

(1)Bill Burnett, “ Is : He’ll Be Back in 1975,” National Spotlite, n.d., Walt Disney Archive, Burbank, Calif. (hereinafter WDA). (2)Pierre Grillet, “Disney In Deep Freeze Awaiting Resurrection,” National Tattler, Jun. ?, 1969, WDA. (3)Frank Cusimano, “Walt Disney Is Being Kept Alive in Deep Freeze,” Midnight, Oct. 4, 1971, WDA. (4)Robert Hughes, “Disney: Mousebrow to Highbrow,” Time, Oct. 15, 1973, p. 91. (5)Quoted in Randy Bright, : The Inside Story (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987), p. 29. (6)Peter Blake, “The Lessons of the Parks,” in Christopher Finch, The Art of Walt Disney: From to the , rev. ed. (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1993). (7) Robert Hughes, “Disney: Mousebrow to Highbrow,” Time, Oct. 15, 1973. (8)John Gardner, “Saint Walt: The Greatest Artist the World Has Ever Known, Except for Possibly, Apollonius of Rhodes,” New York, Nov. 12, 1973, p. 68. (9)Robert D. Feild, The Art of Walt Disney (New York: Macmillan, 1942), p. 23. (10)John Bright, “Disney’s Fantasy Empire,” Nation Mar. 6, 1967. (11) quoted in Leonard Mosley, Disney’s World: A Biography (New York: Stein & Day, 1985), p. 204. (12)Richard Schickel, The Disney Version: The Life, Times, Art and Commerce of Walt Disney, 3rd ed. (1968; reprint Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997), p. 339. (13) John Gardner, “Saint Walt: The Greatest Artist the World Has Ever Known, Except for Possibly, Apollonius of Rhodes,” New York, Nov. 12, 1973, p. 64. (14)Max Apple, “Uncle Walt,” Esquire, Dec. 1983, p. 166 (15)Julian Halevy, “Disneyland and Las Vegas,” Nation, Jun. 7, 1958, p. 511. (16) Richard Schickel, The Disney Version: The Life, Times, Art and Commerce of Walt Disney, 3rd ed. (1968; reprint Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997), p. 44. (17)Edmund Carpenter, “Very, Very Happy; Very Happy,” New York Times Book Review, May 5, 1968. (18) quoted in Bob Thomas, Walt Disney: An American Original (1976; reprint, New York: Hyperion, 1994), p. 192. (19), interview by Richard Hubler, Oct. 29, 1968, p. 1, WDA. (20) Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999). 第1章 逃避

(1)Roy Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, RHC, Box 14, Folder 51. (2) Truyens, interview by Bob Thomas, Apr. 19, 1973, Disney, Lillian, Folder, WDA. (3), as told to Martin, The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Holt, 1956), p. 11. (4)Roy Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, RHC, Box 14, Folder 51. (5)Diane Disney Miller, as told to Pete Martin, The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Holt, 1956), p. 12. (6)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 3 & 4, p. 20, WDA. (7)Walt Disney: An Intimate History of the Man and his Magic, CD-ROM, Pantheon Productions, 1998. (8)Walt Disney, Autobiography, unpub. ms., 1939, 2nd installment, pp. 5.6, WDA. (9)Walt Disney, “The Marceline I Knew,” Marceline News, Sept. 2, 1938. (10) Walt to Martin L. Wolf (editor in chief, Library Publishers), Wi Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1955, S-Z, A1560, WDA. (11) Ruth Flora Disney Beecher, “Recollections of Marceline”; Ruth Disney, interview by David Smith, Nov. 4, 1974, Beecher, Ruth Folder, WDA. (12)Walt Disney, interview by Pete Martin, Reels 3 & 4. (13)Walt Disney, “The Marceline I Knew,” Marceline News, Sept. 2, 1938. (14)Grandma Disney’s visits. Walt to Mrs. George Miles, May 21, 1965, Walt Disney.Personal Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1965, Committees.Disney School, A1607, WDA. (15) Walt Disney, interview by Pete Martin, Reels 3 & 4. (16)The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Holt, 1956), p. 14. (17)Walt Disney, “The Best Advice I Ever Had,” unpub. ms., Walt Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1962, Committee.H (Misc.), A1591, WDA. (18)Phil Santora, “A Kid from Chicago,” New York Daily News, Sept. 30, 1964. (19)Ruth Disney interview by Smith; Walt Disney: An Intimate History, CD-ROM; Roy O. Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, RHC, 14, Folder 51. (20)Walt Disney, speech at Marceline, 1956, WDA; Miller,Story of Disney,. (21)John Culhane, Walt Disney’s (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1983), pp. 134.35. (22)Meeting on Sound Stage.Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, Story Meetings 1939, Fantasia, Story Meetings, Etc., A1782, WDA. (23) Ruth Flora Disney Beecher, “Recollections of Marceline”; Ruth Disney, interview by David Smith, Nov. 4, 1974, Beecher, Ruth Folder, WDA. (24)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Rees 3 & 4, pp. 45-46. (25)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Rees 3 & 4 Walt Disney interview by Martin, Rees 3 & 4, Reel 11, p. 22. (26)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 3 & 4, pp. 59-60. (27)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 3 & 4, p. 17. (28)Walt to Richard Gehman, Feb. 7,1964, G Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1964, Disney--Gifts, A1601, WDA. (29)ibid. (30)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Disc 11 CD. (31) Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 11, p. 12. (32)Walt Disney: An Intimate History of the Man and his Magic, CD-ROM, Pantheon Productions, 1998. (33)Disney, Autobiography, pp. 12.13. (34)Bert A. Teeters to Walt, May 19, 1961, T Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1961, M.Z, A1589. (35)Walt to Bert Hudson, Feb. 9, 1949, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, H-Q, A1542, WDA. (36)Lowell Lawrance, “Mickey Mouse.Inspiration from Mouse in K.C. Studio,” Kansas City Journal-Post, Sept. 8, 1935. (37)Watts, Magic Kingdom, p. 14. (38)Roy Disney interview by Hubler, Jun. 18, 1968. (39)Walt to Carey Orr, Chicago Tribune, Mar. 16, 1949, O Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, H-Q, A1542, WDA. (40)Rochelle Bregstone Livingston to Diane Disney Miller, Oct. 11,1983, Chicago Folder, : Genealogy, Etc., Box A2383, WDA. (41)Ruth to Walt, Dec. 5, 1950, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, A-G, A1541, WDA. (42)Beatrice Conover. Mrs. Beatrice Conover Peterson to Walt, Jan. 17, 1933, Misc. File, WDA. (43) Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 12, pp. 10 (44)Walt Disney interview, Marceline, audiotape, WDA. (45)Ruth Disney interview by Smith. (46)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Disc 4, CD. (47)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 40. (48)Walt to Howell, Dec. 5, 1942, Ho Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942-1943, D-H, A1527, WDA. (49)Walt Disney: An Intimate History CD-ROM. (50)McKinley Voice annual, 1919, Disney, Disney Drawings Folder, WDA. (51)Walt Disney, speech at Big Brothers ceremony, Mar. 14, 1957, WDA. (52)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 4, p. 35. 第2章 めげない男

(1)Ann Douglas, Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995), p. 4. (2)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 5, p. 45. (3)Walt to Mack [?], May 12, 1920, Disney, Walt, Corr., 1920, Walt Disney Early Corr., A3381, WDA. (4)Don Alpert, “The Man of the Land Disney,” LAT, Apr. 30, 1961. (5) Roy Disney quoted in Walt Disney: An Intimate History of the Man and His Magic, CD-ROM, Pantheon Productions, 1998. 51 (6)Dorothy Puder, interview by author. (7) Richard G. Hubler, Walt Disney, unpub. ms., p. 105, RHC. 56 (8)Russell Merritt and J. B. Kaufman, Walt in Wonderland: The Silent Films of Walt Disney (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), p. 38. (9)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 64. (10)Fred Harman, “New Tracks in Old Trails,” True West, Oct. 1968, pp. 10.11. (11)Quoted in Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, The Man Behind the Magic: The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Viking Press, 1991), p. 37. (12)Walt Pfeiffer, interview by Bob Thomas, Apr. 26, 1973, WDA. (13)Jack Kloepper to David Smith, Oct. 27, 1970, Kloepper File, Kansas City Box, A3256, WDA. (14)Quoted in Merritt and Kaufman, Walt in Wonderland, p. 44. (15)Mac [ Lyon] to mother, Oct. 7, 1922, Laugh-O-Gram Film Co., A2378, WDA. (16)Quoted in “The Mouse that Won a Nation,” Kansas City Times, Nov. 11, 1978. (17)Mac [Red Lyon] to mother, Oct. 16, 1922, Laugh-O-Gram Film Co., A2378, WDA. (18)Introduction to Film on Dental Hygiene, “Tommy Tucker’s Tooth,” Tommy Tucker’s Tooth File, Laugh-O- Gram Film Co., A2378. [Records is erroneously referred to here as “Reynolds.”] (19)Quoted in David R. Smith, “Up to Date in Kansas City,” Funnyworld, no. 19 (Fall 1978), p. 26. (20)Walt to Eunice Snyder, Nov. 13, 1922, Walt Disney Corr., 1923, Walt Disney Early Corr., A3381, WDA. (21)Walt to Paul H. Cromelin, May 16, 1923, Walt Disney Corr., 1923, Walt Disney Early Corr., A3381, WDA. (22)“When my credit ran out . . .” Walt Disney interview by Martin, Disc 5, CD. (23)Lowell Lawrance, “Mickey Mouse- Inspiration from Mouse in K.C. Studio.” (24)Quoted in “The Mouse That Won a Nation,” Kansas City Times, Nov. 11, 1978. (25)Jack Kloepper, transcription of tape. (26)Quoted in “The Mouse That Won a Nation.” (27)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 4, p. 34. (28)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Disc 6, CD. (29)J. B. Kaufman, “Rudy Ising,” in Walt’s People, ed. Didier Ghez (Xlibris, 2005), p. 1:59. (30)Walt to Floyd C. Shoemaker (secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri), May 4, 1945, S Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945.1946, R-Z, A1536, WDA. (31)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 73.

第3章 ワンダーランド

(1)Alistair Cooke, Alistair Cooke’s America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973), p. 319. (2) Roy Disney quoted in Richard Hubler, Walt Disney, unpub. ms., p. 127, RHC. (3)Quoted in “The World of Walt Disney,” Newsweek, Dec. 31, 1962, pp. 49.50. (4) Walt to Mrs. T. J. Davis, Oct. 16, 1923, , Oswald Box, A2357, WDA. (5)Roy Disney interview by Hubler, Jun. 18, 1968. (6) “The Interview,” Hogan’s Alley, no. 2 (Summer 1995), p. 109. (7)Winkler to Walt, Jan. 9, 1924, ibid. Winkler Film Corp. folder, Early Corporate Documents, WDA. (8) Walt to Winkler, Jan. 21, 1924; Winkler to Walt, Jan. 31, 1924, ibid. (9)Walt to Winkler, Feb. 26, 1924, ibid. (10)Tel. Winkler to Walt, Apr. 7, 1924, ibid.

(11)Walt to Iwwerks, Jun. 1, 1924. (12)Clipping, Mobile Press Register, Me-Mz Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, E-O, A1567, WDA. (13) Walt Disney, “Growing Pains,” American Cinematographer, Mar. 1941, p.107. (14)Walt quoted in Miller, Story of Disney, p. 123. (15)Walt to Winkler, Aug. 29, 1924; Mintz to Walt, Oct. 6, (16)Lillian Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, Apr. 16, 1968, Disney, Lillian, Folder, WDA. (17)Roy Disney interview by Hubler, Jun. 18, 1968. (18)Walt Pfeiffer, interview by Bob Thomas, Apr. 26, 1973, WDA. (19) Hubler, Disney, p. 758. (20)Hubler, Disney, p. 759. (21) Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, Inside the Dream: The Personal Story of Walt Disney (New York: Roundtable Press, 2001), p. 35. (22)Quoted in Thomas, Building a Company, pp. 51.52. (23)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 88. (24), Walt Disney and Other Animated Characters: An Unauthorized Account of the Early Years at Disney’s (New York: Harmony Books, 1988), p. 198. The associate to whom Roy told the story was Jack Cutting. Others, however, including , say that Roy told them it was his idea to name the studio after Walt because the public could better identify with a single individual. (25)Quoted on Walt Disney: An Intimate History of the Man and His Magic, CD-ROM, Pantheon Productions, 1998. (26)Walt to Mintz, Feb. 26, 1927, Winkler Film Corp. Folder, Early Corporate Documents, WDA. (27)Mintz to Walt, Jan. 31, 1927, ibid. (28)Freleng quoted in Merritt and Kaufman, Walt in Wonderland, p. 81. (29)Donald Crafton, Before Mickey: The Animated Film, 1898-1928 (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), pp. 294.95. (30)Quoted in Michael Barrier, Hollywood Cartoons: American in Its Golden Age (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 4. (31)Mrs. Walt Disney, as told to Isabella Taves, “I Live with a Genius,” McCall’s, Feb. (32)Walt to Roy, Mar. 7, 1928, Walt Disney, 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA.

第4章 ミッキーマウス

(1)Don Eddy, “The Amazing Secret of Walt Disney,” American Magazine, Aug. 1955, p. 113. (2)Eddy, “Amazing Secret,” p. 113; Mrs. Walt Disney, as told to Isabella Taves, “I Live With a Genius,” McCall’s, Feb. 1953, p. 104; Jack Alexander, “The Amazing Story of Walt Disney,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 31, 1953, p. 92; Disney, Autobiography, unpub. ms., 1934, WDA; Diane Disney Miller, as told to Pete Martin, The Story of Walt Disney, (New York: Holt, 1956), (3)Mary Bragiotti, “Mickey Mouse’s Dearest Friends,” New York Post, Jun. 30, 1944, p. 17. (4)Iwerks to John Culhane quoted in Robert W. Brockway, “The Masks of Mickey Mouse: Symbol of a Generation,” Journal of Popular Culture, Spring 1989, pp. 27.28. (5)Harman quoted in Michael Barrier, Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 49. (6)Mrs. Walt Disney, “Genius,” pp. 104, 106. (7)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, pp. 152.53. (8)Walt to Roy and Ub, Sept. 14,1928, Walt Disney 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (9)Walt to Roy and Ubbe, Sept. 7, 1928, Walt Disney 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (10)Tel. Walt to Walt Disney Studio, Sept. 21, 1928, Walt Disney 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (11)Walt to “Gang,” Sept. 30, 1928, ibid. (12)Walt to Roy and Ub, Sept. 14, 1928, ibid. (13)Walt to Lilly, Oct. 15, 1928, ibid. (14)Walt to [Roy], Oct. 22, 1928, ibid. (15)Walt to Lilly, Oct. 27, 1928, ibid. (16) and , The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation (New York: Hyperion, 1981), p. 346. (17)David Dodd Hand, Memoirs (Cambria, Calif.: Lighthouse Litho, 1990), p. 66. (18), Felix: The Twisted Tale of the World’s Most Famous Cat (New York: Da Capo Press, 1996), p. 7. (19)Charles Giegerich to Walt, Dec. 19, 1928, Powers Cinephone Equipment Corp., Correspondence, 1928.29, WDA. (20)Walt to Roy, Sept. 25,1928, Walt Disney 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (21)Walt to Lilly, Feb. 10, 1929, Walt Disney 1928 Corr., Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (22)Walt to Giegerich, Jun. 12, 1929, Powers Cinephone Equipment Corp., Corr., 1928.29, WDA. (23) Iwerks interview, ca. 1956. (24)Walt to Giegerich, Apr. 10, 1929, Powers Cinephone Equipment Corp., Corr., 1928.29, WDA. (25), interview by George Sherman, July 30, 1970, WDA. (26)Florabel Muir, “Animated Cartoons Going Over Big,” New York Sunday News, Dec. 1, 1929. (27)Iwerks interview by Sherman. (28)Roy to Edna, Walt, Lilly, Aug. 10, 1929, Walt & Roy Disney Corr., 1929.1930, Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (29)Walt to Giegerich, July 30, 1929; Walt to Giegerich, Sept. 16, 1929, Powers Cinephone Equipment Corp., Corr., 1928.29, WDA. (30)Lilly to “Folks,” Jan. 30, 1930, Walt & Roy Disney Corr., 1929.1930, Walt Disney Early Corr., WDA. (31)Shelly Fored, “He Wanted a ‘Little Fellow,’ ” Hollywood [?], June 1930, Mickey Mouse and General Stories, 1925.1931, M-17,3182, WDA. (32)John Culhane, “A Mouse for All Seasons,” Saturday Review of Literature, Nov. 11, 1978, p. 50. (33)William DeMille, “Mickey Versus ,” in The Animated American Cartoon: A Critical Anthology, ed. Gerald Peary and Daniel Peary (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1980), pp. 241.44. (34)“The Mechanical Mouse,” Saturday Review of Literature 10 (Nov. 11, 1933), p. 252. (35)Warren I. Susman, Culture as History: The Transformation of American Society in the Twentieth Century (New York: Pantheon, 1984), p. 197. (36)Disney, Autobiography, 1939, 2nd installment, p. 11. (37)Quoted in Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, The Man Behind the Magic: The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Viking, 1991), p. 54. (38)Clipping, Robert Sherwood, Aug. 29, 1931, [no title], MWEZ, n.c. 19,000, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. (39)Clark to Barrier, Aug. 19, 1976, quoted in John Canemaker, Walt Disney’s Nine Old Men and the Art of Animation (New York: Disney Editions, 2001), p. 21. (40)Barbara Berch Jamison, “Of Mouse and Man, or Mickey Reaches 25,” NYT Magazine, Sept. 13, 1953, pp. 26.27. (41)“Mickey Mouse Publicity Items,” Oct. 29, 1931, Mo, D.V.’s letters, Walt Disney Corr., A1504, WDA. (42)Memo, George [Morris] to Walt, Re: Studio Finance, Jun. 27, 1931, Mo, D.V.’s letters, 1934, Walt’s Corr., A1504, WDA. (43)Lessing to Roy, Jun. 27, 1931, Roy O. Disney Folder, Roy O. Disney Corr., Disney, Roy O.--Personal & Trips (1930.33), A2994, WDA. (44), “The Wonderful World of Walt Disney,” in You Must Remember This, ed. Walter Wagner (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1975), p. 267. (45)Roy to Walt, Gunther [Lessing], and George [Morris], Jul. 2, 1931, Roy O. Disney.1931 Folder, Roy O. Disney Corr., Disney, Roy O.--Personal & Trips (1930.33), A2994, WDA. (46)Miller, Story of Disney; p. 111.

第5章 カルト集団

(1)Walt Disney, Autobiography, unpub. ms., 1934, WDA. (2)Roy to Elias and Flora, Dec. 30, 1931, quoted in Thomas, Building a Company, pp. 71.72. (3)Quoted in Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation (New York: Hyperion, 1981), p. 30. (4)Ibid., p. 266. (5), interview by Steve Hulett, Jul. 25, 1978, WDA. (6), interview by Mica Prods., n.d., p. 12, WDA. (7)Ward Kimball, “The Wonderful World of Walt Disney,” in You Must Remember This, ed. Walter Wagner (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1975), p. 275. (8)Henry F. Pringle, “Mickey Mouse’s Father,” McCall’s, Aug. 1932, p. 7. (9)Official Report of the Proceedings Before the NLRB, In the Matter of Walt Disney and Arthur Babbitt, Oct. 8, 1942, p. 49. (10)Thomas and Johnston, Illusion of Life, p. 146. (11)Walt to L. P. Wright (Colorcraft Corp.), Sept. 18, 1931, C, D.V.’s letters, 1931.1933, Walt Disney Corr., 1930.1934, A-C, A1502, WDA. (12)John Culhane, Walt Disney’s Fantasia (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1983), p. 159. (13)Grauman to Walt, July 27, 1932, RHC, Box 27, Folder 107. (14)Walt Disney, “Growing Pains,” p. 139. (15)Roy to Flora and Elias, Apr. 14, 1933, quoted in Thomas, Building a Company, p. 96. (16)Charles Solomon, Enchanted Drawings: The (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989) p. 50. (17)Quoted in ibid. (18)Quoted in Stefan Kanfer, Serious Business: The Art and Commerce of Animation in America from to Toy Story (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1997), p. 82. (19)Disney, “Growing Pains,” p. 139. (20)Richard G. Hubler, Walt Disney, unpub. ms., 1968, pp. 189.90, RHC. (21)Robert D. Feild, The Art of Walt Disney (New York: Macmillan, 1942), p. 46. (22)Walt to Flora Disney, Dec. 5, 1933, Lawrence Edward Watkin, Walt Disney, unpub. ms., p. 279, WDA. (23)Walt to Flora, Sept. 8, 1933, Misc. File, WDA. (24) “Mickey Mouse Is Eight Years Old,” Literary Digest, Oct. 3, 1936, p. 19. (25)Quoted in Marcia Blitz, (New York: Harmony Books, 1979), p. 13. (26)Ward Kimball, “Wonderful World,” pp. 275.76. (27)Anonymous quoted in Irving Wallace, “Mickey Mouse and How He Grew,” Collier’s, Apr. 9, 1949, p. 21. (28)Robert De , “The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney,” National Geographic, Aug. 1963. (29) Tony Hiss and David McClelland, “The Quack and Disney,” The New Yorker, Dec. 19, 1975, p. 33. (30)Sergei Eisenstein, Eisenstein on Disney, ed. Jay Leyda (: Methuen, 1988), n.p. (31)LowellLawrance,“MickeyMouse.Inspirationfrom Mouse in K.C. Studio,” Kansas City Journal-Post, Sept. 8, 1935. (32)“By the Way, Mr. Disney,” NYT, Dec. 1, 1935, sec. 9, p. 9. (33)Brian Burnes, Robert W. Butler, and Dan Viets, Walt Disney’s Missouri: The Roots of Creative Genius, ed. Donna Martin (Kansas City: Kansas City Star Books, 2002), p. 161. (34)Quoted in Bob Thomas, Walt Disney: An American Original (New York: Hyperion, 1994), p. 192. (35)Ruth Waterbury, “What ’s Father Is Doing Now,” Liberty, Nov. 26, 1938. (36)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Don Peri, April 26, 1974, p. 5, WDA. (37)Bob Broughton, interview by author. (38)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 125. (39) Richard Huemer, Recollections of Richard Huemer, 1969, p. 119, Special Collections, Young Research Library, UCLA., p. 95. (40) Amy Boothe Green and Howard Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999), p. 87.

第6章 突飛な思いつき

(1)Walt Disney, “Growing Pains,” American Cinematographer, Mar. 1941, p. 140. (2)Quoted in Richard Greene and Katherine Greene, The Man Behind the Magic: The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Viking, 1991), (3)Robert De Roos, “The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney,” National Geographic, Aug. 1963, in Disney Discourse: Producing the Magic Kingdom, ed. Eric Smoodin (New York: Routledge, 1994), p. 59. (4)Walt to Ted Patrick, Holiday, Feb. 1,1956, Ho Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1956, G-L, A1563, WDA. (5) Examiner, Aug. 11, 1935. (6)Memo, Walt to Paul Hopkins, Nov. 25, 1935, Re: Production Notes on Snow White, Snow White Prod. Notes, Nov. 25, 1935, Snow White and the , Continuities, gag suggestions, etc., Jul. 1934.Dec. 1936, Box 2, A1737, WDA. (7)Krause and Witkowski, Walt Disney’s Snow White, p. 31. (8), “Animation,” Cartoonist Profiles (June 1979), p. 74. (9)Thomas and Johnston, Illusion of Life, p. 145. (10), “With Disney on Olympus,” Funnyworld, no. 17 (Fall 1977), p. 38. (11)Kinney, Disney and Animated Characters, p. 170. (12)Sidney Skolsky, “Mickey Mouse--Meet Your Maker,” Hearst’s International Cosmopolitan, Feb. 1934, p. 172. (13)Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999), p. 68. (14)Quoted in Marc Eliot, Walt Disney: Hollywood’s Dark Prince (New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1993), p. 115. (15)[Jan. 26, 1938], Otis Ferguson, The Film Criticism of Otis Ferguson, ed. Robert Wilson (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1971), p. 211. (16)Handwritten notes on Snow White Dwarfs’ Personalities, Dec. 15, 1936, Snow White.continuities, gag suggestions, etc., Dec. 1936 Folder, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Continuities, gag suggestions, etc., Jul. 1934.Dec. 1936, Box 2, A1737, WDA. (17)Handwritten Notes on Snow White Dwarfs’ Personalities, Dec. 15,1936, Snow White.continuities, gag suggestions, etc. Dec. 1936 folder, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Continuities, gag suggestions, etc., Jul. 1934.Dec. 1936, Box 2 A1737, WDA. (18)Snow White.General Treatment of Dialogue, Action, and Music [1935], Snow White.Story Meetings, Oct. 1935.Dec. 1935 Folder, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Story Meetings Oct. 1934.1937, Box 1, A1731, WDA. (19)Seq. 8A.Entertainment Conf., Jan 18, 1936, 2.4 p.m., Snow White Story Meetings, Jan. 1936.Jul. 1936 Folder, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Story Meetings Oct. 1934.1937, Box 1, A1731, WDA. (20)Seq. 8A.Entertainment Meeting, Feb. 16, 1937, Snow White.Story Meetings, Feb..Mar. 1937 Folder, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Story Meetings, Oct. 1934.1937, Box 1, A1731, WDA. (21)Memo, Walt to Roy. Nov. 29, 1935, Sub: UA Contract, Inter-Office Comm., Walt Disney Corr., 1935, A1509, WDA. (22)Memo, Lessing to Roy, Jun. 15, 1936, Roy O. Disney.Trip to NY, May 1936, Apr. 1937, Roy O. Disney Corr., Disney, Roy O..Personal & Trips (1934.41), A2995, WDA. (23)LAT, Mar. 3, 1936. (24)Memo, Walt to Roy, Dec. 4, 1936, Inter-Office Communications, Walt Disney Corr., 1936.1937, E-L, A1512, WDA. (25)New York Post, Jun. 20, 1938. (26)Disney, “Growing Pains,” p. 140. (27)Roy Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, Jun. 18,1968, RHC, Box 14, Folder 52. (28)Walt to Depinet, Sept. 4, 1937, RKO.NY Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA. (29)M. H. Aylesworth to Walt, A Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1936.1937, A-D, A1511, WDA. (30)Quoted in , The Disney Films, 3rd ed. (New York: Hyperion, 1995), p. 32. (31)Walt to Chaplin, May 31, 1938, Ch Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, A-De, A1515, WDA. (32)Miller, Story of Disney, p. 145. (33)Steve Hulett, “A Star is Drawn,” Film Comment (Winter 1979). (34)Tel. DeMille to Walt, Feb. 1, 1938, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, A-De, A1515, WDA. (35)Joe Rosenberg to Walt, Dec. 23,1937, B Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1936.1937, A-D, A1511, WDA. (36)Hal Sloane to Walt, Jan. 5,1937 [actually 1938], Sloane, Hal, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA.

第7章 芸術の息吹

(1)Ward Kimball, “The Wonderful World of Walt Disney,” in You Must Remember This, ed. Walter Wagner (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1975), p. 264. (2)Mrs. Walt Disney interview by Hubler. (3)Walt Disney: An Intimate History of the Man and His Magic, CD-ROM, Pantheon Productions, 1998. (4)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 9 & 10, pp. 67.68. (5)I. Klein, “Reminiscences,” Cartoonist Profiles, 1, no. 7 (Aug. 1970), p. 17. (6)Memo, Lessing to Roy, Re: Future Product Distribution, May 4, 1938. (7)Walt to W. G. Van Schmus, May 27, 1938, Misc. File, WDA. (8)Story Conference on , Dec. 15, 1937, Bambi. Story Meetings, 1937.38, Bambi Production Materials.Story Meeting Notes, Sweatbox Notes, Corr., Research, A3267, WDA. (9)Story Meeting, Dec. 3, 1937, Story Meetings, 1937.1938 Folder, Pinocchio, Story Material, A2961, WDA. (10)Jack Kinney, Walt Disney and Other Assorted Characters: An Unauthorized Account of the Early Years at Disney’s (New York: Harmony Books, 1988), pp. 108.109. (11)StoryMeeting,Dec. 3,1937, StoryMeetings 1937-1938 Folder, Pinocchio, Story Material, A2961. (12)Walt Disney, “Mickey Mouse Presents,” in We Make the Movies, ed. Nancy Naumburg (New York: W. W. Norton, 1937), p. 270. (13)“Three Stars Remember Walt,” Disney Channel Magazine, Feb. 1984. (14)Introduction to The Art of Mickey Mouse, ed. Craig Yoe and Janet Morra Yoe, in John Updike, More Matter (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999), p. 205. (15)FrizFreleng, Recollections of , unpub. ms., 1969, p. 34, Special Collections, Young Research Library, UCLA. (16)Updike, More Matter, p. 204. (17)Stokowski to Walt, Nov. 26, 1937, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA. (18)Walt to Gregory Dickson, Oct. 26, 1937, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA. (19)Walt to Stokowski, Nov. 18, 1937, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA. (20)Story Meeting, Nov. 11, 1938. (21)Story Meeting, Nov. 8, 1938. (22)Roy O. Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, Nov. 17, 1967, p. 15, WDA. (23)Walt to Deems Taylor, Aug. 4, 1938, T Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519, WDA. (24)Jimmy Johnson, Inside the Whimsy Works: My Thirty-Seven Years with Walt Disney Productions, unpub. ms., 1975, p. 11, WDA. (25)Story Meeting, Dec. 23, 1938. (26)Story Meeting, Sept. 13, 1938, Concert Feature.Meetings, Sept. 1938, Fantasia, Story Meetings, etc., A1782, WDA. (27)Story Meeting on Fantasia, Sept. 30, 1938. (28) quoted in Culhane, Disney’s Fantasia, p. 120. (29)Thomas and Johnston, Illusion of Life, pp. 336.37, 339.40; Larson interview by Mica, p. 20. (30)Story Meeting Notes, Nov. 22, 1939, Bambi--Story Meetings, 1939, Bambi Production Materials.Story Meeting Notes, Sweatbox Notes, Corr., Research, A3267, WDA. (31)Meeting Notes, Dec. 11, 1939. (32)Fay Adler to Walt [rec. March 11, 1941], A Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1940.1941, A-B, A1520, WDA. (33)Art Babbitt quoted in Charles Glenn, “Disney Strike Leader Tells of New Kind of ‘Animation,’ ” LALabor [July 1941], 1941 Strike Press Clippings, Disney Studio Strike, 1941 (from Main Files), A1683, WDA. (34)“It’s a Disney,” [Mar. 11, 1940] in Otis Ferguson,The Film Criticism of Otis Ferguson, ed. Robert Wilson (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1971), p. 289. (35)color leica meeting, bambi.“Raindrop Sequence” 2.4, Apr. 22, 1940. (36)Walt to Sarnoff, May 24, 1939; Sarnoff to Walt, Jun. 14, 1939; Tel. Roy to Walt, Jun. 27, 1939, Radio Corp. of America (David Sarnoff) Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1938.1939, Q-T, A1519; Memo, Roy to Walt, Jul. 6, 1939, Re: RCA Projection Equipment for Fantasia, Roy O. Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1938.1944, A1627, WDA. (37)Hand, Memoirs, p. 72. (38)Arthur Miller, “Walter in Wonderland,” LAT Magazine, Dec. 4, 1938. (39)Ibid. (40)Douglas W. Churchill, “Disney’s ‘Philosophy,’ ” NYT Magazine, Mar. 6, 1938, p. 23. (41) Paul Hollister, Man or Mouse: The Story of Walt Disney, So Far, unpub. ms., 1955, chap. 9, p. 14, WDA. (42)Bambi.SEQ. 13, 14,15, Story Meeting Notes, Jun. 14, 1940. (43)John Canemaker, “Art Babbitt,” Cartoonist Profiles (Dec. 1979), p. 11. (44)Story Meeting, Dec. 8, 1938, Concert Feature--Meetings, 1938, Fantasia, Story Meetings, etc., A1782, WDA. (45)Meeting on Benchley Picture, May 7, 1940, Benchley.A Trip Thru the Studio Folder, Box: Reluctant Dragon, , , Victory Through Air Power, Three Caballeros, A2829, WDA. (46)New York World-Telegram quoted in Culhane, Disney’s Fantasia, p. 29. (47)“On the Record,” NY Herald Tribune, Nov. 25, 1940, (48)Walt to Mike May, Nov. 19, 1940, May, C.A. (Mike), Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945.1946, L-P, A1535, WDA. (49)Tel. Roy to Walt, Nov. 30, 1940, Disney, Roy O., Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1938.1944, D, A1627, WDA. (50)Stokowski to Walt, Dec. 27, 1940, Stokowski, Leopold, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945.1946, R-Z, A1536, WDA. (51)Memo, Walt to Roy, Nov. 24, 1941, Memos to and from Walt, 1940.1943 Folder, Roy O. Disney Inter- Office Corr., Disney, Roy O..Trips to Disneyland (1954.1961), A3002, WDA. (52) quoted in Jim Korkis, “Jack Hannah in His Own Words,” POV, no. 8, [1995], p. 48.

第8章 ふたつの戦争

(1)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Don Peri, March 5, 1975, p. 8, WDA. (2)Memo, Walt to Carlos [Manriquez], Jan. 20,1936, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1936.1937, E-L, A1512, WDA. (3)Dave Hand, interview by Michael Barrier, in Didier Ghez, Walt’s People, (Xlibris, 2005), p. 1:68. (4), Bill Peet: An Autobiography (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989), pp. 108.9. (5)Talk Given by Walt to All Employees, Feb. 10 and 11,1941, Disney, Walt, Speeches, Strike (Feb. 10, 1941, May 27,1941), TR 91 3, WDA. (6)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 6 & 7, Reel 7, p. 29. (7)Draft letter, Walt to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 2, 1941, Ro Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1940-1941, N-R, A1524, WDA. (8) Official Report of the Proceedings Before the NLRB, In the Matter of Walt Disney Prods., Inc., and Arthur Babbitt, Los Angeles, Oct. 9, 1942, pp. 159-60. (9) Klaus Strzyz, “Ward Kimball,” Comics Journal, no. 120 (March 1988), p. 79. (10)Walt to Paul Hollister, Jun. 30, 1941, Ho Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1940.1941, G-M, A1523, WDA. (11)Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express, Jun. 2, 1941. (12)Walt to Pegler, Aug. 11, 1941. (13)Ibid. (14)Walt to Daisy Beck, Nov. 27, 1941, Misc. File, WDA. (15) Roy to Walt, Sept. 21, 1941. (16)Hubler, Disney, p. 487. The probable source of the quote is Ward Kimball. (17)Quoted in Richard Holliss and , The Disney Studio Story (New York: Crown Publishers, 1988), p. 44. (18)Ham Luske, Notes, ca. 1956, WDA. (19)Klaus Strzyz, “Ward Kimball,” Comics Journal, March 1988, p. 94. (20) , Talking Animals and Other People (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986), p. 236. (21)Alexander Woollcott to Walt, Jan. 12, 1942; Walt to Woollcott, Jan. 30, 1942, Wi Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942.1943, T-Z, A1530, WDA. (22)Quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 79. (23)Inter-Office Communications, Kuhn to Morgenthau, Mar. 6, 1942, Morgenthau Diary, #505, FDR Library. (24)Interview, Victory Through Air Power Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1938.1944, S-Z, A1632, WDA. (25)Bombing of Tokyo.And General Overall Discussion of Picture, Sept. 10, 1942, 3B-1, Seversky Meetings, Reluctant Dragon, Dumbo, Saludos Amigos, Victory Through Air Power, Three Caballeors, A2829, WDA. (26)Meeting Notes--Narration & Dialogue from 50-Ton Load Seq. to End of Picture, Sept. 22, 1942, Victory Through Air Power--Misc. Treatments, Drafts, Reluctant Dragon, Dumbo, Saludos Amigos, Victory Through Air Power, Three Cabelleros, A2829, WDA. (27)Fran Alstock to Walt, Jul. 30,1942, Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Walt Disney Corr., Inter- Office, World War II, A-K, A1633, WDA. (28)Nelson Rockefeller to Walt, Jul. 30, 1942, ibid. (29)Manny Farber, “Saccharine Symphony.Bambi,” in Peary and Peary The American Animated Cartoon, p. 90. (30)Walt to Jimmy Starr, Jul. 9, 1942, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942-1943, Q-S, A1529, WDA. (31)Walt to Uncle Robert, Aunt Charlotte, Dec. 28, 1942, D Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942.1943, D-H, A1527, WDA. (32) Harry Tytle, One of “Walt’s Boys”: An Insider’s Account of Disney’s Golden Years (Royal Oak, Mich.: Airtight Seals Allied Products, 1997), p. 43. (33)Victory Through Air Power Meeting, Feb. 24, 1943, Victory Through Air Power Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1938.1944, S-Z, A1632, WDA. (34)Walt to Upton Close, Jul. 9,1943, C Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942.1943, A-C, A1526, WDA. (35)Walt to Nina Cauger, Jun. 25,1942, Ted Cauger Collection. (36)Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 79. (37)On Film, p. 141 [Feb. 10, 1945]. (38)Barbara Deming, “The Artlessness of Walt Disney,” Partisan Review 12, no. 2 (Spring 1945), pp. 226.31. (39)Cited in Memo, Jack Cutting to Walt, Jan. 10, 1944 [sic], Jack Cutting Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter- Office, 1945.1952, A-L, A1635, WDA. (40)Memo, Cutting to Walt, Apr. 2, 1945, ibid. (41)Memo, Roy to Walt, Mar. 31,1945, Roy Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1945-1952, A-L, A1635, WDA. (42)Nelson Rockefeller to Walt, May 17, 1946, Ro Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945-1946, R-Z, A1536, WDA. Paul F. Anderson in “The Artist and the Aviator” credits Victory Through Air Power with changing military tactics and putting greater emphasis on air power. Among other things he cites the decision by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, shortly after the film’s premiere, to consolidate the arms of the navy air corps.

第9章 自分探し

(1)Walt to Ruth, Dec. 5, 1945, D Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945.1946, A-K, A1534, WDA. (2)Walt to Lieutenant Lee Blair, USNR, Dec. 4, 1945, Bi Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1945-1946, A-K, A1534, WDA. (3)Memo, Jack Lavin to Walt, Re: Salatore [sic] Dali, Nov. 2, 1945, L Folder, Walt Disney Inter-Office Corr., 1945-1952, A-L, A1635, WDA. Dali was to receive $10,000 and two round-trip railway tickets from New York to Los Angeles. He also demanded “equal billing” to everyone but Walt Disney. (4)Dali to Walt, Sept. 20, 1945, Walt Disney Corr., 1945-1946, D Folder, A-K, A1534, WDA. (5)Arthur Miller, “Dali and Disney Plan Something Definitely New,” LAT, Apr. 7, 1946. (6)Roy O. Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, Nov. 17, 1967, p. 7, WDA. (7)Robert B. Sherman and Richard M. Sherman, Walt’s Time: From Before to Beyond, ed. Bruce Gordon, David Mumford, and Jeff Kurtti (Santa Clarita, Calif.: Camphor Tree Publishers, 1998), p. 158. (8)Report [ Jack Reeder], Aug. 19, 1946, Layoff (Aug. 1946), Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1945-1952, A- L, A1635, WDA. (9)Diane Disney Miller, as told to Pete Martin, The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Holt, 1956), p. 190. (10), My Life in ’toons: From Flatbush to Bedrock in Under a Century (Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1994), p. 54. (11)Patrick McGilligan and Paul Buhle, Tender Comrades: A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997), p. 521. (12)Quoted in Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, Inside the Dream: The Personal Story of Walt Disney (New York: Roundtable Press, 2001), p. 95. (13)Quoted in Canemaker, Nine Old Men, p. 45. (14) Michael Barrier, Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in its Golden Age (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 395. (15) Richard Schickel, The Disney Version: The Life, Times, Art and Commerce of Walt Disney, 3rd ed. (1968, repr. Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997), p. 282. (16)Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: Saturday Night Broadcast “For This We Fight,” Jul. 27, 1943, Radio Program--“For This We Fight” Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1942-1943, Q-S, A1529, WDA. (17)Walt to Disney Beck Fellers, Dec. 11, 1944, F Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1944, F-N, A1531, WDA. (18)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Richard Hubler, Oct. 29, 1968, p. 17, WDA. (19)McEvoy, “Disneyland,” p. 23. (20)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Don Peri, Mar. 26, 1975, WDA, p. 34. (21)Walt to William A. Knost (chairman of the American Legion Hollywood Post No. 43), Dec. 24, 1947. (22)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Don Peri, May 2, 1974, WDA, pp. 1.2. (23)Walt to Margaret Hedda Johnson, Jun. 26, 1947, J Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1947-1948, I-M, A1538, WDA. (24)Greene and Greene, Man Behind the Magic, p. 104. See also , Walt Disney’s Railroad Story (Pasadena, Calif.: Pentrex, 1997), p. 77. (25)Mrs. Walt Disney, as told to Isabella Taves, “I Live With a Genius,” McCall’s, Feb. 1953, p. 103. (26)Walt to Ruth, Dec. 8,1947, B Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1947-1948, A-H, A1537, WDA. (27) Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999), p. 31. (28)Bosley Crowther, “The Dream Merchant,” NYT, Dec. 16, 1966, p. 40. (29)Anonymous quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 91. (30)Hazel George, interview by David Tietyen, p. 25, WDA. (31)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reel 8, p. 22. (32)Walt to Jessie Perkins, Nov. 16, 1949, P Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1949.1950, H-Q, A1542, WDA. (33)Diane Disney Miller interview by author. (34)Mrs. Walt Disney, “Genius,” p. 103. (35)Quoted in Irving Wallace, “Mickey Mouse and How He Grew,” Collier’s, Apr. 9, 1949, p. 36. (36)Cowles interview. (37)Walt to William I. Nichols, This Week, Nov. 18, 1949, N folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, H-Q, A1542, WDA. (38)Walt Disney, interview by Pete Martin, Disc 9, WDA. (39)Tel. Bill Levy to Walt, Nov. 10,1949, folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, A-G, A1541, WDA. (40)Roy to Walt, Apr. 12, 1950, Treasure Island Corr. Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1949-1950, R-Z, A1543, WDA.

第 10 章 丘にそびえる都市

(1)J. Howard McGrath quoted in William Chafe, The Unfinished Journey: America Since World War II, 3rd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 99. (2)Mr. Harper, “After Hours,” Harper’s, Jun. 1948, p. 573. (3)Jackson Lears, “The Mouse that Roared,” New Republic, Jun. 15, 1998, p. 27. (4)Walt to William Stensgaard, Nov. 29, 1951, St Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1951-1952, R-S, A1548, WDA; Karal Ann Marling, “Imagineering the Disney Theme Parks,” in Designing Disney’s Theme Parks: The Architecture of Reassurance, ed. Karal Ann Marling (New York: Flammarion, 1997), pp. 50.51. (5)Walt to Hedda Hopper, Dec. 19, 1952, Ho Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1951-1952, H-L, A1546, WDA. (6)Quoted in Charles Solomon, Enchanted Drawings: The History of Animation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1989), p. 191. (7)Quoted in Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999), p. 147. (8)Don Eddy, “The Amazing Secret of Walt Disney,” American Magazine, Aug. 1955, p. 114. (9)Walt to William “Casey” Jones, Aug. 19, 1948, Miniature Railroads Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1947.1948, I-M, A1538, WDA. (10)Untitled for Dick Kelsey, Aug. 31, 1948, Miniature Railroads Folder, ibid. (11)Ben Sharpsteen, interview by Don Peri, p. 13, WDA. (12) quoted in Randy Bright, Disneyland: Inside Story (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987), p. 54. (13)Bill Cottrell, interview by Jay Horan, Aug./Oct. 1983, p. 86, WDA. (14)Walt to Kathryn Gordon, Mar. 17, 1953, Gr Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1953-1954, G-K, A1552, WDA. (15)Quoted in Randy Bright, Disneyland: The Inside Story (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1987), p. 48. (16)Quoted in Bob Thomas, Walt Disney: An American Original (New York: Hyperion, 1994), p. 305. (17)The Disneyland Story, Sept. 3, 1954, Disneyland, 1954-1961 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O..Trips to Disneyland (1954-61), A3002, WDA. (18)Disneyland Story. (19)“The World of Walt Disney,” Newsweek, Dec. 31, 1962, p. 49. (20)Walt to Dr. William C. Bowers, Jan. 31, 1951, Bi Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1951-1952, A-Ch, A1544, WDA. (21)Bright, Inside Story, p. 53. (22) and Hazel George, interview by David Tietyen, Aug. 29, 1978, p. 32, WDA. (23)Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: Proposed Television Show with Coca-Cola, Sept. 15, 1950, WDA. (24)Memo, Roy to Walt, Jul. 10, 1952; Memo, Roy to Walt, Jul. 17,1952, Walt Disney, 1941-1954 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O..Trips to Disneyland (1954-1961), A3002, WDA. (25)Ray Stark (Famous Artists Corp.) to Walt, Jan. 6, 1953, Foster, Norman, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1955, E-L, A1558; Cottrell interview by Horan, pp. 83.85. (26)Horan, Video Interview pp. 31.34; Lucille Ryman Carroll quoted in Paul F. Anderson, “A Brush With Disney . . . Herb Ryman,” POV 1, no. 2 (Winter 1992), p. 29. In this version Walt added, “This is my dream.” (27)Speech at Tenth Anniversary of Disneyland, Jul. 17, 1965, quoted in France, Window, n.p. 508 (28)Notes on TV Meeting.Mar. 22, 1954, TV Notes and Meeting Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1953.1955, R-Z, A1640. (29)Quoted in Anderson, “Disney’s Davy Crockett,” p. 38. (30)Benjamin Kalmenson, U.S. vs Twentieth Century Fox, et. al, Oct. 31, 1955, quoted in Hollywood TV, p. 154. (31)Robert Kintner to Walt Disney, Dec. 16,1954, A Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1953-1954, A-B, A1550, WDA. (33)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 580. (34)J. P. McEvoy, “McEvoy in Disneyland,” Reader’s Digest, Feb. 1955, pp. 25-26. (35)Quoted in Dick Adler, “Hippos Revenge,” Los Angeles Magazine, Sept. 1990, pp. 90-91. (36)Walt to Frederic Shaw (architect), Feb. 10, 1954, Si Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1955, S-Z, A1560; Kimball quoted in Marc Eliot, Walt Disney: Hollywood’s Dark Prince (New York: HarperCollins, 1994), p. 246. (37)Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 16. (38)Van France quoted in Kevin Wallace, “The Engineering of Ease,” The New Yorker, Sept. 7, 1963, p. 114. (39)Quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 155. (40)“Father Goose,” Time, Dec. 27, 1954, p. 42. (41)Grenade Curran quoted in Paul F. Anderson, “The Apple Box Incident,” POV 1, no. 1 (Jul. 17, 1992), p. 31. (42)Walt Pfeiffer, interview by Christopher Finch and Linda Rosenkrantz, Jul. 5, 1972, WDA. (43)Ken Anderson in Jay Horan, Video Interview with Ken Anderson, Bill Cottrell and Herb Ryman, Sept. 15, 1983, p. 26, WDA. (44)Ken Anderson in Horan, Video Interview, p. 64. (45)Quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 164. (46)France, Window, pp. 44.45. (47)Walt Disney interview by Martin, Reels 9 & 10, Reel 10, p. 16. (48), Just Tell Me When to Cry: A Memoir (New York: Carroll & Graf, 1993), p. 104. (49)Charles Shows, Walt: Backstage Adventures with Walt Disney (Huntington Beach, Calif.: Windsong Books International, 1979), pp. 24-52. (50)Louella O. Parsons, “Walt Disney, The Lovable Genius Who Never Grew Up,” Los Angeles Examiner, Pictorial Living Section, Jan. 9, 1955. (51)Watts, Magic Kingdom, p. 354. (52)Walt to T. Hee, Jan. 17, 1957, He-Hn Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1957, E-O, A1567, WDA. (53)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 257. (54)ibid., p. 768. (55)Hedda Hopper, “Poppins’ Success Depresses Disney,” LAT, Jan. 1, 1965. (56) Harry Tytle, One of “Walt’s Boys”: An Insider’s Account of Disney’s Golden Years (Royal Oak, Mich.: Airtight Seals Allied Production, 1997), p. 96. (57)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 482. (58)Ken Anderson, interview by Bob Thomas, May 15, 1972, pp. 29-30, WDA. (59)Paul Smith and Hazel George, interview by David Tietyen, Aug. 29, 1978, p. 41, WDA. (60)Quoted in Solomon, Enchanted Drawings, p. 214. (61)David Fisher, “Two Premieres: Disney and UPA,” in Peary and Peary, Animated Cartoon, pp. 178-79, 182.

第 11 章 ユートピアに向かう

(1)Robert B. Sherman and Richard H. Sherman, Walt’s Time: From Before to Beyond, ed. Bruce Gordon, David Mumford, and Jeff Kurtti (Santa Clarita, Calif.: Camphor Tree Publishers, 1998), p. 13. (2)Walt Disney, interview by Pete Martin, Reels 9 & 10, p. 69. (3)Memo, Ed Ettinger to Walt, Re: Press Meeting-Thursday, Dec. 4, 1958, Dec. 2, 1958, Ed Ettinger Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1958-1959, Dover-M, A1646, WDA. (4), interview by Bob Thomas, May 25, 1973, p. 23, WDA. (5)Jack Alexander, “The Amazing Story of Walt Disney,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 31, 1953, p. 84. (6) Quoted in Amy Boothe Green and Howard E. Green, Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney (New York: Hyperion, 1999), p. 76. (7)Aubrey Menen, “Dazzled in Disneyland,” Holiday, Jul. 1963. (8), Window on Main Street: 35 Years of Creating Happiness at Disneyland Park (Nashua, N.H.: Laughter Publications, 1991), p. 33. (9)Ollie Johnston, interview by Christopher Finch and Linda Rosenkrantz, Jun. 2, 1972, p. 27, WDA. (10)Memo, Roy to Walt, Re: , Jun. 19, 1959, Walt Disney, 1955-1961 Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O.--Trips to Disneyland (1954.61), A3002, WDA. (11)Roy to Leonard Goldenson, Mar. 27, 1959, ABC--General Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1959, A-Ca, A1573, WDA. (12)Quoted in France, Window, p. 79. (13)Quoted in Katherine Greene and Richard Greene, Inside the Dream: The Personal Story of Walt Disney (New York: Roundtable Press, 2001), p. 118. (14)Variety, Aug. 10, 1960. (15)Anonymous quoted in Bill Davidson, “The Latter-Day Aesop,” TV Guide, May 20, 1961. (16)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 734. (17)Quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, pp. 169.70. (18)Quoted in Paul F. Anderson, “A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow: Walt Disney & World’s Fairs,” POV, no. 6.7 (1995), p. 30. (19)Cottrell interview by Horan, pp. 43-45. (20)Anderson, “Great Big,” p. 63. (21)Jack Spiers quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 174. (22)Hubler, Disney, p. 33. (23)Chicago Daily News, Nov. 20, 1963. (24)Bill Peet, BillPeet:AnAutobiography (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989), p. 172. (25)Quoted in Leonard Mosley, Disney’s World (New York: Stein & Day, 1985), p. 276. (26) Robert De Roos, “The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney,” National Geographic, Aug. 1963. (27)Baltimore News-Post, May 1959, in “‘Disney’s No Comic Character’: Burris Jenkins in Disneyland,” The , Fall 2002, p. 40. (28) Charles Shows, Walt: Backstage Adventures with Walt Disney (Huntington Beach, Calif.: Windsong Books International, 1979), p. 75. (29)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 413. (30)Dr. Max Rafferty, “The Greatest Pedagogue of Them All,” LAT, Apr. 19, 1965. (31)Quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 99. (32)Efron, “Still Attacking,” p. 13. (33)Richard Schickel, The Disney Version: The Life, Times, Art and Commerce of Walt Disney, 3rd ed. (1968; repr., Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997), pp. 306.7, 94. (34)Bill Roberts to Walt, Apr. 27, 1960, R Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1960, P-Z, A1585, WDA. (35)Tel. Walt to William Anderson, Apr. 23, 1962, Mills, John, and Family Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1965, K-M, A1610, WDA. (36)Memo, Walt to Roy, May 31, 1963, Roy Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, A- Disney Aircraft, A1648, WDA. (37)Quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 131. (38)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 459. (39)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 749. (40)Libby Slate, “Marc Davis,” Disney News, Fall 1992, p. 26. (41) quoted in Anderson, “Great Big,” p. 94. (42)Bright, Inside Story, p. 173. (43)Walt to , Feb. 26, 1962, Andrews, Julie, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1964, A-C (Misc.), A1599, WDA. (44)Quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 150. (45)Quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, p. 151. (46)Goldwyn quoted in Sherman and Sherman, Walt’s Story, p. 60. (47)Pamela Travers to Walt, Sept. 1, 1964, Pamela Travers Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1964, Radziwill-Z, A1604, WDA. (48)Julie Andrews to Walt, [Apr. 29, 1965,] Andrews, Julie, Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1964, A-C (Misc.) A1599, WDA. (49)Walt to Julie Andrews, Apr. 29, 1965, ibid. (50)Hedda Hopper, “Rumored Sell-Out Denied by Disney,” LAT, Feb. 13, 1965. (51)Efron, “Still Attacking,” p. 14. (52)Walt to Jack Williams, Jr., (Waycross [Ga.] Journal-Herald), Jul. 1, 1964, Disneyland General Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1964, Disney-Gifts, A1601, WDA. (53)Mrs. Walt Disney, interview by Richard Hubler, Apr. 16, 1968, Disney, Lillian, Folder, WDA. (54)NYT, Nov. 16, 1965; Press Release: Walt Disney Outlines Preliminary Concepts for his Disney World, Nov. 15, 1965, Florida--Press Releases Folder, Walt Disney Corr., , A-Z, A1666, WDA; Variety, Nov. 24, 1965; C. E. Wright, “East Coast Disneyland to Rise Near Orlando,” NYT, Nov. 21, 1965, sec. 10, p. 3. (55), interview by author. (56)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 718. (57)Peter Bart, “The Golden Stuff of Disney Dreams,” NYT, Dec. 5, 1965, sec. 2, p. 13. (58)Frances Clark Sayers, “Walt Disney Accused,” interview by Charles M. Weisenberg, F.M. and Fine Arts, Aug. 1965. (59)Walt to Bob Stevenson, Nov. 28, 1961, S Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1960-1964, N-Tatum, A1651, WDA. (60)Quoted in Greene and Greene, Inside the Dream, pp. 170.71. (61)Walt to Hobart Lewis (executive editor, Reader’s Digest), Sept. 15, 1966, R Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1966, N-Smoke Tree Ranch, A1619, WDA. (62)Reverend Glenn Puder, interview by author. (63)Memo, Roy to Walt, Aug. 20, 1965, Walt Disney Folder, Roy O. Disney, Inter-Office Corr., Disney, Roy O.--Trips to Disneyland (1954.61), A3002, WDA. (64)Walt to Mrs. Eugene Hill-Smith, Apr. 29, 1966, H Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1966, H-I, A1617, WDA. (65)Price quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 722. (66)Mosley, Disney’s World, pp. 276-77. See also Paul Smith and Hazel George, interview by David Tietyen, Aug. 29, 1978, p. 27, WDA; Hazel George, interview by John Canemaker, Jan. 4, 1995, WDA. (67)Ward Kimball, interview by Rick Shale, p. 24, WDA. (68)Shows, Backstage Adventures, p. 197. (69)Diane Disney Miller, as told to Pete Martin, The Story of Walt Disney (New York: Holt, 1956), p. 114. (70)Walt to , Feb. 3, 1966, M Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1966, J-M, A1618, WDA. (71)Walt to Kay Clark, Jun. 22,1966, C Folder, Walt Disney Corr., 1966, B-Christmas, A1614, WDA. (72)Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 196. (73)Quoted in Mosley, Disney’s World, pp. 293.94. (74)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 841. (75)Edna and Roy to Walt and Lilly, Nov. 22, 1966, Roy Disney Folder, Walt Disney Corr., Inter-Office, 1965- 1966, A-I, A1653, WDA. (76)Quoted in Hubler, Disney, p. 834. (77)Patty Disney quoted in Green and Green, Remembering Walt, p. 197. (78)Martin, presentation at NFFC Convention. (79)Mosley, Disney’s World, p. 290.