The Geology and Production History of the Uranium-Vanadium Deposits In

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The Geology and Production History of the Uranium-Vanadium Deposits In THE GEOLOGY AND PRODOCTION HISTORY OF THE URANIUM - VANADIUM DEPOSITS IN THE LUKACHUKAI MOUNTAINS, APACHE COUNTY ARIZONA by William L. Chenoweth Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-19 September 1988 Arizona Geological Survey 416 W. Congress, Suite #100, Tucson, Arizona 85701 This report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for conformity with Arizona Geological Survey standards TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract••••• ............... ............... 1 Introduction•••••••••••.•••••• 2 Location and accessibility. 2 Geography and topography ••• ..... 4 Climate, vegetation and water resources. 4 Land status••••• ...... 8 Mining methods. 9 Previous work •• ...... 10 Acknowledgements•• ......... 10 General geology•••••••••••••••• 10 Stratigraphy adn sedimentary rocks. ... 12 Triassis strata. 12 Jurassic strata•• 12 Cretaceous strata••••• .... ..... 17 Tertiary strata•• 17 Igneous rocks •• 18 Structure••• .. 18 Regional ••••••.•••• . 18 Local •••• ................ 20 Uranium-vanadium deposits••.••• 22 Host rocks. 22 Lithology •• .... 22 Ore geometry•• ........... 23 Ore distribution•••.•.••••..•• 25 Mineralogy. ...... .......... 26 Ore guides. ...................... 27 Sources of the uranium and vanadium. 28 Summary ••••••••••••• ... 29 AEC drilling projects. 29 Introduction•••••••• .... 29 Project activities. ...... 32 Summary ••••••••••••••••• 34 Production history•.•••• .......................... 36 Historical background. ..... 36 Earlyactivities.•• .. 38 The Kerr-McGee era. .. ..... 43 VCA the final years. 51 References. .. .. 55 Appendix •••• ...................... 62 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Page 1. Index map of the Four Corners region••••••••.• 3 2. Aerial photo looking northeasterly across the Lukachukai Mountains showing AEC drill roads and mine access roads••••••.•••••••••••• 5 3. Mine location map, Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County, Arizona•••••••••••••••••••.•••. 6 4. Mesa II, Mine 1 P-2l, No.3 level map •••••.••• 11 5. Tectonic map, Four Corners region•.••••••••••• 19 6. Typical ore occurrence, Camp and Mesa III Mines .............•...•.............. 24 7. Uranium production Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County, Arizona••••••••••.•••••.•••••.• 40 8. Navajo mines with burro tramming ore, Frank No.1 Mine .............•................ 61 TABLES 1. Names of mines shown on figure 3 .••••••••••••• 7 2. Summary of drilling statistics, AEC projects Lukachukai Mountains, Arizona••••••••••••••••• 31 3. Details of uranium-vanadium production, Lukachukai Mountains, Apache County, Arizona •• 55 4. AEC reports resulting from exploration in the Lukachukai Mountains••.•••••.••••••••••••• 62 THE GEOLOGY AND PRODUCTION HISTORY OF THE URANIUM - VANADIUM DEPOSITS IN THE LUKACHUKAI MOUNTAINS, APACHE COUNTY ARIZONA By William L. Chenoweth ABSTRACT Uranium-vanadium deposits have been discovered and mined in the Lukachukai Mountains, a high, rugged northwest spur of the Chuska Mountains in northeastern Arizona. All of the economic deposits are in the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation of Jurassic age. Ore bodies occur some 30 to 80 feet above the base of the Salt Wash which is roughly the middle half of the member. All of the significant deposits are located in a well-defined belt which trends nearly north-south across the southeast end of the moun­ tains. This belt accounts for 99.6 percent of the total produc­ tion and includes an area of 6.5 square miles. The ore bodies are elongate and horizontally lenticular in shape and consist of one or more ore pods surrounded or separated by protore. The composite length of ore bodies consisting of two or more ore pods separated by protore ranges up to 1,100 feet; individual ore pods range up to 350 feet in length. The length is usually at least three times the width and is parallel to paleostream depositional trends measured in and near the ore bodies. Thicknesses of the ore bodies range from 1 to 22 feet. Claystone and/or siltstone beds nearly always underlie and frequently overlie the host sandstone units. Ore occurs most commonly in trough-type, cross-stratified sand­ stone which fills scours and channels in the underlying claystone. Lithofacies maps and mine mapping show that ore bodies are restricted to areas of rapid lateral color change which, in general, are also areas of rapid change in the ratio of mudstone to sandstone. It is common for the elongation of ore pods to deviate from the paleostream depositional trend and parallel the prominent joint set. This feature suggests some redistribution of the ore. Tyuyamunite, the calcium uranium vandate, is the most common ore mineral. It occurs irregularly disseminated, concentrated in lenses, or distributed in bands. It may fill the sand interstices, or only coat sand grains, or it may replace calcite and carbon. Due to the remoteness of the mountains, the deposits were not discovered until 1949. Since this was a new district in the Salt Wash, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission was interested in devel­ oping the uranium resources of the area. Between September 1950 and August 1955, 1,835 holes with a total footage of 374,198 feet were drilled in the Lukachukai Mountains. This drilling was highly successful and greatly aided mining companies in developing minable ore reserves. Mining of the deposits commenced in the spring of 1950 and contin­ ued until early 1968. During this 19 year period, some 53 individ­ ual mines produced 724,754 tons of ore that averaged 0.24 percent U308 and 1.02 percent V205 and contained 3,483,231 pounds of U308 and 14,729,693 pounds V205 • Kerr-McGee Oil Indus­ tries, Inc. acquired properties in the mountains in 1952 and was the leading producer until 1963, at which time their holdings were acquired by the Vanadium Corporation of America. INTRODUCTION Location And Accessibility The Lukachukai Mountains are located on the Navajo Indian Reserva­ tion in northeastern Apache County, Arizona. The Navajo community of Cove, Ar izona, including a day school and trading post, is located at the northeastern foot of the mountains (fig. 1). Cove is reached by traveling south from Shiprock, New Mexico, seven miles on U. S. Highway 666 to Tribal Highway No. 13 and then west 23 miles to Red Rock Trading Post. A graveled road continues southwest 13 miles to Cove. Unimproved dirt roads to the mines and drilling areas in the mountains. Haulage distances f rom the mines to Cove range from 4 to 13 miles. An airstrip suitable for light planes is located 2~ airlines miles northeast of Cove. 2 ~~"',... ""," ~_~(--=:;';ilt\ll" ....._....,,' ~-~- ~ ~; Sonsela euites • '-......'- ~ , _.... • .,. ' ~"'IIIJI~'_,' "'~ ......~~l"'~. ,/'/ ~'~~,~_. af:;~ ~;'}'~I'\~ • I /~ . ~"'-~ ~ -.... S<JntOStee ~'~ ·'1,,,lt\ , ~ .. ~ ,~ --" ~/ll"- .,'~'e:-' .- ,-4. : ,.,.... ~ '0 -i:t.:I1\' ~l _ ~ \. -~~ , ",- .;" " '.. .,,_,- - ~ -" 7':7 ~ \ ~~ .~ .~~~' ,,::::' ~_ ~ ~ ~ t , \ .... ' ~ee.u.tlfu.J o ~-,..-"'.,..,."tCli" ; \,-... ~,,"':-"- ",~~\\" / ~- _,- ----, -I; ~I.·.... ,~ ~ ,..\\\~ , '\. "" " .,/ I ': •••:;..:1·\,......... \.\.\: _ , .. __ ....... ~ r/ Itllh\\~':III\\\t'.·,f. ~ _.... ~ "'- I \ \Ship"oc;k S.... 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" ~.. ~ ~ y ~ " ~ ~lir " ~I w~:~#..._ .' ,; Sketch of the Four Corners region showing the location of the Lukachukai Mountains. Kenneth G. Hatfield, 1953. SAN COUNTY UT H ARIZONA ...~ .l@ .........__r:::;.:::;;- SHIPROCK Newcomb • 01246 8 10 I !, , ! I I APPROX. MILES APACHE COUNTY Figure I. Index map of the Four Corners Region 3 Geography And Topography The Lukachukai Mountains are the northwestern spur of the Chuska Mountains and Buffalo Pass separates them from the main mountain mass (fig. 1). "Lukachukai" is a Navajo word meaning "patches of white reeds" and no doubt refers to the many lakes occurring on the main flat-topped ridge of the mountains. The elevation of this ridge is about 8,800 feet above sea
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    TOC Page | 61 NAVAJO MOUNTAIN VOLE (MICROTUS MOGOLLONENSIS) Navajo/Federal Statuses: NESL G4 / not listed under the ESA. Distribution: Range of M.mogollonensis is AZ, NM and Mexico with small populations in southern UT, CO, and TX. M.m.navaho range extends from Williams, AZ to Mesa Verde, CO, including four locations on Navajo Nation: Navajo Mountain, Black Mesa, Defiance Plateau, and Chuska Mountains. Habitat: Typically occupy dry grassy vegetation in conifer forests, with variations including: dense prostrate shrub patches in ponderosa pine forests (Navajo Mountain); monotypic sagebrush stands, thick grasses in greasewood/ desert-olive stands and juniper stands, shrubby tamarisk thickets and chained pinyon and juniper woodlands (Black Mesa); and clear-cut pine flats with regenerating grasses and scattered oak (Chuska Mountains). Ground cover vegetation is necessary. Similar Species: Clethrionomys gapperi has reddish fur on dorsum; Microtus montanus and M. longicaudus have slightly longer tails and four pair of mammary glands. Phenology: m.APR-l.AUG: pregnancy, birthing, lactating of young e.SEP-m.APR: non-breeding season Survey Method: t1 pedestrian survey for habitat evaluation and presence of runways; species identification requires live-trapping. Avoidance: No activity (year-round) within 60 m of occupied habitat that could result in destruction of burrows/runways and take of individuals. References: Frey, J.K. and C.T. LaRue. 1993. Notes on the distribution of the mogollon vole (Microtus mogollonensis) in New Mexico and Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 38:176-178. Hoffmeister, D.F. 1986. Mammals of Arizona. University of Arizona Press. (description p.441). Spicer, R.B. 1987. Status of the Navajo Mountain Mexican vole (Microtus mexicanus navaho Benson) along the Arizona-Utah border.
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  • Navajo Nation Species Accounts
    TOC Page |i PREFACE: NESL SPECIES ACCOUNTS Welcome to Version 4.20 of the Navajo Nation Endangered Species List Species Accounts which were produced to accompany The Navajo Nation’s February 13, 2020 revision to the Navajo Endangered Species List. The order of Accounts follows the February 2020 revision of the NESL, a copy of which is enclosed for reference. These Accounts were developed and distributed by the Navajo Natural Heritage Program, of the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife, to help planners and biologists answer basic questions about species of concern during project planning. Your constructive comments are encouraged. Species Accounts are preliminary tools for project planning. Their target audiences are project planners, and biologists not familiar with: 1) species’ life histories and habitat in this region; and 2) Tribal and Federal protection requirements. Their purpose is to provide clear-cut information so that basic questions can be answered early in the planning process. Therefore, they should be reviewed as soon as potential species for the project area are identified. Accounts will prove useful early in the planning process, but they should be used as a quick-reference anytime. If protected species are found then more research and likely coordination with the Department will be necessary. At the end of each account is a short bibliography for planning the details of surveys, and answering more in-depth questions. For planning surveys and developing avoidance/mitigation measures, Accounts no longer distinguish between required and recommended activities; i.e. the terms ‘suggested survey method’ or ‘recommended avoidance’ are not used in V 4.20.
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