Monday, June 14, 1937 THE DAILY MIRROR Page 25 M AH A TO GOLD CUP AT ASCOT Cavalry Call, a smart two-ycar-old, who made a winning debut in the (latwick Foal Plate, By BOUVERIE taking the lead at the distance from Halcyon Gift and Shifting Sands (extreme left), HAT promises to be a most brilliant W Ascot begins to-morrow. There will, however, be one disappointment. Omaha is S '^':^--^^!m^^-?t^KA^'r^ lame and will not be started for the Gold Cup. Omaha, the American horse who stayed to Omaha had given great satisfaction in nis Field and Riders final gallop for the race on Saturday. But a have another crack at the Gold Cup, and few hours later a tendon in the near' foreleg will now be unable to run. was to be slightly filled, v 023 FIM/LIST (Lady Ralli) (0. -M. D, Bel!), 5-9-7 040 STARFLYER (Miss H- Cowley) (lion. G. Wei- H. Wragg lesleyl 4-6-13 J. Pvwet Inflammation followed, and his owner 2 TEMPEST II (Mr. A. K Macomber) (Beatty). 4-8-12 decided to withdraw his champion from 041 ARTIST'S PRINCE (Mrs. E Dines) M. Thursday's race. Mr. Woodward's colours will 1. COMMANDER III (Mr. N, Christej) (Capt.'c. Dineal. 4-6-12 8. Tablner now be carried by . and the stable will F. Kisey), 7-8-H W. Bullocli 033 CORDILLERAS (Lady Yule) (J. Cannon). 4-6-l;i 0 HOCUS POCUS (Mr. H. Gray) (V. P. Gilpin), H. Blacbibaw also be represented by Precipitation, who will 000 GOLDEN MARTLET (Major A. E. Phillips) Manton's 23 4-8-5 . be ridden bv P. Beasley. 0 FAIREV (His Majesty) (W. «> Jarvii), 4-6-4 J. Crouch \V. 8. Butters), 1-6-11 8. Lynch Cousine, the only Priench challenger for 221 LAUREAT tl (Mr. M. Beneon) (Capfc, P. 003 SUN TRACK (Mr. J. Egcrton Quested) (W. the Gold Cup, arrived on Saturday. She is Wbitakerl, 5-8-3 M. Beary iliggs). 4-G-ll V. Mitchell a useful sort of filly, but I cannot gather that 211 FAIRPLAY |Mr. B. MiddlemaB) (P. Allden), 4-8-3 422 EMPIRE UNITY (Capt. D. P. Simpson) [A. B. for Ascot there is any of the Brantome confidence P. Mahei Holland), 8-6 11 behind her. 01 PIKE BARN (Mr. J. P. HoiDucg) (B, JarTie), 4-8-2 000 BOLD ENCOUNTER (Sir Woodman Burbldge) T, Lowrey At Manton they are expecting Cecil to take (J. Jarvis), 4-6-10 —— 1 MIDSTREAM (Mr. Antbony de Rothschild) •p XHIBITIONNIST—winner of the One the trophy. He may well do so if he turns up 01 ZAIMIS (Mr. Z, ti. Michalinot) (F. Bullock), 3-6-9 •^ Thousand Guineas and the Oalis—is not in one of his happy moods. (T. E. Leader}, 4-8-0 JI. Spiague 130 REMEMBER l| (Lord Portal) (F. S. But­ 00 ROYAL SALUTE (Sir H. Lyons} (Major F. included in the list of Manton runners at Ascot ters). 4-7-13 Gordon Eichorda B, Sneyd), 5-6-7 S. Cordeil Royal Winners ? 040 NOBLE TURK (Mr. Alfred Sainsbury) (G. this weelc. OOO PRINCE MEMNOH (Mrs. M. Stephens} (M. D. Barling), 4-7-11 E, Smith '' It had been understood that she would run Blair), 3-6-7 W, C. Swann Fairlead. Jubilee and.Fairey will carry the 323 EL SBAA (Miss M. Larli) [G. Todd), 6-7-11 for the Coronation Staltes, in which she would 100 LOVERS' QUARREL (Mr. R. Reed} (F. P- royal colours this week. Fairey, a winner over W. Sibbritt have had to concede 141b. to Gainsborough Gilbert), 4-6-7 D, W. Gnno the course in Lord Derby's colours last year, 0 CONBOAT (Mf. J. B. Joel) (C. Peck). 5-711 TURF BRIEFLETS Lass. Manton's twenty-three runners for the • Doubtful ttarter. weeitare: — is one of the favourites for the Royal Hunt A. Burns Cup. Pairlead will run for the 00 HIP AWAV (Mr. J. E. Cottrell) (F. P. Gil- It is intcrestitig to note that 1937 horses re­ Tuesday .—PrmCe ot Wales's stakes. Cold Scent and bertl, TT-IO K. Gothin Sauteur; Ascot Stakes. Valerian; Gold Vaee, Foxfield; and Jubilee probably for the Ctiesham Stakes. main in the twenty-eight races at Ascot. , Flighty Jinks; St. James's Palace The two-year-old must have a big chance as 00 LOVELY ROSA .Sir.Abe Bailey) (H. L. Cot- » » * Stakes, Casii Book. Mumtaz Mahal's flying son, Mirza II, does not Irill). 1-7-9 ...; T. Weston Wednesday.-Cliurchill Stakes, Plaster Cast and Earth- run. Pairey's claims are there for all to see COO VOLTUS iMr. E. Manners) (V. Hobbsl, 5-7-8 .1. Siiett Racing at Gatwick on Saturday was remark­ Btopper; Royal Hunt Cup, Hypothesis; , able for keenly-contested finishes, including a yet they may be no stronger than Fairlead's 01 SALLY ANDREWS (Mr. W, Carr) (W. Catr), 5-7-8 dead-heat, three short-heads, and a neck. Eililim Hill; Corojiiilion Stakes. I'enieuik; Bessboroiigh W. Hevett Stakes, 8everino. m to-morrow's long distance handicap. if « « Thursday,—Ribble sd.lie Stakes, Rhodes Scholar; Gold Fairlead was three times a winner last year, »0 MANNLICHER (Mr. F. Cobb) (F. Cohb), 4-7-8 .. Cnp, Cecil and Jtaebiirn; iNew Stakes, Earatapa and and in her last race scored cleverly over two 000 HYPOTHESIS (Mrs. Chester Beatty) (J. Law- Baqlava. favourite for the Gatwick Foal Plate Straight Kye; Waterlord Stakes, Potboiler. miles at Sandown. son), 4-7-7 K. Eobertson on Saturday, was very high-spirited at the post. Friday.—, Irresistible; , After that she was *00 INCHKEITH (Mr. W. Thorpe) {M. J. Pea- and threw his .iockey, D. Smith, while the field R.C.B., i'arthinghoe and Hornpipe; . put to hurdling, but lOf'k). 4-V-7 were waiting for the " off." Smith held on to Scotia s Glen. stiowing no aptitude 100 MARMADUKE JINKS (Mrs. C. B, Robinson) the reins, and was soon back in the saddle. • Beckhampton will have nine runners during for this branch of (II, Peacock], 5-7-7 , D, Smith » # )t the weeic. Le Bambino will run for the Queen the game returned to 4 GIOVINEZZA (Mr. James A. Ue Rothschild) Anne Stalies on Tuesday and Pascal for the V, Mitchell has been engaged to ride Sun Newmarket after one W. G. Piatt), 4-7-6 ; Track in the Royal Hunt Cup, Mormond Hill Jersey Stalces on the last day. failure in public. 00 SQUADRON CASTLE (Mrs, P. W. Ahem} (C. Prank Butters's runners will be:— in the , and Owcnstown m Back to the flat she CoM-ie). 4-7-4 A, Richardson the Britannia Stakes. Tuesday.—Queen of Simla and I.e Grand Due. Wednes­ has been going in 40 COUVERT (Mr. H, G. BJagrave} (H. G. day.—Tahi- and Sultan MaboriiGd, Thursday.—Milton her best form lately , ^, 3'i^^''ave). 4-7-4 Cliff Richards «- * * Abbas and Mange Tout. Friday.—Uliaranipur, Far West, 1 FLYING THOUGHTS II (Lady Granard) (R. Lovers' Quarrel will be ridden In the Royal Ruby Tiger and Ticca Cari. and obviously pleased Carver, in France), 3-7-5 Pherozshah will contest either the Granville W. Jarvis in Satur­ 00 BHAEMAR |Lotd J. Hope) (D. Dale), 6-7-1 W. Christie Hunt Cup by D. W. Gunn Stakes or the Cork and Orrery Stakes on day's gallop with 4O0 HOLYROOGATWiCD (Mrs. CK. Evans RESULT) (P. Allden}, S6-7- 0 Thursday. Bahuddin, at the moment is a Firestone. Q u~e e n's P. Evaiia doubtful starter for the Bessborough Stakes on Shilling and Kidder­ 00 PIGSKIN (Mrs Chester Beatty) (Master ot DONCASTER RESULTS minster. P^i?,^"'/'^'^*Gray)^ , MARCHES 6-13 S ON (H. Wragg) and SUNN—Y_ Wednesday. ;. P {!•. Herbert), dead heat. 1; COLONEL'S LADY (J, Valerian will be Marshall) 3 Betting: 2 Pervoni, 7-2 Colonel's Ladv, 5 Manton's only runner S?.'f.'^' ^};3. J^^}^' MARCHES UN, 8 Solar Time, 9 SUSlNY 3.0.-POL1TESSR (R. A. Jones), I; MOUNT I.OTJIIAN W. Jarvis. *Kli,D, 100-7 I'estuca ). Margaret Tatton f, 20 Fisher II, (W. Stephenson), 2; SAVANNAH (G. Wells). 3. Betting: in the race and will Ihyoiie, Gallina 1, Crimson Square 1, Strictly Confidentia'.. 5 Peter's Gem, Knight of Scone, 6 t'lanagan, 7 POHTI'«SE, Short Ration for probably be favourite to-morrow. None too Nut and Spanner, Letter of Lovo 1. Tote; Win, Os 9d Holy Girl 10 Mount Lothian. 100-8 Calliope, Savannah, Jucky at Manchester he must have a Time Marches On, ISs 3d- Sunnv Fred; places, 4s. 'Ss 10O-7 Slong, Polly Calvert, 20 Truckle, Black and Blue, 4s. 9d. Dead heat; half. (Time Marches On by O. Headmaster, lleathcock, Alagoa, Mirklethwalle. Tote: Northolt Derby chance. So must Kept On who never runs a Ailden, Sunny Fred by Beatty.} Win, 12s.; places, Ss. 9d., 17E.. 17E. TWO; one. (F. bad race. Hartigan.) Paites Vos Jeux is another with sound 2.30.-BLACK VELVET (W. Rickaby), 1; BEAD There is a final acceptance of fourteen for claims, but his chance would not be improved BRUMMEL )I (E. Gardner} 2; BOB EACH WAY (U. 3.30--GAPROLIN (Carslake). 1; STEPPON O (J. the Pony Turf Club's Derby at Northolt to-day. Wragg). S. Betting 6-4 Eshtoii, 4 BLACK VELVET, Lady Dyson), 3; PEi^SHURST (P. Beaslcy). 3. Betting: B-:3 P. Donoghue has trained two consecutive by rain to any extent. of Che f.aziip, 5 Bob Each Way, 6 Beau Briimmel IL Tote: CAPSOLIN. 7-4 Penahnrat., 100-8 Sleppon c, 50 Plana. Win, 15s.; pla;es, 7s- 6d„ Ts. 6d- Short head; neck, Tote: Win Ps. 6d. Foreoast—9B. 9d. Hall; lame. Derby winners and is fully expected to score (Jelliss.l (Lambton.) again this year with Short Ration. Selec­ 4.O.—FL\G OF TRUCE IR- A. Jones), 1; ASTERION tions : — 3.D.--CAVALIiy CALL (P. Gomez) 1; SHIFTING (P. Beasley). 2; GOLDEN NILE (F. Lane), 3. Betting: French Derby Result SANnS (T. Lowrey). 2; HALCYON GIFT (C. Richards), 3. 5. 0.—Beeiiiled i 4.45—Rthcliiie 5-2 Asterion, 6 FIJ\G OF TRUCE, Take Time, 7 Tout Betting: 5-2 Baqlava, 11-4 CAVALRY CALL, 5 Halcyon Change, Golden Nile, 8 Coalblack, 10 Danger Signal, 100-8 3.30.-Sails Prii 5.15.—nabnab The French Derby at Chantilly yesterday Gilt. 6 Kybo, 8 Stratiform f, 10 Foiled, 100-8 Headley Lass, Turkish Tunic, 100-6 Owenstown, Mir Zadeh, Aberdare. 4.10.-Short Itation* I 5.45—Shiver My Tinxbeis 25 Saxon Rose o. Shifting Sands, Pali, Phenippos, Trigo- Tote; Win, ISs. 3d.; places, 4B, 9d„ 3s, 9d., 5B, 3d. Three; resulted:—Clairvoyant (C, H. Semblat), 1; iion, Pixielated. Tote: Win, 136. 6d.; places, 5s. 6d,. 26s., two. {Lttwson.) Actor (R. Brethes), 2; Galloway (P. Herve) 3. 4s. 6d. Short, head; one. (Persse.) 4 30.—CONWAY (0. Thwaltes), 1; SCOTCH WOOD­ FIRE AT RACING STABLES 3.30-—MAINSPRING (O. Nicoll), 1; ETHLAND (T. COCK (H. Blackshaw), 2; JUNE ROSE (E. Smith). 3. Weston), 2; FARMER GILES (P. Maher}, 3. Betting: Betting: 7 Film, Silkstone. 8 Memento II, Delete, Fallier 2 Farmer Giles, 9-2 Queen Bee, 8 MAINSPRING. Grey Christmas, Scotch Woodcock. 10 Vole, Corrin Cottage, June Fire broke out on Saturday at the Savllle INCHKEITH DOUBTFUL Monarch, Warrior Bold, Clam, Ethlet, 100-8 Clematis, San Rose, Arago, 100-8 CONWAV, 100-7 Bibury, 20 Fooligne, Sebastian, 20 Cloton, Live Spark. Ethland, Cupidity, Gol­ Hiker, Hussar, Velocity. Tote: Win, 28s. 9(1,; places, House stables, at Newmarket, occupied by Mr. den Fen, Probably Not, Thwarted. Tote; Win, 14s,; places 8s. 9d., 9s., 68. Short head; same. (Botlerill.) Hugh Powney. The outbreak was confined EO Inchkeith, who is trained by Matt Peacock. 4s. 9d., 19s. 9d-, 48 Short head; same. {C. Waugh.) 5.0.-BOUILLABAISSK (C. Smiike). 1; RAMAYANA H a hay loft next to a range of horse stalls, and is a doubtful starter for the Royal Hunt Cup. 4.0-0'GRADY (W. Sibbritt). 1; SALOPETTE (B, (E. Smith), 2; MAIM MAST (S. Donoghue), 3. Betting: it was not necessary to remove the horses. At the last call-over he was on offer at 25 to 1. Lynch}, 2; ZION (G. Richards), 3. Betting: 5-2 Lost I3-g Ramayana II, 5-2 BOUILLABAISSE, 6 Main Mast-, Scent, 7-2 O'GRADY, Zion, 4 Salopette, 10 Tcingatu, 100-8 100-8 Gold Gainsglass, Brayhead, Stratetta, Anita, 20 Eigg, 20 Reformer. Tote: Win, 15s. 6d.; places, 4B. fcd-, Colourful, Happy Blue Bird c, Cheese-Eye, Sir Pomm, 3s. 6d., 29. 9d Neck; neck. (F. Bullock.) Arnold II, Acterina, Wortley. Tote; Win, "Is. 6d.; places, 2s. 9d.. 3s-, 3s, 6d. One; one and half. (Frank Ilntters.) 4.30-J'ACCOURa. (G. Richards), 1; PONDRA (J. Sirelt), 2; HIGH PRESSURE (C. Richards}, 3. Betting: 5.30.-PUNTA PLADCA {Carslake}, I; MING (J. Gill), MERE 4-7 J'ACCOURS, 11-4 Pondra, 100-8 High Pressure, 100-6 2; PERRIWELL (P. Beasley}, 3. Betting: 13-8 Otero. fiBour WIS PL^ce William Tel!, 20 Sir Bertie. Lemonorca, My Coral. Tote: 7-4 PUNTA PLADCA, 5 Mine, PcrriwcU. Tote: Win, Ruggles Win, 2s. 9d.; places, 2s. 3(1,, 2s. 3d., 2B. 6d. Three; three. 5s. 9d. Forecast.—498. Three; one and halt. (Lambton.) (Beatty.} Tote Double—£26 9s. (78 tickets}. Tote Ooublg.—£6 17a. (321 tickets}.

bOBSN'T UDOK AS WOUQH NB '^{/BRV SATiSFACTORV /A/l>£BP JTCLEAM ^' couLt> Qer ou£ MOR£ GOEST m ^OULO CLBAf^ OP /OP^—kUV A PRE7TV PENNY /Aii_ ff^^sE /A/7& -ms BUILXHNG^ av 701>AV/ ^f^OPiE AR£ cmr, Mi> ^ /NU/TBD FREE/-' Sf x.-^. / ^^^ ^ . —