Grazing and vigilance behaviour of breeding Eurasian Anas penelope in relation to distance from water


Grazing and vigilance behaviour in breeding Eurasian Wigeon at various distances from water were studied in ]983 and ]984 in western Norway. Females performed longer grazing bouts, pecked with a higher rate and were vigilant for shorter periods than males .. The length of graz- ing bouts and peck rate in males decreased, whereas their length of vigilance bouts increased, with distance from water. ]n females, length of grazing and vigilance bouts and peck rate were independent of distance from water. We conclude that Wigeon generally feed close to water be- cause they may be in more riskier areas when they move further ashore. The decreasing length of grazing bouts and increasing length of vigilance bouts in males with increasing distance from water, is explained by potential differences in predation pressure between the sexes.

Keywords: Wigeon, Anas penelope, Grazing, Vigilance, Predation, Sexual Difference

Optimal foraging theory predicts that ani- feeding and vigilant postures are easily dis- mals forage so as to maximize their net rate tinguishable, and because they prefer to of energy intake per unit time (Pyke et al. graze on grasslands with low vegetation, 1977, Krebs 1978). This strategy is often making them easily detectable. To compen- modified by conflicting demands, such as sate for a greater risk of predation with in- defending a territory, attracting a mate and creasing distance from safety, we predicted avoiding predators (Barnard 1983). that Wigeon should be more vigilant and In , feeding and scanning for preda- graze with a lower intensity if they moved tors are considered mutually exclusive ac- away from water. The most likely avian and tivities (Caraco 1982, Poysa 1987, De- ground predators on Wigeon and other sportes etal. 1991). Both protection against dabbling ducks in our study area, are predators and the rate of food intake can be Goshawk Accipiter gentilis and improved by joining a flock, because many Vulpes vulpes (J. Stenersen pers comm., eyes may help to detect an approaching own obs.). predator earlier and thus increase an indi- vidual's probability of escaping attacks (e.g. Powell 1974). On the other hand, stud- Methods ies in which vigilance increases with dis- tance to cover have interpreted the greater We collected data on six pairs of Wigeon vigilance as an adaptive response to an in- between 10 April and 23 May in 1983, and creased predation risk away from the pro- from four pairs of Wigeon between 20 April tection afforded by vegetation (e.g. and 22 May in 1984 in Sveio (59"33'N, Barnard 1980, Caraco et al. 1980, Hogstad 5"21'E), western Norway. Details of the 1988). Less attention has been paid to the study area and the breeding population of differential effect that distance from safety Wigeon are given elsewhere (Jacobsen & may have on the grazing and vigilance be- Ugelvik 1992). The pairs studied each year haviour of the two sexes of one particular constituted about 20% and 15% respec- species. We collected data on grazing tively of the entire breeding population in bouts, vigilance bouts and peck rates of an area of about 150 square km. This is the male and female Eurasian Wigeon Anas largest single population of breeding penelope (hereafter called Wigeon) at vari- Wigeon in Hordaland county, and it is ous distances from water. Wigeon are good mainly restricted to lakes and ponds sur- subjects for such studies, because their rounded by agricultural fields, heather Cal- 119 Wildfowl 45 (1994): 119-123 120 Vigilance behaviour of Wigeon luna vulgaris and patches of mixed forest. The lengths of grazing bouts and vigilance Immediately after arrival, the pairs periods of both sexes at different distances spaced out among breeding lakes and oc- from water were dictated onto a portable cupied parts of a lake where all activities, tape recorder. Later, we calculated the av- e.g. feeding, resting and courtship oc- erage length of grazing and vigilance bouts curred (Ugelvik 1986). in male and female Wigeon. Ail time mea- We watched different pairs from vantage surements were made with a precision of ± points at distances approaching 200 m, 0.5 s. using binoculars (8x40) and a telescope We recorded the peck rate for each sex (25-40x). Individuals were easily recog- during I-min intervals using a hand nized by variation in characteris- counter (see Jacobsen 1992 for details). tics (Cramp & Simmons 1977). Peck rates were correlated with the birds grazing distances from water. Grazing distance from water Stansncalanalyses Grazing distance (m) from the shoreline was estimated by using specific objects We used regression analysis to examine (trees, stones) on agricultural fields as ap- whether length of grazing and vigilance proximate measurements from the water's bouts and peck rates varied at different dis- edge. Data on one pair's grazing and vigi- tances from water for each sex. Wilcoxon lance behaviour were recorded on agricul- matched-pairs signed-ranks tests were tural fields randomly between 05.00 and used to measure intrasexual differences in 23.00 h when no other birds there (ducks, length of grazing and vigilance bouts and waders, gulls) were visible to the observer. peck rates. Tests are two-tailed. Data on grazing and vigilance behaviour were not affected by the variable observa- tion time. Results

Grazing bouts, vigilance periods and peck Grazing bouts, vigilance periods and peck rates rates

We defined length(s) of a grazing bout as The average duration of grazing bouts was the period when a Wigeon lowered its head longer in females than in males, whereas into terrestrial vegetation and until grazing the average duration of vigilance bouts was was interrupted by another activity, e.g. longer in males than in females (Table I). preening or vigilance. Although vigilance Females pecked with a higher rate than could be terminated by different behav- males (Table I). ioural activities, we defined a vigilance The average length of grazing bouts was bout as a Wigeon standing upright looking inversely correlated with increasing dis- around itself before grazing was continued. tance from water in males (r2=0.36, df=55, To compare the length of grazing and vigi- P=0.018), but not in females (r2=0.03, df=61, lance bouts between the sexes, we fol- n.s.) (Figure IA). Males were vigilant for lowed one pair continuously for between 1 longer periods when they moved ashore and 10 min. Since the members of a Wigeon (r2=0.46, df=53, P

Table 1. Average length of grazing and vigilance bouts, and average peck rate from male and female Eurasian Wigeon. Numbers in parenthesis refer to total no. of observations.

Behaviour Males (X ± SE) Females (X ± SE) P

Grazingbouts (s) 10.4 ± 0.58 (57) 21.5 ± 0.84 (63) Vigilancebouts (s) 31.4 ± 1.99 (55) 4.3 ± 0.46 (57) *** Peck rate (pecks/min) 22.6 ± 0.86 (57) 68.8 ± 1.04 (59) NOTE:*** = P

50 al

40 ~ ~ 30 '"0 I .c X I CI lJ .~ 20 I N • ~ ..III . CJ 10

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

60 bl


~ 40 I) u c 30 ~ CI :; 20


~ 0 " .~ 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

100 c)

;: 80 X ·e X I '" 3 ~ ...•0 I r • - 60 I) ~ I) ~ 40

...•0 I) a.. 20

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Distance from water 1m)

Figure 1. Relationship between average length (± SE) of grazing bouts (A), vigilance bouts (B) and average (± SE) peck rate (C) of male (closed circles) and female Eurasian Wigeon (open circles) with increasing distance from water. The regression lines are drawn for significant data. 122 Vigilance behaviour of Wigeon not in females (r2=0.01, df=55, n.s.) (Figure vergence in vigilance of male and female lC). Anas platyrhynchos increased if they moved to an area where the risk from terrestrial predators increased. He argued Discussion that this behaviour was reflected by the male's greater risk of being predated, due Previous studies have shown that Wigeon to its more conspicuous plumage. select feeding sites close to water (Jacob- The fact that females graze with a higher sen 1986, Mayhew & Houston 1989), and intensity and are vigilant for shorter peri- that they are more vigilant in terrestrial ods than males, strongly suggests that fe- habitats than in aquatic habitats (Jacobsen males are increasing their food intake prior & Ugelvik 1992). This behaviour is inter- to breeding. During parts of the breeding preted as an anti-predator response. The season, a female is closely associated with fact that the male's vigilance increases and its more vigilant mate (Ugelvik 1986). A length of grazing bout decreases with dis- male accompanying its female affords her tance from water, supports the hypothesis greater undisturbed feeding time, guards that Wigeon may be in riskier areas when against encounters with predators, and re- they move away from water. duces the probability of being raped by Wigeon males grazed with a lower inten- male conspecifics (McKinney et at. 1983). sity (lower peck rates and shorter grazing From our study it is difficult to evaluate bouts) and were more vigilant when they the most efficient anti-predator strategies moved away from water, whereas grazing of grazing male and female Wigeon, be- intensity in females was not affected by dis- cause we lack data on attack rates and the tance from water (Figure 1). It seems likely ducks' ability to respond effectively as a that scanning should increase with dis- function of distance to safety. It seems, tance to safety only if a has a greater however, reasonable to consider vigilance risk of being predated while feeding further behaviour in a more general sense as the from safety (Elgar 1989). Our data suggest means by which the birds continuously re- that male Wigeon face a greater risk of pre- ceive information from the environment dation than females, partly due to the (Elgar 1989, Lazarus & Symonds 1992). The males' more conspicuous plumage. Similar selection pressures that affect vigilance be- arguments have been outlined by Mayhew haviour should therefore be a subject for (1987). Lendrem (1983) found that the di- future research.

This study was funded by a research grant from the University of Bergen and the Norwegian Di- rectorate for Nature Management. We are grateful to John Aambo and John Torvund who kindly gave us permission to work on their agricultural fields, and to Arnold Hdland for field assistance. We thank Bjorn T. Barlaup, lngvar Byrkjedal, Olav Hogstad, G6ran H6gstedt and Harald Sa!grov for comments. John Lazarus and Peter Mayhew made helpful suggestions that improved the quality of the manuscript.


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l Odd W. Jacobsen and Morten Ugelvik2, Museum of Zoology, Department of Animal Ecol- ogy, University of Bergen, N-5007 Bergen, Norway. IPresent address: Bergen College, Landassvingen 15, N-5030 Landas, Norway. 2Present address: Fyllingen, N-6030 Langevag, Norway.