Subtropical Atlantic salinity variability and Atlantic meridional circulation during the last deglaciation

Anders E. Carlson1*, Delia W. Oppo1, Rosemarie E. Came2†, Allegra N. LeGrande3, Lloyd D. Keigwin1, William B. Curry1 1Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA 2Geology and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA 3National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, New York, New York 10025, USA

ABSTRACT During the last deglaciation (ca. 21–10 ka), freshening of the North Atlantic surface likely caused reductions in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC); the mechanisms related to AMOC recovery remain poorly understood. Here we present three new deglacial δ18 δ18 surface temperature and Oseawater ( Osw) reconstructions from the western subtropical δ18 North and South Atlantic. Similarities to tropical Caribbean and western Atlantic Osw records suggest that a salty surface water mass accumulated in the western Atlantic from δ18 27°S to 33°N during periods of reduced AMOC. However, Osw decreases led deep AMOC resumption by hundreds of years. We suggest that the northward export of salt previously trapped in the western Atlantic resulted in the early establishment of a shallow overturning circulation that eventually culminated in deep AMOC resumption, implying that AMOC may constitute a self-limiting system.

INTRODUCTION melting of icebergs during Heinrich Event 1 foraminifera Globorotalia infl ata (thermocline The tropics and subtropics of the North (H1) (17.5–16.0 ka) (McManus et al., 2004). dwelling; Anand et al., 2003) for the core top, Atlantic are regions of net evaporation, which A smaller reduction occurred during the Holocene, and deglacial sections of the core increases the salinity of surface waters in cold event (ca. 13–11.5 ka), (Fig. 2; GSA Data Repository Fig. DR11). the subtropical North Atlantic. Subduction probably due to the routing of North American For the Blake Outer Ridge and the Brazilian δ18 of salty northeastern subtropical waters into freshwater to the northern North Atlantic (e.g., margin, we measured Ocalcite and Mg/Ca of the thermocline also increases the salinity of Broecker et al., 1990; Carlson et al., 2007) the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides western Atlantic thermocline waters. These and increased iceberg discharge (McManus ruber (white) (surface dwelling; Anand et al., high-salinity waters are an important com- et al., 2004). Following each weakening, the 2003) for the core tops and deglacial sec- ponent of the upper limb of modern Atlantic AMOC eventually resumed (McManus et al., tions of the two cores (Fig. 2 and Fig. DR1). meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) 2004). However, the mechanisms behind these After converting Mg/Ca to CT, we corrected δ18 (Broecker et al., 1990; Schmitz, 1995), hence resumptions are unclear (Weaver et al., 2003; Ocalcite for changes in CT and continental ice δ18 changes in their salinity may have infl uenced Knorr and Lohmann, 2003; Schmidt et al., volume to reconstruct Osw (Fig. 3 and Fig. AMOC in the past (Schmidt et al., 2004, 2006; 2004; Weldeab et al., 2006; Leduc et al., 2007), DR1). In the case of the Bermuda Rise with Weldeab et al., 2006). Once these waters reach especially in the case of the Oldest Dryas, its deep water depth, we developed a weight- the subpolar North Atlantic and cool, convec- when the deep AMOC (>2500 m water depth) dependent Mg/Ca-CT calibration to account tion occurs, forming North Atlantic deepwater resumption lagged the end of H1 by ~1.3 k.y. for the effects of dissolution. Detailed methods and continuing the AMOC (Schmitz, 1995). (McManus et al., 2004; Robinson et al., 2005). and reservoir corrected-calibrated age model During the (LGM, Because the subtropical western Atlantic sur- construction are provided in the GSA Data δ18 ca. 21 ka), AMOC strength was apparently face hydrology exerts a strong control on mod- Repository. We compare our Osw results to reduced relative to present, and during the ern AMOC, we evaluate the possibility that the simulations using the National Aeronautics subsequent deglaciation underwent two oscil- subtropics played an important role in modu- and Space Administration Goddard Institute lations in strength with attendant effects on lating AMOC in the past. for Space Studies fully coupled atmosphere- climate (Boyle and Keigwin, 1987; McManus ocean general circulation model (GCM) et al., 2004; Robinson et al., 2005). The larger METHODS ModelE-R that tracks water isotopes (Schmidt of these reductions spanning the Oldest Dryas We reconstructed calcifi cation temperature et al., 2007). ModelE-R was forced with 0.1 cold event (ca. 18.5–14.7 ka) was likely in (CT) and sea-surface salinity (SSS)–dependent Sverdrups (1 Sverdrup [Sv] = 106 m3 s–1) of δ18 δ18 response to the input of freshwater from ini- Oseawater ( Osw) from three cores located fresh water to the North Atlantic for 100 yr. We tial retreat of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets along the northward return fl ow of surface compare the average of the past 20 yr of this ca. 19 ka (Clark et al., 2004), reinforced by the water associated with AMOC (Broecker et al., experiment to the control simulation. 1990; Schmitz, 1995). Core OCE326-GGC5 *Current address: Department of Geology and is located on the Bermuda Rise, KNR140– 1GSA Data Repository item 2008246, detailed Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 51GGC is on the Blake Outer Ridge, and methods and results description, core data, and addi- 53706, USA; [email protected]. tional tables and fi gures, is available online at www. †Current address: Department of Geological Sci- KNR159–5–36GGC is along the Brazilian, or on request from ences, Jackson School of Geoscience, University of margin (Fig. 1). For the Bermuda Rise, we [email protected] or Documents Secretary, δ18 Texas, Austin, TX, 78713, USA. measured Ocalcite and Mg/Ca of the planktonic GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

© 2008 The Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. GEOLOGY,Geology, December December 2008; 2008 v. 36; no. 12; p. 991–994; doi: 10.1130/G25080A.1; 3 fi gures; Data Repository item 2008246. 991 MD01-2334 (0.0/-0.8) 51GGC GGC5 (0.3/0.7) (0.5/0.4)

VM28-122 (0.2/0.4) ITCZ July January ITCZ GeoB3129-3911 (0.3/0.6)

36GGC (0.3/0.6)

–0.22 –0.18 –0.14–0.10 –0.06 –0.02 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22 δ18 Osw (‰)

Figure 1. Locations of cores GGC5 on Ber- muda Rise (33°42′N, 57°35′W, 4550 m water depth), 51GGC on Blake Outer Ridge (32°47′N, 76°17′W, 1790 m water depth), 36GGC on Bra- zilian margin (27°31′S, 46°28′W, 1268 m water depth), VM28–122 (11°34′N, 78°25′W, 3623 m water depth) in Caribbean (Schmidt et al., 2004), GeoB3129–3911 (4°37′S, 36°38′W, Figure 2. Subtropical calcifi cation tempera- 830 m water depth) on northeastern Brazil ture (CT) (gray dots with 3 point smoothed δ18 δ18 margin (Weldeab et al., 2006), and MD01– black line) and Ocalcite ( Oc) (gray line). 2334 (37°33′ N, 10°08′W, 2460 m water depth) A: Bermuda Rise (GGC5) Globorotalia infl ata δ18 on Iberian margin (Skinner and Shackleton, CT. B: GGC5 Oc. C: Blake Outer Ridge (51GGC) Globigerinoides ruber CT. D: 51GGC Figure 3. Subtropical-tropical sea-surface 2006). Green line is modern July Intertropical δ18 δ18 salinities (SSS) ( Osw), Atlantic meridi- Convergence Zone (ITCZ) location; blue line G. ruber Oc. E: Brazilian margin (36GGC) G. ruber CT. F: 36GGC G. ruber δ18O . Black onal overturning circulation (AMOC), and is January location. Also shown is National c North Atlantic climate. A: Summit Green- Aeronautics and Space Administration God- boxes denote radiocarbon age control. Dark gray bars denote Last Glacial Maximum land (GISP— Project) dard Institute for Space Studies general δ18 (LGM), and Oldest (OD) and Younger Dryas O (Grootes et al., 1993). B: Bermuda Rise circulation ModelE-R (Schmidt et al., 2007) 231Pa/230Th record from subtropical North surface δ18O response to ~50% reduction (YD) cold events. Light gray bar denotes sw Atlantic (McManus et al., 2004). C: δ18O Bølling/Allerød Warm Period (B/A). sw in Atlantic meridional overturning circu- from Bermuda Rise (square symbols, 3 point lation (AMOC) strength. Changes in core smoothing). D: δ18O from Blake Outer δ18O during reduced AMOC are indicated in sw sw Ridge (circular symbols, 3 point smoothed). parentheses (fi rst value is for Younger Dryas, E: δ18O from Caribbean (diamond sym- δ18 sw second is for Oldest Dryas). Because Osw δ18 identical, millennial-scale variability (Figs. 3C, bols) (Schmidt et al., 2004). F: Osw from changes differ somewhat in timing between northeastern Brazil margin (open circular records, changes in core δ18O were calcu- 3D, and 3G). Bermuda Rise and Brazilian mar- sw symbols, 3 point smoothed) (Weldeab et al., lated using average of three points prior to δ18 gin Osw began to increase at 18.5–18.0 ka, 2006). G: δ18O from Brazilian margin (open δ18O change and average of three points sw sw reaching maxima ca. 16.5 ka, with subsequent diamond symbols, 3 point smoothed). Black just after change. δ18 decreases. In contrast, Blake Outer Ridge Osw boxes represent radio carbon age control. was highest during the LGM with a subsequent Records are smoothed to reduce sig- decrease. It began a gradual increase again nifi cance of noisy data while increasing signifi cance of the signal (Beving ton and RESULTS 18.5–18.0 ka, reaching a maximum ca. 16 ka. Robinson, 2002). Medium gray bars denote δ18 At the LGM, the Blake Outer Ridge, Brazil- Osw at all three sites decreased abruptly Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and Oldest ian margin, and Bermuda Rise CT were ~2.5, 1, between 15.5 and 15.2 ka. At 13–13.5 ka, all (OD) and Younger Dryas (YD) cold events. δ18 Dark gray bar denotes timing of Heinrich and 2.5 °C colder than modern CT, respectively, three sites exhibit another maximum in Osw. δ18 Event 1 (H1). Light gray bar denotes Bølling/ in agreement with CLIMAP (climate: long- Assuming modern Osw-SSS relationships at Allerød Warm Period (B/A). range investigation, mapping, and prediction) the core sites (LeGrande and Schmidt, 2006), δ18 estimates (CLIMAP Project Members, 1981) these millennial-scale Osw events refl ect SSS (Fig. 2). During the LGM, the Blake Outer variations of ≥1 practical salinity unit (psu). Ridge CT increased by ~1 °C with a second margin, possibly refl ecting the infl uence of increase of ~1.5 °C between ca. 17 and 15.4 ka. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS subducted cooler thermocline waters from the CT subsequently cooled by ~2 °C, before warm- The three CT records from the western eastern subtropical North Atlantic (Skinner and ing again ca. 13 ka. The Brazilian margin CT subtropical Atlantic show distinctly differ- Shackleton, 2006). While there is not a coinci- remained relatively constant following the ent temperature trends across the last degla- dent oscillation in 231Pa/230Th ca. 16.5 ka, when LGM until 15–14 ka, when it began a gradual ciation. At the Bermuda Rise, CT cooled twice CT increased at the Bermuda Rise (Fig. 2), we deglacial warming trend. In contrast, the Ber- during the Oldest Dryas and once during the note that a similar Iberian margin CT oscil- muda Rise CT record shows 1–3 °C cooling to Younger Dryas, periods of reduced AMOC lation and decreased North Atlantic bottom- minima ca. 17, 15, and 13 ka, with 2–3 °C of strength (231Pa/230Th measured from the same water nutrient content ca. 16.5 ka (Boyle and warming ca. 16.5, 14.7, and 12 ka. core) (McManus et al., 2004). These Bermuda Keigwin, 1987; Skinner and Shackleton, 2006) During the last deglaciation, the three sub- Rise CT decreases are similar in both timing suggest that the Bermuda Rise CT oscillation δ18 tropical Osw records show similar, but not and magnitude to a CT record off the Iberian may be more than a local phenomenon.

992 GEOLOGY, December 2008 The relatively warm, close to modern CT at and the Caribbean (0.5–0.7 k.y.) (lead range in AMOC exerted a major control on subtropi- the Blake Outer Ridge following the LGM and refl ects calibrated 14C age 2σ) (Fig. 3). The cal and tropical western Atlantic SSS through its through the Oldest Dryas suggests the accumu- western tropical Atlantic record (GeoB3129) role in alternatively trapping and advecting salt. δ18 lation of heat during reduced AMOC, with the suggests an earlier decrease in Osw than the Other studies have attributed deglacial sub- subsequent decrease implying the resumption other four records, but this portion of GeoB3129 tropical and tropical western Atlantic SSS of northward heat transport (Fig. 2). We note has no radiocarbon dates, and the timing of the variability to migrations in the Intertropical that while this may be a local phenomenon, decrease overlaps with the other records within Convergence Zone (ITCZ) (Fig. 1) (Schmidt deglacial pollen records from Florida suggest age model uncertainties (Weldeab et al., 2006). et al., 2004, 2006; Weldeab et al., 2006; Leduc warming across the Oldest Dryas (Grimm et al., Thus, our new records suggest that similar et al., 2007). Southward ITCZ displacement dur- δ18 2006) and CT warming from 24 to 26–27 °C is deglacial changes in Osw occurred in the west- ing North Atlantic cooling and reduced AMOC observed at Blake Outer Ridge during H5 and ern tropical and subtropical Atlantic along the may enhance the infl uence of AMOC on SSS H5a (Schmidt et al., 2006). Warming of 1–2 °C AMOC return fl ow path from 27°S to 33°N. in the northern subtropics and tropics through δ18 is also observed in the tropical western Atlantic The SSS proxy and Osw records from the increased evaporation (Peterson et al., 2000; and Caribbean during the Oldest Dryas (Rühle- subpolar North Atlantic indicate decreased Lea et al., 2003; Schmidt et al., 2004, 2006; δ18 mann et al., 1999; Schmidt et al., 2004; Weldeab Osw and SSS during the Oldest and Younger Weldeab et al., 2006; Benway et al., 2006). Or, it et al., 2006) (Fig. 1). Although this warming Dryas (e.g., Clark et al., 2004; Skinner and may act as a positive feedback in the southwest- does not occur at precisely the same time in all Shackleton, 2006; Carlson et al., 2007), sug- ern tropical Atlantic because of orographically cores (perhaps to some extent due to age uncer- gesting that during periods of reduced AMOC, blocked moisture transport from the Atlantic to tainties and/or local effects), the results gener- salty water accumulates in the central to west- the Pacifi c with a southward ITCZ (Wang et al., ally suggest that heat was stored in the western ern subtropical and tropical Atlantic while 2004; Leduc et al., 2007). However, both data and tropical and possibly northwestern subtropical freshwater infl uences the subpolar regions and model results suggest that while ITCZ migration δ18 Atlantic during intervals of reduced AMOC. northeastern subtropics. However, the Osw may cause large changes in seasonal precipita- δ18 The new Osw records bear a similarity to response to reduced AMOC during the Younger tion, the precipitation-driven SSS anomalies are AMOC records (Boyle and Keigwin, 1987; Dryas is smaller and more limited in extent tempered by mixing during transport with ocean McManus et al., 2004; Robinson et al., 2005), than the Oldest Dryas response, with the largest currents, in agreement with a previous study of with decreased AMOC during the Oldest and Younger Dryas signals observed in the tropical Holocene Pacifi c salinity changes (Oppo et al., Younger Dryas generally associated with and northwestern subtropical Atlantic (Fig. 1). 2007). The GCM simulation shows a southward increased subtropical western to central Atlan- This smaller response may refl ect the smaller shift in ITCZ coinciding with increased precipi- δ18 δ18 tic Osw, and presumably salinity (Fig. 3). magnitude and shorter lived AMOC reduction tation and decreased Osw of Amazon River This relationship has been documented in the during the Younger Dryas relative to the Oldest discharge, but at least along the western to cen- Caribbean (Schmidt et al., 2004) and western Dryas (McManus et al., 2004; Robinson et al., tral subtropical and tropical Atlantic return fl ow tropical Atlantic (Weldeab et al., 2006) during 2005), and thus less salt accumulation. path, diminished salt export from the subtropics the last deglaciation (Figs. 1 and 3), and dur- To test the hypothesis that deglacial west- and tropics due to reduced AMOC overwhelms δ18 ing marine isotope stage 3 (ca. 45–60 ka) at the ern Atlantic Osw oscillations are controlled the ITCZ effect (Fig. 1 and Fig. DR2). Blake Outer Ridge (Schmidt et al., 2006). While by AMOC, we use results from the idealized At the end of the Younger Dryas, AMOC δ18 the timing of Osw changes differs among the ModelE-R 0.1 Sv freshwater forcing experiment increased coincident with the reduction in core sites (possibly refl ecting age uncertainties conducted for Paleoclimate Modeling Inter- freshwater runoff to the North Atlantic (Carlson and/or local effects), all records suggest that comparison Project Phase II (PMIP2) (Stouffer et al., 2007). However, deep AMOC and deep- δ18 δ18 Osw started to increase 18–19 ka (Fig. 3). At et al., 2006), but now including O tracers. ocean ventilation did not immediately resume the Brazilian margin, the Bermuda Rise, and the This experiment is run from the preindustrial after the end of H1 ca. 16 ka, but rather lagged δ18 western tropical Atlantic, Osw increases were simulation and does not include full deglacial until ca. 14.7 ka (Fig. 3) (McManus et al., relatively abrupt. At the Blake Outer Ridge and boundary conditions (e.g., ice sheets, ice sheet 2004; Robinson et al., 2005). Southern Ocean δ18 in the Caribbean, Osw initially decreased from runoff, sea level, orbital forcing, greenhouse sources and increased leakage of the Agulhas minimum values ca. 21 and 20 ka, respectively, gases, salinity), limiting model-data comparison Current have been suggested for the turn-on δ18 and gradually increased through the Oldest only to the spatial Osw pattern from a reduc- of AMOC by some GCMs and faunal recon- δ18 Dryas. Following an interval of high Osw, tion in AMOC. The simulation shows an ~50 % structions (Knorr and Lohmann, 2003; Weaver the Bermuda Rise shows an early decrease reduction in AMOC, similar to “hosing” experi- et al., 2003; Peeters et al., 2004), with increased ca. 16.5 ka that is not seen in the other records. ments with other GCMs (Stouffer et al., 2006). tropical-subtropical salinity preconditioning the δ18 This suggests the arrival of fresher water that Surface Osw increases in the subtropical and North Atlantic and acting as a positive feedback partly balanced salt accumulation, implying the tropical western to central Atlantic (Fig. 1) due after the initial triggering of AMOC (Schmidt infl uence of thermocline water sourced from to reduced northward advection of the surface et al., 2004, 2006; Weldeab et al., 2006). the fresher northeastern subtropical Atlantic water mass in response to this AMOC reduction In contrast, our results indicate a 0.2–0.7 k.y. δ18 (Fig. 1) (Skinner and Shackleton, 2006). The (LeGrande and Schmidt, 2008). While the mag- lead of Osw decreases over deep AMOC δ18 other surface records indicate a later decrease of nitudes of modeled Osw increases are less than resumption and deep-ocean ventilation ca. δ18 Osw values at 16–15.2 ka that is also registered those observed in paleorecords, possibly due to 14.7 ka, with the initial decrease beginning as a smaller decrease at the Bermuda Rise. the lack of accurate deglacial boundary condi- shortly after the end of freshwater forcing dur- δ18 231 230 A comparison of Osw and Pa/ Th, both tions or the duration and/or amount of the AMOC ing H1 (Fig. 3). Decreased ventilation ages of from the Bermuda Rise, suggests an ~0.5 k.y. reduction, the sign and spatial distribution of the shallower (<2500 m) North Atlantic waters and δ18 δ18 δ18 lead of the Osw decrease ca. 15.2 ka over Osw response are in agreement with the Osw a decrease in North Atlantic bottom-water nutri- deep AMOC resumption ca. 14.7 ka. 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