The Use of Multiple Stops in Works for Solo Violin by Johann Paul Von
THE USE OF MULTIPLE STOPS IN WORKS FOR SOLO VIOLIN BY JOHANN PAUL VON WESTHOFF (1656-1705) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO GERMAN POLYPHONIC WRITING FOR A SINGLE INSTRUMENT Beixi Gao, B.M., M.M. Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May 2017 APPROVED: Julia Bushkova, Major Professor Paul Leenhouts, Committee Member Susan Dubois, Committee Member Benjamin Brand, Director of Graduate Studies in the College of Music John W. Richmond, Dean of the College of Music Victor Prybutok, Vice Provost of the Toulouse Graduate School Gao, Beixi. The Use of Multiple Stops in Works for Solo Violin by Johann Paul Von Westhoff (1656-1705) and Its Relationship to German Polyphonic Writing for a Single Instrument. Doctor of Musical Arts (Performance), May 2017, 32 pp., 19 musical examples, bibliography, 46 titles. Johann Paul von Westhoff's (1656-1705) solo violin works, consisting of Suite pour le violon sans basse continue published in 1683 and Six Suites for Violin Solo in 1696, feature extensive use of multiple stops, which represents a German polyphonic style of the seventeenth- century instrumental music. However, the Six Suites had escaped the public's attention for nearly three hundred years until its rediscovery by the musicologist Peter Várnai in the late twentieth century. This project focuses on polyphonic writing featured in the solo violin works by von Westhoff. In order to fully understand the stylistic traits of this less well-known collection, a brief summary of the composer, Johann Paul Westhoff, and an overview of the historical background of his time is included in this document.
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