Spartan Bail Yschedule Worries End San Jose State College by ROY HURLBERT Big Things Developed on the Spa -Fan Football Front Yesterday! I
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F C fov .14) label r. Cillis, LibrarLID California St4te Library -e-E :'12 Sacramento 9, California 'E3RAR-( Sign StanfordSfoartan Spartan Bail ySchedule Worries End San Jose State College By ROY HURLBERT Big things developed on the Spa -fan football front yesterday! I. Stanford and Pepperdine were added to the San Jose Ste* 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1952 No. 82 grid list thereby giving the Spartans a full schedule of nine games next fall. 2. Glenn S. Hartranfi indicated that the college is headed for a Ie elries Try outs Student Union SJS Increases restricted football policy which could cause a return to the California Collegiate Athletic association or the formation of ain independent open Next Tuesday Board Meets Its Enrollment conference by 1953. Slated The prospects for the building Although there was an eight per Voting youts for Spartan Revelries I The signing of Stanford perked of a new Student Union will be cent decrease total college and -! '52 will begin Tuesilay. Feb. 12, in lup things in the athletic depart- among the items to be discussed university enrollment throughout at 7 p.m. in Morris Dailey audi- ment. It nas made passible by at tomorrow's meeting of the Stu- the United States and a one F or ASB, A I'IS toriurn, according to Dave Woods, per Santa Clara Valais who let the dent Union board, it was announc- cent decrease in enrollment in production director of the show. Jtans hairy their Nov. 1 date ed yesterday by the board's direc- California State colleges between The tryouts, which are open to Officers with Stanford. is trite they agreed tor, Miss Helen Dimmick. dean 1950 and 1951, San Jose State col- Class the entire student body, will con- to meet the Indiatie en Sept. 20. of women. lege showed an enrollment in- Students interested in running tinue through Feb. 14, with that will journey to "There is no doubt that a new crease of 11.5 per cent over the for various Student Body, Student repperdine night being reserved for chorus Spartan stadium on No.. 14, campus union is needed," Dean same period, according to a report Court. and Associated Men Stu- aspirants, Woods said. "The first The game a.'. arranged Dimmick said. "However." she issued by the Division of State dent offices this quarter can pick last nifzlit, Tuesday, will test the call- Friday, at the California t iii' continued, "when and how we can Colleges and Teacher Education. op applications for petitionsin II,. hot of students who desire princi- leetate Athletic association meet. get it still is the question." However. the figures for SJS Student Union beginning Friday pal roles and other positions in ing in Los Angeles. attendedhi Dean Dimmick also said that at do not include enrollment in the morning at 8 o'clock the cast, while callbacks will be Ilartrantl and Athleti4 Dire. tor tomorrow's meeting she will sub- Junior college, which showed a' These applications for the forth. held Wednesday, Feb. 13." Rill Hubbard. mit to the Student Council a state- marked decrease in enrollment. coming Feb. 22election may be Students trying out for singing ment to the effect that the in- The state has ordered that the obtained from a box near the ASB The addition of Stamm d and positions may bring their own ac- creased work of her office will no Junior college be separated from office in the Union Deadline fin' Pepperchne leaves the Spartans companist, but must be prepared longer permit her to handle the the State college. filing is 12 noon next Tuesday, with tour horny games and Inc to sing a number by Cole Porter, scheduling of functions for the The total enrollment of full- and the forms Must IN` placed in traveling dates. They meet rresno Jerome Kern or Richard Rogers, Student Union. time students in both the college. the box near the student hods State. Brigham Voting. Penn.-I-- ,,aid Maurice Bodwell, musical di - and the Junior college showed a office dine and Santa Clara in Spartan 4.5 per cent decrease, still con- The s.eparate class officers of stadium. and play Colorado at i%iss Me Hello." the title of the UP ROUNDUP siderably below the national aver- president, %ire president. were- 11M11(11T. S1411 S'.ate at San spring's production, is a modern- age. tars, treasure r, and council rep- Diego, College of Pacific at Stock. ized musical adaptation of the The report showed that S a n resentatiii. are open to men.- too. Anton* State at Temis, and Faust legend. "The mythically sa- 40th Division Now Jose State college hails the other hers of the senior class. junior Stantord in Palo Alto tirical first scene centers in a California colleges in indis Waal class, and sophomore class. air- The Spartans has., an mythical fraternity house on a Of enrollment, t h e 7105 registered cording to Lan, k, -n, junior dab- (hi. 1S, hilt A t my thical college campus in the an ficially in Korea here being 1174 more than run- justeic of the student Court. they add eppoto tit continental U.S.A.." according to Tokyo. An announcement ner-up San Francisco State col- Ile said the only freshman offi- is probi,.niath.m. A,. ar \vlae Hall, co-author. from I General Matthew Ridgway's head- lege. S a n Diego State, Fresno (-yrs to be de -rated titans in t11.- I. quit,. od,,io.t.. oink Actually, the show opens in the I quarters said, "The 40th Uninsl State, Cal Poly, Sacramento State, ell'et ill11 all' a council npresenta- ,.in,. games,- Ilartranft ses- lot' depths of hell and the ac- I States Infantry division has been Long Beach State, Chico State tive for half a year and a coatis -II f,raay, t ion that follows carries the scene assigned to the Eighth army and and Humboldt State lotion in that representatis. for a hill year Neifot tat ions Stit h Tetii igh Cuba, Kentucky, France is now in Korea. order. The position of junior retire- 0011 through last meek when Red ;,. Spain, among other places," The announcement Sunday was Proportion of men and women sentatise to the student t our* ! Raider officials nntified the ath- saal Woods, who collaborated with the first official admission that enrolled here also shows a diser- for one is open to one male Ilene department they wouldn't be Hall in writing the script. the California National Guard di- gence from national figures. M and one female student. he re- able to play the Spartan,. vision is fighting in Korea. San Jose State college, 55.2 per la". Hartranft said yesterday that South Is Anti-Truman cent of the students arc. male as All men on campus is ill has.. an I San Jose Slate faces a consider- Blood Donor Drive Washington, D.C. Senator John compared with a 66.1 per cent na . oPPOrtunity- on election day to de- able revision in its football policy J. Sparkman predicted yesterday tional figure. cide who will be president. vice after next season "We can't hate that the South will stay in the president. secretary, and it-vas -la successful enough season for Nets 624 Pledges Democratic fold this year for any arer for the Associated Men St.:- hig-tim. football hi. said dents. He indieated that his plan f.o The first day of room to rooni presidential candidate the party may nominate besides Arizona Flagstone Ha, 'ii sttolents ti comply toa -budget. non-subsiditell foef soliciting for blood donors result- President with the final deadline tor appli- ball seems the only olio outlu pledge Truman. ed in the signing of 624 cations for petitions t to smaller seh....1.. emplia cards, according to blood drive The Alabama Democrat said he Adorn definitely includes Governor Adlai To Chapel sited the point that torganiting officials. an independent contereme -can- These pledge cards were given Stevenson of Illinois among the Workers will ix. engaged this Cal Budget Lists not he done irsernight and re- to almost all student members of potential candidates who could week in applying decorathe Ari- prevent a repetition of the 1948 quire% groundoork." the college yesterday morning in flagstone material to exte- Dixiecrat revolt. zona $2,987,064 for .SJS Ilis office been flooded is ith 9:30 o'clock classes by volunteer the college's chap- calls requesting information on his rior portions of A slight increase in finances speakers who urged Spartans to "independent conference- plan el, according to Fred Zeissler, job for the fiscal year starting July 1 participate in the drive. Hartranft has sent out letters to foreman. was given SJS in the proposed Feb. 11 through Feb. 15 will be the independents explaining his flood Drive Week Name Top Spartan budget figure of $2,987,064, an- on the cam- Predominantly of a tan hue, the iiews for a conference and will pus, according to Bob Dean, chair- nounced yesterday by the State flagstone is being placed around await official replies front the ii ,4 thlete Tonight Department of Finance. This man of organization competition. the building's buttresses, reaching d.arendent% amount constitutes a 4.2 per cent To stimulate spirit in the drive. As for the ('('A.. liartrantt to the eaves, and also on the back increase over the $2.867.81/4 ap- I lean has asked the cooperation of What Spartan athlete contrib- %slid its member,. were nations section of the chapel. propriation made for the current very organization on campus to uted the roost to San .1(e.e State to have the Spartans back in, year.