America Is Ruled by Only 59
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twelve*pages PRICE W R E E CENTS TOL. XUV., NO. 275. (Classified Advertising on ?age 10) SOUTH MANCPESTI»;^€0]^ -rrr* AMERICA IS RULED ROUTES AND^TOPS OF THE AIR :D i^ Y BY ONLY 59 MEN «$> <S' y LONG SKIRT IS BRINGING Fonner Ambassador Gerard THE WALTZ BACK AGAIN Half Dozen More Prominent New York, Aug. 21—(AP) — Gives List of U. S. Rulers; The return of the waltz to popu lar favor is predicted by Thomas Englishmen T hou^t Also M. Sheehy, of Chicago, president England Excited Over His of the Dancing Masters of Amer ica. Lost Off die Coraish Coast; Addressing the organiza Views on the Tariff. tion’s convention, he said the long Woman and Child AlsO Be skirt and the popularity of so^t, Washington, Aug. 21.—(AP)—rf scale. Secretary Mellon said -today crooning melodies were responsi it was too early to begin talking New York, Aug. 21.—A para ble. “It is a return of grace Treasury officials see little pros wdth an definiteness about the tax lieved to Have Been graph written by James W. Gerard, and dignity to the ballroom that pects of maintaining for next year situation. former United States Ambassador is on the way,” he said. the reduction of one per cent in in The Treasury secretary said no Aboard; Identity of Those to CJermany, and which appeared in come taxes which was allowed this estimate would be made about the a pamphlet written and published year as an emergency measure by fhture at this time. It was indi Congress. cated he agreed with the Treasury in Party is Not Yet Known by him in England recently, has pro Congressional action would be experts that the general business duced a sensation here and in Eng NEED 2 0 MILLIONS necessary to extend the emergency situation just now .does not" warrant land through its amplification yes reduction over .another year. Un hope for extending the emergency to Officials. terday by Mr. Gerard. less action is taken at the short ses reduction over another year. i The pamphlet in question endors No action is expected to be taken TO HELP FARM ES sion beginning next December, the Fowey, Cornwall, Eng., Aug. 21. ed the crusade of Viscount Rother- tax rates enacted in 1928 woiild ap by the Treasury in the formulation mere and Lord Beaverbrcwk for | ply on next year’s taxes. of the tax policy for next year un —(AP.)—Commodore Henry Doug Empire free trade and British high While the outlook is not regard til shortly before the December ses las King, Conservative Member of protection against the rest of the This Will be Loaned to Those Chicago, ^ u g . 21.—(AP)—^The highways of the sky were dotted today with airplanes speeding Ch cago ed as hopeful for the lower tax sion of Congn^ess convenes. Parliament, brilliant soldier and ” world. The paragraph which has ward for the National air races. stirred up all the excitement con From the west, south and east—the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts—contest derbies forced from one-time aide-de-camp to King tains this statement: in Drought Areas, Board overnight stops. Other planes bore the “Who’s'Who”' of American aviation. , . j j George was believed to have met Rulers of U. S. “The Red Rippers,” the Fifth Fighting squadron from the U. S. S. Aircraft Lexington, were headed to death with probably half a dozen “Give the forty men who rule the ward the contest field at the Curtiss Glenview airport from an overnight stop in Kaaaa City. ^ others abo8crd toe 22-ton motor United States ten years for the de Decides. By rail came the foreign invasion, escorted by Ueut. A1 Williams, former Nwy racing ace. The Eu TERROR OF POISON GAS yacht Islander wrecked here in toe velopment of this industrial empire ropean contingent included Lieut. Commander L. R. A tcherly of England, Marcel Dorct of France, Capt. Fritz night. (the British Commonwealth) and Lohse of Germany, Marshal Pietro Colombo of Italy. One woman, two children and a no country on earth could approach Washington, Aug. 21.— (AP.)— Senator Hiram Bingham, president of the National Aeronautic Association, was due today with other GREATLY EXAGGERATED well known naval surgeon were be it in per capita wealth.” Seeking early definition of the fi eissociatioi? officials. ' lieved aboard toe vessel when it In the pamphlet Mr. Gerard did nancial program involved in the went to pieces after going on too rocks of the Cornwsdl coast at not list the “forty men who rule the drought relief organization. Presi United States. But asked here who FINDS WHATISIT 1 Lantlvet Bay. Definite knowledge of they were he added 19 names and dent Hoover will confer next Tues Estimated Tlat 10,000 Tons I makeup of toe yachting party supplied a list of 59. “These uien day with the banking representa BAR ASSOCIATION IN PENNSY W^UODo j Stni was lacking this evening. That are too busy to run for political ot- tives of the state relief committee. FIVE PLANK HOP OFF Commodore King changed his mind of Bombs Woidd be Neces about inviting some fellow mem fice," he said, “but their influence, A calljfor this conference at the Has Head of Cat, Hops lake financial, industrial .and semi-pohti- White House went to the drought BAdtS REFEENDUM bers of Paudiament was believed. cal, deterp^es the men who shah states late yesterday. FROM sary to Suffocate Resi Rabbit and Tail of a R at- This apparently spared their lives, go into office.” Meanwhile following the channels Naturalists Are Puzzled.. since all on board toe Islander were The U st through which Mr. Hoover directed lost, according to lifeguards, who The list as supplied by Mr. Ger the 1927 Mississippi flood relief, Morts of Dry Lawyers to dents of New York City. Pittsburgh, Aug. 21.—(AP) battled desperately in darkness un ard, is as follows: plans went forward today for estab —A Frick’s Woods attendant der toe 265-foot cliff where toe Several Thousand Watch who si^denly swore off parties tragedy was. enacted, in efforts to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. lishment of state or local credit op Wiiliamstown, Mass., Aug. 21.— Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of erations to arrange loans to farm Defeat Move is Defeated and night life went back into rescue some of those aboard. the Treasury. ers throughout intermediate banks Start of Race to Chicago (AP.)—The terrors of aircraft acti toe underbrush today to look Heard Woman Scream J. P. Morgan. where local banks are unable or un vities in discussing future wars are for a litter of cats toat look When a lifeline finsdly was shot PROBE or COURTS by a Vote of Five to One. like rabbits—or rabbits toat George F. Baker, chairman of thfe willing to carry the financial load. sometimes over-estimated, Edward across toe yacht toere seemed no board, First National Bank of New Maximum Interest in National Air Derby; Al> look like cats. body on toe craft to catch i t Dar York. - ^ ^ ^ P. Warner, former assistant secre Meanwhile naturalists . and ing Coast ^Guardsmen, lowered from The maximum interest which the Chicago, Aug. 21 — (AP)— On others crowded about the home John D. Ryan, president. Anacon credit corporation would be permit tary of the Navy for aeronautics, toe brink of toe rock, said they da Mining Company. ’ bany First Stop. New^ York Governor Asks beipg'carried to the.iloor of toe 8m- of -Charles F. Obaker, who took heard a woman scream in a cabin. ted to charge farmers under the told toe Institute of Politics today. charge of toe animal found in Walter C. Teagle, president, tentative plan proposed at the first nual. meetiiig of toe^American Bar The record of experience, so far The Guardsmen- could not con Standard Oil Company of New Jer toe woods by toe attendant, trive to get abosurd too distressed meeting of the national drought Hartford, Aug. 21—(AP)— Five I That All Inferior Courts in Assoclatitml- toe .effort'of dry mem as experience exists, “is of more sey. and studied the .cat—or, rabbit— vessel. • committee yesterday would be 0 planes left Brainard Field this- bers to biocA the referendum on the V8tlue than speculations on toe .as it played with spools, Henry Ford. per cent. This is two per cent more frlgbtfulness of future aerial war Late today • police reported toe Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser, mil- morning on their first lap of the j repeal of •the Eighteenth amend threads, or rubber balls, or sat bodies of two.young children .bad than the interest charged by the ment* submitted to toe niembers of fare,” he siaid. He recalled toat on its haunches. intermediate credit banks to which mens’ 100 horsepower Atlantic j Great Britain had been warned of been washed ashore. near the scene (Continued on Page Three.) the- aMociatipif last' ppring bv the It has a head of a cat, except of the wreck. At that time toe au- the loans would be turned over. Derby while, seyeraleyeral thousand pw-peo- ji _ executive committed was defeated diSitertrous air attack^ two years be- that its ears are uprigKt; it hops Under present plans loans 'would pie looked oh. The first- . stop. of- ' A^]^gE^rN.l'y,.^ ' Au^^ ini' by some . tore' too'laai-and that her de like *e?rbbbilc-^d its tail is like t||OZitie8ta^ressed toe fear thajt the ■htr granted farm era'^n eSi^^aecvaii^ fli^t-w as BMtdele just befoparbefor# no<mTih-inwmTintQt^erno r ^ itahrhahtnrii ^;CRKHmSBa5erS‘«tenaffi toe'eon- fenses proved more effective , than that of a rat.