Christ Church Magazine Serving the Community In the Parish of Christ Church Ashton-under-Lyne

OCTOBER 2019 Price 50p

CONTACTS Ministers: The whole congregation Administration and Church Maintenance: Church Wardens: Adrian Roberts Stenton Withnall 07761822922 Deputy Warden: Barbara Gaskin 07484611191 Electoral Roll Officer: Andrea McGowan Flower Arranging: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 PCC Secretary: Andrea McGowan Verger: Chris Cunday 0161 343 5819 Children: Ministries and Uniformed Organisations: Canon Johnson Sunday School: Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Child Protection Co-ordinator: Janet Perry 0161 344 0195 Church Lads & Girls Brigade: Janet & Pete Davies 0161 370 2638 Mobile: 07957 333994 Email: [email protected] Rainbows: Jackie Buckley 0161 612 0746 Brownies: Colline Holness 07917633723 Guides: Colleen Roberts 0161 336 2922 or 07538769815 Email: [email protected] Scouts: Chris Wilson 0161 308 2231 Mobile: 07714 457478 (eve) Clergy Serving at Christ Church: Rev’d Dr David Jacks 0161 330 1601 Email: [email protected] Rev’d Alan Hills 0161 432 2964 Email: [email protected] Neil Craine Reader Emeritus 0161 301 2693 Finance: PCC Treasurer: Tony Hoskins 0161 330 5815 [email protected] FOCC Giving Scheme: Philip Blanchard 01457 874513 Gift Aid Secretary: Joanne Moores 01457 765302 Mothers’ Union: Bernice Howarth 0161 330 2002


‘The Office Hour’ for booking weddings and baptisms is held in church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month between 12 noon and 1pm. (Volunteers welcome; full training given) Pastoral Care: Co-ordinator: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 Baptism Enquiries: Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Home Communion: Audrey Jones 0161 330 5606 Wedding Enquiries: Janet Perry 0161 344 0195 Prayer Ministries: Co-ordinator/Prayer Circle/Prayer Groups: Pauline Ward 0161 217 9578 and Katrina Deakin 0161 370 7918 Prayer Shawls: Katrina Deakin 0161 370 7918 Publicity: Church Magazine: [email protected] Pew Sheets: [email protected] Church website: Social Events: Co-ordinator: Julie Shaw 0161 330 9991 07840 724182 Day Schools: Canon Burrows: Head teacher: Miss S Fildes 0161 330 4755 Chair of Governors: Mrs D Whiteley Canon Johnson: Head teacher: Mr M Bidgood 0161 330 3169 Chair of Governors: Tom Wragg Items for inclusion in the NOVEMBER 2019 Magazine Last date Sunday 20th October 2019 in church or ring/text Tracy Temple on 07871974895 Email: [email protected]



This month I have received so many messages and signs whilst out doing my daily things, they really stopped me and made me think and appreciate what I have and how I can help others. “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” this made me smile and reminded me that just small things can really improve someone’s day if they are having a hard-time. Just a simple smile or coffee or friendly message could be a way to let someone know you are there for them. “Looking after others is great but you have to look after yourself as there is only one you” this one really hit home as I am always thinking of my children, my husband, my friends but I needed a gentle reminder that I am meant to look after myself too, I think lots of us forget this but like it says “there is only one you”.

I think within our church and community we do all care very much and help where we can and both our church schools are helping to bring up our children to do the same. I have shared on pages 6 and 7 their mission statements which underline their visions and values as September saw the start of yet another academic year. My children go to Canon Burrows and I am a Foundation Governor at Canon Johnson and I am very proud to be associated with both wonderful schools.

Have a great month. Tracy (Editor)


I missed last month to publish a message from Barbara and Stenton regarding the Summer Fete- SORRY! Here it is - “A big thank you to anyone who helped and contributed in any way, we raised £692, you should all be proud of your achieve- ments for your Church, thanks again Barbara and Stenton.”

I have been unable to source any photographs of the wonderful day, sorry.

Manchester Half Marathon On Sunday 13th October Andrea Lane is running the Manchester Half Marathon, something she has never done be- fore. Please sponsor her if you are able to, all proceeds are be- ing equally divided between Christ Church Rose Queen funds and Cancer Research UK. GOOD LUCK ANDREA!!!



Education at Canon Burrows is based on the premise that each person is made in the image of God and is special, precious and unique. Each person has the right to develop morally, spiritually, academically and physically to his or her full potential and will do so, given the right educational context.

Vision and Ethos: Our vision is of a just and harmonious society where Canon Burrows school community achieve the highest in everything we do, but we also remember those other standards; the care, respect and help shown to others, the generosity of spirit, compassion and forgiveness.


Canon Johnson Church of England Primary School’s Virtues and Values

During the Spring Term 2019 we have consulted on developing a new set of virtues and values for our school. After many weeks of consultation, the school community decided on five virtues that epitomise our school. These virtues will run through everything we do at school including our behaviour system and our curriculum as we develop these over the coming months. The pupils of Canon Johnson also decided on bible quotes that work alongside the new virtues that they had chosen. Here are our new virtues and values with bible quotes.

LOVE “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

RESPECT “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

FRIENDSHIP “Encourage one another and build one another up…”

TRUST “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.”

HOPE AND ASPIRATION “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”


On Friday 6th September Rose Queen Violet and her cushion bearer Ellis completed the 500 length swim challenge set for them by mum (Heidi) at the start of the summer holidays. She said “there’s been some moaning at times but mostly they have shown great spirit and determination to complete their task. I’m immensely proud of them and their super fundraising efforts!”

Final figures will be announced when I collected all sponsor- ship money in.

Thank you to everyone who has sponsored and supported them!!!





October Diary 2019

Wednesday 2nd 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 6th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 12.30pm Baptism

Tuesday 8th 7.30pm PCC Meeting

Wednesday 9th 10.00am Holy Communion

Saturday 12th 10.00am COFFEE MORNING

Sunday 13th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Communion Coffee after service 12.00pm Office Hour

Wednesday 16th 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 20th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Service of the Word 12.30pm Baptism

Wednesday 23rd 10.00am Service of the Word

Sunday 27th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Coffee after service 12.00pm Office Hour

Wednesday 30th 10.00am Holy Communion


November Diary 2019

Sunday 3rd 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 12.30pm Baptism 2.30pm Memorial Service

Wednesday 6th 10.00am Holy Communion

Saturday 9th 10.00am Coffee Morning

Sunday 10th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Family Communion Coffee after service 12.00pm Office hour

Tuesday 12th 7.30pm PCC

Wednesday 13th 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 17th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Service of the Word 12.30pm Baptism

Wednesday 20th 10.00am Service of the Word

Sunday 24th 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Coffee after service 12.00pm Office hour

Wednesday 27th 10.00am Holy Communion


The Internet

A lion is roaring through the land, Closing shop’s way out of hand. It’s called the net: a ruling force, No one can stop it, on its course. It calls to us to come and play, Blinding all, to get its way. Towns and villages, without shops, Banks all closed, no sign of jobs. Who will survive this dreadful deed? That roars about, at breakneck speed. Will we be here to tell the tale? And get prisoners out of jail.


May Foreman










Anybody who wishes to have a table there will be a list at the back of church or speak to the wardens.



There was once a greedy woman who had a wonder hen. It used to lay a silver egg each day. “Ho! Ho!” she thought. “If I feed it twice as much, it will lay me twice as many- Oh, precious henny-penny!” Alas, her greed was such she gave it far too much till, over-loaded, the fed-up hen EXPLODED

Moral: Be content with what you’ve got; Push your luck - you’ll lose the lot.

By Ian Serrallier

My youngest boy read this poem and I wanted to share it, it really made him laugh as the image of an exploded hen he found very funny. However, reading it from a different point of view I thought it is a little reminder to be happy and thankful for what we have. Tracy Editor.


I would like to draw your attention to our new prayer tree situated in the “The Prayer Corner”. It is there for you to place your personal praise, thanks- giving and concerns before God. Would you please put the date on placement on the back of the card. After one month, I, or a member of the Prayer Team Ministry will place them on the alter for blessing and then they will be dealt with in a discreet and appropriate manner. Pauline



2nd Saturday every month 10-12pm Tea, coffee, juice. Cake stall Raffle



She stands precisely 5ft tall in her everyday shoes and her smile is disarmingly sweet. Kate Nesbitt doesn't immediately fit the image of a fearless military hero, not off the battlefield at least. But there are probably few people a critically injured soldier would rather meet in the chaos of a desert gunfight than this 21-yearold blonde in full flight.

Bravery: Kate Nesbitt receives the Military Cross from the Prince of Wales during investitures at Buckingham Palace in London.

And the sight of her sprinting through an Afghan war zone under heavy machine gun fire is almost certainly one that Lance Corporal John List will remember for the rest of a life he now owes to her astonishing display of courage.

Kate, a medical assistant serving as an Able Seaman with the , raced 70 yards to the stricken soldier's side as he nearly choked to death from a gunshot wound to the mouth. She cut open a temporary airway and treated him for 45 minutes as rockets whizzed overhead and bullets thudded into the ground nearby. On August 28th 2019 her 'inspirational' bravery was rewarded at Buckingham Palace when she became the Navy's first woman to be invested with the Military Cross.


Then, with a few modest words, she underlined the remarkable spirit of loyalty that bonds Britain's servicemen and women on the front line. 'I promised my friends and comrades I'd be their medic,' she said. 'I promised I'd be there if they ever needed me. They needed me that day - so when the call came, that's just what I did.'

Kate, from Whitleigh, , stepped into the history books as only the second woman to be awarded the MC, one of Britain's highest gallantry awards, as well as becoming the only MC Wren.

Presenting her award, the Prince of Wales bowed to what he called her 'extraordinary' heroism. Her citation read: 'Under fire and under pressure her commitment and courage were inspirational and made the difference between life and death.'

What an inspirational lady!

I sourced this article on Facebook and wanted to share it. Tracy editor


SUMMERTIME So much fragrance in the air, Blossoms blooming everywhere. Colours of the brightest hue, Rainbow colours, just for you. God’s gift to us and all for free, Within His heart, it had to be. He tells the plants: “appear on time” With perfume sweet as vintage wine. How warm the sun upon our face? As soft as any silken lace. Summer brings a time of peace, A gift to give our soul’s release.

Christos May Foreman 25-7-19


Well Polished

Home, Office and Commercial Cleaning. Ironing also in your own home.

£13.45/ hour. Minimum 2 hours per week.

Contact Angela Robbins (choir) or ring 0161 408 0200 or 07713921676. All cleaners are fully checked.


The following have generously contributed to the church flowers:

October 6 Brenda Davies 13 Denise Croft 20 Brenda Kellett 27 Karen Eato

November 3 Joan Sutton 10 Beryl Fisher 17 Mr & Mrs Mottram Doreen Armitt 24 Brenda Davies Phil. Blanchard

My thanks to all who have topped up the flower fund. We can now keep the 2 pedestals going!! If you would like to contribute on a regular basis, the list is on the board at the back of church, just add your name. It doesn’t matter how many names are against the date you want. Many thanks Audrey


2019 marks 10 years of RMCH The hospital has been providing the best treatment, research and care to the children of Manchester for 10 whole years!

Here are some figures to show the incredible impact it has made - • 2.2million young patients have been cared for • 7,500 critically ill or injured children have been admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit • 430,000 have been treated in the Paediatric Emergency Department • 15,000 children have visited the specialist burns unit with injuries

Over the last 10 years more than 200 life-saving renal transplants have been performed by surgeons. In the last year more than 50 children have been treated with blood disorders, cancers such as Leukaemia and genetic and metabolic diseases. Over 9000 mental health referrals have been put through and 160 new cases of cancer have been treated.

THIS IS AMAZING!! - I have 3 children and all of them have been treated at RMCH. THANK YOU Tracy (editor)


Services and Readings for 10.30am Services October 2019

6th Holy Communion 16th Sunday after Trinity Lamentations 1.1-6 2 Timothy 1.1-14 Gospel: Luke 17.5-10

13th Family Communion 17th Sunday after Trinity Jeremiah 29.1,4-7 2 Timothy 2.8-15 Gospel: Luke 17.11-19

20th Service of the Word 18th Sunday after Trinity Jeremiah 31.27-34 2 Timothy 3.14-4.5 Gospel: Luke 18.1-8

27th Holy Communion Last Sunday after Trinity Joel 2.23-end 2 Timothy 4.6-8,16-18 Gospel: Luke 18.9-14


Services and Readings for 10.30am Services November 2019

3rd Holy Communion All Saints Day Daniel 7.1-3,15-18 Ephesians 1.11-end Gospel: Luke 6.20-31

10th Family Communion Remembrance Service Job 19.23-27 2 Thessalonians 2.1-5,13-end Gospel: Luke 20.27-38

17th Service of the Word 2nd Sunday before Advent Malachi 41-2 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13 Gospel: Luke 21,5-19

24th Holy Communion Christ the King Jerimiah 23.1-6 Colossians 1.11-20 Gospel: Luke 23.33-43


We welcome into God’s family, the Church:


7th JULY 2019 Oliver Harry Taylor and Mila Rose Kiln 4th AUGUST 2019 Amelia Grace Mingham and Genevieve Kershaw 18th AUGUST 2019 Parker James O’Reilly and Bella-Leigh Booth 15th SEPTEMBER 2019 Joshua Joseph Thompson



6th Ashton Scouts Meeting nights Working together to support our young people All meetings at the Scout Hut, Cranbourne Road

Beaver Scouts Ages 6 to 8 yrs Tuesday 6.30pm- 8pm

Cub Scouts Ages 8 to 10 ½ yrs Monday 7pm - 8.30pm Thursday 6.15pm-7.45pm

Scouts Ages 10 ½ to 14 yrs Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Leader: Mark Fish: 07931 765121

Explorer Scouts Ages 14 - 18 yrs Friday 7pm - 9pm

Group Scout Leader: Mark Lomas Tel 07747127226


Canon Johnson Sunday School Elizabeth Travis 0161 339 3681 Sunday School meet every Sunday 10.30am -11.45am except the second Sunday of the month and school holidays. Everyone welcome


7th Ashton Guide Unit

All meetings at Canon Burrows School on Monday Night Rainbows 5.30pm 5 to 7 yrs Jackie Buckley 0161 612 0746

Brownies 6.30pm 7 to 10 years Rachel Hindle 0161 330 7789

Guides 7.30pm 10 to 14 years

Young Leaders 14 to 18 years Female and Male Adult Helpers/Leaders 18 to 65 years Contact Colleen 0161 336 2922 [email protected]

Church Lads & Girls Brigade Meeting Night: All Sections Canon Burrows school Thursday evening 6.30pm-9pm

Martins & Y Team Ages 5 to 9yrs JTC & Seniors - 10yrs upwards Band Practice Contact: Janet & Pete Davies 370 2638 Mob: 07957 333994 Email: [email protected]