Agenda Frontsheet 18/06/2013, 19.30

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Agenda Frontsheet 18/06/2013, 19.30 NOTICE OF MEETING Joint Informal meeting of the Alexandra Park & Palace Statutory Advisory Committee and the Alexandra Palace and Park Consultative Committee (Alexandra Park & Palace Advisory Committee established by Statute in 1985) To: The Members of the Advisory Committee (Statutory) and the Consultative Committee David McNulty - Head of Local Democracy and Member Services 5th Floor, River Park House 225 High Road, Wood Green London, N22 8HQ Contact: Felicity Parker, Principal Committee Co-ordinator Tel: 020-8489 2919 Fax: 020-8881 5218 E-mail: [email protected] 10 June 2013 Dear Member, The JOINT INFORMAL MEETING OF THE ALEXANDRA PARK AND PALACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE ALEXANDRA PALACE AND PARK CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE will take place on TUESDAY, 18TH JUNE, 2013 commencing on the rise of the Consultative Committee in The Transmitter Hall, ALEXANDRA PALACE, PALACE WAY, WOOD GREEN, LONDON N22 7AY to consider the business set out in the Agenda detailed below. Yours sincerely Felicity Parker Clerk to the Committee AGENDA 1. ELECTION OF CHAIR FO R THE MUNICIPAL YEAR 2013/14 (PAGES 1 - 2) The outgoing Chair will ask Members of the Committee for any nominations. These nominations must be seconded by another Member of the Committee. If more than one nomination is received, then a vote will be taken. 2. ELECTION OF VICE -CHAIR FOR THE MUNICI PAL YEAR 2013/14 The outgoing Chair will ask Members of the Committee for any nominations. These nominations must be seconded by another Member of the Committee. If more than one nomination is received, then a vote will be taken. 3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENC E To receive any apologies for absence. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTE REST Members of the Committee are invited to disclose any interest they may have in any of the items appearing on this agenda. 5. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING (PAGES 3 - 14) i) To approve the minutes of the Joint Informal Meeting of the Statutory Advisory Committee and Consultative Committee held on 13 May 2013. ii) To note the minutes of the Statutory Advisory Committee meeting held on 13 May 2013. 6. REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE, ALEXANDRA PALACE (PAGES 15 - 22) To receive the report of the Chief Executive – Alexandra Palace and Park – advising the Committees’ on: • Alexandra Palace regeneration project progress report • Events report, including 150 th anniversary event update and Red Bull event • Car parking review project report • Governance – appointment of new Board member (advisory) 7. REPORT OF THE PARK M ANAGER (PAGES 23 - 24) To receive the report of the Park Manager – Alexandra Palace and Park – updating the Committees’ on various events in the Park and the 150 th Anniversary projects. 8. PROPOSAL FOR COMMERC IAL FIREWORKS DISPLA Y - NOVEMBER 2013 (PAGES 25 - 32) 2 To receive the report of the Chief Executive - Alexandra Palace and Park - seeking the Committees’ views on the prospect of bringing back a public firework display in Alexandra Park, in November 2013, on a self-financing commercial basis. 9. ITEMS RAISED BY INTE RESTED GROUPS 10. NON -VOTING BOARD MEMBERS FEEDBACK 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS O R URGENT BUSINESS 12. DATES OF FU TURE MEETINGS To note the dates of future meetings: 10 October 2013 28 January 2014 Advisory Committee Nominated Members of: Alexandra Residents’ Association : Ms J. Hutchinson Bounds Green and District Residents Association : Mr K. Ranson Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Association : Mr D. Heathcote Palace Gates Residents’ Association : Mr K. Stanfield Palace View Residents Association : Ms E. Richardson The Rookfield Association : Mr D. Frith Warner Estate Residents’ Association : Mr D. Liebeck 1 Vacancy Advisory Committee Appointed Members: Alexandra Ward : Councillor Beacham Bounds Green Ward : Councillor Demirci Fortis Green Ward : Councillor Newton Hornsey Ward : Councillor Gorrie Muswell Hill Ward : Councillor Jenks Noel Park Ward : Councillor Gibson Council-wide Member : Councillor Griffith Council-wide Member : Councillor Dogus Consultative Committee Nominated Members: Alexandra Palace Amateur Ice Skating Club Mr M Tarpey Alexandra Palace Allotments Association Ms E Regan Alexandra Palace Angling Association Mr K Pestell Alexandra Palace Organ Appeal Mr R Tucker Alexandra Palace Television Group Mr J Thompson 3 Alexandra Residents’ Association Ms C Hayter Alexandra Palace Garden Centre Mr C Campbell-Preston Alexandra Park and Palace Conservation Area Advisory Committee Mr C. Marr Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association Mr K Ranson CUFOS Mr J Smith Friends of Alexandra Park Mr G Hutchinson Friends of the Alexandra Palace Theatre Mr N Willmott Hornsey Historical Society Mr J O’Callaghan Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Association Ms D Feeney Muswell Hill Metro Group Mr J Boshier New River Action Group Ms R Macdonald Palace View Residents’ Association Ms V Paley Vitrine Ltd - The Lakeside Café Mr A Yener Warner Estate Residents’ Association Prof. R Hudson Appointed Members: Councillor Cooke Councillor Christophides Councillor Egan Councillor Hare Councillor Scott Councillor Stewart Councillor Williams Also to: Chief Executive Trust’s Solicitor Director of Corporate Resources Head of Legal Services 4 Page 1 Agenda Item 1 Nominations Process At the meeting on 18 June 2013, Members will be asked to elect Chairs and Vice- Chairs for the Statutory Advisory Committee, Consultative Committee and the Joint SAC/CC meetings. Members of the Consultative Committee will also be asked to appoint 3 non-voting representatives to serve on the Alexandra Palace and Park Board. What will happen? For each of the bodies the following process will need to be followed – The outgoing Chair will ask for any nominations. These nominations must be seconded by another Member of the Committee. If more than one nomination is received, then a vote will be taken. This process is then repeated for the Vice-Chair. Members are asked to give thoughts to nominations for Chairs and Vice-Chairs. Advanced nominations can be made by email to [email protected] , but these nominations will need to be seconded at the meeting. 18 June 2013 19.30 – SAC The outgoing Chair of the SAC will open the meeting, and follow the process for electing the Chair and Vice-Chair. This meeting then adjourns for – CC The outgoing Chair of the CC will open the meeting and follow the process for electing the Chair and Vice-Chair. Members of the Consultative Committee are also asked to approve the applications for membership of the CC, and also to appoint 3 non-voting representatives to serve on the Alexandra Palace and Park Board. Once the business on the agenda has been completed, this meeting then closes, and then – Joint SAC/CC The outgoing Chair of the CC will open the meeting and follow the process for electing the Chair and Vice-Chair. The meeting then takes place as normal, following the items on the agenda, with the SAC meeting running concurrently. Page 2 This page is intentionally left blank Page 3 Agenda Item 5 MINUTES OF THE JOINT INFORMAL MEETING OF THE ALEXANDRA PARK & PALACE STATUTORY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE ALEXANDRA PALACE AND PARK CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE MONDAY, 13 MAY 2013 PRESENT: * denotes absence NOMINATED BY LOCAL RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATIONS Advisory Committee Nominated Members of: Alexandra Residents’ Association : Ms J. Hutchinson Bounds Green and District Residents Association : *Mr K. Ranson Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Association : Mr D. Heathcote Palace Gates Residents’ Association : Mr K. Stanfield Palace View Residents Association : Ms E. Richardson The Rookfield Association : Mr D. Frith Warner Estate Residents’ Association : Mr D. Liebeck 1 Vacancy Advisory Committee Appointed Members: Alexandra Ward : *Councillor Beacham Bounds Green Ward : *Councillor Christophides Fortis Green Ward : Councillor Erskine Hornsey Ward : *Councillor Gorrie Muswell Hill Ward : Councillor Jenks Noel Park Ward : *Councillor Gibson Council-wide Member : Councillor Griffith Council-wide Member : *Councillor Dogus Consultative Committee Nominated Members: Alexandra Palace Amateur Ice Skating Club *Mr M. Tarpey Alexandra Palace Allotments Association Ms E. Regan Alexandra Palace Angling Association *Mr K. Pestell Alexandra Palace Organ Appeal Mr R. Tucker Alexandra Palace Television Group Mr J. Thompson Alexandra Residents’ Association Ms C. Hayter Alexandra Palace Garden Centre *Mr C. Campbell-Preston Alexandra Park and Palace Conservation Area Advisory Committee Mr C. Marr Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association *Mr K. Ranson CUFOS *Mr J. Smith Friends of Alexandra Park Mr G. Hutchinson Friends of the Alexandra Palace Theatre Mr N. Willmott Hornsey Historical Society Mr J. O’Callaghan Muswell Hill and Fortis Green Association Ms D Feeney Muswell Hill Metro Group *Mr J. Boshier New River Action Group Miss R. Macdonald Palace View Residents’ Association Ms V. Paley Vitrine Ltd - The Lakeside Café *Mr A. Yener Warner Estate Residents’ Association Prof. R. Hudson Consultative Committee Appointed Members: Councillor Cooke *Councillor Demirci Councillor Hare Page 4 MINUTES OF THE JOINT INFORMAL MEETING OF THE ALEXANDRA PARK & PALACE STATUTORY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND THE ALEXANDRA PALACE AND PARK CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE MONDAY, 13 MAY 2013 *Councillor Peacock Councillor Scott *Councillor Stewart *Councillor Williams Also attending Duncan Wilson – Chief Executive – Alexandra Palace Mark Evison – Park Manager, Alexandra Palace Felicity Parker – Clerk to the Committee (LB Haringey) Emma Dagnes – Alexandra Palace MINUTE NO. SUBJECT/DECISION APSC109. APOLOGIES
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