Lquise Forestier
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Tuition .Increase Threatened Again! M. Drache ed by the rector of the University of Ottawa, sible revision. The report is a hot item the universities and a 15% increase in aid On Jan. 30, the Council of Ontario Univer Roger Guindon presented a report which is and very controversial. Next week, I hope could probably mean free tuition for all sities met in the Robarts. Library in Toron highly dangerous to the interests of all to present a more detailed analysts of the students, instead millions are given to cor to. The principal item of discussion was a students. In it the Committee came out in whole report. The 25% tuition increase is the porate welfare clients in grants, foregivable report prepared by a subcommittee of-the favour of a 25% tuition hike and the ter main thing however, because what the univer loans and tax breaks. Council, the, Special Committee to Assess mination of all student grants to be re sities are doing is putting a special tax However, I believe as students become yniversity Policy and Plans. Approximately placed by a loan only plan. Obviously the on students to make up for financial defi- aware of this vicious tax that the leaders 40 people attended the Council meeting com Council of Ontario Universities is a very cits they have incurred. At present, Uni of our universities wish to impose on the posed of university presidents and academ prestigious and powerful policy-making or versities and other post-secondary institu backs of students, that the idea will be ic colleagues, with 2 of each from every ganization; it represents the top leadership tions receive $651 million in assistance. shelved permanently. school. Dr. Evans, president of U. of T. of all universities in the province of Onta Tuition plays a minor role in financing is the chairman of the Coun.cil, a body which rio. At the moment, the report of the meets approximately 6 times a year. At Special Committee has been returned to this meeting, the Spec.ial Committee head-:- committee for further discuss10n and pos-: your blood -the gift of life RED CROSS BLOOD DONIOR CLINIC to be held thurs. feb'.5 , . In I. c. r. FREE coffee + cookies! Parrott Promises Help for Small Universities Thunder Bay (CUP) -- - Ontario Colleges of education down at Lakehead. "How can . and Universities Minister Harry Parrott has we hope to fully develop our value in the la told the province's smaller universities that bour marketplace when our education, which their more expensive practical problems creates that value, is threatened?" should be accepted in "a favourable light". Thunder Bay has some of the "sociologi- Speaking to facultY', staff, and students at .cal attributes of a regional capital, but L<;lkehead University January 26, Parrottsaid does not have the political or economic he could recognize the cultural importance aut~nomy. The role of providing culture of Lakehead in Northwestern Ontario and has been forced upon us," said Tom Miller, promised to "assist them where ever pos a continuing studies representative from the sible". University. But regardless of the problems of fiscal It was felt that Lakehead had been compel restraint "there is plenty of money to main led to operate a satellite campus program tain the institutions of the province," he before a firm home base had been estab VOLUME 15 NUMBER 19 FEBRUARY 4,1976 said. Student representatives voiced the fear that lished, and was suffering financially because economic restraInts would for'ce the quality of it. Staff Note: The following information was taken from the morning edition of The Globe Quebechaud presente: LQuise Forestier and Mail, Monday, February 2.- The Guindon Committee has pr~sented a par Marie - Claire nait son frere) qui est, avec Valiquette et L'Orenoque", ou "Tout le Monde est Mal report to the· Council of Ontario Universi J'aime mieux vous le dire tout de suite: Cousineau, un des meilleurs musiciens au heureux", chansons sublimes entre toutes, on ·ties, recommending that tuition fees be in ~ransporte j'aime ben gros Louise Forestier. Je , Quebec. Le resultat depassa toutes les es- ne peut etre que a I'audition de cet creased up to 25% over thre~ years. pense avec Louis Morin(mon bien-aime perances, car il est en effet difficile pour enregistrement dans les hautes spheres ou The eight member committee, headed by confrere et com-patriote)qu'elle est· une chanteuse dont le nom est accole a flottent de concert l'art et la joie de vivre, University of Ottawa rector Roger Guindon, la meilleure chanteuse de Folklore au Que quelqu'un d'aussi connu que Charlebois de comme tout ce qui est quebecois d'ailleurs includes the presidents of U. ofT. and York bec, (je vais bien faire plaisir au grand faire cavalier seul et de reussir dans un Louise Forestier c'est le fun incarne dans University, and representatives from Water Paquet qu~ ne peut pas sentir Diane Du domaine aussi competitif au Quebec ou, il une bonne femme avec son eternel chale et loo, Western, McMaster, Carleton) and Fresne). - Bon, revenons a un style plus faut bien l'avouer, les debouches sont min- sa voix unique, et voila que notre humble et Laurentian. conforme aux objectifs de Pro Tern -- la , ces et le public restreint. miserable college a le grand honneur d'ac The committee also recommends that uni qualite du fran~ais ayant tout! Faut dire Mon cher ami Jean-Yves m'a fait ecouter cueillir darts ses murs cette grande chan- versities determine their own fees and that que Louise Forestier, c'est la plus belle, le disque de Forestier enregistre au theatre teuse vendredi le 6 fevrier cl 20 heures an all loan system be implemented, rather la plus simple, la meilleure et ... d'Outremont, (en passant, c'est elle qui a Ca va vous couter deux piastres mais laissez thew a part-loan, part-grant system. encore plus. Je ne pourrais pas vous ra donne le coup de pouce decisif a ce haut moi vous dire que ~a vaut la peine en maudit. "Since now and in'the foreseeable future conter sa vie, tout ce que je sais c'est qu' lieu de la chanson quebecoise: pour un prix Quebechaud se, fend en quatre pour vous students will represent a minority of the elle a fait des debuts fulgurants avec Ho derisoire les heureux Montrealais -- tou donner la meilleure qualite de spectaclepos population, it is particularly important as bert Charlebois et L'Osstidchaud en 1967 jours eux-autres -- peuvent aller entendre sible, venez donc en masse, amenez vos recognized by the special program review en chantant "Lindbergh" et "California". tous les grand noms de I'heure dans cet chums anglais, ils vont aimer ~a , que dis (the Henderson report) that they as benefici Par la su. elle se separa deCharlebois immense theatre reserve a la culture des je, ils vont adorer ~a. Et apres, bien sur, aries pay a fair share of the total cost." pour finalement s 'associer a Claude LaFrance masses.) ...Avec la voix de Forestier qui il y aura un gros party quelque part. See (un petit gars d'Arvida -- Diane Gagnon con- chante "Les Bleus de Paris", "Le Tango de YOU there, and I still love you dearly. Forestier: the best singer: What's Inside In the humble opinion of the authoress ofthe accompanying article (en fran~ais), Louise Forestier is the best singer of French Cana dian music. She is the most beautiful, the most natural, the most - but she's even more! She made her exciting debut in Quebec with Robert Charlebois in 1967. Since then she has made quite a reputation for herself, singing with the likes of Claude LaFrance who is, together with Valiquette and Cousineau, one of the best musicians in Quebec. When she sings songs like "Les Bleus de Paris", "Le Tango de l'Orenoque", or "Tout le Monde est Malheureux" one is transported on a cloud right out ofthis world. And now., our hallowed but very humble college has the great honour of presenting pg.2 GCSU this celebrated singer. Be there, -Friday pg.3 Letters February 6th at 8 o'clock. The concert will pg.4 L'Innocent d'Outre-Mer cost you two dollars but will be well worth pg.5 Sports it. Quebechaud has bent over backwards to . pg.6 Winter Weekend Wrap-up give you this the best show of the year. So pg.7 Entertainment come, everyone. There's bound to be a big pg.8 0n Tap party afterwards. A bient6t, et moi aussi, Louise Forestier c'est le fun incarne dans une bonne chanteuse. je vous aime tendrement! 2 PRO TEM February 4, 1976. RADIO GLENDON Highlights of ,(SU Meeting MUSIC FOR AN by Peter Campbell Student Council had a thin turnout resulting OPEN in the postponement of several items of new business. MIND It was announced Monday night thatSTUDENT ELECTIONS are coming up at the end of this month. This was the first announcement and PRO TEM candidates have yet to make themselves known. POSITIONS OPEN Council gave an unconditional thank-you to Anyone interested in the salaried positions Rick Moir for the success ofWinter Weekend. of Editor(s) or Business Manager for the In reply Rick said that without the dedication academic year 1976-1977 should drop )into and professionalism of all those who partici the PRO TEM office in Glendon Hall for pated in the event, Winter Weekend wouldn't details. Anyone interested in the positions have been the success it was. of Photography Editor should also contact Speaking of Cultural Affairs, Greg Deacon us soon.