
O P Bjynlon 18mar7V

TkK »'incAO-' A- a\i.BTH-\\ KKTKUK UaILWAV. Kmlir.-i. <■» m»U-i OIK’ iii»ii:ii;iMiU'Ul tlu^ (»r<-«l alarm, tboiigli oeeaaioned ^ • real aet of ag­ U iil«;4y l.liin-* »i li"' • » • • .» ! ';i 11*1 \ O i n gression. When that ramorraaohed Norwich, :!>• '•< ii«'lUiii.T.iiis liiii.irhi-i* Hinl •■•■n- 4U4 soldMra, well armed and monnted on gitod Jt nec'.iiMi.-. ttiriiifr ill** tijiiirif-t iiii«l riiino Hi* borsea ataited under the comnuuid of lUjor tw«Tii I liit .i^*i .iiiii uli ;• liitl’’ II ll:>ii"i!‘. \\ iwiiiiHlii, Miirilii'i'ii Mirlii::«ii. .\liiiii-M>iit, Imvsi, N<.liia<-ka, Ditfkee for Boaton on Sunday mamiag. In C«lili.riiia iiii.l Ml.- Wn^icrii ■i orrltiinw. IIb Pomfrat .iOO men were under arms and raady. Oiiiatiii aiul <':iUi'oriiia Line Putnam wrota to tha Boatoa eommitta*: “tbe 1« Ilii- Hh.ii-lwi iiiiiHwHt r€iiiietor»l!|u>lm*in Nnrth- news waa recaivad with general joy. Th* «ni llliiiiili*, Iowa. I'aUoia. Nolir«i*kH, W.vomliiB, Oo;.ii«ili>, I'lilli, Nfvmln, < 'ttlilollllil, OlVKOli, I illim, people wai* waitilig for aa oeowioD to ra- Javiiii Hii.t AiiKlmliii. Ilf . „ , , dreaathairwioiigB. Had not« eminlar dia- Ciii«‘UK:o,Kt. INiiil & MiUlisoii IJiio Volume 9. Nninber 15. patch floaM, 40,000 w«U aqoinM troo|ia Hin- forXorlh.Mii Winoiimii anil Min- would aooD bava haan oawud.” fiixol'i, aiKl lor MiuUokii. s i. I'aiil, Mintiita|H>H>i, Uii- It waa doling tbe few montba bafoM th* liiil. iiiKl all jiiiiiits ill lliK tlieal Xortli««»l. Iik Chapman, Joshua Wills, and William Eaton man more clearly foreaaw thftporpoae of tha actual outbreak of hoatilikiaav tbal tbia* caM* W in w u a a u d W,. P eU ^r l.liic of Windsor, were grantees and emigranta to British minislry to revoke the charter of Con­ of tory diacipliiie oncored, one at HabMD, I k till' oiilv roiim tor M'iiioiin, Uocliwler, Owaloiina, Stufl'erd N|»rla|r«. Maiikalo, St. IVtur, Now I'lm, amt all |iointi> In Tolland, where their suns, Samuel Cliapman, necticut and to annihilate the colony itself one at Windham, and one at Union. Snob gouilioriiiimUVutnilNliiiu'Wita. It* HtaA'ord Springs Steam Mill,Gtan- Solomon Wills, aud Solomon Eaton, liecame when tbe fitting opi^ortunity might casaa war* not unmatona in thia region. Th* CENTAUR dy Hrotliers, pmprielurs,. Box Mannfactnrers; also c ;r 4HMi liny and Alarq«ictt« l..iu<‘ Piauing, Scroll Sawing, and common Log Sia.viuii:, The National Anniven in its reotirrenoe ^tingnished citizens aud were most devoted Trumbull sent an agent of the colony to re­ anbjeeta war* few. Theae caasa not oaly Ik 1 hf .lulv lim- for .lancKvlllc. Wnl.-nowii, Koiid l>ii patriots in the revolution. From old Windsor side iu London to watch every portent of com­ ahow tba ton* of extrema exasperation pi**, Lar, uUiiqii«> I..I11C W hite, for the Human Faniily. Window Shadpv and Fixtnres. Pianos,OrgauKand term of time; Hs applie ates aud empires land. From Windsor came tbe Loomis family, so long ns a great number ot ravenm lawa in­ ■mctioned by tha people in tbair ptiman a*, I k till* only roiilv Cor Klgliit KorJiloid, Kivt*|»orl, «iid Moiotieons lor sale or to rent. found iu almost every town in the county, hibited colonial indnstry and labor, and for­ aembliaa-tha townai Tba popolar pneead. •II Iiointavin Knupoit. Iik Vellow, for iiorftes and Animals. K. P iiltiir, Custulu Boot and Shoe Maker it is a peitod comparati' brief. Advanced life of indiTiduals is a su nmptom uf decay; whose memoriahi have been published by Prof. bade the use of water ^w er for manufactur­ iuga againat tnriaa are often eaUad a i ^ bat t'liicairo aiKl M ilwaukee lane and RcpairtT.—The best of workmen and the heal of Elias Loomis of Yale college, a native of Wil- ing purposes,and restrained the immigration of I« lli«

miiat, perish, but theyweraaot. Those who took parkin thna iia«*iu/lhrmiSi~EvimS Korc«, lliKliUud world. Tbttir eSecU are litUc le«a tiian J . H . K e e d , Attorney a t Law. offioo in stales may be inii of commoh- lington. From Windsor oamo the Strongs of evety class of artisans and mechanicM, aud the were law-abiding eitiaana. Tbair r m r , Wniikci!«Ui Bacliie, KhuokIih o Mtlwaukw. yet there areamne thinga which they will not do.^ RockweU'S Block. wealths depends on no leax than Union, Stafford, Bolton, and Coventry, the making all warea iu wood and iron. Restric­ ofdisdpHfl mora or leaaviolaat, w«N aoa- iNillnian Palacc Cars They will not cure cancer or mend broken bonea, W ill. A . O o iu ln s, Horse and Shoe- on material, binding re gencnitiuDs iu descendents of elder John, of Windsor, and tions like these, and a standing army to en­ aideratuyl e ^ y p] i a ^ by th* best wan, a* a part •IV run oil nU thmBcIi traliiK of thlK road. but they will alwaj^ allay |>aiu. Tiiey haveatraifht- iuff. Machine Forj'inj^a and Kepalrint; dune to order numbered by tens of thousands in Prof. force them, could not but lead to such out­ of tbe poliey c t patriotiam againat flmpntiwi 'J’hls IK lh« ONLY LINK riuuiini! tliwc carK l»e- AUo, hulldcraud repairer of all atylea ol Wugoiia. oue body politic. If t '. form leuain, time Dwight’s ponderous volumes. From Suffield breaks as tbe Boston masaacre and the Mo­ tirvtfii l’liicat!0 »iMl8 1 . |-«iil,Olik.«so»iid MllwHiikue, eiied flngcra, cured chronic rheumatlam of many F . P . U lotlgett, M . I> .. Physician is an element of pow^ at weakness, and Designs to deck iha exeraisa of arhitaiw . « r ('hiraeo a!!d Winona. , . , « , ■ veara atandlng, and taken tlie iwin from terrible and Surci'on. office No. 7, Rockwell's Blocis. Office bccomes both a cond; id a cause ot na- cime Joseph Tiumball to Lebanou,the father hawk tea party. But tbe most cxaapentina power, they MTved their porpoa* aduiiaUv. At Oiiialm our HlooiKf*roimeci «itU Iln'Ovnrland bnnif and <«alda, wbich has never lieen done l»y any iioars, 7 to 10 a. ni., 1 to 4, T to t p. m. Hesideuce tiuiial greatness and of Governor Trnmbnll,aud Benoni,tbe broth­ measure of the British miniatiy waa tae retal­ Theyiaxved to bring the strife batifaw tba HUt'iMiv oil tlii> lUiion Pacific lUllniud lur all |Hiinti> at J. V. ^ iciv . er of Joseph, to Hebron, the father of Dr.Ben- iatory Port bill iu cooaeqaence of which eve­ cokmiaa and the erown to a quick daeiiisB b« Wr. M . H. G risw old, DenUst-Office Ever ainoe the Di a free jaiiiin Tmmb'jll,tbe historian ot Connecticut, ry man, woman and child in tha large town of Uie only mod* paadbla—by arma. Un thf arrival of UietraiiiKfromtlie t«»t or Konth, T h e W hite U n iM c a t ia for the hitman In UueJ^well'sNew Block, residence at Stafford Uol- Keimblie, deapots havji. M r destiny was tlintraiiiKol iheC hleairo* NortXi-WcKturn Railway luw. Officchours8 a m to It, 1 p w toC. After<•(, aud to Watertown liev. John, the father of Boston, was shut up to starve, in order to Theae caaea of tory disc^pliM wai*Baaa» LKAVIiOincAtMlaKiollown: ^ family. It will drive Khenataliam, Sciatica aud a failure in lets thnn lx a irj. This day re- Judge Joseph Trumbull, oue of the Hartford punish the acts of a mob, with the onder- ed by tba coumitteea of inspcetion npnninij V m r VMBcIi HlHnu, •■■m hA M d CaM« p. m., may be found at home. futes the fond pi tqeso prophets of flwrnia. Two Tliroui^fa Tniina daily, willi l>iillu)an Neuralgia from the ayalem; cure Lombago, Chil- 1C U . l>HVl801l, Attorney and Counsel­ wits, aud author uf McFiugal. From Wind- Ktanding, that if the inhabitanta would pay by tha towns. Thia aetion of tb * t« i^ doaa PalHCe Urattiiig Uooin and ^li-cpin;; UarK ihroii;;li to UlalnK, PalKy, Itch, and moat Ontaueona Bniplioua; or at Law. Oflire In Rockwell’s new Block. •viL Washin^on U i time, that bo aor Mme Noah and Nathaniel Grant, two of fur the tea, tbe harbor would again be op«niMl. not prove thatth they wera in Itav^i ot it extracts froKtironi frosan handa and fart, aud the F . A . U tu ’w tio d , Dealer in Dry Goods. knew not tan m«»i& who^Uvorad a' early' proprietora of. ToUaud. . Of this. .^ob.ooanUy and-eiith*.«ciMilMdtii* iiia i lir — — jSm* M taaeai^iit, Two yA aea ■•€ Wife* aCllv* veiiomona M>tsand8hoes,aroeerte(,Protlslaia,Cr(H'kery,Ac miuoarohy Ti at 'cttunion ^attkw Gkant/' resented th» act of deapotiam. doitix dom to Ufa, RikIi I’ullmau Palilcc ('an* at- h aabdna* a»«Wi^ and attevialm pain at r F . N. C rau e, Ma>ufactnte| of and deal- niw. Theg itates not referred tu iu Jud^'Wiildo’s History, but tersitm, that whea the newacame, eva Block. NotaryPa'ilic. of a French war company. By the way, Sid­ first impulse waatmtversal indignation, th» one’s C M ^ ,B « r leeliaia, la « i^ a« Obet nFiillnuMl^tK uuiiiBlit trains, I'ariorClialr Car* ou with gi'eat efficacy for aote Throat, T«**haclie, D r. II. S initll, Dentist. Office in War­ tive youth is no diipiradbuant, but a ground ney Stanley thiuks tbe ‘‘Historic Matthew”of second universal sympathy for Boston, and any man^a peraok^ nor b^aeeeaaorie* ia aa» rens' Block.ovcrllowlandsTayiorShop. Hesidence of our ooufl.'.enoe in itsgreatlia'ia and glory Dr. Boalindl a luylh, and of course if Mr. tbe^ird waa universal preparation for war. and M iita In Caketf ■reaail«> Baraclie,and Weak Back. The coercive ptooeediag, nalesa th* lan* te a S k ' t'olioMlng la bit a cample ornnmetoaa teatlmoniala: corner Main and lli"h-ets. yet to be. rao- Stanley did not know of the fact it ia pretty The port of Boston was closed on the first of essary to the common canae and can b* via4 i> Hlunoaota, Oue Throni'h Train daily, with ruiliuan Crawford & Baniord, Dealers m Tbe grrat event of t^ M tu iy past is that good evidence that there never was any such June, 1774. On that day the ehnrch bell at cuted by undoubted reason.” lilumarH to Winona. _ Uoors, Sas i and Blinds, Ilaniware of every di scrip- by which it was introdnoe4 ^ an event seoohd F * r B eSeeaie, rta FreepoH, Two Thronijh INDIAKA IIoKE jErr. Co„ Iki>., May S8,187». tiou. Cutlery, Paints, Oila,OiaKS, etc.______Slatthew. Be this us it may, thia mythic “Mat­ Lebanon, th* home of Gov. Tnuubnll, began The power of ooereion wa* vea(*d ia Ih* * TratUK daily, with Pnliinan Cara ou nitHit IralnK. ‘‘I think it my dnty to infotni you that I haw iu importance only to thtf ^hieh revealed tbe thew” wa.s the ancestor of Jesse Root Grant, to toll euriy in tha morning and toUed all day committees of inspection, beaaai* of th* *il< Far •M taaac tM.Criutt>, via Clinton, vaffetea much with «w*llea feet aa« new world. It was an event unlike in its cir­ Two TUrou^li Tralne dally, with Pullman Cam on chardM. I have not been free from tlieae awell- gTAFFOBU NATIONAL,BANK who removed to Peuusylvania, and then to long. The door of the town hall was draped gency of tn* timea, and being nw nhiil bf BiL'lit train to Mc(«raBor, l«wa. ings la elclit ( eant. Now I aai pertecUr cumstances to the diaeoWy of Columbus, or Ohio, and then to Illinois, whose wanderings, iu black and a copy of the accursed port bill wise and good men, the coo<*ma$c** awia fm______r M mk------Ci«r M * ------ji,T«oTf«in» w ell, tluinkK to tlic Centaur Liniment. The Lini­ UOVERNMENT BONDSof allclasses bought and to the battle of LezinglMi “ whose first shot says Dr. Bushnell, “seem to have been com­ was afilxed thereon. The shops weri all noleaa thaath* revohiiioo i t a ^ 4aily, I alimau car? to Miaaouri Valley JnncUon. ment ouglit to be applied waim. was heard around tbe battle im a k ih bowm memorated by the clas.sic name of Ulysses,” closed and silent The windowa war* dreaaed regMded the ayatem of mutual loak aonea- C iM ieva, Four TraiuB daily. B B " old at market rates. of Bunker Hill, which p$5w in the judgment m r n e tk fr * . NteriiMC, ItM aKlia, The ptoofla In the trial. It l» reliabk;, it ia handy, a public functional who appears to-day in a in mouraing and symbols of distress were pondence and inapecticn aa Ih* graal eaaiB* jM w m rM lc, and otiivr pointK, you can haw from Uighest price paid for COITPONS. of Washington that AnmAik was in dead ear­ couspicuons position in tha celebration at seen on every house. Near the close of tha of the revolution. He wanignn it is cheap, and every fanilly Khould have It. DRAFTS for sale ou all parta of Euroi>e and Can nest, aud would fight Gnat Britain to the end Totbeaickand bed-ridden, the halt aud lame, to Philadelphia. day the freeholders met and resolved. ams the honor of its invention, a T orlT M cc“ N^o. 41R Broadway; B »ton Of- ada. R. S. HICKS, Cashier, of tbe strife. ' Many of the first settlers of Xolland county That we ail do heartily sympathize wltta oar breth­ whole year “to elicit from the inqoiiiSta •co. No. e suite Street; Omaha Offlue, *5» Farnham the wounded and aore, we aay, “ Caaae a a 4 he JIILICS C0NVBR8E, President.______The scene of tbe of Indepen- ren iu Boston in the distress which this day opens Streoi: Han FcanciKcoOfllce, 1*1 McinlgoincryblTOOt; healed.** towns came from Plymo'nth town and county, i-baracter and Institution* of TBnliBiil Chlcauo Ticket OBIcok : Aii Clark Streitt, nndor bher- dencti was an aiwemi icalm, thoughtful, some liearing most houored names. Thus we ution tliem. That we view with the utmost mdlgna- the meana of reatoring Amerieau liberty.”' n a n IIoudc: corner Canal and Madimn Street* ; To tne poor and diatrcaeed who have apent their ^TAFFOUU SAVINGS BANK. earnest men, of the hii character for wis- tion the act of nnjaat power, which prodncaa this Kinzie Street Depot, eoninr W. KinKie aud I anal money for worthleaa niediciuea, a bottle of Cea> have Josiah Standish of Stafford, the grand­ distress. (VoL 6, p. 425.) It waa soon nniveraally «troet«; Wella Street i)e|>ot, comer WellK and Kin- Ofllce in Stafford National Banlt. dom, honesty aud patrii^ :, the delegates of son of Capt. Miles of Plymouth. Daniel aud Tiiat we consider them as snfferbig, under the adopted and proved to be • power ao great aa U i«r U a la a e a t will l>e given without charge. PRBSIUKNT---- KDW’IN A. BUCK. colonies in war with nation in Noah Alden of Stafford were grandsons of hand ot ministerial vengeance for th^r defence of liberty, tha common cause of all America. to completely paralyxe every arbitraiy waa*. **Fot or inlormatiou not atttiuaWe from your Vice P besioemts. the world, to whose j intlhe deatiny of John Alden of Plymouth Ihtck fame, aud his ure of Hutchinson and Ga^e, though borne tickat ««outi>, apply to That we will unite our Uttle powers to soenre the W H.StBKHEIT, M*«vin Huuiiitt, The Y«llowC0 ntaur Linlmant GKO. M. IVES. JULIUS CONVERSE. their country was con: for all comiug wife Priscilla MuUius, us famoua as John and just rights and privileges of our common country. by all moral and phyaieal naoaiaea of tha aeu.P L.W.Crane, R. S. Beebe. nouts, tbe Winslows, and the Brewsters of us free. spoctoia of th* town of Windham to pO B COUGHS, C!OI.US, « e rfa l care* of Spavin, Slfain, Wind-gaUs, G. H. Baker, Joseph Bifhop. iu view ot its That Mausfiuld and Windham are of Plymouth ori­ That we snppilcste oar AlmlghQr Helper and tha have been very effleient Tbqr had a aort ot Gardner Hall, Jr., Wm.M. Corbin, crisis was mot aud the declara- gin. The Bradfords of Stafford, of Wood- great Father of the distressed, that American coun­ omnipresent supervision of aflaira. They Scratcbea, Sweeny, and general Lamensaa, than all Charles Uoit, Chester fcriplure aud thus, as Hoaraenemand all T hroat DitteaiwH, other remediea In rxlatence. Read what the great R. s7 HICKS - - TREASURER. tion signed by their o' atock, of Ahbford and Canterbury, trace their cils npiy be directed by his wisdem to measures were often called “Windham boya,’* bnt they Depositscommcnce drawinginterwt on thelst day Jolin Adams wrote on g of the day lineage to Governor Bradford. Faith Robin­ most conducive to the desired end. bad very mature braina. Their way* war* Expressmen say of It: of that immortal tran; _ ‘the greatest W«II*S CARBOLIC TABLETS » Kw Yonk, January, 1W4. of each mouth. Intcreatcompntcdscini-aunnally. son, the wife of Governor Trumbull, was tha Nobwich voted to defend to the uttermost dark, if not 'vaio, Tevj poonliai; PUT U r ONLY IN SLU C BOXICS. “Every owner of horses ahouM give the Cemtavb WT'All notes are secured jy mortgage on real es- question was decided thifciha ever debated daughter of Rev. John of Duxbury,tbe grand­ the liberties of British America. The case of Dr. Peters of Habmin, teao- LiKiaEKT a trial. We consider It the beat article taje.______iu America, aud a greater ||eThaps never was son of Rev. John Kobinsou, the pitstor of the New Londou voted that the cause of Boaton torious, because of hia poaitioa aa a eterg*. Knre itciai«4r* VormXehy e\«r naed in our stablus. __ nor will be decided amtnicj^ien.” is the cause of all the colonies. Drujrti**!!* -oiieraUy, and U. M AKKH, Supt. Adams Ex. Slablea. N. T. OAVIN^S B ANK o I S T A F F 6 r 1> Pilgrim Church at Lcydou. and becanae b* wrote a “HiatmyZM O eo. C. OOOUVVIN & OO...... Boston, Maw. K. PULTZ, SuiiU U. S. £x. Stables, N. Y. „ O • NPHiSiCN. The response of the to tbe declara­ But the towns of Windham county were WisoRAM voted denunciation against tbe Connectaont” after hia baaiahaient to Eng­ T ) ” 0 0 ' I > ’ H ALBBET S. CLIN, Supt. Nat. E«. BtaUea, N. Y.” (Located in Warren** Block.) tion was moat cordial aui} pompt. “There settled more largely by the Puritau thau by few ministers, merchants, barristera and at- land, for the sol* pnrpoa* of th* Montuoxkkv, Ai.a., Aug. 17,1674. Deposits will draw interest from tiic 1st of each was an amazing agreemeiPwughout the con­ tbe Pilgrim towns of Ristorn Masaachusotts. tornifts of Maasachqsetta who presented their people and tha inatitutionaeC bia native atata. JVEkrVIBTE. “GENTLaaRK_I have usi'd over one gross of month. Conipuunded semi-annually. 9 fawning address to Gov. Hutchinson, the C e a ta a r L la la iv a l, yellow wrapper, uu tbe tinent,” said Dr. Gurd njl||e bistonau of the The upper valley of the Quiunebaug, tbe old He waa a moat bitter loyalist, in elose intiaM- The Euuliuid Family Meilieiiic. Hellcvo» pain mulM of my plantation, hcKidea do»ina of the fami­ A. HOWARD,Treasurer. wiir, wi-itiiig from bis oiffa^ 'obdurvatiou, aud towns of WiuJhuiu, of WiHjdstock aud Ash­ scourge of Massachusetts and the pest of cy with Hutohiuson, and favwing hia alnioKt ii.'flaiitly, induccK {rood Ki.t;p. lielp* the ap- ly Liuinient for my negroes. I want to purchase it taking {/art in the struggicj^’It may bo imag- ford, were settled by emigrants from the vi- America. for the destmction of the colony charteia, ueiite Kiit;nj!tiieii!* the ►\.>lfin, aJiil Ik aitOBethcr the at the «lioieaale price, and will thank yontoahip FRBSIDKNT - W. PATTEN. ineMiig one vigoroas Eastern Oonnectibut and the Boston patriots Coventht voted a cordial acqttieacenoe in company of Utre* hundred viaitoi* fm ath* M. P. J. Walker, Orriu Converse, li^y. All their acts tond t(n the same point, eager and intense. Tbe questions at issue in the non-importation and non-conaomption towaa of Hebron, Tolland and Boitoa. and Poli-e\1l, removes Swelling's, and is worth aail« S. W. Page, M.H. Kinney, agreement lian a afA allam to Fanners, I,ivor>-men,Stock- E. T. Converse. the support of tbe measurea'of thi ooutineu- tbe Revolutiou were as earnestly debated in his conaequant flight from th* eonnt^, i* Bulton voted to asaert and defend tha lib­ In of otir MlBhty Ii««inrceK in Acri- growers, Sheep-ralseis, aud tho^ having horaea or A. HOWARD, SEOBETAaT akd Tkkakcieb. tal congress.” Windham county as Boston itself. When the ia SabinVb Hiatoqr of Aaiaiicaa «ultnrb couimerra, Minoraifc It is a most aacred to hold in ev- war began they were eager for tbe fray. erties of America and to send aid to tb w Wondeiv Cariodtiea. >.tf,. all BIrJily lll'wtrat^. A caule. brethren in Boston. Wlwt • Farrier cannot do for tao tbe Centaur Uni- STATEMENT of the Condition of the etlaatiug remain] imes and the Their genuine, generous, patriotism never Th* caae of Fraacia Green, a Boatoa in^ ••OoUiry* M a p aud O NTArt'OKD aAVIN«H BANK, at fa i^ of tboee.whoa# was to live and fainted or failed. Its inspiration moved the iANSFTKLD 7oted to provide relief for Bos­ porting merebant, who cam* to Windhaatrmdbaat ta fa-t. more ment will do at a trilling cosL Stafford Springs, Conn., (Offlc* in Stafford National ton i to purshaas a town stock of ammiinition, Theae Mnlraents am warranted hyfbe ' i) Januaryr 1.1876:1,1S7S; t to m f^ th e defence a boon to aa 'hearts of the whole colony. Its insight and inda ol RGfltorRriw. V as #vil liqerty. E' and courage in tbe right arm and soul >BAX AND Nxw IiONDox Couimair in one hnndiad and twaiMy-thraa a^eallad Laboratory of J. U. UOSE t CO., Tote Banda...... 7,WU OU tbeffireater is the Value of mementoes, of General Putnam, who were both the lesi- convention, voted the levy and equipment of “ Hutdunaoa addreanra,” who, a te a Oov. * OEBBETWAN'l'ED for tiio New aiatorioal Duifrom!«, CapiiWUei. KoravK. bc»ut«, wouieu Interest...... 10,117 2» tell, should be gathered up with the utmost but deeply move the hearts of all the other H , N L , W and which they expected would follow hia retain. mud Ik>w, Indian w«r-pathi», Ctan^ L}f»^ and 8 i»ort«. ------$315,.’«1 45 care. They should be gleaned from decaying colonies, to respond t.^ the demands of the Litchfield Counties in convention Sept lutb Heno* every addiesaor, however fiemiitahl* Abo«ikfor otd aud youn;:. Not a ’dull page. No reiurds, they should b» snatehed from the coming cri.sis, aud thus have a dircct aud pledged all the towns represented to non-im­ pravionaiy, became *v«ry«h*ra obnoximi% comiKJtitiou. EuormoUB «al(^. Affnits wnM ev- is a pleasant and perfect «ut»Ktitut«, ia all cases, for January 1st, 1«76. portation and consumption of Britiah goo^ erovhcre.^i/tpnere. iiiuMjmIllurtra*f4 r-u tMrculars free. J . C. Mo- VmMlmr Oil. Casloria Ik the result of an old Phy- Wo, tbe undersigned, hereby certify that we have deatlijgrasp of fast fading traditiouh, they should strong liearing ou the question of Independ­ fS? «*Uged to leave th* eoantiy. Ak HHUY A CO...... Philadelphia^ l*a. aician's effort to prodac/*. tor liia own practii^r, an this day examined Yhe books and securities »f this be placed where they will ba prized aud pro­ ence determined a hundred years ago to ^ y . and denoimced the dealers in them as mer­ Wmdham and at Norwioh h* wai threeteaed Bank, and find the above statement corn'd, and in tected and hJived if possible from “ tiie all cor­ The energetic stand early t^ en by Connec­ cenary wretohes rejoicing in their country’s with a ride 0 in combining, without tlie uae of alcoiiol, a purga­ G. II. BAKER. csi>ecially on this day, to inquire what are the ward-s. The head and front of this direct of­ real penonal injaiy. X td elo f U owifortM . C. W. KINfl, K Devon- __ _ CHAS. HOLT. K|>ccifio facts relating to tLo history of .the fending, against royal authority, was in Wind­ condolence to their brethren in Boston, and c a Abijah WiOard. of Uncaiter, M m , tive agent os |,le a « a a t M ta k e aai h a a e r, declared that the caase of reb'gioua liberty worms, cpatlveucss, croup, *c., then children can o F r ic c a s : ly every town in New EngUndsent donations. T-fVi-nrt of Probate bolden at Stafford, GEO. M. IVES - - - Pmmident. Connecticut was of far,greater relative im­ ‘Not,” said Trumbull, “ if the law contra­ determined that every one of thoa* man. within .I.>l S.aftord,ou the have steep and n^ttawa may resu B. W. PATTEN - - - VroE-PBESiDEMT. portance in tbe tevolutiiu|^^a it is now. In venes the Govoruor’s oath to maiutain the Necessary supplies of every sort were provid­ oonneilomahonidreaign: which thiV A J. B. Rose A Co., of 46 Ucy-Su; N,!«’ \’ork,are the rank and inflnence,no coloi^ was superior ex­ chartered rights of the colonies.” ed. From eastern Connecticut the donations did, or left tbe conntry ia terror. Slat AUnnEW fi. Judge. soil- preparers of.Castoria, after Dr. Pltpli«ir s recipe. DIBEOTOBS: commonly live stock an4 graiiv The On moHnn of Rliii •«»' Ooihurt. adminiatrator on B. W. Patten, Julius Converse, cept Ma.saaobusctts and Virginia, New York, “ But the charter will be annulled,” aaid CoL Willard waa the joint owner at a laad. the e “atc“ Mfrri;. .•'•'If'.Ute oT St.»£-E»*« colony. A hundred miles w«kt of Albany the “The value of the charter is already gone,” bittions ate among the moat precious memor* which be viaited in tbe aniamer ot 1774. Ha W. D. Heald, Chaa. L. Dean, ials of the Revolution. The letters from Boa­ This court doth appoint U iaS'iU i M. A. Marcy. traveler breasted the broad nabroken wilder­ aaid mmbull, “if against it^ most sacred and had two attomeya living in Wiadbam,aad <’onverwcommiwioncm, to.^m w ® ness stretching to the Pacife ocaan. Strange dearest privileges, a bw like this must stand, ton responsive to the gifts of the people were he made an a^pointmant with tbam t»M ik claim* of the ci^iditora of aaid e'W '«. •’'•‘'“J etrosgand reliable Hartford. New York and EngT J. F. CHAMBEBLIN, Secretery, written, many of them, by the Imdera of the proved by I c ^ evidence to be liahcompanies represented. B. S. HICKS, Treasurer. as it now seems, Connecticut way called the which tekes all its must precious rigbU away.” him at Union. Regarding him aaatiaitoa, return to thia court. “If our charter is forfeited,” said Fitch, patriotic cause, such as Samuel Adams, John these attomqra refused to eerv* b is a n This company is now prepared to issue policies provision colony of the war. The army de­ upon the safer kinds ot pro|>erty, at pended largely for sustenai^ on her agricul­ “then indeed our liberties are lost” Adama and Joaeph Warren. Tbua theanifer- longer, and undoubtedly repotted bin ia ta a f “No,” said Trumbull, “we have a better ings of Boaton excited nniveiaa) symyathy, ed viait to Union to thaeoiaaiitteaaof - The anbicriliera give notice that they KhttH INSUEANCE ABENCY, t,ow R atos. tural and manufacturing products. Windlum the olBce of E. A. 0«urerae. in Stafford, on county was noted for its zoal in the revolution, right to liberty than any chatter can give. aud the gratitude of Boston inspired a senti­ tion in the several towna dayof.tuly andthe* 8 th day of SepUimbtr, 1W . at /lunrtii; ofaiiuf daimafe hy Fin, alto damoft iy ment of nniversal patriotism, having a type 1« o'clock In the forenoon on eacli of aaid daj;*. w r Alaoaeent lor Mutual Companies paying !• to S9 CHpMially for the prompt activity of ita peo­ AVe have rights that preueeded the charter, On hi* arrival at Qnkm a erowd of tva th e purjioKc of attending to the bnainea* of aaid ap­ par cent, yearly dlvldenda. liiViltnlnsr whenjbre dom not entut. ple iu the beginuing of t ^ war. Hinman and they will survive, though the charter kindred with her own. hundred aien,gatbeted from aU the sanvand* pointment. _ A portion of the insBrance business in Stafford says tbe contiguous couiXies of Hartford and falls.” Lebanon contributed at one tim* 376 fat big region, apprehended him aad gaaided JulinK Pinney, \ Commln- and vicinity Is rspectfnlly solicited. sheep and .£30 in money, and by her commit­ E.A.OonverKe,f aioners. STAFFORD SPRINGS, Applications for a^pucitis addressed to the compa­ New Loudon, were but little behind. in their The fierce battle of debate lasted all day him till morning, when h* wm takea am a ny at Stofford -Springs, t^onn., will rocdve proper aXr devotion. Indeed it may be doubted whether long, when, near the setting of the sun, Fitch tee said wai( and A<9 «. the provine* Un* to Brimfleld, wbeia b* waa All iieraona indebtod to aaid eaUte are.requeatod to Nobwicb sent 891 sheep and Joseph War- — immcr. Ulveoa acailbeforelnsarlng elsewhere. Stafford Springs, Conn ■, Dec. H,1874. tf ine aud intense patriotism,than generally pre­ hia hand, “it is your dnty to adminiater the ^ n responded, “The arm of a tyrant is never BMn, four bnadied ia nniahor, who yaoeeed supported by jnatice and must therefore fall." ed to try him, and coodwnned him toimpiia. ISTBIOT or ELLTNOTON. as. Probate rPOLLAND COUNTY MUTU­ vailed in Eastern ConnecticuL oath." court, June Mth, 1««- Awignwl ^ate of WARaea'SaLOCK, • - upstair*. The county of Tolland was organized in •No,” said Trumbull, “I will _teke no part WncsBAM said, “ We send, two hundred onnient in the ttn d m n mine*; aad they FrederickD W. Laog,of Vernon, within said diatrict,in- AL FiaE INSURANCE CO., 1786, after the war closed. The towns within in nor witness such a scene as this," aud seiz­ and fifty-eight sheep, the best we have, not carried him oa th* mad thithai aix aailea^ •olvent debtor. .. . , . Stafford Springa, Feb. 11,1873, ______ing his hat, he left the chamber, leaviiig be­ so good aa we conid wish, th* gift of a unani when be r8leBted,aaked fargiveaeaa o< all hna. This 3ourf of Probate for tlie dislric.t of Kiliuctoii ___ Of T a lla a a , C aaa. its limits, including the whole of Lebanon, iimlu-d aud allowed three monUis fromdateol originally belonged in about equal divisions hind his most emphatic veto. Six of hia fel- moua people." (wt men for having taken the oath of die*, J J A R l V E S S E e Statement Jan. 1st. 187C. as to territory aud population Jo Hartford aud low-councilors followed him, of whom five CDvnmy, ToixAiq^ Bo^TO)(, MANsnzu> and promised not to ait or act iacoaaalt. W it tills order for the cn«litors «f said e«tale. re|>reiwt- Amt of Premium Liens, # 3 0 3 .3 1 3 .7 0 «d InKolvent, in which t o exiilfcittlielr clrima against Windham, and hence we «hal} claim were from the counties of Windham and Naw and idincat every t ^ n in whatia now Tolland hurd’s formal reaignatma ot hia oMe* ts foand •aideatalc; and baa appointed F:ancla Keeney and Amt Groai Uash Assets, ].Q 4 ,3 0 4 .7 4 our rightful share of tl honota and London. Au^ng th«9) were CoL I|y«r of County, a n t vaMlbl* pteaenta with moat verbatim in Sabine’a hiatory. OtlMrantbai% (ieorge Talcou ol Rockville eoa«»ia«»ouor* to re­ orvtU kindsy earnest words of sjrmpathy. ceive and examine aaid claims. , . 9406,418.50 responsibilitiea,due to ' ancient couu- Windham, and Sbubael Cunant uf Mansfield. finding th* facta in pnhliaaiebiva*, bav* with* Certifled by OEU)N W. WliST, Judge. Total Assete, ties. No event in the annals of Connecticut is of PoKrarr sent 135 sheepand her committe* in a few yean tefwred to them with mora oa Tlie MibaRrihers give notice tliat they ab^ mert The cash assets are as follows; It is in point to in _ special caus- greater historic importance. The people at said, “In zeal for our country we are exceed­ lesa of ddtail. It ia known that Gov. O i ^ at the office M ««o. TalcAitt in ItnoicWt^ in aaid tteddlaa, Bridlea, Halters, BubM, 100 shs First Nat’l llaiik. stock, Rockrtllc, fll.SOO 00 the next election promptly took the side of ed by none, bnt our d>ility does not admit complained to Gov. Xmmbull of th* tiaat Blankets, Linen Dnsters and Blankets. hfl sliK Kockville National Bank stock 8,«00 0(i es,which tended to mal iple of Eastern Vertion,on the OTth daya of Augnai and September, 7C SOS Siafford National Bank stock, 7,9S0 00 Conneeticut so devoted e patriotic . cause Trumbull and the dissentients. The people that weight which we would to God W# M^ght ment Willard received in Canneotieat, bntia- 187«, at» o’clock In the foren^. on cacii of said Trunks, Bags and Valioos, 100 shs Tolland C««niy Nat’l Bank stock, 10,000 0« a.ssented to this doctrine of 'rmmbull, that to have. We mean to appease ^ wnth of the ceived no satisftation. It ia Magartabii tbak dayc>, for the purpoae of attcudlng io tUe l>ai»iui*«H Ixian on collateral (security for same $1000,) SOOOO This section of the colony had bet'n settled at of said appolntrnemj^^^^j^ Featbar DuBteni, Bird Cages, B1,*fi5 0(i within a period pomparatiyely recent Tbe disobey a law against liberty, is a duty, and vindictive British ministry, excited by your every trace of the story, aeema to have fikUd Mortgage loans, . . - - . oblation of India tea to Neptune, by offering OBO. TALtXJTT, 1 sionera. Baby Carriagas, Sponges, Fish Baskets, Personal loans, «,r.3( 4» soldiers drafted from thi88(;puon,were mostly that a king hag no righ^ to rpign, who disre- from tba tradition# of the people^niow leeid. Due from asrents ..... SMSII tbe sons, some the gnuOsous, of the first ga^s the natural rights of ptnkind. But the blood of rams and lambs. If that will ing in thoaa iowna,where ita scecM oeearred. *il persons indebted to said estate are reqaaeted Tmnk Straps, Vacuum Oil, Cash deposited In bank - - - - 10.6.16 OS not do we are ready to sprinkle the altars of Real estate uniucnrahcritl . . . 700 (SI founders of the to ^ s wber^ they theti lived. the people of Eastern Connecticut took other I^^ntly one legend baa b*en r.>eatted, thatof •Xn DHOSS, Tmstee. Croaby’a Axle Oil and Soap, ius. AflWog aniliotity, that the said re- H’CUTS s. FULLER, President. tiouH long tried, well spprov«d and ripe for command of Captaiu John Durkee, with eight the British officers in their barracks on the in Boeton,and stood by the side of his frien< fonnd.by th ot the itatc of Connecticut, day's provision^, armed witS long fresb cut Common—some of whom had been hia inti­ Gov. Gage, where the redoubts and all th* 3"alHIint*fmi ' lh.‘«»Mite inoorpo- liiwton, within said district, dmieased. •ALL AND EXAMINE. PillIIOM find Oi-*cniiN c*ol«l rated from her large domain. Land compa­ weio timid and faltereit. England soon re­ quer the omoniea fighting against her for all miliar with snch a terrible cannonading a* tha This court doth doiwetUatsix nionths lie allowed C . J . U O L iM B a. nies were formed iu Windsor and Hartford, pealed the stamp law, but there was “ no rel­ that is dear—home, Ufa, and liberty ?” fleet waa pouring in upon them. and limited tor tbe<-.rudiloraof said estate to exhili- •tIiOW PRICES and on EASY TERMS. ish of salvation in it.” The repeal was a ne­ “But," said Major Small, “what will yon do “There ia on* maa over there I knoa,” aaid It their claims ngainsl the same to the cxccutor, SUfford Spri.tg«, 2 ^ _____ by the leading citizens of (he eolouy, to pur­ and directs thal public natirr «e glveii of this order 0 Tleaae call on of nddresa chase wilderness buids,io organize townships, cessity, and nowhere was that necessity so right here in Boaton ? Twenty shipa of the Willard. cannot say what hie a>en will da, by advertising in a newspa|ier published in Stafford, C. H. HpBBY, and sell their proprietary rights, or to become well appreciated as iu Connecticut. line and twenty regimente in them, will soon bnt Piwaeott will fight yoa to the veiy hat aud by posting a copy thereof on the public sign With the act of repeal, parliament asserted be here, if Boston does not speedily pay for drop of bia bhmd.” \ Slaffar^ Nvriaca. settlprs tjiemselves. In this way ToUaud, El­ post. In said town of WilliiihKm, iieaivKt the |^ce 1»« lington, WiUingtuu, Ktafford, Pnion, Bolton, the right of colonial revenue for the benefit of tbe tea she threw into th* water" Tbe battie of Leiiagtoa took place oa Wed­ wliure tiie deceas^ last dwelt. <'<‘rtilied from Rer- Ulovea, . “If (hey coiue,” «aid Putnimi, “I am reedy or^. _ JOHN a CAB PENTK^. Jndge^ Ladiiw’'and Gentiemen’s Garment* flf d«*nP^ and other townt wer^ settlM. tjii tbe ptopri- Cngland, and I'-o man in America better qn- nesday, 19th of April,! 775. Tbe abma reach- tIon dyad or nicely cleaned # a c k ^ f w * T O . A K T K , etoiy records of these towns we fiud tbe name di^rslood the portent ot that asaeriion, than to receive them as entmitt." od all tha towua in thia region early next day. j^OBRBT PENTONr <'aroet Warn, whilo and colored, for aai6. » Yea, indeed.' He who thirty yeara before, aent h r Bipraae Hill inwet with prompt atted.loii ac* M of Gov. Joseph Taloott of Hartford, a grantee Jonathan Trumbull, unless we except Samu­ The action of the people everywhere waa tiia ""rdin^g?*& * » « . , HjE.P-CtTEN Propriete of Stafford. Gov. Roger Wolcott of Windsor el aud John Adams of Massachusetts. Ttum- when the courage of all othera and ot hia own sama, snhatantiaUy, a*in th* town of gnaiera, Civil EaKineor and Surreyor Agents-Wa y a * Urd, SUffotd Springs, A. S MILLINCRY anil was a grantee of WillingtOD ; Henry aud Si­ bull foresaw that the colonial policy of Eng­ best bloodhound failed, dared .himaelf alone wbich ia described by Capt Noah Ohapin, ia FANCY COODS, mon Wolcott of Windsor were grantees of Tol­ land, thus asserted, would ere long lead to oth­ to enter the den of the last wolf in Windham adiary kept byhim,of what ha ww aad when •fflce la tralaa Bl ocfc, land ■ Jonathan Ellsworth and Capt John er occasions of violent confiict,and that such ar county, waa ready now at the age of fifty-six, be waa eveiy day froqt ^nril aoth to Jnlf END 2.1c. to G. P. Kovxu. & Co., New also DRESS-MAKING in all its branches. conflict must result in separation and inde­ to beard the British lion, and before ten WILLIMANTIC, «70Na. York, for Pamphlet of leo pages, containing ElkwoHh o( Win^or w w ctantees of Tol­ 17th. He w n a vqfnnteer <3 th* Alarai con. «auS of 3,ioo papers, and estimates stiowlae cost of L. G. WINTER’S BLOCK, - Stnfford Springs. land aud Union; both wert^rplliPrspf Tliom- pendence or in a condition of hopelesa subeer- months shall have passed ho will meet Major pany, a raor^iting uflhiar and an enaiga Ordera by mail promptly atte. »d*d Io.A! •dvartising. ______as,the grandfather of Chiel-Justice iOlsworih. \ienoe to Qrpat J^ritnn. No man better knew Small again, with aU bis intimidating ahips Capt Vfilla’ oompaay of ToUaad. H* w n ii^ eharRaa roaaonabla. A A OAT at borne. Agrata wanted. g e n c y of Tolland comity Mutu­ Capt. John EUaworth waa aon-iu-hiw of Rev. bow much Connecticut would lose by the ul­ and regiment8,RS ^ e confman^er of ^ the camp at A nbaiy a witaeia ol tha battia Oatff aad terms free. TRUK * CO., a l r i r e i a a ,c a . at JW . CHANDLERS Timothy Edwards of EaslWindiior. Simon timate establitibmont of tbe colonial p<^y. No icaii tToo|H at tha hatti* of Boal^er fiilL ol Banker Hid; and lemaiaMl ia eMu^aflac. R TO a ao par day at hem*. Ao«ce,^kwoll’« WocS, Staltocd Sprhiga. WO WDtth»l(re^BnHsoa *0e<1i:ions, as for instance to dofead lie now eststing in the world, or indeed that Dio Lawia aays itM a btdy will eat foar| T78TABIJ»HEI> 2353^ fitber of t{ie Ut<> Oliver CIbapiii, Esiq., and the cottKt liii>>. iioi it bo remambored that has existed in all time. timas as mudi oom bM *ben alone, as abe 1 thr p^randfatber of UiiR M. W. OUapiu, fruiu tbese voiisonpuouii ol ineii, were made for These little towns can lie in the future as will in the presauoa af f Jp A U A K O J.8 etly priuoipal of lit. Holyoke Fouiale Sdmi- Hcnrioe iu tur^ camiuor RpaNon, fnmi that they have been in .the psat, the nurseries of UMMKIC J i l N l N O . uajy. elasR, vho wi'io tbc ^trungtb and dependence men. The Centennial E^Maition at I'hiladel- F ' . j V. HA.T>W 001>» “Eariy this luormu^;, Tburaday, 20th,” of strictly rand commnnitieii. Thair only phia renrenents the advancement of the coun­ Phyaiciana, who eaiffinly ought to bo the DBALSB IN writaa Mr. Chapin, “thr newn of the figUt Monrce and m>>niJK of lining; was that of fam ­ try and the world, during the century this best judges of «ek4w ttats, dechtre that rnaobed houiem, whnn the loiliti* wore urder- ing, or of ocoapations directly oonnectad with day mmplnted, induced largely by the inspir­ wholeaome stim nltiM lM at only desirable, Pn.i*a Hol» e4 to meet at (be meetiog hnniw, «od alHXit and depMiiiaat upon ruimi pniMiita. . How, ing HtimuiuR of frae institutions. Tbe works but essential in n q ^ . lbiatances. When the Pa.i*ajsols ce Points I fifty anliatad for the relief of tbeir btetht«n then, oould the peoi^n of Oannaeticnt of human skill in mouldiag inanimate matter temj^rary good s sound stimnhmt itf 4 F SELECTED TEAS, 1(1 and near Bonton. Emery PeaHe was cboa- Uve and even prosper daring the war, for the inU) infiuite forms of beauty and utility, to oonfirmed and randar^ permanent, as in the eii detain. Friday, iMsl, Ht bbout cine L PUKE COFFEE, population daring the war did not diwini^ delif^t and bless mankind, are inde«>d mar-1 case of Hostetter'a Bitters, by the T.iace PointH I O SPICES, o'o-'M^ «e set oat ou onr marob to BuhIuu dxoept in a very fev towna. In laost'uf tbe velou8 to behold, but the mind of man is ; action of tonic and Jve prinolplra coiii- If SU6ABS, by way of WUbrabam and Faliuni.'' ton-tiu, Uiore was u uontinaad increase from greater than all his works. biaed with it. It ' inAnitely more effi l.*£lX*AMOb!l R MOLASSfUj, Xhe “»«»«'*■ waH weary anti elow aooording tbe b«muuiug to the end of the war. As be­ While then wa admire the progress of the: oocioua as a reno^ ^ physieal enargy and fV o iii t o (o ow alMtdai-d of oonifort and speed. Uapt. fore observ^ Connaotiont was largely the nation under the patronage of Literty let us | a oorraotiva of of the body F * a . r a s o l s and everything In family supplies, found in a I’eaaa'a Alarm Oonpauy reached Cambridge colony of supply.' She aastained her own not fotget to recognise those forces of i which invite dii ^ Bitters have re- iintt-class Grocery Store. and f— ou Mouday ul 4 o'dook p. tu., peoi>le Hud bet own soldiers, and had a large strength and wisdom, inherent in the very or-1 ceivad the emphatio I of medical men hnving bean fonr days nearly on the road. overplns of the prodocta of ngncnlture and igin of our Mew EngUnd civilization, as pow- who have t of that popular B oots and Shoes Wbat ^oald «« think now of a pace like that domestic manofaotores. She was sending to orful to conserve, and perpetuate, as they stimnlativa cordial iltamedy for weakness, for aMB in a utat« of draadfnl alario. Verily the war all the while, supplies of grain, of have !>ee'i to found and eutabliah all onr so- nervousnesa, constipation, inac- FOJt .\LXk In this departneut I oan show ttw voild ha« ^ n e d the ability to luove fast- bve stock, of Nothing and all sorts of camp cial ri^bta and privileges, and revealed no- i tivity of tb« livw,' I fevers, and many W^hite OoodH I **i«n (bat, m the lam huDdi«(] y a ^ , and equipage. where m any batter ly{M or form, than in the other diao^rs. I is aound old rye. Ua.m l>i-ii*gfs tbe best stock of Boobi and Sbora, fur Hen j«t, widiin a certain range of poaaibilitieii, The answer to the qoestion, haw did the histoiy of tbe towns of Eastam Oonnecticat. the puieat ttqnar to commerce, and "White O-oods I and Boy’s, Ladies’, MIsmh’ and Children, that* was quidt earuaat action all over New people live and thrive in tka war, ia, that the ilaelf posHeasiug t^^roparties of i)p mean H a.m bui'g-is ever exhibited in Stafford, and at pricea that that atoming of the 90th of A.prii. « omen of that day ware woilnra, as well as the order. Thava a letter of reminiaaenoea written men. They assisted in the li^itar labors of are SUKE to sell the gciyts. seMnl yetm ago by an eye-witnaaa of whal the farm, in planting, in h^jring, in harreat- r>ry OoodM . at Cnion, wban the news caiue by ing. And then too, the domwtio manafaotar- l e s . Th« Largest Mtock ol* UVHITTI an ir ainaa. •!><> lode up ia great baKt« tw of that day, were just what waa meant in the raiN TS, C o and a ^ “ Tka war has b e ^ ; the British ancient strict sense of those wotda. Every Thani«a|r EveiUBr, Jnlr 13, tST«. X . SSTJEiaiiE A. t i i o i v , W hite Ooods ALPACAS, o 8 o GOODS ever nhonrn lu tbin place, sdJieia M m tbeir way to hang the head of hooss was indeed a factory, and avaiy wife a U u i u ’s BoiLsna \iroad like fire; all the J amks Jit^COHUH, P dbushzb. DBESS (iUOOS, O O O cient Oteeee, and every young lady of eveiy T e ra a ii.—To nnbBcrlbera wtthlu Tolland County 3* 1-a to BO cte. per yard. p*o|de ■»»*. ike men at ono hotise, tho women family, the proudest and the b ^ knew how, fl.SO por jrrar, oatnldc of the county tl.M per rear. H08IEBY, N M •tanothar. Persona went atonoe innlldi- and was not ashamed to toil and to apin. The P o s t^ im^pafd by the pnhliilier. Ttieiie rates are Am jost opening ■ pdf^m lm iiit of Kay and Ac., Jus. M 89 imNom; aaaM to take the lead weights from products of every farm were tbe raw mateii- for ■dvani.-e psymeut, and *8 cents will be added when payuKint* are not made in advance. The tbne PAPER HANOmGS, FLOWER POTS, (ha olooka, aome to gather powder, some to ah of domestie manufacture. All the pro­ to which each sobicrlptlon is is printed.wtth Snn Hht^des, CURTAINS, CROCKERY, Biocw* and ivpaii gnna, some were aastiBg of wotd-cleanii^, hatcheling, carding, the address upon each snhwrilier'i paper. OIL CLOTHS, S S a , mom* making caitridges. All were T>reHM O oocbi EARTHEN-WARE, ;, weaving, knitUng and aewing were Snbaiaotial in CARPETS, FRv^i o^nr «Mtp|tiiic for TotnitsaiB. The women wen by boman hands alone, and tbeaa Wb giva np a laiiga spaea thia waak to tba Nnn Shxade^ l>reii«i G -ooils Farmer’s ■ita v M tlH a a e n , aome makfaig fcPspaaakg, bMieat of human handa, were thiow of the poem and oratioB of tba ^ebratioo at Tol­ •acfaa^ga^jllml^ti onlftU; aH were at woric aU night 1<^. m othm tad cistera ^ tb e soldiarB of the war Ooods deliviilred------iak any, part ^fV Ithe __ viUaga. riUaga. T _ the TolantsaiB paiadea, land on the 4th inat^ And it would not be inflniah, , !n AI.l«STYLESk ^ of m Kevolntion. lorem of i^e i A. HABl^OOP .J I«ayfaiai poorly anwigb. Some withoni kara wotkad Hockaniun, V^Uimantie and the eaqr to put our oolamus to a better sei'viea, ioderata in prioe. '> troiu * 0 cts. to IN. ■liM WMe wai^Siti by upectatoes fkom their Qainnebaug yielded no streogw to worn and Wa need not niga tbe perusal tbaaa papeta, own fast. Thoi*Mliawaon waa duiaencap- weai7 hcman siuaws. All tiieir tifeleas energy A fall asmrtment aarefall/ regnlat- • ,'o <;> i.-nu fi'ev ■‘ii '4;su. Fi:*-xi ’ as we ar« aasured that they go out to an eager STTbE OF I \vas'c«* ia j.lV Uj ihc •- f . Sle:‘.j :1 f'.r.il ,-ajidyJ^^niixiedtate ;Onc_ uud C.ld. u- ^iil. b! kic- j 1 ;-,>tce to mdiistiial nrt^.,was tti.iirr. JVltt’UB. j t.> L.O niortaJ mao—thut cjvricn past. • f\r ' T. A so.v ■ jT i i i n i j iiiigiity £i.s .'111' clawiic ’..t » • ;.'H iiaB wcit its bi8 ietWr j < > l:t, ?-4 ll;f trr.iMf -iiC -■; uj;!l . i ^ - ./s»p- i'rtn.s, iO to T."? ot.-,. w4>«ad aO'- iir;tic. fbo r.'ipub!:.. -ro witu it. ! Are ijiio agcnts for iho ctiiHbratetl (ha m rT T f came. One man lert nu team i.; utenii of Aladdin. But tbe women vl lue espeaiiUi> iwt iii 'V.ti-iioker. har-i . tke«eU, aeiaed his gnn, bade fareweU, and Revxdutioa, with none of the modem i^pli- £ d o n a r d a u x W a tc h . SiiK F:\n.s 50«. to $1.50. ,* * * * e d wbttpe ha waa going, and what for, sDces of natural forces, worked with a will renc^ tone. Tbe demooratie papers call it a FOR HARD TIMES. MnUed, '1)0 aae if X am not wanted.” This and worked incesaantly,in their lonely homes, weakly written letter, and say that it ia a bid BadMr, had from diildhood a for just the wnaands, and with just tbe same for votes. Very probably the but oondnaion Ladies* Newport Waikins A Large Assortment of I can saO you a new style AMEBTCAN OB- iimptig foot, but Ska joattee thong^ lame, self-aaorificing coal, as did their husbands, is correct kuilaii waa rate. brothers and sous on tbe field of oainago and S ilk lU ira lia e e T ie a , f l , OAN well made, in aa.attractive case, bar* Itesam a enthuiasm esisted eveiywliere. death. Indeed, their patriotism often seem­ The Rockville Journal kst week gave a SHOES Ewmw town in OonueetioDt sent Tolnnteera ed more intense than that of the men. A no­ good report of tha celebration at Tolland, in- also an styles of S ilk T ie s , from 1 3 c . n p . ing'TWO SETS OF BEEDS,FODB STOPS ae)f<«Braltod, self-organized, tbe small towns ble mother of this county had provided an and KNEE SWELL for $ 8 0 . DOie in proportion than many of the largar. outfit fw one of her aaoBtogo to the camp duding the two diief addresses—a consider Ladies* French Kid Shoes In la« ♦<»" twMit>' foar hours they wore at Oambridge. The father, a moat earnest able enterprise for a oountiy weekly, making .,«»»Aiiu» on by HioiMaDds and tens of thoos- patriot, urgM another to go. and tbe mother its issue on time, too, and, for a report so Oroutf • B l^ , Rockville Prints and Oottons, I win seU you a new s^le AMEBICAN OS- a ^ ir iU n a a M aant »8, Windham li>r>, Vil- assented, but said to her husband, “I would baatity in print, was Taiy auocessful in GAN of five OCTAVE QOMPASS, having UBHtaa 80, Cnioai 20, Oovantiy 100, Hebron not aeud my boya where I dara not go my- Ladies* Amerioai lo e s Cl, Baltoa £1, StaCord 68, Somers SO, Wood- avoiding typographiMl and other blunders. TWOSETS of HEEDS with ONE OOTAVS 189. KUlinib*’ 144S, Posnfret indoding When Arnold, tbe traitor, made his attack We oongntnlate yoa on yont enterprise, A rtifle l i t eth , 'alwajm at the Lowest Priees. BMaUyn isoT ISfoid 78, East Windsor 108, on tha Fort at Oroton, a farmar, living, two neighbor. of SUB BASS,and an OCTAVE OOUPLBB, Oanlaiwuy 70, And not Oooneetieut only milea away, haaring the ahum, aaiaad his l l n ^ SIX STOPS and KNSESWXLLforSl lO . but an tba oolaaias with ooe aocotd i^itang to son, monntM and put q>uia to hia b i n . Mauhaxx JBWSLLhaa taaignedhia posi­ Alsot itorafe. Foxed, Goat* 6 ots per yard for PRINTS anna. “ With ooa impolae,” aays Banoioft, Whm five or six rods diatant, hia wifa oaBad tion in tbe preaidant’a eabiMt, and Mr. l^y* Cartalns and Cnrtaia Matedato. <*tbaj pUdgad thaaaselves to each other to be him to receive berlaat oomnand. “John! Bar, tba second aarfitanf poatinaatar>ganaral aad otberatylea la Bat* MMdy fra tbe eztiame event. With one heart John!” she cried, “Don’t gat shot in tbe A New Stock at BEDDCED PBICES. whole oontansBt otted ont, 'Liberty or back!” baa been appointed in hia place. A la(^ of T u B n r Wa«r&T m Lownr A T W AJEtFTEajyS Let immortal honors be given to tha wom­ harmony between Ur. Jewell and the president to a aad X.- L. Call aad see the goods at win foQow," and on the evaning of a d ^ fearfd ladt of «mninnition and militaiy aup- Moax oartainly an aoeoont of the ooonty's aoo. [aOOOMOB so ABXOLO * UHVOaD.] epentiDtba anvass of Windham Coontv, % pliea. Tha people were prompt and nhitad u odebmtion of ttte fiantsBnial fourth, with the Dealer in ntaitad with faia cbaakad shirt unehanfad, A their eCorta to do the most poasible, with addresses and poem, ought to be pnblisbed in J ^ O T IC B . No. 3 Sooth Street, In StsflordviUe,. , 28Ui, at tbebride’a WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBT, 8 ILTEB tbat nisbt ride of ona hnndred miles in 18 their feeble naaana of sup^y and force. pamphlet form. Who wiB take the matter in bomTiSriaBMd in bistoiy M that of Panl Be- Wban Dorchaatar H eists had inan fortified home, by Bev. T“ . Hiram Kalb* and PLATED WABE. V vontinsong. Tba riiiiig sun aaw Putnam in by the consnmwata genaralahip of Wadiing- hand and woric it up J No doubt at all tbat bun and BeUa E^ , both of Stafford- B . I’'. TA Y U O Ii. Cambridge a yoangM- nun at tbe age of fifty ton,there waa not pawdaraM o^ in the Aniar. the public desire it done, and will pay for it ville. Cutlery, Speotaclest HARO TIMES MADE EASY aiE,th»n Us ootemponoiaa were at twanty-flva. ican lines to furnish aigbt iwnda to «aeb sol- In BockviUe, lOfcJ] CoogregationaL Eyeglasses, etc., eto. Stafford Springs, April 12,1876. Itak alarm expeditioa was soon ovar, %ut dier. Waslungton ksipt tU§ ItaaHul fact a I t has been veiy hot and dry. It continues choieb, by Rev. C. A. Adkins, by selliiig my new slock of I teaulis weitf at teuuanss' valCe. secitelfAu bis man, and fl Jock I would eall partioQlanattettion to my aa^ < ilsete riheBe< hoasa, 1*6 ndttoia- Qoan. /9 lu faot was npoti i - 1^— i . ■ aortma^ of F ortien ^auA Am wicaM 9 - 1C- They bad aeen and TWIadthe oammander, but he ooold not btfie*^ that It looks now aa if the Washington national In ToOand. lSth,J flpridanea of John W a te h M , wUah I have eonstanUy u a h a o B p P a m l t m r e , aamp of Liberty by arbicli it waa invested, Washington eould be so raddess ss to undsr- monument will be completed, after all its tri­ Dohson, by Bev. of Btaflord Springs. Allen in G o ld a n d S ilv e r C a i ^ inehidiBg a i ' 9,000 YARDS. and they teanad tbe dread iaaport of that take so great a work with anob a lade of am­ als and tribulations. For the past twenfy of TolUtiiL u d O a r p e t s , S e e .•9 i ig ^ wWeb.niaant war inavitable, and they munition. Ha believed tha report as Calse,and years it has been a atanding di^rraoa to tbe Silva Crane of 1 American, Elgin,' MMpaaad at imoe and in eamaat for tbe ood- deeignad to lure him to dastrnetion. And ao, patriotiam of our oounti?. Tbe centennial I wqpld invite y o iu speoiel attantton i» (ha U et Tba woik at reomitiug was begun m d u ^ by a fact,be withdraw from tiia hartxHr, ardor baa struck in on Oongreas, and it is Sprlnsfleid, (III.) Jnat bought forcay wwe raiaed, won his g r ^ tiiiuiph without wasting a 1m- and tbe work of finiahing it began. When Ib Stefford 30th, Ann^ Ajno- Droz t t Perrot, TIssot, *o. r K > W 3 N , ■M ufsctmia, and win be sold aeeordingly. and in ttair ancampmanta at Oambridge and nel of faia piecions powder on Ooaa battariee, finished it will be the aaoond hipest monu­ lia, 6 montha, SI day^osly child of Herman AT BOCKWEIiL’S BLOCK. Rasbarr by tbe ilral of Jnne, aU ready tor the whoae forae, in fact, was that of ailant intimi. ment in the world, and a beauty and a joy Bchlott r > o w N , faatila of Bnnkar HiU. dation alcna. forever. In StaCbrd Springs, 2 ^ H u r y , 13 montha, Bepairing promptly and neatly exeoutad. Carpets at 3 0 ets. Itiaan inqaiiyaf giaatintanat to know It waa in those fearful daya that Pntnan onlychUdofi^iTDwE^ ^ ’^tore closed at 8 o’clock, Satuxdij eve- Carpets at 4 5 ets. who aarvad in tba t o t campaign of tbe war, ciiad“powdar! ye gods, giva as powder!” The Conneeticnt democrats are making u Thompaoo, JuaelOtti, Lncj, 79, wife of ninga excepted. 1 3 0 W P T , whioh, after tba fourth of July, 177S, wasnn- And powder came, from Eaatom Oonnaotieut, strong efforU to persuade Oov. Iiwetaoll to Hale M. Jaooba. Carpets at 5 0 eta. 4ar tba eonunand of Washington. In that tb a a ^ a litUe late for use on Dondiesler run for governor again tiiis faU. fte y feel In Ci^umbia, Ju n a V ^ Hattie S., 38, wife ^N Y MAGAZINE, at pricea ASTONISHINGLY LOW. fiiat year of the war, carried on for the most H eists. Tltin powder was made at Windham, pr. in maldnft np 4B0WA1 of tbe town of StaSonl and vicbii^ tbat I bare STAFFORl> SPRINGS. adafe and eternal. And this question was de- Tba next annual atate tan^rance {uenic ■ BO WARD, Treasurer. I obtained a tiis dataebment of tbe company of Ospt Solo- tarmioed, not by one man. or any one assem­ March 30, 1876. Gooda freely shown, and no ona uiged to ) Wills e t Tailand, whose names are given win be held at tbe Lyman Viaduct, ou tbe PRX81D2NT - W. PATTBN. bly of men, bat by the logic of evaota, dia- Boston snd New York Air Line railroad, HORSE-SHOER in J u t e Waldo’s biatoty of Tolland. An- ousaed by tbe people evetrwbeie, in every hat ia weond to none In tbe state, and am now pre­ buy unlaaa tb ^ can aae it fot their »■»««.««« odisr d^cbm ent of Wills’ compaoT Thursday, Angnst 17th. WM. SHfTS, ^***^ BOBBIM8 PATTIN, pared to eive them the beat of horse and oxahobig form, by all dssra, and caUings and profea- CUAli. WiAlJtEN. everjr Uaae. tlie lateHt styles of waa itom WiBington, nndw paitieular to notice the day on which tbeae tbe Old South is to be sold, the&thoUcs will P- J. Walker, Orrbi Convene. loaa W si|r»«, Farm er T rack, Ox Wmg~ BOOTS, O . H . but they did not declare independence, till buy it. What would Puritan Boston u y to S. W. Page. M .H. Kinney,’ • a aa any & or ont of town. three daiaabinsBta met at Mansfield, the places they h e i^ the voice of the people commanding S«!n««a!f. Pane. K. TAPT, tbroMjh which they marched and where thqr a a t? S H O K f e ^ , titam to act in their name and by their authori­ A. HOWARD, S xao tu i* •»»» T»ia»vb»b. lodged or eBwamped, and the time of tbeir ar- ty. And that great qnostion first oauenp for One of A. T. Stewart’s oonsins died last Thanking tbo paliblic for their paat liberal patroB- W A I T E R S , tivd at Boxbnn. The number of that com­ debate and deciaiou where it had the beat right age, I hope by aoling _____ good____ wore at low prieetto OrasariHt and Apothecary, •wedc, and 7,233 applications have been made ITililES CAUO by the M£L- ment a contlnaance of the aame. pany of Oapt Siolomoa Wills was 99. to co ^ , in the primary assemblies, in the town for the vacaut position. J? I^IOIVI snd Dealer ia Bev. Mr. Batcbdder of BtaCoid, has tbe meetingii of New England, in'the original n a t i o n a l WM. A. COMINS. and Stl^IPPSRS GATCHER DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAts toll of CapL Amos Walbridge’s eompany of parllsmanbi of the people. In the month of J. S. C. Abbott, tbe author, ia lying in a H . K»(ma,, ttclosive Agefit SUfford 9prfag*,>Ang. 1», I8TB. nearly 100 aoldiers ofMtCort, who servad in Msy att tha town meetings of Masmnlinsnttii 'we keep to fit the inilliona, cricieal oondition at Fair Haven, and fte n is E^Motetka t a Court of Probate holden at Willington, PERiTMEST. the oamalpk of 1776. instructad their repreaentativas on the quss- littie hope of his recorery, tpflBiUsctiusr: wttbin^aBd the Biatriet of Tonaod, on tbe Baa. V. D. Avafjr.of Ool9mbia.taai gathered tion of Independenoe, and alltiM towns voted . Jsae*. 18W. Aiia day of Jaiy. a. D. 18T«. and wouM respectfully dsU h a i r r e s t o r a t i v e s , tha hmms of €0 petsons, natives of tbat town, unanimonaly for Independence. Meriden is u id to be, according to her pop­ A. H.Xatoa—I>ear& not sell to other par- Present. John B. Carpenter. Jndgs. the attMtion of ths pnblie tie* in ToUtmd oosnty. 'Sbajnay■— iadtertlae Tonnelt Oa motion of Seth C. Katoa, adminlatmtor, with tncMiifiy csUed Lebanon Crank, wbeastved The Qeneral AiuemUy of Couuecticnt, act­ ulation, tbe largest exhibitor at the centewual a* mannfactnier's agent, or'eielaslTe aeeut for yoi in tbe war of tbe Revolntion. Thirteen of >e ageut for Tour will annexed, on the ertate of Jerome Holt, late of to our Varied and ex- PATENT MEDIClNEfl, ing for the towns, iustmotadBits delegates in of any town in the world. coaatjr. Tonn truly,; ■. 5. K. Kok Wmngton, within lald dlatrlct, deceased. ton««ive stock o f all this nnmlier pasidiad in tha service. In Mr. favor of Independence. Thus tbe immortal A f e w rellaaklO'AireaUi wanted in the T to «oort doih decree tbat six months he alloired TOILET ARnCLES. Ac., 4c. Avery’allat il'th e name of John Wbeelock, n*a«ns Weaam. ea«t and aonth |iarU ef th«cts!>^,to«eU thene tr>p», the creditors of Mud eKtate lo exhlb- kinds, inMle expres- Declatation b&oeiuo tbe act of the people, who vrblch had a Mfr ran laet tttsM : and gave aalrer>al sifftintittlieiiame to the sdmlnlstrstor. ean of- Bev. atioaal ikoum m 'wAsrim lecting goods and buying ezelusiTely for cigars and Tobaceo, important influence and ageaej. And -as to robuat, buxom hdies characteristic of tho sax Bank.) July iTli paay imdw tbe ootaiuand of OoL Eqwrience tba relation of the towns of this and otbw Cash, wo trni-t we can suit all that Htona, who aerved in tbe army near Boston, indaya goMby. By a very large experienee, » i s o w t a i Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, colonies of New EngUnd to this result in tbe a period of years, and embimcing tU treat- ^iL& ton RealEfUtB..e.ae....fl87.4W OG iKwiowTELL iTMJL want FINE FTTTINO and SER­ and it ia aunpcaed that all tbuM> were recruit- Declaration of lnd^>endeaoe, tiia opinion of ment of many thousands of caaes of thoaa ail­ Bauk Stocks...... ISi'iM 00 ad in ManS&d. Mr. Welch has the t VICEABLE GOODS AT ' G outs Fui-iiltilainir Oo«»dM, John Adams. iU defender on tbe floor of (Jon- ments peculiar to women. Dr. Pieros of tbe Town Bondi...... OOO oa OKrWoM lar» bw« Hr*.- of96X peraonswbo aarved daring the war, gress. must be deemaed as goad suthority. World’a DUpensary, Buffalo, N. T., has per­ D aefrom StsflohlN itW B^ liLOM 8S Myvtenca, Mcrct doiPfU. ctc. of the Mormotts m s ^ go m t u u m »eea thtm," Bricht, ?ur« PERKINS A HOUSE’S NOK-EXJIjOSIVE but thare mast have been a far g i^ e r num­ fected, by the combination______of certain vegeUbleUABILlflCB. fattil Cgoti. it !< Utc hrU h«v boot e«t. setoaU/ L O W m i C E S . ber ttian that, in tiiat veiy ptMotictown. In 178S in his remarkabla letter to tbe Abbe Wtttor jvtiy- LAMPS and P IX f URE3 . deMably, hesaid, “ Tba key to all tha biatoiy eztracta. a natural specific, w hi^ ha does not ...... -.f3n.i« sjt ...... — ----- b tjo k a t S r w t e Wa have tbe exclnsive ssle in Bockrilte of WilUngtoB ssnt sevvaty men to tbe war in X i u t a b T * a a v if.** Eminunt w a m « a 1777. Doioa had forty men in the army at of tha American RevolutMm, ia an aocurate wtol ass cure-all, K t oie w h i c h ^ ^ b S iSSSTt ••••.••... •;..... CMocK It Evcrylimtv want* it; and kikziU ut* Miliiyr goods made by several parties who baTe ra- Me invitee all his iJd friaa;fa and new knowledge of four primitive institvtions of fulfills a aingleness of puipoae, being a most ...... ’ tJI6,8U M frotM 10 A ilajr f SSUi tAatmiiul noio U prw* friendatocaUandoauniBehii^^® Boston, and 70 ware in the service in the cam- positive and reliable remedy for those weak- oeived the HIGHEST PREMIUMS on tbeir of 1776. I have th names of 146 dif- New Kugland: the Towns, ^ Congregations July Irt, !«». or religious sodetisa, the Sduwls, and ths Mi­ neuies and complainta that afBict the women goods. pesaona of the town of Union who of the ptenent day. Thia natural specific Wo, the undersigned, heieby certify that we har* At Ills QU Staid in Pase’s BM. a asm d M tha war of the BevolnlioB. Theselitia. The coaaequenoea of lhaaa institutiona tuu tom m lued the bock* aad fecarltle* ef thia have been,tbat by tbs habit sS diaouasing pub­ oompounded ia called Di. Pierce’s Favorite “ - find the Bbove Matemeatcorr«ct, and lo A GENTS WANTED—Ladies and Gents for REJPAIBINfi, ia Mil ii« B m ehea. aamaa, wHh t m Moqttian, ware o(^iied from lic aCairs it wan in these of tbe Prescription. Tbe following ate among those _ enttbelnve.tm«fcta^» all safely made, r X tbe fastett (elllrjt hooachold article ont. Bran ft»Torshehopea lists aaade by Ctpt, Tbooas Lawson, who diaeasss in which tbia wonderful has aotardance with th ^ tfS u f tbe State. new. Loae no time, but jend for free Clrcnlar. Sam­ •TTerma Cash, Ono Price, Only. recetve his share of tbe sarved tbrong^ tha entiaa war, and ara now towns, tbst tbe aentiinanta of tha people were — H- BAKBB. ple mailed free for » ct». We are *1m heiul..iu»rteM puiiuc s patronage. first Rinsed, and their reaelotions waia taken worked ourea as if by magic and with a cer­ W. CBAHK tor SlMOn’a Tidy F»steneni. Write for pricea to T. Sign of the Golden) in tbe posasarion «< Mr. David Lawacn of tainty never before attained by any ; B. STATt a jR S, CO., Providence, 8. L (Orcutt’s Block, Main Stafford Springs, Deo. 17, 1873. from .the b a nning to tba end of the conteet ______j CHA8. HOLT. Boot. > t Street, Union. Tbs place where each soldier aarved with Great Britain. Weak back, nervous and general dobiUty, fall- y^-GENTS WANTED FOB THE GBE.VT My dreg store-wii be open on Simda>e,tor ia gisan in moat of the inatancea, and the iog and other displaeements of internal or­ p i X i e K M O F }<■» I t A.I1V a a d tiasa, for which each wss paid, is given in Behold, then, in tttese ptiaaitive institutions JT FEED todayaUnOLDMI[.L. ^•OCKVILMS, CONN. toe preperatlou of preacripUons, from »te l»a, m. gans, resulting from debUity and lack of Nice Pine Meal from No.^• t.M • OeXAtennial H isto ry , toj. aj^d S to > p. m. uontfaa. From a oenauK of tbe colony taken of New England, tbe principal sonrcaa of that atrengtb in natural aupports. internal fever, “ “ While Wheat liddlb■g^ - - pnidsnoe in oouncil, and military valor and - 1.40 It »elis faeter than aiiv other book. One Ai in 1774 and copied frooi records in the oflloe coDgeation, inflammation and ulceration and Sxtra Pine > r “ - - - • 1.M •X eople» in one dsv. Send for our ex tm . % A. C. JACOBS- ^ n s j i x of Uie aaoreUry of state at Hartford, I find ability, which produced the American Bevolu- - 1.46 agentf. NATfowAt Pi'Bx.ianu4a Ca, PhiMsIi tion.” very many other chronic diaeases incident to Sxtra White Fanned Oatv, Boc&T4|ie, April 1. 1876. that tha population of Union, tbat, year waa woman, not proper to mention here, in which, Provender. »1. " W^ton. •l.a» ^OENTS WANTEDTtoldi C12 whitas and oolored. Tbe number of If, then, the towns of New England stand aa well as iu tbe cases that have boM enumer­ I rha!l keen h itock ofvraia on rAY»S SHOE STORE. males batwasn tiia ages of 30 and 70 waa 97. in sueh biatoric relations to the Declaration ated, the Favorite Prescription effeota ouree— hand, and hows how the *^r*M is:G n?'iEU D . was 107. date tbeir hielory and perpetuate their ancient by adopting its oas tbe invalid >ady'may avoid 4 HANDY PLAefe.-AtEosebrook's. n>Ttfamefit ha«* been managed tlnre IU organization. FAY'S SHOE STORE, I am pamaaded that fUa waa not an unoau- good name ? It is worth while to aearcb for X J. ia tbe room next en*l of t J. BrovnV itore. - thron^h coofrrcM. Ol vet tbit aeverest of ordeub.—tie conanlting of a yon can urt any little job of na.»lrine
pals. For Dr. Badnia waa the man, At last we enter town. y E G B T T I N E All Goods usually k ^ t in a first All Oooda Warranted as Bepresented, and Commiasioned by the state Place of ancestral rest, class Stove an«) Tin Shop. THEORY COURSfi. Where oar brave patriot fatbeM oaagU HATS and GAPS, lio., *c.. Prices as Low aa those of any concern in Tol- To teach her theologuea to think. A Toiy in his nest; rwtcimi tha All in want of goods ia my line will find faud County. Double Entry Book-Keeping, Bnsdnesg Cor- And likewise to orate. 1 heard the stoiy in my youth. ■■v*ceimtcs tke wh*le arateat* Stafford Hollow (fat place to buy. Thanking our cnsioniets for their patron­ i^espondence. Penmanship, Arithmetio, Com- Fair EWngttm, that goodly town, • The strange excituw tale, Friends wishing t made exrinslvely from the juice* ot M n f done to order in tb« workmanship man- HOW TO DO BUSINESS. With Noble for her minister. carefull;-t«1ected barfs. roots and herbs, and ao ner, aud all work and^.dgo^arrjnr itedtogive ‘ sati*. STAFFOBD SPBINGS, CONN. Sent forth her warlike stock. On their tumultuous raid; strongljr concentrated, that it will effectnallr eradi­ faction. JACOB QLOVER. w ear, and P rices so l>OW th a t And Parson Peters sought a bona, cate from the ayptem ereiy taint of 8 c r* ta l» > Stafford Hollow ,Oct..1ST#.' . REW AKU OF JjISO given for The student really engages in business. Ha But for a steady uinistiy, Beyond the briny sea. f( c r* fa l« a a H a a ia n i, T a a ia r s , CSMScer, A case of constipation that canaot be helped by bnyg and sells from and to his fellow students. Cmmcmnmu Haaiara. ErraiV«l*a» Mtit thenseofD R. B. W..IAr:KSON’S A long endnring calm, And there he nourished his revenge. Rkraai, Srvhilltic «usker, the POOREST in the com­ He makes and accepts drafts. He opens « CTnchanging throng those troubled jMra, And wrote his history. ra lB ta e w i M th e R M au u sh , and all diicase* Universal Costive Syrup. bank account m tbe usual way. He gives Old TuUtmd bean the palm; that arise from impnre blood. H ctaticm , Ivu of ili< “Bm HlYts’ munity need not com­ Constipation is the mother snd nurse of the for Good Dr. Nathan Williams stretoiMd Hence came (bat famous code of “lawa” tlaaaaiM «rr and Chraalc BkeawM laM , lowing diseases: Drspepsla, Liver Complalnt^Head- notes and effects discounts, and after entering His ministerial line. Denominated “Mne,” * Neantlcia, D PURIFIS^ and will do far more than 1 tharmigh txamnatim, receives his dii!>oma. And did you ever look about. Until the judgment day. manent cnre. P a p e r H a n g in g Sj very little liave recommended It to. Forralaa la the Bark, K l«aer C«ai« Give it a trial, and It will manifest its own merits And widi yon owned those lands f In dosing this survey, we wish Teoaale W eakaeaa, in less than sis days, If osed according to dirrsctions. But BoUm was a famous town. To recapitulate. from internal ulceration, A N l ^ . • m oney to Bitters, n ils, Powders, and Lozenges will ne\er STffDEMTS CAJ EMTER AT AHT !IK. Back in the olden time, ------O eaeral rScM U tir, care constipation. And kept a fraous miniater. And if onr metre will allow, VacmKE acts directly npon the cances of theae Thousands have n.wd my Symp, inclnding eases For farther information lagarding One marvelous fact to state. complaints. It iavigorates and strengthens the buy a of from four to twenty-two years standing, which conditions of entrance, price of board, Ae., With her own name to rhyme. There were, one hundred years ago, ^ o le system, acU upon tbe secretiTe orKsns. allays have l>een cured with less than four bottles. inflammation, cores akeratlmi and ragolates the CuRTAIIf - address, As we have made our round*, bowelt. Kemember—ititememoer—1( isw notiioi a physicpnysic bntnut a regulator,r< T h e^^sses of A in ^ ; Just sixteen parishes within NEW SUIT. which leaves the system In a good’ healthy coaditian.c< .She helped young poets to aspire, These sndent county bounds. For Catarrh, Srapepala, H akltaal Trial Bottles, SO cents; Large Bottles,. .(1. . Sou 117 YALE BUSINESS COLLEGE, ^tlT eaew , ralrftatiea M the Heart, Druggists. Offlce M, Fonrth-SL, Chelsea. 1Hass. NEHr HAVES. CONN. And use their budding wings; Each parish had its minister, H e a d a c h e , r u S a , Iferreaaaesa aa« M a t e r i a l s . No. 114 Essex STaaar, 1 And so for half a century Oeaeral rraatratlaa •! the ITerraaa CusLSEik. Hass., March 1«^ 1818./ JtottoH sat rtill and heard; A man of college lore, B ra te a t, no medicine has ever given aach perfect IStook, G ood Goodsi, Da. J acxsoe : Oesr .^ir—I esteem It a duty as well Whose aterofe ministry held on, satisfaction aa the VEoCTiifB. It pnrifles the blood, as a nrivllege to give my testiiaony hi regard to the While Parson Colton, tall and qaaint, To forty years and more; cleanaes all of the organs, and posaestea a controUing SpedaLj^ention won4^nl eifects produced by yonr vsluable medW ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Prodaimed to them the word. It is not healthy to review power over the nervons system. and w a BXEA.N wlien cine, f About the last of Pebmary I commenced The remarkable cnres effected by Vbsetuib ham taking, yonr Syrup, which has beneBtted me more rpO TTO W ORKING CLASS. Bat Boltm had a |deawint farm, Hii* andent land of rocks. induced nany physiciana snd apotbecariss whom we given to th ^ lines of than anything I have ever taken before. Prior to A neat and trim eatate, Where pastors stayed till hair gnw gray I^TOW to preraibe and nse it bi their own families. w e m a y that time, my bowelo did not move more than once Jnst northward from her hills of rode And dept amid their fioeks. In fact, Veqictiiib Is the best remedy yrt diseover- In six days, snd many times notoftener than eight We can fumisb you employm^t at wbicb relUble Goods. ISHfelpond- or ten days, and then by compulsion; and I have yon cap make very large pay, in yonr own lo­ And fwds of miea slate; ■ J j p o ® P U B i r i E * yet placed befbie the even been conveyed from the water-closet In an la- Just where the sharp and shaggy dilli Let us return once more along onr track. pnDile. * ^ senrible condition aaM subjected to powerful Injec­ calities, without being away from home over Mdt into aaodstone soil. And bring an old and simple legend hack: ence and requefts for tions and various medicines with but little effect. night Agents wanted in every t<4 m and And where the landscape’s wavy Unas A t:.le of truth, and yet a tale ontold, PRBFARED BY OXJR I>IMOES Cold feet ha.\e caused me many sleepless hours, but connty to take subscribers for C en. A homely record from tha«« days of old. since taking yonr medicine that trouble has ceased. tennial Record, the largest jpnblication In graoefnl eirdea coil. H. R. STEVENS. Boston. Mass. My husband says I havenave not beenneun so cheerful for A stont young farmer on the Hebron aid. Samples sSld efti- years as I haves been " siD ce *I coramenccd nsing Toar in th» United States—Ifi pages. ing down the hills; When the wild sounds from Lexington were theovstem. It is S M iip lf and strengtbenlUT. It MRS. MERCT B. COOLEY. Great Exhibition at Philadelphia is folly illiis- And there good Paraon Kellogg preached. heard, acU dirertly upon ^ S i S i . It quieu the nervons The above Is a true statement of my wife’s condi­ trated in detail. Everybody wants it. Thei And p a « ^ his life away. system. It gives M ^ to d , s*eet deep st night. It tion and relief. JOHN W. COOF.EY. And the new household with the ery waa is a great panacea ^ S n r aged fathers and motbers; L O W EST O F The above statement waaaciinowiedged before me whole people feel sreat interest in their Coun­ And left his lineage bdiind— stirred; for it gives them strength. qaieU their nerves, snd onthisl0thdayof3larch,18W. try’s Centennial Birthday, and want to knmr An honored name to-day. Bat through the scenes of seventeen aevanty- -Ives them Nstnre's sweet sleep,—as has been proved Brastvs Rpao, Justice of the Peace. all about i t An elegant patriotic crayoni • S ti Pfw**. It is the great Blood We,e, the • undersl;;neil, ' •know Mr.- Jackson - - to be a drawing premium picture is presented free to> The Vetnon folks, they used to say. five, arifler. It is a soothing remedy for onr children. jancof ndelity: W. P. Drury, City Maishall; H. J. Were just a trifle proud; He stayed at home to guard the foming hive. It has telteved and cured thoasandn. It is very Stone,s, j-uiMiouciPublisher and Printer; , ««nviIsrael H.« . urrniin.Clerrish. AAl­ l ­ each subscriber. It is entitled, “In remem­ T h ^ held their heads a little hi|^ In seventy-six the war dond rollad away pleassnt to tske, every child likes It. It relieve* snd derman;lan; Samuel Biisnctt, City Clerk; Frank BH brance of tbe One Hundredth Anniversary af And settled grimly round Manhattan Ite r; cnres all disease originating from impure blood. Brown,_Dru^Ist,^_Cornar___ m , Drusglst, Corner PearlPrarl and Third-sts.:Thlrd-sts.; the Independence of the United States. ” Sizej, Bm m e they were allowed Try the Veoctime. Give It a fair trial forr yonr Joseph Sweetser, City Hotel; James S. McOIIIlvray. To leave the ancient granite hilla. Ere spring had passed, that ringing edi for complsints; then yon will say to vonr__ neigh- Drngrist, »5T Broadway; Dea. Andrew J. Bacon 23 by 30 inches. Any one can become a snc- And bring their substance dowii. men trar and acqnalntance, **Tryit; it has cm me.” Qeo. B. Onild A Co. cessful ap;cDt, for bnt show the paper and pie- Went through our little state from hill to ; N o t e .— This certifies that, having used Dr. U W tnre and hundreds of subscribers are easily And have a paridi by themadves, Don’t spend a DOI1 ^ tbongbtslhan me of this scute camplainl, of which I have suffered D ealer in DJCY GOODS. Address To Parson Huntington; this; SO intensely. O lot;bin^ H ouse And then we pass to numbw two^ Shewodd not lose that promiaed fanwall C. n . tDCKBB, Paa. ^ ’t Mich. C. R. R. . Whaisa Beverand Nathan StMBg m Washiiigton St., Boston.- 'DABVCARBIAOESt CaU and CliOAKS aud SHAW IiS a Specialty. J IJ the largest stock vf BAy Cirriagea in town—to«. CUBED WITHOUT flllad oat an eatdily niiustiT And ae she BOiMd her little babe to Mat, KMkwalPa Block* ANCER NtMr«watwriM«- Wa MMi^r hk aM^ ra w * OB PAIN, by J. * . COHOlg, * . D., MB TNRiKb imI tiii m u in . M sln-sts, • ftafii»Hi tp rin ss. StaflwdSfriaga. lMia|ia«av«aa,SmT«*. tm k m H tm .