804 CHU PRIVATE 1\ESIDENTS. [DEVONSHIRE. • • Church Will. 31 Belmont rd.Ilfracmb Clarke Edward F. 0. Penera, Halber- Clerk Rev. Hy. Thompson A.K.C.L., Churches Edwd. C. Fore st. Salcombe ton road, Tiverton R.N. El din, RoUe road, Ex mouth Churchill Rev. Reginald, .,;Rectory, Olarke Edward Revely, Woodchurch Cleveland Misses, Little place, Old Berrynarbor house, Crapstone. Yelverton Mill road, Ohelston, Torquay Churchill Mrs. Barline, Beer Clarke Frank M.A. Grammar school, Oleverdon Charles Henry, Hartland Chnrchill James Ernest, Highfield, Crediton _ Cliff Thos. Geo.75 Windsor rd.Torqy Berry Head road, Brixham Clarke G. A., B.A. Grammar school, Clifford of Ohudleigh Lord, Ug- Ohurchill M;rs. Ohaltaboro, Abbots- Crediton _ brooke, Chudleigh · ham, ' Clark:a George Thomas, 19 Palace av. Clifford Hon. Chas. Ugbrooke, Chudlgh Churchill SI. 3 Totnes rd.Newtn.!.bbt Paignton Cli1'focd Cornelius James, 74 Abbots. Ohurchward Charles F. Hill house, Clarke H. W. Summerhill, Youngs bury road:, Newton Abbot Stoke Gabriel, Totnes park, Pa.ignton Clifford Mrs. The Chymes, Exton, Churchward Fredk. J.P. Hill house, Clarke Henry. Vine ter. Kingsbridge Exeter Stoke Gabriel, Totnes Clarke Henry Hamilton, The- Rectory, Clift George, Romsdal, South town, Churchward George Dundas·, Noss, Whimple, Exeter Dartmouth Kingswear, Dartmouth Clarke Henry M. Summerhill,Bound- Clift Miss, Oakla.nds, Vicarage hill, Churchward George Gould,_ Anedey, ham road, Paignton Dartmouth Buckeridge road, Teignmonth Clarke J. Indwe, Avenue rd. Torquay Clifton of Ratbmore Lord, Ca.tor crt. Churchward Miss, Hatherleigh, Alta Clarke James Dimble, High close, St. Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Ashburton Vista road, Paignton Brannock's park, Ilfracombe Clinnick William Hen.,ry, Collingwood, Churchward Misses, Elmfield,Hather- Clarke John Were J.P. Bridwell, Uff- Parade, Ohudleigh leigh culme, Cullompton . Clinton Lord D .L., J .P. He anton Churchward Mrs. Highworth, St Clarke Miss, 52 St. Peter st. Tiverton Satchville.. Huisb, Dolton & Bicton Andrew's road, Paignton Clarke Miss, Tadema, St. Mary #house, Budleigb Salterton ; & Churchwar4 Robt. Edred, Hill side, Church road, Torquay Fettercairn, Scotland & Carlton Buckfastleigh Clarke Miss, Ward mi11, Winkleigh club, London .S W r Churston Rt. Hon. Dow. Lady, Clarke Misses, 1 street, Clinton-Baddeley Mrs. Wai:roa, Sta- Churston court, Churston Ferrers Sonth Molton ~ion road, Budleigh Salterton Churton Miss, 4 Courtenay road, ~larke Misses, Park cottage, Walnut Clist John, Mountlands, Hemyock Newton Abbot road, Chelston, Torquay Clode Charles Henry, Mapleton, St. Chute Francis John, 24 Glouceste:r Olarke Misses, St. Mary's, Salcombe Luke's road north, Torquay road, Newton Abbot Regis, Sidmouth Clogg Richard J.P. Home Place, Circuitt Rev. Richard Wm. Perry Clarke Mrs. ro Abbey crescent, Tor· Combe Martin Th.Assoc.K.C.L. Vicarage, Brixhm bay road, Torquay ' .Clough Capt. E. Culver ho.Cbt!dleigh Oitw~n B. Kohima, Cliff rd. Paignton Olarke Mrs. 6 Ohambereombe Park Clough Miss, Thorp Stapleton, Clack }[rs. Gordon lodge, Chudleigh ter. Chambercombe pk. Ilfracomba :Asheldon road, Ilsham; Torquay Clake G.Woodview, Staverton, Totnes Olarke Mrs. Killerton, Lower Erith Clough Mrs. 7 Barton terrace,Dawlish Clake Mrs. Beeches, Arcot rd.Sidmth road, Torquay Cloughton ,A.llan, Parsonage · style, Clapin Be~. Alfred Charles M.A. 24 Clarke Mrs.2 Seymonr rd. Newtn.Abbt Lyrupstone, Exeter _ Morton crescent, Exmouth Clarke Mrs. The Bungalow, Dttery Clov,er . Nelson, Redclyffe, Che1ston Clapp Edwd. 3 Blundells cres. Tivrtn St. Mary , · road, Che1ston, Torquay Clapp Francis W. Merledene,Hartley Clarke Mrs. 6 Windsor sq. Exmouth Clue William Russell, ·Mount view, road, Exmouth . ~larke Mrs. Mary Jane, 21 Chamber- Tamerton Foliot, Crown Hill Cla.pp Mrs. go Exeter rd. Exmouth combe road, Ilfracombe Olunn Rev. John Gwyther, Rectory, Clapp Robed;, Downside, Whitchurch, Clarke Reginald, Glen-Yr-Afon, E.x- Romansleigh, South Molton ton, Exeter Clutsom Frederick Rich- Date, Rosen· Olapperton Rd. P.Uplands, Ivybridge Clarke W~llington, Belle Vue, Sheb- heim, Lodge estate, Tiverton Clark. Col. Pa~ T •.4 Chollacott park, ~e::tr, H1~hampton . Clntton Herbert, Oldecourt, Higher Wh1tchnr.ch, Tav1stock Olarke W1lberforce, Barellly, Green- Lincombe road, rforquay Ola.rk Capt. Wm. Brent_ B.N. Fosse, way roa~,. Torqu~y . Ooach William H. Over Stowey, Daw- Rnssell av.Compton G1fford,Plymtb Olarke Wllham, 1I1ll VIew, Lapford, lish road Tei.gnmouth Clark Rev. Charles Francis ~.A. Morchard. ~ishop Coachafer Rev. Hy. JDhn M.A., LL.B. Camb. Rectory, Dunterton,Tav1stck Olarke Wllham Jenner M.R.C.S. Rectory, North Huish, South Brent Cla.rk Rev. Edward Travers M.A. 20 Southe-rnhay, Cranford av.Exmouth Goad Mrs. Chez-nous, Salcombe Keyberry park, Newton Abbot Clar1f:.son James, Ashley priors, Coad Mrs. Woollahra, Mortehoe Clark Rev. Hugh Bernard M.A, The Ma1dencombe,St.Mary Cburch,Torqy Coaker Misses Westerland Dad- Parsonage, Honiton Clyst, Exeter Classey Rev. Hampden Garibaldi, brooke King~bridge ' · ClarkArcl;bld.N.Moorcroft,Bridestowe Norman's Grn: Plymtree,Cullomptn Coaker Mrs. Maria, Old Newnham, Clark G~ea.thfield ho.Bovey Tracey Clatworthy Charles James, 15 Glo~- Plympton St Mary Clark George E.Willoughby,Sidmouth caster road,.Newton Abb?t '. Coates Lieut.~Col. Henry w. u., Clark. Hent;Y:, . Pore~ house, Wes-t Clay Laurence, South hillt Kmgs- D.S.O. Hooe manor, Hooe,Plvmouth • :A.lVIngton, Kmgsbndge kers~ell, Newton .Abbot Coates Mrs. Sea Lawn ho. Dawlish ()lark Horace Cradock. .Karra~een, ncc.~llay MMl_ss, BTaggy VtleWE,l w ooladcEombeth Coates Mrs. Staward, Salcombe Bolberry, Marlboro', Krngsbndge ay 1ss, renan , wyn r . xm Rern~ Sidmo th Cfark J_G.8 Keyberry rd. Newtn.Abbt Clay Robert Hogarth M.D. Wembury C t'"'~ 'M Wu H d H I t · d H · h w b oa es rs. . owar , o e own, Vlar k J · H. I Su~mer1 an P1 · omtn oase, em ury Sampford Spiney, Horra.bridge Clark James, 7 H1gh street, Totnes Claydon Mrs.. Claydon, Tarraway rd. C th J W D N t Abb t Clark James, Sunnyside, Newton Preston, Pa1gnton Coak nJ. h·39T evbon lsqd. ewpn.l h 0 0 0 F errers, Plymou th Clayfield-Ireland Mrs: · Dowrich house ' oaroad er Paigntonn, en Y ge, o s am Clark Joseph George, Moorcrest, Sandford, Cred1ton · • • Manaton, Moretonhampstead Clayton i. A. Com.tenay ho.Salcombe goa~s J}~es, sen.:J""e ~ Dow~ Cla.rk Miss, Oolyford • Olea! Rev. William James, Spring- O'a s 0 n, II ~ ar1 oroug road, Clark Miss, 7a, High street, Totnes haven, Shirburn road, Torquay Ilfracombe Clark Mrs. Bussell house, Plymstock, Cleave John J.P. Southfi.eld, Crediton Cobb Anthony B. Hound Tor, York Plymouth Jlela.nd Richard Brown, ·Vale cote, road, Babbacombe, Torquay Clark Mrs Springfield ;ruckenhay Strete Dartmouth Cobbett Frank, Redde Hutte, West Totnes · ' ' Clement James Westerland house hill, Budleigh Salterton