
地学雑誌 Journal of Geography(Chigaku Zasshi) 130(2)143­146 2021 doi:10.5026/jgeography.130.143

Overview of the Special Issue “Local Records of Natural Disaster Events: A Wealth of Spatiotemporal Information for Future Use”

* ** Masaki IWAFUNE , Toshikazu TAMURA , *** **** Keisuke MATSUI and Takashi TODOKORO

Any natural disaster consists of various nat- occurrence in the local area (Iwafune, 2018; ural and human-related events that occur suc- Iwafune and Tamura, 2018). Such information cessively following a source geophysical process on the occurrence of events and how they inter- and affecting human lives in many ways. Each relate in a local area applies to other areas and event varies in terms of spatial scale, initiation future ages. time, and duration, and affects human activi- The article by Tamura and Iwafune( 2021) ties differently across several disaster phases. reviews numerous reports of large Therefore, the reports of a disaster need to disasters on the Coast, Northeastern record each event’s spatiotemporal occurrence , since the late 19th century. Most reports and relationships between events. Among the of 1896, 1933, and 1960 tsunami disasters were various kinds of disaster report, those focusing prepared by local intellectuals in the affected on local areas are particularly expected to care- areas supported, in some cases, by municipal- fully record the information mentioned above. ities. After the 2011 tsunami, most stricken Ten years after the beginning of the 2011 Great municipalities published reports with financial East Japan Earthquake Disaster, many survey assistance from the national government. Some reports from various perspectives have describ- of them received reporting and editing assis- ed this huge and complex disaster. This special tance from outside experts, including scholars issue focuses on local reports of the 2011 disas- and journalists. Based on a critical analysis of ter and other natural disasters. the above, this special issue aims to identify The contents of local reports of a natural useful information that can be found in per- disaster vary depending on publishing bodies, sonal- and local-scale disaster records and to report writers, informants, etc. Although res- propose an effective report-creation system. idents of an affected area are often important Disaster archives provide an effective means witnesses to various disaster events on a per- for managing and disseminating disaster- sonal and local scale, they are in many cases related materials and information. Suzuki inexperienced in recording with spatiotemporal (2021) traces the history of disaster archives accuracy. Practical support from experienced on repeated tsunami disasters in the Sanriku researchers or journalists, using appropriate coastal area. Then, she looks at archive man- maps and photos, can effectively extract and or- agement projects developed in recent years in ganize the residents’ observations and personal various areas of Japan and points out problems experiences as primary sources of the event’s in collecting, organizing, preserving, and uti-

* Institute for Comprehensive Education, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, 890-0065, Japan ** Professor emeritus, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan *** Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, 305-8572, Japan **** Professor emeritus, Takasaki City University of Economics, Takasaki, 370-0801, Japan

― 143 ― lizing materials. These issues impact the utili- life to continue in affected local areas, the sys- zation of disaster archives not only as a basis tems for supplying and distributing food and for the residents’ actions in future disaster pre- daily necessities require a particularly swift vention and mitigation, but also in specialized response and recovery. This is necessary not research and administrative measures. only to resume commercial activities but also to Actual damage from various natural disasters maintain and rebuild daily life in communities. frequently depends on an area’s geomorphic Komaki et al. (2021) trace the revival and conditions. Kuroki( 2021) conducts a compara- reorganization processes of retail shops and tive investigation of previous disaster reports shopping centers based on a spatial analysis on geomorphic changes caused during disasters of the records of a shopkeepers’ association in and geomorphic conditions that induce, ampli- Yamada Town. The results are compared to fy, mitigate, or prevent damage. The investiga- cases of recovery and reconstruction from other tion reveals differences in the presentation of disasters. geomorphic information among reports. Some Shifting location is an important choice reports indicate important information about for many settlements damaged severely by a damage on maps, while others show only simple tsunami. Tamura and Seto (2021) conduct a geographic locations. Kuroki suggests that comparative study on the location and reloca- geomorphic information is useful for damage tion behaviors of three neighboring settlements mitigation and prevention and how the infor- south of Yamada with similar geomorphic set- mation can be presented clearly. In addition, he tings and similar histories of repeated tsunami argues that some bureaucratic factors hinder damage. After a geomorphological investigation the smooth communication of appropriate geo- of the piedmont gentle slopes and coastal morphic information using suitable maps. lowlands utilized as settlement locations and Although evacuation life records contain a retracing tsunami damage and location/relo- wealth of knowledge for the response phases of cation history, the study infers the reasons for future emergencies, they tend to be discarded the different recognitions and evaluations of officially or privately, citing the need to protect given geomorphic resources depending on set- personal information as the reason. At a few tlement and tsunami event. The differences are evacuation shelters in Yamada Town on the considered to be greatly influenced by the dif- mid-, which was severely dam- ferent weights and influences that fishing and aged by the 2011 tsunami, some resident lead- farming have on livelihood, as well as changing ers kept records out of personal consideration fishing harvests, in each tsunami-sensitive and these are valuable primary sources of the settlement. disaster. Tamura and Iwafune (2021) briefly Egawa and Mori( 2021) introduce “Indexes introduce an example of a nutritional analysis for Recovery and Reconstruction Following the based on the menu record of meals supplied by Great East Japan Earthquake” devised by the neighbor residents at a small shelter in a fisher Nippon Institute for Research Advancement settlement. Abe et al.( 2021) provide a demo- (NIRA) to evaluate the progress of recovery and graphic study of 4,011 evacuees in the town reconstruction of the three affected prefectures: center area using both detailed lists of 830 Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima. This approach evacuees at two big shelters and records offi- is applied in the implementation of “evidence- cially announced by the municipality. The study based policymaking (EBP).” A comparison of reveals the characteristics of entrance-exit these indexes and compiled statistical data behavior, the relations between residence and that were retained and provided by the respec- refuge locations, family composition, etc. tive afflicted municipalities shows the state of Within the various activities taking place various indicators and their pre-disaster levels at shelters and temporary housing that allow quantitatively and indicates the recovery status.

― 144 ― This study is an experiment that attempts to support from the national government. Their connect local-scale and regional-scale data. contents, composition, and expression vary The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster depending on intention, editing processes, and of 2011 is an unprecedented natural disaster other factors, and even inconsiderate routine in Japan because it consists of not only direct handling is occasionally found in their compo- damage caused by destructive seismic vibration sition and descriptions( Tamura and Iwafune, and tsunami flooding, but also various ongoing 2021). Many municipalities seem to consider physical and social damage due to pervasive rather restrictively the publication of reports and long-term radioactive contamination from as a tool for preserving memories of a disaster the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi for future residents in administrative areas. On Power Station. The nuclear disaster is still on- the other hand, some natural disaster research- going. In preparation for a more comprehensive ers tend to ignore local reports as research report on the nuclear disaster, Seto (2021) materials. For more efficient and wise use of introduces issues that became clear in the public funds and publication opportunities, and process of collecting, preserving, and exhibiting for a more comprehensive and accurate under- disaster materials at the newly established standing of the complex characters of natural nuclear disaster memorial museum. The study disasters, it is imperative to discuss a system emphasizes major differences compared to con- for planning, editing, disseminating, and ana- ventional historical disaster materials, such as lyzing local reports. This special issue promotes diversity of materials, copyrights, and consider- such a debate. ation of type of medium. Notes In the process of recording a disaster, prima- ry sources are easily discarded, and valuable 1) Central Disaster Prevention Council HP( http:// information and experience of various events www.bousai.go.jp/kyoiku/kyokun/kyoukunnokei shou/[ last viewed on February 6, 2021]). that occurred during the disaster are lost with the people concerned. Sometimes reports that References intend to summarize a disaster converge Abe, T., Isoda, Y. and Yamashina, A.( 2021): Geo- complex disaster events into a few prominent graphical research on the behavior and social and demographic characteristics of evacuees in Yamada ones. The overlooked events will often attract Town, Iwate Prefecture, following the Great East attention in a following complex disaster with Japan Earthquake: A case study using evacuees’ similar causes in posterity, as illustrated by records. Journal of Geography( Chigaku Zasshi), Tamura( 1997). Such overlooked or forgettable 130, 213­238.( in Japanese with English abstract) events are recorded in some local disaster re- Egawa, A. and Mori, N.( 2021): Efforts to grasp pro- gresses of recovery and reconstruction following the ports. They provide valuable information on the Great East Japan Earthquake on broader-areas and events and their spatiotemporal relationships. local-areas. Journal of Geography( Chigaku Zasshi), Since 2003, the Special Investigation Commit- 130, 289­302.( in Japanese with English abstract) tee on the Succession of Disaster Lessons at Iwafune, M.( 2018): The significance of recording personal evacuation behaviors: Collecting and the Central Disaster Prevention Council has arrangement as spatiotemporal information on conducted thorough investigations and has uti- personal scale. Chiri( Geography), 63(4), 22­31. lized local records of famous former disasters (in Japanese)* (Central Disaster Prevention Council HP1)). Iwafune, M. and Tamura, T. (2018): Approach to The emphasis seems to be on reconstructing geographic outreach in the tsunami disaster report published by the office of a severely damaged town: the events’ physical processes with more detail Reconstruction of evacuation behavior as spatio- and accuracy. temporal sequence information. E-journal GEO, 13, Regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake 184­201.( in Japanese with English abstract) Disaster 2011, many affected municipalities Komaki, N., Iwama, N., Tanaka, K., Sasaki, M., Ikeda, ( ) published disaster reports with financial M. and Asakawa, T. 2021 : Changes in the com-

― 145 ― mercial structure of an area affected by the Great Journal of Geography( Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 177­ East Japan Earthquake Disaster: The case of Yama- 196.( in Japanese with English abstract) da Town, Iwate Prefecture. Journal of Geography Tamura, T.( 1997): Looking for data useful to recog- (Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 239­260.( in Japanese with nize the characteristics of the earthquake disaster. English abstract) Statistics( Tohkei), 48(6), 15­21.( in Japanese)* Kuroki, T.( 2021): The role of landform information Tamura, T. and Iwafune, M.( 2021): Local reports on in disaster records of local scale areas focusing on natural disasters: Significance, historic and recent geospatial characteristics. Journal of Geography examples, and requirements. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 197­212.( in Japanese with (Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 153­176.( in Japanese with English abstract) English abstract) Seto, M.( 2021): Collecting damaged materials and Tamura, T. and Seto, M.( 2021): Settlement location archiving the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Journal and relocation history of a tsunami-prone area in of Geography( Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 303­309.( in Northeastern Japan: Differential selection in the Japanese with English abstract) use of geomorphic resources. Journal of Geography Suzuki, H.( 2021): A review of disaster archives of (Chigaku Zasshi), 130, 261­287.( in Japanese with past natural disaster records focusing on tsunami English abstract) events in the Sanriku coastal area and discussion. * Title etc. translated by M.I.

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