J of Technology, first published online July 24, 2020 as doi:10.2967/jnmt.120.246132

Title: Cholescintigraphy for Differentiation of True Duodenal Obstruction Versus Pseudo Obstruction

Running title: Same

Disclaimer: None

Word count: 425


1) Paul Rodrigue, MD

Department of , St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Email: [email protected]

2) Pankaj Nepal, MD

Department of Radiology, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Email: [email protected]

3) Richard Assaker, MD

Department of Radiology, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Email: [email protected]

Corresponding author:

Paul Rodrigue, MD

Department of Radiology, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA 06606

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 475-2106054

Fax: 475-210-5328

Conflict of interest: None

Source of funding: none

Compliant to ethical standards.

Acknowledgement: We acknowledge our patients, the great source of learning.

The institutional review board (IRB or equivalent) approved this retrospective study and the requirement to obtain informed consent was waived.


We present a case of a 51-year-old female with bilious vomiting and right upper

quadrant . Hepatobiliary scan showed lack of radiotracer transit to the

small bowel with mild reflux into the . Giving the patient a small amount of

water prior to obtaining delayed imaging was successful in excluding true duodenal

obstruction secondary to variant anatomy such as malrotation.


A 51-year-old female presented with upper abdominal pain, bilious vomiting, and

possible wall thickening on recent . Abdominal Computed

(CT) (Fig. 1) performed during same emergency room visit demonstrated a large calculus in the

neck of the gallbladder compressing the adjacent . Immediately after the

intravenous administration of 214.6 MBq (5.8 mCi) Tc-99m mebrofenin the patient was

imaged over 60 minutes (Fig. 2).

Images demonstrate normal uptake and excretion of radiotracer by the .

Radiotracer is visualized within the gallbladder and common by 10 minutes

post radiotracer injection. At approximately 25 minutes incidental reflux into the

stomach is visualized. No bowel activity distal to the common bile duct was visualized

within the first 60 minutes of imaging. The patient consumed approximately 4 ounces

of water orally at the conclusion of the initial imaging and was sent back to her hospital room. Subsequently, the patient returned 120 minutes later for delayed images 3 hours following radiotracer injection. Delayed images in the anterior projection demonstrates radiotracer activity throughout the small bowel and into the ascending colon excluding true small bowel obstruction and making the in the neck of the gallbladder responsible for this pseudo obstruction. DISCUSSION

99mTc-mebrofenin (bromo-2, 4, 6-trimethylacetanilido iminodiacetic acid) is a radiotracer administered intravenously, commonly used to trace the production and flow of bile through the biliary system into the . For timely visualization of the gallbladder in adults, minimum of 2 hours and preferably 6 hours fasting is necessary before administration of the radiotracer. However, fasting longer than 24 hours, such as seen in morbidly ill hospitalized patient including those on total parenteral nutrition, can cause diagnostic pitfall with non-visualization of the gallbladder. In such cases, patient may be pretreated with sincalide.

Opioid medications also interfere with interpretive accuracy, which can be minimized by delaying the study for up to 4 half-lives of the medication. If needed opoid effect can be reversed with naloxone hydrochloride. (1)

Nuclear studies using oral have previously been shown useful for imaging transit of a food bolus through the . In this instance, we offer cholescintigraphy as an alternative method for excluding true small bowel obstruction. Numerous gastrointestinal pathologies have long been described using cholescintigraphy (2,3). Given history of bilious vomiting, hepatobiliary scan may differentiate between acute , acute proximal GI tract obstruction, or other undiagnosed condition such as malrotation (4,5). After consultation with the radiology department, the decision was made to order a HIDA scan which would offer a high sensitivity and specificity for evaluation of both of these conditions (6,7). Giving the patient a small amount of water orally may help to differentiate between true upper gastrointestinal obstruction or pseudo obstruction as in this case.

Delayed image at 3 hours (Fig.3) following initial injection of radiotracer demonstrates transit of radiotracer throughout the small bowel and into the proximal colon. Subsequently, the patient was taken to the operating room for laparoscopic . Conflicts of interest— "No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article exist."

Source of funding: none

Compliant to ethical standards. The institutional review board (IRB or equivalent) approved this retrospective study and the requirement to obtain informed consent was waived.

Acknowledgement: We acknowledge our patients, the great source of learning.


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6) Chandramouly BS, Burgess CK, Vaccaro RM. Diagnostic significance of unusual small intestinal pattern on technetium-99m DISIDA hepatobiliary imaging studies.

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Figure 1. Abdominal CT performed earlier during same emergency room visit demonstrated a large calculus in the neck of the gallbladder compressing the adjacent duodenum.

Figure 2. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy images after the intravenous administration 5.8 mCi Tc-

99m mebrofenin. A) Normal uptake and excretion of radiotracer by the liver along with gallbladder and common bile duct by 10 minutes post radiotracer injection. B) At approximately

25 minutes, incidental reflux into the stomach is visualized. C) No bowel activity distal to the common bile duct was visualized at 60 minutes following radiotracer injection.

Figure 3. Delayed image at 3 hours following initial injection of radiotracer demonstrates transit of radiotracer throughout the small bowel and into the proximal colon.