Understand Instant Video Clip Sharing on Mobile Platforms: Twitter’s Vine as a Case Study Lei Zhang Feng Wang Jiangchuan Liu School of Computing Science Department of Computer and School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University Information Science Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC, Canada The University of Mississippi Burnaby, BC, Canada
[email protected] University, MS, USA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION With the rapidly development of mobile networking and In the past decade, the user-generated content available end-terminals, anytime and anywhere data access become on the Internet (e.g., images, videos, micro-blogs, etc.) has readily available nowadays. Given the crowdsourced content presented an explosive growth trend, which provides signifi- capturing and sharing, the preferred length becomes shorter cant opportunities for both understanding how users utilize and shorter, even for such multimedia content as video. A the Internet and enhancing their experiences. Specifically, representative is Twitter's Vine service, which, available ex- for the online video sharing service, we have seen a three- clusively to mobile users, enables them to create ultra-short stage evolution, and the shared videos have shown different video clips, and instantly post and share them with their fol- characteristics in the time dimension through these three lowers. In this paper, we present an initial study on this new stages. At the earliest stage, users upload and view videos generation of instant video clip sharing service over mobile directly on video sharing sites (VSSes) such as YouTube, and platforms, taking Vine as a case. We closely investigate the they can select the related videos recommended by VSSes architecture of Vine, and reveal how its service is empowered [9] or search the interested videos via search engines.