Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT FOR PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY AND INTERNAL TRADE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 3954. TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE 18TH MARCH, 2020. GRANTING GI-TAG 3954. DR. SUKANTA MAJUMDAR: DR. JAYANTA KUMAR ROY: SHRIMATI SANGEETA KUMARI SINGH DEO: SHRI RAJA AMARESHWARA NAIK: SHRI VINOD KUMAR SONKAR: SHRI BHOLA SINGH: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: वाणि煍य एवं उद्योग मंत्री (a) whether the Government grants Geographical Indicators (GI)-tag to agricultural, natural or manufactured goods; (b) if so, the list of products with GI Logo issued/ to be issued, product-wise and State-wise; (c) whether the Government has ratified any international Intellectual Property (IP) treaty referred to in the International Intellectual Property Index (IIPI); (d) if so, whether the Government has launched the ‘Scheme for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Awareness – Creative India; Innovative India’; and (e) if so, the steps taken by the Government to improve the IPR regime in the country? ANSWER वाणि煍य एवं उद्योग मंत्री (श्री पीयूष गोयल) THE MINISTER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (SHRI PIYUSH GOYAL) (a) & (b): Yes, sir, agricultural, natural or manufactured goods are registered as Geographical Indications (GI) by the Geographical Indications Registry as per the provisions of the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act, 1999. As on 10.03.2020, 362 Indian products have been registered as GIs. The list of GI products registered State-wise is enclosed as Annexure. (c): A private entity namely, Global Intellectual Property Centre of the U.S.
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