
Potentization The Principles & History of Gardening & Farming Beyond the “Natural Senses”

“Nowadays people know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde In order to tell the story of potentization, we must address some ideas that are foreign concepts to the collective modern materialistic worldview. Nature works on a higher order than mere physical substance. Life is more than the sum of its parts. Life has a rhythm that’s all its own that cannot be reduced to a price point. It has an order that is wild and deliberate. Operating on instinct, Nature seeks balance unconsciously. But the egolution of humanity has changed all of that. We consume more than we produce. We are immersed the greater energetic world, but we ignore it. Our ego consciousness is unique on and provides us an opportunity to manipulate our environments and dilute our instincts. We see ourselves in the mirror and make up our own minds. Think about that…what allows that separation of ability? There are different levels and a higher energetic order involved. For instance, plants are even more different still. They lack mobility, but they are intimately connected with the greater cosmic environment. Plants are well known to respond to moon and celestial rhythms. They’re more in touch with their instincts. When we get in the way contaminate the natural process, it messes with the magic of life. The methods used by life to connect and interact with other living things has been circumvented. This is the entire point of pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. This is also the danger of genetically modified organisms (GMO). Now that we have produced these mutant plants and animals, there is no turning back. It amounts to a grand experiment on ourselves.

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Just consider some of these routine food scenarios: When we create Vitamin C in a lab as ascorbic acid and call it the same thing as from an orange. It’s not. But the FDA allows orange juice companies to tell you that you’re getting your 100% daily value. Over 90% of the food grown in this country is grown with artificial fertilizers and pesticides. We are using man-made synthetic materials to try and grow living plants. Is it a wonder that food is no longer our vitamin? We pasteurize milk and juice so it will sit on a shelf when it cheapens the health value. Most in the modern world live a filtered existence. We strip the life force out of it. Our food is not alive. Name something in your diet that comes directly from a vine every day? Nature works indirectly through symbiotic relationships. There is a never ending complexity to how it all works. And there is an , or life force, that organizes and flows through the entire process. Have you ever thought about how fish school? Or how birds flock? Type in “flock of birds” in YouTube and hold on tight! How do they know where the others are going? How does a monarch butterfly travel from New England to Mexico without a roadmap? Or whales or bluefin tuna on their annual trans-global migrations. How do they do it? There aren’t any highway signs in the ocean? The truth is nobody knows exactly how these processes work. Life has a different setting than mere physical substance. Some call it a spirit, others ignore it completely. There is a method to the madness of Nature. But Nature is not black and white. Things are not always as they seem and almost nothing happens directly or in the same way every time. This idea is extremely hard for modern science to handle. Modern science tends to reduce things to a mere constituent of its parts. We rip things apart to look for the truth. And, of course, we often miss it.

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We can’t see the forest from the trees. For example, when growing and juicing wheatgrass for health, it is not one component that allows the therapeutic effect. Researchers can identify many components that are beneficial – high chlorophyll, all amino acids and elements, high enzyme count, etc. – but none of the components by itself create the results found from drinking wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is known to increase red blood cell count, lower blood pressure, stimulate the metabolism and the thyroid gland, curb obesity, restore alkalinity to the blood, detox the body, turn gray hair to its natural color, fight tumors and so much more. Again, name something in your diet that you eat that is alive directly from a vine every day? Our food lacks life force. Healing cannot occur with only components of wheatgrass juice. In fact, the therapeutic effect of the synergy of the juice has a name, the ‘grass juice factor’. In other words, the way our science is organized is not capable of measuring the healing result of consistently drinking the juice. Or, another way of looking at it is, wheatgrass juice cannot be reverse engineered. Neither can seawater, or worm castings, or compost, or any natural material that has not been adulterated by artificial man-made processing. In the same way animals respond to a higher order and awareness of their surroundings, there is a life force that can work on water and any animate material if it is in harmony with natural process. The order in which products are formulated determines the energetic value of the final product. It’s called the ‘stacking order’. There is a sequence to chemical reactions in the same way there are for energetic reactions. We pay attention to this. Nature works on substance by building up energetic resonance, creating cooperation amongst its constituents, or, potentizing the material so that it supports life. To potentize is to render the latent power in materials, to bring higher energetic order, or greater harmony and synergy, amongst ingredients. When materials are potentized they take on a greater meaning and importance to living systems. There was more experience and a stronger agreement.

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Potentization is a tool of the BioEnergetic approach to growing. Even “organic” farming lacks a synergistic wholistic approach to growing food. “Organics”, as it is defined by the USDA says nothing about the nutritional value of the food grown, only how it is grown. Big difference. The words potent and potential are both apt descriptions. It takes very little of a potentized material to create dynamic influence and the possibilities are limited only by the imagination. Nature works by potentizing. Most human process involves a destructive and explosive means of creating energy, but Mother Nature is the opposite, her methods are implosive, regenerative and upbuilding. When Nature creates something there is purpose and meaning behind every method with no wasted energy. Not so with humans. Our energy production is explosive and polluting with very low energy transfer. Most of it is lost as heat and pollution. A condensed way of looking at this is that Nature brings things together and man tears them apart. It is our responsibility to manage this unique ability. We do that by remaining conscious of natural rhythms and energies and incorporating them into our methods and products. When we potentize our products we are following Natures lead. We are utilizing the forms and procedures of Nature to bring a greater meaning to the ingredients. In addition to proprietary process we have developed over the years, we use the form of the vortex and other frequency and implosion-based processes to undertake this work. The result is products that are born of natural rhythms that cannot be created by mere mixing and agitation. This allows us an ability to use FAR less material relative to traditional fertilizers and gardening products, and get an equal if not greater result. When you use our products you are using something fundamentally unique to the garden. We take this approach with all of our products. Take Earth Tonic. When the ingredients of Earth Tonic are brought together, incredible things happen. It results in literally all Earth-bound elements. Why would Mother Nature make an element that was not needed in the garden? But we don’t simply mix the ingredients together. We undertake propriety potentization techniques that take it to an even higher level. Every step of the formulation process for Earth Tonic is undertaken with careful consideration and for deliberate reasons. For instance, we don’t merely go out to the ocean shore for the solution contained within Earth Tonic, we travel to special places in the ocean up to 80 miles out in order to harvest the living seawater contained in the product.

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We create a "mother" with this sea water that includes colloidal clay, nettles tea and the BioDynamic preparations BD500-508 that is then potentized via proprietary vortexial and inversion mixing and implosion processes before the product is formulated. Materials from one batch are carried on into the next, as well as being potentized themselves. This allows the solution to become stronger over time as the information generated from the previous batch is carried on into the next. This creates an energetic baseline in the product that cannot be accomplished when starting from scratch on each batch. Progress Earth is a collective of people and energy aimed at rectifying the human imbalance in Earth. By marrying new technologies with primal process we hope to help create an arena suitable for man, and in harmony with Nature, in order to bring balance to human endeavors. We stand on principle, not pomp and circumstance. We conduct business through education, not as a race to the bottom line. We want to build a company that people can, not only invest in, but believe in; not one that sells its soul to fall in line amongst the rigidity of economic and societal materialistic dogma. There is more to life than what is physically in front of us, and we want to tell that story. It’s not easy, but it feels better. And it is where the world is moving. We have to, as it is how the world works. We get questioned a lot about our products because they are different. It seems obvious that one would want as many microbes and elements in our gardens as possible so the living system can utilize them as tools for growth, but it’s not obvious to most people. Most people use Miracle Gro.

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To some we’re speaking a different language entirely discussing concepts like “subtle energy” or “living water”. In modern times we all come from a place of unconscious conditioning. We are trained from a very young age to toe the line of the status quo in one way or another. From our family and upbringing, by our friends, by the programs we watch on TV and even the books that we read. But most of all from the media and our education system. Our media is entertainment, not education. We’re told what Big Business wants us to know on the news, not what we need to hear to make informed decisions about the world. In our classrooms, rather than nurture the innate abilities within each of us, we take a one size fits all approach. We homogenize our minds and assume that everyone can learn in the same ways. We limit our mindstyles by making them all the same. The point is that we know not what we do. We are more powerful than we realize and we have more potential than we know what to do with. We need to put it to work. It would be easier if we stuck to the status quo and simply regurgitated the same spiels and similar gardening products already on the market, but we want to be something different. Something more valuable to people and to ourselves. The Earth Runs on Energy The Earth runs on energy. We don’t see it or feel it, but it is pulsing with energy. We see this in the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis. These are called telluric energies. Telluric means, “of or relating to the Earth”. Telluric energies are Earth energies, or Earth electricity. They run around and also within the Earth and can be harnessed if we remain conscious of them. It is even possible to make Earth batteries. One of the earliest examples of an Earth battery was built by Alexander Bain in 1841. Bain buried plates of zinc and copper in the ground about one meter apart and used the resulting voltage, of about one volt, to operate a clock.

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These energies organize themselves as ley lines. Ley lines coincide with prominent geographical and historical interests, such as ancient monuments and megaliths like Stonehenge. is the process of using these ley lines to locate precious metals or water without the use of scientific instruments, normally using ‘dowsing rods’, or simply the intuition of the dowser. These ideas are well established, but impossible to regulate. How are we supposed to tell if one is dowsing correctly without any instruments of measurement? This is why nobody take it’s seriously. People say, “You expect me to just believe you?” And they never try it. The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. The Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture between 400 and 650 AD. The hundreds of individual figures range in complexity from simple lines to stylized hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, trees, fish, sharks, orcas, flowers, llamas, and lizards. The lines are shallow designs made in the ground by removing the ubiquitous reddish pebbles and uncovering the whitish ground beneath. The largest figures are over 200 meters (660 ft) across. Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs, but in general they ascribe spiritual significance to them. Was there no reason for these curious paths across the Earth? Were the Nazca’s just walking around the desert, or were they focused on a significance beyond our modern ability to measure? There are many instances of significance put on form and geographical locations for ancient monuments. This significance has not followed us into the modern age. We have progressively become more materialistic as time goes on. There are people who saw this coming. The Pioneers These ideas are not new. In fact, they are ancient and have been utilized by human societies since time immemorial. Much longer than the 100 year experiment we are undertaking in the industrialized materialistic age that we live. BioEnergetic agriculture wraps up concepts such as paramagnetism, orgone, , BioDynamics, implosion, free energy, and more into one coherent systems approach to growing nutrient dense food. If we balance the physical, mineral, biological and energetic components of the soil then we have prepared the garden or farm to grow superfoods.

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We use these techniques in developing and formulating our products. These pioneers recognized and humbled themselves to the secrets of Nature by observing and testing natural systems, they cared more for results and the truth of the matter than about being accepted. Their time has finally come. Let us begin. Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner was a spiritual scientist. He didn’t discount modern materialism, he simply recognized it as one part of the story. He founded methods of thought in almost every facet of society, including education, art, architecture, social order, and also agriculture. He provided many books and over 6,000 lectures in his lifetime that continue to inspire those that are fortunate enough to find his work. Long before many of his contemporaries, Steiner came to the conclusion that western civilization would increasingly bring destruction to itself and the Earth if it did not begin to incorporate an objective understanding of the spiritual world and its interrelationship with the physical world. This was his life’s work. He based his epistemology on Johann Wolfgang Goethe's world view, in which “Thinking … is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. Just as the eye perceives colours and the ear sounds, so thinking perceives ideas.” In the early 1920’s Steiner was asked by farmers to deliver lectures on the topic of agriculture. It was the beginning of the industrial age and artificial fertilizers had begun to be used in farming. Some farmers got higher yields initially, but most began experiencing degeneration and disease in the animals eating what they grew in ways that they had never experienced. Not unlike what is happening to people today. He articulated the method in 1924 with a series of eight lectures on agriculture delivered at Schloss Koberwitz in Silesia, Germany, (now Kobierzyce in Poland east of Wrocław). The lectures were the first known to have been given on the idea of organic agriculture. These lectures have been put together as a book called The Agriculture Course.

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Steiner did not intend for BioDyamics to be a movement, or even a complete farming system. In fact, he didn’t even come up with the word BioDynamic. Steiner was simply offering his insights into the matter of agriculture. Nothing more. His insights just happened to be profound. A defining feature of the BioDynamic method are the BioDynamic preparations, or ‘preps’, numbered BD500-508. They are intended to restore the forces that are lost in ecosystems when our focus becomes materialistic, even when agriculture is practiced prudently. The preparations consist of mineral, plant, or animal manure extracts that are fermented in deliberate and unique ways that are then applied in small homeopathic proportions to compost, manures, the soil or directly onto plants. For instance, to make BD500 horns are filled with cow manure and buried in the Earth during the winter when the Earth is breathing in. When the Earth is breathing out in the summer the horn is filled with crushed silica to make BD501. These materials are extremely powerful. Steve Storch, inventor of the Vortex Brewer™ makes these preparations on his farm in New York. He has seen these materials perform on their promise. You wouldn’t say he drank the koolaid, as he would say, “I eat the food.” “Even on the worst chemically abused soil, I can make a difference in one year,” said Storch. “You’ll see the biology increase, you’ll start to get some soil structure back from increased microbial activity. This compost and ‘the 500’ are like biological nuclear bombs.” The compost he is referring to is Earth Compound. It is the biological inoculant (where the microbes come from) for our Vortex Brewer™ compost tea systems. It is made by hand with only the finest ingredients, born on a genuine BioEnergetic farm that has been farmed in the same family for over 350 years.

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Storch explained the theory behind the ritualistic procedures. “In creating preparations, we’re dealing with very specific biological and energetic processes,” he said. “We end up with highly concentrated preparations that combine cosmic, seasonal, animal and plant energies.” He invented the Vortex Brewer™ in 2002 with inspirations from Steiner and the work of Viktor Schauberger, Nikola Tesla, and others. In order to concentrate on the development of new ideas and products, Storch works closely with Progress Earth, using them as a distribution arm for his life’s work. Steiner instructed stirring the ‘preps’ into a water solution for an hour back and forth as a means of imbuing the water with the energies of the preparations. Acting as stimulants, the preparations are applied in small homeopathic quantities, positively affecting soil quality, compost and soil microbes, and especially, the quality of food. The method is established worldwide and an integral part of BioEnergtic agriculture. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer Dr. Pfeiffer (1899 – 1961) was a student of Rudolf Steiner’s widely known for his innovative work in composting. For many years Pfeiffer served as a compost consultant to municipal compost facilities, most notably Oakland, California, as well as countries in the Caribbean, Europe, and the Far East. Pfeiffer invented two energetic image forming methods for mapping subtle energies. One was a method using a round filter chromatography (circular chromatography or chroma test) and the other a copper chloride crystallization method. GOOD RESULTS


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The above is a circular chromatograph. The differences can be perceived by the untrained eye, but they are not replicable in a neat way like modern science likes it. It is obvious that the better results exhibit more unique and lively expression, which is consistent with nutrient density findings on corresponding tests, but the expression of this vitality is subtly different on every test. So it’s ignored. Pfeiffer felt that these two imaging methods showed the presence of life force or, as Steiner called them, “etheric formative forces “and could be used to gauge the quality or vitality in food. He understood that we must work to potentize our growing operations so as to regenerate the life force in our food. Steiner taught him this. As he recounts in the Preface to The Agriculture Course: “When I asked him (Steiner) whether the new methods should be started on an experimental basis, he replied: ‘The most important thing is to make the benefits of our agricultural preparations available to the largest possible areas over the entire earth, so that the earth may be healed and the nutritive quality of its produce improved in every respect. That should be our first objective. The experiments can come later.’ He obviously thought that the proposed methods should be applied at once.” “He had been speaking of the need for a deepening of esoteric life, and in this connection mentioned certain faults typically found in spiritual movements. I then asked, ‘How can it happen that the spiritual impulse, and especially the inner schooling, for which you are constantly providing stimulus and guidance bear so little fruit? Why do the people concerned give so little evidence of spiritual experience, in spite of all their efforts? Why, worst of all, is the will for action, for the carrying out of these spiritual impulses, so weak?’” “I was particularly anxious to get an answer to the question as to how one could build a bridge to active participation and the carrying out of spiritual intentions without being pulled off the right path by personal ambition, illusions and petty jealousies; for, these were the negative qualities Rudolf Steiner had named as the main inner hindrances.

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Then came the thought-provoking and surprising answer: ‘This is a problem of nutrition. Nutrition as it is to-day does not supply the strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from thinking to will and action. Food plants no longer contain the forces people need for this.’” Viktor Schauberger There is probably no one in the history of mankind that had a closer relationship with water than Viktor Schauberger (1885 – 1958). He was known as the “Water Wizard” and spent the majority of his younger years in the virgin woods of Austria as a forester. His connection was more than intuitive, it was direct. He saw trout hovering in moving streams, eagles honing in for the kill through a spiral descent, rocks levitating in streams, fish climbing waterfalls or scooting upstream with little effort in a swiftly moving stream, and he could immediately visualize the vortices that reinforce the fish in suspension in the stream. He could see it in a way that could be applied. This was his life’s work. Most would merely

observe in

amazement, but he went beyond awe towards discovery. His first success was commissioning a log flume that carried valuable timber out of the forest for the royal class. The conventional approach was cutting a path from the tree stand as the crow flies directly to the point of excavation. But Schauberger saw it differently. One of his most famous maxims is, “Comprehend and copy Nature.” He strived for this in all of his research and activity.

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Rather than view the landscape statically, he “listened” to the water and followed the creek beds in the design of his flume. And he utilized the special abilities in water that he learned in his time in the woods. The flume was designed in deliberate ways using rifling and vortexial craftsmanship, the water was introduced at its most dense temperature of 39.2F so that it utilized its greatest carrying capacity. He built the entire structure in a little over a year without even testing it. And it worked beautifully. Schauberger was one of the first people to discuss the concept of living water. He was a pioneering genius and penetrating observer of Nature, whose lifelong study of water - from mountain streams to rivers and from domestic supplies to advanced hydraulics - developed profound and radical theories about its inherent energies and abilities. Water is to our planet Earth what blood is for the human body, and can become diseased and poisoned, affecting all of life. He saw and felt this directly and did everything he could to warn the future of humanity of the seriousness of our neglect towards water. He once said, "They call me deranged. The hope is that they are right! It is of no greater or lesser import for yet another fool to wander this Earth. But if I am right and science is wrong, then may the Lord God have mercy on mankind!" Viktor Schauberger’s greatest insight was his ability to recognize the vital importance of implosive energies on water. Make the connection that the modern world uses explosive energy in its machines and methods. The internal combustion engine, even nuclear power. They are destructive, polluting and have very low energy transfer. Nature however utilizes implosive energies. They are upbuilding and regenerative. The energy transfer is complete and nothing is wasted. This is the insight Schauberger spent his lifetime investigating, and it is a primary inspiration for the Vortex Brewer™.

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Schauberger once predicted that due to our lack of respect for water that it would one day cost more than a gallon of gasoline. He would be disappointed to have been proven right. Living water is created by allowing its movement in a vortexial flow, and further by the exposure of living energies. The frequencies described above are captured by living water and can be communicated to other living systems. He spent his lifetime developing technologies based on his research and insights. Most of it is unknown to the public. What is available can be found in Callum Coats book Living Energies interested in a thorough and technical explanation of life’s work of Viktor Scauberger. Masaru Emoto Dr. Masura Emoto is still alive, and has contributed to the living water conversation in an entirely different way. Rather than intuitively, Dr. Emoto has approached the idea analytically. He long wondered if there were methods of expressing differences in the nature of water. He knew that water from a natural spring, for example, was better for you than tap water or stagnant water. But how to measure this? When Dr. Emoto read in a children's book that no two snowflakes have the same shape, he thought that the same thing must apply to frozen water crystals and developed a method of photographing frozen water crystals. Can we develop ways to use water to receive those messages and even to communicate our own? Does water have messages for us? Will we listen? What Dr. Emoto found in his trials and errors developing this method was astonishing. Not only was every water crystal unique, but water from different sources consistently formed or did not form crystals based on its relative pollution and exposure to industrialization. However, his most profound discovery was that humans can actually change the nature of water. With tap water that did not at first take a uniform structure when frozen, Dr. Emoto found that if he played beautiful music in its presence it would then make beautiful frozen crystal formations.

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He also learned that the written word changed the water. Dr. Emoto taped paper strips on bottles of tap water and then photographed the frozen water. He found that words such as "Thank you," and "I love you," caused the tap water to form beautiful crystals. Words such as "You make me sick," or "You are a fool," caused ugly, distorted crystals or no crystals at all. Samuel Hahnemann Homeopathy is a form of alternative in which highly diluted preparations are used in order to create biochemical reactions. Homeopathy was first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) in 1796 after experiments conducted with cinchona bark. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial dilution, called ‘succession’, with shaking by forceful striking after each dilution. This is a form of potentization. Dilution often continues until the original substance no longer remains in solution. It is not the substance at all. It is the resonant vibration of the substance in the solution. Wilhelm Reich Orgone is a term used by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) to describe a universal life force, or ‘biological energy’. The concept of orgone as Reich saw it was a massless, omnipresent substance, similar to the concept of ‘aether’, but more closely associated with vital, living energy than inert matter. It could coalesce to create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units—called bions in orgone theory—to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies. Following is a short descriptive article on Reich and Orgonomy previously published as Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries by James DeMeo, Ph.D. (Lithigraph, Ashland Oregon, July 1998.)

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“Reich's later microscopical experiments with amoeba would produce other breakthroughs in the biological sciences, in the discovery of the specific process of bionous decay of tissues, which lay at the basis of cell formation. Reich's findings on cancer are directly observable, and not just some speculative theory -- his observations on pre-cancerous cellular processes significantly predated those of George Papanicolaou (of "Pap-test" fame), and Reich believed his scientific priority had in fact been stolen. Unlike conventional medicine, Reich's discovery also revealed the role of emotional-sexual energy in the psychosomatic process. What at first appeared to be only "bioelectricity" was later clarified by Reich as a much more powerful bioenergetic force -- a form of life-energy at work within living organisms, expressing itself as emotion and sexuality, but also directly observable in the microscope as a bluish- glowing field around living blood cells and other substances. This bluish-glowing energy, which he eventually called ‘orgone energy’ (to preserve its relationship with living processes), was later observed as a blue-glowing aura-like phenomenon around organisms, trees and even mountain ranges. The blue orgone also exists in a free form within the atmosphere -- Reich wrote about an "envelope" of blue-glowing energy surrounding the Earth long before the first satellite photos confirmed it. Orgone energy in the atmosphere was a physical phenomenon similar to the older ideas of "vital force" and "aether" combined. It behaves lawfully, fills all space, expands and contracts in pulsatory rhythm, and interacts differently with different material substances: every kind of matter appears to attract the orgone, but at different rates of speed. Water strongly attracts the orgone, or life-energy, giving rise to the phenomenon of living water (described classically as "activated" or "structured" water) which is fundamental to life processes, and to the Earth's weather as well. During the course of Reich's investigations, he developed a special metal-lined enclosure which attracted a high charge of orgone energy inside itself, directly from the atmosphere: the orgone energy accumulator. The orgone accumulator was proven to charge seeds and increase garden plant growth, speed the healing of burns and cuts, and there are a number of physical experiments which demonstrate anomalous phenomena inside the accumulator.

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Reich observed that certain kinds of low-energy illness, such as cancer, would symptomatically yield to careful application of the orgone accumulator. After he moved to the USA, he treated people experimentally with his combined emotional/orgone-energetic approach. Within a few years, however, he was attacked by US Food and Drug Administration, which was at that time (1955) in an all-out "war" against natural healing methods (the repression of natural healing methods has always been a major agenda of the FDA). The FDA obtained a court injunction which ordered the banning and burning of Reich's books -- any book containing the forbidden word "orgone" was ordered destroyed, even his classics on human sexuality which only mentioned orgone energy in the preface! The FDA factually burned Reich's books and journals on several occasions (most recently in 1962), while Reich was given a 2-year jail sentence for a misdemeanor technicality, dying in prison in 1957. The FDA's attack against Reich constituted a fraud upon the courts and the American people, and the Reich legal case continues to overshadow the better-known Scopes Monkey Trial in constitutional significance, in that an American court authorized the burning of scholarly books and the jailing of scientists for maintaining unorthodox viewpoints.” … Quite a story. But often times many of the most brilliant are the most prosecuted. Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which was then part of the Austo- Hungarian Empire, region of Croatia. He specialized in physics and mathematics, but soon became fascinated with electricity. He began his career as an electrical engineer with a telephone company in Budapest in 1881. It was there, as Tesla was walking with a friend through the city park that the elusive solution to the rotating magnetic field flashed through his mind. With a stick, he drew a diagram in the sand explaining to his friend the principle of the induction motor. While in Strassbourg in 1883, he privately built a prototype of the induction motor and ran it successfully. Unable to interest anyone in Europe in promoting this radical device, Tesla accepted an offer to work for Thomas Edison in New York. He received over 800 patents during his lifetime. He invented the radio and the alternating current that dominates modern electricity. Search online for his patents. You will be amazed. Tesla explored the wireless transmission of energy through his work with radio and microwaves and his creation of the Tesla coil and the magnifying transmitter.

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He sought to create a system where energy could be broadcast across vast distances for free. Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island was to function as a wireless telecommunications facility and broadcast electrical power for the first wireless capabilities. At least that was the plan. When JP Morgan, who financed the construction of the tower, pulled Tesla's funding Tesla was forced to abandon construction of the tower, and never fulfilled his dreams of creating a worldwide wireless electrical energy system. Tesla’s insight was that the Earth was wired. He used frequency and electricity to potentize the atmosphere around him and his subjects. We must remember that a short time ago the very concept of wireless did not exist. Alexander Graham Bell only invented the telephone in 1876. He also used his abilities for healing purposes, but was known to been working on his concept of a “death ray” that could work over long distances near his death. Like most genius, Tesla was very much working for the world. In a lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia February, 24 1893, Tesla said, “Nature may reach the same result in many ways. Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present. A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a .” Tesla died on January 7th, 1943 in the Hotel New Yorker from heart failure, where he had lived for the last ten years of his life. The value of his patents and estate were priceless, yet he died penniless, and many of his most grandiose ideas are only a matter of speculation. In his speech presenting Tesla with the Edison medal, Vice President Behrend of the Institute of Electrical Engineers eloquently expressed the following: "Were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the result of Mr. Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would

©2012 Progress Earth • Wilmington, NC, USA • P: 910‐777‐5372 • F: 910.777.5373 • [email protected] • www.ProgressEarth.com P a g e | 19 be dark and our mills would be idle and dead. His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science." Mr. Behrend ended his speech with a paraphrase of Pope's lines on Newton: "Nature and nature's laws lay hid by night. God said 'Let Tesla be' and all was light."

Paul Schatz The platonic solids are the shapes that are possible when all edges are the same. There are five possibilities – tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. Paul Schatz (1898 – 1979) was a German-born sculptor, discovered that the platonic solids could be inverted, and one of the products of the inversion of the cube was the oloid. Based on two circles set perpendicular to each other, it rolls in a straight line such that its whole surface touches the plane on which it is rolled. Schatz came to his geometric insights by studying the work of Rudolf Steiner. The Schatz Inversion Kinematic is based upon the dynamic geometry of another one of Schatz’s discoveries, the 'Invertible Cube' which was discovered in 1929. The Schatz kinematic machine has proven to be the optimum motion for difficult mixing problems such as the homogeneous blending of particulate solids - especially those of greatly different specific weight. It can also be used to aerate water. The pulse of mixing is important. Imagine the significance of the pulse of a rushing stream. It results in a more uniform and potentized end product. Phil Callahan

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Callahan was a mainstream scientist who was drawn deeply into an understanding of energies, particularly as they influenced agriculture and health. He came to realize that it was essential to understand the energetic background to life, the polarity of paramagnetism and diamagnetism. His contribution to science has been massive, yet. as most of his work has been in the less than glamorous field of agriculture, it has largely gone unnoticed by the general public. Callahan's expertise covers entomology, ornithology and VLF/ELF radio waves; he is a leading light in non-invasive methods of insect control. All volcanic soil and rock is paramagnetic. But mineralization with rock dusts does not necessarily mean that the paramagnetic force has been added. As a climber Callahan was familiar with climber's high' -a feeling of calmness and peace combined with a high level of mental and bodily energy sustainable over long periods of time. He had become convinced that the feeling of elation he had when climbing was more to do with the power of the rock than anything else. When he visited his first round tower at Devenish on Loch Erne he experienced a similar feeling to climber's high. The Irish round towers were constructed by monks towards the end of the great period of monastic expansion, between the fifth and the seventh centuries. When they were built they would have been the only stone structures in the monastery. Today 25 or more towers stand upright in perfect form, and the remains, or stubs, of another 43 dot the countryside. Some years before, Callahan had bought Professor Barrow's Irish Heritage pamphlet on round towers which included a fine map of the still-standing towers. As he recounts, “I was lying on a couch looking at the map. There was something very familiar about it - apart from it being a map of Ireland! After about five or ten minutes it suddenly flashed into my mind - insight I believe it is called - exactly why the map appeared so familiar. The towers formed a star map of the northern night sky. I have used that sky map dozens and dozens of times hiking around in the deserts of the world. It is gouged like a carved woodblock into my brain.”

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Callahan found that all the round towers were made of paramagnetic stone: that is stone that resonates positively in a magnetic field. It is not believed to be magnetism, but a force that maintains its energy outside of the influence of other magnetic fields and that does not repel magnetic fields. Strangely enough, although physicists have spent years measuring these energies, and utilising them to explain theoretical atomic forces, nowhere in the scientific literature has anyone - chemist, physicist, or biologist - asked what these two opposite forces mean to life. In 1956 Callahan discovered that moths were not attracted to visible light, but rather to the infrared emission from scent molecules that became 'peaks' or resonant radiation when they hit the moth's vibrating antenna. Moths navigate by molecular radio laser or maser technology. Callahan s breakthrough came quite suddenly and totally unexpectedly. Again, in his words, “I was just admiring how clever the builders were to make a tower that had a very slight taper of three degrees. Then it dawned on me how similar these towers looked to certain insect antennae. It was a complete revelation.” He postulates that paramagnetic soils facilitate the flow of electromagnetic forces from the atmosphere to plants. And that it is a registering of these energies that pests evaluate when deciding to find a meal. So insects are attracted to unhealthy plants. Novel concept. We don’t just have bad luck. Callahan actually invented a cost-effective meter called a Phil Callahan Soil Meter (PCSM) that is available from Pike Laboratories. Mother Nature A discussion of the pioneers of potentization would not be complete without Mother Nature herself. For without her, none of this would be possible. The Earth is an organism and we are an inhabitant. We are immersed in the graceful and powerful embrace of Mother Nature with a conscious mind that allows us the ideas and the ability to ponder the energies and systems that influence us. It is our responsibility to utilize our imagination, inspiration and intuition to remain an open mind, and partner with Nature where necessary to stimulate the spirit of the mutual world, so the Earth may be healed.

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