Company Report: CR Land (01109 HK) Van Liu 刘斐凡 公司报告:华润置地 (01109 HK) +86 755 23976672
[email protected] 国泰君安研究 25 May 2015 Placing 400 million New Shares at HKD 25.25, Underlying Profit Revised up, Maintain fiBuyfl Research GTJA 以25.25港元配售4亿股,调高核心净利,维持“买入” Rating: Buy Maintained z CR Land (fithe Companyfl) plans to raise approximately HK$ 10.1 billion 评级: 买入 维持 by placing 400 million new shares at a price of HK$ 25.25 per placing ( ) share. The management intends to use the raised capital for further land acquisition, development costs and general working capital purposes. 6-18m TP 目标价: HK$29.40 Revised from 原目标价: HK$28.70 z Limited diluted effects with stronger balance sheet. As per our estimates, after the share placing completion, the underlying EPS will increase 0.3% due Share price 股价: HK$25.300 to the underlying profit being revised up and net gearing ratio will decrease 13.0 ppts in 2015E. Stock performance z Raised capital from share placing will help the Company’s land 股价表现 replenishment and new house set up plan acceleration, which is able to translate into earnings growth under the rebounding sales environment. 100.0 % of return z Maintain ‘Buy’. Raised capital from share pricing will help sales increase. 80.0 Expectations of loosening policies and southbound capital inflow with housing 60.0 sales rebound in April 2015 are likely to drive property companies’ valuation upside potential. We revise up the target price to HK$29.40, which represents 40.0 an 15% discount to revised 2015E NAV per share, 12.3x 2015 underlying 20.0 PER and 1.6x 2015 PBR.