ْس ُجَد وَنْرَك َع لْلَمسي ح َملكنا وإلهنا. .Christ, our King and our God هُلَّم ل نسجد ونركع لْلمسي ح، هذا هو م لكنا ورُّبنا وإلهنا. Come, let us worship and fall down before َ َ ْ َُ َْ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ُ .Christ Himself, our King and our God با ركي يا َنْفسيي اليَّرَّ،، ُُّّههيا اليَّرُّ، لهيي َلََيد ت ُ مي َ يداً. ,Reader: Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God َ َ ْ Thou hast been magnified exceedingly. Confession

اال ْتت ار َف وت َ َم ال َجالل تَ َسرَبْل َ ، ُّن َ الالّب ُس النيوَر م ْثي َل and majesty hast Thou put on, Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment, Who stretchest out the َّ الثو،. الباس ُط ال َّسما َء كالخيميِ، الُم َسيَّ ُ بالميياع َتاللَّيي ُ . heaven as it were a curtain; Who supporteth His chambers in the waters, Who appointeth the clouds الجات ُل ال َّسياا َ، َمْرَكَبي ًِ لي ُ ، الماعيي تلين ُّ ْ ن َايِ الّر يا . for His ascent, Who walketh upon the wings of the ال َّصيييا نع مالتكتييي ُّرواخيييا، و دامييي لهمييي نيييا ر. المؤ سيييس winds, Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ُ َ ََ ُ ً ُّ َ ُ َ َ َ ّ ُ ministers a flame of fire. Who establisheth the earth in

األرض تلييين َاواتيييدها، َيييال تَتََاتيييَاُِ الييين َنهييي ر اليييداهر . the sureness thereof; it shall not be turned back ْ َ ْ ْ forever and ever. The abyss like a garment is His ُّ رناُؤعُ الل َجييييي ُِ كيييييالثو،، تلييييين الجبيييييال تََييييي ُ الميييييياع. مييييي ْ mantle; upon the mountains shall the waters stand. At Thy rebuke they will flee, at the voice of Thy thunder

اْنتها ر َك تَْهُرُ،، ومي ْ ََيْو َرْتيد َك تَ ْجيَاِ. تَْرتَفي ُع الجبيا َل ، .shall they be afraid

وتَْن َخف ُض البَياِ َ لين الَمْوِي ع اليذس ُّ َّس ْسيت َ ُ َلَهيا. َو َِي ْت َ The mountains rise up and the plains sink down, unto the place where Thou hast established them. Thou َلهيا َخييّداً َيال تَتََتييّداعُ، وال تَر ي ُع َتَُاييي َوْ ي َ األْرض. ُّنيي َ appointedst a bound that they shall not pass, neither المر سيييل التميييوا َيييي ال ويييتا ،. وَيييي وسييي ط ال جبيييا ل تت ييير return to cover the earth. He sendeth forth springs in ُ ُ ُ َ ّ َ َُْ ُ the valleys; between the mountains will the waters ال مييياع. تسيي َي كيي َّل وخييو ا ال تيييا ض، تَ ييل خمميير الييوخ ;run. They shall give drink to all the beasts of the field َ ْ ُ ُ ُْ ُ َ ُ َ ْ the wild asses will wait to quench their thirst. Beside

تنييييَد َت َاوييييها. َتَلمهييييا ُءمييييور ال َّسييييماء تَسييييُ ُ ، ميييي ْ ييييم them will the birds of the heaven lodge, from the َ ْ ُ ْ midst of the rocks will they give voice. He watereth

ال ُّصييخو ر تَُيييّ رُن بِ َْيييواتها. ُّنييي َ الييذس َي ْسيييَي الجبيييا َل مييي ْ the mountains from His chambers; the earth shall be satisfied with the fruit of Thy works. He causeth the

َتاللّي ، م ْ ثََميَرِ ُّ ْتمالي َ تَ ْويَب ُع األر ُض. ُّني َ اليذس ُهْن ي ُ grass to grow for the cattle, and green herb for the التوي لل هيا تم، والخةيرِ ل خدمي ِ البوير. ليخي رِ يا مي ;service of men, to bring forth bread out of the earth ُ ْ َ َْ ُ ْ ََ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ُ ْ ً َ and wine maketh glad the heart of man. To make his األر ض، والخميييييير تفيييييي ر اْليييييي اتنسيييييياا. لم ييييييت ه الو يييييي face cheerful with oil; and bread strengtheneth man’s ْ َ ْ ُ َُ ّ ُ َ َ َْ َ َ َ ْ ُ heart. The trees of the plain shall be satisfied, the

1 cedars of Lebanon, which Thou hast planted. There

بالَا ، وال ُخْ ُا ُي َوّدُن َاْل َ اتْنساا. تُْرَ وى ُّ ْعيجاُر الَيا،، will the sparrows make their nests; the house of the heron is chief among them. The high mountains are a وُّْرُز ل نييييييا َا الييييييذس َن َصييييييْ تَ ُ . ُهنييييييا َك تَُت ّويييييي ُ الَتصيييييياَمُر، .refuge for the harts, and so is the rock for the hares

وَمسيييييياك ُ الهمييييييرونس تَتَََييييييَّدُمها. الجبييييييا ُل التالَييييييي ُِ ل هَلييييييِ، He hath made the moon for seasons; the sun knoweth والصيخور م لجيِ ل ارني . َينع الَمير ل وايا ، وال َّويمس his going down. Thou appointedst the darkness, and ُّ ُ َْ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ there was the night, wherein all the beasts of the forest ترَ غروبها. تل ال ُّ ْلم َِ َكاا َلمل، وفيي تت ير مييع ,will go abroad; young lions roaring after their prey ََ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُُْ ُ and seeking their food from God. The sun ariseth, and

وخييييو ا الَييييا،. ُّ ْعييييبا ل تَييييَُّْار لتَ ْخ ُايييي َ وتَ ْاُليييي ميييي َ they are gathered together, and they lay them down in ُ َ their dens. Man shall go forth unto his work, and to َّ َءتاَمها. ُّعَرَا الوم ُس َا تََمَت ْ ، وَي ََم رها َرَب َة . his labor until the evening. How magnified are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all. َي ْخُرُِ اتنسا ُا لن َتملي وإلين َينا َتت ختين المسياء. ميا َ َ The earth is filled with Thy creation. So is this great ُّ ُّ ْت َ ييَم ُّ ْتماَليي َ يييا رُّ،، كلهييا باْ َمييِ َييَن ْت َ ، َاييد ا ْمييتَ َ and spacious sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, small living creatures with the great. األر ُض مييي ْ ليََتييي َ . هيييذا الَب ْايييُر ال َك ميييُر الواسييي ُع، هنيييا َك There go the ships; there this leviathan, whom Thou نبابيييا ال تيييدن لهيييا، خموانيييا َيييَار ميييع كبيييار. هنييياك hast made to play therein. All things wait on Thee, to َّ َ َ َ ََ ََ َ َ َ ُ َ give them their food in due season; when Thou givest تجيي رس ال ُّسييُف ، هييذا ال تّنييم الييذس َلَْتيي هْلتيي فييي . وكُّلهييا it them, they will gather it. When Thou openest Thy َ ْ ُ ّ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ hand, all things shall be filled with goodness; when

ّييييييا َك تَتََرَّ ييييين، لتُْتاَمهيييييا ءتامهيييييا َيييييي خمنييييي ، وإ ا ُّنييييي َ .Thou turnest away Thy face, they shall be troubled َ Thou wilt take their spirit, and they shall cease; and

ُّ ْت َاْمتَهييا َمَتيي ْ . تَْفييتَ ُح هييَد َك َفَي ْمَتلييخُ ال ُكيي ُّل ْميي اًر، تَ ْصيي ر ُف unto their dust shall they return. Thou wilt send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created; and Thou shalt

و َهييي َ َفَي ْةييي َاربوا. تَْنييياُِ ُّروا َخُهيييْم َفَيْفَنيييْوَا، وإلييين تُييي ار هْم .renew the face of the earth

َهْر تيييوَا. تُْرسييي ُل روَخييي َ َفُيخَلَُيييوَا، وتُ َجيييّدُن َوْ ييي َ األرض. Let the glory of the Lord be unto the ages; the Lord will rejoice in His works. Who looketh on the earth

لييَي ُك ْ َم ْجييُد الييَّرّ، ليين الييد ْه ر، َيْفييَرُ الييَّرُّ، بِتماليي . الييذس and maketh it tremble, Who toucheth the mountains and they smoke. I will sing unto the Lord throughout َهْن ُ ُر لن األْرض فَي ْجَتَلها تَْرتَتيُد، وَ َمي ُّس الجبيا َل َتُيَد ّ ُ . my life, I will chant to my God for as long as I have َّ .my being ُُّ َسّب ُح الَّرَّ، َي َخَيات ي، وَُّّرت ُل تلهي ما ُن ْم ُ َمْو وناً. َهلُذ May my words be sweet unto Him; I will rejoice in

َل ُ تَيُِّملي، وُّنيا َُّيَرُ بيالَّرّ،. لتَ يد ال َخايُِِ مي َ األر ض، وال ,the Lord. O that sinners would cease from the earth and they that work iniquity, that they should be no ه يي َمهييا األثمييِ. بييا ر كي يييا نف سييي الييَّر،. ال َّوييمس ترَيي ْ َ ََ َ ّ ْ ُ َََ ْ .more. Bless the Lord, O my soul ُغروَبهيييا، َ َتييي َل ال ُ ْلَمييي َِ َكيييا َا َلْمييي ل. ميييا ُّت َ يييَم ُّتماَلييي َ ييييا The sun knoweth his going down. Thou appointedst the darkness, and there was the night. How magnified َّ رُّ، ، كلها باْ َمِ َََن ْت َ . are Thy works, O Lord! In wisdom hast Thou made them all. الم جدُ لآل ،، واال ، والرو الَُدُ س، اآل َا وُكي َّل ُّوا ا وإلين َ ْ ْ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

َنهْ ر الداهر . آمم . .Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. َه ل لو يا، َه ل لو يا، َه ل لو يا، الَم ْج ُد َل َ يا )ثالثا(، .Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God يا لهنا و ر اءنا ل المجد. (3x) َ َ َ ََ َ َ َ ْ !O our God and our Hope, glory to Thee


Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord. الشماس: ب َس ال م لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة : يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For the peace from above, and for the الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل ال َّس ال م الذس م التلن وَ ال ص ُن فو سنا، ْ َ ُ .salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord

لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة : يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For the peace of the whole world; for the الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل س ال م ُك ل التاَل م وخس ث َبا كنات س ْ َ ّ ُ ْ good estate of the holy churches of God, and for the

الُم ََ َّد َسِ، وات ّاان ال ُك ّ ل، لن الَّ رّ، َن اُل . .union of all men, let us pray to the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For this holy House, and for those who with الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل هذا ال م الم ََ َّد س ، والذه هْد ُ لُوَا لي ْ َْ ُ َ َ faith, reverence, and fear of God enter therein, let us

بإيماا َوَوَر ِ َوَ وف ، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . .pray to the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For our father and Metropolitan N., (and for الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل ُّ منا و م تروبولمتنا )َالا( وُّسَُفنا )َالا( ْ our Bishop N.) for the venerable Priesthood, the

وال َك َه َن ِ اْلُم َكَّرمم َ وال َومامسِ ال ُخ ّد ام بالَم سي ح، و مي ع ,Diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people let us pray to the Lord. اتكلمرو س وال َّو ْت ، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. الشماس: ِم ْن أجِل ال ِمْتروبوليت بوُلس والمط ارن يوحنا وَف ِ ك Deacon: For Metropolitan PAUL, Archbishop َ JOHN, and for their quick release from captivity ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أ ْسِرهما وَعْوَدتهما سال َمْين، إلى الَّر ب َن ْطُلب. .and safe return, let us pray to the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. (In the U.S.) Deacon: For the President of the United )في أمريكا( الش َّماس: م ْ َُّ ل خ ّكا م هذا ال َلد، ومؤاَزر ت هم ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ ْ States and all civil authorities and for our Armed

َي ُك ّل َتَمل َال ح، لن الَّرّ، َن ْاُل . .Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord (In Canada) Deacon: For Her Majesty, the Queen, )في كندا( الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل الَلِ المل َكِ ورتي س وَ ز ارء ْ َ for the Prime Minister of Canada, and all civil

َك َن دا وُس ُل اات ها الَم َد ن َّي ِ وُا ّ وات ها الَت ْس َ رَّ ِ، لن الَّرّ، َن ْاُل . authorities and for our Armed Forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord.

Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوق : يا َرُّ، اْرَخم.

3 Deacon: For this city, and for every city and land, الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل هذع الم دهنِ ، و مي ع الم ُد ا والَُرى ْ َ َ ُ and for the faithful, who dwell therein; let us pray to

والمْؤ منم َ الساكنم َ َمها، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . .the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For healthful seasons, for abundance of the الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل ات ت دا ل األه و ِ و ص األ َ ر ض بالثما ر ، ْ ْ ْ َ ْ ْ fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray

وُّْواا سالمَّي ِ ، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . .to the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For travelers by sea, by land, and by air; for الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل الم ساَر َي البا ر وال ر والج و، ْ ُ َ َ ْ َّ ّ the sick and the suffering; for captives and their

والَم ْ رِن والَم ْةنمم َ ، واأل ْسَرى وَ الَهْم ، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . .salvation, let us pray to the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: For our deliverance from all tribulation, الشماس: م ْ َُّ ل َن جاتنا م ْ ُك ل ِم وَغ ة وَ َا ر ْ ّ َ َ .wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the Lord

َوعَدِ ، لن الَّ رّ، َن ْا ُل . Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and الشماس: ُُّتةْد وَ ّ لص وارخم واخَف ْ نا يا نتمت . ْ ُ َ ْ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ .keep us, O God, by Thy grace

Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. Deacon: Calling to remembrance our all-holy, الشماس: بتَد ْك رنا الكّلي َِ الََ داس ِ الااهرِ َ، الفاتََ َِ ال ركا ، َ َ َ ََ immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady

الَم جمدَِ، سّمَدتَنا والدَِ اتل الداتَم َِ ال تولَيِ َمْرَ َم ، م َع مي ع , and ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our الَّديسم ، لنون ِْ ُّنُف َسنا وبت ُةنا بتةاً َوُك َّل خياتنا لْلَمسي ح .life unto Christ our God اتل . Choir: To Thee, O Lord. الجوقة: َل َ يا َرّ،. Priest: For unto Thee are due all glory, honor, and َّ الكاهن: ألن ُ َهْنَب َي َل َ ُك ُّل تَْمجمد وإ ْك ار م وُسجون، ُّهها اآل ُ، worship: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. واال ُ والروُ الَُد ُس، اآل َا وك َّل ُّوا ا، وإلن نه ر الداهر . Choir: Amen. الجوقة: آمم .


ق Choir: O Lord, I have cried out unto Thee, hear Thou الجو : يا رّب ي لي َ َََرْ ُ ، َا ْس تَم ْع لي، ْستَم ْع لي يا me; hear Thou me, O Lord. O Lord, I have cried out

رُّ، . يا رّب ي لْي َ َََرْ ُ َا ْستَم ْع لي، ُّْنص ْ لن َو unto Thee, hear Thou me. Give ear to the voice of my

4 supplication when I cry out unto Thee: hear Thou me, تَ َةُّرتي خم َ ُّ َُْرُخ لي َ ، ْستَم ْع لي يا َرّ،. .O Lord Choir: Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as the ق الجو : لتَ ْستََْم ََالتي كالَبخور ُّماَم َ ، وْلَي ُك ْ َرَْ ُع َهَد َّس incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice; hear Thou me, O Lord. َكَذ ي َاِ َمساتيَِّ، ْستَم ْع لي يا َرُّ، . تل يا ر، خا رسا لفمي وبابا خصمنا تلن عفتي.* Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, and a ْ َ ْ َ ُّ ً َ ً َ ً َ ََ َّ .protecting door round about my lips ال ت مل ال ي لن كال م الو ر َمتتَّلل ب تل ل الخاايا.* Incline not my heart to evil words, to make excuses in ُ ْ َْ َ ّ ََََ َ َ .sins مع النا س التا ملم اتثم وال ُّتَّ ف مع مختار هم.* With men that work iniquity; and I will not َ َ َ َْ ُ َ َ ُ ْ .communicate with the choicest of them سمؤ ن ني الص ده رخم ِ و و بخني، ُّما ز الخا ء خ َال The just man shall correct me in mercy and shall َ َُّ ّ ُ َ ْ َ َ ّ ُ ّ ُ َ reprove me; but let not the oil of the sinner anoint my ُهْد َه ُ ب ُّرسي.* .head أل َّا َالتي ُّيةا َي مسر ت هم، ا د ا ت لت اةاتهم ملت صَم For my prayer also shall still be against the things َ ْ ً َ َ َّ ْ َ ُْ َ ْ ُ ُُ ْ َُْ َ with which they are well pleased; their judges falling

ب َص ْخَرِ.* .upon the rock have been swallowed up يسمتوا ك لماتي َإنها ا د است لَّذ مثل سم األر ض المنو They shall hear my words, for they are sweet; as when َ ْ َ َ َ ّ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ َ ْ ْ ُْ َ ّ ,the thickness of the earth is broken upon the ground

تلن األْرض تََ َّدَن ْ ت اُمُهْم َخْوَل ال َجايم.* .their bones are scattered by the side of hell أل َّا يا ر،، يا ر، لي تمني وتلي توَّكل َال تن اِ But to Thee, O Lord, Lord, are mine eyes; in Thee ُّ ُّ َ ََْ َّ ََْ َ ََ ْ ُ َ َْ .have I put my trust, take not away my soul َنفسي.* خف ني م الفخ الذس نص وع لي و م متا ث ر َا تلي اتثم .* ,Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me َْ ْ َ َ ّ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ .and the traps of the workers of iniquity تسَط الخاَِِ َي مصا ت د هم، وَُّكوا ُّنا تلن ان ف ار ن لن ُّا Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst I alone َ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ .escape ُّ ْتُ َر.* بصوتي لن الر ، َر ، بصوتي لن الر ، تةرت .* I cried unto the Lord with my voice, with my voice َ ْ َّ ّ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َّ ّ َ َ َّ ْ ُ .unto the Lord, did I make my supplication ُّس ُّمام تةرتي وُّخ اني ادام ُُّ ر.* I will pour out before Him my supplication, mine ْ ُ ُ َ ُ َ َ ُّ ْ ُّ َ ُ َ ُّ .affliction before Him will I declare تند َنا ء روخي مني، ُّن تت رف س لي.* When my spirit was fainting within me, then Thou َْ َ ّ ْ َ َْ ُ ُ ُ .knewest my paths َي هذا الار التي كن َُّسل َمها، ُّ فوا لي َخا.* In this way wherein I have walked they hid for me a ُ ْ ُ ْ ُ ُ َْ َ ً .snare تِمل َي الميا م وُّبصر َلم يك م يت رَني.* I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was َّْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َْ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ .no man that would know me

ِاَِ الَمْهَرُ، مّني، وَلْم ُهوَ د َم ْ َي ْاُل ُ َنْفسي.* .Refuge failed me; no one cared for my soul َصر لي ، يا ر،، وال : ُّن هو ر اتي، ونصم ي َي I cried unto Thee, O Lord; I said: Thou art my refuge َ َ َ ْ ُ َ ُّ ُْ ُ َ َ َ َ .and my portion in the land of the living ُّْر ض األَ ْخياء.* َّ ُّْنص ْ لن ءْلَ تي، َإّني َاْد تََذلْل ُ داً.* .Attend unto my cry, for I am brought very low

َن ّجني م َ الذه َ َي ْة َاهدوَنني، َإَّنُهْم َاد ا ْتتَّاوا تل َّي.* Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are stronger than I.

5 Verse 10. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may 10 .ُّ َ ْ ر ِْ م َ الا َب ْس ن َْف سي، ل ك َي ُّ َ ْع ُ َر ا ْس مَ َ . .praise Thy Name Verse 9. The righteous shall wait for me until Thou 9 َّ . يا َّس ه َن ْت َ ُر الص دّيَو َا خ َت ن تُجا ز َني. .recompense me Verse 8. Out of the depths have I cried to Thee, O 8 . م َ األ َت ْماق ََ َرْ ُ لي َ يا َرُّ، ، يا َرُّ، ا ْس ت َمعْ .Lord, Lord hear my voice

ل َص ْوتي. Verse 7. Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my 7 . لتَكُ ْ ُّ ُناكَ مُ ْص َ م َت َم ْ لن ََ ْ و ت َ َة ُّرتي. .supplication

For the Presentation in Tone One َّ Verse 6. If Thou, O Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O 6. ا ُكن َ لآلثا م ارَداً يا َرُّ، ، يا رُّ، م هَثي ُ ْ ، َإن ُ م Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee there is

تندكَ هو اتغتفار. .forgiveness Tell us, O Simeon, whom dost thou bear in thine arms ُا ْل َلنا يا س ْمتا ُا ، َم ْ ُّْن َ خام ل َتلن ساتَدْي َ باْ تها ِ؟ in the Temple with such great joy? To whom dost

َن ْاَو َم ْ تَ ْصُرُخ ااتالً: ّن ي اآل َا َاْد ُُّ ْتتَْ ُ ، ألّني ُّْب َصْرُ thou cry and shout: Now am I freed, for I have beheld my Savior? This is He that is born of a Virgin; this is ُم َخّلصي. َهذا ُهَو الَمْولوُن م َ الَ تول. َهذا ُهَو ال َكلَم ُِ اتل ُ He, God the Word, Who came forth from God; Who َّ م َ اتَل ، الذس تَ َج َّسَد م ْ َُّ ْ لنا وَ ل َص اتْنسا َا، َََل ُ َنس ُجد. is incarnate for our sakes, and hath saved the race of َ ْ .man. Let us worship Him Verse 5. Because of Thy Name have I waited for Thee, 5. م ْ ُّ ْ ل ا ْس م َ ََ َ ْر ُ ل َ َ يا رُّ، ، ََ َر ْ نفسي َي O Lord; my soul hath waited upon Thy word, my soul َّ ُّاوال َ ، ت َ َوكل َ ْ ن َْف سي تلن الَّ ر ّ، . .hath hoped in the Lord Tell us, O Simeon, whom dost thou bear in thine arms ُا ْل َلنا يا س ْمتاا، َم ْ ُّْن َ خام ل َتلن ساتَدْي َ باْ تها ِ؟ in the Temple with such great joy? To whom dost thou cry and shout: Now am I freed, for I have beheld َن ْاَو َم ْ تَ ْصُرُخ ااتالً: ني اآل َا َاْد ُُّ ْتتَْ ُ ، ألّني ُّْب َصْرُ my Savior? This is He that is born of a Virgin; this is ُم َخّلصي. َهذا ُهَو الَمْولوُن م َ الَ تول. َهذا ُهَو ال َكلَم ُِ اتل ُ He, God the Word, Who came forth from God; Who َّ م َ اتَل ، الذس تَ َج َّسَد م ْ َُّ ْ لنا وَ ل َص اتْنسا َا، َََل ُ َنس ُجد. is incarnate for our sakes, and hath saved the race of َ ْ .man. Let us worship Him َّ َّ Verse 4. From the morning watch until night, from the 4. م ْ ان ْف جار ال ُّص ب ْ ح لن اللمل، م ْ ان ْف جار ال ُّص ب ْ ح َ ْل م َتك ْل .morning watch let Israel trust in the Lord ْس ارتملُ تلن الَّ ر ّ، . Receive, O Simeon, Him Whom Moses foresaw in darkness on Sinai when He gave the Law, Who is ْا َ ْل يا س ْم تا ُا َم ْ َس َ َ موَس ن َ َ رآعُ َي سمنا تَ ْا َ ال َ مام ، become a new-born babe subject to the Law. This is َّ He that through the Law hath spoken; this is He that واِتاً الور تِ، وَات اًر ء ْف ال ً اِتا ً ل ْل َو ر َت ِ. َه ذا ُه َو was proclaimed in the Prophets; Who is incarnate for الناء ُ بال َور َتِ، َه ذا ُه َو الَمْرموُز َلْي ب األ َْن ياء ، الذس ت َ َج َّسَد our sakes, and hath saved the race of man. Let us َّ .worship Him م ْ ُّ َ ْ لنا و ل َص اتْنسا َا، َََل ُ َن ْس ُجد. َّ َّ Verse 3. For with the Lord there is mercy and with 3. َإا م َ الَّ ر ّ، الَّ ر ْخ م َِ َ، ومن ُ الن جاَِ الك َثم َرِ، وه َُو ه ُن َجّي Him is abundant redemption, and He will deliver

ْس ارتملَ م ْ ُك لّ آثام . .Israel from all his iniquities Receive, O Simeon, Him Whom Moses foresaw in ْا َ ْل يا س ْم تا ُا َم ْ َس َ َ موَس ن َ َ رآعُ َي سمنا تَ ْا َ ال َ مام، darkness on Sinai when He gave the Law, Who is

واِتاً ال َور تِ، وَات اًر ء ْف ال ً اِتا ً ل ْل َو ر َت ِ. َه ذا ُه َو become a new-born babe subject to the Law. This is He that through the Law hath spoken; this is He that الناء ُ بال َور َتِ، َه ذا ُه َو الَمْرموُز َلْي ب األ َْن ياء ، الذس ت َ َج َّسَد was proclaimed in the Prophets; Who is incarnate for

6 َّ our sakes, and hath saved the race of man. Let us م ْ ُّ َ ْ لنا و ل َص اتْنسا َا، َََل ُ َن ْس ُجد. .worship Him ُّ ,Verse 2. Praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise Him 2. سبّاوا الَّ رَّ، يا ميعَ األم َم ْ، وام َْد خوع ُ يا سات َر الو تو،. .all ye people

َه ُل ّموا نا َن ْس تََْ ل الَم سي َح َن ْا ُ ُّيةاً، َ وُن َا ْل ُ ب الت َسا ي ح Come, let us as well, with songs inspired of God, go together to meet Christ; and let us receive Him Whose اتَل ه َّي ِ ، َم ْ َُّْب َصَر س ْم تا ُا َ ال ََ ُ ، َه ذا ُه َو الذس ي ُ ْخ ُر َت ْن ُ salvation Simeon hath now beheld. This is He Whom David proclaimeth; this is He that in the Prophets hath ناون، َه ذا ُه َو الناء ُ ب األ َْن ياء ، الذس ت َ َج َّسَد م ْ ُّ َ ْ لنا، spoken; Who is incarnate for our sakes, and Who والُمتَ َكّلُم بال َور َتِ، َََل ُ َن ْس ُجد. .speaketh in the Law. Let us worship Him Verse 1. For His mercy is great toward us, and the 1. أل َّا رخ م ت ا د ا و ت ل م نا، وخ ال ر ، ه دوم لن األ د. َ ْ ََ ُ َْ َ َ ْ ََ ْ َ ُّ َّ ّ َ ُ َ .truth of the Lord endureth forever

َه ُل ّموا نا َن ْس تََْ ل الَم سي َح َن ْا ُ ُّيةاً، َ وُن َا ْل ُ ب الت َسا ي ح Come, let us as well, with songs inspired of God, go together to meet Christ; and let us receive Him Whose اتَل ه َّي ِ ، َم ْ َُّْب َصَر س ْم تا ُا َ ال ََ ُ ، َه ذا ُه َو الذس ي ُ ْخ ُر َت ْن ُ salvation Simeon hath now beheld. This is He Whom David proclaimeth; this is He that in the Prophets hath ناون. َه ذا ُه و الناء ُ ب األ َْن ياء ، الذس ت َ َج َّسَد م ْ ُّ َ ْ لنا، َ spoken; Who is incarnate for our sakes, and Who والمتك لم بالور تِ، َل نسجد. َُ َُّ َ َ ََ ُ َ ْ ُ .speaketh in the Law. Let us worship Him DOXASTICON FOR THE PRESENTATION IN TONE SIX المجدُ لآلبِ واالب ِن وال ّروحِ القدس اآل َن وك َّل أوا ٍن وإلى ده ِر Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy الداهرين، آمين. .Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. ليف ت ح الم وم با، ال َّس ما ء ، أل َّا ك ل م َِ اآل ، ، الذس ال دء َل ، ا د Today let the gate of heaven be opened; for the Word ُْ َ َْ َ ُ َ َ َْ َ ُ َ of the Father Who is without beginning, having taken َّ َّ ,a beginning in time, not separating from His Godhead ات َخ َذ َ دا َء ِ ً َ زَم ن َّي ًِ ، َوَلْم َه ْن َف ص ْل َت ْ الهوت . َفي ََُ د ُم ب ا ْ ت يارع ، is offered by His own will, by a Virgin Mother as a ك ا ف ل س ُّ رب تم ه وما ، م ُّ ُ م تو ل، َي اله ي ك ل النامو س ي. َ ْ ْ َ َ َْ ً ْ ّ َ َْ َ ّ child forty days old in the Mosaic Temple; and the َ م ت َ َّ ُل سمتاا ت لن ارعي ، والت د هه ت اات الً: ُّ َ ْءل َ ني، أل َّا priest, His servant, receiveth Him in his arms, crying ََََ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ َُْ َ ْ ُ ْ with joy: Now lettest thou me depart, for mine eyes

َت ْم ن َّي َا ْد ُّ َْب َص َرتا َ ال ََ َ . َف يا َم ْ ُّتن لن التاَل م ل يُ َخّل َص have beheld Thy salvation. Wherefore, O Thou Who didst come into the world to save mankind, O Lord, نس البو ر، يا رُّ، ، الم ج د ل . ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ .glory to Thee THE HOLY ENTRANCE (While the Doxastikon is chanted, the following dialogue occurs QUIETLY as the clergy make the entrance.) Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy الش َّماس: لن الَّ ر ، َن ْاُل . يارُّ، ارخم. ّ َ ْ َ ْ Priest: In the evening and in the morning and at

الكاهن: َمسا ًء و ََباخاً وت ْن َد ال همَرِ، ُن َسّب ُا َ وُنبارُك َ ، noonday we praise Thee, we bless Thee, we give ونو رك ون ْاُل لي ، يا س مد الك ل، الَّرُّ، الم ا ُّ البور. thanks unto Thee, and we pray unto Thee, O Master َ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ُ َ َّ ُ ّ ُ َ َ of all, Lord Who lovest mankind: Direct our prayer as

َََّوْم ََالتَنا كالَبخور َُّماَم َ ، وال تُم ْل ُالوَبنا لن ُّْاوال ُّْو incense before Thee, and incline not our hearts unto words or thoughts of evil, but deliver us from all who ا َّ َُّْكار عّر َرِ، َ ْل َن ّجنا م ْ َ مي ع الذه َ ُياارنوَ ن ُفوَسنا، ألَا seek after our souls. For unto Thee, O Lord, Lord, are تموَننا لي َ يا رُّ،، يا رُّ،، وَتلي َ تَوَّكْلنا. َال تَ ْخُذْلنا يا our eyes, and in Thee have we hoped. Put us not to َ َ َ ,shame, O our God. For unto Thee are due all glory َّ لَهنا. ألن ُ ب َ َهلم ُ ُك ُّل َم ْجد وإ ْك ار م وُسجون، ُُّّه ها اآل ُ، وات ُ honor, and worship: to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of والُّرو الَُدس، اآلا وك َّل ُّوا ا وإلن نه ر الدا هر . آمم . ُ ُ َ َ ْ .ages. Amen

7 (When the clergy reach the center of the solea, the first part of the great censing begins. After the first part of the great censing is completed, this next dialogue occurs QUIETLY.) Deacon: Bless, father, the holy entrance. الش َّماس: بار ْك يا َسّمُد الُد وَل الُمَََّدس. Priest: Blessed is the entrance to thy holy place, الكاهن: مبار ك هو ُن ول اّديسي ُك َّل خم ، اآلا وك َّل ُّوا ا، ُ ُ َ َ .always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen وإلن نه ر الداهر . آمم . (After the choir has finished, the following is said ALOUD.) Deacon: Wisdom! Let us attend! الش َّماس: الاْ َمِ! َْلَنستَم! يا نوراً ب ِهيَّا ً O GLADSOME LIGHT

Choir: O gladsome Light of the holy glory of the الجوق : يا نو اًر هَّياً لَُْد س م ْجد اآل، الذس ال َيمو ُ ، َ immortal, heavenly, holy and blessed Father: O Jesus ال َّسماوُّس ، الَّدو ُس ، الَم َْ و ُط، يا يسوُِ المسيح. ْ اْد َ َل َْ نا Christ. Lo now that we have come to the setting of the sun, as we behold the evening light, we hymn Thee: لن ُغرو، ال َّوم س ، وَن ْرنا نو اًر م ساتياً، ُنس ّبح اآل، واتْ َ ْ َ ُ َ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. Meet it is for Thee والرو الَدس اتل . فيا ا المتاي الاياِ، َّن لمست ا ٌّ َ ُُ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ at all times to be magnified by joyous voices, O Son

َي ساتر األواا ُّ ْا تُسبَّح بََِوا باَّ رِ، لذل َ التاَلم َل َ of God and Giver of life. Wherefore the whole world َ َ َ ْ ُ .doth glorify Thee

ُيَم ّجد. الش َّماس: .Deacon: The evening prokeimenon ت َْ رنيَم ُِ الَم ساء.  Now sing the Prokeimenon of the day. However, if this Feast falls on a Sunday, visit the Online Liturgical Guide. SUNDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE EIGHT Choir: Behold now, bless the Lord, all ye servants of

الجوق: ها ُمنُذ اآل َا با ركوا الَّ رَّ، يا مي َع َت مد الَّ رّ، . )مّرتم ( (the Lord. (TWICE Verse. Ye who stand in the temple of the Lord, in the courts of the House of our God! استي ُخن: الواا فم َ َي َم ْ الَّ ر ّ،، َي م َساك َم ْ لهنا. Choir: Behold now, bless the Lord, all ye servants of ق .the Lord الجو : ها ُمنُذ اآل َا باركوا الَّ رَّ، يا َ مي َع َت مد الَّ رّ، . MONDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE FOUR ق .Choir: The Lord will hear me, when I cry unto Him الجو : الَّ رُّ، َي ْس تَمُتني خم َ ُّ َُْرُخ لي . )مرتم ( (TWICE) استيخن: إ ْذ دعَ ْو ُت استجا َب لي إلهُ ب ِ ّري. Verse. When I called upon Thee, O God of my righteousness, Thou didst hearken unto me! Choir: The Lord will hear me, when I cry unto Him. الجوق : الَّ رُّ، َي ْس تَمُتني خم َ َُُّرُخ لي . TUESDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE ONE Choir: Thy mercy, O Lord, shall follow me all the

الجوقة: َرْخَمتُ َ َيا َرُّ، تُدرُكني َ مي َع ُّيَّا م َخَياتي. )مّرتم ( (days of my life. (TWICE Verse. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He استيخن: ُّلر، هرتا ني َال عيء يت وز ني. َّ ُّ َْ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ !makes me to lie down in green pastures Choir: Thy mercy, O Lord, shall follow me all the

الجوقة: َرْخَمتُ َ َيا َرُّ، تُدرُكني َ مي َع ُّيَّا م َخَياتي. .days of my life

8 WEDNESDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE FIVE Choir: Save me, O God, by Thy Name, and judge me

الجوقة: اللُهَّم باسم َ َ ّلصني، وب ََُّوت َ ا ْخ ُكْم لي. )مّرتم ( (by Thy strength. (TWICE Verse. Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words ستيخن: ستَم ْع يا ُ ََالتي، وَُّ َْ غ لن َكال م َعَفتَ َّي. !of my mouth Choir: Save me, O God, by Thy Name, and judge me

الجوقة: اللُهَّم با ْس م َ َ ّل ْص ني، وب َُ َّوت َ ا ْخ ُكْم لي. .by Thy strength THURSDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE SIX الجوق : متونتي م تن د الر ،، الذس َنع السماء واألرض. Choir: My help cometh from the Lord, Who hath َ َ ْ ْ َّ ّ َ َ َ َّ َ ْ (made heaven and earth. (TWICE )مرتم ( َ ْ ُ Verse. I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where my استيخن: َرف ْع َت عَ ْينَ َّي إلى ال ِجبا ِل، ِمن َح ْيث يَأتي عَ ْوني. !help will come الجوق : متونتي م تن د الر ،، الذس َنع السماء واألرض. Choir: My help cometh from the Lord, Who hath َ َ ْ ْ َّ ّ َ َ َ َّ َ ْ .made heaven and earth FRIDAY PROKEIMENON IN TONE SEVEN الجوق: يا ُّن نا َرس، لهي رخمت تد ركني. )مرتم ( Choir: Thou, O God, art my helper, and Thy mercy ُ َ َ َُ َ ُ ُ ّ (shall go before me. (TWICE استيخن: ُّن َذني م ُّتداتي يا و م الذه هتآمروا تلي. Verse. Deliver me from my enemies, O God, and ُ ْ ُ َ َ ّ !deliver me from those who rise up against me الجوق: يا ُّن نا َرس، لهي رخمت تد ركني. Choir: Thou, O God, art my helper, and Thy mercy ُ َ َ َُ َ ُ ُ .shall go before me THE OLD TESTAMENT READINGS The First Passage ْ !Deacon: Wisdom الش ّماس: ال ِحكمة! Reader: Reading from the book of Exodus. (Exodus 12:51, 13:1-2a, الَارئ: ا ارءِ م ْ سْف ر ال ُخروِ ) ُ روِ: 13:1-2a, 3a, 10a, 11-12a, 14-16a, 22:29b; 12:2b, 3, 3a, 10a, 11-12a, 14-16a,َ 22:29b ,12:51 ؛ الو م : ,Leviticus 12:2b, 3, 4a+c, 6a+c, 8a+c; Numbers 12:2b 12:2b, 3, 4a+c, 6a+c, 8a+c 4a+c, 6a+c, 8a+c ؛ تدن: (. (4a+c, 6a+c, 8a+c ,3 الش ّماس: ِلنُ ْصغ! ِ !Deacon: Let us attend Reader: The Lord spake unto Moses, in the day that ئ َّ القار : وَكلَم الَّرُّ، موسن َي الَمْو م الذس ُّ ْ َرَِ في َ ني ,He brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt س ارتمل م ُّر ض مصر، ااتالً: ا دس لي ك َّل ب ر، ك َّل َا تح saying: Sanctify unto Me every first-born, the first ْ َ ْ ْ ْ َ َّ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ offspring, whatsoever openeth a womb among the

َرَخ م م ْ ني ْس ارتمل. ََا َل موسن لْل َوْت : ُُّْ ُكروا َهذا الَمْوَم :sons of Israel. And Moses said unto the people Remember this day, wherein ye came out from the

الذس َ َرْ تُْم في م ْ َُّْرض م ْصَر، م ْ نار الُت ونَّيِ؛ أل َّا land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by a الَّرَّ، َُّ ر كم م د تا اِ م هناك. َاخف وا عر تت ، ومتن .mighty hand the Lord brought you out from this place ْ َ َ ُْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َْ َ ََ ُ Ye shall therefore keep His law. And it shall be, when

َُّْن َ َل َ الَّرُّ، اتَل ُ َُّْر َض ال َكْنتانمم َ ، َكما َُّْاسم آلبات َ ، َا ْت اْل the Lord God shall bring thee into the land of the َ َ Canaanites, as He sware unto thy fathers, that thou

ُك َّل َات ح َرَخ م م َ الُذكور لْلرّ،. وإ ا َسََِل َ اْ ُن َ َبْت َد ا َك، shalt set apart all that openeth the womb; the males ااتال "ما هذا؟"، ََل ل ََُّّن م د تا اِ َُّ ر نا الَّرُّ، م َُّر ض shall be the Lord's. And it shall be when thy son ً َ َُ ْ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ asketh thee in time to come, saying: What is this? that َّ thou shalt say unto him: By a mighty hand the Lord مصَر، م ْ نا ر الُت ونَّيِ. ولما تَصل َ َْرَتوَا َت ْ َُّ ْا َ ْ َ ّ َ ْ brought us out from the land of Egypt, from the house

ُي ْالََنا، َاَت َل الَّرُّ، ُك َّل بْ ر َي ُّْرض م ْصَر م ْ ُبكو ر الناس of bondage; and when Pharaoh hardened his heart and

9 would not let us go, the Lord slew all the first-born in والَ هاتم. و لذل َ ، ُّنا ُّْ َب ُح لْلَّرّ، ُك َّل َاتح َرَخ م م ْ ُ كو ر the land of Egypt, from the first-born of man unto the ال ها ت م، وََُّْدس ك َّل ب ر م ني. فيكوا تالم ًِ تلن ه دك، first-born of beast; therefore, I sacrifice to the Lord all َ ُ ْ ْ َ َّ ََ ُ َ َ َ َ -that openeth the womb, being males; and every first َّ born of my sons I will redeem. And it shall be for a ونُصباً ُّماَم َتْمَنْي َ ُّ َّا الَّرَّ، الةاب َط ال ُك َّل َه َكذا اا َل: ُّن َ sign upon thy hand, and immovable before thine eyes.

تُْتامني األْبكاَر م ْ َ ني َ . وُك ُّل َم ْ ُولَد َل ُ َوَل د َ َك ر، َي ْختُُ For thus spake the Lord Almighty: The first-born of اْلفِ س د ع َي المو م الثا م . وثالثِ وثالثم هوما ال تد ل thy sons thou shalt give unto Me. And it shall be that ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ً َ َْ ً َْ ُ ُ whenever anyone shall bring forth a male child, in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be َمَْد َس َ لن الكاه ختّن تَتَّم ُّيام التَ ْاهمر. وَبْتَد ل َ ، ُ circumcised. And three and thirty days she shall not يِتي لن الَّر ، بام ل خول ي ال تم في ماراِ، وب فر خ خما م ّ َ َ َ ْ ّ َْ َ ُ ْ ََ ً ْ َ come into the sanctuary of God to the priest, until the ُّو يما م لن با ، با ء الوهان ِ لن الكا ه . ُّو توِا ت days of purifying be fulfilled. And after this, she shall ْ َ َ َ ً ْ bring the Lord a lamb of a year old without blemish for a whole-burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a ل َ ، َيِتي ُّمام الَّرّ، بفْرَ ي َخما م ُّو َيمامتَْم ، َفُي َكّفُر الكاه ُ َ َ turtle-dove, unto the door of the tabernacle of witness

َتْن ُ . َإ َّا َهؤالء َاْد ُُّ ْتامتُُهْم م ْ ُك ّل َ ني ْس ارتم َل ُمكاًَِِ، unto the priest. Or, in the stead of these, she shall ََِ ذتهم واَّد ستهم لي توِا ت ُّبكا ر ال مصر م ، هوم bring the Lord two turtle-doves, or two young َ ْ ُُ ْ َ ْ ُُ ْ َ ً َ ْ ْ ْ َ َْ َ .pigeons; and the priest shall make propitiation for her

َِرْب ُ ُك َّل بْ ر َي ُّر ض مصر م َ النا س ختّن ال هاتم. اال For they are an offering given unto Me from among َ ْ َ َ َ all the sons of Israel; instead of the first-born of the

ُ الَتل ُّي، ُاُّدو ُس ْس ارتمل. Egyptians have I taken them unto Me and sanctified them for Myself, on the day that I smote every first- born in the land of Egypt from man to beast, saith the Most High God, the Holy One of Israel. The Second Passage ْ !Deacon: Wisdom الش ّماس: ال ِحكمة! Reader: The Reading from the prophecy of Isaiah. القارئ: ا ارءِ م ن وء ِ ُّععياء الن ي)6:1-12(. ْ ُ َ ْ َ ّ (6:1-12) الش ّماس: ِلنُ ْصغِ! !Deacon: Let us attend Reader: It came to pass in the year which King ئ القار : َوَخَد َث َي ال َسَنِ التي ما َ َمها الَمل ُ ُتاّ ا، ُّّني ,Uzziah died that I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne َُّره الَّرَّ، ا لساً تلن تر ا تا ل رفي ع، وال م مملوء م high and lifted up, and the house was full of His ْ ُ َْ َ َْ ُ َ ْ ْ glory. About Him stood the Seraphim; each one had ا َّ six wings; with twain they covered their faces, and َم ْجدع. والسا ارفيُم ااتموَ َخْوَل ُ ، ست ُِ َُّ ْ ن َاِ ل ُك ّل واخد، بإْثَنْم with twain they covered their feet, and with twain

َي ْستُروَا و وَهُهْم، و بإْثَنْم َي ْستُروَا َُّْرُ َلُهْم، و بإْثَنْم َيامروا. :they did fly. And one cried unto another, and said وكاا يصرخ الوا خد ناو اآل ر و َول: ادوس، ادوس، Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth; the whole earth is َ َ ْ ُ ُ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ُّ ُّ full of His glory. And the posts of the door moved at ُّ the voice of them that cried, and the house was filled ُاّدو س َرُّ، الصبِو ، األْر ُض ُكلها َم ْملوءِ م ْ َم ْجدع. َُرََت ْ َ with smoke. Then said I: Woe is me! For I am pricked

َتتََب ُِ البا، م ْ ََْو َُ ار هْم، وا ْمتَ َ الَ ْم ُ ُن اناً. ََُْل ُ : ,to the heart; for being a man, and having unclean lips و ل لي )ََد وت ( ألني وُّنا نساا ن نس الوفتم ، وسا ك I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; and َ ََْ َ ْ ُ ّ ْ َ ُ َ ََْ with mine eyes I have seen the King, the Lord of Sabaoth. And one of the Seraphim was sent unto me, َ ْم َ َعْت َنن َس ال ّوفاع، َاْد َُّرْه ُ المل َ َرَّ، ال ُجنون بَتْمَن َّي. َ having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken

َاُْرس َل َل َّي َُّ َخُد السا ارفيم وَي َهدع َ ْمَرِ ، َُّ َ َذها بمْلَط م َ with the tongs from off the altar; and he touched my mouth and said: Behold, this hath touched thy lips, الَمْذَب ح ، وَم َّس َمي، واا َل: ها َّا َهذع َاْد َم َّس ْ َعَفتَْي َ ،

10 and will take away thine iniquities, and will purge thy

َتُا ُل ْثُم َ وتُ َاّهُرَك م ْ َ ااياك. َوَسمْت ُ ََْو َ الَّرّ، sins. And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom يَول: م ُُّر سل، وم هن َا ل لن هذا ال َّوت ؟ ََْل : shall I send, and who will go to this people? Then said َ ُ َ ْ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َْ ُ َ ْ َُ ُ I: Here am I; send me. And He said: Go, and tell this َّ ا people: Ye shall hear indeed, but understand not; and ها َءَنذا. ََا َل: اْن َال ْ َوُا ْل لهذا الوْت "ت َ ْسَمتوَ َسماتاً وال see indeed, but perceive not. For the heart of this َّ تَْفَهموَا، َوتَْن ُ روَا َن َ اًر وال تُْبصروا. َإ َّا َاْل َ هذا الوْت people is become gross, and their ears are dull of اد غُل َظ، ثَل سمت ، وُُّغ مة تمون ؛ لئّال هب صر بتمني ، hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they see َْ َ َُ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ُ َ ُْ ََْْ with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and

وَ ْسَمع بُُِ َنْي ، وَ ْفَهم بََْلب ، وَ ْر ع ََِ ْعفي . ََُْل ُ : لن َمتن يا understand with their heart, and convert, and I heal them. Then said I: Lord, how long? And He

َرُّ،؟ ََا َل: لن ُّ ْا تَصمَر الُمُد ُا ْرَب ًِ ب َْمر ساك ، وال ُمو ُ answered: Until the cities be made desolate, having no بَم ر نسا ا، وتمسي األرض اربا مَ ف ار، و َصي البور، inhabitant, and the houses having no man, and the َْ ْ َ ُْ ْ ُ َ ً ُْ ً ُْ ُ َ َ َ land be left desolate. And after this the Lord shall والذه َ ُيستَْبَوَا تلن األر ض َهتَكاثَروا. remove men far away, and the remnant who are left in ْ .the land shall be multiplied The Third Passage ْ !Deacon: Wisdom الش ّماس: ال ِحكمة! Reader: The Reading from the prophecy of Isaiah. القارئ: ا ارءِ م ْ ُن وءِ ُّ ْععياء الن ي. 19-21 ,16 ,12 ,3-5َ ,19:1 َ (19-21 ,16 ,12 ,3-5 ,19:1) Deacon: Let us attend! .) ( الش ّماس: ِلنُ ْصغِ! Reader: Behold, the Lord shall sit upon a swift cloud, القاااارئ: هيييو ا اليييَّرُّ، ار كييي تلييين سيييااب ِ فيفيييِ، فييييِتي لييين َ َ َ َ ً ََ َ and shall come into Egypt; and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His presence, and their heart shall مصيييير، َتَتََْالييييَال ُّوثيييياا مصيييير ميييي ْ و هيييي ، وتَييييذو، ُالييييوبهم، َ ُ ْ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َُ ْ faint within them. And their spirit shall be troubled

وتَ ْة َارُ، ُّروا َخُهْم َي نوا لهْم، وَُُّ يّدُن َمويوَرتُهْم وُّْنَي ُع م ْصير within them; and I will destroy their counsel; and the ليين ُّهييدس سييان ِ اسييا ِ. هييذا مييا يَوليي رُّ، الصييبِو . و ويير، ,Egyptians will I give over into the hand of cruel lords َ ُ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ saith the Lord of Sabaoth. And the Egyptians shall

المصرّ وَا م ْ ماء عاء خ الَب ْا ر، ُّّما الَّنْهيُر ََمْن ُةي ُ وَ جي ُّ ، drink the water that is by the sea, and the river shall fail and be dried up. Thus saith the Lord: Where now هييذا مييا يَوُليي ُ الييَّرُّ،. ُّْهيي َ ُخ َكميياؤك لَيَولييوا َليي مييا اتتََمييَر َرُّ، are thy wise men? and let them tell thee, and let them ال َّصبِو تلن مص ر ؟ َيي لي الميوم، ي يوا ال مصير وا مْثيل say what the Lord of Sabaoth hath purposed upon ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ ّ َ َ Egypt. In that day the Egyptians shall be like unto

الّنسييياء، َيييي َ يييوف و رْتيييَدِ مييي ْ تجييياع َهيييد َرّ، ال َّصيييبِو التيييي women, in fear and in trembling at the presence of the هرَتهيييا تليييم هم. َيييي لييي الميييوم، يكيييوا ميييذبح للييير ، َيييي يييال ن hand of the Lord of Sabaoth, which He shall bring ََْ ُ ََ ْ َ َ َ ُ َ َْ ْ َّ ّ upon them. And there shall be an altar to the Lord in the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to المصيير م َ ، وُنصيي بجانيي تُ ْخمهييا لْلييَّرّ،، َفَيكييوُا َتالميي ِ ليين ْ َ ْ َ the Lord. And it shall be for a sign unto the Lord

األَ د لْلَّرّ، َي الن م ْصر، ألَّنُهْم َي ْصُر وَا لن الَّرّ،، َُمْرس ُل forever in the land of Egypt; for they shall cry unto َلهييم نسيياناً يخّ لصييهم. و كييوا الييَّرُّ، مت روَيياً تنييد ال مصيي ر م ، the Lord, and He shall send them a man that shall save ُ ْ ْ ُ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ,them. And the Lord shall be known to the Egyptians

وَ ْتيييي ر ُف الم ْصييييرّ وَا الييييَّرَّ، َييييي ليييي َ الَمييييوم، وُ ََييييّدموَا َ ي َايييي ًِ ,and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day ا ا and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall وُاْرباناً، وَ ْنُذروَ لْلَّرّ، ُنذو اًر و وَوَ ها. .vow vows unto the Lord, and fulfill them THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION الشماس: لنَل ميتنا م ك ل ن فو سنا و م ك ل ن ي ا تنا ل ن َل . Deacon: Let us say with our whole soul, and with our َُ ْ ُ ُ ُ ّ ُ ْ ُ ّ ّ َُ ْ .whole mind, let us say

11 Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. الشماس: ُُّّهها الَّ رُّ، الةاب ُط الك ل ل آبا تنا، ن ْاُل من ,Deacon: O Lord Almighty, the God of our Fathers ّ ُ َ ُ ْ َ .we pray thee: hearken and have mercy

َاستج ْ واْرَخم. Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. الشماس: ا رخ منا يا ب ت ي م رخ م ت ، ن ْاُل من َاس ت ج Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ .Great Mercy, we pray thee, hearken and have mercy واْرَخم. Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: وُّيةاً ن ْا ُل م ُّ ل المسيامم الا س ني العبان ِ Deacon: Again we pray for all pious and Orthodox َ ُ ْ ْ َ َ َ ّ .Christians األ ُْ رثوُ ْك سمم . Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: َوأَي ًضا نَطلُ ُب ِم ْن أَج ِل أَبينا و ِم ت ْروبوليتنا )فالن(، و Deacon: Again we pray for our father and وأسقُ ِفنا )فالن(. .(.Metropolitan N., (and for our Bishop N Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: وَُّيةاً ن ْاُل م َُّ ل وتنا الك ه ن ِ والوما م س ِ ,Deacon: Again we pray for our brethren: the priests َ ْ َ ُ ْ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ hieromonks, deacons, hierodeacons and monastics

وال ُّرْه باا وال اره با ، وُك ّل ْ َ وتنا َي المسيح. .and all our brotherhood in Christ Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: وُّيةاً ن ْا ُل م ُّ ل الَّ رخ م ِ والايا ِ وال َّس الم ,Deacon: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace َ ُ ْ ْ ْ َ health, salvation and visitation and pardon and

والتافيِ وال َخ الص ل َت مد )ُّسماء(، وَ مي ع الَم سيامّم َ ,[remission of sins for the servants of God, [Names الا س ني ال ع بان ِ األ ُ رثوُ ك سمم السا كنم والم و ونه َي ه ذ ع and) all Orthodox Christians of true worship, who live َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َْ َ َ .and dwell in this community

الَم دهنِ، والُم ْج ت َم تم َ َي هذع ال َك نيسِ الُم ََّدسِ ، واَْ ت َانهْم ،

وُم ساَم َاتهْم ، وُغ ْف ارا َ اايا ُه ْم . Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوق : يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: وَُّيةاً ن ْاُل م َُّ ل الم َا َّوبم الدات مي ال ّذك ر ، -Deacon: Again we pray for the blessed and ever َ ْ َ ُ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ memorable founders of this holy church and for (the

الذه َتَّمروا هذا الَه ْي َك َل الُم ََ َّدس، وم ْ َُّ ْ ل َ مي ع الُمْن ت ََ لم َ departed servants of God, [Names], and) all our م آبا تنا وإ و تنا األ ُ رثوُ ك س مم ال ارا ده ههنا وَي ك ل مكاا. fathers and brethren, the Orthodox departed this life ْ ْ َ ْ ْ ّ َ َ َ ُ ُ ّ َ before us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الشماس: وَُّيةاً ن ْاُل م َُّ ل الذه يَ دموا األثمار Deacon: Again we pray for those who bear fruit and َ ْ َ ُ ْ ْ َ َُّ َ َ ,do good works in this holy and all-venerable temple والذه ي صنتوا اتخ ساا َي ه ذا اله ي ك ل الم َ َّد س الك ل ي َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َْ َ َُ ُّ ّ those who serve and those who sing, and for all the الواا ر، والذه ه ت ت وا و ر تلوا في ، و م ُّ ل هذا الوت people here present, who await Thy great and rich َ َْ َ َ َُّ َ ْ ْ ْ .mercy


الواا ، الُم ْن ت َ ر م ْ َلُدْن َ الَّرخَم َِ ال َ ن َّي َِ الُت ْ من. Choir: Lord, have mercy. (thrice) الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. )ثالثا( الكاهن : ألن ل رخ يم وم ا ٌّ لْلبو ر ، وَل نر سل المجد َُُّّهها Priest: For thou art a merciful God and lovest َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ ُْ ُ َ ْ َ mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory: to the اآل ُ،، وات ُ ، والُّروُ الَُُد ُس، اآل َا وُك َّل ُّوا ا، وإلن َنه ر Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now الداهر . .and ever, and unto ages of ages الجوقة: آمم . .Choir: Amen THE EVENING PRAYER الجوق : َُّ هلنا يا رُّ، ُّا نافظ َي هذا الم سا ء بَم ر امئ ِ. People: Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this evening ّْ َ ْ ُ َْ َ َ َ َ َ without sin. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our

مبار ك ُّن َ يا رُّ، ل َ آباتنا، ومسبَّ ح ومم َّج د اسم َ لن األَ د ، fathers, and praised and glorified is Thy Name ُ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ,forever. Amen. Let Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord

آمم . لتَ ُك ْ يا َرُّ، َرْخَمتُ َ َت َل ْم نا، َكمْثل اتّكالنا َت َل ْي . ُمباَر ك even as we have set our hope on Thee. Blessed art ُّن يا ر، ت لم ني وَاياك. مبارك ُّن يا س مد َ همني Thou, O Lord; teach me Thy statutes. Blessed art َ َ ُّ ّ ْ َ ُ َ َ َ ُّ َ ّ ْ .Thou, O Master; make me to understand Thy statutes

خَُوَا . مبار ك ُّن َ يا ُاُّدوس َُّنرني بتْدل . يا رُّ، رخمتُ َ Blessed art Thou, O Holy One; enlighten me with Thy ُ ُ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ statutes. Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever. O

لن األَ د، َوَت ْ َُّتمال َهَدي َ ال تُْترض. َل َ َهنبَي المديح، despise not the works of Thy hands. To Thee ل هلم التس يح، ل ي ج الم ج د، ُّهها اآل، واال والرو belongeth worship, to Thee belongeth praise, to Thee َ َ ُ ّ َ َ ُ َ ْ ُّ ُ ُ ُّ ُ belongeth glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to الَُُدس، اآلا وُك َّل َُّوا ا، وإلن َنه ر الّداهر ، آمم . .the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages َ .Amen THE LITANY OF SUPPLICATION الشماس: لنك مل ءل تنا المساتيِ للَّر، . Deacon: Let us complete our evening prayer unto ُ َ ّ ْ ََْ ْ ّ .the Lord Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. الشماس: ُُّتةد و لص وارخم واخف نا يا ُّهلل نت م ت . Deacon: Help us; save us; have mercy on us; and ُ ْ ّ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ .keep us, O God, by Thy grace Choir: Lord, have mercy. الجوقة: يا َرُّ، اْرَخم. الشماس: ُّا ي وا م ساؤنا كُّل كا مال م ََّد سا سال مي ا و بال ,Deacon: That the whole evening may be perfect ْ َ َ ُ ُ ً َُ ً ًّ .holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask of the Lord

َ امئِ ، الَّ رَّ، َن سَِل. Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا َ رّ، . الشماس: م الك س ال م مر عدا ، ُّممنا ، خا َ ا نفوسنا وُّ ساننا، Deacon: An angel of peace, a faithful guide, a َ َ َ ُ ً ً ً ُ َ ْ َ guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask of the الَّ رَّ، َن سَِل. .Lord Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا َ رّ، . الشماس: مساماِ اايانا وغف ارا زال تنا، الَّ رَّ، ن سَِل. Deacon: Pardon and remission of our sins and ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ّ َ .transgressions, let us ask of the Lord

13 Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا رّ، . الشماس: الصالاا والموا ََا ل ن فو سنا والس الم ل ل تال م ، الَّ رَّ، Deacon: All things good and profitable for our souls َّ ُ ُ َّ َ ْ َ .and peace for the world, let us ask of the Lord َن سَِل. Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا رّ، . الشماس: ُّا نت مم بقي َِّ زما ا خ يا تنا ب س ال م وت وب ِ ، الَّ رَّ، Deacon: That we may complete the remaining time of ْ َُ َ َ َ َ َ َْ َ our life in peace and repentance, let us ask of the َن سَِل. .Lord Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا رّ، . الشماس: ُّا ت كوا ُّوا ر خ يا تنا م سياَّيِ ، سالمَّيِ ، ال خ ا ا ,Deacon: A Christian ending to our life, painless ْ َ َ ُ َ َ ً ً ُ blameless, peaceful; and a good defense before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ, let us ask of the Lord. وال ْا س، وَ واباً َخ َسناً َل دى منَ ر الَم سي ح المرهو،، َن ْس َِل. Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: استَج ْ يا رّ، . الشماس: بتد ك رنا الكّ لَّي َِ الَداس ِ، الاا هرِ، الفا تَ َِ ال ركا ، ,Deacon: Calling to remembrance our all-holy َ ْ َ َ ََ َ ََ immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady

الَمجمدَِ، سّمَدتَنا والدَِ اتل الداتَم َِ ال تولَيِ َمْرَ َم م َع مي ع ,Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints الَ ديسم ، لنو نِ ُّنفسنا وبتةنا بتةاً وك َّل خيا تنا للمسي ح let us commend ourselves and each other, and all our ّ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ ُ .life unto Christ our God اتل . Choir: Grant this, O Lord. الجوقة: َل َ يا َرّ،. الكاهن: ألَّن ل َا لح وما ٌّ للبو ر، ول ن ر سل المجد، ,Priest: For thou art a good God and lovest mankind َ َْ َ َ ُْ ُ ْ َ and unto Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to ُّهها اآل، واال ُ والروُ الَُدس، اآل َا وك َّل ُّوا ا، وإلن نه ر the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and ُ ُ .unto ages of ages الَّدا هر . الجوق: آمم . .Choir: Amen THE PEACE Priest: Peace be to all. الكاهن: ال َّس الُم ل َج ميتُ م. Choir: And to thy spirit. . الجوقة: ول روخ َ ُّيةا ً Deacon: Let us bow our heads unto the Lord.

الشماس: لَن ْا ُ رؤوَس نا للَّ ر،. Choir: To Thee, O Lord. الجوقة: َل َ يا َرّ،. ● All bow their heads as the priest says the following prayer: Priest: O Lord our God, who didst bow the heavens الكاهن: ُُّّهها الَّ رُّ، لهنا، يا م ْ ءِءَِ ال َّس ماوا ونَال ُ َ َ and come down for the salvation of mankind: Look

ل َخ ال ص ْن س الَب َو ر، ُُّن ُ ْر لن ت مد َك وإلن مم ارث ، َإ َّا ,upon thy servants and thine inheritance; for unto thee the fearful Judge who yet lovest mankind, have thy ت مَد َك اد َخَنوا ُرُؤوَسُهْم وُّ ْ َةُتوا ُّ ْت ناَاهم ل َ ، ُُّّهها الَاِي servants bowed their heads and submissively inclined their necks, awaiting not help from men but entreating الَم هم ُ الُم ا ُّ الَب َو ر، غمَر ُمْن ت َ ر َ الَم توَن َِ م َ الَب َو ر، َ ْل

14 thy mercy and looking confidently for thy salvation.

ُمْن ت َ ر َ َ رْخ َمتَ َ وُم ت ََ وّاتم َ َ ال ََ . َا ْخ َف ْ ُهْم َي ُك ّل خم ، Guard them at all times, both during this present وَي هذا الم سا ء الاا ِ ر ، واللم ل المَْ ل ، م صونم م ك ل ,evening and in the approaching night, from every foe َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ّ from all adverse powers of the devil and from vain َ ت ل م ةا ن ع ياان ي ، و م األَكا ر البا ء ل ِ والهوا س الور رِ. .thoughts and from evil imaginations ْ ُ ّ َ ّ َ َ ّ Priest: Blessed and glorified be the might of thy الكاهن: ليُ ْ ت ُّا مْل ك مبا ركاً وم م َّجداً، ُُّّهها اآل، واال ُ َ ُ َ ُ َ ُ ُ kingdom: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

والروُ الَُد ُس، اآل َا وك َّل ُّوا ا، وإلن نه ر الَّداهر . .Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages

الجوق: آمين. .Choir: Amen

 If your parish will offer “The Service of the Litia and Artoklasia,” it is performed here. THE FOR THE PRESENTATION IN TONE SEVEN ا Adorn thy chamber, O Zion, and receive Christ the َ زّ ني ْد َ رك يا َ ْه َم ْ وُ ، وت َََ َّ لي الَم سي َح الَم ل . َاَاي King. Welcome Mary the heavenly gate; for she hath appeared as a cherubic throne; she carrieth the King َم ْ رَ م ، البا َ، ال َّس ما وَّس ، أل َّا هذع َظ َه َ رْ َت ْ رعاً عاروبيم ّي ا ً، َ of glory. Verily, the Virgin is a cloud of light carrying َ هي ت ا م ل م ل الم ج د. َّا ال تول هي س ااب ِ نو ر ، ت ا م ل َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ْ ُ ,in her body the Son Who is before the morning star

بال َج َسد االْ َ الكات َ َا ْ َل َك ْ وَك ال ُّص ْب ح ، الذس َل َّما َخَمَل ُ Whom Simeon carrying in his arms proclaimed to the َّ nations as the Lord of life and death, and the Savior of س ْم تا ُا َت لن ارَع ْي ، َك َ رَز ب ل ْل ُو تو، بِن ُ َس ّمُد ال َا ياِ .our souls

َ والَم ْ و ، َ وُم َخ ّل ُص التاَل م. : اآل َن َ Verse 1. Lord, now lettest thou Thy servant depart in استي ُخن1 ُّ ْءل ْ ت َدكَ ُّهُّها ال َّسمّدُ تلن خَ َس اَ ْول َ peace, according to Thy word; for mine eyes have

ب َسال م، أل َّا تَمْنَ َّي اَْد َُّبْ َص َرتا َ ال ََ َ الذس ُّتَْدْنتَ ُ ُّمامَ ُكلّ .seen Thy salvation ُّ He that riseth from the Father before eternity, and in الوتو، . these last days from a Virgin’s womb, hath been َّ carried to the Temple by His spouseless Mother; and َّا الو ا رَق م َ اآل، َا ْ َل األَزل، وَي آ ر األْ ز م َن ِ م ْ Him Who laid down the law in the Mount of Sinai, she م س ت ون ِ تو ل ي، ا د خ م ل ت لن اله ي ك ل األُم التي ل م ت ت رف ُ ْ َْ َ َ ّ َْ َ ََْ ُ َْ َ ُّ َْ َْ ْ offereth to the righteous old priest, to whom it was َّ َّ revealed that he should behold the Lord Christ obeying َ زوا ا ً. والواِ ع الو ر َت َِ َي ءو ر سمنا، َا َّد م ْت ُ ل ْل كاه الو ْي خ َ َ the ceremonies of the law. And when Simeon received َّ الصّده الُمْ وَخ ن َل ْي ُّن ُ ُي تاه ُ الَم سي َح الَّ رَّ، ، اِ تاً ل ُ رسوم -Him in his arms, he rejoiced, crying: This is God co َّ .eternal with the Father, and the Deliverer of our souls الو ر َت ِ. ََ لَّما ت ََََّ َل ُ س ْم تا ُا َت لن ارَع ْي ، اْ ت ََه َ هات فا ً: َّا َه ذا

ُه َو اتل ُ الُم ساوس ل آل، َي األ ََ زل َّي ِ ، والُم ْن َ ُذ ُن فوَس نا. Verse 2. A light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory : استي ُخن 2 نو ارً ال ْستتْالا األُمَ م، ومَ ْجداً ل َو ْعب َ ْس ارتمل. .of Thy people Israel

َّا ال ارك َ َت لن َم ْرَكبا الواروبيم ، والُم َس ب َّ َح ت َسا ي ح The Theotokos carried in her arms Him Who rideth in the chariots of the cherubim, and is praised with the ال ّس ارافيم، َاْد َخ َم َل ْت ُ وال َد ِ ُ اتل َت لن ار َت ْم ها، ُم ت َ َج ّس دا ً م ْن ها songs of the seraphim, incarnate of her who knew no ا َّ ,spouse. And she delivered Him Who gave the law نوَ ُّ َ ْا ت َْتر َف زوا ا ً. وَنَ َت الُم ْت اي الو ر َت َِ ، ُم تَّم ماً ن اَم َّ َّ fulfilling the order of the law, into the hands of the old الو ر َت ِ ، لن َهَد ّس الكاه الو ْي خ. ََ َل ّم ا َخ َم َل هذا ال َا ياِ َ، priest, who, having carried Life sought deliverance ستمَّد ت ت َا م الا ياِ ، ااتال: اآلا ت ا ل َ ني ُُّّهها الس مد ، ل ك ي from life, saying: Now lettest thou me depart, O ْ ََ ْ ً َ َ ً ُ ْ ُ َّ ُّ َ ْ Master, that I may tell Adam that I beheld as a babe ُّ ُ ْ َر آَن َم ُّنّي ُّْب َص ْ رُ ء ْف ال ً، هَو اتل ُ َغْمُر الُم ْس ت َام ُل َا ْ َل the immutable God, Who is before eternity, and the

15 Savior of the world. األَزل، والُم َخ ّل ُص التاَلم. DOXASTICON FOR THE PRESENTATION IN TONE EIGHT Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy المجدُ لآلبِ واالب ِن وال ّروحِ القدس اآل َن وك َّل أوا ٍن وإلى ده ِر الداهرين، آمين. .Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen.

َّا ال ارك َ َت لن الواروبيم ، والُم َس ب َّ َح م َ ال ّس ارافيم، ُيََ َّدم الَم ْ وم He that rideth on the cherubim, Who is praised by the ُ َ seraphim, today is offered according to the law in the باس ال َّو ر ت ِ لن اله ي ك ل اتل ه ي . َ م ت َّ كخ تلن ارت ي َ َ َ َْ َ َ ّ ََ ُ َ divine Temple, lying in the arms of an old man, and receives from Joseph offerings becoming God, two ال َّو ي خ ، و ت ََ َّ ل م هوس َا ار م الت ََ ًِ با َّ هلل، َكاو ي ي مام ، ْ َ ََ ُ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ pairs of turtle doves, the undefiled Church and the الك نيس ِ الاا ه رِ وال َّو ت الم ن ت خ دهدا م األُم م ، وَ ر ي َ َ َ ََ ْ َ َُْ َ َ َ ً َ َ َ َ َ ْ people chosen anew from the Gentiles, and two pairs خ مام بما َُّّن رتيس الت ه د الَدي م والته د الجدهد. ُّما س م تاا ، of pigeons, since He is the head of the Old and New َ ُ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ َّ ْ ُ Covenants. But Simeon, having received the meaning

ََ َل َّما ت َََّ ل غاَي َِ اَل وْخ ي الذس ُّوخي لي ، باَ رَك الَ تول م ْ رَ م ، of revelation which was made unto him, blessed the َ ْ َ َ َ َ Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, foretelling and pointing

وال َد ِ َ اتل ، َ وَس َ َ َ ِ ْ َ َر ُموم اًر َت ْ آالم الَم ولون مْن ها. ,to the sufferings of Him Who was born of her َاستمَّد من الت ت ، هات فاً: اآلا ت ْا ل َ ني، ُُّّه ها ال َّس م د ، ك ما seeking deliverance from Him and crying: Now lettest ْ ََ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ُ ُ ُّ َ thou me depart, O Master, as Thou didst go before َس َب َْ َ َ َ وَت ْد ت َني، ألن ّي َاْد ُّْب َص ْ رت ُ َ ُُّّه ها النوُر الذس َا ْ َل and promise me; for I have beheld Thee, O Light َّ before eternity, the Lord and Savior of the Christian األَزل، والَّ رُّ، الُم َخ ّل ُص الو ْت َ الَم سياي. .people THE HYMN OF ST. SIMEON THE GOD-RECEIVER Choir: Lord, now lettest thou Thy servant depart in ق الجو : اآل َا ُّ ْءل ت َد َك ُُّّهها ال َّس ّمُد تلن َخ َس َا ْ ول َ peace, according to Thy word; for mine eyes have ب س الم ، أل َّا ت م ن ي ا د ُّ َب ص رتا الَ الذس َُّت دنت ُّ َمام ك ل seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before َ ََْ َّ َْ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َْ ْ َ ُ َ ُ ّ the face of all people, a light to lighten the Gentiles ُّ .and the glory of Thy people Israel الو تو، ، نو اًر ال ْس ت ْت الا األ َُم م، وَم ْجداً ل َو ْع ب َ ْس راتمل. THE TRISAGION PRAYERS People: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: الشعب: ُاّدو س ُ، ُاّدو س الَوس، ُاّدو س الذس ال يمو ُ ، (have mercy on us. (thrice ارَخ ْمنا. )ثالثاً( Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

الَمجُد لآل، واال والرو الَُُدس، اآل َا وك َّل ُّواا وإلن نهر .Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. الداهر َ . آمم . All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us ُُّّهها الثالو ُث الَدو ُس، ارخ ْمنا. يا رُّ، ا ْغُفْر َ اايانا. يا سّمد from our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy َّ تَجاوْز َت ْ َسّمئاتنا. يا ُاّدو ُس اءل ْع وا ْع ُّ ْم ار َِنا، م ْ َُّ ْ ل God visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name’s sake. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have ا ْسم َ . يا رُّ، اْرَخم، يا رُّ، اْرَخم، يا رُّ، اْرَخ م. .mercy Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy

الَم جُد لآل، واال ي واليرو الَُيُد س، اآل َا وكي َّل ُّواا وإلين نهير .Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. الداهر َ . آمم . Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name;

ُّبانا الذس َي السماوا ، لمتََّدس اسُم َ ، ليِ َم َل كوتُي ، ليتَ ُك ْ thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and

16 forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who

مومَئتُ َ َكَميا َيي السيماء كيذل َ تلين األرض ، ُ ْ َانيا ال َجيْوَهرس ,trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. ُّ ْتاَنيييا الميييوَم، واْتيييُر ْك َلَنيييا ميييا تَلْمنيييا، كميييا َن تيييُرُك َن ْاييي ُ لَمييي ْ َلنيييا

َتَلْي ، وال تُْد ْلَنا َي ت َ ْج ربِ، لك َن ّجَنا م َ الور ر. Priest: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and الكاهن: أل َّا َل َ الُم ْل َ ، والَُ َّ وِ َ، والَم ْج َد، ُُّّهها اآل ُ، وات ُ the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. والروُ الَُُد ُس، اآل َا وك َّل ُّوا ا وإلن نه ر الداهر . الجوقة: آمم . .Choir: Amen FOR THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN TONE ONE Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace, for from ق َْ َ رخي يا وال َد َِ اتل الَتذ ارَء، الُم ْم َت ل ئ َِ ن ْت َم ًِ ، أل َّا م ْن ُّ َ ْع َ رَ thee arose the Sun of justice, Christ our God, lighting ع م س الت د ل الم سيح لهنا، م نم اًر ل لذه َي ال َّ الم. سَّر those who are in darkness. Rejoice and be glad, O َ ْ ُ َْ َ ُ ُ ُ َ ُ righteous elder, carrying in thine arms the Deliverer َّ واْ ت َه ْ ُّن َ ُُّّه ها الو ْي ُخ الص ّ ده ُ ، خام الً تلن ارَع ْي َ الُم ْت ت َ .of our souls, Who granteth us Resurrection (THRICE) ُن فوَس نا، والمان َح َلنا القياَمِ. )ثالثاً( THE DISMISSAL Deacon: Wisdom!

الش َّماس: خ ْ َم ِ . )َوف ّي ا( Choir: Father Bless! الجوق: با ر ْك يا ُّ ّ، . Priest: Christ our God, the Existing One, is blessed,

الكاهن: الَمسي ُح َلُهنا هو الُمباَرك، ُك َّل خم ، اآل َا َوُك َّل َُّواا .always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages

َوإلن َنهر الّداهر َ آمم . Choir: Amen. Preserve, O God, the holy Orthodox ق َّ الجو : آمم . لُمَو ّءد الَّرُّ، اتَل ُ اتيما َا ال ُمََد َس الََو َم، يما َا .faith and all Orthodox Christians, unto ages of ages Amen. ال َمسياّمم َ ال َا َسني العباَنِ األرثو كسّمم ، َم َع َهذع ال َكني َسِ َّ ُّ ال ُمََد َسِ َوَهذع ال َمدهَنِ، لن ََُّ د الدهور، آمم . Priest: Most holy Theotokos, save us. الكاهن: ُّ ََّهتُها الفات ُ ُاد ُسها والَدُِ اتَل َ ّلصمنا. Choir: More honorable than the Cherubim, and more الجوق: يا م هي َُّكرم م الواروبيم، وَُّرَع مجدا بَم ر َ َ َ ُ َ ّ َ َ ُ َ ً َ glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, thou قيا س م السا ارفيم، التي ال َسا ن، وَلد ك لم َِ ، خًَّا َّن who without corruption bearest God the Word and art َ ّ َ َ َ َ َ َ .truly Theotokos: we magnify thee

والَدُِ اتَل ، ّياك ُنَت ّ م. Priest: Glory to thee, O Christ our God and our Hope, الكاهن: الَم ْج ُد َل َ ُُّّهها المسي ُح اتل ُ ، يا ر ا َءنا، الَم ْج ُد َل َ . .glory to thee Choir: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the ق الجو : الَم ْج ُد ل آل،، واال ، والرو الَُ ُد س، اآل َا وُك َّل ُّواا .Holy Spirit; both now and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. Lord, have mercy (thrice). Father, bless. وإلن َن ْه ر الد اه ر َ ، آمم . يا رُّ، ارَخْم . )ثالثا( بار ْك يا ُّ ّ، .

17 Priest: May He Who deigned to be carried in the arms الكاهن: ُُّّهها الَمسي ُح لُهنا، يا َم ْ اْرتَةن ُّ ْا ُي ْاَم َل تلن of Simeon the Righteous for our salvation, Christ our ارتي سمتاا الصده م َُّ ل ال َنا، بو فات ِ وا لد ِ اتل -true God, through the intercessions of His all َ ْ ْ َ ّ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ immaculate and all-blameless holy Mother; by the الداتَمِ الَ تولَّيِ َمْرَ م؛ وبََُّوِ ال َّصلم ال َكر م الُم ْامي؛ وباْلبا might of the Precious and Life-giving Cross; by the

الَّديسم َ الم َكَّرمم َ التانمي األ ْ سان؛ وتَ َةُّرتا الَّن ي protection of the honorable Bodiless Powers of ُ ّ Heaven; at the supplication of the honorable, glorious

الَمجمد ال َّسا هوَخنا الَمْتَمداا؛ والَّديسم َ الَمجمده َ الُّرُسل ,Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John; of the holy ُّ ,glorious and all-laudable apostles; of the holy ال َجدهر َ بُ ّل مدي ح؛ والَّديسم َ المجمده َ الوهداء ال َاسني َ َ َ َ َ glorious and right-victorious Martyrs; of our َّ ال َفر؛ وآباتنا األْ ارر الُمتََوّعام َ باهلل؛ والَّديس)يِ(.... venerable and God-bearing Fathers; of Saint N., the

َعفي ع)يِ( َهذع ال َكنيسِ المَََّدسِ؛ والَّديسْم الصّديَْم هواكيم patron and protector of this holy community; of the َ ُ َ ّ ُ َ holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and َّ وَخن َِ َ َّد ّس الَمسي ح اتل ، و مي ع اّديسي َ ، ْرَخ ْمنا وَ ّل ْصنا Anna, and of all the saints: have mercy on us and save َّ .us, forasmuch as He is good and loveth mankind بما ُّن َ َال ح وُما ٌّ لْلَب َور. Priest: Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord

الكاهن: ب َص َل وا آباتنا الَ ّد يسم َ ، ُُّّهها الَّ رُّ، َي سوُِ الَم سي ُح Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us and save us. لُهنا ارَخ ْمنا وَ ّل ْصنا. Choir: Amen. الجوق: آمم .

These texts have been prepared by the Department of Liturgics of the Antiochian Archdiocese Portions of the Archdiocesan Service Texts include texts from The , The Great , The , The , and The of the Seventy, which are Copyright © Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, Massachusetts, and are used with permission. All rights reserved. These works may not be further reproduced, beyond printing out a single copy for personal non-commercial use, without the prior written authorization of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.