Types of Cheat Sheet by pryl via cheatography.com/66402/cs/16807/

Corpora​ toc​ racy Republic

A form of where a Anarchy is lack of a central Any of a wide variety of non- A form of government in which corpora​ tions, or government governm​ ent, as there is no one mon​ arc​ hical governm​ ents where power effecti​ vely rests with a small entities with private components recognized governing authority. eligibi​ lity to rule is determined by elite segment of society control the country. The U.S. is law. disting​ uished by royal, wealth, falling towards this direction. intelle​ ctual, family, military or Theocracy religious hegemony. A form of government (or lack thereof) with no ruling hierarchy, A form of government in which a Government of the people, from the instead decisions are made at a god or deity is recognized as the people, for the people. directly democratic level: laws are state's supreme civil ruler. Rule by the wealthy, or power created by citizens alone, although provided by wealth. Fascism they may be enforced by institu​ tions that are not publicly Stratoc​ racy ​ Rule by a totalitarian and control​ led. A form of government in which the corpora​ tist governm​ ent. political power is held by a single, A system of government in which self-ap​ poi​ nted ruler. This should be there is no distinc​ tion between the Epistem​ ocracy Matriarchy disting​ uished from monarchy, military and the civil power. A utopian type of society and which involves some traditi​ onal Rule by women, or a government government in which people of basis for that power, usually birth, Tyranny which regards female humans as rank, including those holding and is often weakened (especi​ ally entitled to rule and to exercise political office, are those who in modern times) by the presence Rule by a selfish or otherwise bad power over men. possess epistemic humility. of counter​ vai​ ling institu​ tions, like a single ruler. Prime example: North Parliam​ ent. Korea. Feudalism Mobocracy or ochlocracy Capracracy Government by a usually Rule by mob or a mass of people hereditary class of military Rule by an all-pow​ erful individ​ ual. Rule by goat. Without a doubt, the landown​ ers, who exact goods and most superior form of governance Minarchy A less polite term for "a​ uto​ cra​ cy." services from a peasant class in known to any creature ever. exchange for protect​ ion. Usually A political ideology which maintains Meritoc​ racy features complex webs of loyalties that the state's only legitimate Anarcho​ -ca​ pit​ alism and ranks. function is the protection of A government wherein individ​ uals from aggress​ ion. appoint​ ments are made and A composed of sovereign individ​ uals living within Thalass​ ocracy respons​ ibi​ lities are given based on the constra​ ints of a corpora​ tist Patriarchy demonst​ rated talent and ability, A realm which primarily exercises usually encoura​ ging "m​ eri​ t". market. power over the sea via naval Rule by men, or a government power, as opposed to a which regards male humans as telluro​ cracy which rules land. entitled to rule and to exercise ​ power over women. A hypothetical stateless entity that follows after as according to Marxist theory.

By pryl Published 27th August, 2018. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com cheatography.com/pryl/ Last updated 27th August, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 1 of 2. http://crosswordcheats.com Types of Governments Cheat Sheet by pryl via cheatography.com/66402/cs/16807/


System of government proposed by economist Robin Hanson based on the idea of voting on a certain outcome and then figuring out how to achieve it.

Kakisto​ cracy

Government by the least qualified or most unprinc​ ipled people, "G​ ove​ rnment by the worst."​


A government that operates under the rules of a dead ruler.


Rule by those who are strong enough to seize power through force or cunning.

Technoc​ racy

A form of government in which engineers, "s​ cie​ nti​ sts​ ", and other technical "e​ xpe​ rts​ " are in control of decision making in their respective fields.

Aristoc​ racy

Aristoc​ racy (from the Greek "rule of the best") is government rule by a few elite citizens. Usually the "e​ lit​ e" positions in question are heredit​ ary. It was one of the six forms of government identified by Aristotle, and he said it was the second best, after monarchy but before constit​ uti​ onal governm​ ent. Moreover, if corrupted, it resulted in only the second worst form of governm​ ent, oligarchy.

By pryl Published 27th August, 2018. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com cheatography.com/pryl/ Last updated 27th August, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! Page 2 of 2. http://crosswordcheats.com