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I[Ks : Dijwbos^I :!yfMf^« Ulis iii ili i j ::; ; ;:;.V : '<^j^|S!j ' ¦ fe mm Axe the BesjfeY. i<a¦&§g^¦&& ||S i ¦ : •j. '^dvet^s !:' 1;-:;: ' :^ h| ¦ ¦ : . ' • ' ^-: ' ' ':• I; i'M^diiimi >i; ;li: §^ TTf THB JBQTTTH'Og TBiitAJroi, |:y >i : ^ :v |Y6Lo' :^2sliI ¦ ; ¦; - ¦• ' ' ¦ i, ¦ ¦ , v . , : i EOUNDiS!i) i ¦ •I: iii |S . !, , . , . i ¦ !: ¦ ¦ 'l-824l " ¦ I : i :. -: ^-ji- - ¦i i - . -lX--i iiliS lli ^ THE¦ ¦PATBI¦ QTIC 1SSUMKCE fcfiev :•[;• . Si^j^tf^^ C03iM]^v;;:::p; ^i ; ; " ¦ j ¦ ; ;:; ; ' ¦ ¦ ;i j'S; : CAPITAI. ... ; ... £L,5OO;6o0 ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ I %!%!'J\i'ift ^- l^l3Ef ^>; | : ¦ ¦¦: Aki) :-ii : . •]; el' ¦ , !• ¦ : . - ¦ i • ' •¦ : ¦ -. ' ¦ I !j , i : : 1 iffi¦ flj JFIEE, WORKMEN'S ¦j i¦COM- M. .; : :y- : i :- ;iu r.i : . r-.:.\\ I j- ; PENSATION, .j ; . [ ¦;.; ;;. ¦ ¦; :; " 1 : l : ¦ : Fidelity Guarantee and iBurglary ¦ : : ' ?- ' ¦¦ i{1 T; : ii -! fl J M- V II ss sTN^^f'i^iie&: irv^i-r^l i- . - - . -i : !" ;-! . :: fe- -• ¦i. ;t r\^.:, - "* :A:\- • ! ;.. : ¦;. ] ;. ; i: !: ; ^¦ H^ ! : Moderate Rates, j Absolnte ; Secu rity, j : , jPrompt Payment, ] Largje Bonuse ^ ¦;: ; I i ¦ . - |'i^ ;—^mfrgjitife:;, I - , ;. -: " " ¦ - " : : j For Tenns| apply : to~ : .] I ' HI ! : iv;=. ". i • ¦V-C^yUBV: SjQHSAs?f:::! i:= - ; V= .. ! - IBaBVB L TBt Ai cf iB.- ' Ojp - -HBA : - - HEAi) ^^S i.TH . ¦OFFlCE-9¦ ¦ ¦ JeOJJiEGE¦ I GBEEN, j . ! .. j • . ; - . ; ppHUNf ; . •. _;;. • . , , ¦ OQWdSB AND XOriiRMBE&lWd. i \> • . ¦ ''¦A4^nlir 4«<ti«» - ¦ Or ta any of ^ the Company's Brandiua 'or , 'Sf«4»i OoitlHv«J«a«« * ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ VJ ASBBPaB D .:] IAA L O ITBOU ! Agencies. ! • I. -- .; aiTMOtlTH urn SOOTH4KPTON 'HEWHAVEU . > ¦ . : - DOVZE, _i»B SOUTH JO* BpOtlKP. ' ¦ i: ;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ;¦;: • ¦ - ;fW *Qgigt Q • ' wcTjaXj isiPir - ' ¦&¦ ' • . ' " • • ' \ ' | .: i Agents in Waterford^-f; ! i j" ' : ;¦ ¦ ¦ . ' jai? »T.'«»^ia^r». ' ' "iL^i Tk 'raSwR New ud boTfexini ¦ • ' ' ^ . !v ' ; ' -IL Smew' ii - ii • . O'tlONNELL STJElEBr, WATEREOED, :f ;i !;!, J. J. MTJRPHY^ W. & L. Bailmft Ter- «—i—vfljal^ u^ CtcesMra AEiHUOBB, ¦ ¦ i . , ' ¦ • mione. ';. !';' ; -" . ¦; ; [j .I C. jP.j REDMOND,; WATEBFofcp N SFsi ¦- | j .,( ¦ ¦ ;. ,j C"W , ¦ ¦ ¦ - ?;; ' ., '! : "I /"' .Tii px , L9A3ys - : , ' ; ' - r -B .oBotr iar rr ar. - . I ^ " " LOAys : BERNARIiH. O'REILLSr. andtocJl |! : i v LOANS j ; towVeo^J rt ' » Approvba p6rBoaalSeoarlt7. without r^WIoity,to FABMBBS. 8H0PKEEPEBS; ^i! :, ' I ! SSSrtuSSv SKi ^^tio n any , - , r V MQNCK - STBB^T, T7BXTOBI)i aai Port «*PorUIn any otdar, ta or ont of tba oajtonary PBOFK38IONAL : 1IKN, GOVEEN11ENT OBFICIALS, ana Othote, , j ! S5^tfE^Tr^IM»SSi *C«r>. «<»(|»» «tta O ¦ :¦ ¦' • ' ' ' '¦ THIS WATERFOBP "i , , . : . Port of Ireland . ' ; . ; . - \ ' . : il \ , . |. i ; i i nnHlS Old Hotel Ufommu to good, pan V7hirio LOAN P ' Siot- \ COMPANY, 6 iSS?rtlwJirfloleUtarawl to¦ 'iflia HlxlUdict : : * Boo». '!¦• • i. ¦ JL pnd¦ all other DriaioJ - The Scour : Specif Uatt—SB»Ccmp«ny i Chil<l« ] • anp ' . ' MBa^KHLLY, PCCTBIETBCJI Are prepared to treal^ if 5th the f ¦ Terms than gters ^lio nMe greatestconfidence Erir^HOHIUrCDtroot) .- i ;i«< ¦ . -.j l . pja- ; I dn More Bea^oriaWe; Close to the BoilirsySU tioo. : . ' and secrecy,all applications ' ¦ Tfbo Cfver-f&iling Core ict White 8eonr in Calva | UPWARDS to aU persons on their own from andBco ar in Cattle, Sbtep, Foali j Horfej, ' *¦ APPROVED PERSONAL SECURITY£2 , ,: | , Weine»4«r. Sid Oot li aoon W»«i««d»T» 7^ L^o»: ?»•»>• Cashl Aclvances |6n i PHvate; Sepurity. r !;; ' in any part of Ireland. ¦ r ; IiQSEBipS — THE CrLENTWOETH Baslneos ' !¦ ¦ • ¦ ' conneotton ^th other : carried on in a most etraightfoiword . .| Ths Atora BsDlt his>»:Branch OSes,] una bM co and exact manner, - . '¦ Insatntlona." wbJoh am doing Boslnsja taSsr »6rtati3 a*aSi«ea, tHonjin ; ! No connection with anj other , u [Ftt sf UI we tin g*tb#r , JosM*B towJjto ' li» <p|j enn ¦ I ' ; ¦' j ¦ . , 'C^ Loan Offices or so-called Banks for thit TTtflnealaj, lUt Oet II noon ; I . J. : ¦. :¦' . •' ¦} " , ¦' ' ' 4PV , :' • ¦ ' in this County . ' ' terribl* Widy that ala» Uuranuiii dflCMrti F ' ' SXAUO1T TO 1MXiUM10» 7 ' i i' • ; under tho one Hansgoraost ; . ; •} \ . : • . : : P- cnnany. If* Jose*' ku.vroTad ^Unaall to Hei ti jmbBo | fk@; Laadmg Hofel ippl ' b«6dMtor, CTOIT y-THE ¦;: ¦ and Wa »lih film ¦• * n»SG*a».¦ "»Xi< Irtoh B&pApOASTiTnROUGH MANAGES, .; ;! Sormiiai, VtrfOLim.' - . • . -" i»;. - II- ! BE CATJTIOUS¦ OF " MONpY LENT"pi RCtTLAUS SENTj :' IN LKIEBICK. : pe waa«ntulc»tMXkta sta«c{tkf»$7<>ai«><a) B*&ldsa ; ¦ ; ¦ ; ; - . - - j I 8 oatb« *»oaat «« gteiai«bl«hjk ;. ; , ; . v : - \- . THB .; I*OST. , I; . ; , ^ . ^ \\'\ : , John Street, Waterford; ;. _ MnOtnS If ita dliooraj lanxnr (BUXiUatlM Dock) ?o Witsitv^. I : :| \- ; fi l^ ;' :¦! ¦ : ' ¦ OEUJBBAlEDBOB ITS : : It b;«ti tnt»lUH#-HWajV"dfei»n*Wr.t«eakno ws to Ho 'Sii SSmfb/'' thUrottto.O rfnj5««??u«l«2?a« For Terms and Press Opinions Apply /. | vk i j : ¦ i ¦ a«ltf«T7 oi doodi mi to K'Hul 1 )l GTOEEI0E ACOOLinODATIOIT Ertitct»from letter *-:-*' ¦> .- .; • i ,."-;- -Vi - . : : i : ^*| "? i^5Sj ? 13i r a^o^ii pt*^ o^Orda CblpplaX Coayayij E T7ftxuoa3e , i AM. D^PAE'i'lIEaTS. ! \ i ; DO YOD EttdSttlew nftMtt o; forawroplalo*t hMIt bI noit ^ ^ tnegtoa. ; ' .p. KNOW THAT ' It ITitliirtn*Pool .t irUtt»od»eg iomtt j • JsnteaWsBts xdrl« op» dl fba gnitttt«conno 'Ckttl» : wAznurou 10 ooaus, I ] , : j ; Titttttf r ltttft ro ecW«d»ia4 .-*i -^Seonr "»nrSl*eft i ' ' ' ' ' | i ' J Ereij BiTOHDAT CtU EellattJ i - I «.; l p.n ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : Elngnlflcoafi (Joffco and Commercial iJocna equal ? dl»»0iwMc1> fcltWtto h»l Ufflfcl TctaiBaiytUU. For Dnus to WAID OS», Dnxoj- t : . ¦ ¦; ' ! " ¦(. * ; • . i • ^ MANAQEEt; ! ;v. : - 'V'J .:- i : i . all tjalns 2£X^o-i^rs Uafporf two fe«JT_lh«r» ht4 rio toatu it th» dliMta. ds* OT pja. i ], to any In IrsUsd.B ucuond ctfiffmest a?iii^. I7« 8rd Oet « p.ia. WediiCsiUj. 7» K 7 I « : tn| .1141 i yodt- th» fint LObr, ?e pick orthe London Markets, purchwed i/e tS* tut ttaixAtH* ' 9«3io *5i«s iad otciiacro. ' ' I . for cash ond 1 mptoMtm ox. IfataU'bQ to MMniMad it. itkl 'voiU 13 \ ; Defies CompetitionT ii > sAtM^US^9rtrlaeni>«T«)tt6'U«ithoa»it . I; i . , . TRY . A IB. 8AMPLB AND '' I«Ii ,. pan. ., Mfh « ^P- - ' ¦ HOTE RES UI8. 7 ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' ! ; I - 1 -, ' ¦ jteO Qi ¦ > . I I ; . ^' -^'/ WtD^wnCjutKttitJrtoVpnAfce. ;u- vriuaionnM rasa B¦to it) . r, • ; ¦ >tma$a7*"««air«i«teK«iaMUM xbw'" (p*eSSo Etciy THUESDAY . _ j i i. -Jr. ¦} V-t* |:; . ¦ !KI3MI3^1 : 2Z? Z2©0 ¦•MMLwtaa.ip j ls.«b» ii<»t lalUUb)» 8«B»d7 I er»r:ferM/*sd.Ifa*» liiid ' , iMroofr— I MfelHIIf^ BEA.^CJM^ :; ^^^^ • "«*•¦—«* Coax TO TTiicoTOOti - ! tri»l»cl ttlny fcrtt«p»rtflr»j*ni fa £irtiv u ia*«iahla OJ p.c Ss ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Fridir. Slh Oct . S um. FrUUj, 2nd H»f : : to.t^t nx2Binf oonizs&AStjb • " i AilKWi fftg L : ' , iith ;, : 8 p.m. : _ j . eth ,J : o p.m. ,Doublo : -: :»• ¦ ^" Sa ' " i Hn. MIEN'SOIL PANTS, Half 4-\ : •»- : ;' , 10th ,. »vsn. 10th ,, « iDo ¦ ddi! All Dpublo ; - ..i ' ! :.; ' ; 8s 9c ! BACON-ASp eciality,*4d ,4& and , . Wfc.. !. 8j,n. -gg . W». !: . ¦ ' ... ; ' ' I IMPERIAL HOTEL. 6dper U>. Finest Wattrford ¦ ' b&^j > ¦ ¦ ¦ ' V ,1 Hall Doobla ; r ',>: • . ¦ ... ; i .iV. ' .- : Ss Qd ^A3»Sv!'a ona- c$Mta^ir-ro*ufai ton i AJXUCSDK OIDOT. " : • PDO ' COATS ¦ .. orowfasi on lyoWir.ttltinfelMKTtfc^ fOtSao^Kditxte. W > X j ' ' : :; - , 0d DTJBIiETi ' i [Do ;-- : do iAllDoabb f / ! ...! ' . , .. i • ¦!-^ ,\\ M LOV7EU ; GAOK.ViLLE^3TEI3ET, Etury JlOtJUAV (ri» OUIJOW) C-rsv only - 1 V** . I ; Panto) Half DoaWe .:. 'J •' .i? / ! . 6s 6d ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ " ... «r*xjuioas TO SEUAS& MEN'S 8UITS (Cwt ond ¦ - ; GpncralP«jM)DMe saTdsjicpb0" 3 ' •¦ "¦' - i i I p.n. ! : • -i : , 8s 9<3 (Oe^edtotha ]¦ ¦ ; l .[ • ii" fli" JfO3S*B,i SliwBkw^idilitrfrt. EreiyaATnBDAY CdOTrtr^ ~ i ' Do -i- do-' l All DontCo j ... k WV; 1 r ... - yKamo«4ocitt4lUatliaCltj. • ¦: . i. ' - : ' ii '¦'¦ :';ttt£^O^.CdOoih..\V/- -. '\ 1 ; : ¦ : ;^lo 0d to..2a Od ¦ : | . ! MEN'S HATS I ... • >.. i ' ;.*; : • j , ... ^- [ .wart® ¦8os ^w*&*^i v ' ETOT IUE3UAI. | re-furslshod JOHH Afteati-^o & "WMTBIOSO IO piTKcra, direct, : 1 WATERPBOOF¦ HORSE COVERS j - .,', - . , • ... : - • "» so Qd64 to lOs oa /f <OUPLETELYremodelled Mid HXGGINS TTcdacianT, Sri Oflt li woa WoOnetdaji 7US HOT ? p.m. 1 ' ¦! ' :¦ : ¦¦ to> 20s Oil Hi/ HeimttcnitL ealw'Ooffo»-Eoe3,Dining-Boc=j VFStoOeoaBe W Grocer . „ ,l«th , « p.n. .; !,, : l«Ui 1*»<»"» Tb iCART COVERS ! \i. ' *.' -^3 , am Provision . " .. pja. \ CxoMaj.Eooin,BaiUrt.room. Chs^eaiaofisitst). Merchava H Mth U noon . ; ,; SWt „ J LAWLBE, Proprietor. ; ; 8 and 44, ' ' ¦ ¦ !I . ' :«tb. V 4^a : 1. , -CU Jlinooa ' i CHABLE8 PATEICK^STREET. ' I ' ¦HbaO»-UiHj finbheiI 1 at 7P „ ' 8Ut „ Uoooa i : I < . !: We are still nblo to snpply our Lcdiej OclllIttOrG ; ' ' - Cc7i PEOVIBIOKB Af 41, PATBICS BTEEET. : n.iuu<m to W*iBMoao (dlnst). J . : :• • i , i;. : > :- .;. C&o Wiofelow Hirtolo sd 'X^cstaarcat E»toi«J»' ^U» Oet . 2 p.ra Bxuute}, «rdHot 1 1 p.n. !jJOB COKSE. rs 3tB i)d, - mirfe 8s 6d. ;• ., •¦;;; : ; .;.j.^; ; . l.A-ISti 1p.m. *; i, i 1*1 ,. » V-a. ' 0, 7, esd 8, TnOKLOW-STEEET, ; w ¦ ¦ 01 BpaoUttv Written fat Btnitetii oi Bitaat**< whltS •I . XWU M • ?p.m. j „ Ki»>|- . .. f f- - ; (Qnftoa-rtreet), DUBLIN. i | ¦ "¦ : "" giVtvi wllz4om3fttloti toQQflFvdbt^Q. ^f• ouift t9 ccsi* : •" A nomPostouu' i ¦ I ¦ - ' WH0£BS4JLB AHJ> -! p^|^|t i BpsnuxKos. i <&l;Mi;&l: -1 Comfortahlo tsA BUILDING JtBTAIL r ^rpw*^»^ , .Situated. | py tssl? WiTmroBD io M C«ntrdly OOHTRAOTfi cijSLOtt %hft study of HJftofefc^. en __ ¦ ¦ pr !i! flisiBl^ MOST iato{>rioi). C»n W:ls*d trif'ff"iM^m > t6 -tti ETCrBATUBDAT(direst). ! I ' . .- !~* Uodcratfl. Dlnnert ready (11 day. : ; | P^eH MotrrusrroB n> WIUBMU «ria Pl/ioatS) STBEET, TVATERPOBB ¦ OASBouoUBiVsBnni&ssioi. Ti'daanAk ! j 10 & U, BAR^OHSTEAHIr| BICHABD iO-BBIEK. Poprfctot. EsEBTtMJi, Erejr THUBSDAtAfternoon («» B«»h»»«a>J. Gujo onl; "O [ AVIH0 teenrta »oil«k "!* 0icniti8ntEXTDubLai > ¦: . ¦ ; ' • ¦ ¦ I ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦/: tbapoL) - [ . U Premiiea for » Wcrk> -iS3iSe^SiS5tfT - . "vi "-l ' < " : . ]' {• .; " . - . (O^osI^ tt», Gireat \ M-M. th'p io Sargent' Erdj BATU&BAT.vUaoaUiuastoa: ' - I 1 t pja j ; p. Xasv (opposite Na'loml MxmAna to WJSXOOSO.
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