
Topic 8: and LTI systems

The power spectral density of a WSS random process Response of an LTI system to random Linear MSE estimation

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 1

The function and the rate of change

Consider a WSS random process X(t) with the autocorrelation

function RX ().

If RX () drops quickly with , then process X(t) changes quickly with time: its time samples become uncorrelated over a short period of time.

– Conversely, when RX () drops slowly with , samples are highly correlated over a long time.

Thus RX () is a measure of the rate of change of X(t) with time and hence is related to the response of X(t). – For example, a sinusoidal waveform sin(2ft) will vary rapidly with time if it is at high frequency (large f), and vary slowly at low frequency (small f).

In fact, the of RX () is the average power density over the .

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 2 The power spectral density of a WSS process

The power spectral density (psd) of a WSS random process X(t) is given by the Fourier transform (FT) of its autocorrelation function ∞ j2f SX (f) = RX ()e d ∞ Z

For a discrete-time process Xn, the psd is given by the discrete-time FT (DTFT) of its autocorrelation sequence

n=∞ 1 1 S (f) = R (n)e j2fn , f x x 2 2 n=∞ X Since the DTFT is periodic in f with period 1, we only need to 1 consider |f| 2 .

RX () (Rx(n)) can be recovered from Sx(f) by taking the inverse FT

∞ 1/2 j2f j2fn RX () = SX (f)e df , RX (n) = SX (f)e df ∞ 1 2 Z Z /

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Properties of the power spectral density

SX (f) is real and even

SX (f) = SX (f)

The area under SX (f) is the average power of X(t) ∞ 2 SX (f)df = RX (0) = E[X(t) ] ∞ Z

SX (f) is the average power density, hence the average power of X(t) in the frequency band [f1, f2] is

f1 f2 f2 SX (f) df + SX (f) df = 2 SX (f) df Z f2 Zf1 Zf1

SX (f) is nonnegative: SX (f) 0 for all f. (shown later) In general, any function S(f) that is real, even, nonnegative and has nite area can be a psd function.

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 4 White Band-limited : A zero- WSS process N(t) which has N0 the psd as a constant 2 within W f W and zero elsewhere. – Similar to white containing all in equal amounts. – Its average power is W 2 N0 E[X(t) ] = df = N0W 2 Z W – Its auto- is N0 sin(2W ) R () = = N0W sinc(2W ) X 2 – n For any t, the samples X(t 2W ) for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . are uncorrelated.

S (f) R (τ)=NWsinc(2Wτ) x x



−W W f τ 2/(2W)

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White-noise process: Letting W → ∞, we obtain a white noise process, which has

N0 S (f) = for all f X 2 N0 R () = () X 2 – For a white noise process, all samples are uncorrelated. – The process has innite power and hence not physically realizable. – It is an idealization of physical noises. Physical systems usually are band-limited and are aected by the noise within this band. If the white noise N(t) is a Gaussian random process, then we have

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 6 Gaussian white noise (GWN)






Magnitude −1



−4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time

– WGN results from taking the derivative of the (or the Wiener process). – All samples of a GWN process are independent and identically Gaussian distributed. – Very useful in modeling broadband noise, thermal noise.

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Cross-power spectral density

Consider two jointly-WSS random processes X(t) and Y (t):

Their cross-correlation function RXY () is dened as

RXY () = E[X(t + )Y (t)]

– Unlike the auto-correlation RX (), the cross-correlation RXY () is not necessarily even. However

RXY () = RY,X ()

The cross-power spectral density SXY (f) is dened as

SXY (f) = F{RXY ()}

In general, SXY (f) is complex even if the two processes are real-valued.

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 8 Example: plus white noise Let the observation be

Z(t) = X(t) + N(t)

where X(t) is the wanted signal and N(t) is white noise. X(t) and N(t) are zero-mean uncorrelated WSS processes. – Z(t) is also a WSS process

E[Z(t)] = 0 E[Z(t)Z(t + )] = E [{X(t) + N(t)}{X(t + ) + N(t + )}]

= RX () + RN ()

– The psd of Z(t) is the sum of the psd of X(t) and N(t)

SZ (f) = SX (f) + SN (f)

– Z(t) and X(t) are jointly-WSS

E[X(t)Z(t + )] = E[X(t + )Z(t)] = RX ()

Thus SXZ (f) = SZX (f) = SX (f). ES150 – Harvard SEAS 9

Review of LTI systems Consider a system that maps y(t) = T [x(t)] – The system is linear if

T [x1(t) + x2(t)] = T [x1(t)] + T [x2(t)]

– The system is time-invariant if y(t) = T [x(t)] → y(t ) = T [x(t )]

An LTI system can be completely characterized by its h(t) = T [(t)] – The input-output relation is obtained through ∞ y(t) = h(t) x(t) = h()x(t )d ∞ Z In the frequency domain: The system is the Fourier transform of h(t) ∞ H(f) = F[h(t)] = h(t)e j2ftdt ∞ Z ES150 – Harvard SEAS 10 Response of an LTI system to WSS random signals Consider an LTI system h(t)

X(t) Y(t) h(t)

Apply an input X(t) which is a WSS random process – The output Y (t) then is also WSS ∞

E[Y (t)] = mX h()d = mX H(0) ∞ ∞Z ∞

E [Y (t)Y (t + )] = h(r) h(s) RX ( + s r) dsdr ∞ ∞ Z Z – Two processes X(t) and Y (t) are jointly WSS ∞

RXY () = h(s)RX ( + s)ds = h() RX () ∞ Z – From these, we also obtain ∞

RY () = h(r)RXY ( r)dr = h() RXY () ∞ ES150 – Harvard SEAS Z 11

The results are similar for discrete-time systems. Let the impulse

response be hn

– The response of the system to a random input process Xn is

Yn = hkXnk Xk – The system transfer function is

j2nf H(f) = hne n X – With a WSS input Xn, the output Yn is also WSS

mY = mX H(0)

RY [k] = hj hiRX [k + j i] j i X X

– Xn and Yn are jointly WSS

RXY [k] = hnRX [k + n] n X

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 12 Frequency domain analysis Taking the Fourier transforms of the correlation functions, we have SXY (f) = H (f) SX (f)

SY (f) = H(f) SXY (f) where H(f) is the complex conjugate of H(f). The output-input psd relation 2 SY (f) = |H(f)| SX (f)

Example: White noise as the input. Let X(t) have the psd as

N0 S (f) = for all f X 2 then the psd of the output is

N0 S (f) = |H(f)|2 Y 2 Thus the transfer function completely determines the shape of the output psd. This also shows that any psd must be nonnegative. ES150 – Harvard SEAS 13

Power in a WSS random process

Some signals, such as sin(t), may not have nite energy but can have nite average power. The average power of a random process X(t) is dened as

T 1 2 PX = E lim X(t) dt T →∞ 2T " Z T # For a WSS process, this becomes

T 1 2 PX = lim E[X(t) ]dt = RX (0) T →∞ 2T Z T But RX (0) is related to the FT of the psd S(f). Thus we have three ways to express the power of a WSS process ∞ 2 PX = E[X(t) ] = RX (0) = S(f)df ∞ Z The area under the psd function is the average power of the process.

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 14 Linear estimation

Let X(t) be a zero-mean WSS random process, which we are interested in estimating. Let Y (t) be the observation, which is also a zero-mean random process jointly WSS with X(t) – For example, Y (t) could be a noisy observation of X(t), or the output of a system with X(t) as the input. Our goal is to design a linear, time-invariant lter h(t) that processes Y (t) to produce an estimate of X(t), which is denoted as Xˆ(t)

^ Y(t) X(t) h(t)

– Assuming that we know the auto- and cross-correlation functions

RX (), RY (), and RXY (). To estimate each sample X(t), we use an observation window on Y () as t a t + b. – If a = ∞ and b = 0, this is a (causal) ltering problem: estimating ES150 – Harvard SEAS 15

Xt from the past and present observations.

– If a = b = ∞, this is an innite smoothing problem: recovering Xt from the entire set of noisy observations. The linear estimate Xˆ(t) is of the form a Xˆ(t) = h()Y (t )d Z b Similarly for discrete-time processing, the goal is to design the lter

coecients hi to estimate Xk as a Xˆk = hiYki = iXb Next we consider the optimum linear lter based on the MMSE criterion.

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 16 Optimum linear MMSE estimation The MMSE linear estimate of X(t) based on Y (t) is the signal Xˆ(t) that minimizes the MSE 2 MSE = E X(t) Xˆ(t) ·³ ´ ¸ By the orthogonality principle, the MMSE estimate must satisfy

E [etY (t )] = E X(t) Xˆ(t) Y (t ) = 0 ∀ h³ ´ i The error et = X(t) Xˆ(t) is orthogonal to all observations Y (t ). – Thus for b a

RXY () = E [X(t)Y (t )] = E Xˆ(t)Y (t ) a h i = h()RY ( )d (1) Z b To nd h() we need to solve an innite set of integral equations. Analytical solution is usually not possible in general. But it can be solved in two important special case: innite smoothing (a = b = ∞), and ltering (a = ∞, b = 0). ES150 – Harvard SEAS 17

– Furthermore, the error is orthogonal to the estimate Xˆt a E etXˆt = h()E [etY (t )] d = 0 b h i Z – The MSE is then given by

2 ˆ E et = E et X(t) X(t) = E [etX(t)] h ³ ´i £ ¤ = E X(t) Xˆ(t) X(t) h³ a ´ i = RX (0) h()RXY ()d (2) Z b For the discrete-time case, we have


RXY (m) = hiRX (m i) (3) = iXb a 2 E ek = RX (0) hiRXY (i) (4) i=b £ ¤ X From (3), one can design the lter coecients hi.

ES150 – Harvard SEAS 18 Innite smoothing

When a, b → ∞, we have ∞

RXY () = h()RY ( )d = h() RY () ∞ Z – Taking the Fourier transform gives the transfer function for the optimum lter

SXY (f) SXY (f) = H(f)SY (f) ⇒ H(f) = SY (f)

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