Portland Daily Press: September 15,1870
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PORTLAND DAILY t ____ EstabliaJied June 23,1862. Tol, 9, PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, SEP r£MBER~ 15, 1S7Q. 7 in advance. _ Terms«8.00 per annum, The Portland Dally Press TO LET. _ » tbo _ _MISCELLANEOUS. walls; also the elegant full length por- A SJhitlleuite <° Got. l!*ITi«aa. In the daily press published every day (Sundays excepted) by DAILY trait [From tlie Journal ] PRESS. of liis daughter Sayah, at the age of 20, Albany Eveuluz the _ For Rent. General the cam- painted a Woodford enters upon Portland Publishing Co., Tenements in new houses situated ou Green BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ’POXi.'X'Xc.A.J’Sf X>. hy Blacburn pupil of Copley. It Street A'fLA paign with the determination to lea 1 his FOUR between Cumberland and Portland streets STIC, was at great Each painted Charlestown in 1710, says an At 10!) Exchange Street, Portland. tenement contains 7 rooms, 3 living rooms 4 Republican column to victory, lie has al- chambers, has Sebago water on each floor. Gas and inscription on the hack. She marr ied Mr. is as Terms;—Eight Dollars a Tear in advance. Advertising Agency. ready challenged Gov. lloli'man—who fixtures in every room. Kents <200 and upwards, Mutual Thursday 1870. Insurance *" ATWELL Morning, September 15, Barrcll and was the as nominated the Democratic Con- Apply to JOHN T. HULL. Coinp’v, & CO., 174 Middle Street. mother of Madam Wood, good by No 12 Fluent Block. (ORGANIZED IN a widow vention—to engage ir. a joiut discussion with Maine State Press au26eod3w Kooiu 1842.) lady, author of several works of fic- The Agricultural Implements & Seeds. Ilialarical l him belore the of me State 51 Wall st., corner of New York. Visit to ark ninl Killer,. tion, who liveif in Portland people throughout For Sale or to Let. William, SAWYER & WOODFORD, No. 119 St. forty-five years the canvass. Is published every Thursday Morning at Exchange To the Editor of the Tress: ACTOR T at No. 40 Un- ago. I recollect her as a of 70 We trust Governor a if in advance, at $2.00 a MANUbF complete Insures Against Marine and Inland dignified lady lloli'man will accept. $2.50 year; paid lust ami ma- Navigation Kisks. You liave a truthful ac- SnOEion St, containing pegging, heeling A tioneer. already published or 80 seen in the al- When he for he himself .year. Die machines with dies. Ma- years frequently sheets, tirst.rau Governor, _ chines with prickers. G. count of 1 is W. S 327 the excursion of the Committee of sueli a discussion to his ck ines tor nibbing down and sand apering. Shank PURELY MUTUAL. The whole PROFIT reverts to the ASSURED, and nre divided HOLMES, CongressSt. Auction Sales ways dressed in black. She had a proposed competitor, limiW1 every ivate Sales the peculiar- and Rates of Advertising.—One inch machines, baud pepgers. Brown & Child's skivers, Fremums terminated during the tor which Certificates are bearing Evening. during day. the Historical their was anxious to enter the arena. Now ofspace, interest until year; Issued, Society with invited guests way of her bonnet so as to shade her in length of column, constitutes a Tripp skivers. Punch machines, and all the necessa- redeemed* wearing that lie cun ho his “square.” thoe to \ ork and a or accommodated, anxiety first ries tor a complete manufactory. All canied In Ibe for Kittery, by correspondent She on $1.50 per square daily week. 75 cents January 1870, Aneta Accumulated from i'« Itueiuese were ns follows, vi*i Agencies Sewing machines. eyes. boarded in the Anderson House cannot l>e less. If lie he will bv steam, and has Engine, shafting.aud belting com- surely accepts, week after; three or $1.00; United States and St reporter, better versed in Historical authori- timl per insertions, less, owned by a fiim now in bank- State of New-York Stocks,City, Bank andotlicr 00 W.S.DYER, 158 Middle .over H. H. Hay’s. All Free street. Tire coat of arms of the General Woodford as courteous and pile. Formerly Loans secured Stocks,.S7.85«.'l»0 kinds of family continuing every other after first week, 50 The will be or by Stocks and Machines for sale and fo let. ties than I urbane in day ruptcy. property told let on very otherwife. 3,l4S.*OoO<) Repairing. am; .yet I saw that he did manner as he is vigorous and cents. reasonable to Premium Notes and Bills Real Estate, Bond and • Sf& G. things Saywards occupies a conspicuous place over terms, Apply Receivable, Mortgages and other securities.. *4.9:11,04 H. WALDEN, 54 Middle Street, over and will trenchant in argument. Half three insertions 75cenls; hT. JOBN SMITH. Lash in 533 79/ not, describe what I did and ou square, orless, Bunk,....... J.oek, Meservc & Co. (Improved Howe.) see, j the mantle also a commission from Such a aulCtf can piece; discussion between the two leading one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. 270 Commercial St. pick out what you or the Total amount ot like, reject G>v. to Jonathan ward he owner candidates ot the would ex- Special Notices, one third additional. Assets.£ (4,4 ft 9,5 O'* whole. Sjiriey Say opposing parties Rooms W. Bakers. My harvesting would not admit of cite interest Uuder head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per to Let! H. H. Moore, 2d Vice-Prest. John D. ojf the “to command the Sea gieat throughout the State, and J. I>. Jones,President. W. C. CORR, No. 12 Peart Street. house, sloop three insertions or less $1.50. rooms to let with or Hewlett, 3d \lec-Prest. Charles Vice-President. my leaving on which me a add much to the of the Con- square per week; without l oard, Dennis, Monday, put day Flower in the exoedition Bre- spiiit campaign. inserted in the “Maine PLEASANTat No. ti Free references and J. Chapman, Secretary. against Cape ducted with entire Advertisements street, good given Boots behind. 1 left Portland in the 9 o’clock train* courtesy, as it certainly Press” (which has a large circulation and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. ton” which took in 1745. The old would be State rcqnired.__jy29tf JOHN W. and arrived Louisburg upon both sides, it would serve to ol the for SI.00 IJUNGER, Correspondent, WALTER at Kittery about 11. I found the in every part State) per square BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. fashioned beaufet or corner d is near- bring the principles and of the rival and 50 cents for To Let. I GO Fore land. Kev. I)r. cupboar policies for first insertion, per square Office, Street, Port Fiske oi Bath, enquiring lor the into relief. No. Efl arch 3 ly tilled with colored china table organizations bold each subsequent insertion. Union Street, next door to Middle ,1R70. e dUm&wGw York bright ware, now Booksellers and Stationers. We learned that we should comui STOKEoccupied H. — 1111 ■■ stage. liave Address all unications to by Taylor Esq. ———————- ..... captured at Louisburg and brought homo in augl5tl Inquire at No, 4 Colton St. HOYT, FOGG & BREED, 92 Middle Street. to wait some time for its arrival from Ports- Vice- I’hesident Colfax has taken the PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. the The are all V> A.U sloop. plates eight square.— in Indiana and made his HE $5 mouth, and also that its was bad slump opeuing To Let. A D S, reputation It is the best of an ancient QI7ARTE Book-Binders. for kept specimen of the to his old constitu- house Dr. No. speed. VVe accidentally met a in the speech campaign BUSINESS CARDS lately occupied by LeProhon, SMALL * boy house and I have ever seen. In tire THE7 South Sireet; said house having been Two Good Dry Goods Salesmen dll 31Y OF THE SHACKFORD, No. 35 Pliim Street. furnishings ents and townsmen at South Bend on Satur- Depot who said he had a with one seat thoroughly repaired is sujiahle tor a genteel boarding wagon a w-as held in the oi l church Wanted! evening meeting IIi3 review of the situation of house or private tamilv. Apply to A. K. SHUKT- Bonnet and Hat and was alone. Wo soon struck a day. political J. H. LAMSON, LEKF. 21-2 at NEW YOKE 133 Middle Blencliery. bargain built in 1717. The tower and are an ex- Union wharf. jy30 STORE, rt, H. E. and spire the country was able and his APPLY Me. T. UNDERWOOD,No. 3101 Congress Street. left for York. We ariived there in time very exhaustive, PIIOTOGRAP he r, Portland, LUCAS. act duplicate of that on .the old wooden Clothing Department. for dinner. vindication of the Republican party frpui the Rouse to Let On some of Vrc ’n Philadelphia. meeting the commit* church of the First Parish in Portland taken or without on Pleasant Permanent Boarders Coal and Wood. tee charges of the Democrats and his Has o]teued a new and Furniture, St, FJ fjt. AND WINTER I learned that the for the complete, completely appointed Me. S. H. at Winslow PAUL & programme down in 1S25 to make room for the WITHWestbrook, DoTEN, obtain gt-nteel accommodations at reasona- PRINCE SON, loot of Wilmot street. present ol the and scath- * Dofen & Co.s’ Planing Cross St.. ble at No. 55 Franklin st. afternoon was a visit to the 2d five or arraignment opposition sharp Mills, Portland, C1AN prices, scpHtt Parish, stone church on the same A of it Maine. spo*. view It was FIRST-CLASS GALLERY ! auSOeodtt Cabinet six miles river.