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Spring 2-7-1975 Maine Campus February 07 1975 Maine Campus Staff

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VARSITY --Maine ss Boston University. Memorial Gym- What's on nasium. 7:35 p.m. Groups defy their image MUAB'S MERRY MASQUERADE Costume Mardi Gras Dance with ive GROUP MUSIC LESSONS--will start music by "Incubus." Costume When you think of group therapy or way, learn about themselves and promote in the Memorial Union Feb. 10 and judging at 9:30 p.m. No admission closet with somebody. continue for ten weeks. Folk guitar, fee. Damn Yankee Room, 8:30 to 12 counseling sessions, an image of neurotic being recorder and bagpipe lessons will he p.m. and unstable people ridding themselves of The groups size range from eight to ten offered. Classes are limited and people and they meet for approximately SUNDAY, FF.B. 9 violent emotions comes to mind. a registration fee Sign up there is Not so. according to Russell Whitman. a two hours weekly all semester. Last fall the now in the Director's Office 1st floor. CONTEMPORARY FIlMS Ire- University Counseling program included 45 people divided into Memorial Union. land. the Making of a Republic." counselor at the Bangor Room, Memorial Union. 2 Center and leader of the personal growth five groups. FRIDAY, FEB. 7 p.m. groups. VALUES AND ACADEMIC FREE- "The philosophy behind the personal One of last fall's groups is still meeting ICVF-Bangor Room. Memorial DOM-Newman Center. 7:30 p.m. growth group is a belief that the more this semester and two others base Union. 6:30 p.m. INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING themselves, the more MEETING-Wilde-Stein Club, Coe North Lown Room. Memorial Union. people know about combined to form a second group Lounge, Memorial Union. p.m. 7:30 p.m. easily they can make choices and be Presentl% Whitman has applications for an MUAB MOVIE--"The Adventures of responsible for their beha% ior." said additional 22 people_ Robin Hood." 100 Nutting Hall. 7 & Whitman. 9:30 MONDAY. FEB. 10 p.m. A person who is more are of his Whitman feels those who do drop out PSYCHOLOGICAL FILM FESTIVAL SENIORS--Cap and Gown measure- feelings and actions and how the effect es ers right to and shouldn't fuel "Men's Lives." and "The Most." ment begins today in the bookstore. has e BCC Student Union.' 1:30 p.m. SANDWICH CINEMA--"The Ballad the feelings and actions of others will obligated to stay if the% don't feel OPERA THEATRE-Mozartis "Cosi of the Iron Horse." North Lown better be able to know his own talents and i'mfortable. Fan Tune." Hauck Auditorium. 8:15 Room. Memorial Union. 12 noon. limitations, he said. 'Some are disillusioned and feel p.m. --"Inver- MATHEMATICS MOVIES "At least they can he aware of how threatened b% an objective view of CONCERT--Earl Scruggs Res ue and sion" and "The Classical Group as a another person has presented a certain commented. "Some are Beckett. Memorial Gymnasium. Source of Algebraic Problems." 309 themselves.- he Shibles Hall. 2 p.m. thing from happening and sarious reason satisfied where thc% are and don't want to p.m. MEETING--Fencing Club. Lengyel for it.- he added. know more about themsel‘es.- Gymnasium. 6 p.m. Whitman sees the groups as a place SATURDAY. FEB. 8 ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL--"La where people can communicate and take Ihe leaders of the groups are, like ARS1TY TRACK--Maine Invita- Notte,•• 100 Nutting Hall. 7 & Q V) time to look at the process of Whitman. staff members ,if the counseling tional. Field House. Memorial p.m. Gymnasium. 1 p.m. sommumcation. He said a person can get a center or professionals from the 11 VARSITY WRESTLING--Maine vs. TUESDAY. FEB aricts feedback about how he is coming surrounding area Whitman emphasiied Boston University. Memorial Gym- GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON Ihrough to other people. the leader is part of the group though he nasium, 2 p.m. CHILDREN AND YOUTH-Memori- According to Whitman. the motiYes must be especially sensitive to others so WOMEN'S SWIMMING-Maine vs. al Union. all day. behind members' attendance varies. everyone is able to express his feelings. Cape Elizabeth. Wallace Pool. 2 MATHEMATICS MOVIES--' IN‘er- "Some come who are want to p.m. sion'• and "The Classical Group as a shy and Above all. Whitman considers these MUAB MOVIE--"The Last Detail." Source of Algebra', Problems." 320 speak out more. These people ha% e a clear groups a learning experienccm for the Hauck Auditorium, / & 9.30 p.m. Shibles Hall. p m agenda.** he commented. Others want to indisidual specifically and others general improve communication in some other I%

am us Eye Bs Bill I y rguson

Stillwater ski jump is alive and kicking

There was a fool period in my ife the sun w hi, h threatened to kill the when I decided that I wanted to jump weatherman's prediction of more ut of airplanes. I was on the verge of snow As he shoveled, a skier packed joining an Airborne outfit when a it down.! asked Brud to what extent wise old drill sergeant took me aside the jump is used. Looking furtively' over his shoulder "Well, we didn't use it all last to make sure no Airbornes were year due to lack of snow." he said short length of the run (about get the funding that major sports like around, he assured me. ••Bos, the between shovels. "This jump was meters).Most competitive jumps are football are allotted_ In light of only things that fall out of the sks are built in '65 and we've used it esery at least 40 ters according to one team Longley's budget proposal for the bird turd and idiots.- A maxim I've year since, excetp last year, but member. Super•U they're not likely to get any come to appreciate when I watch the we've only had competition on it for "Jumps we make are mianls for in the future either. •*agony of defeat" scene on ABC's four of those years and not since practice of form so we can compete Wide World of Sports as that ski '70.- at other areas." Brian Peterson of So the skiers continued to jump for coming jumper all but kills himself The question of competition is the team explained. the love of it. without publicity. off the ramp. cloudy, due to the comparatively This week-end the squad heads crowds, or good facilities. We Well, call them what you will, ski forDartmouth to participate in their watched them and took some went jumpers are exciting to watch. I Winter Carnival, which touches on pictures. It's too bad that they can't to see Brud Folger, head ski coach. another reason for lack of nave what they need, but it looks as or not anyone to find out whether competition. namely, our not having though the whole university is going ski jump across the utilizes the a Winter Carnival of our own. to be eating grits for awhile, if riser. I was surprised to ' Stillwater 'We suffer from lack of Longley's budget goes through. find that it is being used, having publicity." Folger stated "What we never seen anyone over there. need is some exposure; people to set In fait there*,, a rumor circulating what we do, audiences." that the Governor is planning to tear Folger advised me that several the jump down, float the planks jumpers would practicing that very Winter Carnival might provide across the Stillwater, and construct afternoon. Accorddingly. I grabbed such a crowd, but the facility is still an office building for the incoming an idle photographer and got over insufficient. The engineering de- chancellor in the far corner of the there. partment built the present jump. steamplant parking lot. If Coach F.,iger ,ac alternatel% possible. They might be able to erect another the remaining lumber would be used shoveling snow off the sides of the excet for the fact that skiing, as a to make separate outhouses for the jump into the middte, and cursing so-called "secondary sport* doesn't board of trustees. y 7, 1975 February 7, 1975 Maine Campus Page Three Recommends $70.1 million of $90.9 request

nd promote Longley's balanced budget

eight to ten proximately Last fall the sets almost no UM increase liyided into

continued from page one* could stand it more than others." "In any event.•• the governor concluded. inflation." till meeting The governor's total state budget said Curtis. The Orono Senator "We have not yet received ant asking the university to eliniinate noted that hers have a copy. of the recommendation represents a reduction of students today can ill afford to budget message spending of student and taxpayer money to pay. a or the budget books." over SI billion in requests to $703.1 massive increase in tuition charges nd group said Freeman. promote further spending of student and that might adding. "at the moment. I million. Among other things. Longley's result from the goaernor's turns for an don't know what the taxpayer money .•• proposed implications are. proposal calls for no pay increases for state cutbacks in state funding for the Freeman did say, howeyer. After being read the governor's LIM% crsitv. that "the and university employes. and no new governor major statement concerning the university's has suggested we can do the capital construction programs Curtis reported there was very little for the public relations. Freeman said the trustees same job in the upcoming biennium with unversity applause on the part of legislators during Jo drop out for the next two years. Total state and UM administrators the same dollar amount we hay e in the are merely "doing the course of the governor's nuldn't feel capital constructon was cut back from 535 budget present biennium." their job." message. million in requests to a $3 don't feel million "I cannot agree with the governor that The acting chancellor noted that his recommendation. staff. the we are doing an inappropriate thing by Adminatratiye Council (made up The governor's budget recommenda- UMO President Howard R. Neville said of the presidents explaining to the legislature and the people Thursday and feel of each Super•U campus). turns, if implemented. would establish a . night "I'm disappointed that and the finance the university's needs." argued Freeman. there view of committee of the Board of "balanced" state budget. requiring no is not more for the uniyersity...but I C The acting chancellor contended that the rusteca will meet Feb. 12 to "take a hard new taxes. understand what he (the governor) did and "Some are look at the type of review of the university's budget budget proposal." In his address to the state's lawmakers, why," lon•t want to the goy ernor is suggesting "is underway, When pressed by newsmen on the the gosernor "It won't make our problems any said. "I am recommending and has been underwav.•• implications of the governor's budget kontinuation easier." NC% tile added. of the same level of funding Sen. Theodore Curtis proposal. Freeman admitted. 'it will (R-Orono), who Asked at the press conference if he was tor the uniyersity as is presently was present at the certainly mean that costs due to inflation, governor's address. said surprised by the governor's budget is are like authorized. I am further asking the Board '•I'm very disappointed such as oil costs, will haye to conic from with the recommendation. Freeman said. "I e counseling of Trustees and administrators of the governor' some source other than the goyernor', umyersity understood that the governor was going to to make the same, the very "I think it's a from the rekaimmendation. very unwise put together a balanced budget.. and I'm same searching analysis and review of recommendation, emphasued Asked if that meant particularly in a time of not surprised." a hard lobbying their operations and programs that are [ , effort by the uniyersity when p though he its budget being sought in other agencies of state comes before the legislature. to others so Freeman said goyernmem." "I will be under instruction from the Board "I am wilting that they make every effort its feelings of Trustees on that." No date has vet been to reduce administration costs." continued aders these set for hearings on the Unversity Longlev. "and to curtail purely publik budget-i. .cm for the relations programs to promte the In response to lers general J question concerning the uniyersit% and or personalities within the poasibility of serious cutbacks in utoyeraity administration, and that they curtail the programs. Freeman replied. "1 hayc not problem of go% ernmental incest as it ct determined that there is one area that relates to spending."

Dean speech raises senate disagreement

September whenever it by Dennis Bailey or was when they t DLS)lined up their speakers. Dean wasn't The upcoming address on campus by even out of jail yet. Their budget is John Dean Was a source of disagreement as uncontrollable on their part." Pike said. the General Student Senate met Tuesday "If the DLS is going to stoop to invite the night and allocated S1.685 to various caliber of a person like Dean, they deserve organizations. to get stuck," offered Sen Keain Madigan. The controversy began when the Sen. Dan O'Leary proposed an Distinguished Lecture Series committee amendment to the resolution requiring that requested an amount not to exceed 5500 for DLS not allow liae broadcast over radio or the Dean lecture. Bob Harrington, television. It was believed that a live chairman of the DLS. explained to the broadcast would he harmful to ticket sales. acnatora that the amount is only a safety After little debate, the amendment was II1Va sake. passed. 'We expect the lecture to cost us Finally a yote was taken on the safety approximately $2.200. but if we has': had salve resolution and was passed. 20 yes, 9 rts like ticket sales or there is a storm that day, it no, and fiye abstentions. bearing the winter ght of might cost us as much as 52.'00. We are tie the asking the senate to allocate 5500 to cover In other business, the senators heard Bob Small declared that racism is expenses to an upcoming conference, and a /et any an costs over $2,200 but not to exceed from Kim O'Brian and Ginny Hilderbrandt worldwide and that $500 was a good start. bill owed to security for the Maine $2,700." said Harrington. Gay about the National Student Conference "Just because Amherst was stingy." Symposium held last April. The DLS has enough money to cover the Against Racism in Boston February 14-16. said Jaime Eves. "there is no reason we $100 was given to the Ram's Horn to lecture, but if added expense is necessary. imp for Asking the senate for political and moral have to be." help defray costs of Holly near's Harrington said, it would complicate the support. as well as financial, the speakers The name of John Dean cropped up appearance last night. schedule for other speakers this semester. We explained the problems of busing and again and provided an analogy when The UM() Film Society was gis en A $500 safety valve of this type was racism Some in Boston. O'Brian. who drose seseral senators said that "if we can give preliminary approval by the senate. Bill granted to 01.5 to cover the Moshe Dyan seyeral y can't of the school buses in the Boston $500 to Dean we can afford $500 for the Gordon, speaking for the organization, said appearance earlier this year. ioks as area. told of his experiences of being conference." Hillas' amendment tailed there are .presently 15 members, half of But many senators objected. Sen Louis going beaten by white racists while attempting to and the senate voted to allocate $500 to the whom are professors from the speech Smith drew a light round and if of applause when prevent a disturbance. conference with a vote of 24-7-3. English departments. gh he said the 53.500 payment to Dean was proposed The budget for the conference A resolution was immediately introduced "Film is one of the most influential and too much. Sen. Ken Huila% objected is $14,000. and the group has raised $4,500 by Louis Smith and Willie Willette asking innoi.ative arts today, but there is no ulating several times saying "it is stupid to pay 3 from donations from various colleges that the GSS allocate $125 to send two organization directly involved with film at to tear crook. •' around the country. Hilderbrandt said. representatives to the conference and have this campus. There is definite interest in planks Senate President Jeanne Bade'. ruled She asked the senate for a donation of them report hack to the senate. Bailey- said film. because 100 students signed up for a nstruct Hillas out of order and stated that all 5500. that she would like volunteers other than film education course and there were only debate must center around the coming proposed Ken Hillas, again, rose to argue with the senators to agree to go to Boston. She said .10 openings." said Gordon. of the amendment, and that editorial comment on resolution. "I'm against racism too, hut I she would be looking for Boston residents Gordon saki that he would like to see a the Dean appearance was not germame to think the amount is too much." He then from this campus who would be going film department at UMO, possibly the question. a part of ie used proposed an amendment to cut the request home for yacation and would be willing to the speech department. for the to 5300 when it was pointed out that attend the conference. The senate also agreed to join the Newly -elected Sen. Gerald Pike came to Amherst College. a bigger school than The Wilde-Stein club received $310 to National Student Association and pa % the the defense of the DLS. "I'm sure that in LIMO. gave less than $500. cover a bill for phones, library, travel required S150 annual membership fee. . Page Four Maine Campus February 7, 1975 Speech reveals high costs of nuclear power

by Red Franzina power plants in the countrY "will grind to a The cheapest power is coal-fired. halt". The Atomic Energy Commission second is nuclear and third is oil, but if it claims "the enrichment facilities are a wasn't. for the artificial inflation caused by problem. but can be put off till 1980". the Middle East crisis, nuclear power Additionally each plant requires 6.100 wouldn't be competative with oil.•' claimed megawatts operating power. Emil G. "Pat- Garrett. vice-president of "When Reynolds Metals Co. started to Safe Power for Maine, Monday night. build an enrichment plant, they picked a -Nuclear power costs 28.29 mils per site near a source of cheap coal." Garrett kilowatt hour, oil 39 mils and coal 25.- the added. former colonel in the Army Corps of Speaking of the power plants Engineers claimed. themselves. Garrett said most run below Garrett, a resident of Stockton Springs. operating capacity- and added their became PIRG's "expert to: default•• after reliability- leases much to be desired and the debate on nuclear power between their life expectancies may be much Daniel Ford. executive director of the shorter than pre% iousIN anticipated. Union of Concerned Scientists, and a Though most plants run about SO percent representative of Central Maine Power Co. capacit% . Garrett claims many run a.' low as (CMP) was cancelled Monday morning. 20 to 30 percent. The record high is held by Ford couldn't come because he was Yankee Rowe: 80 percent for a short term. scheduled to testify before a Congressional "Maine Yankee was shut down for fuel Emil G. Garrett hearing Tuesday. CMP told PIRG the sipping for three months last summer and . company couldn't find a speaker for the will shut down in May for six weeks.- he they can't Monday night meeting. said. "Beach Bottom I was decommission- rods. there may be a problem if the wastes around the sun because it would have Garrett's informal. low-key attack on ed after only seven years. It now appears figure out a place to store tham or at least get them off the earth This plan commented. nuclear power plants primarily addressed they will only have a 30 year life span them reprocessed.- Garrett would need an operational space shuttle itself to economic factors, in contrast to the rather than the expected 40 years." The storage of nuclear waste is one of and would cost between $20 and SSO technically usual emotionally charged allegations of Garrett said. the most worrisome and billion potential radiation leaks and explosions. The proposed Sears Island power plant difficult problems of nuclear power. Some Asked if nuclear power is The ENIVTI chemistry teacher noted the might cost over Si billion, according to waste is sitting in tanks in West Valley. uneconomical, why are the posse+ high costs and ineconomies of enrichment Garrett. N.Y.. and Garrett pointed out that on the companies pushing it. Garrett answered facilities (where the uranium-based fuel Perhaps the greatest immediate problem west coast, the goy ernment hasn't solved "the Amencan Electric Co.. second rods are produced). the fuel reprocessing facing nuclear power plants. said Garrett, the waste storage problems from 30 years the Pi/A in size. isn't. They are mostly plants and nuclear power plants. and the is the lack of a fuel reprocessing plant. of weapons testing coal-fired. hat have one nuclear plant, but potentially high costs of the as-yet where the plutonium and uranium is put One scheme to bury the waste deep in haYe said they wouldn't touch another one unsolved technical problems of disposing back in operation. Fuel rods normally last the earth would require a 1- mile-long with a 10-foo4 pole for •conomic reason, of nuclear waste materials. 18 months to two years before being sent to drill. Another, to bury them in the polar ice "We should establish a national and "We have come up with a pretty serious a reprocessing plant for storage or cap, might set off another ice-age by state energy policy based on broad•based indictment of nuclear power." Garrett renewal. melting the ice, and would also in‘olse resources.- Garrett said. noting "Maine is said. "Since the power plants are only formidable transportation costs. Garrett he best state east of the Mississippi for Garrett estimated that the three existiniz licens,sd to store a limited number of spent belie% es the best solution would be to orbit nydro-electric power.'

send a special ALL PURPOSE valentine this year RECREATIONAL SUITS Used For Swimming Track Jogging Bicycling Snowmobiling For only one dollar, you can send a special Tennis message to your friend nr loved one by way o . published in a White Stag special column February 14 15 words "Speedo" Also maximum, paid in advance Andia and Dolfin $20°43 All warm up jackets have full length 100°0 Nylon nylon zippers, raglan sleeves. Red - Navy 100°., Nylon elastic around the back of the Electric Blue Stripes on jacket, and self use this coupon material collar that Pants & sleeves 'orms a All turtleneck warm up Maroon - Powder Blue pants are slim tapered, elastic Red - Navy - Royal Blue here's my dollar; hastebands. nylon zippers at ankles this is the message Both styles sizes XS to XL Tank Suits 10% Discount See our large selection for men. women, boys. girls on all WARMUP Suits also During the month of Swim bags. towels, eye goggles February with this ad Swim Shop 72 Columbia St 144 High St. Bangor Portland Tel. 945-9813 Tel. 774-2827 February 7, 1975 r. 1975 Maine Campus Pogo Five Fraternities' local tax-exemption seen unlikely

The president of the University Of Maine organizations except college fraternities The town of Orono, however. is apparently and said that they were able to pass Fraternity Board said shall be exempt from Tuesday the property taxes." The reluctant to part with the 565.000 received legislation making them exempt from possibility that the 17 UMFB feels this UMO fraternity law discriminates against each year from the fraternities. property taxes." said Tumosa. houses will gain exemption from property them. According to Bowie, reaction from the "Marvin Glazier (president of the taxes "doesn't look good' "We (the fraternities) get very few council was "ver, negative." None of the Alumni Fraternity Council and a lawyer Jeff Bowie. UMFB president and benefits from the Sh5.000 we pay the town seven council members were available for from Bangor) suggested svf wait to see if member of Alpha Gamma Rho, of Orono each year in taxes: said the . said Bowie. comment. any bills are introduced to this legislature objections of the Orono Town Council "We do get fire and police protection. and but Cliff Tumosa, treasurer of the UMFB that could help our cause.- said Bowie. the reluctance of Gos. James Longky the majority of our tax money goes to the to and a member of Delta Tau Delta, said the "If not, we'll have to wait for a more support any tax changes have Orono education program. which become we don't board started researching the tax-relief receptive legislature.- he added. "barriers- in the attempt to revise state possibility last semester by contacting the statutes concerning fraternities. The main argument of the UMFB is national chapters of each fraternity to find • The statute reads. All social fraternal since they are classified as a "non-profit out if other fraternities were paying organization,- they should receive the property taxes. AUTOMOTIVE MEN !---WOMEN! benefits given to other non profit groups. 'The houses at Oregon State wrote back CENTER JOBS ON SHIPS! No experience MS MOM IMMO WE= NEM bEilta MAW Bialei3m required Excellent pay Worldwide NEW — PARTS — USED travel Perfect _summer job or UMW BUIS IIIMMIN IMMO 11.1111K NOW blagistl' career Send 1,3.00 for information. tra.A lal.alefth•• 1110arto FOR SEAFAX. Dept 1-2 P 0 Box 2049, CAR Port Angeles, Washington 98362 *UN MOST EVERY Special Price Consideration For Students & Faculty Luncheons r•ill` Penobscot Auto Co. fhe Cthfr\C nnection in& MAIN RD ORONO at unutus16dcrafted it, Dinners c.27) 21 lest knits —les es Banquet Facilities tr summer CHARTERS 1ESS THAN Aftv er in europe r It Acg. this plan *Iasi bilicsai simsc iszakiir fac 65 DAY ADVANCE 1/2 c shuttle Basemeof-Ey0f1Ae Hall PAYME%t REQUIRED REG US Gov Recommended APPROVED ECONOMY FARE and SSO by AAA I U. S. ROUTE 2 I TAKE HERMON EXIT MA PAN A1101 TRANSAVIA ‘0' Mon. Fri, 12 4 p.m. and MOBIL TRAVEL GUIDE BANGOR OFF INTERSTATE 95 uffi travel charters LS 54 •CALL TOLL FREE 1 100-32S-41117 t C pow ei MOMf-1'2 =Wet KNOW in nd onl ti re mostly plant. but (cpE CV.% iother one reasori• MUSICAL onal and 'ITO%ts iad-based Downtown Old Town 'Maine is MARK sippi for Country Gras I he )011,41 wund Fri. & Sat. Niahts DOWNS! Jam Sassion Saturday Afternoon Open 10 am-10pm Mon.-Thur. 10am-lam Fri.-Sat $1.99 1 VAL. TO 5.98

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ves RECORD r Blue WAREHOUSE z; (al Blue

XL Old Out-of pr.nt and $299 ALBUMS INCLUDING J GE ILS New BAND. DERRICK & THE DOMINOS. Albums EDGAR WINTER ISAAC HAYES, VAL.2 over 7000 ERIC CI APTON. BETTE MIDLER. TO Different Setact ions TOM RUSH. F!RESIGN THEATRE. ISLE OF WHITE AND THE FIFTH 9.98 LP' DIMENSION .99 66 Main St. Banger, Me. Viner Music Company i St. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 20-24 Broad St Bangor, Me. 2827 Page Six Maine Campus February 7, 1975 WMEB changes programmir to reach wider range of list

story by Laura stank° photographs by rhett wieload

"As we see it. WMEB-FM is the campus radio station. and the only station in the greater Bangor-Orono area that can provide a progressive music format or any sort of minority programming. I guess that is what WMEB tries to do," Jim Cyr. program director at WMEB, said, summing up his station's new philosophy. WMEB,located on the second floor of Stevens Hall. has made several changes this semester in an attempt to better serve their listeners. WMEB•s major changes are in the area of programming. A series of weekly forum programs will begin next week. Forum on Mondays will focus on a different student organization. The first program, to be presented Monday. Feb. 10. will feature PIRG. Other groups to be spotlighted in upcoming weeks include the Senior Skulls. MUAB. the Maine campus and F.A .RR.O.G. Directing the Monday forum will be Cyr and John Diamond. WMEB•s news director. Women's Forum, directed by Muffy Pauly, will be presented at 9 p.m. on Tuesdays. The program will be mainly concerned with women's emerging role in society. Such topics as "Women and Work" and "Leaving the Role of the Housewife Behind.. will be discussed. Involved with the programming of this program will be the heads of the ‘arious women's groups on campus. A Gay. Forum will be presented on Thursday evenings. The program will deal with varied aspects of One of broadcasting studios homosexuality and not just about sexuality, according to Cyr. The program will deal with gay culture and gay-straight relationships, among other topics. A Sexuality Forum will be presented every Sunday On Sunday evenings at 10, "Concert Canadien• • will be part of the program will be concerned wi evening. Dr. Lloyd Brightman and student Health center presented. This program, planned to be both subject of the show. A portion of the shc staff will assist with this forum. Topics planned for informational and musical, will be a half-hour in length. used to deal with any correspondence the discussion include birth control, venereal disease and A different Canadian singer or songwriter will be has received. impotence. Students producing the program are Judy presented each week, including Buffy Saint-Marie and "Instant Replay'', WNIEB's sports 5 Martin and Cyr. Leonard Cohen. moving from Sunday to Wednesday night Each program will be taped before airing, and the first The "National Lampoon Radio Hour" will continue to live telephone talk-show format. Craig FIc part of each program will deal with news or reviews be aired at 6 p.m. on Friday evenings. director, hopes to schedule President How concerned with the subject to be discussed. The latter The biggest change, according to Cyr, will be the as a future speaker on "Instant Replay..

BREWER SHOPPING CENTER Showtime 7 00 84 9 00 Sat & Sun Matinees 2 00 CINEMA CENTER 989-3313

Mon. - Thurs. Shown at 7:30 Friday -6:30 & 9:30 Saturday - 2:00 & 6:30 & 9:30 An all NEW tarn Sunday - 2:00 & 7:30 inspired by the aPr- novel AIRPOPT oe•—io- lel' T !hi Arthur Haar,


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II 7:00 & 8:45 Sat & Sun Matinees 2:00 live Nominated Funniest Picture of the yuie Year Award NAM SADDLES cm February 7, 1975 Maine Campus Page Seven mining listeners

establishment of a station policy statement. Designed to Marshall all agreed that the policy statement will provide keep the best interest of the listeners in programming, the better organization, giving the DJ's a format to follow. statement will be a first for WMEB in its twelve years of John Diamond, the station's news director, hopes to existence. improve WMEB's news coverage this semester by Cyr said the programming will be progressive and including local, state, national, and international news in free-form. Emphasis will be placed on creating a pleasant each broadcast in addition to sports and weather. New mood or feeling for the listener. According to Cyr, within shows are aired in 10-minute segments every two hours. each quarter-hour of programming there should be some Lindsay Carlisle serves as the news editor for the music which is familiar to a large segment of the "Weekday Report-, a half-hour news show aired Monday audience. tie also said that programming of ''top 40" or through Friday at 5:30 p.m. bubble-gum •' music will he discouraged. "If people are WMEB began broadcasting 24 hours a day on interested in this type of music they can hear it on other weekends last week. Cyr said the station welcomes stations, he added. visitors during the day and encourages listeners to write Programming in excess of one-half 'hour in length of a to the station with their comments on the new special type of music, for example, folk, jazz or blues, will programming. be considered a special program and will need permission to be aired. Also, he said, songs won't be repeated during the course of any given day. Cr noted that as a matterof station policy, WMEB will no longer take requests or dedications.

In the past, each program on WMEB was done by the DJ on duty and often reflected only that person's interests and personality. The policy is expected to bring the station more together. Cyr is mainly in charge of programming. while Brian Naylor serves as personnel director and Mike Marshall is the music director. W MEB•s license is due for review in April by the Federal Communications Commission. When asked if the L license renewal was the reason for the new programming, studios Naylor said it wasn't. lag "We (WNIEFII have the obligation to serve the public interest. Towrd this end, this semester we're getting into more public information programming,- he said. -ogram will be concerned with the specific There has been a definite. lack of public service-type show. A portion of the show will also be programming, especially during last semester,- admitted with any correspondence the specific show Naylor. Naylor believes with the policy statement there is room 1VNIEB's sports show, will be for more new programming. Sunday to Wednesday night. retaining its Currently, there are about 40 students working at talk-show format. Craig Bogosian, sports WMEB. They are all volunteers. According to Naylor to schedule. President Howard R. Neville and Marshall. this is a large number of people to work peaker on • Instant Replay-. with, especially for a radio station. Cyr, Naylor and

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.Sub-zero air blows over trays for fast freezing' .Freezer holds up to 147 lbs tt , by herse •Four cabinet shelves, one slides out WO class •Twin vegetable bins hold 23 bushel because she's • Only 30' -hes wide. 64 inches high •.°C:•5- ;Jr satin flowers...a red exclusive Beautiful F7D's viallcce_219enr1Furests.:1Trhonastwocould o1 heart and a 330 Fleur FTC) FlOriSt Joie de more'? Your Bouquet please her Bundle Regular '449.95 your Love k can sendanywhere. 6 An. 45‘.7v almcst available k,L...72).„27 Usually businessman. You Always Do Better At Day's less than tor independent sets his an Florist 'Call ibur f TD • As ic)FrItcOesM.ember Expert Watch Repair r Extra Ibuch Florist" eoa wc 22 North Main Street Old Town rid .D 11,,,m, February 7, 1975 Page Eight Maine Campus

$1a in e LIJUIpUN Axing the budget EDITORIAL

Last week we said Gov. James B. Longley's If Langley really believes that state and different ballgame. starting figure of $619,000 for the increase in the university employes are going to sit back and The second major implication of the university's budget for next year was patently accept no pay raise for the next two years, he's governor's budget recommendation that we feel ti absurd—because (obviously) it was too low. The got another thing coming. We only wish we could should be brought to people's attention shouldbe A Super-U request is for over $5 million, most be there to see the look on his face when he obvious, but perhaps it isn't. 5. Employes' Our new governor (who likes to think of himself U of which represents mere maintenance of addresses the Maine State ii present programs and pay raises already Association today. We suspect that state and as the classic "non-politician-), in putting mandated by the legislature. university employes are not, like some trustees together this state budget proposal, has ft Well, now that the governor's final UM budget and admininstrators, -spooked" by the employed the oldest political trick in the book. By 01 recommendation is out, and it calls for a governor. making his so-called "balanced budget- 01 al $200,000 increase for the next two years, what It was ironic that AcSAim Chancellor Stanley proposal , which is an absolute bare bones are we to say? What is the Freeman was at loss for words Thursday on the figure, he has simply and swiftly placed the superlative of "patently absurd?" implications of the governor's budget burden of setting real spending priorities on the recommendation. As we see it,the implications state's lawmakers. are so vast and numerous that we're afraid we Staff might overlook some of them. What cunning! Now any increase in any that should any new program Steve Parker, Editor The first and foremost implication budget, or any funding for Kale Also. Managing Editor concern all of us, as students, is the effect his must be implemented by the legislature. Of Joe Mleband, News Editor proposal will have on tuition and room charges. course, the governor still has his veto power, but Shona Wilma. Copy editor T. Bawlsla. Sports Editor If the governor succeeds in ramming his budget now he can say to the people "the reason we Sirs,. Ward. Graphic Arts Director ax down the university's throat (that is, if the must rsaise taxes is because of the legislature's Mart Dines Director of Ads ertising legislature buys his figures). Super-U actions!" It really is a beautiful ploy. Mari, Miekeriz. Business Manager Dennis Balky. Circulation Manager adminstrators will probably turn to their only Yet we can't place all the blame for the %awes Osborwe. Cartoonist etc other major benefactor--our wallets. governor's final budget figure on the governor. If We have criticized in the past by some who we had a Board of Trustees and a chancellor who Mc Maine Canyon is a semi sc's'kk *lurnal of nett s. think we do not believe students should share the were willing to lobby, and lobby, hard, for the arts. and opinion published Tuesda%s and Fridays by the burden of inflation. Well, we'd have to be university's needs (instead of cringing at the students of the Unoersits of Maine at Orono Ednonal And business office, are kicated in 10b Lord Hall on the burying our heads in the sand not to realize that thought of a bond issue), they might have been Orono campus.1 etc-phone 00'LS/41-7531. tuition will be going up soon, but the real able to reach Langley. Mail subscription'. %%ohm the continental United States question is. how much? But as it happened, there were no further arc S9 per year or SS per semester.Distnbution to designated pickup points on the Orono and Bangor Ideally, the state should pick up the inflation meetings of the governor and his staff and the campuses is free tab, simply because that's the least it could do chancellor and his staff after that shockingly low Letters to the editor should be addressed to: Editor. Maine Campus. 10h Lord Hall. Unnersity of Maine. for a state university that is drastically budget increase figure was revealed at last Orono. Maine 04473 Please limn all letters to 500 words under-funded. But. things being as they are not week's trustees' meeting. or less.The Campos reserses the nght to edit all and not as they should be, we could live with a We repeat: if the chancellor and the trustees letters Please sign sour name and address. although the% %Ill be withheld on request Unsigned letters *ill not modest (read small) tuition increase. refuse to take strong stands on behalf of this ha published But funding the entire stash for the university university, who will? For, when they knuckle employes' pay raises for the next two years is a under, the whole university knuckles under.

Commentary Rick North Exposing the great collegiate rip-off..

funny thing happened to me on my A weeks and one day later. In the But they already. base the enormous Then there's the great meal ticket way through college I've been meantime, your professor has thought- economical burden of paying an entire npoff. Occasionally, in a moment of constantly ripped-off. fully placed a book on reserve in the police force to go out looking for ilkg1 desperation. you, an off-campus Nobody told me when I entered these library so the 89 people who don't have parkers. student, decide to eat in one of the hallowed halls of higher horseshit that a book can fight over the resersed copy The students pay money to come here cafeterias A friend lends you his meal neatly everyone I encountered would the night before the test in order to get and keep this place in business, yet they. ticket, hut sou arc refused admission attempt to take mc for as many dollars the assigned 314 pages read. are stuck parking in the union lot, nine into the dining room because your as they could. The books, regardless of the course, miles away from where they are going, friend is the onlv one who ma's use the From the biggest devourer of the are never used for more than one while the ones who are able to keep ticket. You politely object that the meal devalued dollar-the textbook--all the semester. This not only means that the their tummies full because they are has been paid for and it shouldn't way down to the mini-ripoff of charging bookstore can sell you a new book for an fortunate enough to be employed here matter who eats it. a penny for matches, this magnificent outrageously high price. hut they base get to park near the buildings. The little old lady, who has been mass of monotony known as the an excuse to pay you an outrageously Now the black bumper sticker comes summoned due to the indecision of the University of Maine has made our low price for your old book (should thes to mind. The commuter parking lot is ticket puncher, explains that the pocketbooks skinnier than a Biafran decide to buy it back). inevitably full no matter when you get university makes dollars on meals that refugee. Then there's the Great Parking Ticket there, and you are forced to park either aren't eaten (that's why so much food Ripoff. If you're not familiar with the outside the lines or in a lot of a gets thrown away). Unhapily you are If you are enrolled in even one course system it works like this. different. When you come back, you forced to buy a cold, stale hamburger in the odds are in your favor, or should I You pay one dollar for a bumper find your windshield decorated with a the Bear's Den when sou could base say the bookstore's favor, that you will sticker. The stickers come in a sanets little piece of cardboard crying out. had a cold, stale hamburger in the be requested to purchase a textbook lest of bright colors, red, green or blue. ''Two dollars''' Commons free. an "E" be plunked down on your grade Unfortunately, you don't get to choose You're licked before you start. Then there's the great check cashing report. (teachers are obviously in the color which best complements the Then there's the great sports event ripoff. You go to cash a check at the cahoots with the bookstore). There color of your auto. (in my case rust ripoff It now costs two dollars to see bookstore and the cashier politely asks seems to be a variety of methods would be appropriate). the Fighting Black Bears play football. for a dime. Obviously, if you had money employed in order to ensure the ripoff: Your color depends upon your status. One dollar will allow you to witness an to waste on service charges you 1) The "Make-thern-buy-a-$14-text- Faculty members get a blue sticker. exciting 40-point basketball victory' over wouldn't be cashing checks. If you cash book - and - assign - 1200-pages-a - night Resident students receive a nice red Bowdoin. It even costs 50 cents to see a 100 checks it has cost you $10. This method. This is used by professors who one. Commuters are given black, game. money could have been spent on a $9.95 are not only trying to rip you off, but though I doubt there's any real Although UMO has a good team, paperback for a political science course intend to drive you insane in the significance to it. college baseball in Maine is not or to pay off your parking tickets now bargain. (A 2S-page termpaper is often The idea is for your color to match the particularly attractive, partly because of that you've been summoned to appear included.) color of a sign which has been cleverly the weather (one game last spring was in court. 2) The "Make-them-buy-a-S10-text- hidden in the deepest corner of the postponed three times because of The list could go on forever, but due book and-never-assign parking lots. -anything" snow), and partly because outstanding to the cost of ink and paper it is method is used by teachers who are only The sign threatens to two your car athletic schools such as Bowdoin and probably best if I stop. The Mame trying to be fair and are utisfied that away if your color doesn't match. but Bates are part of the schedule. Campus. which costs nothing and is the you've spent your next six I've months' never seen this happen. I suspect As a result, people who might have best bargain in this whole place, allowance on their course. that the university would rather collect gone to see the whole game now wait probably can't afford it. 3) The "Make-sure-there -aren't - the two dollars for a parking ticket than until half-time so they won't have to Maybe someday when we get out of enough-books-available-for-everyone- money tow spend on the upkeep of a pay. Students don't have money to here, our money will return to us. After in-the-class-and-assign-a-test-in-two- truck Don't they realize if they towed spend going to a game- -especially when all, the reason we're here is to learn weeks" method. This usually means your car away they could chage you $40 they've just spent $150 on textbooks how to get rich by ripping people off. that the bookstore has ordered the book for the tow, instead of a mere two and collected $12 worth of parking I must say. we couldn't have better and it will inevitably arrive exactly two dollars for a ticket? violations. teachers. 1975 February 7, 1975 Maine Campus Page Nine SAM. I did sas that of the 35 Finally the United Low possible higher education facili- Income fast was not the only Senate president cities inaccuracies ties in the state, that probable united effort SAM has under- about 28 of them would have a taken so far this year. It is more vested interest in joining perhaps only the most visible lo the Editor: whoever makes the assignments many things SAM hopes to SAM. Places such as Glen Cove one. To organize such a group in would insist that the reporters accomplish. Bible Seminary and Portland itself is a great United Effort I was initially pleased to see hay(' at least a basic know Next, School of Art may. not see the that takes a amount of feel ledge those three "standing large the article on the Students' of the nature of what they are to committees- which were print- need in joining a politically energy and time. uldbe Association of Maine.(SAM) in write about so that intelligent ed as being a part of the state oriented organization like SAM. Jeanne Bailey your paper on Feb. 4-- that is and informative questions might legislature which SAM hopes to self until I read it and found it full of be asked and answered. "hase input into- are SAM's macuracies. Now if I may correct the OWN committees which may Setting the record straight The reporter who came down inacuracies. First, the article deal with the legislature but are to see me for the interview first seems to insinuate that the only not a part of the state To the editor received a letter from one of hsi )k. By of all did not esen hase a shred function that is of importance is legislature. We initiated those Every once in a long while. I girl friends, and with money of knowledge about the organi- SAM's lobbying efforts for committees for our use out of encounter a poor soul who is enclosed. no less! Such a talent zation and therefore was legislation. Lobbying on partic- the SAM structure. unfortunate because we share of course goes with the name! working from a poor base to ular issues of importance for all Thirdly. I never said that i something 'it. .mmon- Our But being the historian that I begin with. It seems to me that students is only a part of the expected 28 schools to join names! I refer to a certain am I like to keep the record 1 the undergraduate who recently straight. So I returned the wrote a letter to this newspaper money to where it belonged. which some people attributed to just as I do any doubt over the my pen. I hasten to point out authorship of the letter in —Commentary that he should ge the full credit- question or blame! Actually, this confusion works Clark G. Reynolds r, but The Dean dispute Kah ways, like the time I Professor of History' re's

li Dennis Bailey suggested boycotting the lecture, others will refuse to pay money to see a "crook". nor. If 1‘,tin Dean. former aide to the former but undoubtedly the place will be packed. president. is ready to tell the American DIRECTIONS r who I plan to go and pay my fifty cents and people about Watergate for a price of he listen to a man who was once a close aide te $3500. Not bad wages for a convicted felon. the only president in history to resign: the But do the American people want to pay to man who was once part of i.e fl listen? the administration that masterminded the For some, this poses a moral dilemma political trials of Angela Davis. the Chicago by Ion' Merrier Should we pay to hear a man who was once 7. and the Berrigan Brothers, and who, by a part of the administration that tried to Prior to my graduation he an ironic twist of fate, was able to avoid in 1971. many members of the subvert the American democratic process? student body were y low what would have been the biggest political concerned with the relesancv of Unlike Ziegler, Dean can not give us !heir education. trial in history-the conspiracy trial of At that time, relevancy meant the many insights into the scandal. It is Richard Nixon. pressing social concerns. mainly the war in Vietnam doubtful whether he understands the full Ind its effects on America. tees implications of the problem. If he did, he Today I believe the relevancy issue is still important. would have abandoned Nixon's ship long but with a slightly different emphasis-namely. before he did. As Liddy said. Dean onls le xonomies. fingered the president to sase his own ass. by Mark Schneider In my own mind, the approach to education can come and that is probably closer to the truth than from two directions. One is economic in nature, or many think. Over a week ago I read in the Boston more accuratels a vocational preparation. and the other But 1 th.nk the protesters that Dean is papers that Boston Unisersity students is a -knowledge-for-its-own-sake- approach. encountering along his lecture route are withdrew an Invitation for Ronald Ziegler Vocational training hopefully gives the graduate a ommwor I missing the point. Personally. I could care to address the student body for a fee. In marketable ability to perform a given set of tasks, les% how much money he makes from keeping with the critically important right in a traditional sense, a plumber or mechanic, or ni talking about Watergate. If people \sant to of free speech. they voted to welcome him broadly. a teacher, lawyer, or doctor. pay to hear him. it's not his fault that he if he chose not to reeds e renumeration. The former, and other careers like them. hase been makes money. The point is that John Dean I felt they were setting an admirable handled by vocational training institutions, while the is not a hero. Granted he pleaded guilts. precedent in refusing to make the college latter have been dealt with through the college and icket and granted he helped bring the president speaking circuit a gray y train for the uniyersity %%stems. But in both situations, economic it of to his knees. But that can't possibly excuse scoundrels who attempted land succeeded adyancement and security . as well as general social npus him for some of his actions that he was for too long) in subs erting the existing improvement. hase been the goals of the institutions the insolsed in during his stay at the White freedoms that Americans possess and and students alike. meal House. instituting devious. oppressive, divisive In short, most education is really vocational in vsion If you caught Dean's act in front of Sen. policies for their own self-interest. nature, or so it has been made to appear. SOW' Ersin•s committee. you'll remember that You can imagine my horror when I read In our zeal to educate the population we have ironicalls oser-trained mans people 7 the Dean is a pretty dry speaker In fact, his that John Dean, the ex-president's for the existing job meal ley tore is likely to be a bore. But the real ex-counsel was coming to UMO as a market. Idn't fun will begin during the question and distinguished lecturer, with $3,500 as the After rny own graduation. I was told that I was "too answer period. For instance. if Dean has incentise. Some people may. view Dean less qualified- to hold many positions open to high school been such a good memory', does he remember negatisely than some of the other graduates, and yet local professional positions were I the hs he thought that the idea of drawing purveyors of the Nixon conspiracy. hut he yirtually non-existent. the upan enemies list to harass political was an intimate part of the gang. He just Statistics everywhere has e indicated wide-spread that opponents was, as he said. an "exciting was smart enough to realize that the party under-employment among college graduates. and it food prospect''' was over and sang his noble song to save logically follows that today a degree is not the gateway to economic success. I are If he is such an honest man. why didn't his own ass. After all, being self-serving er in he rat on Nixon before he had to, or did he was one of the hallmarks of the Nixon Perhaps a non -vocational "know ledgeforitsown has e Just do it to sase his ass? administration. sake" educational system now makes a kind of he Another fact to keep in mind is the O.K.. O.K., enough of this self-right- economic sense, in light of current financial realities, to sentences the Watergate people are eous rhetoric. It'd be easy to kick a man SaV nothing of the new freedoms in learning that this ,hing serving. Crazy Charles Colson. the man when he's down. The only thing is that system would open up for students. t the responsible for the plan to firebomb the Dean and his cohorts aren't down, they 're Based on these conditions, a few revisions may be in asks Brookings Institute, was recrntly released raking in more green stuff from telling order for the University of Maine's educational system. MeV because of "over-riding family problems-. their dirty little story than any 14 honest. First, grades should be made optional at any level in you Can you believe it? hardworking citizens will see in a a college career. This would allow the student to either cash For years it has always been believed life-time. participate in the competitive grading system for purposes This that if sou had power or money you could That, friends, is my point. of graduate school or prospective eniplos 19.95 buy your was out of almost any situation. Instead of being loathed and scorned for trent. but it would at the Same time allow a student to take all courses on a Purse Now we base proof. Colsen is a dangerous their infamy they're being rewarded-by pass-fail basis. reaping now man. He was released for the simple you and me-if we allow John Dean to speak what benefits he or she may. Secondly. a cross 'pear reason of personal problems. What here for the ourtageous fee of $3500. A -college course program should be criminal doesn't face problems with his behaviorist might point 'out that we arc established allowing a student to have two widely-divergent due family when he enters jail? encouraging this kind of behayior if study areas, not unlike majors, like for instance, French and It is I'd like to see Dean address himself to rew arded. electrical engineering. This system would allow lame that question. I think John Dean should be allowed to for preparation in a highly-specialized field s the I'd like to see Dean explain to a poor speak here is he desires. But for us to pay and for the fulfillment of individual students' lace, ghetto kid sent up for using heroin why he him S3500 means that we haven't learned desires. has to go to jail while white-collar criminals anything from the whole Nixon scandal The above two proposals would require a minimum of administrative adjustments, ut of like those involved in Watergate go free. think we should refer to it as that rather and would not interfere with any student's educational after How can anyone base respect for American than defame an innocent hotel). goals. learn justice when this is allowed to happen? But who cares about that now with the Mercier. 25. holds off. And unless Dean is asked. I doubt he will economy rapidly going down the drain. a B.A. in psychology from ('MO He iS currently selling etter address himself to this issue. Perhaps for that price we could get Fanne audio equipment in Bangor. and hues In any case' Dean is likely to become a Foxe the Argentine firecracker. for the with his wile Bonnie in Brewer. rich man because of Watergate. Some have Distinguished Stripper Series. Page Ten Maine Campus February 7, 1975 Febru Student aid to ask

inclusion of 1040's Wh '•the t track Saturd Field Beginning With applications for the "Some of the federal monies are so The school year 19"S-"h. students applying for proscribed, such as first preference to Indoor financial aid will be required to submit a low-income families... he added. "Because replaci photocopy of the parents' or their own of this preference we must get the Chun! federal income tax returns from the statement. Bow do previous year. We are very concerned with the UMI This requirement. according to John confidentiality of records.- he added. "witht Madigan. director of student aid. will All applicants for aid in 1475.-b broken further ensure that students not eligible for academic year will be required to submit dogfig aid, or at least as much aid as their thier 1040 form. lhe following year. for the financial statements indicate. will not gat Madigan speculated. freshman and The it. transfer students will be required to submit meet vi •*Eserv dollar awarded a no-need or the 1040 form, and an occasional !New E Earl Scruggs lesser-need situation cheats someone else spot-check will be made down the line who does need aid," said one of Madigan. The policy is not new, according to The action is to accomplish two things. Madigan. The financial aid office has Earl Scruggs to perform First, to verifs. that data, though a small always reserved the right to serif y the SFS. percentage. that is intentionally falsified. The authorization statement of the SFS and to correct small discrepencies. reads "I agree that to serifs informatin The Earl Scruggs Revue. a six-piece year. Scruggs managed to further his Madigan said, are sometimes unintention- reported. the CSS in any of the named country and bluegrass band. will perform musical development. al and can affect the award either positiyely recipients may requist or obtain an official in the Memorial Gym tonight at 9 p.m. The or negatively. photostatic copy of our latest U.S. income concert is sponsored by the student Long after his solo performances at local In addition. the 1040 forms will lose the tax return.- Below this is a place for a senate's concert committee. square dances. Scruggs wrote the song Student Aid Office an idea of how much signature and another statement informing "Fogg y Mountain Breakdow n..• Actor income an imdependent student makes the filer that an intentional falsificatm will About six years ago. Scruggs broke off Warren Beatty picked this particular piece each year. This has been difficult to result in a fine or imprisonment. ties with traditional hillbilly' music and for the theme song of his filmic. "Bonnie determine because expectations ma% not We arc not in the business of trapping ended his association with long-time and Clyde.- "Foggy Mountain Break- coincide with actual earnings and because anybody .- said Madigan. "We are just partner Lester down- won Flatt. The desire to Scruggs a Grammy Award in almost every case is unique. trying to do the best job.- experiment put an end to the famous duo of 1%9 Madigan said his office is entirely within Of the 13." million the Student Aid ••Flatt and Scruggs'• and brought about Scruggs is well-known for his hillbills. its legal rights. since the information on Office distributes. mer 90 per cent conies the arri% al of his current group. banjo-picking in "The Ballad of Jed the 1040 form duplicates that found on the from HEW. Information about parent's (lampett••. theme song for the "Beverly Student's Financial Statement (SFS) form income and assets and or student's income Members of the "Re% ue•• include Hillbillies- T.V. series. of the College Scholarship Service (CSS) and assets is required by federal Scruggs and his three sons: gars. lead required of all applicants. regulations singer and bass: Randy. flat-top guitar: Often praised as the greatest banjo Stese. rhythm guitar: and Jody Maphis. player in the country . Scruggs revolution- drummer: Josh Grases. dobro. ized playing of the five-string banjo. His Born in Cleveland County. North magnificent use of the thumb, index, and Carolina. Scruggs learned to pick the banjo middle finger has been commonl% called at the age of four. Without the assistance the "Scruggs picking style. of his banjo-playing father who died that Admission will be 13.50 at the door. MIBIATO Mill St., Orono, Me. WIGHT'S FINE FOOD! HOME COOKED SPECIALS SPORTING GOODS EVERYDAY./ 589 Wilson St. Brewer CLEARANCE SALE Relax in the Library Lounge _ CONTINUES _— Brick Cellar BIG SELECTION TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST Open Thurs., 10°,0 TO 50% OFF REGULAR PRICES Fri., All Sales Final—We Accept & Sat. Nights Cash—Bank Americard—Masteftharge Sale Hours—Mon. -Thurs 8.30 To 5 30 P fr Pr i 830 to 900om Sat 830 to 500 Pm WITH LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

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smut February 7, 1975 Maine Campus Page Eleven Tomorrow's track meet termed a "dogfight"

What most track observers are calling years and Bates. after a slow start, has In the mile Maine's Gerry Laflamme, Bowdoin and Bates will have the edge in the best and most exciting state indoor come in rapidly and was recrntly nosed out who posted a sensational 4:12.2 in winning the weight events because of the talents of track meet in years" is scheduled by for a good Holy Cross squad. the event in the Harvard meet, will have to Bob Cedrone .of the Bobcats and Larry Saturday. Feb. 8. at UMO's Memorial Some of the premiere events are fight off the challenges of Sanborn of Waithe and Dick Leavitt of the Polar Bears. Field ()use starting at 1 p.m. expected to be the 600 yard dash, the mile, Elowdoin. who has done 4:20.7, and the The event is the Maine Invitational thc high jump and the 1000. but all of the Bates pair of Russ Keenan (4(18.2) and Bowdoin's Guy Leadbetter and John Indoor Track Championships which has events should be strongly contested. Bruce Merrill 14(19.2). Merrill could be the Littlehak will be challenged by Maine's replaced the former maine State Series The 600 will pit Bowdoin's Leo Dunn, choke in the two mile as he has done a 9( 11 Harold Jordan in the pole vault while Eric Championship and involves UMO. who has done a 1:13 this season. against although Bates has two other fine ammi of Maine and Jim Soule of Bowdoin Bowdoin. Bates and Colby. Maine's top duo of Bob Van Peursem and performers in this event in Bob Chaisson are the chief threats in the long jump. UMO coach Ed Styrna says that. Allyn Brown. both of whom have toured and Paul Oparowski. 'without doubt a lot Maine's Dan Cochrane leads the triple of records will be the distance in 1:13.3. The high jump will be a confrontation broken and 1 expect it jump competitors with an outstanding will be a real In the 1000 it will be Dunn of Bowdoin, among Maine's Steve Leathe, who has dogfight among The Bears Maine. Bowdoin and Bates who has posted the best time this year in jumped bft.8/14in. Maine's Eric Lamm'. 48ft.334in. in the Harvard meet. for the title while the this event also, and Jeff Sanborn of who has done bft.bin.. Bates' Dick Baker. also look strong in the mile relay The Black Bears of grabs, with maine go into the Bowdoin against the Kates duo of Chris who has jumped bft.bin.. and Bill two mile relay is up for meet with a 4-1 record, having lost only to Taylor and Scot Bierman. Maine's Eric Bardaglio, who has also cleared bft.bin. Bowdoin a slight pre-meet favorite. Ness England power Harvard. Bowdoin has Ellis could also challenge. I one of its best indoor track contingents in

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souk Page Twelve Maine Campus February 7, 1975 Bears edged by UNII, entertain B.U.

wen: Steve Condon with 18 and The Maine Bears continued to have their by as much as 13 points in the first 10 and stole the hall and scored on a 15 foot Bear, problems on the road last night as they minutes. The UNH surge was sparked by jumper to put the Wildcats on top to stay Stey e Gay co with IS. Pete Liskaris finished were edged by the New Hampshire the hot outside shooting of guard Wayne with 14 and Wayne Morrison 18 for UNH. VIdcats 81-79 at Durham. In an earlier Morrison and Pete Laskarts. In the last four minutes the Bears had Maine is now 7-10 oyerall and will have encounter this season the Bears bombed With 10 minutes to play Maine battled their chances and were always close but to finish strong in order to come up with a the Wildcats 74-54 in "the pit." back to tie the score 57-57 on the play they were unable to come up with the key winnng season. Their record in the Yankee As usual Maine played a good first half underneath by Bob Warner and Steve play to pull out the win. They were down by Conference in now and the lead went back and forth for most Gay ett. Over the next five minutes the lead two points with 25 seconds remaining when The Bears will be hoping to pick up their of the first 20 minutes of play. Bob Warner changed hands on numerous occasions and Pete Laskaris scored on a lay -up to ice the second conference win tomorrow night and Steye Condon sparked the Bears in the with four minutes remaining in the game game for UNH. when they host Boston University . Maine first half but the hot outside shooting of Maine was nursing a 67-66 lead. Dennis Sargent of the Wildcats was the dropped an osertime decision to R.1.5. at Wayne Morrison and Dennis Sargent But in the next two minutes guard game's top scorer with 28 points. while Boston earlier in the season. B.0 is led by pacNI UNH to a 34-32 halftime adyantage. Was ne Morrison single-handedly y tctimit- Bob Warner paced the UMO scoring attack senior guard 'Terry Walker who is But in tie second half Maine fell behind ed the Bears as he scored on two limit), with 25 points. Other top scorers for the aseraging close to 19 points per contest. • Sports

Weekend Sports briefs...

SWIMMING The Terriers are nationally ranked and recently defeated the Uniyersity of The UMO swimmers. idle since Jan. 25 Nebraska at Omaha. Maine's young club when they dropped a heartbreaking 60-53 has been a surprising one to date, holding decision to Connecticut. swing back into a --1 mark as they defeated Bow doin on action against Central Connecticut Fnday Wednesday. Steye Sabine in the and Massachusetts Saturday The Bears 15.0-pound class and Lucien Daigle at 134 should be fay ored in both meets although are undefeated through the first sey en Central Connecticut has a proven sim meets. program which has been yery successful SKIING over the years. Pacing the Bears are disci-% Roy Warren and Rolf Olsen. freestyler Keven Reader. backstroker Jav Donovan. Following a respectable scyenth plake finish in their first butterfly specialist Ralph Turner. distance meet of the season, at the UnisersitY of Vermont freestyle Tini Babcock and indiy 'dual Carmy al. the Maine Black Bears hope medley swimmer Tom Clark. The Bears to move up the ladder in the Eastern Intercollegiate stand 4-2 in dual meets thus far in this Ski season. Association rankings at the Dartmouth Carm% al Friday and SaturdaY . At Bob Warner (521 scores he goes oser the entire -St WRESTLING Vermont. Whit Thurlow had a good as performance in the alpine esents and Getting high Anselm's team in an earlier game Warner had 25 points in a losing cause against UNII 1 he Bears face their toughest opponent. Charles Niedner looked strong in the by far, of the campaign when they meet cross-country . Boston University Saturday afternoon in a televised event. Grapplers outfight MMA Merrill named new Capturing all hut one match the Maine Summary wrestling team won its seyenth meet in 118-double forfeit. eight tries last Monday afternoon as they 126-Hudson (UMO) pinned Lancaster in easily outfought the Middies of Maine 1:23. assistant baseball coach Maritime Academy 36-3 at Castine. 134-Daigle (LIMO) pinned Goulette in The Bears picked up sictories y ta pins in four of the events. Undefeated UMO 5:45142--Forest IUMO)pinned Keough in 1:02. wrestlers Steve Sabine and Lucien Daigle 150-Sabine IUMO) pinned Coulston in Carl H. Merrill. 30. a catcher in the Carolina League. New York league. picked up wins by. pinning their opponents Philadelphia Phillies baseball organization California League. Northwest League and in the 150 and 134-pound .lasses. 1541:45--:Kolegue (UMO) decisioned Koehler. for fi‘e years, has been named assistant Eastern League before winding up his respectsycly Other UMO wrestlers 4-2. 167 yarsity baseball coach here at UMO career in the Triple A Pacific Coast League picking up pins were Bob Forest in the -Norton (MMA) decisioned Ward. The change in assignment for Merrill, a with Eugene. Ore. While an undergradu- 142-pound division and Mike Hudson in 10-5. member of the UMO athletic department ate a; UMO he played both football and the 126-pound class. 177-Rasmusses(UMO) decisioned Martin. 7.0, staff since 19-2. was announced by UMO baseball and was a member of the 1464 Dan Norton gave the Middies their only Athletic Director Harold Westerman. Black Bear baseball team that finished 190-Watson (UMO) decisioned Bobby. points as he won the I6--pound class. A graduate of UMO in 1%6. Merrill third in the College World 9-3. Series at MMA now has a record of 5-5 played professional baseball in the Omaha. Neb. including Unlimited-Edwardson (UMO) decisioned two losses to the Black Bears. Prior to joining the UMO athletic Soper. 5-2. department staff as an assistant football Winkin named coach and lecturer in physical education in September of 1972. Merrill coached Alpha Gamma Rho ends football at Gardiner High School and to NCAA post during the baseball off-seasons he was a game losing defensive secondary coach for the Colby 70 streak varsity football team and also . head %army) baseball at Bowdoin. Sporting a record of0 wins and -0 losses. 1 here was a glimmer of hope last year taught rhatha and history at coach at UMO. has been reelected to a Brunswick Alpha Gamma ho finally pulled in their when Phi Mu forfeited a B team game to two-year High and coached football term on the National Collegiate at Brunswick first two victories by defeating Delta Alpha Gam but intramural director Wise Athletic Junior High. Upsilons Association Council as a vice A team 63-26 and also defeating Ames said that forefetted don't count as president at large and 'has also been Westerman said that Merrill will Delta Upsilong B team that same night to games won. appointed continue his duties as an assistant football give them chairman of the baseball rules their first two wins in 72 games. Alpha Gam's long string of '0 losses committee of the coach at UMO with a primary Known among American Association of fraternity basketball extended back to the 72-73 season when College Baseball responsibility for the defensive circles as Coaches. backfield. an easy target. Alpha Gamma both A and B teams went 0-14 and 0-16 The two posts In his new assignment Merrill Rho turned were conferred upon will also a few heads and surprised a lot respectively. The next year A team was Winkin at the coach the UMO freshman baseball of people with meetings of the NCAA and team. their two decisive victories 0-16 and B team was 1-15 with the one win American Workouts for the 1975 varsity last Association of Baseball Coaches baseball Tuesday night. It even shocked a few being the forefeit to Phi Mu. This year A held this month in team have already started under of the brothers Washington, D.C. the and one brother when and B team's are both 1-7 and hope to Winkin came direction of first-year head questioned to (IMO last June from his coach *John about his team's victory said he improve upon the performance of past previous post as athletic director and Winkin. formerly the baseball coach at couldn't remember another victory prior to seasons. beehall coach at Colby College. Colby College. that since three years ago.