If the complete plans of the Union County Park Com Hillside Could Establish A Park Off Conant Street In Place Of Industry KTills P;.,,™ . c..i__ t ___ u 1,1 i i , . , ...... • mission are ever to materialize in Hillside, plans which include While Pingry School could readily he worked into the which the public does not want there the only other use Unfortunately, about two of the parcels have already been p rk and parkway facilities along the full length of the Klil7 ark Commission’s plans, any other type of development would apparently is for park purposes. |,eth River with.,, the township there will have to he a marked nave to he more closely examined for its possible effect on conveyed to David 0. Evans, local contractor, who purchased park planning. However, the Park Commission does not envisage use of change ... the relationship between the Union County Park all the land from the Elizabeth River to Conant street, unless the township’s tax liens for pieces immediately adjoining the Commission and the Union Countv Hoard of Fro»l,„i.i,,. According to (lie township’s zoning UUWk map, prepareuprepared on— -be-peinm aded-to n h rrH ts pTTKTTltyviTrnsr'lbTi li^uiiiTnjT railroad. Other parcels involved are the Kasselmeyer property, :-----Tiie approximate 35 Seres involved i„ the recent ^ tyjl by Township Engineer Henry Kreh Jr., the county park that the commission will not want to do this, influence might land of Salvatore Cammarota and the John Kean estate. cessful attempt to rezone land south of Conan, street to the amt parkway plans would require roughly half of the piece be brought to bear on the township itself to acquire the land It is realized, of course, that a municipal park in this area "ver, wwt of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, included a large which the township wanted to rezone to industrial for the for a municipal park, to be laid out in jUicli a manner as to will cost money, hut the township over a period of many years plant of Air Reduction Inc. section of the property set aside for park and parkway purposfa- lit into the scheme of the Park Cmnmission’s own plans, as to has realized considerable sums from the sale of public lands |,y the Union County Park Commission. While public opposition halted the rezoning of this sec­ contour, development, etc. taken over lor failure to pay taxes and assessments. Still more Commission officials, while insisting they would not permit tion. residents and officials of Hillside, as well as Park Com­ Since Hillside at present has no park worthy of the ,name, money, will be realized from this source in the future which encroachment oil the land involved in park and parkw.v mission officials will have to be constantly on the alert to and the only sizeable parcels remaining that might be used could probably go a long way toward payment of establishing planning, have not yet acquired any of the property for tile make certain that the land in this area is reserved for park for such a purpose are between Conant street and the Elizabeth an attractive park. Elizabeth River project between Salem road. Union the con purposes, as intended. Kiver, The Times believes the Township Committee should lint with tile Air Reductioii proposal fvsli in mind, the Unless, Hillside takes some action of tlvis nature, there is tinuation ol Liberty avenue, and the Elizabeth city line Titov give sefious consideration to this suggestion. no telling when other park development may take place, .also admit that the land recently sold by the'township for portion ol the land between tile proposed pa® wav and Conant Ibis suggestion would, of Course, involve acquisition of slicct would he available for other- uses, and in the light of because it may he years before the Union County Park Com- ,he proposed new Ptngry School is partly in the area tW .ialetl the land from Conant street, to the proposed county parkway. mission is in a position to carry out its plans far the f^nniy- for county park purposes. „______p Illations that this land is so low and swampy lion it 1.— tinder of the land to the tflVof to he acquired I>y~ almost' any builtling (luvofopmenl (‘xoopl inilustry Park system in Hillside. Some of the reasons for this situation the Park Commission in accordance with long-standing plans. hill he explained in subsequent articles. Second I ostofficc Opens Here

HILLSIDE, N. J„-THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS County Attorney Rules Term Of Collector 1-Year Period

• County Attorney Clarence A. Will'd'lias advised County Clerk Henry (!. Nulton that the term for which The collector o'l’ taxes should be elected here in the November efeelian is one year, or the unexpired term, contrary to the ruling made on August 9 by Township Attorney Emil A. Ilerrige], The Times learned yesterday. Ward’s ruling will probably be re-r‘ ~ ceived by the Township Comittee at jthere is no evidence that Commissioner John M. Brown, resident of the Board of its next regular, meeting on Sep- j Theurer waived his precedent four- 11i'.i11It, disclosed last, night that he, in collaboration with Smoke tember 13. Unless someone directly I year elecUon when 'he was granted tenure. Dirt Being Dumped Inspector Charles. Hanson, will serve on W. Berghorn, plant involved, either the Republican or' The ruling leaves some doubt in manager for Mundct'Cork Corp., of liloy street, a complaint to­ Democratic candidates or their- re­ the minds of others acquainted with spective political, parties should be- morrow charging the corporation with violation of the town­ the facts, however. They point out, On Evans Property ship’s smoke ordinance. cide to contest the ruling, the Town­ for example, that the tenure .of of­ ship Committee is expected to abide fice granted Theurer was alj in ac­ Berghorn will be arraigned in by the County Attorney’s opinion, cordance with the State .statutes and since it supersedes that of the town- Along Conant St. Voters Given More Magistrate’s Court here before shp atorney. since the tenure Was granted sub­ Judge Clarence E. Kremer Satur­ Hillside Photo Service sequent to his election for the four- People who reside in the vicinity Ceremony attending opening of new postoffice building Monday morning on Hillside avenue near Chest- Ward’s contention is that'Arthur Time To Register day morning, September 9, to enter year term, it logically supersedes the of Uonant street and the Lehigh nut avenue finds Postmaster John D. Leonard of Elizabeth snipping the launching ribbon while C. Frederick L. Theurer, collector who died in original four year term. Township Clerk Howard J. his plea. office, was elected for a four year Valley Railroad, land which Hfe Johnson, of the Jiffy Manufacturing Co., holds ribbon taut so the postmaster can do a neat job Herrigel’s August 9 ruling was Bloy announced this week that Yesterday marked the expiration Johnson was chairman of the Postal Service Committee of the Hilside Industrial Association whose activ- term beginning January 1, 1948. Township Comittee declined to re­ his office at 1284 North Broad ity was chiefly responsible for the new building. based on this view, and he there­ of the 30-day warning period-given At the subsequent general election, fore advised local officials that the zone from residential to industrial street will be open for registra­ the voters granted Theurer tenure last" week. - have noted that trucks tion for voters from 7 to 9 p. m. Mundet Cork Corp. on August 1. A brief ceremony by Postmaster other four from the main Post Of­ after 4:30 p. m., depending upon the election should be for the full four- John P. Leonard, of the Elizabeth of office but Ward holds that the, year term. are dumping loads of dirt' on the September 5, 7, 12, 14, 19 and 21, Cotnmisioner Brown and Hanson fice in Elizabeth, will man the of­ volume of mail. tenure was not granted by legisla­ Post Office, officially opened the fice. Also employed at the new parcel adjoining the tracks to the and from 9 a. ni. to 6 p. m. and 7 visited the plant and after check­ Ninety-seven industries in the tive authority but by the action of west. A bulldozer bearing the name to 9 p. m. September 25, 26, 27 ing the goose-neck stack found, ac­ new Post Office in Hillside avenue Post Office are one laborer and area have indicated that they will near Chestnut avenue at 9 oclock the voters initiated by the collector of D. O. Evans, local contractor who and 28. cording to Brown, that no change eight carriers all transferred from use the facilities of the new build­ himself. Ward contends Monday morning. further Adult 'ISdiool f i l l is owner ol the property was also' had taken place during the 3(MLfty the North Broad street office. ing, Mr. Leonard said. Annual bus­ seen leveling off the dirt. period. Other officials present were C. Hillside will be divided into/two iness is expected to be between Frederick Johnson, trustee of the The Times was unsuccessful yes­ The smoke ordinance under which sections for the two post offices with $200,000 and $250,000. Between 500 Reopen On Sept. 28 terday in an attempt to contact Adler Director Of the complaint was served carries a Hillside Industrial Association and Central avenue and Center street and 700 sacks of parcel post will Homes And Autos chairman of its postal facilities, Walter O. Krumbiegel, director of Evans as to his intentions in filling $100 daily fine for each day the vi­ acting, as the dividing line, accord­ probably be handled daily, it is esti­ in the low land. The fill may be olation continues or 10 days in jail, which headed the movement for ing to Mr. Leonard. All mail in mated. the Hillside Adult School, an­ B’nai B’rith Region erection of the building; Frank W. nounced this week that the fourth coming from the excavation for the the precise penalty lyihg in the dis­ the southern section of the town­ David O. Evans, Hillside con­ Damaged In Storm Baker & Taylor building on North cretion of the court. OBrien, president of the Hillside In- consecutive year of the school will Martin D. Adler, son of Mr. and ship will be handled by the North tractor, built the one-story brick Broad street opposite Hilside ave­ Referring to a letter received by dustria 1 ’Association; James A. Tuesday’s electrical rainstorm begin Thursday, September 28. at Mrs. Lewis Adler, of 1380 Harding Broad street post office arid all mail and steel building which contains nue, apd may therefore be nothing terrace, has been appointed director the Board of Health on August 16 Oneil, president of the Hillside Na­ north of the line will be disbursed about 3,300 square feet and a load­ caused considerable damage to the the high school. automobile and home of Alex Stein­ Registration for the ten courses more than disposing of the dirt of the Second Administrative Re­ in which Mundet Cork told of tional Bank and vice-chairman of from the Hillside avenue post office. ing platform in the rear of the build­ from the excavation. the Hillside Township. Committee, berg, pf"4GF Sager place. Stein­ to be offered by the school will be gion of the B’nai B’rith Youth Or­ spending $20,000 on experimental First class mail from both post of­ ing with 400 square feet. There is On the other hand, it is filling in dust and odor removal devices, and Township Committeeman John berg. notified police at 4:40 p. m. held at the school from 7 to 9 p. m. ganization which includes western, fices will be sent to the main Eliza­ parking area along the side and in low spots next to the tracks and Pennsylvania and West Virginia. A Brown stated the letter does not M. Brown. beth post* office for sorting. All the rear of the building. that a large tree in the rear of his September 20 and 21, Most of the home had fallen across his car and courses are one hour and will be could be considered preparation for junior at the University of Pitts­ comply with the conditions set by Superintendent of the new build­ parcels from the new building will The new building will be ..opened some type of building activity there. burgh, Adler left for Pittsburgh the board, which demanded the fil­ ing is James F. Sterner, formerly at be directed to the Sterling place daily from 8 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. and across the top and rear of his home. held weekly each Thursday, except Besides the damage caused by the October 12 and November 23, until This particular section, which Evans Saturday morning from Newark ing of specific plans for overcoming the Elizabethport Station of the railroad siding in Elizabeth. The on Saturdays from 8 a. m. to 12 purchased from the township which Airport. the nuisances. This has not been Elizabeth Post Office. Five clerks, Elizabeth post office will make three noon. The money order window tree, he said, considerable damage December 14. was caused from water coming A new course, “Behind the Head­ held/tax liens on it, is zoned Resi­ Ad-lor was formerly national secre­ done. Brown aserted, and the vio­ one transferred from the Post Office to fou-r collections daily at the new will be open from 9 a. m. to 5:30 dence C, permitting up to apart- tary and vice president of the B’nai lation continues." at 1441 North Broad street and the office and additional collections p. m. daily. through the roof into the house. lines iri Labor-Management Rpld- Peter Belviso, of 46E Sager place, tions," will be given for a two-hour Vnent construction. B’rith Young Men'and Women, and The commissioner added that he also complained of a tree falling period weekly for six weeks in con­ has held offices in the Aleph Zadikl^ns been in contact with an expert across his home and Alphonse junction with Rutgers University. Aleph. lie is a past vice president. In the field of smoke and odor con- Sinai To Install Nesta, of 31 Hazelewood road, James A. Jaffee, chief examiner Camera, Equipment f the Jewish Youth Council of trol and elimination who has stated Bloomfield, told police a branch of for Labor Relations Board 2, will Essex County, and has been asso he could remove the Mundet nuis­ a tree fell on top of his car at Sager be the instructor of the course. Missing From Auto ciuted with the Jewish Community ance in 30 days at a cost of $5,000. Center of Essex County. Brown also pointed out that the Pews For Holidays place and Young avenue, damag­ Michael Zydycrny, of 428 Yah* cj£)on’t 1/Ylention *3t ing the vehicle and dislodging a National Bureau of Standards pro­ Sinai Hebrew School avenue,' Monday told police that a vides for a methqd of controlling Benjamin S. Berkowitz, President sportlight mounted on the side of camera and miscellaneous camera That Master Plan of the Sinai Congregation, has an­ the car. Plan For Season odors by means of carbon which ab­ Opens Next Tuesday equipment valued At $102.50 were sorbs offensive odors. He does not nounced that everything is being Mrs. Louis Brazerman, of 332 Field stoleu from his automobile in Hill­ An Important Issue place, reported to police that a know, Brown remarked, whether feadied at the new Sinai- Congrega­ Classes of the Sinai Hebrew side, Newark or New York. this method is known to Mundet tree had fallen on Field place and School will resume their sessions Of Progress Club Police Athletic League tion building for the High Holy Also .reported to police Monday Cork, was blocking traffic. A large branch for the season of 1950-51, Septem­ was the theft of a bicycle owned In view of the narrow margin by which an industrial plant Days which commence with the of a tree fell at 262 Williamson ave­ ber 5, at 3:45 p. m. at the new Sinai Committee chairmen for the new Asked about tile statement made by Irwin Koorse, of 75 Williamson season have been appointed by the at the Township Committee meeting was prevented from locating in the residence area south of Conant Jewish New Year on Monday eve­ nue, according to Milton Grod of Congregation building, 1531 Maple avenue. Koorse told police the bi­ that address, and also was block­ Avenue. Men's Progress Club of Hillside, it August 23 by Township Atorney sheet, and despite the fact that a political campaign is approaching, ning, September 11. New pews will cycle was taken from Hillside ave­ Emil A. Herrigel, that Mundet is ing traffic. The road department Pupils may be registered from 2 was announced this week, with the the suggestion of the Democratic candidates for Township Commit­ be installed in the main sanctuary nue at the corner of North Broad alip of branching out further in so­ once more engaged in war work. during the earning week. responded. to 4 p. m. the same day. street early Monday- morning. tee, to create a Planning Board and a Master Plan deserves serious cial, charitable and community af­ Comissioner Brown declared he has The seat committee will be avail­ fairs under the leadership of the no knowledge of that other than consideration. able for reservations of seats for the new president,.Harold Sirkin. Mem­ the attorney's statement. But aside While the Democrats may be open to the charge of using the High Holy Days services at the new bers of the various committees have from that, Brown declared, the building, 1531 Maple avenue from situation for political purposes, the proposal for a Planning Board Report Kean Estate To Be Broken Up atoy beeh chosen, with some of the Board of Health is not attempting to 8 to 10 p. m., Tuesday through c/immiltees having already met to interfere with the firm’s war effort, has been placed before the Township Committee before, and since Thursday of next week. Although Jr., of the institute plans for the year. but merely to have the alleged nuis­ the officials have not thus far seen fit to act on it, they can hardly Rabbi Eliezer Cohen, spiritual family which owns much of the ances eliminated. ium, with the exception of a, few though the commission has not yet The annual Hallowe’en poster con­ have much of an excuse if the opposition makes a political issue* of it. leader of the congregation, will con­ available land between Conant test sponsored by the club will again duct the traditional pre-High Holy houses adjoining the stadium and acquired the greater portion of it. street and the Elizabeth River, re­ any parcels which may or may not take place and the chairman in * * * * Days S’lichos Services on Sunday, cently disclaimed any knowledge Just what steps the Park Com­ charge is making tentative plans to September 3, at 12:30 a. m. at the —have been disposed of recently to SOLOMON’S It would be interesting to hear the explanation for not having a of the report, the rumor persists a local contractor. There are a few mission would take to protect its disepss the event with school au- temporary quarters of the congre­ that the long undeveloped Kean Es­ Union County Park development Planning Board. The committeemen may feel that they are capable other exceptions west of the rail­ thorlies shortly after school re­ “One of Hillside’s Good Stores’’ gation, 1504 Maple avenue. tate, much of which lies in Union as scheme are uncertain, but the com­ opens. of constituting their own Planning Board but without a Master Plan road, the tax lien land recently sold well as Hillside, is about to be of­ to the contractor referred to above; mission is aware of the situation Also under way are plans for the 1299 Liberty Ave., WA 3-9507 and with the constantly changing membership of the committee, all ON JURY PANEL fered for sale to developers. and might be forced, by such a turn the old Kasselmeyer farm and the club’s annual barn dance, with the Headquarters for efforts would be spasmodic, on a hit-and-miss pattern and likely to Thirty-five eligibles for the Sep­ The land includes almost the en­ of events, to move more quickly tentative date set for October 28 or tember session of the Union County Cammarota property, unless they tire Conant street frontage from also recently changed hands. than it anticipated. Whether it has November 4. Complete details will he changed the moment the complexion of the committee changes. Grand Jury were drawn Tuesday Liberty avenue to Woodfield Stad- the funds to acquire the land is also SCHOOL SUPPLIES Urj the basis of experience over the years, this statement has proved Basis for the report is the fact be announced soon, before County Judge Walter L. Het- problematical. Club meetings will again be held on y too true, and considering the very small physical area of the field by William A. Bourdon and that the recent death of Capt. John Presenting a most complete community, Hillside has beeh, and still is more urgently in need of a Kean has placed a heavy inheritance the first and third Tuesday of ^ach selcctiop of nationally advertised Sheriff Charles E. Ayers, jury com­ month at Sinai Congrgation, 1531 aster Plan than most other places. missioners. NOTICE tax burden on the estate, and liqui­ merchandise at lowest prices dation of this long-held tract would WOMAN WANTED Maple avenue. A Planning Board, created as proposed, would give more Sub­ The lists from which the twenty- three members will be selected at In 6rder to* give our employees help pay the tax. SCHOOL STARTS SEPT 7th stance to “the permanent future development of Hillside and if the benefit of a long holiday It is well known that a number To write Social and Personal TRADE NAME REGISTERED a opted, no major change in plan could be effected without a hear­ the opening of courts September 6 Trade name certificates \on file includes one Hillsider, Carl Brock, week-end, we will close our serv­ of developers would be quite anx­ News Items for Liberty Ave. ts by that board and the vote of four members of the Township ice department on Saturday, Sep­ ious to take title to portions of this today with County Clerk Hytnry G. Lommittee’. office manager, 44 Ridgway avenue. tember 2nd. land, or all of it, since it includes Section. Nulton include: Harry an<% Eve SALEM PHARMACX some of the finest residential prop­ Starr, of, J335 liberty avenue&whg Ths issue of planning for Hillside Township is an important one, Maxon Pontiac, Inc. Space Rates Paid. are trading as Starr Mfg. C o m p ly , 1201 Salem Ave., Hillside “ the Township Comittee does not see fit to view it in that light, erty in the tow nship and the larg­ Szarko’s Liquor Store 1444 North Broad St. est remaining undeveloped area. Apply of the same address, men’s w c|r PRESCRIPTIONS le consequences can only be on their own heads. 1317 Liberty Ave., Hillside, N. J. jobbers. \ The Kean Estate, nearly for its HILLSIDE TIMES Just As Your Doctor Orders * * * * Call WA 3-0659 Herbert entire length, adjoins to the rear We Call for and Deliver „ Teaehers Coilege of ColurhbTFTTnTversIty, with'AvhicTTthe^ieldFOR FREE QUICKrUELIVEKY Chevrolet Motors IancT earmarked by the Union 1443 N. Broad Si. THE WEATHER Prescriptions — EL 2-4230 ivey Institute which conducted the local survey is associated, %, %, % KEGS BEER County Park Comission for the 1447 North Broad St. Cloudy, showers today and tonight; m .°uthe local Board of Education recently highly commending the Coolers For Hire Elizabeth River Park and Parkway, WA 3-9207 Pamphlet prepared by the board fo rth e school referendum. The which is also part of the estate, al- warmer with showers tomorrow. mphlet was characterized as a '‘professional Job’’ and a request as for copies for the college’s files, Come in for Weekly Specials Hillside Hobby Shop TOBIA’S HILLSIDE refpr^e booklet was the work of various elements supporting the WALTER R. LEE HILLSIDE BUTCHERS 235 HOLLYWOOD AVIJ. APPLIANCE COMPANY 'BELLOWS ft COMPANY ‘ endum working* in cooperation and unity. Home For Funerals k Sporting Goods, Model Trains F: Sinzinger, Prop. 1321 Liberty Ave, * + + * 1283 SALEM AVE., HILLSIDE Planes, Boats, Handicrafts, Maple Leaf Liquors 1070 North Broad Street 43 COE AVE. American Flyer & Lionel 1418 N, Broad St. 1405 Maple At., Hillside, N. J. hB, Some time ago it was repotted that serious consideration was EL 2-4547 Trains Hillside, ng given to the formation in Hillside of a Police Athletic League, Phone El, 5-9735 We Deliver Will Never Be Under»o!d Free Delivery WA 8-2822 EL 5-4489 "Complete Partv Servtoe" EL 2-1663 ( Continued on Paoe 5)


JOSEPH HOLLY Wreath' of the Free Eagles in New­ Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. Over-All Community Chest Quota Is Funeral services for Joseph Holly, ark, Mr. Holly, who retired in 1947, Eleanor Kovac, with whom he 1M P E R 1 A L of 1293 Myrtle street, were con­ was for many years employed by lived; two sisters In Czechoslovakia N E VII C H R Y S L E 1 ducted Saturday from the Lytwyn the Williams Leather Co., Newark. and five grandsons. Reduced By $82,775 In ‘Crucial Year’ & Lytwyn home .for services, Irv­ The goal for this fall’s Community* ington. Rev* Gustav Chernansky, pastor, conducted services in the Chest campaign in Eastern Union j Hillside Welfare Association, Holy T rin ity Slovak Lutheran INQUIRE ABOUT OUR MODERN RANKING County will be $492,225. .it was an- 1 $1,000,. $1,500; Home for Aged Wo- Church, Newark. Burial was in BY MAIL SERVICE - RoimcedlTTflay ■ump, $5 076 $6 606: Janet Memorial Hollywood Cemetery, Union. son. chest president. Home. $22,901, $21,200; Linden Camp Mr Hollv. who' died last Thurs­ The Red Feather official also dis- ( Fund. $1,500! $1,500; Salvation Army, day at his home after a long illness, cio.«ed that the drive this year will i $8,699, $8,723; Social Service Ex­ was born '76 years ago in Czecho­ T h e E lizabetiipqkt N ee under the direction of the chest's change, $4,141, $3,637; United He­ slovakia. He came to the United ten-member executive committee,, brew Charity Organization. $7,087, States in 1913 and had lived in New­ to be supplemented by the heads of $7,037; Urban League. $8,715, $8,615; ark before moving here 10 years ago. B a n k i n g C o m p a n y various key campaign units to be Visiting Nurse Association, $22,705. A member of the First Slovak appointed in the near future. This $22.6^1; Y. M & Y.W.H.A., $26,193. ESTABLISHED 1889 group will replace the general cam­ $24,000: Y.M.C.A., $21,300. $19,853; paign chairman who has directed YW.C.A.. $21,000. $19,900. B anking O ffices the drive in previous years. Also included in the $492,225 fig­ Subscribe To .( The $492,225 goal is more .than) ure arc $6,000 for the agency auto­ 1145 East Jersey Street mobile fund $15,000 for the agency III!) First Street $100,000 above the amount collected j THE HILLSIDE TIMES in last year’s campaign in Elizabeth, contingency fund, $15,000 for the Roselle. Roselle Park, Hillside and agency plant maintenance fund. $48,- Member Of FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM -Linden, and Mr. Ferguson called lor fffiO-fov clrq:»t and campaign arlmini- $2.50 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION a Concerted effort by industry, com strati'on and $23,800 as a reserve for uncollectibles. merce and private residents to For 52 Issues BOTH OFFICES OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 1:60 - 8:30 V. M. achieve the quota and permit Rdd Explaining the new setup in cam­ paign leadership, Mr. Ferguson said Newest addition to the Chrysler line is the luxury- introduced in the Chrysler Division’s “hardtop Feather agencies to provide the styled Imperial sedan Shown here. The long, low models. Rich interiors combine with stylish body health and welfare services required the move was taken because “this lines to give the car special distinction among is a crucial year for the Community appearance of the new model is accentuated by the for the five-municipalities. massive wrap-around “Clearbac” rear window, first 6-passenger sedans. Last year’s quota was $575,000, a Chest." He cited the survey of Red fctal which included an allotment Feather organizations now under for the Elizabeth General Hospital, way. as well as the failure to meet no longer affiliated 'with the chest. campaign goals in the post - war Included in the $492,225 goal are period. the following campaign allocations, Mr. Ferguson is chairman of the as" approved by the chest budget executive committee, which also in­ committee, listed with the requests cludes Frederick H; Hoffman, Wil­ included in last year's pre campaign liam J. Kenealy and Abe Wiener. budget: Chest vice presidents; Everett C. AN INVITATION Associated Catholic .Charities, Sherbourne, treasurer; B. N. Miller,' n $140,845. $137,035 in last year’s Assistant treasurer; Clarence ' J. quota: Union Council. Boy Scouts of Buzby, secretary; Frederick C. America. $29,794, $21,859 last year; Sutro. budget committee chairman. Egenolf Day Nursery. $10,628, $10.- Clifford J. Colville and Russell 'I. TO OWN A NEW 929; Family and Children’s Society. Baker. $36,800 requested by agency, exact To this group frill be added the figure to be set in a future confer­ following drive leaders,, who will be ence with the budget committee; appointed by the executive com­ 1951 ' O i u t t m Girl Scouts of Elizabeth, Hillside mittee; Chairman of the industrial, Treat your family and and Linden, $10,475, $9,888; Girl commercial, business, special gifts Scouts of the Roselles. $5,566, $5,551. and cdtporate gift units; chairman yourself to one of Frank A. D. Andrea’s of the residential drives in Eliz­ abeth-, Roselle, Roselle Park, Hill­ M ax’s Wood nrtlft> m m m side and Linden; chairmen of the pacemaking 30th Anniversary models . , Cofltom Built publicity and promotion, auditing Kitchen Cabinets—Formica Tops and listing committees. Built-In Book Cases Rec. Rooms & Store Fixtures Etitimates Cheerfully Given Vail-Deane School 754 Ramsey Ave. UN 2-0555 To Start 81st Year The Vail-Deane Schpol, an inde­ pendent school for girls, will open for its eighty-first year September 20. Established in 1869 by the Misses 83 Elizabeth Ave., Newark Hayward, the school was reorgan­ Today, Tomorrow, Aug. 31-Sept. 1 ized in 1886 by Miss Laura A. Vail “The Great Jewel Robbery” and Miss Fanny E. Deane and be­ D av id B ryan ^M u rjo rie Reynold** came the Vail-Deane School. Since “ROCK ISLAND TRAIL” 1929 when it was incorporated as a Forest Tucker non-profit corporation, it has been Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues., Sept. 2-5 administered by a representative WELL PRESERVED “THE GUNFIGHTER” group of men and women as a Gregory Peck Helen Wescott SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, IS THE OLDEST SEAT Board of Trustees and is directed OF GOVERNMENT IN THE NATION. IT WAS “LOVE HAPPY” by Miss Margaret S. Cummings, Wed., Sept. 6 Head Mistress, who is ably sup­ FOUNDED IN ISOS BY THF SPANIARDS AND “Where The Sidewalk Ends” ON ITS CENTRAL PLATA T H E M STILL STANDS Dunn Andrews Gene Tierney ported,by a faculty selected for their “SINGING GUNS” professional interest in teaching as AN ANCIENT ADOBE BUILDING KNOWN W T M well as ’their academic achievemnt. palace; b u ilt in itio a n d used until »09 Vail-Deane offers instruction from the first gr&de through the twelfth AS THE OFFICIAL HOME OF THE SPANISH, inclusive, emphasizing college pre­ INPIAN,MEXICAN AND AMERICAN GOVERNORS. paratory work for all colleges either by the College Entrance Board ex THI ANDRIA NORMANDY— superb console aminations or by certification. A COLD LIG H T with 19-in. “Eye Ease” picture, FM and AM ■ general course is offered for girls WHILE FISHING THROUGH A HOLE IN THE ICE, radio, plug-in (or record player. who are not interested in preparing for a four-year college but do want D. LONG ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED HIS RONSON to acquire a sound and liberal edu­ LIGHTER INTO THE CHILLED WATERS OF THE LAKE.; F rankly, not everybody owns an ANDREA. For like cation. Classes are small so that THE NEXT MORNING, UPON RETRIEVING HIS all things of quality, an ANDREA costa just a little every opportunity is given for in­ RONSON FROM THE SIXTEEN FEET OF WATER dividual attention and special help. more. A little more for,picture perfection. A little more A wide variety of student organi­ UNDER WHICH IT LAY, LONG DRIED THE LIGHTER for treasured tone reproduction. A little more for flaw­ on or boforo tho 10th of tho THE SUN. IMAGINE HIS AMAZEMENT WHEN THE month; oorn dividends at of zations and pursuits is made pos­ sible and includes such clubs as Art. LIGHTER LIT UPON HIS FIRST PRESS. less FM radio plus so many outstanding features .. . the lit. Glee, Dramatic, Literary, Pen and the Pre-tested ANDREA Chassis, Built-in Antenna, Ink and Junior Red Cross. Picture Lock, Fringe-Metropolitan Switch, fine furni­ The Budget, a student, publica­ ■ ture of gleaming mahogany veneers. Ask your ANDREA tion, is issued twice a year and for Health office, the Irvington record nine consecutive years was awarded Child Is Injured dealer to tell you how little more . . . for the new medalist rating in the contest for War Dads Picnic was forwarded to Hillside in the private school magazines -sponsored same manner as the usual death By Novice Autoist prices are the lowest in ANDREA history 1 by the Columbia Scholastic Press record, -but it was explained in thei Elaine Tannenbaum, eight-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Association. On September 10 office of the Irvington city clerk; Construction of the Laura A. Vail Tannenbaum, of 408 Schley street, Plans for a picnic to bn held at that this record referred to “the: suffered abrasions and bruises Fri­ gymnasium is (progressing at a rapid death of a limb,” a category which rate and the building is expected Zatko’s Grove, New York place, day night when struck by an auto were made at a recent meeting of the Hillside board does not record mobile operated by a driver on a to be ready for use by November. and which it had never heard of The Expansion Fund Drive will Hillside Chapter 9, American War learner’s permit at the corner of Dads. The affair will take place on before. Winans avenue and Fabyan place. continue throughout the year to ob­ ,, After considerable telephoning tain sufficient funds to complete the Sunday, September 10, rain or According to police, the child was Sav« by mail or in ptrson shine. back and forth, the misunderstand­ pushing her bicycle over the curb second and third units of the long- ing was explained to Mrs. Richman at New Jersey's Largest range building plans of the school. Parents who lost a son .or daugh­ when Miss June Silesner, of 105 ter in World War II as well as and apologies made for causing Savings and Loan .... In June, Nancy Robinson, ’51, Leslie street, Newark, failed to ne­ parents of veterans are cordially members of the fam ily undue gotiate the corner. Donald Whar­ Sara Winstead, ’51, and Virginia distress. AUITS OVER **0,000,000 Winstead, ’52, r e p re s e n te d Vail- invited. ton, of 3037 Sheffield avenue, Chi­ Deane at the fifty-seventh annual Instructed in the best method of cago, 111., was the licensed driver girls’ conference of the Northfield helping and encouraging veterans in the car. League at the Northfield School in confined to the “suicide ward” at Chosen For G.O.P. Massachusetts. The theme of this Veterans Hospital, the War Dads Children may be employed in ag­ THI ANDRIA MITTON—classic console with conference was “What It Means For will continue their Saturday eve­ THI ANDRIA MYMOOKI - 12'A-in. tube Me To Be A Christian.” Lynn Ward, ning visits to entertain these Veterans’ Group riculture only outside of the school the popular 16-in. “Eye East" tube, FM table model, FM radio, plug-in for record hours of the district where they live ’51, was one of the two Elizabeth patients. radio, plug-in (or record player. player. Sketched at left, the anuria ------2>------Looking to greater participation while working, under the Fair La­ secondary school girls representing c a r o n ia -19, • deluxe 19-in. combination by veterans in the 1950 campaign, bor Standards Act. the Junior Red Cross at the training Report Of Death Is Horace E. Baker, Westfield, Repub­ console. center at Wellesley College. lican county chairman, today named Really Exaggerated a special group for this phase of In last week’s issue The Times the election program. FIREWORKS = r Our New published the Vital Statistics re­ Charles J. Ehmling, 12 Fiske ter­ leased each month by the Board of race, Cranford, and John M. Brown, L A B O R D A Y i o P.m. Health. Among the deaths was the 1607 Summit avenue, Hillside, are |! Holiday programs —new Phone Number name of Morris Blumenau, of 247 the chairmen. ' O i u b t t a Belleview terrace. The members selected by Baker I circus, concerts, kiddieland A few days later The Times re­ include: Hillside—Frank J. LaTora, | swimming 10 a. m.-8 p.m. WAverly 3-9207 ceived a call from Mrs. Saul Rich- J. W. Krug, George Hyra, Francis V. SHARP FOCUS man, daughter of Mr. Blumenau, Lowden, Henry G. Nulton and Ezra HI Refreshments A demanding to know where the in­ Woodruff. formation of her father’s death ------TELEVISION originated, since he is alive, al­ 1 a a * ” ' ” * * though seriously ill in Irvington Savings Bonds Easy Parking ” COtrORRTIMI.iMtlRIM! PU2A, H.-I.L 1.1, M Y. Handy Subscription Order Blank General Hospital. Buy and Hold U. S. jHiUUjSiUUliilUUsHha The Times immediately communi­ L cated With the local Board of Health In order to be sure to get your weekly copy of which in turn contacted the Irving­ The Hillside Times, with all the local news and ton Board of Health. It was learned that vital statistics in Irvington are pictures, fill in the blank and mail to the office. handled through the office uof the Irvington city clerk. THE HILLSIDE TIMES, According to Mrs. Florence Piaget, 1M3 North Broad St. clerk in the Hillside Board of Hillside, N. J. Thurs., Frl, Sat. Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2 Montgomery Clift and Paul Douglas in / Gentlemen; “THE BIG LIFT” v Enclosed find cheC or money order for 12.50, for one RUDOLPH A. Van Johnson and Elizabeth Taylor in years subscription (52 issues) of The Hillside Times. ______“THE BIG HANGOVER”______TOBIA S HILLSIDE APPLIANCE CO , JACOBS Sat Mat. Only — For the Kids — Sept 2 “THE BIG LIFT” Plus Walt Disney’s NAME PIANO INSTRUCTION 1321 LIBERTY AVE., 0pp. Safeway Classical “MELODY TIME” Popular (Christensen Method) First Sat Showing of ‘The Big Hangover” at 5:30 p.m. / 1418 NORTH BROAD ST., near Mertz Ave ADDRESS HARMONY Sun., Mop., Tues, SeptTsTirS 122 CLARK ST. Cary Grant and Jose Ferrer in GOOD PARKING OPEN 9 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY Hillside, N. J. “CRISIS” CITY ■ yVA 3-2356 Joan Leslie and Robert Walker in M A 2-7777 “THE SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS WIFE” WA 3-7768-3-9341 CourthoUse ini Elizabeth and a t all TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1950 —PAGE 3 Election Board mumcipal clerks’ offices throughout Olympic Park, Irvington and Maple­ w h -J K:U CXCept in Elizabeth, LEGAL NOTICE are hereby determined, declared, re­ which is the county seat, and the YOUR PUBLIC SERVANT Named Officer Of wood. Big pyrotechnical displays cited and staled: Sets Added Hours lection law prohibits registration Following a pattern established* also are the custom f6r Memorial TOWNSHIP OF 11 ILLS II)F (a) Said purpose Is not a current ex­ Day and July 4. NOTICE pense and Is an Improvement or prop­ at the municipal clerk’s office in by His father for actively partici- Notice in hereby given that the fol­ erty which the municipality may law­ any county seat in the County Rifle Club The new week's free show, also lowing ordinance has been panned on fully make or uciiulre. and no part of the -^ ■-.----1' — au .me state,------pating in local affairs n o n ylac j tlrnt reading at a regular meeting <,f For Registration TheI n n officesPf Inn-. will...Ill be1 open from 7 LLmJibnday.jvdlLbe-pr.eson.tad-dail-y- rust of said purpose Iiuh been or shall !.►* Haviland is chairman of the Zoning WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 24- at 4 and 9:30 p.m. Top billing will r rrp- TmvTrffiriTr-r vnTimnt ec ,,r iTVe~~Towir-~ speciallymieclull v assessed I on...... property...... specially e" . t 0 * ° n Tuesday, Septem- hIhp of Hillnlde, County of Union, and benefited. A meeting of the Union County ber 5, Thursday, September 7- T ues­ Board of Adjustment. Avrum Bornfeld, of 1561 Wyndmoor go to Ira Millette and Penny, mid­ State of New Jersey, on Augugt 23, I960, aerial thrill act. The Balzer Sisters, and will lie presented for second and (b) The supplemental debt state­ Board of Elections was held last day September 12; Thursday, Sep- A resident of Hillside forty years, avenue, H illside, N. J., has been final reading hnd adoption at irregular ment required by said Law has been he was born in Elizabeth October elected vice president of the newly- three amazing Amazons who toss meeting of the Township1 Committee to duly made and filed with the office ot Thursday afternoon at the court '™ b! ' 14 Tuesday, September 19, the Clerk of the municipality, and a 21 29, 1905. Haviland was a member formed U nion County Rifle Club, each other around; Fay and Foster, held at the Municipal Headquarters, house. After action on routine busi­ and Thursday, September . 12X4 North Kroad Street, on Wednesday complete executed original thereof ha» of Hillside High School's first grad­ junior division, it was announced comedy niusical duo, and Will been filed with the Commissioner of ness, the matter of additional hours Thursday, September 28, is the evening, September 13, 1950, at 8:30 last day for registrations and trans- uating class in 1924. F our years here today b y the National Rifle As­ Wright, cbntortionist juggler, round o'clock at which time or at any time Local Government, and such statement for registration was brought up for later he completed his form al edu­ sociation as it granted th e organi­ out the bill. and place to which Hindi meeting may shows that the gross debt as defined In discussion. be adjourned, all persona interested will Section 40:1-76 of said Law is increased th0se who wlsh t0 vote cation at Bqckneli University, zation a ju n io r club charter in the The Olympic Park swimming by this ordinance by $1,900.00. and the Since 1943 the board has author­ at the November General Election be given an opportunity to be heard this year. In addition to the dates Lewisburg, Pa. NRA's n atio n al youth program. pool will close down after Labor concerning such ordinance. Issuance of the- obligations authorised ized registrations by any munici­ “To grant or deny in public hear­ Stanley B ow er, of 75 Maple ave­ Day and the park itself will write Ky direction of the Township Com­ by tills ordinance is permitted by the pal clerk of any person residing above, all the offices will be open mittee of the Township of Hillside exception contained in subsection (d) of from 9 a.m. right straight through ing requests for change in zoning nue, Newark, has been appointed "finis” to one of its most successful Section 40:1-16 of said Law to the debt anywhere in Union County who of property in Hillside,'' is the way instructor o f the club. Membership seasons on September 10. HOWA 111) J. lim y , limitations prescribed by said Law. !in t!i J p,m’ on Monday, September Township Clerk has the necessary qualifications to Haviland describes the duties of the in the organization, which will de­ I*') I lmt the estimated maximum register. Also, before every Primary -0, Tuesday, September 26; Wednes- AN OKDIN.WCK Al'TIIOKI/.l Mi ' Til F amount ot money neceHsury to'be ruised ay. SfplmbM 37, and Tlnnsd pL'bfc office he undertook in July vote itself to the various phases of i’t K<'ll ASK OK A<'i|| ISITION OK Horn all sources to finance said purchase and General Election tne County slluutirig, Is upbti to Boys or " 1 > 4 AVEM A A La L F. B 1 \ -Ul.. kl'.UUiaiLloil of la.nl l,Q.-x,.,x,yra September 28. ot 1947. As a member of the zoning Girl Severely Cut- - TiHVNSIIII* OF II ILLS IDE, TO Board and the clerks in the various board . he is performing a public r* -gmrr—„ fs ■ .under - 18 years of - age. -Under • '"‘'Vi!!** ““ “ O H of the cost,- the .um municipalities, e x c e p t Elizabeth, Ask Clerks Cooperate Hi: IS FI) I OK NTKFFT OK OTIIKK ot $-50.00 which Is estimated to be ne­ The County Board requests all service, “b u t for myself,” Haviland Bower's instruction, they will learn On Back Yard Swing Ml Ninr.XL ri'HFOSKS, ANI) A I*. cessary to finance (1) engineering and have kept their offices open for the fundamentals of rifle shooting 1’KOPKIATIMJ FINDS TIIFKKFOK surveying costs; (2) the cost of Issuing municipal clerks to cooperate with says, "I am gaining educational and AM ) At TIIOKIZINO TDK ISSI - registrations and transfers from 9 and the c o rre c t way to handle fire­ Helen 13. Felice, nine years old, of the obligations "authorized for such pur­ them in this experiment. instructive experience." AM F OF BONDS TO FlS.YSCK TIIF pose. Including printing, advertising of a.m. right straight through until 9 arms safely. 574 N orth Union avenue, suffered a *’l Kl’llASK OF T IIF NA.MF. For those who have changed their ordinances and notice or sale; und (3) p.m., the last four days immediately laceration of the right arm Friday UK IT OHDA1NK1) 1IY Til 10 TOWN- egul tees tor seurches, etc.; and (4) to \\ preceding the last date for registra­ address from the address at which while swinging on tire swing in the M lll’ COMM1TTRK OK TIIK Tu\VN- the extent permitted by Section 40:1-65 they were registered without in­ SI1,I’ <>>•' HILLSIDE. IN’ TIIK COUNTY °* ,tllp Local Bond Law, Interest on tion or transfer fixed by law for Cites 3 Rules For yard of her home. She was taken OK UNION. NEW JERSEY, AS FOL- such obligations. such election. forming the County Board of such Olympic Park To tu the office of Township Physician l.( >\VS: (not less than two-Hi Inis m nil change of address, the County Board DOUGLAS J. HAVILAND SECTION <1. The full faith and credit In presidential years and the year Milton M. Lilian. 152 Clark street, eurrl '.hereof uffinnallv.-ly con- , ', |m |nlcipulity are hereby pledged emphasizes the law requires such n) : the punctual payment of the prlnei- .in which a governor is to be elected, In 1929, Haviland, who resides a t by Radio Patrolmen Charles San­ s e c t io n registrant to notify the County Holiday Autoists Have Fireworks I. That the Ti.wm.nip or iu m and Interest on said obligations. 'the board also authorized additional ford nnd Frank Erdman. Dr. I.ilien Hillside piirchnst! or acquire lor street Said obligations shall l.e direct, un­ Board ur a municipal clerk, in w rit­ 912 Havilaqd drive, was married to or other municipal purposes, certain \ates for evening registrations. Few Observance of three simple rules u ” avlland drive’ was married 1 Fireworks at 10 p.m. on Labor directed the patrolmen u, lake the limited .d>ligations of the municipality ing over the registered'signature of by motorists will help keep down the *ormer LaRue A. Jenkyns. T,h child to St. Elizabeth Hospital, Eliz­ lands m (ho Township of Hillside known and the municipality 'shall he obligated people availed themselves of the 4K...... j . e i «.• . . Day will w in d up a holiday week- awctii wlltrtL. mL as Lot No. I, 1/2 in Hindi No 183 .1 on to levy ad valorem luxes jjpon all the e*tra opportunity to register at such change of address, and said the record of traffic accidents when couple have a daughter, Nancy abeth, where fifteen stitches were tbc l'u\ Assessment Maps oi Hu.. .'Town • hMp of imiHrde. t a a tilt* Property within the munlcl- atUhose times. notice must be actually received in the expected■ throng . . .of .. pleasure . . . ------bent B lair, mmand sun,son, ruAaron iru n nranl.Brant. lnInci c i- end expected to attract 100,000 to taken! police said P""ly lor the payment of the obliga­ the office on or before September SECTION The..- is be.d.v „|.pro- tions and Interest thereon without limi­ Comply With Requests dnvers take to the road beginning dentally, Haviland drive was named 1'iiated the sum of $2.00,0.(10. including tation of rate .or amount. This year many requests for more 28. Notices postmarked September tomorrow in celebration of the three for Haviland's father, Aaron B. * 1,1,1 (ill as a down payment now nvull- 28 and delivered by the postoffice day Labor Day weekend. This is ;il'!e for said purpose by virtue of the SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take hours for registration have been Haviland, who was a member of HI1.propria t Ion In the budget heretofore • licet twenty days after the first publi- thereafter are not valid under the the advice of Fred M. Rosseland, Most Accidents At Intersections adopted for the year 15)50, mid to meet 4iilInn thereof alter final passage, uir made to the board. Nothwithstand- the Board of Education and a leader provided by law. ing its experience in the past, the law. Printed forms for change of executive vice president of the New in lo c a l affairs. Since m o re accidents occur at l-ait of the said appropriation not met address are available at the various Jersey S tate Safety Council as he Chairman King said that driving by Hitch down payment, negotiable bonds ADOPTED: Union County Board of Elections, P a s t Master of Hillside Lodge 241, iotersections than all other highway would be much safer, smoother and m e hereby authorized to he Issued m offices and can be mailed postage .pointed o ut that speed o r driving F. <$£ A. M,,—he held this position locafitms,. combined, motorists and the principal mini or $ 11100.00. pursuant for the convenience of the people free tu the registrant. a more pleasant occupation if the. who may desire to register, unani­ too fast for existing conditions, rid­ in 1942—Haviland has been a m em ­ pedestrians should be alert to avoid to the Local Hand Law. constituting sec­ Registrants who have not voted ing too close and passing on two competitive note in traffic were sup-1 tions 40:1-1 (a 411:1-88 of the Revised mously adopted a resolution under ber o f the Republican County Com­ a conflict a t any and aU^jntersec- Si a | n I es of the Slate of New Jersey, and once during four successive years planted by a cooperative one. One which six additional dates have and three lane highways are chief m itte e of Hillside since 1943. He also tions, declared Raymond R. King, way to eliminate the competitive the several supplements and amend­ been fixed for evening registrations or who may have changed their causes of traffic deaths and injuries. is a member of th e American S o ­ chairman o f the Hillside Highway note, he said, is by keeping in mind ments thereto. In anticipation „f the names prior to April 18, 1950, the Based on records of'past years as Issuance ul said bonds, negotiable noteH at the office of the board in the ciety of Mechanical Engineers an d Safety Coordinating Committee to­ the legal requirements of every , municipality are hereby author­ date of the Primary Elections, must well as the upward traffic accident the Bucknell Alumni Association. day. His w arn in g came as part of driver to yield the right-of-way. ized to he Issued pursuant to sai.l law re-register and the board suggests trend so far this year Rosseland SECTION 3. The maximum rate of Employed by uy the me Newi\ew York xork Tele le ie - this comLU|'m m m unity’s in iy s program 10 to pre­pre-i^iiipiuyeu "One of the first responsibilities they inquire as to their status be­ stated that eight lives are expected ‘"terest which any of said obligations phone Co. since graduation fro m v'ent die m o st prevalent types of of a driver When approaching an Hiiail bear is six tier centum (('.%) per fore mailing iff a Change of Ad­ to be lost during the three day holi­ Pnl 1 hie nrocont Hufinc op own-t Slimmer m ie h a iv ; college, his present duties as engi Summer m ishaps. intersection is to be prepared to dress (Transfer) Card. SECTION 4. (id The purpose for the EXPRESS day in traffic accidents , and air n eer include budget and compensa "Motorists and pedestrians should yield the right-of-way to another if average of close to 90 persons in­ financing of which sai.l obligations are " o u " tion studies. learn the ‘sign language of the necessary. If all drivers were con­ to be issued Is the purchase nr acquisi­ Inquiries from workers are treated jured each day during the period. highway.’ M a n y mishaps are caused stantly aware of this, there would tion by the Township or Hillside for (twin* confidentially when they ask about Drownings during the Decoration by failure to obey signs and sig­ street or other municipal purposes, the BUS SERVICE be few er intersection mishaps," the hind heretofore described In Section 1 W «o*»r ti their employers’ compliance with Day and Fourth of July weekends nals,” said th e chairman. “One of chairm an declared. of this nrdlntincG. from the 75-cents-an-hour minimum wage this year claimed the lives of al­ the most im p o rtan t signs is for slop He stressed that while pedestrians • h) The estimated 'maximum amount most as many persons as traffic id bonds or notes to be Issued therefor and other re q u ire m e n ts of the streets, yet to o frequently motorists contribute to accidents involving Is $1000.110. amended Federal Wage and Hour accidents, Rosseland'' a r n s , and ignore this ty p e of traffic regulator ('•) The estimated maximum amount sssnu*.* *> Law themselves, motorists have a parti­ cites, these water safety rules to and take a chance in gliding past cular responsibility to prevent such ot money to he raised therefor from nil Hillside help keep down the toll during the sources Is $2,000.00. the excess of sucli stop signs. T h is can produce an ac­ mishaps. amount 'over the amount of bonds an coming weekend: Swim only in pro­ cident. Traffic signals must be to “D rivers should always remember "Himp.l In Ho’llon 2 u, HILLSIDE TIMES tected and familiar areas, wait at obeyed by b o th drivers and those that they have a moral obligation in „ ""''L'' iwyilienl roferpcl !„ I least an hour after eating before Section 2 hereof. on foot. It is reckless for a pedes­ regard to pedestrians even though SECTION 5. The following matter WANT ADS going into the water to avoid trian to try to save a few seconds the la tte r may be violating the law cramps, swim short distances, avoid by dashing across in front of a red GET EXTRA cash t h e by jayw alking or some careless ac­ PHONE IN YOUR WANT ADS QUICK. EASY WAY strong currents and non-swimmers signal.” • tion,’’ said Chairman King. Bui Line No. 15 are advised to stay out of small WAvrrly 3-8207 WA 3-9207—WA 3-9208 boats. P arents are urged to keep a close watch on children while near (All Stops on North Broad St.) HILLSIDE TIMES water areas. WANT ADS nRIVTNG OR WALKING ■ : SCHEDULE : - TAKE IT EASY 6 min. and 36 min. after the honr from 7:36 a.m. — 1:36 p.m. Hourly Between 1:36 p.m. — 3:36 p.m. Then every U hr. from 3:36 Repairs, p.m. — 6:36 p.ra. W illiam Hale Coal Co. Supplies1 Hourly 6:36 p.m. — 12:36 a.m. 1374 Liberty Ave., HiUside A ll makes

PICK-UFS IN N. Y. C. 1.—Ter­ S L I F E R minal—36th St. & 6th Are. 2— Phone UNionville 2-2244 TYPEWRITER CO. 41st S t dr Broadway. 3—39th St A Stranger & 10th Are. Typewriters - Adding Machines The Green Flyer, Inc. Rented ■ Sold - Repaired For Information Call ES. 3-1805 Coal-Coke & Fuel Oil 655 H i g h St., N e w a rk , N. J. MArket 3-2616 Comes To Town A m erica's Uirnf-PrlrrS Straight EIgkt tWNf.Prfc«S Car icitk CM Bgdra-Matlr Drive Optional on all models at extra cost. A stranger from out of town got on the hus aud i earner-racked Silver Streak Englnm-^Ckolre ul Six or Elgkt asked the operator: T k e M o st Beamtllml Thing on Wheel* “How much is the fare?” IT s r W Renowned Road Record lor Economy and Long Life 0 “Just a nickel, mister”, the operator replied. “What!”, said the amazed stranger. “Five cents! How can you give service for a nickel?”*

Just give it plenty of exercise! W ell- we can’t!

When you stop to think about it, a five cent fare today — 19."»0 — is amazing. It is impossible to furnish you with adequate and dependable transportation at a fare we charged in 1940.

Prices have skyrocketed in the last 10 years.

Public Service lias to pay mitre for everything that goes into a bus ride — tilings like oil, tires, bus parts and gasoline are way up over 1940 prices. Wages have been climbing, too. Since July 1,1948, they have risen by about $4,750,000 on an annual basis- and over $13,500,000 on an annual basis sinre 1940.

And the bus fare is now otily 5 cents.

PuMic Service filed u petition on July 12, 19,r>0, with the Board of I’uldie Utility Commissioners for relief from tlie five cent fare When you take the wheel of a new Pontiac you may be until such time us permanent rules shall have been'established by the Board. so proud of its beauty that you will be inclined to pamper it a little. Dollar for Dollar I lie company feels tliut you can readily understand that efficient and adequate transportation service Is in jeopardy when we face No Pontiac ever needs pampering! you cant beat a •he loss of nearly $4,000,000 a year. Pontiac is built, through and through, to be a great and dependable performer — for a long, long time. Just give Pontiac plenty of exercise and your speedometer will reveal the whole truth of the statement—dollar /or dollar you can’t beat a Pontiac! , o p v b l i c w j s e r v t c f ; PtK M TM AC A-273-50 MIXON PONTIAC, INC 1444 N. BROAD ST. W A 3 2 8 3 2 HILLSIDE, N. J. ‘O verheard it Bai LpiJinj Platform, Penn.ylvania Station, Newark PAGE 4 - THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1950 ter, chairman, and Mrs,. Harvey Give Surprise Shower Greenfield, co-chairman, invite all Attend National Of A Personal Nature to attend and bring prospective For Miss Kaye Regan attended Hillside'schools, makes her members. Refreshments will be Mrs. Robert Jordan, of 37 Looker served by Mrs. Henry Nussbaum Hadassah Parley street, was hostess at a surprise There is no charge for items home in Venezuela where her hus­ and her committee. Mrs. Bernard Senner, president of miscellaneous shower given for published in this column. Phone band is an engineer in the refin­ Hadassah will sponsor a rummage the Hillside Chapter of Hadassah, Miss Kaye Regan, daughter of Mrs WAyerly 3-9208. ing department of the Creole Pet- sale during the last two weeks in Arthur Regan, of 1436 Concord place roTettm—Gf*------——--- i— —W_Llliiim_Raeter is attended the 36th annual national convention of'Htrda'SsatrTit'th^ Hotel- Elizabeth. Saturday, Miss Jean Moorhouse, of 934 chairman of this committee. Dona­ Decorations were in melon and Mr. arid Mrs. Edmund Muller, of Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, Sheridan avenue, Elizabeth, -and tions will be picked up if she is green. Twenty guests attended 1280 Oakwood avenue, visited Nat­ contacted at WA 3-2280. from August 20 to August 23. Miss Mary Diou, of 512 McMichael The keynote of the conference from New York, Pennsylvania, Or­ ural Bridge, Virginia, last week. .. ange, Bloomfield, Elizabeth, Hill­ place, sailed last Thursday on the was “Build Today for Tomorrow.” One of the highlights of the conven­ side and Newark. Hillside Girl On HMS Britannic for, Europe. They Newlyweds Back tion was a fashion show of apparel Miss Regan will, become the bride Celebrates Mass Newark Girl Wed will visit w ith relatives of Miss N.J.C. Dean’s List Hadassah Changes designed and made by students of of John Paul Geier, son of Mr. and Moorhouse in Dumbarton, Scotland, the Alice Seligsberg Institute, Bran- Mrs. Charles Geier, of 113 Liberty followed by a week in London and NEW BRUNSWICK. Aug. 30— From Honeymoon deis Center, Jerusalem. street, Elizabeth, October 7, The At Sister’s Bridal To Aaron Yager a tour of Holland, Belgium, Lux­ For high scholastic standing, 143 First Meeting Day Among the delegates and guests couple are both employed by the Miss Florence Veronica Craw­ embourg, France, Switzerland, and Mr and Mrs. Philip E. Browne Hilside National Bank. students at New Jersey College for Miss Harriet Loshin, daughter Italy. Mrs. Bernard Senner, president of have returned from a honeymoon at present from the Hillside Chapter were Mrs. Paul Miller, Mrs. Jack ford, daughter of Mrs. Frank J. Women, Rutgers University, have of Mrs. Lillian Loshin, of 659 South While in France they will visit the Hillside Chapter of Hadassah, Niagara Falls and Canada. The Crawford, of 15 V assar avenue, Singer, Mrs. Robert Kaplan, Mrs. GIRL TO KREITZES been recognized on the Dean’s List 20th street, Newark, was married with Miss Diou's relatives irt Metz. announces that due to the Jewish couple were married Saturday, Newark, . IS*. QC. wages owed employees, under cer­ The bride, who was a journalism CORN CUSTARD butter or margarine over low heat until soft, stirring occasionally. Add tain conditions. major at Brooklyn College, is now 3 eggs, beaten 1 tsp. salt employed by the Mutual Broadcast­ flour and mix well. Add milk grad­ 2 cups cooked % tsp. pepper ually and cook, stirring occasion­ 1$ CLOTHES, ing Company. Her father is vice corn y2 tsp, sugar president of Krich-Radisco, Inc. ally until thickened. Add salt, pep­ 2 tbsp. melted % cup cracker per and corn and pour into well The bridegroom graduated with butter or crumbs honors from Brooklyn Polytechnic greased individual baking dishes or margarine 1 tbsp. butter or Institute as an electronic engineer. a 114 Qt. casserole. Cover with but­ LOANS 2 cups milk margarine He is currently employed as sales tered crumbs. Bake at 350°F. 25 FOR EVERY engineer for L & P Electric Co., Combine eggs, corn, melted butter minutes. Serves 6. Brooklyn, following his service on or margarine and milk. Stir well. an aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy. Add salt, pepper and sugar. Pour S FIRST YOU into lMt qt. greased casserole, sprin­ CORN RELISH m ■ i WEIGH PERSONAL kle with cracker crumbs, dot with 1 doz. ears 1 cup cabbage, butter or margarine. Bake at 350°F. B’naiB’rithWomen sweet corn chopped nA No more guessing. Just for 40 minutes or until custard is 2 cups onions, 2 tbsp. salt weigh clotheson theWeigh- NEED firm. Serves 6. w chopped !4 tsp. pepper to-Save Door. In Season’s Debut 2 green peppers, 1% tbsp. - cluding a few sea bass. Some of the ning when the Thuro club scored sectionSection nfof ththis ifn fish-loaded h^eLth/ Atlantic. £°rei6n’ After yet the not show completely, of dolphin to flying our porgies weighed up to three pounds. \ eight runs. However, the Buick j'up' Amherjacks and the marlin taken in the chumming fleef on There were thirty-five people on team battled all the way but time the boat, and the average was 75 simply ran out on them. All in all, corne?rtonSmUryh ? ° CkS thls upast week-end, it wouldnt astound this Sindv Wnnu a ,10 S!e a sch° o1 of sailfish surface on the beaches of to 100 pounds for each. Friends the Buick outfit was a worthy rep­ and neighbors of Earle and Solomon resentative of the Industrial League. had at teast „n oT ih 'T * b°at that was trolUng the Placid sea s c L m tlj L “ e 0 l .the ak°ve specie Our boat, trolling for blues, were happy to hear of and share The Thuro club would be the first in their successful catch. the scrappy blues, two albacore and a to admit this as they were extended trrd W n doIPhm - Many small amberjacks were taken by those ------______to the complete three-game limit trolling about five miles of! the beaches. TOBIAS before they won out. After, all the ,. ™ s waek w e offer you a tidbit that should surely enlighten shouting had died down, about all (Frfd|v,Undry 3S t0 the Why and wherefore of the striper shortage Lads Club Seeking that could be heard was the cry, in thlS 1S, an °Plni°n of our own). Last Saturday, on a trip to “Wait until next year.” That about e Monmouth Beach freezer for mossbunkers, we SAW 12 000 sums up the softball activity this pounds of four to twelve pound striped bass that had just been Quarters For Unit year in the Hillside Recreation Soft- boxed in from Maryland by commercial netters. Unfortunately ball Leagues. even our inquisitive eyes were pot afforded an opportunity to get F. F. Resos, president of the Lad’s Peter G. Humanik, recreation the name and the exact location of the shipper. Club, Monday night named Mrs. Hillside Appliance supervisor, announces he is trying However, the fish were there, and for all we know this has been Mary A. Witte, treasurer, chairman to arrange a game between the going; on regularly. This correspondent presumes that it has, and of the committee to search for Hillside champs, the Thuro club, property or a building for a club­ unm some sort of compact agreement is reached by the states that house. , and the Metropolitan champs, Long’s abound with the wily striper, we predict that the commercial inter- of Harrison, which is currently en­ ests will eventually take a toll of this gamester that may well cause Mrs. Witte was directed to obtain a central location for the club for gaged in the Mid-Atlantic States its extmction. Striped bass, most definitely, are a migratory fish, Softball Championship being con­ v/hich more than a hundred mem­ This Family-Size (iENUlNE and in their travels dwell for short periods in the bait-laden areas bership applications have been ducted at Summit over the Labor such as Buzzards Bay, Rhode Island, Montauk, Sandy Hook, Chesa- Day weekend. issued. The club, at present, serves pcake and Delaware Bays, and the brackish backwaters of Virginia boys mostly in the Liberty avenue If the game can be arranged to and the Caroiinas. ft is a m atter of simple deduction that should taHe place in Hillside, the people area and meets nightly at the Mu­ such promiscuous netting continue, certainly these inroads will nicipal Recreation Center, 1112 Li­ of Hillside and especially the fol­ eventually create a shortage. From where we sit, wre advise that berty avenue. lowers of softball would have an only the sportsmen themselves can take up the cudgels in defense Director of the club’s activities, opportunity to witness softball of of this bit of conservation to retain for rod and reel fishing alone major league calibre. Arthur F. McGinn, headed a paper this great, and much sought after, game fish. collection from the Homes of club Buick Motor Div. But more of that later, when we expect to write a complete A.B. R. H. members Saturday. Funds gained column on striped bass. from the drive will be used to spon­ Matryek 3b Adolph Solomon, donor of that beautiful rod and reel in the Richter lb sor a party September 1, probably Hillside striped bass derby, states that from the looks of things he at the V.F.W. Hall, Bloy street and Paul cf might as well give the prize to Bill Stewart, of 555 Puree street, Carragino ss Rutgers avenue. Mrs. Blanche Mc­ who leads with a 27 pounder. In view of the above bit of informa­ Ginn is In charge of arrangements Kelly c tion, and this bringing in very few entries, we can understand Sol­ for Ifye party. Sudnik p omon's feelings. September and October/generally the best months McGinn reported that he has re­ Kemper rf for bass, should bring in more and bigger fish, so sit tight, Adolph, Dulinski If ceived requests for 12 additional maybe Bill will beat his own record. membership applications. Chepulis -2b Albacore trolling, just now is providing excellent sport for those who ean afford the fee. These streamlined, speedsters will give one Totals 26 a real time and the sport is our recommendation for the week. Thuro A. A. Fluke of .the doormat variety continue, to cooperate with patrons Will Raise Fund A.B. R. of the head boat class. Over the Weekend we saw many of the fiats Petras ss 3 3 that weighed as much as nine pounds. What with the waning season, J. Thuro cf 4 1 your reporter advises getting in on some of this branch of fishing For Scout Campers Orban If 3 1 before it is all-over. Budjake lb' 3 0 We’re leaving for the Montauk based Atlantic Tuna Tourna­ The Parents’ Auxiliary of Boy Tfiurp c 3 1 ment next week, so until then, good fishing to you and tight lines. Scout Troop 94 Sunday decided to raise about $350 during the 1950-51 season to send all members of the troop to camp for one week next summer at Marcella. The first in the series o4 fund­ raising projects will be held in October. Others will be planned throughout The y e a r until the group’s goal is reached. Plans also were made for the Good Principles troop to attend the annual camporee at Marcella September 23 and 24 and to visit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Scheu, formerly of WHAT IS GOOD advertising, anyway? The Advertising Hillside, at Rosemont, Labor Day weekend. Federation of America recently defined it this way: Samuel Pell was appointed as­ sistant scoutmaster of the troop. An Eagle Scout dinner to. honor six members of the troop who will ad­ GOOD ADVERTISING—aims to inform the consumer vance to that rank will be held, in November. and help him to buy more intelligently. TRANSFERS GOOD ADVERTISING—tells the truth, avoiding mis- Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Scheu to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barlok, property statement of facts as well as possible deception through impli­ known as 190 Ryan street. N. J. Manufacturers’. Association cation or omission. It makes no claims which cannot be met in Hospitals, Inc., to Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Buckie, property in Hill­ side avenue, 655.43 feet from Leslie full and without further qualification. It uses only testimonials street. (Lease) Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. of competent witnesses. Buckie to The Atlantic Refining Company, property in Hillside ave­ nue, 665.43 feet from Leslie street, Hillside, 20 years, monthly rental GOOD ADVERTISING—conforms to the generally ac­ approximating $186. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Billick to cepted standards of good taste. It seeks public acceptance on Bertha Yeskolski, property known as 913 West Elm street. the basis of the merits of the product or service advertised Charlotte Realty Company to Mir­ iam C. Friedland, property known OUTSIDE- INSIDE I rather than by the disparagement of competing goods. It tries as 1525 Maple avenue. Elsie S. Shaffer and Harry J., her husband, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. to avoid practices that are offensive or annoying. Yadusky, property in Clark street, You Can't Match A 170 feet from Highland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Naylor to GOOD ADVERTISING—recognizes both its economic Mr. and Mrs. Irving I. Segall, lot FRIGIDAIRE! 120, map of Livingston Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Brett to responsibility to help reduce distribution costs and its social Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lieff, property responsibility in serving the public interest. in Grumman avenue, 224.05 feet from Elizabeth avenue. 1 The Public Contracts Act pro­ hibits the employment of convict labor on goods and materials manu­ factured or furnished to the U. S. Government under this Act. ,-.jr TOBIA S Hillside Appliance Co

The Hillside Times 1321 LIBERTY AYE., Opp. Safeway—WA 3-9341 14-43 North Broad Street ^Hillside, N. J. 1418 NORTH BROAD ST., near Mertz Ave. — WA 3-7768 GOOD PARKING Phone WAverly 3-9207 OPEN 9 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY PAGE &—THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3!, 1950

third game of the championship Marilyn Day, Russ Brown. Mitchell ^Jgggggggggggggjagte/fers fo the Editor, and Get It Day,” “Necessity,” “|f j playoff. Tinian's Rainbow’ Agruss, Billy Rollo, Chris Gampel, Can’t Get The Girl I Love,” “When uHje* (Simas An application for possibly as Danielle Dyer and Jimmy Grimes. the Idle Poor Become the Idle Rich” and many others. Entered fle second cleas matter, January 31, 1936, at1 the Post Office much, as $493,000 for construction Opinions Of Our Readers Mr. Martin sang Woody on Broad­ at Elisabeth, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1379. and equipping of a new High School Next At Montclair way and on tour, Miss Day played “Finian’s Rainbow” will be at the Montclair Theatre for one Printed and Published every Thursday at building with Public Works Admin Finian’s Rainbow,” the miracu Sharon for over one season, Russ 1443 North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey Brown played the title role for over week only and there will be n . istration funds was to be voted by introducedTepfa- ' by LOUDER, PLEASE rather than to sit around like dum­ ous musical a season and Miss Dyer and the Board of Education at a special played on Wednesday, Saturday meeting. 1085 Voorhees St., mies in the audience, unable to chauns to America and made Glocca Grimes were in the original com­ THE HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Aug. 24, 1950 and Sunday. hear anything. Merra a household word, will open pany. Sidney Silverstein ...... Business Manager Editor, Hillside Times, The'entire singing and dancing I would like to recommend that at the Montclair Theatre on Tues­ Robert Kaplan ...... Editor I attended the Township Commit­ day, September 5, for one week ensemble, which spent over two | BECOMES CITIZEN Telephone WAverly 3-9207 tee meeting last night and was very the township install microphones at only. seasons on the road, will be o n ■ p n,,nfv t„hdo r „ pleased to hear the committee vote our meetings if our officials are un­ The original, elaborate production, hand intact. Phil_ Stein, one of the lnducted new citizens Tuesdaffn^ down the proposal to rezone the Co­ stage managers Of the touring Fin-1 ------.• , . , ^ ln a SUBSCRIPTION RATES It’s A Date able to raise their voices. During a the same as that used in the 46th brief ceremony in which they were The TIMES will be sent to any part of the United States lor nant St. area for industrial use. It campaign for election we have no Street Theatre, where it ran for 727 ian’s Rainbow” will stage the pro- is my opinion th a t Hillside should difficulty hearing them and I be­ welcomed by the court and County the regular subscription price of $2.50 a year, single copies 5 cents. Tuesday performances, will be used includ­ duction. Clerk Henry G. Nulton. Among Postage to Canada and foreign countries must be added to these rates. call a halt to the influx of industry lieve the townspeople are }usl as ing Jo Mielziner’s sets and Eleanor Mixing fantasy and romance, Meeting of Hillside Democratic if it is to retain any status at all those receiving certificates was Mrs COMMUNICATIONS entitled to hear them after the elec­ Goldsmith’s costumes.', William S. humor and pathos, ‘'Finian’s Rain­ Madeline Cecelia Burray, - - ' Club to select tax collector candi­ as a residential community. tion as before. Levine has been able to engage bow" received rave reviews on of 92(j The TIMES is always pleased to publish letters and other items date. I would like to take this oppor­ Revere dr;ve. of interest to readers, and invites such communications. The name Anything you can do lo improve almost all of the principals who Broadway and on tour. Its ‘tuneful Workshop for teachers of Hillside tunity to re^t^r a complaint re­ this situation would be appreciated played on -Broadway or toured with score includes such hit-parade songs And address of ihe 'writer mnsTge given In eve r y case, nut necessar ily public schools. for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous l a t i n g otsrepra siiuwri ~ myselfmyselfTjy ana fflflhy Other d ill ttn frrt------How Are Things In .Glocca BUY AND HOl.n munications will not be published! Wednesday at the meeting for the people at gruntled citizens. Heading the cast will be suehjMorra,. Old Devil Moon,” "If This Second workshop for teachers of tending by refusing to conduct the Please accept my thanks for the stellar entertainers, as Jay Martin,1 Isn’t Love, On That Great Come U. S. SAVINGS BONDS school system. . meeting loud enough so that the part you played in having the pro-' P Combatting Inflation September 7 people present could hear what was posed rezoning of Conant St. turned Reopening of all public schools. going on. All we could hear was a As everyone realizes by now the conflict in Korea is no down. September 8 lot of mumbling that made no sense. Very truly yours, longer a police action. It is war and according to those charged Annual retreat of Knights of Co­ I and many others left very early ALBERT W. MILLER with the responsibility of conducting it. a m ajor effort in terms lumbus Council. of men and material will he required of the United States and September 10 Picnic of Hillside Lodge 1591, CHECKING ACCOUNT . , . her allies to win. At present the planners estimate we will need B.-P.O. Elks. Successful Moments 10 lo 15 fighting divisions, 150.000 or more troops, a year’s time Hillside Democratic Club picnic. and masses of war material. Moreover, in the background is the September 11 Meeting of Congregational Coun­ HAT do you think about in won their struggle to be rid of incalcuable threat of Russian inspired aggression breaking out those odd minutes when him. Nor did he attempt to blind BYWORD OF BUSY PEOPLE elsewhere. cil of Hillside Presbyterian Church. September 12 w you are walking to the sta­ himself to the demand of the hour. In the meantime domestic problems gather momentum Rose of Friendship Circle picnic. tion or riding in the streetcar or This—as was every circumstance along with mobilization. Ihe old story of rising prices and wa,res September 13 waiting your turn at the shopping with Christ Jesus—was a matter is going through its paces. Living costs on June 15- just before Township Committee meeting. counter? W hatever we do, con­ between him and his Father; he Hundreds of families in this community will agree war in Korea—on the basis of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Sta­ September 14 sciousness is always active. W hat met it vigorously and coura­ Board of Education meeting. is it busy about? geously, affirming his Father’s all­ tistics consumer-price index, stood at 170.2 percent of the 1935-39 September 16 with us when we say that a checking account is the Thoughts determine our cir­ power and accepting the divine level. By mid-July, those costs were at about 172 on the index. Knights of Columbus -picnic. cumstances rath er than circum ­ will. . . . Now, after still more increases, they are at the highest level in September 19 Mary Baker Eddy, the Discov­ byword of busy people. It facilitates the payment of Elks Charity ball. stances our thoughts, and we history. Inflation is no longer a spectre. It is a reality. The fact should be increasingly alert to fill erer and Founder of Christian that it was inevitable does not lessen its threat to the American September 2§ Science, says in her book "Miscel­ all bills, it offers positive proof of payments made and Board of Health meeting. our moments w ith right thinking. system and the freedom of the people. The costly necessities of laneous W ritings” (p. 230), "Suc­ September 27 Either brooding over the past or military defense piled on top of an incredibly extravagant peace cess in life depends upon persis­ it provides a running record of all expenses incurred. Township Committee meeting. wishful or fearful thinking about tent effort, upon the improvement time governmental structure are hitting h ard where it hurts the future is wasteful thinking. MRS. MARTHA BORCHERS of moments more than upon any moat—the household pocketbook. The currency in that pocket Ruminating on physical ills, men­ other one thing.” And referring to Opening a checking account here is quick, convenient Funeral services were conducted tal injuries, or unhappy circum­ book is losing its value. Pressure is rising for Congress to do Saturday from Walter R. Lee Fu­ successful individuals, she adds, something. But even among the best informed there is basic stances tends to prolong or even "They spend no time in sheer and so easy. Here’s all you do. Just drop us a note neral Home, 1283 Salem avenue, for induce such inhannonies and disagreement as to the best course to follow. Bernard Baruch, Mrs. Martha Borchers, 77 years old, idleness, in talking when they of 150 Conant street. Cremation was wastes both .time and opportunity have nothing to say, in building whofin his eightieth year has become known as America’s elder for constructive thought. Mere or, if you prefer, stop in and ask for one of our officers. statesman and who has been the respected adviser to' presidents at Rosehill Crematory, Linden. air-castles or floating off on the Widow of Herman Borchers, Mrs. wishful thinking obscures present wings of sense: all of which drop and congress for more than a quarter of a century, believes only Borchers died August 23 at her possibilities and responsibilities human life into the ditch of non­ He will be pleased to be of the utmost assistance. by immediate imposition of all out controls with taxes “higher home after a long illness. Born in and is at best only escape into un ­ sense, and worse than waste its than a cat’s back” can the war effort he effective and the future Germany, she lived in Brooklyn, reality. Thought that is vigor­ years.” . . . liberty of the people secured. Before a congressional committee N Y., and Newark before moving ously and spiritually awake to the How often do we catch our­ facts of being does not permit the be demanded: An overall ceiling across the entire economy, here in 1921. selves turning over in our mind Surviving are & daughter, Mrs. invasion of this deadening influ­ over all prices, wages, rents, fees and so on, with high enough some bit of gossip we have just Samuel Basch, of Hillside; two ence. heard. How much more profitable taxes to prevent profiteering and to pay all defense costs', and an brothers, William Nisse, of Brook­ The remedy lies in true com­ it is to contemplate and make our BUY AND HOLD U. S. SAVINGS BONDS all-embracing, effective system of priorities.” lyn, and Charles A. Nisse, of Pasa­ munion with God, divine Mind, own the qualities which brought Equally able observers have vastly different views. Henry dena. Cal., and two grandchildren. wherein we recognize man as David from shepherd boy to king, Hazlitt, leading economist anil commentator writes: “ The Ad­ God’s idea, His perfect likeness. that enabled Peter and John to TOWNSHIP NOTES Even in the garden of Gethsemane ministration’s real duty now is not to start dictating prices anil Is your house for sale? For quick heal the lame man at the temple wages hut to halt its own inflationary policies. It must ruthlessly results, phone Theresa M. Rensen. before his betrayal Christ Jesus gate, that transformed £aul bom Broker. EL. 2-9833— Adv. did not seek mental or physical persecutor of the Christians to *lash needless nonmilitary expenditures. Senator Byrd, in an escape. His thought reached out their courageous champion as a itemized statement, has estimated that the whole appropriation to his Father, God, and he said humble follower of Christ. of $10,500,000 that the President requested could he taken out (Mark 14:36i, "Abba, Father, all Tf we put behind us the wasted of the present nonmilitary budget. . . . The government must Get The Hillside Times things are possible unto thee; take hours, the hours of fear and self- The Hillside National Bank •stop holding up prices- of foodstuffs artificially; it must stop away this cup from me: neverthe­ centeredness and gossip and re­ less not what 1 will, but what thou vengeful thinking, and fill our mo­ financing an inflationary housing boom; it must stop subsidizing wilt.” an inflationary export Room. It must stop its inflationary gov­ ments with those treasure! of AL HAUSER He indulged in no brooding bit­ thought which reflect the beauty Hillside, IN. J. ernment bond-pegging policy; it must slop its inflationary low- Stationery terness over Judas, who would and intelligence of the divine interest rates. . . . If such steps are taken we need not fear in­ betray him, o r Peter, who was to Mind, we shall live usefully, flation, and we will get the all out production that only free vigorously, and successfully. . . , Toys - Candy deny him, in no anger against Member Federal Reserve System markets and a free economy can provide.” those who, it would seem, had —The Christian Science Monitor. Regardless of whom you may agree with, one thing should Newspaper Delivery Deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation be kept in mind—the first responsibility of every American 437 YALE AVENUE OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS, 6:30 - 8 P.M. citizen is the perpetuation of individual liberty and our repre­ Cor. Bloy St. UN 2-3023 DRIVING OR WALKING, TAKE IT EASY sentative form of government. This primary objective must always remain ahead of personal comfort and security, for the civilians, as well as for the troops in the front lines. From Times Past 20 YEARS AGO Trousdell served together during Jacob L. Bauer, former Union the Spanish-American War in Bat­ SELLS IT County Engineer and consulting en­ WHO tery M of the fourth U. S. Artillery, gineer in Hillside, engineer for the stationed at Fo.rts Constitution, State Highway Commission, was Strong and Winthrop, Mix as a cor­ named on the Trenton committee to poral and Trousdell as a sergeant. study airports by the American En­ Miss Edith Jowitt and Mrs. Clif­ gineering Council^. in cooperation ford Heathcote, with 64, were tied with the Department of Commerce. for the weekly low score in the Unless sufficiently strong objec­ ladies contest, while Frank LaTora tions were presented at the public and Potsy Winters, with 57, were hearing, the proposition to increase tied in the men’s division on the the salaries of Hillside police offi­ Ell-Mah Miniature Golf Course on WHERE c,ATN„,„,IiV' ? cers—only .patrolmen of the depart­ North Broad street. m ent—was to be nlaced on the bal­ The Hillside Union County League lot to be voted ^ by referendum Club defeated St. Joseph’s of Ros­ A BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SERVICES AND SUPPLIES 4n November. elle in a league game, 11-5. A reception to Tom Mix, well- The ordinance appropriating Hill­ known movie star, was given by side’s share in the enlarged joint ■former com m itteem an John E. trunk sewer was passed on final FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR READERS Trousdell, of Munn avenue. Mix and reading by the Township Commit­ tee. Hillside was to pay $227,925. ADVERTISERS DESIRING SPACE — CALL WA 3-9207 — S. SILVERSTEIN A n v m p d 15 YEARS AGO An enrolment approximating 1060 pupils was expected at the high • Auto Service Stations • Brakes & Clutches • Children’s Wear | • Interior Decorators school when the term opened. ------i------.------* Painting & Decorating • Real Estate, Insurance HAROLD (. Two ordinances providing for the refunding of a total of $2,040,000 of Advance Brake & “ MILLERKUT S" the township’s outstanding obliga­ COMPHER’S Clutch Co. KIDDIE SHOP tions to obtain a reduction from the GOLDFINGER’S JENSEN PAINTING (m; d j;\ ESSO STATION Complete Brake & Clutch Service 92 Maple Ave. WA 3-9700 HILLSIDE REALTY present six'per cent interest to Furniture & DECORATING CO. probably fou^ and one half per Brakes, Clutches, Shocks, Tie near Chancellor Ave., Newark COMPANY Funeral Director No. Broad and Looker Streets 128 Lyons Ave., Newark Interior & Exterior cent, were passed on first reading Rods, Front End Parts, King SUMMER Eat 1923-Howsrd J. Blay, Realtor by the Township Committee. Complete ESSO Servicenters Pins, Cables, Mufflers cor. Parkview Ter. Paperhanging and General Pick-Up & Delivery C L E A R A.N C E Real Estate - General Insurance 458 North Broad St. Supervising Principal Arthur G. Sterling Silverware & Flat- House Repairing Woodfield. almost immediately on ROAD SERVICE 433 Elizabeth Ave, near Meeker Now Going On “Our Reputation Is Tour top of criticism of the issuance of( Newark, N. J. ware, Bristol Lamps LUZABETH EL 3-9336 Specialists In Layettes FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN. Assurance Of Reliability” sixth grade certificates to members WAverly 3-8206, 3-9644 WA 3-7642 ii uniuoiul 5-8346 of eighth grade classes in the town­ EL. 2-2584 - HilWde, N. J. I’lionc E l. Lf-51‘»;» ship who were Somewhat retarded, submitted a recommendation to the teachers’ committee of the Board • Auto Upholstery • Hall For Rent WH»>,#WWWW

* Bakeries • Money To Loan * Real Estate, huaraaee • Shoe Repairing We Cater to Parties, Wedding* MAYFAIR LIQUOR STORE ZENITH FUNERAL DK8IGNS HILLSIDE LOAN CO. A Other Special Occasions A. CASTRO CUT FLOWERS 1426 No. Broad St., Hillside, N. J. KATHRYN A. KELLER GRAHAM B. WINTER — DANIEL J. CERVKN CAMERA EXCHANGE SHOE REBUILDING MITTLEMAN BROS. HOMR MOVIE SPECIALISTS ^ WA 6-3522 General Insurance DELAWARE VALLEY All Work Guaranteed LIQUORS - WINES - BEERS - SODA Photo SappUea 41 Eqiifrmeat (Just Below Mayfair Theatre) 1444 NOBTH BBOAD STREET QUALITY MAKERS C*m«ru - Projector* 200 Long Ave. V»< !4. Z i Kegs Beer — Coolers For Hire 1594 MAPLE AVE. - WA 3-6212 NURSERY Open Daily 9-5, Wed. 9-7 Bo«fht - Sold Exchanged TELEPHONE: WAverly 1 -88.1 cor. Avy St. . - W A 3-5450 — t o ® f r e e p r o m p t d e l i v e r y Lie. #806 DELICIOUS SLICED BYE MS N. BBOAD 8T„ Cor. Blag 8L 1454 North Broad St., Mayfair Theatre Bldg. •0* MORRIS AVE. ' ----- • ----- Finest Materials Used AND PUMPEKNICKEL ELIZABETH KL I-7M 7 PhOM BLIiatMth a-att. Borrow $25.00 to $500.00 l-H-M-H-H-4 M-H-H...... >*'i' »m i "M"i ********** m Shoes Repaired ------J a Privately - Easily . Quickly Con pl.t. u lH I d n l SnrtM — -a While U W ait v nr FIRST-AID HOUSE OF THE WEEK LENNOX to the COAL BURNING OIL BURNING GAS BURNING AILING HOUSE A free survey of your home by our experienced heating engineers can quickly eliminate cold Ry ROGER B. WHITMAN rooms, drafts, fuel waste. We’ll gladly show you A I R how planned Lennox warm-air systems give copyright Roger B. Whitman, you balanced heat in each room. Phone today! WfrlJ Service COOLERS V m O ’S LAM EST manufacturers and Mosquitoes Enter House At Night ONLY ------EMIlUm If I HM AH KEATIH6 SYSTEMS Through Chimney Flues ^Although my living-room is .25 Call Your Certified Lennox Dealer Today, tightly screened,” writes a corres­ pondent, “we find many mosquitoes in it, especially at- night. In spite R . F . STENGEL & SON of careful watching, we have not St seen any-^com ing through the 425 ROUTE 29 at Bloy Street HILLSIDE screens, and are completely puzzled No Installation Needed! UNionville 2-7248 as to how they get in. Can you make any suggestions?” WORKS LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER ig&JS3338S3SS3333SSS8e5i8&33S8SS8S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs. If there is a fireplace in the room, LOOKS LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER! and being a living room there prob­ ably is one, the mosquitoes are un­ O n Sale Exclusively In New Jersey At doubtedly coming down the chim­ ney. At night when the room is NOW! MIRRORS lighted, the flying insects see the with a 10-YEAR GUARANTEE! glow down the flues, and are at­ ranged for efficiency. The kitchen equip­ LEW BROTHERS CO. INC. tracted by it. The remedy is to keep ment is built-in as is a broom closet in the NEVER BEFORE the throat damper closed; or if the room. There is also ample dining space. 1352 LIBERTY AVE. UN 2-7330, 1, 2 have we been able to offer fireplace has no throat damper, the you a value like (his! 1/2- ln< h bevel, Pittsburgh plate throat connecting with the flue can Closet space is ample in The Delmar. glass, genuinely electro­ be stuffed with newspapers. I feel There is a’ coat closet in the vestibule, a plated mirrors. We have a sure that this precaution will end limited quantity at these linen cabinet in tlie hall and each of'the p ric e s . the trouble. Of course, with a fire going, the insects will not come bedrooms is equipped with a built-in *60°« down. Naturally if the fire is to be wardrobe. BERKELEY SAVINGS ..$5 6 .°o lighted on a cool evening,, the damper mqst be opened, or the For economy in plumbing, the kitchen and ■' s23-95 newspapers-taken out. bathroom arc adjoining. The laundry Storing Books equipment is situated directly below the ?25'95 Question: Is it safe to store books AND LOAN ASSOCIATION hath room. Call in an attic that is hot in the sum­ 1079 Bergen St., corner Lyons Ave. mertime? Is it safe1 to store books •The exterior walls of The Delmar are of WA 6-3040 = in a basement flat? frame, but because of the straight lines WAverly 6-2221 Newark, N. J. Answer: Summer heat will not the plan is adaptable to the use of con­ do any great harm to books, but moisture will be most injurious. crete blocks, if desired. The roof is cov­ NEW JERSEY MIRROR CO. & Ar i Storage of anything in a basement ered with asphalt shingles. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmm is never safe because the atmos­ Overall dimensions of The Delmar are 30 MORTGAGE LOANS phere is likely to be damp. rl HE DELMAR has a one-room expansion Leaded Glass? attic and two bejlroo'ms, a Jiving room and feet by 20 feet, including a full basement. Tf you arc planning lo Tiny, Build, or Refinance, Question: Can you give me the kitclien on the first floor. All of the rooms The floor area is 816 square feet with a let us help you with our CONVENIENT, LOW- name of anything better than putty volume of 17,382 cubic feel. for leaded glass? The putty falls are connected to a small central hall. This COST MORTGAGE LOAN. out -so frequently. provides excellent circulation between- the For further information about THE DEE- Answers Plastic' rpofing cement rooms. MAR, write the Small House Planning F H A — G I Daniel Leeds IDiller, Inc. stiffened with dry portland cement The modern kitchen’s cabinets are ar­ Bureau, St. Cloud, Minn. can bemused. This is black. For a TELEPHONES: ELIZABETH 2-7123 - WAVEKLY 3-1938 white cement, use a half-ahd-half CONVENTIONAL TYPE LOANS m ij^ re of linseed oil. and spar of Couch Harvey Harman and' his varnish, with a little japan drier, Also 11IA Repair and Modernization Loans COAL, KOPPERS COKE, FUEL OIL made into a stiff pasty by the addi­ Butgers Eleven To Start Training staff. tion of powdered wniting. Or use Leon Root of East Orange, the Member Accounts Insured lip To $5,000 by a *vhite lead. NEW BRU N SW ICK — College Girt on the Jersey shore. State University’s candidate far All- Perm anent Instrumentality of the U. S. Government MASONS’ SUPPLIES Smelly Containers foetball gets a pre-season kickoff in Summer vacation ended abruptly American center honors, will lead Question: I have received a’ very New Jersey this week when the Monday morning for some 40 Scar­ the veteran contingent of 18 return­ handsome kitchen utensil set, but Rutgers University gridders open let players who started yieir twice- ing letlermen into camp. A few jun­ 1356 North Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey cannot'use the container because their annual training session at Sea daily drills under the watchful eyes ior varsity graduates and a solid of the odor picked up by sugar, corps of sophomores make up the coffee, ,et£. Washing does no good, balance of the Scarlet squad. nor baking soda in warm water* or Faced with the tusk of rebulding airing. What can you suggest? the Rutgers line, which was de­ Answer: Try the effect of enclos­ MIDSUMMER SPECIAL! pleted heavily by graduation, Har­ PEARSE CONSTRUCTION CO. ing in each container a can of char­ man has listed a strenuous slate of coal, such as is made for deodoriz­ activity for the gridders, who will ROOFING - SIDING - ALTERATIONS ing refrigerators. These can be had be calling the New Jersey National F. W. TIC H E N O R & S 0 H at dime and hardware stores. Char­ SLIPCOVERS! Guard camp their home for the Authorized Johm-Manville Applicators coal is an excellent absorber of next few weeks. Carpenter - Builder - Roofer odors, and Should work well. The .Rutgers mentor is counting Convenient Terms — Lp to 5 Years To Pay upon the nucleus of lettermen to Member of Better Business Men’s Bureau of Union ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL REPAIRS, up help work the newcomers into var­ Program Adopted >49.50 sity roles in a hurry. 951 SALEM RD. UNVL. 2-2782 UNION ALTERATIONS AND MODERNIZATION With Root at center, Harman isn’t 3 PC. worried about'the middle of his line 1234 NORTH BROAD ST. HILLSIDE, N. . By K. Of C. Council but he is. in search of some depth STUNNING 1950 DECORATOR PATTERNS on the 'flanks. Principal holdovers The Rev. Thomas F. Canty Coun­ at end are Hal Corizzi of Clifton EL 5-4591 EL 2-2291 cil 3197, Knights of Columbus, last Stripes, Solids, Florals and Bill Pellinglon of Ramsey. Tackle veterans include Burt Arnold Complete Heating Service Thursday evening at the Church of Combinations at no extra charge of Linden and Stan Michaelson of Christ the King adopted a five- We also do upholstering and furniture repairing Highland'Park. FOR EXCELLENT SERVICE CALL point program and appointed the and refinishing. In the backfiel^, Rutgers will be following chairmen to head it: outfitted with some reliable letter- Catholic activities, Henry Spingler; men. Walt LaPrarie of Long Island, HOME UTILITIES CO., Inc. HOMECRAFT, Inc. fraternal activities, Joseph Wal- leading ground-gainer in 1949, will HEATING —OIL BURNERS lack; council activities, John Grow- return to the quarterback slot. Bob 1917 MORRIS AVE. UNION, N. J. ney; membership, Walter Enoch, R & L DECORATORS D’Amato of Scotch Plains will be at and publicity, Walter Corris. right halfback and Vic Archambault FUEL OIL UnionviUe 2-7275, 7276 The council’s annual retreat to Mfrt. of Sofas & Chairs, Slipcovers & Drapes of Massachusetts is the left halfback San Alfonso Retreat House, West 1147 LIBERTY AVE. HILLSIDE choice. Phone ESiex 5-1700 End, will be held September 8 to Jim Monahan, a 195-pounder from 10. Two teams will be entered in WA 6-3333 EL 3-0411 Connecticut; whose hitting helped 353 COIT STREET IRVINGTON the Tri-Council Bowling League be­ the Scarlet baseball team to a run­ FORMICA SPECIALISTS ner-up spot in the national cham­ ginning September 12, at the New­ Linoleum Floor & Wall Coverings ark Recreation Center. Newark Dis­ pionships, will be using his power at fullback again. Asphalt - Rubber - Linoleum - Tile trict Deputy John J. Strouls will install' officers at the next regular C A P I T Art, F U E L Rutgers opens its season Septem­ Expert Workmanship Guaranteed meeting September 14 and the an ber 23 against Syracuse at Syracuse, Jersey State nual- picnic will be held September 354 HILLSIDE AVE. N. Y. The remainder of the schedule 16 at Partylow’s Grove, Kenil i___ UN 2-5096 is as follows: October 7, Princeton worth. at Princetoq; October 14, Temple at The group also will assist Vito T N0W ls THE TIME New Brunswick; October 21, New Electric Co. Robertozzi in Sponsoring a boxing *iave your York University at New Brunswick; bout at the Twin Cities Arena Sep October 28, Lehigh at Bethlehem, 18 SO. BROAD ST., ELIZABETH EL 5-9100 Quality Materials At Low Prices! tember 18, for the benefit of the OIL BURNER SERVICED Pa. PARKING IN REAR school fund of the Church of Christ AND BOILER VACUUMED Also, November 4, Brown at New Reisen lumber is synonymous with high quality material coupled the King. Brunswick; November 11, Lafayette Lighting Fixtures, Lamps, Gifts, Television with a SATISFACTION GUARANTEED reputation. Our volume for the Low Price of $7.50 at New Brunswick; November 18, purchasing at the lowest possible “bracket” assures YOU of Oil Burners Installed, as low as $250.00 with Penn State at State College, Pa., Refrigerators, Washers, Etc. rock-bottom prices . . . no costly middle profits. Cash, Canned Food Minneapolis Honeywell Controls and November 25, Colgate at New All Merchandise Sold With Money back Guarantee Brunswick. You buy direct! Free Estimates . . . no obligation. Stolen From Home ej8a8S88SS«SS888388888S^SaagaSSS888SajSS8888888Sa LUMBER Theft of $70 in cSsh and $35 worth STUDIES AT BERKELEY MILLWORK of canned goods from his home was Miss Ruth Alice Borm.r, daugh­ REISEN reported to police Sunday by Saul ter of Konrad Fugel, of 1049 Pros­ 1070 MORRIS AVE. Deliveries To Lake & Shore UNION Goldman, of 1044 Voorhees street. pect street, is attending the Berke­ Hand & Powered Lawn Mowers Goldman told police that entry was ley School of Secretarial Training UNionville 2-7500-01-02 ELizabcth 2-0032-33 gained sometime between Friday in East Orange. A graduate of Hill­ SOLD — SHARPENED — REPAIRED and Sunday, while the family was side High School, Miss Bornor is CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED i away, by cutting the screen in a taking the intensive secrete) rial Locksmitking at MAKEEVS is a PROFESSION — rear cellar window. SAVE m course. She expects to complete her studies this February. not a Sideline. PROSPECTIVE JURORS Notices have been forwarded' to CASH And CARRY OIL, BATTERY STOLEN 100 residents of Union County Lewis Aiello, operator of a gas sta,- Maffey’s Key Shop whose selection for service on petit tion at 18 Route 29, reported tb ACME police at 9:56 a.m. Saturday that Master Locksmith — Est. 1910 juries in the county courts from September 11 to Septemebr 23 was oil and a battery valued at $18 were 1172 E. Grand St., Elizabeth EL 2-1902 Window Shade & Awning Co.5 Inc. announced last Thursday. Names of stolen from his station sometime the prospective ta lesm e n were Friday night or early Saturday. VENETIAN BLINDS drawn by Sheriff Charles E. Ayers and William A„ Bourdon, jury com­ De Luxe■ 4* Nearly all workers covered by 1060 ELIZABETH AVE. ELIZABETH, N. J. missioners, in the presence of the Public Contracts Act arc also a 2-4468 County Judge Walter L. Hetfield. under the broader coverage provi­ The list includes the following Launderers & Dry Cleaners sions of the FederalW age and Hour. Hijlsiders: Leslie C. Kahmann, 1436 Law, which applies to employees Interior Decorators engaged in interstate commerce or CORNICES—Custom made and stock—wood and upholstered Compton terrace; Mrs.- Amelia- M, 393 COIT ST., IRVINGTON Burt, 329 Sanford avenue, and Ste­ truth e production of"good$HFm*4n-feer-- Hawthorne Redding Lo SHADOW BOXES—all types phen Brenkach, 1506 Franklin' street. 1 Block Soath of Chancellor Aoenae state commerce.’ Some of the in­ m TROPICRAFT—Woven wood Draperies and Cornices ------—«->------dustry minimum wage rates set FURNITURE. FLOOR COVERING. LINENS WOOD FLOOR SCREENS For Pickup & Delivery Phone ES 3-8300 under the Public Contracts Act are d r a p e s and CURTAINS—Custom made our specialty DRIVING OR higher than the 75-cent Wage and BOLTAFLEX and DURAN—Plastic materials Hour Law minimum. WA 3-9040 411 HAWTHORNE AVE., NEWARK, N\ J b a r DECORATING—Upholstering, padding and tufting Plenty of Parking Facilities DOORS and WALLS—Padded and tufted WALKING TABLE PADS—RADIATOR ENCLOSURES BUY AND HOLD _ -JS UPHOLSTERED HEAD BOARDS TAKE IT EASY!! - 0 ^ 'V * U. S. SAVINGS BONDS PAGE d r - THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1950 LEGAL NOTICE Luncheonette NOTICE TO CONTKACTOKN ~ fOft THE TASTIEST sandwiches at Printers Again Burnett’s Luncheonette Moves TOWNSHIP OF HHX8IDF moderate prices visit Mayfair PUBLIC NOTICE i» hereby 8iv' , sealed proposals will be. received i,„ 11 Sweets Luncheonette & Ice Cream H o m e m a k i n g Township Committee of the Townalfi. . Parlor, 1446 N. Broad street. Call Pick Kirkpatrick Hillside for the construction of p0n . curbs on both sides of TILLMAN STinc'p-n WAverly 3-9828 and we’ll gladly SOMEftVILLE — Sunday at its By Television Conversions deliver Dolly Madison Ice Cream. from Hloy Street to Stockton \V‘ regular quarterly meeting, Robert and on botli sides of HARVARD AVKv'i'n Selma Lippman, prop. DORIS WADE from Bloy Street to Cornell pi-ice * * Reaction Research Labs C. Kirkpatrick, of 279 Ryan street, suhl bids will be opened an.]‘ pui.i !" Hillside, was re-elected president Home Economics Adviser, . read at a meeting of said Commitu* 1227 Woodruff Ave., Hillside Mattresses Renovated of the Union Printers League of Do. Held at Municipal Headquarters i Public Service Electric and Gas Company North Broad Street, Hillside n " i ------{Middle of- Block)------■Nr-J—by-^-vrrte~of--29H«^.“ Kirk»- v - - ...... Lopvcuiijpr it,, ih -. Call WAverly 6-4280,for a free esti- at 9:00 p. M. Daylight Saving Tim,. EL 3-2135 mate to .renovate your Mattress or P a t r i c k is now starting his twelfth term as president of this organiza­ The work consists of laying 57011 1 ,, , We install new large television Box Spring. SAME DAY SERVICE. split peas, seasonings and water. Feet of Concrete Curb. ' 10111 tion. His opponent was Charles SOUP A certified cheek made payable in n tube for the following prices: MATT-REST PRODUCTS Cover and simmer about 1 hour or Township or Hillside for not i,.SH 1275 Liberty Ave. Drescher, President of Rahway Typ­ With the coming of the sizzling 14" Rectangular Tube $65.00 ographical Union. platter and the pressure cooker, the until peas mash when pressed. Re­ 10% of the amount bid must ace'onn (Opp. Princeton Ave.) move ham bone; add milk. Garnish each proposal. 16" Rectangular Tube $95.00 Hillside, N. J Spearheading the election cam­ soup kettle seems to have lost its The successful contractor will 19" Rectangular Tube $140.00 paign for Drescher was Lewis M. place on the range. The serving of with parsley. Serves 6-8. (tuired to furnish proper sure tv Jlo„ 7 30" on estimate. Herrmann, Republican Assembly- conditioned for the faithful perform in - soup is a good old custom no longer of the contract. All picture tubes guaranteed one Moving Trticking man of Essex County, who is also high-lightod today. There is just as Drawings, specifications and forms , BEYER Moving - Trucking, reason­ a member of the International Typ­ much need for hot soup on a cold hid tor the proposed work will be in year against defects. ographical Union and publisher and CORN CHOWDER nished by the Township Engineer ||,M ' We modify your cabinet to fit. able ratesu all loads insured; pad- day as there ever was. Kreh. Jr., at his office 433 North 11L" , .ed van service. No job top big or editor of the New Jersey Labor The tlilu soups or broths make a 2 tbsp. diced 4 cups diced Street. Elizabeth. N. J. or the same .Herald. It is. reported that the salt, pork or • potatoes he inspected by prospective bidders .oo small, from a trunk to a van gobd' starter for a meal and the the cngineerH'offtce- during business hum"' election was one of the hottest load. 117 Hollywood Avenue, Hill- cream soups are a good luncheon bacon 2Vz cups corn The Township Committee reserves 11 campaigns etfer Waged against right to reject any or all bids and 1' — _l!l__ EL. 2-1,9645.. 3 tbsp. chopped 1 tsp. salt Help Wanted Male Kirkpatrick since he has been in UUh.------Now when dried beans and peas onion Vs tsp. pepper proposal in their judgment best sen-', CARPENTER and helper wanted. PAUL’S Moving & Trucking, Hill- office. their Interest. and chicken are on the list of plen­ 1 qt. milk 2 tbsp. chopped Call after 5 p.m. UN 2-7434W. 1 side, N. J. Phone UN 2-7768. Paul In commenting on the election parsley By order of the Township Commit! ; deter. 422 Yale Ave. Kirkpatrick made this statement: tiful foods, why not use them freely HOWARD J. hi.,,' •‘■Republican Assemblymah Herr­ Hillside Photo Service In soups. Do not make the mistake Try out salt pork or bacon, add Township n„,r of “watering” soups. Cook them Help Wanted — Female Painting & Decorating mann threw everything at me but Interior of new, modern confectionery and luncheonette recently onions and cook until soft. Add my record. He couldn’t touch that opened by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett at 1286 North Broad street, thoroughly, to the proper consisten­ milk and potatoes and simmer gen-. DRIVING OMALhING PLAN NOW FOR EXTRA CHRIST-! El & . P Painters and- Decorators because it was too clean. He has next door to the Municipal Building. cy, and season to suit the family tly about 20 minutes until potatoes MAS MONEY. No risk plan. 100' ; Painting and paperhanging as low -been campaigning against me for The new quarters replace the former store at 1326 North Broad taste. are tender. Add corn and seasoning profit. Sell distinctive Christmas) as $15 per room. Call WA 3-8342. the last year and the Friday before street adjoining the Hillside National Bank which had to be vacated CHICKEN OR TURKEY if desired. Garnish with chopped Cards. Write for samples and gift1 the convention sent out telegrams to make room for expansion plans of tfie bank. BONE SOUP parsley. Serves 0-S. SELF-SUPERVISED, Painting and to several delegates requesting them on approval. Kcwcraft. Sales Co..; Paperhanging; guaranteed work; 1 chicken or % cup chopped Point Pleasant, New Jersey. 9-14 to attend a meeting at his home ulterior and exterior; contract or Saturday night. I had no knowledge turkey carcass celery GIRL—experienced for cleaningand day work. Small jobs honored. H. Reinhard Printers (plus any left- 1 tbsp. parsley POTATO SOUP * Freedman, EL 3-3901. of this strategy until 30 minutes be­ Pennsylvania Girl dying store, steady work. House­ fore I started the convention which over dressing) V2 tsp. salt 2 qts. cold water % tsp. pepper 8 medium pota- 2 tsp. salt hold Cleaners & Dyers, 334 Hillside lasted several hours. The result of toes, peeled M tsp. pepper Pet Shops % cup chopped onion avenue Hillside. the election speaks for itself.’ In New Quarters Will Wed Resident and cubed 1 egg, slightly - The convention passed a resolu­ Combine all ingredients in Kettle, See us for birds, dogs, accessories Harold G. Reinhard announces the The marriage of Miss Pauline 3 cups water beaten f WOMAN wanted to clean offi, tion asking all affiliated locals of cover and bring to a boil, simmer feed. A full line of- aquariurfis, sup­ removal of the Reinhard Printing 2 medium 1 cup heavy once a week. Call UN 2-86507 the Union Printers League to send Mary St. George, daughter of Mr. 2 to 3 hours, strain, serve. Serves plies, tropical and g ddfish. grcsli delegates to the next State Feder­ Co. to 1441 North Broad street. The and Mrs. Edward F. St. GeOrge of onions, minced cre*am horse meat. Call EL. 2-8985, we 2 tbsp. butter or Vs tsp. celery salt ation of Labor Convention to be held firm was located for the past twenty Drexel Hill. Pa., to Mr. Harold Al­ Employment Wanted - Female deliver. Hollywood Pet and Supply in Atlantic City next October. SPLIT PEA SOUP margarine 1 Co. 257 Hollywood ave. near Long. years at 2 Hollywood avenue, where bert Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick introduced Jimmie it was known as the Reinhard 1 onion sliced V2 tsp. celery Cook potatoes in water in pan RELIABLE . high school girl wants I Hale of Somerville who announced Printing Co. Joseph F. Brown, of* Hillside, will 1 tbsp. butter, salt job as baby-sitter days or eve-1 with tight fitting cover until tender. Piano Instruction that a new, weekly was to be pub­ The company engages in general take place Saturday, September 2 at margarine or 1 tsp. salt Drain, reserving liquid. Put pota­ nings. Rales 50? an hour before 12 lished in Somerville and that the ham fat DON’T DENY YOUR CHILD THE commercial and social printing, and 2:30 o’clock in the Rectory of Saint % tsp. pepper toes through sieve. Saute onions in midnight, 75? an hour after 12 mid-! first-issue o’f his new Somerville 1 ham bone night. Call UN 2-6198 R. 8-31! BENEFITS OF MUSIC also’ carries a full line of every ,day Madeline Sophie Church in German­ 6 cups cold butter or margarine until brown, Star would be published on Septem­ greeting dards and Christmas cards. lVs cups quick water season with salt and pepper. Add If you have a piano give your child ber 20. town. Pa. the opportunity to find out how Personal attention to printing is cooking split 2 cups hot milk remaining Ingredients including po­ In closing the convention Presi­ given by Harold Reinhard, whose A reception immediately following Call Your Want Furnished Room For Rent much fun it is to “make music.’’ the ceremony will be held in the peas a tato water and epok 3 minutes stir­ dent Kirkpatrick presented Harold goal is quality work. „ Saute onions in butter, marga­ The Son^-a Meyers Piano Studio Miller, president of the Somerville Twentieth Century Club in Lans- ring constantly. If desired garnish ONE room, light housekeeping, re­ is conveniently located at 1517 Connected with the company is downe, Pa. rine or ham fat. Add ham bone, with chopped parsley. Serves 6. Ads In WA 3-9207 frigerator, heal, hot water and Typographical Union, with a check J. Franklin Reinhard who is in Maple Ave. We will be glad to for $4,000. In presenting the check electric, linens and service, Hillside, speak to you on the phone, or have charge of the stationery and sup­ Weequahie section. Good for 1 or .2 you make an appointment to come Kirkpatrick pledged that the League plies department. Hd also operates persons, nice for teachers or busi­ in and talk with us. Our phone would continue to give financial as­ his insurance business here, hand­ ness couple. Call WA 3-0077. number is WAverly 3-8356. 9-21 sistance to the 16 members of Som­ ling a complete line of general erville Typographical Union who insurance. have been on strike against the It’s Yours For Only A Small House Wanted To Rent Sidewalks, Driveways Messenger-Gazette since last Decern CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. Asphalt ber. He also assured Hale that organ FIVE or 6 room house with garage Driveways; Estimates Cheerfully ized labor would welcome the new School Reopening wanted by middle-aged couple by Given. Joseph A. Policastro, General paper and give him all the support Oct. 1 or Nov. 1. Call U.N 2-4045. Contractor. Tel. WA 3-7953. 1309 possible to make his paper a sue Down Payment At TOBIA’S vVhite Street. 7-14 cess. At St. Catherine’s Apartment Wanted The St. Catherine’s School will re­ Tinning & Rooting open at 8:30 a. m. September 11, BUSINESS couple being evicted Runs Magazine For for regular class sessions. The pu­ from home desire 3 or 4 room GUTTERS and leaders, roofing and pils will meet at the school and at­ apartment in vicinity of Newark- siding. Karl Ubelhoer, 234 Long tend the 8 a. m, mass in St. Cath­ Hillside line by October 1. Call Ave,. Hillside. Tel. WA 3-6699. tf Writing Novices erine’s Church in a body. Forty- WA 6-1490. 9-7 four pupils have registered for the ■FULL-WIDTH f l® ® ? FREEZER? ^ Taxi Service Susan Bond, of 34 Minton avenue, first grade for the 1950-51 term. URGENT—Local post office clerk, Chatham, whose name is familiar Sister Bonaventure is principal. World War II Veteran, needs 4-5 A taxi when you need it, 24-hour to many readers of The Times as the room flat at reasonable rent. Quiet, service. Radio-equipped cabs. Spe­ author of the column, “The Human reliable tenant. C a ll WAverly cial rates for long trips. Hillside Element’’, is presently concentrating ROBERT M. COX 6-3094 after 7 p.m. 8-24 Yellow Cab. WAverly 6-1000, UN or) publication of a magazine de Funeral services will be con- 2-6885. 303 Long Avenue, Walter funeral home of Walter R. Lee. 1287 ADULT family of three require 4 Warren, owner. voted to the interests of persons who have writing aspirations. Any­ funeral home of alter R. Lee, 1287 or 5 room apartment. H. Shuck, Salem avenue, for Robert M. Cox, 1305 Gurd Ave. 9-7 one is eligible to submit material for publication, with preference of 117 Coe avenue. Hillside Lodge ONLY NORGE given to those who have never had 241. F. and. A. M. services also will Church Services anything published before. be held. Interment will be at East Rooms Wanted Church of Christ the King, Rev. Among her many activities, which Millstone at the convenience of the family. YOUNG business couple need 2-3 Perry G. DeWitt, pastor; Rev. Ger­ have included talks before numer­ rooms to complete wedding plans. ard B. Whelan, assistant pastor. ous clubs and organizations, as well Husband of Mrs. Ethel Lapp Cox, Call EL 5-6108 after 5:15 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00 a.m.: 8:30 a.m. as lecturing before the famous Cha- he died Tuesday at St. Barnabas in Church for children; 8:30 a.m. in tauqua summer camp, Miss Bond Hospital. Newark, after an illness auditorium for adults; 10 a.m., 11 has also taught at nearby adult of two Weeks. For Sale a.m., 12 noon. schools. She will conduct a course Born at Newark 38 years ago. Mr. HAS A ll 3! in creative writing this fall at the Cox was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Holydays of Obligation Masses 0 Arthur.Cox, of 596 Plymouth road. OLD-FASHIONED pot stove con­ a.m.. 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m. Summit Adult School and next Whatever freezer arrangement you want your new re­ verted into kerosene burner, 16 Spring at the South Orange-Maple- He was educated in schools here and quart pressure cooker, 36" roll top Daily Masses 7:30 a.m., 8 a.m. wood Adult School. The best efforts was graduated from Hillside High frigerator to have—the full-width, t'#3 full-length, the First Friday Masses 6:30 a.m., 8 Sfchool. He was a member of the desk, coca cola box. Call EL 3-3529. a.m. of students at both schools will be published in her magazine. Hillside Presbyterian Church and side freezer—NORGE Jias it! And we have it at LOW, Miraculous Medal and St. Anthony NINE Piece dining room settlor Hillside Lodge 241. F. and A. M, foe sale, reasonable. Call EL 2-4717. Novenas Tuesday at 8 p.m. He was employed as a pipe fitter LOW PRICES. Come in. See yourself. with Vitale Brothers. Irvington. BUILDING MATERIALS, lumber, — # — — * — Bataan Veteran Also surviving are three children, mason material, trim, hardware, Church of Christ, Scientist, 1251 Nancy, Judith and Robert Cox; a paints. Builders’ General Supply Fairmount avenue, Elizabeth. brother, Hollister Cox, of Kenil­ Company, 336 Centermial Avenue, Sunday 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. worth. and a sister, Mrs. Shirley Cranford. N J CR 6-0605. 11 a.m., Church Service. Is Expected Home Wolf, of Rochester, N. Y. % . SNOW WHITE PAINT Wednesday 8:15 p.m., Mid-Week S Sgt. Anthony M. Petrose, 30, Outside, snow-white titanium lead Church Service. of 1434 Franklin street, believed to “Man” is the subject for Sunday, be 'Union County’s only veteran of PBA WILL MEET and oil. Money-back guarantee not Hillside Local 70, Patrolmen’s •to peel, rub or wash off, or turn September 3. the Bataan death march ^and three Golden Text: “Blessed is the man years of internment by the Japanese Benevolent Association, will meet yellow. $2.25 gal. in 5-gal. cans. at 8 p. m. Wednesday, September 6 Over million gallons sold. Sample that walketh not in the counsel of in World War II, is expected home the ungodly, nor standeth in the shortly from Las Vegas, Nev., at the Elks’ Clubhouse, 244 Hill­ can, 50?. Snow-White Paint Co., 18 side avenue, for a regular meeting. Gansevoort St., New York, N. Y. way of sinners, nor sitteth in the whefe he is attached to the 359th s.eat .the scornful. But his de­ Food Service Squad. The local has not met during the light is in the law of the Lord; and A native of Belleville, Sergeant summer months. in his law doth he meditate day Petrose came to Hillside when he SURROGATE'S NOTICE and night.” (Psalms 1:1,2) was four years old. Until his en­ listment in April, 1941. he was in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Services Sermon: Passages from the King ESTATE OF URSULI YANUSH, some­ James version of the Bible include: the excavating business with his times known as URSULA YANUSH. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as father, Sam Petrose, of the Hillside URSULA YANUSIS, URSULA ATKINS address. and URSULA ATKOCHAITIS, deceased. You Need your Father which is in heaven is Pursuant to the order of CHARLES perfect. (Matt. 5:48) Correlatiye Sergeant Petrose fought as an in­ A-1 OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the County passages from “Science and Health fantryman in the Bataan campaign, of Union, made on the eighteenth day Beauty Parlort of August A.D., IftoO. upon the applica­ with Key to the Scriptures” by where he was stationed before the tion ot the undersigned, as Executrix Mary Baker Eddy include: war began. He was released from of the estate of said deceased, notice is* HELENE Curtis Duchess Cream Otl “In divine Science, man is the Toyama Camp 7 in the Nagodes hereby given to the creditors of said Machineless Permanent Wave, true image of God. . . . The Christ- district of Japan September 11, 1945, deceased to exhibit - to the subscriber flj* . Cold Waves >10 up. Wood's under oath or affirmation their claims like understanding of scientific be­ by American occupation forces and and demands against the estate of sJid Baautj Parlor, 1564 Maple Ave ing and divine healing includes a returned home the following month. deceased within six months from the WAverly 3-646J date of said order, or they will b6 for­ perfect Principle and idea,—perfect He reenlisted in the service about ever barred from prosecuting or recover­ God and perfect man,—as the basis six months later. ing the same against the subscriber, of thought and demonstration ’’ Since his reenlistment he has mar­ CONSTANCE JARRY Cameras, Projectors, Supplies Executrix (p. 259) ried in Texas and has two sons. Morris Masor, Attorney FLASH!! REVERE movie cameras — # — 24 Branford Place, Irvington Pentecostal Church, 58- Newark, N. J. & projectors will be increased in Dr. Throop To Preach Fees *7-80 Aug. 24-Sept. 21 "WEH0R6E IS ATHRIfly price within 30 days. COME to 60 Paine avenue, Irvington, Rev MOVIELAND, and we will show Henry Graf, pastor. Again This Sunday SURROGATE'S NOTICE y ou proof. Save up to $30., if you Thursday 8 p.m. Christ’s Ambas­ The Rev. Dr. Montgomery Throop, n o t i c e t o c r e d i t o r s sadors service, an interesting serv­ ESTATE OF JOHN M. KENNEDY, de­ puy now. Cash or time payment. rector of the Episcopal Church of ceased Large selection of TOYS. & GREET­ ice conducted by theJYoung People. Take Your Choice at St. Mary Magdalene, 137 Pomona Pursuant to the order of CHARLES ING CARDS. Flying airplane model Friday 8:15 p.m. Open-air service, avenue, Newark, has returned from A. OTTO, JR.. Surrogate of the County Sold for $2.50 Special Sale 98, corner of Union and Springfield his vacation and will celebrate the of Union, made on ' the eighteenth day avenues at Irvington Center. of August A.D., 1950, upon the applica­ Children Pull toy for 35*, but worth Holy Communion and preach on tion of the undersigned, as Executrix of these LOW, LOW PRICES! more. Now on sale: tickets for Ben- Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible School, Sunday, September 3 at the church the estate of said deceased, notice Is classes for all ages. 11 a.m. morning at 9:30 a.m. hereby given to the creditors of said «flt Boxing Show, Sept. 18—'Twin deceased to exhibit to the subscriber ■ City Bowl. worship, Rev. Edward Schaumberg under oath or affirmation their claims MOVIELAND, 29 Coe Ave., Hillside of Glens Falls, N. Y., will be the PARKED CAR DAMAGED and demands against the estate of said U '-, FT speaker. Special singing. 7:45 p.m. deceased within six months from the EL 5-5064 Mrs. Annette Geltzeiler, of 1595 ‘late of said order, or they will he for­ vangelistic service, sermon by Bayview avenue, told police Sunday ever barred from prosecuting or recover­ tev. Graf. Missionary Sunday. that her parked car , was struck ing the same against the subscriber Gift Ware Tuesday 7:45 p.m. Mid-week sometime during the afternoon by CLARA OANTILLON , ,, _ . Executrix prayer service and Bible study bv a hit-and-run driver. Damaged were Louis ( JacobBon, Attorney * TOBIA’S ARGAI N S, beautiful costume ReV. Graf. 1060 Broad St.. ‘ Hillside Appliance Co. the left door and rear left fender. and -Newark , -N~—J ‘"walry gift ware. Come in Fees |7.8 look around. 1450 Liberty Ave., Aug. 24-Sept. 21 1321 Liberty Ave. - '±t, WA 3-1150 tf 1418 N. Broad St. - WA 3-7768 ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BUT V GOOD PARKING Landscape Service ELIZABETH AVENUE AT CHANCELLOR OPEN 9 A. M. - 10 P. M. LL 1 W N S and gardens dug with ARTHUR NORTHWOOD. Pastor “^5- Tiller; general lahdscape No Preaching Service * R. G. Alf, WA 3-7198, call MMO RSE. ^ 6 and 7 p.m. 1-14 KEEP ^ 0 IHBBBBS h H h h H THEM SEE THE FEATURES OF AMERICA'S FINEST HOME APPUANCFS 4