HOLY TRINITY Пут Крста - Вести Цркве Свете Тројице SERBIAN The Way of the Cross ORTH ODOX CHURCH Holy Trinity News www.serbianchurchstlouis.org JANUARY 2020

1910 Serbian Drive St. Louis, MO 63104 314-776-3262

E-mail : [email protected]

Parish Priest : “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Em- Rev. Father Ljubomir Krstic manuel, translated (God is with us).” Isaiah 7:14. On Day, “a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulders; and his name Father’s Phone : shall he called Wonderful Counselor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to 815-543-6170 come, the Prince of Peace . . . He shall sit upon the “throne of David and upon his kingdom, to establish it and to strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from Board President : henceforth and forever.” Isaiah 9: 6-7. Georgia Posey When Christ was born in that low and humble place — the world was ready for his coming, the pure womb that was to bear him was prepared. The great and awful Kolo President : event awaited by men since the moment of that first promise may be worthily rec- Sharon Wade orded only in the inspired word of God: “Behold,” says the Angel Gabriel to Mary, Choir President : “thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shall call his Nik Chkautovich name, . He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High . . . The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most high shall overshadow Sunday School Director : thee; and therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Kris Chkautovich Son of God.” Luke 10, 31:5. Centuries before the first Christmas Day, a malignant angel had come to a woman (Eve) upon an errand of death, and Eve’s disobedience Stewardship Committee to God’s command which had ensued was the beginning of the sin of the world. Chair : Nick Dopuch The Archangel Gabriel came to Mary with the message of eternal life, and the Cemetery Manager : ready obedience of the second Eve gave us him who is the fountain of all grace. Dragan Acamovic Now, Mary, who had designed to know no man, had been troubled, at the an- Church Hall Manager : nouncement of the angel, that she should conceive and bear a son. But her fear was groundless: the Holy Ghost was to be her Spouse, and Mary, still clad in the Zoran Kurtuma white veil of virginity, was yet to wear the crown of motherhood: And Mary said: ‘‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me according to thy word.” The obedient sub- The News of the Holy Trinity mission of Mary gave to the world the Divine Redeemer. Now, “The Word was is sent out monthly. Please made flesh.” The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God the Son, became man. contact Father Ljubomir or Christ, the Son, now Man, came to us in the deepest poverty — in greatest humility the Church office with any to be our Redeemer — Our King. Yes, Christ is King, not only as God, but also as suggestions for future articles. Man. He is King, not only by reason of perfection of his humanity, not only because All ideas are certainly welcome. Continued on page 4

JANUARY 2020 2


Come support our Sunday School and help us celebrate Sveti Sava on Sunday,

January 27th right after liturgy.

We are honored to have Igor and Jasna Marjanovic and their son Milan as our Kumovi this year!

JANUARY 2020 3

A big thank you goes out to our coffee hour sponsors for December…final for the year! Unfortunately our calendar looks bare for next year. As mentioned, there is a large wall calendar in hall by kitchen complete with pen; if you have a Sunday in mind see if its available. Let’s try to keep it going! Remember donuts, ba- gels, bakery bread with oil & garlic….whatever you would like. Coffee Hour sponsors: 12/1 Liuda Savina & friends; 12/8 Boro & Snezana Maletich; 12/15 Year end assembly meeting lunch provided; 12/22 Sunday School play along with Sunday school mothers lunch; 12/29 Popadija Stana, Ljubica Acamovic, Milenka Marja- novic, Milena Mitrovich. Fish Fry prep: Our first Fish Fry is on February 28th at 5 pm. Please clear your calendars…we need all of you for seven weeks. We need dishwashers and help with clearing tables remember we use dishes and real sil- verware. It’s a fun night with great food! Also, for those who are retired, we will need people every Wednes- day at 9:30 am starting February 26th to prep food. Thanks Dave & his crew Nick Dopuch, Pat Lekich, Maria Karich, Snezana Maletich, Louie L. & Dusan for making cookies.

Please contact the following to Volunteer. By volunteering early, You will make it easier for the committee to plan for success!

Ljubica Acamovic Food line Sharon Wade Runners, Cashiers, Table cleaners David Lekich Kitchen crew, Wednesday prep Requests from Father: Fr. Ljubomir is in need of charcoal, incense and communion (Mogan David- Con- cord) for the church. Also, our main printer / copier broke down and to replace with a refurbished copier is $1,100 - if someone would like to donate towards it, it would be greatly appreciated! Badnje Vece prep: Big thanks to Nedeljko Tomic for bringing our Sunday to church. We had a lot of helpers Sunday young & old, cutting, tying, etc. Thanks so much. And Nedeljko thanks too for keeping us supplied with soap. Thanks to Vinko Matic, Dragan Acamovic, Goran Kurtuma & Predrag Vukadinovic for preparing the Vruca Rakija. Once again we will be raffling off a pig for Sunday School & selling cooked pieces; hind, quarter, etc. @ $10 per pound. All done by the pig roasting crew (per Fr.) This is all preordered! Clothing Drive/Food: It’s that time of the year to help the less fortunate. We are still collecting food and clothing for Focus. Thanks to all the donations received up until this time. Many thanks to Calvin & Chrissy for picking up and delivering to Focus. Keep us in mind if you cleaning out a closet or two.

December Church Attendance

12/1 - 67 12/15 - 87 12/29 - 92

12/8 –104 12/22 - 132 Average: 96.4

4 JANUARY 2020 Spomenka’s Corner– Cont. from page 3 Our Patients: We had four families staying at the Ronald McDonald House in December; Martin and his mother Violetta are a returning family. We all remember Martin; his mother had carried him from birth until the time he had surgery. They came to church each week and we were all shocked to see him walk up for communion by him- self “almost:”…He just had a second surgery to help him even more. Martin & mother Violeta Stepanovic left St. Louis on Saturday while Jeremija Perovic and family left on Friday. We are still home to a couple more families that have been in church lately, Jovan Dimitri- jevic and Sonja Steljic. They will celebrate Bozic in St. Louis. Please reach out to say hello! Many thanks to those who have helped these families; Steve & Teresa Lekich with food & visiting; Snezana & Boro Maletich with groceries, Magic House, Union Station then Grbic’s …they wanted our food..haha. And all those who helped with the transportation to and from the airport: Vojno & Ljubica (c Blagojevic, Nick Dopuch, Mike Glogovac & Vlado and Nada Bio- canin. We can’t thank all of you enough for what you have done to Photo of Fr. Ljubomir visiting Jeremija Perovic make their lives better. Thanks also to the people who have donat- and Martin Stepanovic at the Ronald McDon- ed to our Bishop Nikolaj Fund since we found out we were having ald House after their surgeries. more children…many of you more than once.

Sretna Nova Godina to all! The Kolo is preparing for Badnje Vece….getting the dry fruit together thanks to Elaine Stager; many thanks to sister Olivera Jandrasevic for preparing the cesntnica. We will again be holding our traditional Bozic banquet on Sunday, January 12, 2019. Reservations are needed to help us prepare. Hope all of you can join us to celebrate…we’ll have some music and our dancers to entertain us. Reservation forms can be found on line or in this bulletin or at church near the bar or upstairs. Kolo members and others are asked to bring desserts for our celebration. Please bring the day of the event. Kolo will hold their annual meeting on Sunday, January 19, 2019. Your Board is sorry for the delay; hope you can all make it. Great time to pay your dues, visit, help us plan the year….new ideas, etc. YOUR KOLO BOARD

5 JANUARY 2020

Happy New Year and Hristos se Rodi! I hope to see you at the upcoming Christmas services and celebrations on Badnje Vece, Bozic and Christmas banquet. We ended 2019 with our annual meeting on December 15th, and I wanted to pass along a few important outcomes. First, thank you to our stewards who indicated their support of the existing board by voting to keep us in place for 2020. Second, the stewards unanimously moved to explore the repair and renovation of our church, hall and Sunday School area. I remind everyone that our facility is nearing its 100-year old birthday and requires many much-needed foundational repairs and upgrades to the church, hall and Sunday School. You will see the start of this work during the months of January and February as we break down the stage area to provide more room for hall seating and storage. All activities will go on as planned with no disruption of our holiday festivities and Sveti Sava. Restassured that we will still have a temporary stage area as needed for our internal and external needs. My thanks to the parishioners and stewards who are as- sisting in this renovation. With the support of our stewards, we hope this is just the first step towards major improvements and beautifica- tion to our home! As a result of the motion to explore further repairs and renovations, the assembly also moved to hold a special assembly meeting on Feb- ruary 9th where the board will present the proposed recommendations, budgets and schedules for the remaining work and projects. If you want to learn more and be a part of the decisions regarding this effort, I invite you to attend this important meeting! This is our home, eve- ryone—our fore-fathers and -mothers built it; it’s our job to sustain and take care of it. On behalf of the Executive Board, thank you for your continued support of Holy Trinity. Yours in Christ,

Stewardship can be defined as an opportunity to examine our priorities and values, to express our thankfulness, to give of ourselves and to grow in grace. It allows us to participate in the work of God. It is part of theosis – that life- long process of uniting oneself with God. Sunday, December 22, was distinguished by a parastos that included the commemoration of Holy Trinity’s benefac- tors. Our parish is fortunate to have two great benefactors, Peter Gark and Svetozar Maravich, who inspire our par- ish community by continuing their stewardship to our parish even in death. May their memories be eternal! I wish to thank all those parishioners who have completed and submitted their 2020 stewardship cards. For those who have not completed and submitted their 2020 stewardship cards, let the above definition of stewardship re- mind you that stewardship is a process that requires a response to God’s calling. On a more practical evel,l that re- sponse is the completion of your 2020 stewardship card. If you did not receive a 2020 stewardship card, cards are available in the church narthex. If you have any questions concerning stewardship, you may contact either Father Ljubomir ([email protected]) or me ([email protected]). I wish you a blessed Nativity. In Christ, Nick Dopuch Stewardship Chairperson 6 JANUARY 2020 (Continued from page 1) (con- he has purchased us as His people by redeeming us; he is King because His is the Word incarnate. “He, Christ, has do- minion over all creatures,” says St. Cyril of Alexandria, who was the great Champion of Orthodoxy against Nestorius “a dominion not seized by violence nor usurped, but by His essence and by nature.” Psalms 23:7. In this way with these thoughts do the Eastern Christians celebrate the Birth of Christ. The Eastern Christian places the greatest importance upon the religious aspects of this great Feast Day. It is to the Eastern mind — a day for rejoicing, because on this day, he has received his opportunity for Eternal Salvation with God in Heaven. The feast commemo- rating the Christ or (Christmas) was introduced in the middle of the 4th century. It is now almost cer- tain that the celebration of Christmas on the 25th of December is of Western origin. The East celebrated Christ’s Nativity on January 6th, now on January 7th. This because the East follows the Julian Calendar, which is about two weeks behind the present calendar. In the liturgy of the Eastern Churches this feast was called Theophany or . Three things were commemorated: the Nativity itself: the Adoration of the Magi, and the Baptism of Christ in the River Jordan. Later, several of the Eastern Churches began introducing the celebration of Christmas on Decem- ber 25th. In the meantime, it seems that Western Christians adopted the feast of Epiphany, which soon became very popular — and is very popular today. In the Eastern Churches, the Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds are celebrated on — January 6th, the Adoration of the Magi on Christmas Day. A period of fasting begins 40 days before Christmas for Eastern Chris- tians. This period does not correspond to the Advent Season of the Roman Church; the Eastern Church does not know Advent. There are two Sundays which prepare the faithful Eastern Christian for the great feast of Christmas, namely the 2nd Sunday before Christmas, called the Sunday of the Fore- Fathers, and the Sunday immediately preceding Christmas, called the Sunday of the Fathers. On Christmas Eve the Church Services are rather long, but they are very beautiful and inspiring. The morning of Christmas Eve— the Church Services begin with the Solemn Singing of the Royal Hours — so called because the kings and emperors of old always attended these services. Following the Royal Hours, the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated together with the Vesper Service for the day. On Christmas Eve the Eastern Christian observes a very strict fast Christmas Day begins with a Solemn and Joyful Divine Liturgy . Members of the Parishes then visit individual homes of the Parishioners singing Christmas Carols and greeting one another with the salutation “Christ Is Born.” and answering in response, “Indeed He is born.” Very little importance is given to the exchange of gifts or to any commercial thought. For the Eastern Christian — His Church and His Church Service share the Glory of this Day. He rejoices this day because Christ is in his midst — a new born Child with outstretched arms begs for his Love and he returns this love in His God, His neighbor, his family and to his country. To the Eastern Christian the birth of Jesus Christ is of tremendous importance to his own eternal salva- tion, because through the birth of Jesus, God has given the food of Life Eternal. This food is the invisible Body and Blood of our Lord in visible forms, of bread and wine. By the birth of Christ and by the food, the natural Son of God made us children of God by adoption. He gave us Himself as a symbol and example in all these things that we may follow his example and win the eternal gifts — life everlasting and endless bliss — which had been lost to us through Eve’s sin and which had been restored to us through the birth of Christ. To the Eastern Christian this is the object of Christ’s Incarnation and birth. He has granted to us His Holy Body as food that He may make us, through His Birth, his companions, and through our nourishment by Him, inheritors of His King- dom. He commanded us, the living, to be steadfast in our performance of this remembrance of Him, and in remem- brance of His benevolence to us until he comes again to judge the world. This is accomplished through faith by inher- itance, and by transmission from the living destined to die, to the dead, who shall live again by re-generation, that sal- vation may extend to all men. For this reason, the Church has instituted and celebrates daily the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist — the Divine Litur- gy — or the Lord’s Supper, which serves as a constant reminder to the faithful of the life of Christ — from His birth of His Virgin Mother to His Ascension — reminding us that from our birth to our death — our food for Salvation must be the food brought to us through the Birth of Jesus — whose feast we commemorate at this time. 7 JANUARY 2020 Свети владика Николај: Божићна посланица 1930. Године ХРИСТОС СЕ РОДИ!

Христос се роди, љубазна браћо и децо! Где се роди Христос? Не у царским дворовима, да не кажу подвлашћени: Он је с царевима а није с нама! И не у богаташкој раскоши, да не кажу сиромаси: Он је с богаташима а није с нама!И не у великом граду, где бедни људи тешко долазе до стана, да се на каже: Стеснио нас је!И не у топлој соби, да не кажу страдалници по хладним избама: лако је њему!И уопште не међу људима, да не кажу људи: тежак нам је! Него се благи Господ родио међу овцама, које му ништа нису замериле. Родио се на месту ничијем, у пећини хладној, између града и села, између својина и присвојених баштина. Родио се на стопи земље ничије, Божије. Ту стопу земље нико није искоришћавао, осим овце, и оне сасвим ретко. И овце му нису замериле, што се родио код њих, на камену застртом сламом. Ми поклоници православни били смо на том месту о Васкрсу ове године. Нас 65 удостојили смо се спустили се у ону пештеру, у коју се он спустио са престола небеског ради спасења људи. У ту пештеру не улазе више овце бесловесне него само словесне. Ту је сада олтар, и многа кандила, ту молитве и службе, ту сузе и покајања, ту олакшање душама људским.

Свакога Божића у тој пештери служи Патријарх Јерусалимски врло свечану службу Божју. И ове године на данашњи дан он ће служити и појати са свештеницима и народом: Рођење твоје Христе Боже наш – засија светлост свету! И још ће се у тој пештери понављати као и увек она анђелска песма, коју су ангели певали около пештере оне ноћи када се Господ родио: Слава Богу на висини, мир на земљи, добра воља међу људима. Певајте и ви ту песму. Њоме је изречен смисао доласка и рођења Сина Божјег на земљи. Цео устав живота нашег. Да се слави Бог, да буде мир на земљи, да се зацари добра воља мећу људима. То је било онда најпотребније. То је данас најпотребније свему роду људском. Стојећи оборених глава у пећини благословеној ми поклоници дивили смо се, где се велики Господ и Спас наш родио. Родио се на камену ничијем, да свима буде прав, и да свима понуди спасење. Родио се у мраку, као да покаже да је дошао у мрак овога света – Он, велика Светлост. Па смо се онда питали оборених глава: када се Господ јавио свету? Јавио се у мучно време, када се Бог није славио, када није било мира на земљи, и када је место добре воље владала зловоља мећу људима. Он се није јавио у време каквога праведнога цара, да се не каже: помагао му је тај цар!Нити се Он јавио у време поштења и правде мећу људима, да се не каже: лако је било наговорити поштене на поштење и праведне на правду! Нити се Он јавио у време радости и светлости у срцима људским, да се на каже: што је морао доћи да радује радосне и светли просвећенима!Него се кротки Господ јавио у време цара крволока у Јерусалиму, и царева тирана по свим народима и племенима. Јавио се он у време упрљаног поштења и погажене правде мећу људима. Јавио се усред свеопште жалости и очајања и мрака у душама свију људи.У то време родио се Син Божји свету, баш у то време када је најпотребнији био свету, и када људима није могао (настављено на страници 8) 8 JANUARY 2020 (наставак са странe 7)

помоћи нико осим Њега.Зато су Га поздравили добродошлицом и ангели и људи, и сиромашни и богати, цареви и мудраци са Истока. О, како би Га и ми данас поздравили, да се јави! О, како је он данас потребан завађеним народима, огрубелим људима, отупелим савестима, заслепљеним душама! Као насушни хлеб гладноме, и као изворска вода жедноме! Народима и људима нашега времена нико није потребнији од Њега. Нико им, уопште, данас није ни потребан осим Њега. Без Њега су многи заборавили славити Бога на висини. Без Њега су народи вођени из рата у рат, из несреће у несрећу. Без Њега је зловоља узела маха међу људима и распламтила огањ пакости и саможивости. Он једини је потребан свету. Нико други. О, кад би се Он опет јавио! Но зар се Он не јавља? Зар Он није обећао следбеницима Својим: Ево ја сам с вама у све дане до свршетка вијека. Амин. Амин, Господе! Буди с нама, јер тонемо. Јављај се што чешће и у што више срца људских. Осветли нас умом Твојим и загреј нас љубављу Твојом. Осветли и загреј тамне и хладне пештере срца људских, као што си негда осветлио и загрејао пештеру Витлејемску присуством Својим. Да би опет оживело славље Бога, да би се установио мир међу народима, и зацарила добра воља међу људима. Простримо душе наше под ноге Његове као сламу. Нека Он гази. Нисмо достојни ни Његовог гажења а камоли љубави Његове. Но, Он и кад би хтео газити газио би да излечи а не да убије. Јер, Он је сав Љубав, сав Милост, сав Разум и чистота. Он нас неће згазити, иако смо то заслужили више него црви под ногама нашим. Он ће нас помиловати, и опростити покајницима. И миловаће, и праштаће, све до Последњега Суда. Но знајте, да је проречено, да ће Дан Суда Христовог гранути изненадно. Похитајмо стога сви да се покајнички поклонимо Господу, који се јавља. Да, и који ће се на крају јавити у сили и слави великој, да суди свим живим и мртвим. Похитајмо, браћо и децо, да прославимо песмом и правдом Господа Исуса и Његову Свету Матер, Он тиме не добија ништа. Шта би и могао добити Најбогатији од најсиромашнијих? Но тиме ми добијамо све: и живот, и здравље, и мир, и добру вољу, и разум и – царство бесмртно. Теби Господе, Спаситељу и Препородитељу наш, слава и хвала, са Оцем и Духом Светим, сада и навек. Амин. Божићна посланица – Охрид 1930. г.

Memory Eternal! Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep +Vojko Jovanovic +Milovoј Djordjevich 9 JANUARY 2020 Christmas Message Rt. Rev. Bishop Longin

“He was created of a mother whom he created. He was carried by hands that he formed.” -Blessed Augustine of Hippo

As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, dear broth- ers and sisters, we cannot but marvel at the Lord’s mercy and love towards mankind. Confessing our faith in that which He accomplished for us, we rejoice, for He takes on flesh that He created from His Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary, and becomes the God-Man. This is the reason why the Lord’s incarnation is wondrous to us, for Heaven unites with the earth, bringing Life to us who are in the darkness of the world. The Sun of Righteousness dawns forth, enlightening all by showing us the path of salvation.

In this world of great temptation and challenges, the Lord comes to us humbly, but with divine strength. He tells us: “Fear not!” He comes to us in order to bring hope and a promise that He will never leave us. As we struggle and maneuver through the different obstacles that come before us in this life, He reminds us that we are not alone. Instead, if we reach our hand out to Him in prayer and with trust, then He will guide us to spiritual peace and victory. It is up to us to accept Him, to make our hearts a manger ready to receive Him, so that He will abide in us and transform us from within. Let us not look to this world for guidance, for within it we will only find emptiness and darkness. Rather, by approaching and receiving Him, we will become not only His followers, but actually one with Him. We will abide in Him and He in us. With faith, this is possible, for it is what the Lord expects of each and every one of us. We can do this by making a fresh start this year, by making our participation in the life of the Church, and especially the Divine Liturgy, the center of our lives. Let it be that which we do regularly from our heart, and not only as a formality or annual tradition. By doing this, we will have truly understood the meaning of Christ’s nativity. May our Lord grant us peace, health and spiritual joy during this Joyous time of year, giving us the faith and courage to help others by helping ourselves in starting a fresh spiritual life. In this way, we will transfigure ourselves from within, becoming Christ-like by the grace that He grants to us through His patience and kindness to- wards mankind.

Peace of God! Christ is Born! Happy and Blessed New Year 2020!

With prayers before the Christ-Child,

+ L O N G I N 10 JANUARY 2020

Божићна порука

„Створен је од мајке коју је он створио. Ношен је на рукама које је он обликовао.“ Блажени Августин Ипонски Прослављајући и ове године Божић, драга браћо и сестре, по ко зна који пут задивљени смо због милости и љубави Богомладенца Христа према роду људском. Благодарећи Господу за све што је учинио за нас, радујемо се, јер Он, од своје Мајке Присно-дјеве Богородице, узима на себе тело, које је Сам створио и постаје Богочовек. Заиста је Божије Оваплоћење чудо, Небо се спаја са земљом, доносећи Живот нама који постојимо у мраку овог света. Сунце Правде се рађа просвећујући све и показујући нам пут спасења. У овом свету великих искушења и изазова Господ нам долази смирено али и у сили. Храбри нас са речима: „Не бојте се!“ Долази да донесе наду и обећава да нас никад неће оставити. Док се ми трудимо и боримо да превазиђемо препреке овог живота Он нас подсећа да нисмо сами.. На нама је да Га прихватимо, да претворимо своја срца у витлејемске јасле спремне да Га приме, да би Он пребивао у нама и изнутра нас преобразио. Не тражимо вођство од овога света јер ћемо наићи само на празнину и таму. Приступимо радије Њему па ћемо постати не само Његови следбеници него и сами део Њега. Пребиваћемо у Њему и Он у нама. С вером је ово могуће а то Господ и очекује од свх нас. Ако ми сa искреним поверењем, Њему испружимо руке у молитви, Он ће нас обезбедити духовни мир и дати победу. Да бисмо ово постигли, отпочнимо Нову годину учешћем у светотајинском животу Цркве, поготово у Светој Литургији. Будимо учесници Светих Тајни не само формално и ради обичаја, него из дубине душе. Радећи тако, откриће нам се у потпуности значај и тајна Христовог Рођења. Нека нам Господ дарује мир, здравље и духовну радост у ово празнично доба године, наоружавајући нас храброшћу у вери и благодаћу Одозго, која ће нам омогућити да постанемо духовно преображени и у свему Христолики. Мир Божији, Христос се роди! Срећнa и благословена нова 2020 година! Ваш молитвеник пред Богомладенцем, + Л О Н Г И Н JANUARY 2020 11 12 JANUARY 2020 Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church 2020 Calendar / Kалендар January / Јануар Sunday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

5 Света Литургија Monday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

6 Света Литургија

6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Vespers - Вечерње Богослужење

7:00 p.m. Burning of Badnjak - Паљење Бадњака Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ – Christmas

7 Света Литургија - Божић

Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – Synaxis of the Most Holy Theothokos

8 Света Литургија – Сабор Пресвете Богородице Thursday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – First Martyr Steven

9 Света Литургија – Свети првомученик Стефан Saturday 4:30 p.m. Vespers

11 Вечерња Служба Sunday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy - Christmas Banquet

12 Света Литургија - Божићни Банкет

Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – The Circumcision of our Lord

14 Света Литургија –Обрезање Господње Saturday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy - Holy Cross day

18 Света Литургија - Крстовдан Sunday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – Theophany – Great Blessing of water

19 Света Литургија – Богојављење – Велико Освећење воде

Monday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – St. John the Prophet

20 Света Литургија – Јовандан Saturday 5:00 p.m. Vespers

25 Вечерње Sunday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy –St. Sava Program

26 Света Литургија - Светосавска Представа

Monday 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy – St. Sava the first Archbishop of Serbia

27 Света Литургија – Свети Сава