Since it’s an inception in the early 1970’s, Opening hours Contact details the Skukuza Indigenous Nursery has built up an impressive collection of , Mon - Fri: 7am - 4pm Meurel Baloyi shrubs, and succulent that occurs within Sat – Sun: 8am – 4pm Nursery Manager SKUKUZA (closed at 1pm-2pm) 060 8220 803 the Kruger National park and surrounds. Open all public holidays INDIGENOUS The nursery only uses locally collected except Christmas Day seeds and material for both nursery stock and research purposes. Visitors Email: [email protected]

NURSERY are welcome to come and browse through the nursery and see the variety of indigenous available.

At the Nursery

 Choose from over 200 species of indigenous plants suitable for both Highveld and Lowveld conditions  Plant identification service for KNP plant  Advice on suitable plants for any sized garden  Advise on water wise gardening  Seedling and smaller plants for bonsai

 Large trees in 20 litre bags To get to the nursery, simply follow signs from  Well known indigenous favourites including Skukuza along Paul Kruger Gate Road (H11) – the Impala Lily, Kudu Lily and the Baobab we are next to the Skukuza Golf Course  Great birding opportunities on the wetland Board Walk  Quotes on large orders for landscaping/ new gardens Cape Ash Ekebergia capensis Coral (has thorns) lysistemon Wild Data Palm Phoenix reclinata Plants Indigenous Drought Resistant Quinine tree Rauvolfia cafffra Natal Mahogany Trichilia emetic We hope you enjoy your visit to Skukuza Indigenous Nursery. We are often asked to Common Name Scientific Name Tassel Berry Antidesma venosum recommend trees and shrubs for different Impala Lily Andenium multiflorum Toad Tree Tabernaemontana elegans situations, so we have compiled a list of plant for Kudu Lily Pachypodium saudersii most common situation. There are plenty of other Sickle Bush (has thorns) Dichrostachys cinerea suitable plants available at the nursery including Weeping Boer-bean Schotia brachypetala ground covers and flowering shrubs. We Pride-of-De-kaap Bauhinia galpinnii Sjambok Pod Cassia abbreviate encourage all our visitors to plant indigenous plants in their garden as they are better suited to our Weeping Wattle Peltophorum africanum South African climate and add value to the habitat Apple Philenoptera violaceae by creating homes and food source for insects, White Seringa Kirkia acuminate birds and mammals Baobab Adnsonia digitata Bird Attracting Red Bush willow Combretum apiculatum Frost Resistant Scented Thorn (thorns) Acacia nilotica Common Name Scientific Name Gingerbush Tetradenia riparia Jackalberry Diopyros mespiliformis Common Names Scientific Name Marula Sclerocarya birrea Monkey Pod Senna petersiana Coral tree (has thorns) Erythrina lysistemon Lowveld bitter-tea Vernonia colorata Brown ivory Barchemia discolour Tree wisteria Bolusanthus speciosus All Aloe species Mitzeeri Bridelia micrantha Anna Tree (has thorns) Faidherbia albida Fast Growing Climbing Num-num Carissa edulis Fever Tree Acacia xanthophloea Kei-apple (thorns) Dovyalis caffra Natal Laburnum Calpurnia aurea Common Names Scientific Names Cape Ash Ekebergia capensis Umbrella Thorn Acacia tortilis Pigeonwood Trema oriemtalis Jacket-plum Pappea capensis Lowveld Cluster leaf Terminalia prunioides Knobbly fig Ficus sansibarica Nyalaberry tree Xanthocercis zambesiaca Mountain Karee Searsia leptodictya Common wild fig Ficus Burkei Snuff Box Tree Oncoba spinosa Jacket Plum Pappea capensis Sycamore fig Ficus sycomorus Water berry Syzygium cordatum Bushveld Gardenia Gardenia volkensi Mitzeeri Bridelia micrantha Flamecreeper Combretum microphyllum Natal Bluebush Diospyros lyciodes Propeller tree Gyrocarpus americanus Sausage Tree Kigelia africana Wild Olive Oleo europeae Wild mango Cardyla africana Fig tree Ficus species Kei Apple (has thorns ) Dovyalis caffra Fever tree (has thorns) Acacia xanthophloea Coral tree (thorn) Erythrina species Buffalo thorn Ziziphus mucronata Sunbird bush Metarungia longistrobus