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Creek Water Tainted An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE The Best of Newark, The growing pre ence of Bl religion in sport , Cl 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Volume 130, Issue 51 udel. edu May 11, 2004 Newark High School student fatally shot at party BY TEPHA:\IE A:\DER, E:\ A:\D ·tmck Hechter, who was standing near the felon). possession or a fircann by " pro­ Bcc<.~usc the shootmg ts sttll a poltcc Sl)On and pi<!) ed ltcld hoLke:. and :\IEGA='i SVLLI\'A:\" intended 'tctim. hibited per~on and felon~ theft. m<.~tter. he satd, the school ts not at Iibert\ lacrosse. she satd <;,hL \\Js also a dtstm­ C1T1 \t"ln t:.hton A female resident, a uni' ersity stu­ Cpl. Trac~ Stmp. on of 1'\e,, <trk to comment on the tm estn!atton · !!lltshcd arttst '' h 'n an J\\ard for her A 17-year-old female ·e,,ark Htgh dent. was a friend of Hechter·s. Stmpson Poltce s<ttd tt is probable the suspect '' Pnnctpal f-lorence ~ Rteman satd ~\ · ork. School student ''as ~hot and killed said. and called 911 after the shot was still m or around Chester I icchtcr \\ <Js a model student and \\as Hcchter \\on a 1ield tockc\ scholar­ Saturday at a small party tn George Read fired. 'T m sure tl ,,·on 't be too long before ''ell liked b: her pcLrs. ship. Rteman o,Jtd ....nd as plannmg to Village on Thompson Ctrcle. '\!ewark Hcchter was transported to he ·s cnpturcd.'' she sat d. ~ She satd she could not comment tf it altcnd colle!!e a ttL• ,;he ..!radua!l!d 111 June. Poltcc satd . Christiana Hospital, he said, where she e\\ atl Poltcc sent out bulletm~ to \\as nonnal for Hecht cr. or am 'itudcnt. to \t the ~school\ p;~z and Jrt fest I\ al The male suspect. 23. of Chester, Pa .. died soon thereafter. other police agcncic. \\ ith the suspect'~ ha\ e been at a part;. at that ht-iur. '\londa\ mght. a tahlc \\a~ de\oted to the auned a ptstol at a male rcstdcnt. but mis­ The suspect fled the scene after steal­ descriptton and picture. Stmpson said. Her death is a sc\ ere loss to the com­ dtspla~ ·of i1er at1work. fired and hot Dtana F Hechler 111 the ing a black Pontiac Sunfire from the OtTictals held n press conference Ill mumt\. Rteman satd Rteman satd she could not recollect chest shortly before 2 a.m., ( apt. 'v\'ilham intended victim, • efosk-., satd, and the car front of the mam entrance to , e\\ ark "i;ltldents arc saddened b\ the loss." if an\ student ll01n :-\c\\ ark Hi !!It School Ncfosk\ said. has since been reco\·cred in Chester, Pa. High Schoo) :V1onclay to address the she satd. "and facult\ and stati' arc \\Ork­ has C\Cr being killed from a 'hllOtin!!. Th"e suspect was angl} because the Police are till earching for the sus­ shootinJ. ing hand m hand... • Student-;~are \\ orkmg to coord11~atc a man was dating a ,,·oman he had dated pect. Freeman William ·. director of sec­ ~ Rtcman satd extra counselors \\Ould candleltght \ i!!tl 111 Hcchtcr·, meml1riam. pre\ iously, he said. e\\ark Police ha\'e obtained '' ar­ onclar) education. said the Chnsttana be pn)\ tded to help students cope \\·ith she said~ ~ He pointed the ptstol at his mtended rants for first-degree murder. po sesston School Distnct "as deeply saddened b) thts traged\. Yictim. but the man backed a\\a\ as the of a firearm during the commission or a this tragedy. H~chtcr ".1s a senior ~ct to graduate suspect tired. efosky s:1td The shot Speaker recalls her Creek role in landmark water school integration tainted B"\ 1\: \TUR' :\ ORESIIER B' KELL\ ~ICHLGH Americans to see her and her fello,,· •tat Rt..jt 't )tafl Rt-por!t'r black classmates acting ci\'ilized and One of the nine black students cho­ dignified on TV everyday. and belie,·ed Recent dtsCO\ cnc' of hi !!It le\ cb of bacten a on!!mating from hurn.m sc\\ sen to integrate Central Htgh School in it helped shatter stereotypes. ~we tound tn Pike l rcck-ha\e cau eel alann ,mJ Little Rock. Ark .• m 1957~had no idea "The only black chtld Amencans a she would be participating in one of the had ever seen was Buckwheat." he need 1\.ll· ne\\ updated -.e" er sy,tcms. most stgntficant and ,·olatile racial con­ said. The Department o 3tural Re-.nun:~:s fltcts m~L".S. histOI) . Trickey said despite their and Em irl'nmcntal Contwl perfllmtcd D. ·A Minmjean Bro'' n Tnckey recount­ restrained behavior, very few tudents testmg on creek '' ater Ill dctenmne '' hether the b;ctena "as coming fi·om humans or am­ ed l1er e"<perience~ "' one of the "Little or teacher5 did anything to help her and mals ROt:k ;-;inc" to :lpproxtmately 150 peo­ her eight black friends acclimate. Sam ~hoda. Jn ~.:ngmccr fix\\ ilter,hed ple 111 a speech Thursday night. '·There was no way of telling who A ·sessment.- a section the Dl\ tsion of She said the nine inadvertently was opposed and who wasn't because THE RE\ IEW Je ,JC,t Duome ~of made htstof\ \\hen thev 'olunteered to e\eryone was hiding.'' Minnijean Brown Trickey, one of the nine students who took part \\'ater Resources for D:\Rfl. satd II­ pies of the '' Jter were taken ('\era p.:riod of transfer from thetr all-bhck htgh school · She said most people at the school in the landmark integration of a Little Rock, Ark., high school in li\e da\s. to the all-whttc Central High School in behaved as tf she did not exist. but pies ''ere LJken Pike Creek order to comply \\ tth the Supreme some physically and 'erbally harassed 1957, recalls her experience with segregation. ~-am fmm and other~ were taken ftlll11 J contr,ll 1-!ree.k. Court's order to integrate 'ichools. her. Each black student was as ignecl a and Yerbal harassment, Tricke\ stmck nes that ttme has made people forget he satd. The sample-. ''ere then kstcd .md "I was that stu-ptd.'' she satd. "[ Guard m.::mbcr to accompany him or back. · the sordid history of segregation. compared Ill the l:lbmatot). was one of those people who stgned my her dunng the school day for protec­ When she \\as m the lunch ltne. a "It can nc\ er be said that the stOf\' "T\\enty-se\cn per~.cnt ot the bat.:tcrin name ... tion. group of male students taunted her with ts cxa!!gerated:· she satd. · !rom Ptke <..reek \\,h ti·om human '.:!\\age Tnckcy satd although she expected "I lo\ cd my guard," she said. ractal slurs, she said. She snapped <tnd S~71dra Brooks. a teacher at source-.." .\1\llda said. •·.md the wntrol cre~k the '' hitc students would ha\ c stereo­ "People tended not to spit on me as flung her entire lunch trav. includmg a Bancroft Acadcm\ Ill \\'ilmington. satd hJd lcs~ thatt 2 percent of human sCI\ age." types ·1bout black students, she ne,er much ''hen he was with me... bowl of chili. onto the bo)·s. ~ she brought three of her studet7ts to hear Creek \\ atcr is momtorcd on a regular e. peLted the conlltct that ensued "hen Trickey's deciswn to enroll in 'The workers. who were all black. Tnckev to teach them about the htston. ba''"· but the D0lA tcstnH! \\Us takmi 11 a ~he and the ei!!ht other black students Central High chool affected the rest of got up and clapped." she , aid. "There of seiregatton and also hO\\ to de<il step fi.trthcr. he sat d. Ptkc ( ..reck "as tat=gcted enrolled. - her famtlv.- she said were about fi\·e guvs covered \\ ith \\ tth confliCt in school. because tl \\a, thought th.n local -.ewer s~ , _ The -school board published the On the fir't da\ of school. ''hen chili." - - "I want to help them understand tems were atrcctuw the'' ncr mobs of angr) parents blocked her names and addresses of the nine black The chtli incident. along '' ith a hO\\ to rcsoh c tssucs. and that vou can Allen \Iulie;. CXeCUtl\ e dtrectllr of entrance. Trid.:e\ said she realized she students in the local newspaper. trigger­ verbal altercation after a female student make it and be ~ucces~ful. " ~he .satd. Circcn Dela\\are .ud the C\\cr s~stem prob­ had stepped mto" to the center of a con­ ing harassment or her family after threw a purse full of combination locks Brooks satd she tdcnttfied \\ ith lem ts JUst one c. amplt: ,1f ho\\ Dela\\are stitutiOnal cnsts and was shocked b) school hours. at her. led to Trickey's expulsion from Tnckcv\ :>ton and recalled gom!! to an does not protect th \\atcr quilh~. what the protesters \\ere saying to her. Her house \vas constantly vandal­ Central High. a JJ _,, h;te school 111 Delaware and feel­ "It lms been knO\\ n for a Ion!! time that "! didn't dare tum around:· she ized, and her father, who was a land­ She said she knew it was ine\ ttable mg ltkc an ouucler. the pnmtti\·e sC\\ cr s;. stems need change:· sat d. "I hadn't heard a lot of those scaper, stopped receiving job offers io that she would be ktckecl out. ~ Ron \\'hittmgton. spcctal asststant he said.
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