Background to Stanwix Hospital and Alms-Houses
Background to Stanwix Hospital and Alms - houses The familiar red - brick terrace of small hou ses, in their own grounds, has stood in Kickham Street, Thurles, since 1889. Colloquially known in Thurles as “The Widows’ Homes”, their official title is “The Stanwix Hospital and Alms - houses”. The first residents , ten widows, moved in at the beginning of September 1890. There was a M atron to supervise, and by the end of 1898 the 2 nd phase of the complex was completed, with the addition of a further 8 houses. Ever since, they have provided sheltered housing for women in retirement, faithful to th e vision of the founder Emma Sla ughter Stanwix. Emma Stanwix , an English woman, an absente e Landlord, a private and reserved lady, an arti st, lived for many years in Versailles, France. S he i nherited her estate of 14 town s - lands in Moycarkey p arish from her father Thomas Sla ughter Stanwix, a high - ranking Officer in the English army. Wilson’s Di rectory lists Shanbally Castle, near Moycarkey, as the residence of Thomas Sla ughter Stanwix , though he rarely, if ever, lived there. Away on army duties, he was commissioned a s Lieutenant - General in 1806 . Going further back in history, during the Cromwellian Wars (1649 - ’52 ) , Cromwell and his forces spent over six months in Mid Tipperary. His cannon shelled Moycarkey Castle, doing considerable damage. Moycarkey Castle was the home of the Cantwell family, An glo - Normans, at the time. William and John Cantwell held substantial lands, and these were confiscated in the Cromwellian Plantation (1653).
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