CAVES The Journal of the Australian Speleological Federation AUSTRALIA Ningaloo Underground Saving Cliefden Caves Elery Hamilton-Smith No. 201 • SEPTEMBER 2015 COMING EVENTS This list covers events of interest to anyone seriously interested in caves and (Nicholas White,
[email protected]) may have extra information. karst. The list is just that: if you want further information the contact details However, this calendar is not all events; just some of the main ones. A much ASF for each event are included in the list for you to contact directly. The relevant more detailed calendar was published in the most recenr ESpeleo. We do not websites and details of other international and regional events may be listed on seem to have any events advertised in Australia for the rest of 2015, only the the UIS/IUS website or on the ASF website http://www. ASF Council meeting in early January 2016, probably in Sydney. Details of the For international events, the Chair of International Commission Council Meeting will be sent out to clubs later this year. 2015 September 7-10 October 20-23 Natural History of the Belubula Valley including the Cliefden Caves and 2nd International Planetary Caves Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Fossil Hill Linnean Society of NSW Symposium Bathurst, NSW. A sympo- Details on: sium to explain, interpret and review recent scientific research on geology, November 1-4 palaeontology, botany, zoology, and speleology of the caves and karst. Details Geological Society of America (GSA) Convention, Baltimore, Maryland available on the Linnean Society NSW website USA.