Diabetes Volume 63, October 2014 3557

Deimante Simaite,1,2 Julia Kofent,3 Maolian Gong,1,2 Franz Rüschendorf,2 Shiqi Jia,4 Pamela Arn,5 Kristi Bentler,6 Carolyn Ellaway,7 Peter Kühnen,8 Georg F. Hoffmann,9 Nenad Blau,9,10 Francesca M. Spagnoli,3 Norbert Hübner,2 and Klemens Raile1

Recessive in PCBD1 Cause a New Type of Early-Onset Diabetes

Diabetes 2014;63:3557–3564 | DOI: 10.2337/db13-1784 /GENOMES/PROTEOMICS/METABOLOMICS

Mutations in several cause nonautoimmune di- This condition responds to and can be treated with oral abetes, but numerous patients still have unclear genetic drugs instead of insulin, which is important clinical informa- defects, hampering our understanding of the develop- tion for these patients. Finally, patients at risk can be ment of the disease and preventing pathogenesis- detected through a newborn screening for phenylketonuria. oriented treatment. We used whole-genome sequencing with linkage analysis to study a consanguineous family with early-onset antibody-negative diabetes and identi- Diabetes is classified into type 1 diabetes (T1D) caused by fied a novel deletion in PCBD1 (pterin-4 a-carbinolamine autoimmune b-cell destruction; type 2 diabetes (T2D), dehydratase/dimerization of hepatocyte nuclear caused by relative insulin deficiency in face of insulin re- a factor 1 ), a that was recently proposed as a likely sistance; gestational diabetes mellitus; and other specific cause of diabetes. A subsequent reevaluation of patients types, including monogenic diabetes (1). T2D is a poly- with mild neonatal hyperphenylalaninemia due to muta- genic disease with over 60 susceptibility loci and numer- tions in PCBD1 from the BIODEF database identified ous risk variants colocated with genes, causing monogenic three additional patients who had developed HNF1A-like diabetes (2). Monogenic diabetes is defined by neonatal, diabetes in puberty, indicating early b-cell failure. We found that Pcbd1 is expressed in the developing pancreas childhood, or a postpubertal age of onset, variable clinical of both mouse and embryos from early specifi- presentation, a lack of autoimmunity, and acanthosis nig- cation onward showing colocalization with insulin. Impor- ricans as well as uncommon obesity and ketoacidosis ; tantly, a -mediated knockdown in Xenopus outside the neonatal period. It affects 1% of diabetic revealed that pcbd1 activity is required for the proper es- patients (1,3). Interestingly, monogenic cases are often tablishment of early pancreatic fate within the endoderm. accompanied by endogenous insulin production and lack We provide the first genetic evidence that PCBD1 muta- of insulin resistance. Heterozygous GCK, HNF1A, and tions can cause early-onset nonautoimmune diabetes with HNF4A mutations are the most common cause, although features similar to dominantly inherited HNF1A-diabetes. more than 20 other genes have been described (3,4).

1Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Charité Medical Faculty and Max- 9Division of Inborn Metabolic Diseases, Department of General Pediatrics, Uni- Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany versity Children’s Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany 2Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular 10Division of , University Children’s Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland Medicine, Berlin, Germany Corresponding author: Klemens Raile, [email protected]. 3Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Basis of Embryonic Development, Max- Received 21 November 2013 and accepted 5 May 2014. Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany 4Department of Neuroscience, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, This article contains Supplementary Data online at http://diabetes Berlin, Germany .diabetesjournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.2337/db13-1784/-/DC1. 5Division of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Nemours Children’sClinic, N.H. and K.R. contributed equally as senior authors. Jacksonville, FL © 2014 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as 6Division of Pediatric Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, Uni- long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the versity of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital, Minneapolis, MN work is not altered. 7Western Sydney Genetics Program, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia 8Institute for Experimental Pediatric Endocrinology, Charité Medical Faculty, Ber- lin, Germany 3558 PCBD1 Mutations Cause Diabetes Diabetes Volume 63, October 2014

However, the disease-causing variants in numerous fam- nuclear factor 1 a (DCoH) (5), for further analysis. Our ilies remain obscure. Identifying novel genes would pro- decision was based on the strong expression of PCBD1 in vide insights into pathogenesis and suggest new treatment pancreatic islets (T1DBase and ref. 6), mouse pancreatic strategies for rare monogenic diabetes as well as common progenitors (7), and its interaction with HNF1A and polygenic T1D and T2D. HNF1B transcription factors, essential for proper pancre- atic b-cell function (5,8,9). Moreover, PCBD1 lay within the RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS suggestive linkage region (Fig. 1C) and was the only gene We sought to identify additional genes by combining linkage containing a frameshift deletion. Subsequently, we vali- analysis with the whole-genome sequencing of a consanguin- dated the deletion in all diabetic members of family 1 by eous family 1 (Fig. 1A and Table 1) with nonautoimmune Sanger sequencing (Fig. 1B), using exon-intron spanning diabetes and no pathogenic mutations in HNF1A, HNF1B, primers (Supplementary Table 1). HNF4A, INS, ABCC8,orKCNJ11 genes. Our institutional review boards approved the studies and written consent RESULTS was obtained from the participants or their guardians. PCBD1 is a bifunctional protein that acts as an in To pinpoint suggestive linkage regions, we performed the regeneration of cofactor (BH4) a haplotype mapping and parametric linkage analysis of (10), crucial for the function of aromatic amino acid seven members of family 1 (Fig. 1A, red borders) using hydroxylases, and as a dimerization cofactor of transcrip- HumanCytoSNP-12 v2.1 BeadChip (Illumina) and Merlin tion factors HNF1A and HNF1B (5), which are important software, assuming recessive inheritance, complete pene- in liver and pancreas development and function. The en- trance, and a disease allele frequency of 0.001. We zymatic function of PCBD1 is defective in newborns with obtained 24 genomic regions with positive logarithm of mild transient hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) and high odds (LOD) scores, including 13 regions on 10 chromo- urinary levels of primapterin caused by recessive muta- somes with maximal LOD score of 1.3 (Supplementary tions (11,12). Recently, a PCBD1 defect was suggested to Fig. 1). We next performed a whole-genome sequencing cause hypomagnesemia and diabetes (13). The novel ho- of five individuals from family 1 (Fig. 1A, asterisks) on the mozygous deletion c.46del in family 1 results in a premature Complete Genomics platform (Mountain View, CA). The stop codon p.[(Lys16Cys*5)];[(Lys16Cys*5)] that abolishes Complete Genomics pipeline was used for read mapping the –binding and enzymatic functions and allele calling. On average, both alleles were called for of PCBD1 (Fig. 1G). ;96% genomic and ;98% exonic positions, whereas ;97% As III-2 developed diabetes in puberty, we reeval- and ;99% of the called ones were covered by at least 10 uated patients with neonatal HPA caused by PCBD1 reads, respectively (Supplementary Table 1). We found ;4 who appeared in the BIODEF database (14). Three out million small variations (small indels and single nucleotide of seven children from six families, exhibiting three polymorphisms [SNPs]) per individual genome including different biallelic PCBD1 defects of p.[(Glu87*)];[(Glu87*)], more than 23,000 variants in each exome. p.[(Glu97Lys)];[(Gln98*)], and p.[(Gln98*)];[(Gln98*)], had To distinguish relevant SNPs and small indels from already developed antibody-negative diabetes with normal other variations, we used Complete Genomics Analysis pancreatic morphology (Fig. 1D–F and Table 1). Taken Tools, ANNOVAR, and custom scripts. We first removed together, our analyses of seven independent families pro- intergenic variants and anticipated recessive inheritance vide strong genetic evidence that mutations in PCBD1 (Supplementary Fig. 2). Therefore, homozygous variants cause puberty-onset diabetes. were required to be present in index case III-2 and het- We tested the in vitro effects of a transient Pcbd1 erozygousinII-1,II-2,andI-4,butnotinI-3,whoisnot knockdown in glucose-sensitive mouse insulinoma cells related to I-4. As monogenic diabetes is uncommon, we using small interfering RNA and found no obvious defects predicted the disease-causing variant to be rare and in insulin production or glucose-stimulated insulin secre- likely not yet identified. Thus, we removed all the var- tion after an 80% inactivation of Pcbd1 (data not shown). iants present in dbSNP 137; 1000 Genomes Project; Endocrine pancreas dysfunction not only may arise from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Exome b-cell inability to produce and/or secrete insulin but also Sequencing Project; 69 sequenced individuals from Com- from impaired b-cell development, proliferation, and ad- plete Genomics; and our in-house database of non- aptation during fetal, neonatal, and pubertal age. To ad- diabetic individuals. We focused on nonsynonymous dress whether Pcbd1 controls early pancreas development variants,splicesitemutations, and small indels within and/or pancreatic b-cell fate specification, we first exam- protein-coding regions. We further selected conserved ined its expression pattern in the developing pancreas of alterations, as defined by phastCons, and variants pre- both mouse and Xenopus embryos (Supplementary Data). dicted to be deleterious by at least two tools: SIFT, In the mouse embryo, Pcbd1 transcript has been reported PolyPhen-2, or MutationTaster. This reasoning left six in the foregut endoderm, which contains liver and pan- genes (Supplementary Table 1), from which we selected creas progenitors at embryonic stage (E) 8.5, and in E10.5 PCBD1, encoding pterin-4 a-carbinolamine dehydra- liver and ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds (7). We tase also known as dimerization cofactor of hepatocyte found an abundant expression of Pcbd1 in the embryonic diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Simaite and Associates 3559

Figure 1—Mutations in PCBD1 cause early-onset diabetes. A: Pedigree of family 1 with proband III-2 having an early-onset diabetes due to homozygous p.[(L16Cfs*5)];[(L16Cfs*5)]. Three of the tested relatives (I-4, II-1, II-2) have the same heterozygous mutation and diabetes. Here and in the following panels, individuals with adolescent-onset diabetes are marked in black and with mid-adulthood–onset diabetes in gray. Red borders mark individuals used in linkage analysis and red asterisks mark individuals whose whole genome was sequenced. B: Spherograms of direct-sequenced individuals of family 1 showing the homozygous mutation in the proband III-2 and heterozygous mutation in three family members with diabetes. C: Linkage analysis of family 1 showing the PCBD1 mutation (arrow) in the 10 linkage region with expected maximal LOD score of 1.3. D: Pedigree of family 2 with proband II-1 suffering with 3560 PCBD1 Mutations Cause Diabetes Diabetes Volume 63, October 2014 pancreas at E12.5 and E14.5 (Fig. 2A–D). Interestingly, is required for the proper establishment of the pancreatic Pcbd1 accumulated in endocrine progenitors that had region in vertebrates. started to delaminate from E-cadherin–positive pancre- We examined eight patients with inherited biallelic atic epithelium and expressed insulin (Fig. 2A’ and C’). PCBD1 mutations from seven families: one case by whole- At E14.5, Pcbd1 expression was maintained in endocrine genome sequencing combined with linkage analysis, which progenitors and was visible throughout the pancreatic identified a novel deletion in the PCBD1 gene and seven epithelium (Fig. 2D). To analyze if this pcbd1 expression cases by recalling the patients from the BIODEF database pattern was conserved in Xenopus endoderm, we per- (14). Interestingly, two diabetic patients (family 1, III-2 formed reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT- and family 3, II-2) had normal phenylalanine levels, sug- qPCR) on microdissected endoderm cells. Fate map gesting that the enzymatic function of PCBD1 had been experiments in Xenopus have previously shown that pan- compensated for by PCBD2, as has been proposed for creatic progenitors arise from anterior endoderm (AE), mouse (16). whereas posterior endoderm (PE) forms mainly intestine Insulin was the first option of treatment of PCBD1- (15). We found that pcbd1 along with the pancreatic genes diabetes, subsequently replaced by sulfonylureas or gli- and ptf1a marks future pancreatic endoderm, being nides. This brisk response to oral drugs resembles the expressed at higher levels in AE than in PE from the patients with HNF1A-diabetes (17). PCBD1-diabetes gastrula stage onward (Fig. 2E and data not shown). manifests earliest in puberty as no younger cases that The pcbd1 binding partners, and hnf1b, displayed were investigated were diabetic (Table 1). Remarkably, similar expression profiles, whereas the close homolog mid-adulthood–onset T2D developed in four out of seven pcbd2 was almost absent from AE cells (Fig. 2E). Further- families (families 1, 3, 4, and 6; Table 1 and Supplementary more, an in situ hybridization in Xenopus embryos showed Table 1). We confirmed heterozygous PCBD1 defects in pcbd1 expression in pancreatic rudiments, overlapping affected individuals of families 1 and 3. Therefore, it is with the expression pattern of insulin (Fig. 2F–I). Overall, likely that monoallelic variants in PCBD1 increase the these results indicate that Pcbd1 is expressed in the de- risk of T2D, as has been shown for other monogenic di- veloping pancreas of both mouse and Xenopus embryos, abetes genes (2). Moreover, it is suggestive that PCBD1 suggesting a potential evolutionarily conserved function. mutations increase T2D susceptibility specifically when Pcbd1 knockout mouse showed mild glucose intoler- combined with other risk factors such as excess weight ance (16), although no pancreas-specific function had andage.Thisisimpliedbythefactthatonlyoverweight/ yet been assigned to Pcbd1. To determine if Pcbd1 influ- obese heterozygotes developed T2D, whereas none of those ences early pancreas fate specification, we undertook with a normal BMI did (Supplementary Table 1). Further- a loss-of-function approach in Xenopus. A specific mor- more, the two overweight/obese parents who did not de- pholino oligonucleotide (pcbd1-MO) was designed to velop diabetes were 32 and 34 years old and thus had not block pcbd1 pre-mRNA splicing. The injection of pcbd1- yet reached the age of the onset of diabetes in the other MO into AE cells of the eight-cell stage Xenopus embryos heterozygotes. resulted in a dose-dependent downregulation of pcbd1 mRNA (Fig. 3A and data not shown), accompanied by DISCUSSION a significant reduction in the expression of pancreatic We investigated two major mechanisms of diabetes: the progenitor genes pdx1, ptf1a, , and insulin (Fig. 3A). production and secretion of insulin in insulinoma cells Moreover, hnf1a and hnf1b and the hnf1 target gene fi- and the early regulation of pancreatic and b-cell specifi- brinogen were downregulated upon pcbd1-MO injection, cation in vertebrates. As PCBD1 has been described to whereas pcbd2 mRNA levels remained unchanged (data enhance HNF1A activity on some promoters (5), we ex- not shown). In situ hybridization of pcbd1-MO injected amined whether a transient inactivation of PCBD1 decreases Xenopus embryos corroborated these observations, show- insulin production and secretion in vitro, but failed to see ing a strong reduction or complete loss of ptf1a expres- any relevant effect (data not shown). Previous studies sion in both dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds, but not in have shown that Pcbd1 is abundantly expressed through- the eye and hindbrain (Fig. 3B–D”). Taken together, these out embryonic development in both Xenopus and mam- results indicate that pcbd1 activity within the endoderm malian embryos (18,19). Interestingly, we found that

adolescent-onset diabetes and carrying a compound heterozygous mutation p.[(E97K)];[(Q98*)]. Both parents who possess one diseased allele are healthy. E: Pedigree of family 3 with both children bearing the biallelic p.[(E87*)];[(E87*)] mutation. Only II-2 has developed adolescent-onset diabetes so far. The father, a heterozygous mutation carrier, developed diabetes later in life, whereas the mother is healthy. F: Pedigree of family 4. The proband II-1, possessing a homozygous p.[(Q98*)];[(Q98*)] mutation, developed diabetes early in life. His heterozygous parents are healthy. G: Location of known disease-causing mutations in PCBD1 cDNA and protein. Mutations marked in red manifested as puberty-onset diabetes. Arrow marks the mutation first identified in our study. Blue lines show the positions of His62, His63, and His80 residues present in the active center of PCBD1 enzyme. 3561

Table 1—Clinical characteristics of patients with biallelic PCBD1 mutations Patient No. ECRC 7, BIODEF§ 319, BIODEF 344, BIODEF 273, BIODEF 272, BIODEF 329, BIODEF 701, BIODEF 620, Family 1, III-2 Family 2, II-1 Family 3, II-2 Family 3, II-1 Family 4, II-1 Family 5 Family 6 Family 7 Sex Female Female Female Male Male Male Female Female Present age, years 20 17 21 20 20 18 1 4 Simaite and Associates Ethnicity Turkish Caucasian Ashkenazi Ashkenazi Caucasian Turkish Caucasian Caucasian Jewish Jewish Consanguinity Yes No No No No Yes No No Nucleotide aberration^ c.[(46del)]; c.[(289G.A)]; c.[(259G.T)]; c.[(259G.T)]; c.[(292C.T)]; c.[(79G.T;263G.A)]; c.[(292C.T)]; c.[(292C.T)]; [(46del)] [(292C.T)] [(259G.T)] [(259G.T)] [(292C.T)] [(79G.T;263G.A)] [(292C.T)] [(213_215del)] Protein alteration p.[(Leu16Cysfs*5)]; p.[(Glu97Lys)]; p.[(Glu87*)]; p.[(Glu87*)]; p.[(Gln98*)]; p.[(Glu27*;Asp88Gln)]; p.[(Gln98*)]; p.[(Asn71del)]; [(Leu16Cysfs*5)] [(Gln98*)] [(Glu87*)] [(Glu87*)] [(Gln98*)] [(Glu27*;Asp88Gln)] [(Gln98*)] [(Gln98*)] Variation identification† Novel (CM981485); rs104894172 rs104894172 rs121913015 CM981482; rs121913015 rs121913015 rs121913015 (CM930575) (CM930575) (CM981486) rs115117837 (CM981486) (CM981486); (CM981486) (CM981484) Novel Diabetes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Onset, years 14 15 12 — 18 ——— Symptoms Glucosuria, Polyuria, Glucosuria — Polyuria, ——— polyuria polydipsia polydipsia IBGL, mg/dL 275 270 262 — 414 — 69 89 Initial BMI, (z-score) 23.4 (+2.1) 20.2 (+0.4) 21.3 (+1.4) — 20.1 (20.4) 26.3 (+0.9) 16.5 (+0.1) 17.3 (+1.1) Initial HbA1c , % (mmol/mol) 7.8 (62) 6.5 (48) ,6.1 (43) — 14.6 (136) 4.9 (30) 4.3 (23) 4.9 (30) b-Cell autoantibodies Negative Negative Negative N.D. Negative N.D. N.D. N.D. Pancreas morphology‡ Normal N.D. N.D. N.D. Normal Normal N.D. N.D. Treatment Insulin, Insulin, Insulin, — Insulin, ——— meglitinide sulfonylurea sulfonylurea, sulfonylurea lifestyle Family history Father, mother, Both parents Mother healthy, Mother healthy, Both parents Both parents Both parents Both parents and maternal healthy father T2D, father T2D, healthy, maternal healthy healthy, maternal healthy grandmother T2D obesity obesity grandparents T2D grandfather T2D HPA status No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Reference Unpublished 10, 12 11 11 11, 12 10, 12 Unpublished Unpublished ECRC, Experimental and Clinical Research Center; HPA, hyperphenylalaninemia during neonatal period; IBGL, initial blood glucose levels; N.D., not done. ^Positions refer to Consensus CDS database accession number 31217.1. RefSeq number for human PCBD1 mRNA is NM_000281.2. †dbSNP and/or Human Gene Mutation Database (in brackets) database accession numbers. ‡Determined by abdominal ultrasound. §BIODEF database. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org 3562 PCBD1 Mutations Cause Diabetes Diabetes Volume 63, October 2014

Figure 2—Pcbd1 in mouse and Xenopus embryonic pancreas. A–D: Immunofluorescence analysis of Pcbd1, Pdx1, Insulin (Ins), and E-cadherin (E-cad) on E12.5 (A, C) and E14.5 (B, D) in 10-mm cryosections of mouse pancreas epithelium. Dashed boxes indicate delaminating endocrine cells, which displayed strong nuclear and cytoplasmic Pcbd1 expression and coexpressed Ins (C’ and D)or Pdx1 (A’ and B). Bar, 50 mm. E: PE and AE explants were dissected at early gastrula stage, cultured until indicated stages, and assayed for expression of the indicated genes by RT-qPCR analysis. At all stages analyzed, pcbd1 expression mirrored that of AE markers, such as , hnf1a, and hnf1b, and of pancreatic transcription factors, such as pdx1 and ptf1a. Data were normalized to that of ornithine decarboxylase 1 (ODC) and represented as fold changes compared with PE sample (set to 1). Error bars represent 6 SD. P values were calculated using Student t test: ns = P > 0.05, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. F–I: Whole-mount in situ hybridization for pcbd1 in Xenopus embryos and dissected gut (performed as described previously [25]). Pcbd1 transcript was detected in dorsal pancreas (G, I), overlapping with insulin-expression domain (F, H). dp, dorsal pancreas; lv, liver; pa, pancreas, pn, pronephros. Bar, 1 mm.

PCBD1 is expressed in mouse pancreatic progenitors (7) these findings suggest an early role of pcbd1 in establish- and delaminating endocrine cells from very early stages ing the pancreatic progenitor pool during embryogenesis, onward (Fig. 2A–D). This spatiotemporal expression of which might lead to a reduced pancreatic b-cell mass in pcbd1 is also conserved in Xenopus embryos (Fig. 2G the adult. The human PCBD1-diabetes with and I), suggesting conserved regulatory functions. In developing insulin deficiency in the face of somatic line with this, Xenopus pcbd1 morphants exhibited a re- growth and weight gain is in line with the notion that duced expression of endodermal and pancreatic transcrip- an intrinsic program established early in development is tion factors, indicating defects in early pancreas specification. critical in determining the final size of the pancreas and is Notably, both dorsal and ventral pancreatic rudiments fail not subject to growth compensation (20). to be established in pcbd1-depleted embryos, as judged by Transcription factor HNF1B regulates early pancreatic the absence of ptf1a expression (Fig. 3B–D). Altogether, development in mouse and human and is stabilized by diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Simaite and Associates 3563

Figure 3—Pcbd1-MO knockdown in Xenopus AE explants. A: RT-qPCR analysis of pcbd1-MO-injected AE explants. Pcbd1-MO (10 ng) (Gene Tools, Philomath, OR) was injected into two vegetal dorsal blastomeres of eight-cell stage Xenopus embryos, and AE explants were dissected at gastrula stage and assayed at tadpole stage for the indicated pancreatic and hepatic genes by RT-qPCR assay. Data were normalized to that of ornithine decarboxylase 1 (ODC) and represented as fold changes compared with AE uninjected control sample (set to 1). fgn, fibrinogen, ins, insulin. Error bars represent 6 SD. P values were calculated using Student t test: ns = P > 0.05; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. B–D: Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis of ptf1a in control and pcbd1-MO-injected Xenopus embryos. B’, C’, and D’: Vibratome transverse sections through the ventral pancreatic (vp) rudiment stained for ptf1a. B’’, C’’, and D’’: Vibratome transverse sections through the dorsal pancreatic (dp) rudiment stained for ptf1a. Dashed lines indicate the cross-sectional planes. Bar, 1 mm.

PCBD1 (5,21). A lack of PCBD1 might impair the HNF1B- and signaling programs in different tissues, as shown for mediated establishment of pancreatic cell fate during HNF1A gene (24). Future studies will aim to fully under- embryogenesis. In Xenopus embryos, this hypothesis is stand how PCBD1 regulates b-cell functions and the supported by a reduced expression of hnf1b and its direct mechanisms leading to diabetes. target genes, such as fibrinogen, upon pcbd1-MO injection. In summary, we provide the first genetic evidence that However, a Pcbd1 knockout mouse shows a relatively mild PCBD1 mutations can cause early-onset monogenic diabe- phenotype compared with Xenopus pcbd1 morphant or tes. We recommend a monitoring of neonatal HPA patients human HNF1A and HNF1B loss-of-function and their relatives with PCBD1 mutations in puberty and (8,9). These differences might be due to a partial func- later in life for an occurrence of diabetes. We suggest tional redundancy between Pcbd1 and the close homolog screening HNF1A-like diabetes cases without mutations Pcbd2 in the mouse (16), which does not seem sufficient in HNF1A and HNF4A genes for recessive alterations in to prevent diabetes. In line with this, pcbd2 is expressed PCBD1, as they can be treated with oral antidiabetes at low levels in the endoderm and is almost undetectable drugs. Larger numbers of patients with PCBD1-diabetes in the pancreatic territory of Xenopus embryos (Fig. 2E). will be needed to determine how commonly insulin can Further experiments are required to dissect the mecha- be replaced with sulfonylureas, as larger studies of indi- nisms underlying the Pcbd1 loss-of-function phenotype viduals with HNF1A, KCNJ11,andABCC8 defects show and the role of Pcbd2 in its development. that this treatment is successful in most but not all the Recent observations have suggested that a gradual loss cases. of transcription factors Pdx1, Nkx6.1, and MafA, crucial for early pancreas development, leads to a destabilized adult b-cell state and an exhaustion of function, possibly Acknowledgments. The authors thank the patients and their families. The contributing to the pathogenesis of T2D (22). The HNF1 authors also thank Nadine Wittstruck, Sabine Schmidt, and Mathias Gerhard (Car- family of transcription factors also controls both aspects. diovascular and Metabolic Diseases, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany) for superb technical support; Dr. Patrick Ferreira (Division of HNF1B is required to set up the early pancreatic tran- Medical Genetics, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Canada); Dr. Roger scriptional program (21), and HNF1A maintains a proper ’ b Germann (Children s Hospital, Klinikum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany); and transcriptional network in mature -cells (23). Thus, their Dr. Johannis B.C. de Klerk (Department of Pediatrics, Sophia Children’s Hospital, binding partner PCBD1 might have different effects on Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) for supporting the BIODEF the pancreas at different time points. Finally, PCBD1 recall and providing additional family information; and Friedrich C. Luft (Experi- mutations probably cause HPA and diabetes by affecting mental and Clinical Research Center, Berlin, Germany) and Russel Hodge not one particular pathway but several genetic, metabolic, (Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine) for reviewing the manuscript. 3564 PCBD1 Mutations Cause Diabetes Diabetes Volume 63, October 2014

Funding. The Experimental and Clinical Research Center supports K.R. The 9. Yamagata K, Oda N, Kaisaki PJ, et al. Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft supported M.G. (DFG: GO 1990/1-1). F.M.S. factor-1alpha gene in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3). Nature is supported by the Helmholtz Association (VH-NG-425), ERC-2009-St. Grant 1996;384:455–458 HEPATOPANCREATIC (243045), and FP7 IRG-ENDOPANC (239534). This work 10. Citron BA, Davis MD, Milstien S, et al. Identity of 4a-carbinolamine dehy- was funded (in part) by the Helmholtz Alliance ICEMED—Imaging and Curing dratase, a component of the phenylalanine hydroxylation system, and DCoH, Environmental Metabolic Diseases, through the Initiative and Networking Fund of a transregulator of homeodomain proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1992;89: the Helmholtz Association. 11891–11894 Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article 11. 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