The Case of Cherax Destructor in Coastal Drainages of New South
CRUSTACEAN RESEARCH, SPECIAL NUMBER 7: 5–13, 2012 4 ET AL. Barbaresi, S., 2002. Ranging and burrowingJ. C. LELAND Research, 31: 693–700. behaviour of the red swamp crayfish in an Riek, E. F., 1951. The freshwater crayfish (family Potential threats posed by a translocated crayfish: the case invaded habitat: the onset of hibernation. Parastacidae) of Queensland, with an appendix of Cherax destructor in coastal drainages of New South Freshwater Crayfish, 13: 330–337. describing other Australian species. Records of Harlioğlu, M. M. & Harlioğlu, A. G., 2006. Threat the Australian Museum, 22: 368–388. Wales, Australia of non–native crayfish introductions into Turkey: Timms, B. V., 1982. Coastal Dune Waterbodies of global lessons. Reviews in Fish Biology and North–eastern New South Wales. Australian Fisheries, 16: 171–181. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 33: Horwitz, P., 1990. The translocation of freshwater 203–22. crayfish in Australia: potential impact, the need Willmott, W. F., 1986. Rocks and landscapes of the Jason Coughran and Garry Daly for control and global relevance. Biological Gold Coast hinterland: geology and excursions Conservation, 54: 291–305. in the Albert and Beaudesert Shires. Geological Kailola, P., Williams, M., Stewart, P., Reichelt, Society of Australia (Qld. Division), Brisbane, Abstract.—The yabby, Cherax destructor, is virtually all coastal drainage systems in R., McNee, A. & Grieve, C., 1993. Australia’s Queensland, 38 pp, ISBN 0–959223–35–5. endemic to inland waterways of south–eastern NSW is of great concern to the protection Fisheries Resources. Bureau of Resource Wingfield, M., 2002. An overview of the Australian Australia. However, as a result of aquaculture and management of the indigenous fauna of Sciences and the Fisheries Research and freshwater crayfish farming industry.
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