At the Court-House, at Lancaster, in the County of Lancaster, on The
2041 Rochdale, Lancashire, formerly Flannel-Manufacturer and and Shoe-Mnlter, then of Mirr-latie, Preston, in the said1 Weaver, and late Weaver only. 'county, and late of Chapel-street, BlacUhurn aforesaid, George Clare, formerly of Devonshire-place, F.verton, Liver- 'Journey in an1'Shoe-Maker. pool, Lancashire, afterwards of Bieck'-lane, Wation on the James White, formerly residing in Princess-street, Hulme, Hill, near Liverpool aforesaid, House and Land Assent, and Manchester, Lancashire, HI the same time occupying an late in lodgings in Virgil-street, Liverpool aforesaid, out ot Office in Gart<ii!e-street, Manchester aforesaid, af erwards • employment. occupying an Office at No. 38, Princess-street. Manchester William Parkinson, late of Upper HawclilTe with Tarnacre, i«i aforesaid, and late in lodgings at St. Geor«e's-terrace, Man- the parish of Saint Michael's-tipon-Wyre, near Garstang, chester aforesaid, also occupying an office at No. 38, Priu- , Lancashire, Farmer, and laie in no business. cess-street aforesaid, Architect, Surveyor, and Valuer. Robert. Stmter, formerly of Grassington, near Sldpton, Yiirk- Dixon Moody, laie of No. 1, Peter-street, Manchester, -Lan- s'.ire, Innkeeper nml Auctioneer, then of Barm-street, cashire, Corn, Flour, and Provender Dealer. Bc>ltnn-l"-M'iors, Lancashire, Butcher, and late of'Kay- John Cromplon, -formerly of the Newiuarket Tavern, Old- street, Bollon-le-Moors aforesaid, Butcher. street, Stayley bridge,. Lancashire, .Licenced Victualler andJ Ann Whitaker, Widow and Administratrix of Bernard Whita- Buichf-r, and laie a lodger at the Newmarket Tavern, Stay- ker, formerly of the <~>ld Sparrow Hawk, Church-street, ley-lirii'ije aforesaid, out of business.
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