J3rayford Thomas, baker & confectioner, 12 High street Clowes J ames, shopkeeper, 52 Honeywall Bravshaw V. B. & Co. engineers & oil & colour merchants, Coe Joseph Wm. F.R.C.V.S. vet. surgeon, 4 Copeland st 7'2 Liverpool road Coleman James, supt. fire brigade, 32 Hill street llreeze Joseph, builder & contractor, 23 Copeland street. Collis Arthur, grocer, 133 Campbell road . llreeze Joseph, shopkeeper, I6 Hill street Collis Frank solicitor, Sutherland chambers, H1gh street .BridO"ett Bannah (Mrs.), furniture dealer, 82 London road Colton Sido~ia (Mrs.), dress maker, Corporation road :Bnggs &; Co. ?oot warehouse,. ro High street. Comley George Frederick, tobacconist, 73 Liverpool road Erindley Regmald, beer retailer, I8 Hartshill Comley Louisa. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, SI :fenkhull New rd. Brinsley Frederick Ralph, joiner, 36 Lonsdale street :Brittain & Co. machinery merchants, Copeland street Conservative Club (Philip R. Mather, sec.), 41 Glebe st. Brooke Ernest, engraver, Sutherland chambers, High st Cookson Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Albert street Brookfield Harriet (Miss), confectioner, 78 London road Cooper Alfred, boot maker, III Victoria road, Basford Broome James Henry, draper (travelling), 44 Bedford Cooper Harriett Ellen (Miss),apartmnts.Bank ho.Vine st street, Basford Cooper Minnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Water street, Boothen llroome Louis By. travelling drpr. IO Bedford s~. Basford COPELAND w. T. &. SONS (late Spode), manufacturers .Brown J. N. & Co. Lim. boot & shoe wareho. 5 L1verpool rd of china, & por­ :Brown Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 79 Selwyn street Eruffell Henry, shopkeeper, 58 High street celain statuary &c. High street ; Brunt C. M. & Go. hay & straw dealers, Lytton street London agency, I2 Charterhouse Brunt Cary, bee hive maker, 7 Victoria place, Penkhull street, Holborn E C. By appoint­ Bryan James, shoe maker, I<>g Liverpool road ment, china manufacturers to Bullock Frederick, draper, 103 Victoria road, Basford Bullock Henry, tobacconist, 56 London road His Majesty, King Ed ward VII :Bullock Samuel Henry, agent for Worthington & Co. Copeland W. Lincoln, secretary to the Stoke Education Limited, brewers, Tower street Committee, St. Peter's chambers Bunting Charles Limited, brewers (Chas. J. Goddard, Copeland Arms Hotel (family & commercial), Alfred agent), 36 Glebe street 1.\Jayer, Glebe street; daily ordinary Burdon & Co. grocers, 49 London road Corbishley Charles, hair dresser, Market street llurgess William, draper, 77 Liverpool road Corden Bannah (Mrs.), hm;ier, SI London road Burkenshaw Wilfred, stationer, 75 Liverpool road Corden Maria (Mrs.), beer retailer, 55 New st. Boothen Burley Florence (Miss), dress maker, 15 Campbell road Cork George, insurance agt. B Penkhull ter. Penkhull Burndrett Arthur, greengrocer, 7 Bedford street, Basford Cornwell William, confectioner &c. 52 Church street Burrows Brothers, french polishers, ro Hill street Cotgreave Ann Jane (Miss), dress maker, IS Mayo street Burrows Frederick, fried fish shop, 38 London road Cotterill Henry, greengrcr. 35 Brighton st. Penkhull Burt Robert & William, stone masons, London road Cotton Albert, grocer & baker, 64 Liverpool road Burton Joseph & Sons Ltd. grocers & provision dealers, Cotton John Edward, greengrocer, IOI Liverpool road 56 Church street Cotton Martha (Mrs.), beer retailer, 6g Hartshill Burton Amos F.S.I., A.M.I.C.E. borough surveyor, Town Cotton Mary (Mrs.), confectioner, 105 London road hall, Glebe street Coulton Thomas, agent for Thos. Salt & Co. Limited, brewers, 44 Copeland street Eurton Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 John street County Court (Stoke & Longton) (His Honor William Butler Edward beer retailer, II & 12 Winton terrace Butler George,' registrar of births, deaths & marriages, Mulholland K.C. judge; James Outcliffe Marshall, re­ Union offices, High street gistrar & high bailiff; James W. Clucas, chief clerk), Town hall Eutterfield Charles Smith, draper, 30 Liverpool road County of Stafford Northern Division Weights & Measures Caddick John, brick & tile manufacturer &c. Spoutfield Office (Edward Walker Horton Knight, chief inspector), tileries, Hartshill 32 Copeland street Caddy Samuel, fishmonger, 9 Stoke road (letters re­ Coxon William Henry, insurance agent, 157 London road ceived through Newcastle) Craddock Bros. Lim. boot & shoe mas. 21 Church st Caine Mrs. householder, 171 London road . . Craig Emily (Mrs.), tobacconist, 92 High street Campbell Tile Co. (The), manufacturers of encaustiC tllea Critchlow Edward, insurance agent & shopkeeper, 7 & mosaics, London road Fletcher road Capewell Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44 Wilson street Critchlow Enoch, confectioner, 37 Liverpool road Carlton Co. china & earthenware manufacturers, Critchlow Jsph. crate maker & cooper, 39 Woodhouse st Glebe buildings Curran Thomas shopkeeper. 15 Lonsdale street Carryer T. w. & Go. Limited, outfitters, I Wolfe street Daborn John E: agent for Watney, Combe, Reid & Co. Carter Charles, baker, 95 London road Ltd. 6 Copeland street Carter Emma (Miss), dress maker, Regent street Dale Robert shopkeeper, Garner street, Cliff vale Cartlich .Arthur, painter & plumber, I4 Honeywall Daniel Charl~s, clerk to the gu~rdians & to the a~sess­ Cartlich Herbert, painter & plumber, Hill street & 12 ment committee & supt. registrar of Stoke nmon & Princes street clerk to Stoke rural district corm. Union offices, High st Cartlidge Edward John, shopkeeper & post office, 12 Daniel William Murhall, cooper, Lytton street Church street, Penkhull Davenport William Henry, hair dresser, 58 Liverpool road Cartlidge Peter, shopkeeper, 3 Frank street Davies John Harry, Queen's P.H. 2 Liverpool road Cartwright Herbert, beer retailer, I3 Hill street Davies Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. ),tobacconist, In Liverpool rd Cartwright John, shopkeeper, 92 Lonsdale str~et Davie~ Samuel, tailor, 42 Liverpool road Cemetery (John B. .A.shwell, clerk to the bunal board; Davis William, builder, 45 High street John Myatt, registrar), Bartshill . . Davison Frederick, shopkeeper, 28 George street Challinor Elizh. Mary (Miss), drpr. see Hill & Chalhnor Dawson G. J. Crosbie M.Inst.C.E. engineer North Staf. Chambers Charles, beer retailer, Market place fordshire Railway Co. ; offices, Railway station Chapman & Sons Lim. china manufacturers, Wolfe street Dawson Herbert, coal merchant, 3I Bedford st. Basford Charringtou & Co. Lim. brewers (Alfred Mayer, agent), !Dawson Herbert, shopkeeper, 77 Hartshill John street Day Edgar, butcher, 63 Corporation road Chase William B. insurance agent, Bank house, Church st Day John Alfred, insurance agent, 8 Nicholls street Chatfield Richard, plumber, 97 Liverpool road Day Rt. Wm. solicitor, 28 Glebe st. & at High st. Fenton Chatterton William H. boot maker, 3 Liverpool road Dean & Lowe Lim. iron founders, Foundry street Chatwin Waiter, copper smith, 39 Copeland street Delves Henry, in~urance agent, I4I Campbell road Cheadle Edward John, butcher, 24 Heuwrd st. Basford Dennitts Lewis Edgar, painter & plumber, 66 Liverpool rd. Cheap Tile Co. encaustic tile dealers, Wolfe street Deville Arthur, shopkeeper, 156 Oak hill Chell Thomas, draper, x West street, The Mounts Dickson William, beer retailer, IO Liverpool road Churton Sidney, boot maker, 24 Lonsdale street Dix Simpson, draper, Clarke Alice Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner,87 London rd Dodd J ames, wheelwright, Oak bill Cla.y George William, commercial traveller, Hill street Dolby .A.nnie (Miss\ dress maker, 12 "\Vilson. street Clay William, shopkeeper, I4 South Terrace, Boothen Dominican C{)nvent & St. Margaret's Hosp1tal for In- Cliff Vale Brick & Tile Co. brick makers, Shelton New curable;;, Hartshill road, Hartshill Dovey William, insurance ~gent, 3 Clarence st. Basford Cliff Thomas, beer retailer, 1 I Wharf street Drinkwater James, Black Lwn P.H. Trent vale Cliff Thomas, grocer, Trent vale Dudley Emily (Miss), news agt. & post office, 59 London rd Cliff Thomas, grocer & beer retailer, I Water st. Boothen Dudley Frederick, insurance agent, 157 Campbell road Clowes Henry, shopkeeper, 40 Albert street Dudley Horace H. photographer, 46 Liverpool road Clowes Isabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 Honeywall Dumelow John, grocer, 4 Chapel street Cockersole Andrew, butcher, 67 Stoke road (letters re- Dunnin!! William Henry, ~aker, 16 Shelton Old road ceived through Newcastle) Dutton B-alph, draper, 7 L1verpool road