


After 40 years of it . . . LETTER Supt, Neal Praises 40,000 Musicians box Regional Directors, Centers And Dean Shelby Terms League PERSONAL Grade School Meets Prepare for Meets ITEMS "A Unique Organization Listed for 49 Spring Meets MMISMill League Program Rated Regional Personnel, By T. H. Shelby, Dean of the Division of Extension Let's Stay as We Are 'Successful Activity' Centers Announced A number of changes have been I made in the Regional Meet set-up Urges Coaches' Ass'n Just forty years ago the Extension Division of The Uni­ This Spring over 40,000 Texas Veteran Regional Director this spring, which will mean some versity of Texas had its beginning. The work consisted of high-scbool musicians will repre­ The Coaches' Association wishes schools winning district honors will sent their schools in orchestra, Gives Formula for Success to express its compliments to the teaching by correspondence and lectures by members of the attend a different center for their band and choral events in the The man responsible for the suc­ University Interscholastic League faculty to communities in the State. Thirty-eight years ago regional competition on April 23. Music Competition-Festivals spon­ cess of the Region III Meet for for the fine job the League has last Christmas week, at the meeting of the Texas State the campus of Southern Methodist Two new directors general have sored by the University Inter­ the past six years is Dr. C. L. and is doing for the schools of Teachers Association at Abilene, •• University was named as the cen­ been named this year. In Region I, scholastic League, according to F. Wisseman, director of the School Texas. We believe that it is the the University Debating and Dec­ ter. Last year, under the new Sam Leifeste of Texas Techno­ W. Savage, director of music ac­ of Education at Southern Meth­ best organization of its kind in lamation League, out of which League plan of three separate logical College, Lubbock, succeeds tivities. odist University in . the , and we want the University Interscholastic conferences, approximately 1200 Dr. Ernest Wallace, and in Region Dr. Wisseman has been Direc­ it to stay there. League has grown, was organized. Most of the ten regions of the V, Arthur W. Angrist of Sam state have already held their tor General of this meet ever since State Teachers College, We do not believe, however, that The League is unique among matching contests, but several will Huntsville, succeeds M. R. Ethe- the Interscholastic League will be similar organizations in that it include this contest on their pro­ ridge. benefited by joining the National provides for elimination contests Names of the directors general, Federation, and the Association in a great variety of activities grams in April and May. Topics Suggested who will make all arrangements wishes to be on record that Texas both athletic and literary on the Times and Place for the literary contests and track not join. We think that the League local level, the district, the region, Dates and centers for the Com­ and field events, and the various can still have all the advantages and the State. This makes for petition-Festivals, as reported by For '50 Debaters regional centers follow: by the working arrangement the stiff competition and the resulting the general chairmen, are: Region I: Director General, League now has with this and stimulus for the individual to give Region I, Vocal and Orchestra, Conservation Query Sam Leifeste. Center: Texas other national and state organiza­ the best he has. April 8, Canyon; Band, April 29, Has Strong Appeal Technological College, Lubbock. tions.—L. W. McConachie, Execu­ It is unique in another respect 30, Canyon. By Bruce Roach Region II: Director General, tive Secretary, Texas High School Supt. Connally Neal in that it is sponsored and admin­ Region II, Solo and Ensemble, Director of Speech Activities Nat Williams. Center: Abilene. Coaches' Association. One of the most successful ac­ istered as -an educational agency April 29, 30, San Angelo; Band, and is geared to the regular pro­ Orchestra and Vocal, April 29, 30, A topic proposed for the League's Region III: Director General, tivities of the Bell County grade debate question in 1949-50 which Dr. C. L. Wisseman. Center: Interest in Baseball gram of the school. Its sole aim San Angelo; Marching, April 29, schools during 1947-48 was the is to improve the educational pro­ 30, San Angelo. has been receiving a great deal of Southern Methodist University, attention throughout the country, Dallas. Picks up at Balmorhea Grade School Meet held April 16 gram and train boys and girls for Region III, Solo and Ensemble one involving the future welfare Region IV: Conferences A and and 17, the first such meet in the better understanding of and per­ Dean T. H. Shelby has served Contest, April 29, 30, Waco; Band, In the past there was absolutely of Texas, is that of water and soil B: Director General, B. E. Mas­ formance in citizenship experience. as Chairman of the State Execu­ Orchestra and Vocal, April 29, 30, * no interest in baseball here. We county since 1941. conservation. Since there is no ters. Center: Kilgore Junior Col­ just did not have too many boys Some studies have already been tive Committee since 1923. Waco. The idea of reviving League question as to the need for this lege, Kilgore. in high school. Only one of them made and more are under way to Region IV, Solo and Ensemble, activities was presented by Con­ football team, of being a member conservation program, the query Region IV: Conference AA: Di­ had played playground ball, much determine life success and leader­ March 12, Tyler; Band and Or­ Dr. C. L. Wisseman nally Neal, county superintend­ of a fine debating team, or presi­ would be worded as to the desir­ rector General, Lawrence Franks. less baseball. I did get them to ship of those boys and girls who chestra, April 22, Tyler; Vocal, ent, at a county-wide teachers dent of the students association, ability of the State or the Federal contestants representing more Center: Stephen F. Austin State participate in playground ball have been winners in the various will often cause an indifferent May 7, Tyler. than 100 North Texas high schools meeting early in the year. Much Government as the administrator. Teachers College, Nacogdoches. which worked up some interest. We contests in the past. Enough in­ student to become a fine student. Region V, Vocal, April 2, Hunts- entered the various contests. In interest was shown and teachers A look at the agricultural yield Region V: Conferences A and did not have any equipment. formation is available to show a He will wade through difficult and ville; Band and Orchestra, April addition to the students, the Uni­ were selected to begin work in in Texas gives an alarming pic­ B: Director General, Arthur W. This year we have three or four positive correlation between suc­ uninteresting academic material 8, 9, Huntsville. • versity was host to about 150 preparation for the Spring Meeft. ture. In yield per acre, Texas is Angrist. Center: Sam Houston boys in high school of Latin- cess in League contests and in because of the pride he has in his Region VI, Band, April 1, San faculty representatives from the near the bottom of every list, even State Teachers College, Huntsville. American descent who are really County Superintendent Neal had life careers. This is as it should old school and in being a leader Antonio; • Orchestra and Vocal, competing schools. though gross production may be Region V: Conference AA: Di« interested. The others are show­ this to say regarding the organiza­ be. Let those of our profession of in some one activity. Thousands April 29, . "Conducting such a large great. Thousands of acres of top- rector General, Dr. Eldon D. Brin- ing some interest. Everything tion of this meet and the benefits education who attempt to minimize of teachers and principals can Region VII, Vocal, March 26, meet is quite a responsibility," soil are completely gone. Thou­ ley. Center: Texas College of Arts must have its beginning and I be­ of the League program: contests remember that life at ev­ testify to the principle here illus­ A.&I. College, Kingsville; Instru­ says Dr. Wisseman, "and in­ sands of more acres are badly and Industries, Kingsville. lieve baseball has here. "There were two divisions: A ery turn of the road is a contest, trated. mental Solos and Ensembles, April volves considerable planning. It eroded. With this erosion have Region VI: Conferences A and I am planning on taking both section for rural schools and one and that the highest and finest 8, A.&I. College, Kingsville; Band is important to select directors The University Interscholastic gone millions of tons of chemicals B only: Director General, Pat my coach and myself to the Base­ for independent district ward type of co-operation comes from League is proud of its past, but it and Orchestra, April 9, A.&I. Col­ for the different contests who essential to plant growth—all this H. Norwood. Center: Southwest ball Clinic in El Paso on Febru­ schools. Entries were received engaging in contest activities, and is not looking backward but for­ lege, Kingsville. are interested in the work and within a little over a hundred years Texas State Teachers College, San ary 13. We both need to learn all from nine independent ward that the greatest stimulus to do ward. We are concerned with Region VIII, Band ajjd Orches­ understand the nature of the of Texas crop cultivation. Marcos. we can as neither of us are pro­ schools and twenty of the thirty- one's best comes from excelling in what the League will be ten or tra, April 2, Alpine; Junior High contest—and the problems which Prompt Action Needed Region VII: Director General, fessionals. Then, too, I thought five rural schools. some form of activity. twenty years down the road. It Band, April 7, Andrews; Vocal, might arise. Dr. Eldon D. Brinley. Center: this would help to worjc up more "Participation was limited in For many years it has been ap­ ail depends on the use made by March 26, Alpine. Coupled with this gloomy pic­ "During the planning stage, fre­ Texas College of Arts and Indus­ interest among the boys. some schools because of size, but parent to the writer that, if we the school people of the State" of Region IX, Band, May 6, 7, ture is the" declining available quent conferences with the various tries, Kingsville. It is true that baseball is "The there was great evidence of co­ would get the most from a boy or the contest stimulus in education Mercedes; Vocal, April 29, 30, water supply in Texas. The work directors. are essential. By using Region VIII: Conference B American Sport," but it is also operation and good will among girl in school work, get him or her and how the school administrator San Benito. of building a system of conserva­ the same directors from year to only: Director General W. A. true that many small towns do all schools competing. Appropri­ interested in some activity in uses the League program by gear­ Region X, Solos and Ensembles, tion dams, and other conservation year, we are assured of experi­ Miller. Center: Odessa. not have a team. This one has ate awards of cups and ribbons which he or she can excel. The ing it into the regular program of April 29, North Texas State. practices, has barely been started. enced leadership for the different AA Regional Centers only a La tin-American team. I were given both in the literary prestige of being the best tennis the school. The ideal should be Teachers College, Denton; Vocal, Public minded citizens say that contests. would like to see the small town events and athletic activities. player or at least a good tennis not how good, but how good can April 29, North Texas State steps must be taken at once to "All entries are handled through Conference AA Regional Meets insure the proper drainage, proper teams revived.—H. F. Collins, Su­ (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) player, of being the center on the we be when the whole school par­ Teachers College, Denton; . Band the central office. Each director will be held at the following perintendent, Balmorhea Public ticipates. and Orchestra, April 30, North crops, and judicious use of our is supplied with a list of the con­ centers: Schools. Texas State Teachers College, greatest resources — water and testants and a room schedule. It Districts 1-3, Region I, Texas Denton. land. The future of Texas de­ has been our policy also to have Technological College, Lubbock. Study of League Booklets pends on the future status of her Districts 4-6, Region II, Abilene. El Paso Radio Station Contest Chairmen each director select the judges for Grade School Meet Chairmen of the three contests soil and water. Who will be re­ each contest. In that way it has Districts 7-9, Region III, South­ Rebroadcasts Debate Will Aid Math Contestants by regions are: . sponsible for saving our resources been possible to use some of the ern Methodist University, Dallas. By W. E. S. Dickerson, University Region I, General, Jerry New­ —the State or the Federal Govern­ same people from year to year." Districts 10-13, Region IV, We have just received a tran­ ment? And what about States' scription of the Interscholastic Junior High School, Austin Careful study should also be Roster Completed man, West Texas State Teachers Prior to the job of serving as Stephen F. Austin State Teachers (Mr. Dickerson was manager of the made of the Number Sense section College, Canyon; Band, Don Hays, Rights if the National Govern­ Director of the Regional Meet, College, Nacogdoches. League debate broadcast of Janu­ Number Sense Contest at the, 1948 State ment steps in? Will Texas become ary 21. It makes a fine program Meet in Austin and will serve in that of the Constitution and Rules. This 98 Districts Set up Littlefield; Orchestra, Louise Dr. Wisseman served as Director Districts 14-15^ Region VII, merely a territory subject to the and we are grateful to Radio capacity this year. He has taught in will serve to familiarize students, For '49 Competition Dicken, Amarillo; Vocal, Madelyn General of the District Meet. He Texas College of Arts and Indus­ the public schools of Texas and Okla­ dictates of ? Will na­ was also Director of Literary House for sending it to us. homa for the Dast 26 years.) teachers and directors with the As a result of the interest, in Robinson, Amarillo. tries, Kingsville. tional bureaucracy move in and Contests at the first City Con­ technical details of the contest. organizing grade-school meets in­ Region II, General, Homer An­ A Regional Centers Gale Adkins of Radio House of The Number Sense Contest spon­ destroy the state government ference State Meet which was Another excellent help is the dicated from the returns of the derson, San Angelo; Band, Homer Conference A Regional Meets The University of Texas wrote sored by the University Inter­ structure? Would national super­ held in Dallas at Southern booklet, How to Teach Number questionnaire sent member grade Anderson; Orchestra, Robert will be held at these centers: that you would like to know if scholastic League is one of the vision bring confusion or serious Methodist University last May. Sense, by Mrs. Roberta T. Wad- schools, the State Office has an­ Fielder, Abilene; Vocal, Jean Bar­ (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) and when it might be rebroadcast most important of all the literary curtailment of states' rights? These in this area. I'm glad to report dill, University of Texas Publica­ nounced the creation of ninety- low, San Angelo. contests open to the public school and many other questions would that the people at KTSM, El Paso's tion No. 3842. Both of these publi­ eight separate districts for grade Region III, General, Lyle Skin­ children of Texas. have to be answered in a discus­ NBC station, were impressed suf­ cations may also be secured by school competition. ner, Waco; Band, Lyle Skinner; sion of the proposed large-scale Driving Contest Proposed ficiently to schedule it. It was writing to the State Office of the Orchestra, Lyle Skinner; Vocal, Districts were limited to county conservation program. heard over KTSM February 4, at League in Austin. Leta Spearman, Waco. boundaries where possible in order National Question Proposed For League Co-Sponsorship 11 a.m. In order to determine the to limit excessive travel among Region IV, General, P. C. Mar­ Another topic proposed by the I notified all the high schools exact range of error permitted these young groups. Where only tinez, Tyler; Band, P. C. Martinez; A proposal has been made that* N.U.E.A. Committee on Debate as in El Paso, so that the speech, de­ in the starred problems in both one elementary school in a county Orchestra, P. C. Martinez; Vocal, the University Interscholastic A girl champion and a boy a debate question for next season is bate and other interested students the booklet and the contest showed interest in the special Clyde Wolford, Tyler. League inaugurate a safe driving champion of the State would be could listen, I wrote or called problems, 5 per cent of the grade-school meet, that school was Region V, General, Dr. Joseph the elimination of the present sys­ contest. Co-sponsors of this com­ selected and these two would rep­ the high schools in Clint, Ysleta exact answer should be sub­ assigned to a neighboring county R. Griggs, Huntsville; Band, C. tem of electing a president by the petition would be the Department resent Texas in the National Con­ and Fabens. tracted from and added to that if distance permitted. In case this R. Hackney, Sam Houston State electoral college and a proposal, of Public Safety, the Department test, with all expenses paid. instead, of presidential election by You will also be interested in answer, fractions being rounded transfer did not seem feasible, it Teachers College, Huntsville; Or­ of Education and the Texas Safety direct vote of the people. The elec­ The safe driving contest would a debate broadcast which will orig­ off in each instance. This rule was suggested that single schools chestra, Dr. Lena Milam, Beau­ Association. toral college, begun in 1787, is be­ follow the usual pattern for inate here in El Paso. A few of will correct any uncertainty that incorporate League activities in mont; Vocal, Rex Carnes, Sam Directors of the contest would League competition, beginning with tjjeir intramural program until lieved by many to be outmoded us have persuaded Station KTSM may have existed in the past. Houston State Teachers College, be Capt. J. O. Musick of the De­ the local school and continuing such time as other schools in the now. , , to stage a tournament here among Constant drill on speed is im­ Huntsville. partment of Public Safety, C. E. through district, regional and same county became interested. As a subject of national interest, four competitors: El Paso, Aus­ perative, since only ten minutes Region VI, General, Irving Drie- Sanderson, director of the Safety state competition. tin, Ysleta and Cathedral High are allotted for the mental solution Notices have been sent to brodt, Brackenridge High School, this topic on the electoral college Division, and George Clarke, man­ Rules for the suggested contest Schools. The first three are mem­ of 100 problems in the contest. In 338 schools assigning each to a San Antonio; Band, Irving Drie- seems to have all of the elements aging director of the Texas Safety provide for a written examination bers of the League; thus, the district and asking one principal brodt; Orchestra, Kenneth C. Em­ of a good debate question, and Association. the State Finals each spring, only and a driving test. tournament will give them Some a comparative few of the finalists to act as organizing chairman. ory, Thomas Jefferson High School, should prove of interest to de­ To be eligible to compete, schools practice for the state competition. succeed in working all of the prob­ Principals of all schools will San Antonio; Vocal, Dr. Ira baters if it is chosen. must be accredited schools in Driv­ The written material would The subject, of course, is on ihe lems within the given time. This meet together and set up the Bowles, Southwest Texas State (Continued on Page 2, Col. 8) er and Safety Education. Indi­ cover physical laws, highway laws State Severance Tax. W. E. S. Dickerson development of speed in mental framework for each contest Teachers College, San Marcos. vidual eligibility rules would be and driving procedures. The be- according to their needs and calculation is one of the chief pur­ Region VII, General, Wilbur L. Ohio Considers Ban these: hind-the-wheel tests would be Though not very large in scale, wishes. The handbook available for study poses of the Number Sense Contest Gregg, Kingsville; Band, Wilbur these: The weaving tests; angle we are proud of this project. We Rules and materials are pro­ Of High School Frats 1. The student must have com­ in preparation for this contest is and is also one of the highest re­ L. Gregg; Orchestra, G. Lewis parking; parallel parking; driv­ feel it will intensify interest in vided by the State Office for con­ pleted or be taking an approved The University of Texas Publica­ wards of study in preparation for Doll, Corpus Christi; Vocal, Mrs. The Board of Education in ing forward and reverse on line; debate here and lead to greater tests in Number. Sense, Play­ course in Driver Education and tion No. 4526, entitled Developing Aurelia Scoggin, North Side Junior Cleveland, Ohio, is studying a re­ stopping on lines. things in the future.—Richard C. the contest. ground Ball, Choral Singing, Music Driver Training charing the cur­ Number Sense, by Dr. J. W. Cal­ High School, Corpus Christi. cent report of the faculty com­ The final examination would be Franklin, Co-ordinator of Radio A study of the Number Sense Appreciation, Ready Writers, Dec­ rent year. houn. Copies are available by ap­ Region VIII, General, John Car- mittee, and is considering its in the form of an actual driving Education, El Paso Public Schools. booklets is recommended for all lamation, Spelling and Plain Writ­ 2. The student must be the plication to the University Inter­ recommendations that high-school trip over a prearranged route of If any other schools are plan­ classes in mathematics on both the ing, Junior Track and Field, rico, Sul Ross State Teachers Col­ holder of a valid Texas Operator's scholastic League State Office. fraternities be definitely banned. about 30 miles and return. ning debate broadcasts or tour­ junior and senior high-school levels. Junior Tennis, Volleyball and lege, Alpine; Band, John Carrico; License (and be at least fourteen The best method to follow in The faculty committee's report naments, the editor of the LEA­ Teachers of mathematics will find Story Telling. Junior High Band, Everett B. years old). Cars would be furnished schools GUER would surely appreciate preparation for the contest in it a stimulating aid in the moti­ Maxwell, Andrews; Choral, John on fraternities in Cleveland high 3. The student must never have for the driving meets, which would hearing from the schools spon­ Number Sense is to study Dr. Cal­ vation of mathematics study, as Requisitions are being sent to Carrico. schools condemned these organiza­ been involved (as a driver) in a be scheduled separately from soring them. If schools have houn's booklet carefully, particu­ well as an excellent leisure-time organizing chairmen , which may Region IX, Band, Joe Bellamah, tions as "inciters of prejudice in reportable traffic accident. other League meets. matters of race, religion, and eco­ taken part in any pre-compe- larly pages 4-17, in which he gives occupation for the tag ends of be used to request free materials Weslaco; Orchestra, James Mur­ 4. The student must not have Representatives of the Depart­ tition debates which have been excellent suggestions for rapid cal­ from the State Office for conduct­ nomic status" and called them periods. phy, Brownsville; Vocal, W. E. been arrested for a traffic viola­ ment of Public Safety, the De­ broadcast within the past month, culation in the fundamental proc­ ing each contest. Hatchett, San Benito. "sources of heart aches among tion. This will include arrests for Students welcome this old- partment of Education and the we would like to have a report esses covered by the contest. Fol­ fashioned idea of "mental arith­ An elementary school which is Region X, General, Floyd Gra­ students." a moving violation, all hazardous Texas Safety Association will ap­ for publication in the LEA­ lowing this study, a careful drill metic" and in these days when a member of the University Inter­ ham, North Texas State Teach­ Further, it was stated that violations and violations of the pear at the State Meeting of Dele­ GUER. on the 1,000 type problems on our educational philosophy some­ scholastic League but which was ers College, Denton; Band, George "school authorities have been re­ Driver's License Law. Tickets for pages 17-39 will prove of great times flounders about in seeking not assigned to a district may Rucker, Bowie; Orchestra, G. H. duced to the absurd position of overtime parking violation would gates in May to present the safe This is the final test of a gentle­ benefit. The contest problems have its own definition, the study of participate in a local grade-school Carson, Arlington Heights High having to court the support of be excepted. driving contest before representa­ man ; the respect for those who cs a been chosen so as to represent all this fundamental method in meet by notifying the organizing School, Fort Worth; Vocal, John these exclusive groups to assure 5. A student must be eligible tives of schools. The plan will be of no possible service to him. — the various general types given in arithmetical calculation provides chairman of the district of its in­ Lewis, Texas State College for the success of a school-wide social under Article VIII of the League's later be submitted to the Legisla­ William Lyon Phelps the booklet. a sure unit for progress. tention. Women, Denton. event." Constitution and Rules. tive Advisory Council next fall. Page 2 INTERSCHOUASTiC EEKSUEK Marching Contests ILPC Members to Compete Results Reported At Regional Meets April 23 70 Schools Compete By F. W. Savage, By Norris G. Davis, Assistant Professor of Journalism The University of Texas In Regions V, VII Director of Music Activities Journalism and the School Paper. At last we struck a hornet's nest. Response has been By DeWitt C. Reddick. Bos­ It's about time for some dates for those of us who are Regions V and VII have re­ most gratifying concerning the proposition which was made ton: D. C. Heath and Co., ported results of the Marching Published eight times a year, each month, from September to in last month's column. In case you've forgotten, we pro­ 1949 (Third Edition), viii interested in high-school journalism. The dates are April April, inclusive, by the Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Contest to the Director of Music posed the idea that the requirements for the marching con­ plus 419 pp. Illustrated. $2.40. 23 and May 6 and 7 for the Lone Star Division, and May Extension, The University of Texas. Activities. Schools in Region V test be liberalized. A few letters which were received com­ Since his first edition of "Jour­ 13 and 14 for the Four-City Division. competed for ratings in this event nalism and the School Paper" came Bt^^S. December 4 at Sam Houston State mended the idea, but the vast* out in 1938, Dr. DeWitt Reddick's April 23 is of particular importance for members of the Teachers College at Huntsville. majority were against any liberal! at that particular time. If these book has gone through four print­ Lone Star Division of the ILPC-* i Editor The contest for Region VII schools zation. Some directors expressed conditions continue to exist, the R. J. KIDD ings and two editions. Thousands because on that date the nine re­ .Assistant Editor was held in Alice, December 10. disappointment that we even inequality of the organizations and individuals from each of the di­ OLETTA JOHNSON of high-school students and their gional contests of the Interscho­ visions—AA, A, and B—will be Fifty-seven schools, from ele­ thought of such a thing and pro regions will be so apparent that a teachers have found in it the lastic League will be held. For the certified as the official contestants mentary to large high schools, en­ ceeded to give us a good working standard of performance in one practical answers to questions in (Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1927, at the post in the state-level meet for the office at Austin, Texas, under the Act of August 24, 1912.) tered the Region V competition. over concerning our liberal poli­ section of the State cannot possibly their minds. first time members of the ILPC cies in general. be a basis for another region. . . . Lone Star Division. Subscription rate is $1.00 per year. Results, as reported by Joseph R. Now the third edition is out will be entering these contests. We had to admit that a major Certainly you will find plenty of Even for those who don't win Griggs, chairman of Region V with six new chapters plus a sec­ Instead of entering their papers in idea behind this march position band directors who don't want to at the regional meetings, how­ Vol. XXXII FEBRUARY, 1949 No. 6 executive committee, and C. R. tion on a model staff organization the State-wide judging contest at was to get directors to study include marching as we now have ever, the dates of May 6, and 7 Hackney, general chairman, were for a high-school paper and an­ ILPC headquarters, Lone Star the educational objectives under­ it. I believe we might as well do remain important, because the In a few weeks the limelight will shift from football and as follows: other on putting agreements with papers this year will enter their lying the music field, marching away with sight-reading as take State Convention is open to all printers into writing. Many illus­ basketball to the boys and girls competing in debate, decla­ Class E: Crockett Elementary, in particular. This, to say the the fundamentals out of marching. two chosen staff members in the trations are new and the remain­ members even though they are mation, journalism, tennis, mathematics and other League Division II. least, has been extremely success­ The whole picture has reverted to regional meet. Winners in the AA, ing chapters have been revised. not official entrants in the state Class D: Woodland Acres Jun­ ful. We have received permission a group of band directors drilling A, and B divisions at these re­ contests held in connection with contests. When the second edition of this ior, Division I; Galena Park Jun­ and shall quote from various letters their students to play well enough gional contests then will be the the State Convention. These contestants, whether they debate, declaim, write text came out in 1941, a reviewer ior, Division II. » with apologies for not having to get a Division I rating in con­ official contestants at the State Members of the Four-City Di­ at Wayne University, writing in headlines or type, are spending lots of time preparing for Class C: Horace Mann Junior space to quote in entirety, but cert playing. If that's all it is vision of the ILPC, as was indi­ "Journalism Quarterly," had the Convention for the Lone Star the competition they will face during the various meets. (Baytown), Texas City Junior, assuring you that we have tried going to amount to, then we should cated above, are urged to form following to say about it, group in Austin, May 6 and 7. Division I; Baytown Junior, Free- to be unbiased in our selection. change the concert requirements, their own city organizations. Fort They deserve the support and recognition that we give to To members of the Four-City port Junior, Jackson Junior (Pasa­ Jim Nevin from Sweetwater say as the State of , "Professor Reddick's style is Worth started such a press asso­ those who have been outstanding in football and basketball. never uninteresting. The exercise Division of the ILPC, May 13 and dena), Lake Jackson Junior (Free- says: give a list of 8 selections to be ciation last year, and its members School publications can help with the publicity. High-school materials at the end of .each chap­ 14 are important. On these days port), South Houston Junior (Pas­ "Just my own sentiments—I played and let the judges pick the report that it has been of very ter are realistic and stimulating. contestants from the papers of editors should see to it that the boys and girls in the literary, adena), Travis Junior (Conroe), think the best part of the contest numbers the band can execute on great value to them. Not only does An appendix includes a valuable schools in Fort Worth, Dallas, dramatics, and spring athletic program are properly recog­ Velasco Junior (Freeport), Divi­ is the rigid inspection. I have the day of the contest. . . . such an organization provide the reading list and a usable style Houston, and San Antonio will sion II. just begun to develop a group opportunity for volunteer contests nized. "I wish that you, or whoever sheet. There is a thorough index. enter directly into their division that checks socks, hats, clean similar to those being held in the The major responsibility rests, however, with the school Class B: Katy, Division I; Ana- has the authority to do so, would This book, on the whole, fares bet­ of the state contest without any uniforms, etc." regional meets for the Lone Star administrators to see that the local newspapers get full infor- huac, Dayton, Humble, Liberty, outline a set of rules so clear ter than do most books of its kind." preliminary eliminations. A con­ Jim then sends us a report of a and definite that anyone any­ Division, it also offers possibilities City, Mont Belvieu, Sugar Certainly what that reviewer vention program will also be held 'mation on the schools' entries, and district, regional and meeting of the personnel of Region place could understand them, for meeting and sharing expe­ Land, Sweeny, Trinity, Webster, said about Dr. Reddick's second in connection with the contests. state winners. II during which there was much then make the entire state live riences, for joining together to Woodville, Division II; Angleton, edition is true of the third. His But April 23 should be a date debate on the subject, and which up to them. We have work to bring in important speakers to talk Division III; Hull-Daisetta, Divi­ style is interesting, easy, and clear for the Four-City group to observe finally made the following recom­ do, and it is part of the job of on journalism, for unified promo­ We have been agreeably surprised and pleased at the in­ sion IV; Groveton, Hempstead, —for the student, the teacher, or also—a date which it is hoped will mendations : every director to drill his band tion of high-school papers as a terest of the grade schools in the grade-school meets. The Lovelady, Division V. the professional journalist. He serve as a deadline for the forma­ 1. Inspection be kept as part of in the three separate divisions group, and for social gatherings Class A: Alvin, Huntsville, Ne- not only tells how something is tion of voluntary city press asso­ grade-school meet assignments are being set up and will the marching contest. of his work. If we are going to of students whose interests are derland, Division I; Aldine, Bren- done, but why—something that ciations through which students be mailed out to those schools that have requested these 2. Five minutes to be the maxi­ exclude any portion of it, we similar. Either the ILPC head­ ham, Caldwell, Cedar Bayou, too many other textbooks fail to and teachers in each city can share assignments. One principal in the district will be asked to mum time for the inspection. are starting to admit that we quarters or members of the Fort- Crockett, Dickinson, La Porte, Liv­ do. experiences and prepare more fully 3. Do not over-do the inspection are a group of incompetent Worth Press Association will be serve as the organizing chairman. ingston, Navasota, Lamar (Rosen­ for their own state meeting. More and have the band ready to march teachers, and that we are not The new chapters in the book glad to furnish more specific infor­ berg-Richmond), Silsbee, West Co­ grew directly out of problems about this later. Many of the schools have asked about the Picture Mem­ at all times. able to do our work. I think a mation about the possibilities of lumbia, Division II; La Marque, which Dr. Reddick has met in ory Contest. This contest was discontinued during the War, 4. Require maneuvers be main­ good, firm hand, a do it or else Schools outside the four cities such organizations. Division III. recent years in his work with but plans are now underway to revive it for next year. tained but in the grading, percent­ attitude on the part of the are eligible to enter the regional high-school papers as director of Member* of both divisions, Class AA: Bryan, Freeport, Ga­ ages for inspection be reduced and Interscholastic League is now journalism contests if they meet Schools not taking part in a grade-school meet can use the the Interscholastic League Press the Four-City and Lone Star, lena Park, Pasadena, Division I; the balance added to the heading needed." four requirements. The school Music Appreciation and Picture Memory contests in their Conference. They deal with the should remember that papers are Conroe, Port Neches, South Park entitled "Special Maneuvers." must publish a school paper, the Should any more be said? Have evolution of the American news­ not to be judged this year a* regular classroom work. (Beaumont), Division II;' Texas Colonel E. V. Adams, Director paper must he a member of the you thought through this idea like paper; getting reader interest into the basis for entrance in the City, Division III. of Texas A&M Bands says: those whose letters are quoted Interscholastic League Press news stories; pictures—their use Conference, the school and the state contests. That doesn't The statement has been made quite often that attendance Class AA-I: Reagan (Houston), "I feel that the marching con­ above? Why do we always origi­ and abuse; public opinion and the contestants must meet the gen­ mean, however, that we don't and interest were greatly reduced during the 1948 football Division I: Beaumont, Robert E. test is an entirely different nate a controversial matter just school paper; and problems in eral requirements of eligibility want you to send your papers Lee (Baytown), Port Arthur, Di­ matter from the football show. before the Convention at Galves­ season. This statement we seriously challenge. Interest and make-up. What was formerly one for all Interscholastic League to ILPC headquarters. Judging vision II. I have seen football shows that ton? What will happen at Galves­ attendance in football last season increased in practically chapter on circulation and adver­ events as set forth in the Consti­ is out, but criticism is not. Thirteen schools entered theif involve none of the require­ ton when we introduce the idea all areas of the state. The only exceptions to this trend tising has been expanded to a tution and Rules, and the school Individual eritieisms of papers bands in the Marching Contest in ments of a marching band. As again of discarding the prescribed chapter on each of these subjects. must fill out a special. enroll­ are being continued, and we are Were in Dallas and Fort Worth, where certain intangible Region VII. C. E. Wade, chair­ for the inspection, I feel that lists for solos and ensembles? Is An excellent new section in the ment blank not later than March trying now to speed up those criti­ factors were involved. Interest and attendance were very man of the executive committee, the main trouble there lies in it a mistake to assume that all chapter on headlines deals with 23. cisms and at the same time answer high in district competition, where the real interest should reported the following results: the fact that the bands are not directors are interested in raising getting key words into the heads. If there is any question in your all of the specific questions which Class B: Hebbronville, San Di­ properly instructed as to how to the standards of playing and per­ be. The paid attendance records for championship games Each point is illustrated with ex­ mind about your membership in you send in to us. In addition to ego, Division II; Refugio, Division stand an inspection .... formance and will do so without did not decrease, as was often stated by various sports amples such as how "Faculty An­ the ILPC, please write to me im­ the criticisms mailed to you indi­ III; George West, Division IV; "The points involved in inspec­ being "made" to do it by having writers. Around 11,000 people attended the City Confer­ nounces New NHS Members" can mediately at the School of Jour­ vidually on your papers, the ILPC Goliad, Division V- tion are important and cannot be prescribed lists? Speaking of "edu­ cational objectives in music edu­ be made more meaningful when nalism, The University of Texas, has held two regional conferences ence game (the press reported 9,000). Around 16,000 Class A: Sinton, Beeville, Divi­ judged from the press box. With­ cation," just where does' music revised to read "Fourteen Chosen Austin 12, Texas. If you don't have this year, one at Houston and one tickets were sold for the AA championship game, and over sion III; Aransas Pass, Division out the required part of the march­ education leave off and community for Honor Society." a copy of the League Constitution at Odessa, at which the problems 10,000 tickets were sold for the A championship game, for IV. ing contest, the judges would really be on the spot for it would all be­ service begin, or does it? Another of the new chapters, and Rules, either check with your of the papers whose staffs wer« a total of 37,000 people who saw the championship games. Class AA: Kingsville, Division come just a matter of opinion as Regional Schedules "Problems in Make-Up," presents principal or superintendent or present were discussed. It is hoped I; Alice, Victoria, Division III. that several more such meetings These figures are based on actual financial reports filed in to whether the band put on a good Elsewhere in this publication, new and practical developments in write to the Bureau of Public Class AA-I: Corpus Christi, can be held next year. the State Office and not on press releases. As you can see, show. . . . you will find the schedule for Re­ achieving contrast, type devices, School Service, The University of the total attendance of 37,000 for the three championship Laredo, Division II. make-up below the fold, and make­ Texas. "I take the stand that a hand gional Competition-Festivals. May games is an average figure for attendance at past AA we suggest that you study this up of inside pages. "Studies in Regional directors will send in­ Speech Director Surveys that does not know how to dress, Make-Up" at the end of this chap­ structions to your school. Since championship games. It then reverts to the matter of your stand at attention, execute sim­ schedule and the date stated there­ ter analyzes the strong points of this is the first time that journal­ Merits of Debate Topics ple facings properly, and do the in. The Regional Contest Directors philosophy of athletics as to whether it is better to have some of the best examples of good ism has been included in these (Continued from Page 1) required movements as we now cannot assume the responsibility one AA championship game for the whole state, or whether page make-up to be found. contests, however, there may be have them, is not a marching of notifying you concerning dead­ A third topic that has been pro­ it is better to have three championship games with more The new chapter on reader in­ some slip-ups. Watch the news band regardless of how good a lines for entry. We are sending all posed is that of the tidelands sit­ terest offers specific suggestions boys participating (and the game is for the boy), with football show they may put on contest chairmen lists of eligible columns of this paper for an­ uation. This topic is another one for meeting the ever-present prob­ more sectional and geographical interest, and with more . . . . I am for leaving the (ad­ schools in each Region immediately nouncements and check with your of vital interest to Texans. Here lem of how to write the story sections of the state having an opportunity to see a cham­ Correction in Spelling Lists judication) sheet as we now after the deadline of February 15 principal or superintendent to again we face the question of and we hope they will have the which everybody in school already have it but think the values make sure that your contestants what is to be done in this problem pionship game. It is logical to assume that attendance On page 14, line 7, of the Word opportunity to mail you entry knows about. Dr. Reddick also should be printed on the sheet are properly entered. of Federal Government vs. states' would have been much higher for the AA and the A cham­ Lists for Interscholastic League blanks. shows how to avoid the common for each item to be judged." Journalism contests will not be rights. Perhaps there is a way of pionship games if weather conditions had not been so un­ Spelling Contest, the word "inci­ failing of writing stories, such as dent" is misspelled. Jack Mahan of Texarkana, who Nevertheless, it is your re­ held at the district level. All those co-operation. A discussion of this sponsibility to inquire for such club meetings, in such a way that participating will enter directly favorable. Therefore, in our opinion, attendance and The State Office asks that per­ watches > me pretty closely both topic would bring that to light. blanks prior to deadlines. Re­ only those who participated are into the regional meets April 23. interest did not increase l during the 1948 football season, sons finding any misspelled word from a personal and official posi­ This question will call for a de­ gional Chairmen and Executive interested. Contests and rules will be similar but. was merely divided up among the three conferences, in the Word List to report this at tion, writes, "I was quite surprised tailed review and re-study of the Committees are certainly within Those who know him well will to those held at the state level. once so that attention may be called at such an agitation appearing in basic Federal-State relationships. rather than being concentrated in one conference. This, their rights in refusing to accept agree that he is a wonderful There will be five events^-news to the error in the Official Notice your column. ... If the basic It will call for a close study of we contend, is a healthy trend. R. H. W. • entries filed later than twenty- teacher, one who not only teaches writing, copyreading, headline Column. principles of marching should be the U. S. Constitution and the one days prior to the contest. but inspires, one who makes life­ writing, feature story writing, and excluded from our contests, we State Constitution. The balanced You are without rights, or judg­ long friends of his students. Those editorial writing. Each contestant Baseball Plan Deadlines would have haphazard results with­ structure of rights and jurisdic­ In discussing League trends at a schoolmen's club meet­ ment, in expecting them to vio­ same qualities show in his book must engage in each of the five 1. May 14—last date for certi­ out a definite pattern. This would tions which the Constitution sets late this regulation. as well as in his classroom.—N.D. events. The two highest-scoring ing recently, some time was devoted to the question of fying district baseball champions mean that we no longer would have up between the National Govern­ classification of schools for equal and fair competition. We in Conferences B, A, and AA. a basis for judging marching, but ment, the states and people is a would rather have only grounds pointed out that the population trend in Texas indicated 2. May 28—last date for certi­ Grade School Meets problem that every clear-thinking for judging effect. It would be fying district baseball champions Texan might well examine. A good that in a few years there would be a large increase in high- only a short time until there would Important, Says Neal Regional Meet Centers Revealed in City Conference. deal of material has been written school enrollment. This condition will necessitate further would be no means for judging (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) 3. June 4—last date for region­ on the subject, and our present precision, hence discipline would Districts 1-5, Region I, Texas changes in League classification. al and bi-district baseball play-offs. "Although the Grade School State Administration is keenly in­ deteriorate taking with it all Technological College, Lubbock. The high-school enrollment increase in certain sections 4. June 7, 8, 9—State Baseball Meet might seem very insignifi­ Districts 78-84, Region VII, terested in the topic. The tidelands chances of developing well-drilled Districts 6-9, Region II, Abilene. Tournament for AA Conference. cant to many, it was an occasion Texas College of Arts and Indus­ problem might well be a profitable of the state forced a number of A high schools into AA organizational work from our Districts 10-14, Region III, 5. June 10 and 11—State Base­ of great importance to the par-* and interesting question for de­ competition. This situation overcrowded a few districts and growth and replace it with glamor­ Southern Methodist University, tries, Kingsville. ball Tournament for City Confer- ticipants of small schools. The bate next year. eliminated the round-robin district schedule. If we had not ized appeal fact that these young children Dallas. Districts 85-91, Region VIII, were given recognition for their Districts 15-19, Region IV, Kil- Odessa. These topics are but a few of created the City Conference a number of AA districts would "To assume that an individual the suggested topics for 1949-50. have been forced to have determined zone championships Glen Rose Suspended or individuals (judges) are cap­ achievements was incentive gore Junior College, Kilgore. City Conference Meets enough for school officials to Districts 20-23, Region V, Sam Others include: A Two-Party Sys­ first and then a district champion. Such a plan would have Glen Rose High School has been able of picking out the use of 1. Dallas: Crozier Technical, tem of Government for Texas; suspended in football during the basic maneuvers during a glam­ plan such an activity. Houston State Teachers College, Forest Avenue, North Dallas, Sun­ forced all schools in the district to hold one open date the "Contests included in our meet Unicameral Legislation for Texas; 1949 season for mistreatment of orized show is no more sensible Huntsville. set, XW. H. Adamson, Woodrow Wil­ last of the season. were: Number Sense, Playground Districts 24-28, Region VI, Canadian-American Relations; football officials. This action was than to say that we are all cap­ son; Director General, Supt. E. B. Federal Aid to Higher Education. Ten years ago the population in many of our small towns taken by the State Executive Com­ able of seeing through a ma­ Ball, Choral Singing, Ready Writ­ Southwest Texas State Teachers Comstock. ers, Declamation, Spelling, Junior In general, debaters seem to' was around 2,500 while today these same towns have 5,000 mittee on January 19. gician's tricks. If originality, College, San Marcos. 2. Fort Worth: Arlington suitability, execution, appear­ Track and Field, and Story-Tell­ Districts 29-31, Region VII, have taken a greater interest in to 6,000 people. High-school conferences are not like col­ Heights, Carter Riverside, Fort the questions when they were on Arp Suspended ance, playing and general effect ing. Each event was well attended Texas College of Arts and Indus­ Worth Technical, North Side, Pas­ state topics. This is understand­ lege conferences for the reason that new industries, oil Arp High School has been sus­ were the only items considered, and competition was keen. tries, Kingsville. chal, Polytechnic; Director Gen­ able since these questions deal with discoveries and consolidations in an area can bring about pended from League football for the plan of judging would be "Our meet fostered good will Conference B Meets eral, Herman Clark. problems at home. new schools and new conferences within a few years. one year and untilthe State Com­ more personalized than ever. among our schools, gave students Conference B schools will have 3. Houston: Charles H. Milby, It is the responsibility of the League's State Office to mittee is convinced the rules and This is what we are trying to an opportunity to compete against their regional centers at the follow­ All the topics, both state and Jefferson Davis, John H. Reagan, national, will be submitted to all watch enrollment trends and plan for the possible adjust­ regulations of the League will be overcome. Who is the authority others of their age and grade ing places: strictly enforced. The suspension who is expert enough to decide (many entered such a contest for Districts 1-10, Region I, Texas M. B. Lamar, Sam Houston, San University Interscholastic League . ments in districts all over the state. As we see it, the was brought about by two rule just what is clever or spectacu­ the first time), provided a worthy Technological College, Lubbock. Jacinto, Stephen F. Austin; Di­ member-schools for a vote. Before large high schools with 1,000 or more students will remain violations: Use of an ineligible lar? Differences of opinion activity for schools to major in Districts 11-22, Region II, Abi­ rector General, E. C. Gates. the topics are placed on the ballot, that size or even get larger. player and failure to include the would most certainly ride high!" during the year, and, last but not lene. 4. San Antonio: Alamo Heights, the State Office would appreciate There are more boys out for football in some of the large player's name on the football eligi­ And then, from my friend Pat least, served as a training ground Districts 23-39, Region III, Brackenridge, Burbank, Harlan- some expression from any inter­ for extracurricular activities." AA high schools than there are boys in some of the smaller bility blank furnished the State Arsers of Alamo Heights in San Southern Methodist University, dale, San Antonio Technical, Sid­ ested person on the various topics, Office. This action was taken by Antonio, we hear, "To my mind, In conclusion, County Superin­ ney Lanier, Thomas Jefferson; Di­ particularly the three discussed in AA high schools. For example, in one AA district there is Dallas. the State Executive Committee on this is in direct opposition to good tendent Neal said, "The Inter­ Districts 40-54, Region IV, Kil­ rector General, Thomas B. Port- this article. a high school with 3,200 pupils in the last four grades. In January 12. educational practices, and further scholastic League is serving its wood. 1 gore Junior College, Kilgore. Each speech teacher or contest this high-school system there are 255 boys out for football. relegates the band to the category intended purpose in providing an Districts 55-65, Region V, Sam The State Meet for Conference coach can aid in the selection as In the same district there is another high school that has Now that is the wisdom of a of a sideshow attraction. . , . With organization for youth participa­ Houston State Teachers College, AA, A, and B is scheduled for well as the wording of the ques­ the war, we found various regions 525 in the last four grades. Such a condition makes unfair man, in every instance of his tion in the public schools of Texas. Huntsville. May 5, 6, and 7 in Austin. The tion by sending suggestions to the of the State doing away with Bell County believes in League competition and for that reason we believe that our present labour, to hitch his wagon to a Districts 66-77, Region VI, City Conference State Meet will Director of Speech Activities, Box star, and see his chore done by the "sight-reading," or "marching" or be held in San Antojiio, May 13 classification procedure for AA must undergo a change. . activities and the League pro- Southwest Texas State Teachers H,'' University Station, Austin, gods themselves.—R. W. Emerson. whichever suited their convenience I gram," College, San Marcos. and 14. TexSj*. • TNTERSCHOCXSTTC EEX'GUEK Page 3

Listeners Choose Speech In Texas Schools 'Sample' Extemp Opinion Divided on Three Possible Debate Questions Affirmative Side HIS column belongs to Texas Speech municattions should be sent to Mr. Bruce Topics Furnished A group of school administra-"" T teachers for discussion of speech Roach, Box H, University Station, tors and debate coaches were asked Houston, made this selection: problems and news concerning Speech Austin, Texas, who is editor of this No Exact Subjects Debate Broadcast to express their opinion on the "My first choice is 'Tidelands activities in Texas high schools. Com- column. Enjoyed by Public Will be Published desirability of these three topics Ownership.' Second and third Word comes from the various chairmen responsible for Many requests arrive from Ex­ for debate next year: Water and choices are 'Elimination of the The first state-wide radio broad­ temp sponsors asking for the top­ the program that the Southern Speech Association and the Soil Conservation; Tidelands Own­ Electoral College' and 'Water cast January 21 by four outstand­ ics to be used in this year's Ex­ Regional American Educational Theatre Association Con­ ership; The Elimination of the and Soil Conservation.' " ing Interscholastic League debaters temp contest. The exact topics Electoral College. was well received, judging by vention to be held at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, April Elton Abernathy, Chairman of will not be published this year be­ Here is what they had to say: comments from listeners. The 4-9, will have a splendid line-up of sections. Speech and the Department of Speech, South­ fore contest time. All of the top­ W. T. White, Superintendent of affirmative side received the most drama people from all over the- west Texas State Teachers Col­ In the January LEAGUER we began a listing of all the new ics will be taken from the general Schools, Dallas: South will gather for the conven­ lege, San Marcos, wrote these votes from the radio audience. national and international news plays received by our, library during the fall semester. Since tion, and every phase of the speech play for Temple High School this "Since it is of great interest comments: Made possible by the Texas State events occurring between January space did not permit publication of the entire list, we are year will be "Brain Storm." Try- to the people of Texas at the "I would like to see the de­ Network, the current debate topic, field will be covered. The first three and March, 1949. The basic sources outs have been held and rehearsals present time, I think 'Tidelands bate question on the topic of continuing the list this month in order that all new plays "Resolved, that the State of Texas days will be devoted to a debate for these news stories will be are under way for the production Ownership' would be the most 'Water and Soil Conservation,' may be brought to the attention of drama producing groups. Should Increase the Severance Tax and speaking tournament for both January through March issues of which will be presented February interesting debate topic. More but the topic seems more dis­ h on its Natural Resources" was high-school and college students. these magazines: Time, News­ If you wish to read any of t e< Non-roy., 2m3w, 1 act, farce, 17. than ever before the people of cussable than debatable. As plays listed in either the January ^ ^^ _ _ argued by teams from Dallas and The speech and drama program week, Vital Speeches, Our Times, CoEd QU fcy M Br0WT1 * * * Texas are conscious of the tide- to the 'Tidelands Ownership,' or February column (or any other Houston. The affirmative side was includes discussions and meetings Scholastic, United States News, Non-roy., 2m6w, 1 act, farce for lands problem." •could high-school students of plays from the major publishing presented by Patsy Cunningham of commencing April 6. Every speech Miss Jessie Mercer of Amarillo United Nations World, Current 'teen-agers. E. N. Dennard, Superintendent Texas afford to take a side so companies), we shall be happy Reagan High School, Houston, and and drama teacher in the state High School has planned a com­ History. # • * * of Schools, Marshall: completely contrary to the po-, to send them to you for examina­ Buster Dickerson of Lamar High should plan now to attend the con­ pletely new course in speech for Although the LEAGUER will not Longmans, Green & Co., 55 Firth sition taken by state officials, tion purposes. The only cost to School, Houston. The negative case vention. For information write the training of extemp speakers publish the exact topics to be "I am particularly interested Ave., New York: newspapers, public leaders and you is the postage both ways. Ad­ was given by Peggy Huse of Adam- Glenn Capp, Speech Department, and debaters. The course is called used in the contest, here are some , in the Water and Soil Conserva­ Modem American Plays, edited son High School, Dallas, and school teachers? dress requests to the Interscho- Baylor University. Forensics and will finally bring sample subjects which the Ex­ tion as a topic for the debate in by F. G. Cassidy, price $3.50. Con­ "I like the electoral college Harold Griffin of North Dallas into one class all of the speakers temp sponsors can use to help the Interscholastic League next lastic League Drama Service, Box While we are talking about tains the following plays: Anna High School. who heretofore have had to prac­ train their speakers: year. In recent years I have be­ question except that it is still University Station, Austin, Associations, a new year has Christie, Abe Lincoln in , tice in empty classrooms and halls come quite concerned with the hard for me to see a negative Texas. Although the votes were not started for the Texas Speech Congress: Waiting for Lefty, Winterset, for their forensic competition. One- over-all picture of conservation to it other than the standard * *. * all in at the time the LEAGUER Association. Membership extends 1. The meaning of the confer­ Watch on the Rhine, Life half credit will be received for a of natural resources, of which States' Rights argument. And Walter H. Baker Co., 178 Tre- went to press, the general opin­ from January 1 to January 1, and ence of liberals in the Senate and With Father. Short biographical year's work. water and soil are most impor­ even Texans seemed to discredit mont, Boston, Mass. ion seemed to favor the affirma­ dues for 1949 are now being re­ House. sketches of the playwrights and * * * tant factors. The two must go this argument in the last elec­ tive over the negative by two ceived. If you have not renewed 2. A "New Look" in the 81st Goodbye Miss Lizzie Borden, by comments on the plays by outstand Six students from Kingsville hand in hand, since lack of tion." to one. Isolated schools went your membership, or if you do not Congress. Lillian De La Torre Roy. §5. ing dramatic critics. High School presented a panel dis­ water control has wrought dev­ Professor Thomas Rousse, heavily in favor of one side or yet belong to the Texas Speech 3. The new Congress and the lm4w, 1 act, drama cussion at the A. & I. College Con­ astation of our soil. Speech Department, The Univer­ the other. Houston schools, Association, now is a good time labor laws. Sandals and Golden Heels, by Heu Publishing Co., Cedar ference, January 8. The subject sity of Texas, says: Lamar High School particularly, to send in your dues: $5.00 for sus­ 4. Major problems that face "With the discovery of other Maxine Finsterwald. Non-roy. Rapids, : was "Modern Day Defenses Against " 'The Elimination of the went almost unanimously affirm­ taining membership; $1.50 for the Congress. natural resources, the value of Im2w, 1 act, fantasy for children Sm-e As You're Born, by Donald Communism." Alice and McAllen Electoral College' is the best ative, while the Dallas schools, regular i membership. Send your 5. Republican status in the new soil has been woefully neg­ High Adventure, by Ruth Payton. Non-roy., 3m3w, 1 act, gave a demonstration debate on topic since there are excellent particularly Adamson High check to Executive Secretary, TSA, Congress. lected. If something is not done Kocher. Non-roy., 8m9w, 1 act, comedy. the Severance Tax subject. Dr. arguments for both sides. The School, were almost unanimous­ Box H, University Station, Austin. to prevent our soil from being religious play Crazy But Cute, by Bertita Ted Skinner of A. & I. College was International Affairs: 'Tidelands Ownership' is 'fair' ly negative. Such votes, of washed from the hills and val­ The Sweetheart of U Baka Pi, French. Roy. $10., 5m7w, 3 act, chairman of the speech conference. 1. Communist plans for China. unless the question is settled T_T XT«,«'U 'M/M'»_-*«/MT SmHw. i course, -were partisan. leys into the streams and wasted by John Nash. Non-roy., 8m8w comedy. Now that the holidays are over, 2. Bevin's Far East plan. too soon." In addition to the school audi­ * * * away, it is going to have a tre­ 3 »acti , comed^^^jy. Glory to Goldy, by Albert John- schools are busy working on class 3. Soviet problems in Austria. Edgar Shelton, Speech Depart­ ence's response on the ballots fur­ Miss Vivian Chenault has an­ mendous bearing on the eco­ This Changing World, and The ^^ Roy_ and Bookg «12#> gm6W; plays and getting down to training 4. Latin-American Politics: Bul­ ment, The University of Texas, nished by the State Office, house­ nounced that the San Angelo senior nomic condition of America as Story\ory of Our Flag, by Lucille 3 act comedv# in earnest for the Interscholastic lets for Ballots. casts his ballot for the tidelands wives, and businessmen took time play will be "Meet Me in St. a nation in not too many years Sylvester. Non-roy., pageants in League contests. As of February 1 5. Is there hope of a French- issue. Louis." Try-outs were held the one act. to drop cards to the State Office there were already approximately German Alliance? in the future. latter part of January and re­ Roger Busfield, Speech Depart­ with their votes for the affirmative 350 entries in One-act Play and Domestic Affairs: "I should like very much to * * * hearsals are now in full swing for ment, Southwestern University, or negative plus remarks about the the deadline for entry is not until 1. Status of the Communist see this topic and its impor­ Dramatic Publishing Co., 1706 So. Stimulus Provided the performance to be given March Georgetown, was partial to the broadcast. « February 15. Part in the United States. tance brought to the attention Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111.: 10. "Elimination of the Electoral Col­ The Professor's Circus, by Wil­ An expression from all those * * * * * * 2. Does the State Department of every boy and girl in Texas." lege" topic, and backed his judg­ liam Davidson. Roy. $25., 9ml2w, By UIL Conferences who heard the broadcast will be Abilene High School Theatre, need an overhaul? Angus Springer, Department of ment with these pertinent points: 8 act, comedy. appreciated. Only through such a directed by Ernest Sublett, gave The English Department of 3. The outlook for future econ­ Speech and Drama, Southwestern "When you use history for One Foot in Heaven, dramatized Facilities Offered response can the broadcasts of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" on Crane High School has hit upon omy: President Truman's fiscal University, Georgetown, writes: arguments, debate is at its by Irving Phillips. Roy. $25., For "49 Meetings League debates be continued and February 3 and 4. All of the sets, a unique way to teach drama and program. "Each of these questions has zenith. Judges will like it, too. increase participation in dramatics. 8m9w, 3 act, comedy. made a permanent feature of the props and costumes were student- 4. Government spending: Are something to recommend it. Arguments will have a definite This fall and winter the Inter- For the presentation of "Our Beware of Termites, by Rilla League program in the future. made. we getting our money's worth? 'The Tidelands Ownership' color obtained from the pages scholastic League co-sponsored stu­ Town," one group presented the Carlisle. Non-roy., 6w, 1 act, The January 21 broadcast was on * * * 5. President Truman's Domes­ would probably be the most of American History." dent activities conferences in Hous­ first act, another group the second comedy. tic Policy. * lively (and bitter). 'Water and Two of Texas' outstanding de­ ton, Kingsville, Canyon, Odessa a non-commercial basis and carried The project of the dramatics act, and still another group the Lilacs Are Blooming, by Joseph Foreign Relations: Soil Conservation,' it seems to bate coaches are fervent believer3 and Georgetown so that teachers by eighteen stations of the St&te. department of Corpus Christi High third act. Each cast had a student Bachelor. Non-roy., 3w, 1 act, com­ me would be the most impor­ in national debate topics instead and students could have the oppor­ A few of the comments received School this semester will be a drive director. 1. The U.S. Policy on Nanking edy-drama. tant to Texas. Of what good is of state questions. tunity to observe demonstrations by the League showing the public's to obtain furniture to use on the and the Chiang government. Out from New Bedford, by Fred­ oil, if the land is wasted! Na­ Writes Jessie Mercer of Ama­ in speech and drama contests and reaction to the broadcast follow: high-school stage. The dramatics 2. What has happened to the eric G. Walsh. Roy. $5., 2m2w, tionally, 'The Elimination of rillo : to have instructive sessions for the "Having heard the wonderful department is also raising money Amarillo College has announced "cold war" with Russia? the Electoral College' is most 1 act, comedy-drama. debate on the radio this after­ to buy records of speeches for that a new Fine Arts Building is "I am interested in one ques­ journalists. 3. The meaning of a North At­ Grace for Vincent, by Herman noon, I would like to congratu­ diction study and recorded albums under construction. The new build­ important, but it might be a tion only and that is the national Those attending these confer­ lantic Alliance. Miller. Roy. $5., 2m2w, 1 act, late you on the fine work you of plays. Mrs. Ruby Nell Galdo- ing will have studios not only for better question later. Since question whatever it is; other­ ences were guests on the campuses Men in the News: drama. are doing to make excellent nik is director of the department. music but also for speech and this is a Texas question, for wise I do not care what Texas of the University of Houston, 1. President Truman: Unchal­ Texas students, I vote for 'Soil Never Knew It to Fail, by Mar­ speakers of the students of our * * * radio. Radio programs already has. I would like to have the Southwestern University, Odessa lenged leader of the Democrats. garet Landsman. Non-roy., 8w, 1 state. under way from the college will and Water Conservation.' " national question for three rea­ High School, West Texas State Mrs. Bernice McKenney, direc­ act, comedy. be .broadcast from the new, up-to- 2. Secretary of State Dean Floyd Daugherty, Speech De­ sons: (1) We are closer to College at Canyon and the Texas "I would like to cast my vote The Perfect Date, by Rilla Car­ tor, reports that the senior class date studios. Acheson: The man and the job. partment, Lamar High School, tournaments in and College of Arts and Industries at for the affirmative side." lisle. Non-roy., 4m7w, 1 act, , (2) There is more Kingsville. Faculty members of E. E. Leach comedy. material available on the na­ these schools contributed their Houston, Texas It's Whom You. Know, by Ken­ tional question, and (3) Stu­ time and talents generously. "I really enjoyed your radio neth N. Wallace. Non-roy., 4m2w, dents can attend institutes in debating broadcast yesterday, Good Judges Vital to Speech Program 1 act, comedy. Assisting the State Office from Colorado and Northwestern in The University of Texas were Dr. and certainly hope you'll have That's the Spirit, by Bill Friend. the summer. DeWitt Reddick, Professor Thomas more programs like it! By Bruce Roach, Jon-roy., 2m5w, 1 act, comedy. "I do not believe that the sit­ Rousse, Professor Norris Davis, "In my opinion, the negative Director of Speech Activities parative good points and bad 2. Naturalness on the platform. preconceived results. Every person Meet Me In St. Louis, dramatized uation has ever been made clear Professor Tom Rishworth, Pro­ debaters gave the more con­ Qualified judges are necessary points of the contestants and clari­ This point, of course, includes, has a definite "vibration" which by Perry Clark. Roy. $25., 7m9w, to the people of Texas about the fessor Ed Shelton, and Professor vincing arguments and delivered if speech contests are to be suc­ fies these so that the contestants poise, ease, finish, polish and sin­ strikes sympathy in other persons. 8 act, comedy. selection of a national question Harry Ullom who traveled many their talks better." cessful. A poor judge or a sorry may receive both encouragement cerity. And this sympathy, this "human Here We Go Again, by Roland by the NUEA that is used by miles to assist with the conference Mrs. John Geicler critic can do much to ruin contest and correction. Perhaps the best 3. Conversational style in speak­ interest" often has a powerful ef­ Fernand. Roy. $10-$25., 4ml0w, the majority of the people of programs. State Office representa­ Beeville,. Texas speaking in the eyes of the con­ criticism compares each contest­ ing. In general, it might be said fect on the decision. When the S act, comedy. the nation. I think that the tives included R. J. Kidd, Bruce "Having heard the high-school testants and the public. Much ant with the others and also with that all speech contests are contestant strikes the "human in­ Three to Get Married, by William Texas League should have a Roach and F. W. Savage. debate over the radio, I take this harm can be done a young con­ an established set of judging "heightened conversations." Even terest" factor of both audience Davidson. Roy. $25., 8m6w and clear definition of this and give means of congratulating all four testant by careless judgment or standards. in drama, although the actors do and judges, we have a happy sit­ extras,. 3 act, comedy. Teachers and students who were the pros and cons of both situa­ of the young students, as well ill-advised criticism. On the other Fifth, the judge should be able not converse with the audience, uation. When the contestant strikes Great Expectations, dramatized at the meetings have expressed the nevertheless, their effectiveness as the "human interest" factor of the tions and then let the debate fact that they found the confer­ as their coaches and schools for hand, a great deal of good can be to justify his decision. This point by Marian Jackson. Roy. $10-$25., coaches decide. If the debate the fine work they are doing. accomplished by a judge who is in reality a part of good ana­ actors depends on the conversa­ judge and not the audience, then 8m6w, 3 act, comedy-drama. ences valuable and stimulating. tional quality they maintain one the situation is more difficult. If coaches want a Texas question, The League and the sponsoring "I would like to cast my vote knows what he is doing and is re­ lytical criticism. But it is'so im­ Susie the Siren, by Anne C. then that is O.K. We shall make on merits of the individual sponsive to the needs of the con­ portant in the contest pattern that with the other. Debaters in par­ the judge has been honest in his Martens. Roy. $10-$25., 7m9w and institutions feel that these confer­ ticular occasionally develop a style opinion, then he recognizes this our own adjustments as to what ences should serve as many schools speakers for Patsy Cunningham testants. it deserves a separate place. Quali­ extras, 3 act, comedy. factor and can justify his deci­ we shall do." and Buster Dickerson, the Hou­ fied judges generally make wise entirely outside the conversational Now and Forever, dramatized by as possible in helping improve the Since the judge, then, is an im­ decisions, but often contestants go limits, a glibness and sarcastic sion to the satisfaction of all. No Carl C. Nutley, Debate Coach, Myna Lockwood. Roy. $25., 6m5w, standards and qwality of student ston team, as they surely made portant part of every speech con­ away dissatisfied and disgruntled artificiality which makes of the greater argument can be advanced* W. H. Adamson High, Dallas, is activities in- Texas. a nice presentation of the sub­ test, let us examine some of the 8 act, comedy. for securing competent judges also strong for the national topic. ject." at the judge because he was una­ speaker an automaton spouting Although the conferences were basic principles which should guide * * * ble to explain his decision in clear, out prepared material without re­ than that of the demand for com­ He writes: fairly well attended, there is still Frances Davis the judge in performing his job Dramatists Play Service, 6 E. 39th understandable terms to the audi­ gard to purpose or audience. If plete understanding of the deci­ "Let's debate the national plenty of room for expansion. In Humble, Texas effectively. . St., N. Y.: ence. And a judge can ruin an the judges demand good conver­ sion. debate topic each year in Texas. spite of the intensive effort on the "My choice is the affirmative. First, the judge should be a per­ Voice of the Turtle, by John Van otherwise excellent piece of work sational speaking, not only in de­ Texas' schools, debating the part of all agencies and individuals They apparently had the best son with speech training. Regard­ Competent judges for almost Druten. Roy. $50, lm2w, 3 act, on his part by being arbitrary bate, but in all speech contests, state question exclusively, are concerned to organize, publicize and coach for they did not loose less of how prominent an indi­ any kind of contest can be lo­ comedy. and short with members of the then the contestants and sponsors denied the privilege of meet­ conduct the conferences, many of their tempers." vidual, he is not asked to repair cated in several ways. Nearly All My Sons, by Arthur Miller. audience who try to question points will develop the preparation for ing out-of-state schools. I be­ the schools in the neighborhood of Mrs. John W. Brown a watch unless he is a jeweler who all colleges or universities which Roy. $50., 6m4w, 3 act, comedy. of his criticism. The judge must the contests thoughtfully and sin­ lieve it is a fine educational one or the other of the host schools Houston, Texas has had training in watch repair­ have speech departments can Another Part of the Forest, by realize that rigid conformity to cerely. If the judge awards the experience for Texas' boys and failed to send representatives. "I listened to the Interscho­ ing. In like manner, regardless supply trained judges. Often Lillian Hellman. Roy. $50., 8m5w, technique is not nearly so impor­ decision to the speaker who dis­ girls to meet Oklahoma, Louisi­ lastic League debate contest to­ of how outstanding a citizen may advanced students prove to be 8 act, drama. Discussion with those present tant as a contestant's effective­ plays audience mastery, knowledge, ana, , and other states' day, and, as an interested lay­ be, he or she should not be asked better and more conscientious Henrietta the Eighth, by Kurtz and with the sponsors of the con­ ness in audience relationship. skill, and sincerity, then the judge boys and girls in debate meets to judge a speech contest unless he judges than faculty members. Gordon. Roy. $15., 6m9w, 3 act, ferences revealed one or more of man, I would like to cast a vote Sixth, the judge must recog­ becomes a powerful instrument in as well as Texas' boys and girls has had training to qualify him Teachers of speech in many of comedy. the following reasons may be re­ for the team debating the nega­ nize that he is merely a part of developing the true values in —even though other states may to do so. the larger high schools are in­ A Streetcar Named Desire, by sponsible for the lack of complete tive side of the question." a total audience, not a special speech contests, for all speakers have different age limit require­ Second, the judge must under­ will strive to obtain these values. creasingly well qualified. The Tennesse Williams. Roy. on app., representation: Carol Raymond person set apart. If possible, ments, etc. stand the objectives of the con­ annual Director of the Speech 7m6w, 3 act, drama. 1. School administrators may not Abilene, Texas the judge's place in the audience . 4. Pronunciation, articulation, Association of America lists "I would like to see the Uni­ test. In the University Inter­ should be unidentified by any The Survivors, by Peter Viertel have been able or willing to help "My husband and I have just versity Interscholastic League scholastic League's Constitution enunciation. scores of professionally minded and Irwin Shaw. Roy. $35-$25., with the traveling expenses. (Since heard the debate and it was special desk or seats, so that the teachers of speech who can well take a poll of the debate coaches and Rules, the purposes of each speakers will not "point" for the 5. Pleasing, appealing, person­ 13m 2w, 3 act, melodrama there was no fee charged for the wonderful. Here are two votes in Texas to ascertain if they contest are set forth at the ality. act as judges or will assist in Lamp at Midnight, by Barrie conference, and since most of the for the affirmative. I hope you judge. And the judge must take beginning of the rules for each 6. Effectiveness. This term in­ locating good ones. prefer a state or national Stavis. Roy. $35-$25., 50m2w, 3 schools were within one hundred have more of these debates over into consideration the purpose activity. It is imperative, there­ cludes tone, power, range, and The University Interscholastic question." act, drama (A play about Galileo) miles of a conference center, it the air." of the speech in relation to the fore, that the judge study the clearness. League office issues a listing of Rayford Holcomb, hard-working Deep Are the Roots, by Arnaud was felt that the expense did not audience. The judge will then Mr. and Mrs. Tom Franklin rules of the contest he is to 7. Ability to make the material competent persons brought to its debate coach at Reagan High D'Usseau and James Gow. Roy. prove to be prohibitive.) base his decision on the success Jourdanton, Texas judge, and in particular, he one's own. attention who have served as crit­ School, Houston, cast his vote for $50-$25., 7m4w, 3 act, drama. 2. Speech and student activity of the speaker in achieving that "After hearing the debate of should study the aims and ob­ But there is one factor in ics in League contests before. This the "Elimination of the Electoral The Whole World Over, by Kon- teachers may not feel that there is purpose. whether there should be an jectives. pamphlet by no means lists all College." His remarks follow: stantine Simonov. Roy. $50-$25., Seventh, the judge must be judging which one never tees enough value in a one-day confer­ the competent judges in the State, "I believe that the question increase in the severance tax Third, the judge should be capa­ skillful in analyzing the techniques on a list of points or in a set of 7m4w, 3 act, comedy. ence to warrant the sacrifice of a but it is a good start for direc­ on natural resources, we wish ble of delivering his judgment with of the speaker in order to learn instructions. That factor, for of 'Elimination of the Electoral Woman Bites Dog, by Bella and Saturday, one of their "free-time" tors needing judges. to report: The affirmative team an impartial and unprejudiced want of a better term, might be College' will be quite satisfac- Samuel Spewack. Roy. $35-$25., days. the reasons for that person's effec­ evaluation of all the elements en­ called the "human interest" fac­ . tory as a debate question. Just 17m3w, 3 act, satirical comedy. 3. Certain teachers may not feel soundly defeated the negative tiveness or lack of it. The judg­ If you know persons who will tering into the contest. Certainly tor. We recognize the existence now I cannot think of a better Foxhole in the Parlor, by Elsa that they need the help such con­ team, in my opinion, as the ing standards for each contest make competent judges for League his own personality and training of this "human interest" factor one. It is certainly a debatable Shelley. Roy. $50-$25., 4m3w, 3 ferences have to offer. affirmative clearly showed the furnish a basis for such evalua­ speech contests, or if you would will enter into his decision. But tion. ' by ruling out relatives, coaches, question and will require the act, drama. 4. Announcement of the confer­ need for such a tax and the like to have the listing now availa­ if the judge has a knowledge of friends and others directly inter­ debate students to make an in­ For Keeps, by F. Hugh Herbert. ences may not have reached the ability of the natural resource ble from the State Office, please the objectives and an understand­ Turning to another aspect of ested in any one of the contest­ tensive study of American Gov­ Roy. $25., 6m6w, 3 act, comedy. teachers, but may ha'fe been de­ corporations to pay more taxes. communicate with the Director of ing of the elements which make the subject, let us examine some ants. Since they are partisans, ernment. * * * layed in the administrator's office. "The negative, it seems, de­ Speech Activities, Box H, Univer­ these objectives attainable, this in­ of the points on which the judge's they would make poor judges sity Station, Austin, Texas. "At the present, I cannot see Eldridge Entertainment House, Each of the schools co-sponsoring pended upon psychology to try jection of subjective judgment will evaluation are to be made. for that particular contest re­ anything to debate about 'Soil Franklin, Ohio: a conference this year have offered to inflluence a decision, and not be an asset, since it is just such 1. Audience contact. Reference gardless of their training and and Water Conservation' except Tobaccy Road — With Detours, to make it an annual meeting. on facts. Therefore, we vote This house, where once a lawyer judgment that the contestant will has already been made to the fact experience. whether the program is to be by Vanita Sutton. Non-roy., 3m3w, October 15, 1949, has already been in favor of the affrmative, al­ dwelt, meet in later life. that the judge should consider These persons, incidentally, are administered by the state or 1 act, burlesque melodrama. entered on the calendar for the though we are in business and Is now a smith's, Alas: himself one of the audience and usually the loudest and most out­ How rapidly the iron age by the federal government. Groom's Biscuits, by Jack Steele. next Houston conference. Other resist any new tax." Fourth, the judge should be capable of analytical criticism. evaluate the contestant on the suc­ spoken in criticism of a judge's Succeeds the age of brass!— Though the problem is an im- Non-roy., 3m3w, 1 act, farce. dates will be announced early next J. D. Elliott Such criticism brings out the com­ cess of his relation to the audience. decision when it does not fit their William Erskine I portant one, this is not enough." Cinder, My Eye! by Jack Steele. fall. San Antonio, Texas Page 3 INTERSCHOLASTIC tE'AGUER

Garner's Talents Texas Girl Tennis Team Wins New Glass Blackboards Dr. Williams Heads Trophy at Eastern Tourney Allow 100% Visibility Postscripts News md Views Not Confined to The State Basketball Tourna­ State Health Group By Dr. D. A. Penick, The Universi­ ment in Austin on March 3, 4, on of the Coaches ty of Texas Tennis Coach and Event, the team from Texas won, and 5 will introduce to many Council to Serve World of Sports Manager of the League State receiving the Sears bowl, which players, coaches, and fans, the As Advisory Body Meet Tennis Tournaments By Stan Lambert, Publicity Director, goes to the best sectional team in new glass blackboards which By Lewis Spears Athletics Texas High School Coaches Association High-school tennis players of the United States annually. are now being used in Gregory Director of Health Education, LEAGUER Texas should be very proud of a This is the first time Texas has Gymnasium for the first time This column will be a regular feature of the for State Department of Education an indefinite period as a part of this writer's chores as pub­ fine national honor which came to played in that tournament. The this year. They are rectangular By Dr. Rhea H. Williams A State Health Education Coun­ licity director for the Texas High School Coaches Associa­ them the past summer. team consisted of five girls, who in shape, of crystal clear glass, Director of Athletics cil was organized on January 7 in tion. The broad over-all objectives of this newly created In an intersectional tournament played five singles and two doubles, and have a silver square out­ There are 17 A A high schools in Austin for the purpose of co­ office in general and this column in particular might be set held in Philadelphia last summer, winning the final round—four lined behind the basket to aid ordinating information on the serv­ Texas having an enrollment of over down as follows: (1) to familiar-- just before the National Girls' matches to three. in the placement of shots. ices of 70 agencies in Texas in­ 1,000 students, as based on their ize the interested parties with the Those who participated were This type of blackboard - al­ terested in health. 1947-48 Superintendent's Annual activities of the Association, (2) in Port Worth during the Christ­ Nancy Armor of Dallas, No. 1 lows for perfect visibility from to interpret its actions, ideas and mas holidays. The incident that Supervised Girls' Ruth Pate of Fort Worth, No. 2 all parts of the gymnasium and In a four-hour session, repre­ Report. This leaves 69 AA schools philosophies, (3) to promote a bet­ prompted this self-betrayal was Sharon Caldwell of Tyler, No. 3 sliminates any blind spots for sentatives of over twenty-five with under 1,000 students, and of ter understanding between the ad­ the discussion about whether or Mary Hamer of Austin, No. 4 the spectators. agencies in Texas heard talks by these 69, 24 or 34 per cent, of the health education co-ordinators in ministrators, League officials and not Texas should affiliate with the Sports Advocated and Shirley Caldwell of Tyler, The rims of the basket are total AA schools, have under 500 the coaches, (4) to furnish re­ National Federation. Most of them No. 5. Misses Armor and Hamer painted orange, and not because five Texas colleges, two members of the Fifty-first Legislature, Gov­ students and have to be admitted search facts, data and opinions were skeptical about the wisdom played No. 1 doubles and the orange is The University of Reports Indicate ernor Beauford Jester, and two by vote to this higher classification. that might influence legislation of such a move—but here's the Caldwell twins played No. 2 Texas color, but because re­ Rules Disregarded professors from The University of for the general betterment of the payoff: Their main argument went doubles. search has shown that orange In the past ten years (which By Betty Spears, Instructor in Texas. athletic program in Texas high presents a better target to shoot certainly covers most population something like this, "We have the P. T. Training for Women, The Only one of the five, Ruth Pate, schools. best league in the world now, so will be eligible to play on that at than any other color. Dr. Rhea H. Williams, director trends) there has not been a University of Texas The glass blackboards and why should we tie ourselves down team the coming season. There is of athletics for the Interscholastic single state AA champion from a This writer accepted the post At the time of the Texas State orange rimmed baskets are with them?" And the guys meant room for four new contestants, if League, was elected president of high school with under 1,000 high- when it was proffered him because it, too! Teachers Association conference they were under 18 on January 1, found in Madison Square Gar­ the group for the next year. Other James Garner school students. of a genuine desire to utilize his in Dallas, the Texas Committee of 1949, and are good enough to make den, ; the Chi­ officers are Miss Elizabeth Mc- How true it is that so often we Amarillo High School 16 years experience working with the National Section on Women's the grade. (Get busy, girls, and cago ; Centennial Hall, Guire, Child Health Education Let us pursue this subject a don't know how dear something is Philadelphia, and at practically and in both the League and the That James Garner is a high- Athletics met to discuss problems practice hard!) Consultant, State Department of little further, and look at the high to us until it is taken away from all nationally known basketball association along with any ability school athletic wonder is no news relating to the athletic program These five girls and two others, Public Welfare, vice-president, and schools with over 1,000 enrollment us! Or in this case—just threat­ centers. he might have as a writer to be to sports authorities and followers for girls in Texas' high schools. Nancy Sellers of Dallas and Norma Lewis Spears, Director of Health who have won district champion­ ened to be even jeopardized. And The official ball to be used in of any assistance possible to the in Texas and the Southwest. The The committee agreed that girls Lawrence of Paris entered the Education for the State Depart­ ships during the past ten years. therein lies proof of our original both the State and the City high-school coaches. fact that the versatile Amarillo have a right to broader participa­ Girls' National Event and did quite ment of Education, secretary. Please keep in mind that we are premise. Anyone who did not Conference Tournament will be The writer's journalistic back­ Golden Sandie Captain and right tion in sports, and that sports are well, as their rankings indicate: This Council will serve as an listing only schools with over 1,000 really know them and who had the Goldsmith X9L. ground is probably responsible for end maintains a 97-plus scholastic beneficial and enjoyable when Nancy Armor is now ranked na­ advisory body to the Texas enrollment as district champions. heard some of those same boys This year for the first time his appreciation for the value of average and is equally all-round properly established and super­ tionally No. 6, Ruth Pate No. 10, Health Education Program, an In the Panhandle, District 1 AA, "bleed" about League policies the assignment of colors for favorable publicity; and he has in other activities besides sports vised. Sharon Caldwell, Mary Hamer, experimental program designed Amarillo has won the district would not have thought that those jerseys to be worn by indi­ championship seven times, and discussed the idea of the League's is not so generally known. The concern of the committee and Shirley Caldwell are ranked to improve pre-service and in- statements could have come from vidual teams will be based Lubbock twice; in District 2 A A, employing a full-time public rela­ James has received statewide was for the individual girl and 16, 17, and 18, respectively; Norma service training in health and to the same tongue. upon the bracket system, Wichita Falls has won eight dis­ tions man with Mr. Kidd on sev­ and even nationwide acclaim for what happened to her as a par­ Lawrence is No. 29. Nancy Sellers encourage the formation of From there the discussion went which is in use in most of the trict championships; in District eral occasions—but you know the his football accomplishments this ticipant in the athletic program. is ranked in Class A. Misses Ar­ health education councils in all to the more specific objectionable large tournaments. It works 3 AA, Odessa has won four and conservative Cap'n. He a'lowed as season, having won virtually every Official rules and standards for mor and Hamer are No. 5 in of our Texas schools. aspects of the proposal. In pre­ this way: the top team in the San Angelo three; in 5 AA, Paris how there was a need for one, but football honor offered to a high- girls' competition have been de­ doubles, the Caldwell twins' are senting the coaches' opinions here bracket always wears white, The Council voted to assist in has won four, Denison three and it was something that they could school player. Among these honors veloped by various state commit­ I am making my first attempt to No. 9, Misses Lawrence and Sellers with the team in" the lower a state-wide radio program simi­ Sherman two; in 6 A A, Highland do without. is his placement on the AU-Amer- tees and the national organization bring three collective minds to a are No. 18. half of that bracket always lar to the new experimental Park has won nine; in 8 A A, The League has been on the re­ ican first team (the first from over a period of years, based on common meeting ground. Anyway, Nancy Armor won the City wearing colors. radio program being developed Tyler has won four, Texarkana ceiving end of some bad news Amarillo High School and second practical experience and extensive the coaches objections were: Conference Girls' Singles Cham­ The coach can very easily in Travis County through the one; in 9 A A, Waco has won seven; breaks and even more unfavorable in Texas to obtain such an out­ study. Reports were made con­ 1. Fear of losing state sover­ pionship last year, and Norma check his program and ascertain in 11 AA, Port Arthur four, Beau­ editorial comment that could have cerning Texas' high-school prac­ co-operation of 21 agencies' co­ eignty: They did not want any­ standing post), and Texas All- Lawrence won the state crown whether his team should be mont one; in 12 AA, Baytown has been avoided had the original tices which indicated that in a ordinated by Dr. A. L. Chapman, body from outside our borders State right end position. in Conference AA Girls' Singles. suited in white or colored jer­ won six; in 13 A A, Austin has facts been properly presented and number of instances these official Director of Research in Edu­ telling us how we should operate Adding still more glories, to his We are all very proud of all of seys. This is a fair procedure, won five, and Corpus Christi three. interpreted to John Q. Public. As rules are not being used, and cation by Radio, The University our athletic program. This writer record, James received the first these girls and hope that they will as the draw determines the We realize that district align­ a result it has been thrown on the that official standards for com­ of Texas, and produced by T. D. has investigated that objection string berth on his own district go on to greater honors in women's team's spot on the bracket. This ments have changed many times defensive from the very beginning petition are not being met. Rishworth, Rirector of Radio from every angle by reading all eleven and was selected Most Val­ tennis. rule will be rigidly enforced and during the past ten years, and the —and that ain't good. The old Following a general discussion House, The University of Texas. their publications and in corre­ uable Sandie of '48 by his own Junior boys did not do quite so no exception will be made from City Conference schools were then football maxim, "A good offense and exchange of information and The State Health Education spondences with southern coaches teammates. According to some, well, but they, too, represented it. members of this Conference and is the best defense" is probably experiences, the Texas Committee Council will meet April 6, 1949, under the Federation's jurisdiction his highest honor was the receipt Texas with honor. won their respective districts, but more nearly true in public rela­ unanimously recommended: in Austin. and can find no evidence to support of the Texas Most Outstanding Jack Turpin was' hindered by nevertheless, this gives us a fair tions than in football. 1. That a committee to study that fear. The Federation, despite High School Football Player sickness from participating in the picture of how completely the For example, the last one car­ girls' athletics in the high schools the great number of Yankee states award, presented at the University National, which kept him off the schools with over 1,000 big-school ried headlines all over the state of Texas be formed by the Inter- in it, recognizes the "states' rights" of Houston. James was also a ranking list. Dixon Osburn of Insist on Higher Accuracy students dominate the AA football that read something like this, scholastic League. theory of government. So that one guest of honor with All-American Dallas is ranked No. 7, Julian program. "League Refuses to Hear Rotan's 2. That a qualified woman be can pass. Doak Walker at I Lubbock ban­ Oates of Waco is No. 20, and R. G. Score, Urges Miss Stullken Pretest Aga'inst Monahans." The quet recently. placed on such a committee to The only AA districts which 2. The Sanction Rule: The in­ DeBerry of Waco is No. 21. slant given the story had those Paralleling h i s unsurpassed study the girl's athletics in the To make sure that only top-flight did not have any schools of over terstate portion of this rule states All four are ex-League win­ prone to criticize the League any­ football career, James also is a high schools of Texas. contestants in the Shorthand Con­ 1,000 high-school students were that a school "may not have any ners. Osburn won the 1947 gional Meets, a score of 95 per cent way saying, "Why those dictators basketball, track and tennis let- 3. That encouragement be given test of the League are selected as Districts 7, 10, and 14, as based interstate game involving a round Singles at the State Meet. Oates accuracy should be the standard. A up in Austin won't even listen to terman. to all schools through the Inter- winners, Miss Florence Stullken, on the 1948 assignments. trip of more than 600 miles unless won the first Class AA title in score of 98 per cent accuracy will a protest now." What else could Sports is not the only interest scholastic League to use Official state manager of the contest, ad­ The present AA football enroll­ it has been sanctioned by the Na­ 1948, and DeBerry won the Re­ be considered eligible for an award they think after such a story? of Amarillo High School's all- Rules for girls and to encourage vises graders in District and Re­ ment classifications do not provide tional Federation." Texas has gional championship and com­ at the State Meets." Of course the truth of the matter round athlete, however. A mem­ member schools to meet NSWA gional Meets to insist upon a fair and equal competition. Let us enough teams that the rule prob­ peted in the State finals. Tur­ In the many years that Miss was that the case had already been ber of the National Honor Society standards for competition for girls. higher degree of accuracy in de­ compare the college football pro­ ably would not be objectionable pin won second place in Singles Stullken has served as manager heard and a penalty assessed— and Ken Klub and National Ath­ The National Section on Wom­ termining the winners. gram in Texas for just a moment were it not for the last nine words. at the 1946 State Meet. of the Shorthand Contest of the but the public did not know that letic Honor Society, James is one en's Athletics is an official body to illustrate our point. If we use "Why," the coaches ask, "should a In doubles, Osburn with an out­ "To be considered a winner at League, and has graded papers —and still doesn't. The celebrated of the highest contenders for the of the American Association of the 500-student enrollment as our rule be set up and then give some­ side partner is ranked No. 5, Oates the District level," Miss Stullken at the State Meet in Arastin, she "Houston Bat Boy Case" that in­ Class of '49 Valedictorian. He Health, Physical Education, and basis for organizing colleges into body in Chicago the authority to and Alexander of Waco are No. says, "contestants should have a has found many, many students spired so much comment in the was also named the first Varsity Recreation. Outstanding women districts for a state play-off, we give permission to break it?" 14, Marland Mayes of Dallas, with score of 90 per cent accuracy be­ who were "dead timber" as far state's sports columns never was Vic, monthly AHS honor awarded in Texas in girls' physical educa­ would have in the central district There may be an answer to that an outside partner, is No. 16. No fore they are qualified to enter as their chances of winning a a "case" in the League's files. I on a basis of service and citizen­ tion have participated in the work Trinity University, Southwest one but the coaches have not found boys under 15 were ranked from Regional competition. At the Re- State title was concerned, and could name others—but we had ship. - of this organization. Texas State Teachers College, The it. It's like saying, "It's okay to the Texas section. Alexander is who should have been eliminated better not use too much of this University of Texas, Southwestern sin if I give you permission." If an ex-League tennis champion, in the other meets. valuable space suggesting how to University, and St. Edwards Uni­ such practice is bad, it is bad re­ too, winning the 1947 doubles title "Graders have been far too run the League; so much for that. versity. You could hardly call the gardless of who might give per­ with Oates. lenient in the past in grading Our No. 1 Objective 30-Station Network to Carry above college district set-up fair mission and the coaches feel that Coaches should encourage their transcriptions," points out Miss Of all the objectives mentioned competition, yet we have this identi­ their own administrators don't players to take advantage of every Stullken, who is assistant profes­ in introductory paragraph the pri­ Basketball Tournament Finals cal situation in several of our AA need any outside help on making opportunity to play in tourna­ sor of business administration at mary one of this column in the districts. The colleges realize that decisions of that nature. A network of thirty stations will carry the broadcast of ments, especially sanctioned ones. The University of Texas. LEAGUER is No. 3—"To promote a Alamo Heights High School Ten­ they cannot have an official state 3. The Commercial Aspect: This Conferences AA, A, and B finals from Gregory Gymnasium better understanding between the nis Club is holding a sanctioned The answers in this column are in no Miss Stullken has made a num­ college championship play-off, as caused considerable arching of the in Austin Saturday afternoon and night at the conclusion sense "official interpretations." Only the administrators, League officials tournament March 18 and 19 in State Executive Committee is competent ber of suggestions which should be it would be impracticable and would eyebrows. On inspecting the sev­ of the twenty-ninth annual State Championship Basketball and the coaches." Most of the San Antonio; the 19th Annual under the rules to make official interpreta­ carefully considered by teachers not be feasible from an educational eral publications they noticed that tions, and the State Committee's interpre­ thoughts along that line will be Tournament, March 3, 4, and 5. Hearts Delight Tennis Tourna­ tations appear in the Official Notice column coaching shorthand contestants and viewpoint. all of them except the Handbook of THE LEAGUER. These are answers to based on the theory that the ones •The opening game of the tour--Tf — •" " ment will be held in Falfurrias, inquiries which are made in the course of by teachers who will serve as Everyone is perfectly satisfied, carried advertising. Of course the routine correspondence with the State Of­ we don't like are generally those nament begins Thursday, March City Station KC February 24 to 26, all on hard judges. apparently, with a Southwest Con­ sporting goods dealers were the fice of the Interscholastic League. we don't know. That boils the 3, at 8:45 a.m. Conference A and Dallas KRLD 1080 courts. The following rules should be ference champion, a Texas Con­ chief contributors. Then in look­ Q. Can a school accept an addi­ problem down to getting the three B games are scheduled until 3:10 Dallas WRR 1310 Texas tennis has received un­ followed in judging the best tran­ ference champion, a Lone Star ing over the Federation's financial tional amount from the student to groups better acquainted with each Friday, when the first AA teams El Paso KROD 600 usual recognition this year in hav­ scripts : Conference champion, a,nd a Border report they noticed that $12,754.39 meet. On Saturday's program are add to the maximum amount' al­ other. If that one big objective Fort Worth KFJZ r270 ing the National Intercollegiate 1. The student should double- Conference champion. We would was realized from this advertising the Conference B championship lowed under Article XIII, Section can be achieved, this column will Greenville KGVL 1400 Tournament awarded to The Uni­ space all typed copy. generally agree that the Southwest and that the Federation realized game at 2:05 p.m., the Conference 5, in order to buy a more expen­ not have been written in vain. Houstbn KTHT 790 versity of Texas on June 20. As 2. A good black ribbon should Conference champion is the real a total of $44,948.86 from the sale A championship game at 3:35 p.m. sive award? I feel confident that these rela­ Longview KFRO 1370 many coaches and student-players be used. (This should be taken champion (however, in reality we of these publications. Consequently and the Conference AA finals at tions can be improved because of Lufkin KTRE 1420 who possibly can should male A. No. It will be a violation of care of by the directors of the never know), but I can cite you $57,703.25 or 56 per cent of the 9:20 p.m., plus the AA semi-finals my familiarity with each group Lubbock KSEL 950 plans to be present, for all the Article XIII, Section 5, the Awards contest at the meets.) yearly many college football teams $101,481.75 total receipts came and consolation matches for Con and the conviction that a large McAllen KRIO 910 best college players in the United Rule, for the school to buy an 3. Students should write on one in Texas who think they can beat from these two sources. That it is ferences A and B. majority of all three are honestly Marshall KMHT 1450 States will participate, many of award for an athlete with the side only of the paper. (Grading the Southwest Conference cham­ a money-making proposition is fur­ on the up-and-up. Maybe the rea­ A play-by-play broadcast of the Midland KCRS 550 whom now rank in the national minimum amount being furnished is much more difficult and the copy pion. Yet this Texas college state ther indicated by the sale of son that I have no quarrel with finals in the City Conference State Odessa KOSA 1450 first 20 and at least three of them by the school and the boy con­ is messier if both sides are used.) play-off is never carried out, and $23,306.75 worth of securities and the administrators is that I had Basketball Tournament will be Palestine KNET 1450 are in the first 10. tributing the additional sum. For 4. In grading, use single strokes we have four conference cham­ the purchase of a similar amount. carried by four stations from the the pleasure of working with ex­ Paris KPLT 1490 All high-school tennis players example: The high school cannot (about V inch) to indicate errors pions. To my knowledge neither Maybe the League has spoiled its Public School Gymnasium in Hous­ s ceptional men in this field both San Angelo KGKL 960 should clamor for tennis clinics pay |15 on a senior boy's award, of omission. Use circles only for the press nor the college admini­ patrons but they feel that it has ton Saturday night, March 12. The strators have ever advocated a in Austin High School and "old San Antonio KABC 680 in their own school and in neigh­ with the boy paying $5, and order words that are incorrect. acted wisely in keeping itself free four-station network consists of a $20 sweater. The high school play-off to determine a state college District 15 A A"; but I can't over­ Sherman KRRV 910 boring larger towns and cities. 5. If the transcription makes of all taints of commercialism. Station WRR, Dallas, Station can only issue a sweater for the championship. subscribe to the theory that they Texarkana KCMC 1230 Never lose an opportunity to sense, and if no fragmentary sen­ Even the money taken in from the KFJZ, Ft. Worth, Station KTHT, amount stated in the above rule, were any better or any worse than Tyler KGKB 1490 attend one. tences occur, no punctuation errors The next portion of this column broadcasts of the playoff games is Houston, and Station KMAC, San and cannot accept additional sums most of the other schools and dis­ Waco WACO 1460 Also insist on tennis center tour­ are counted. That means all cap­ is released to Talmadge Canant, tricts. prorated to participating schools. Antonio. from outside sources. However, if Wichita Falls KWFT 620 naments in every city in Texas that itals, also. Sports Editor of the Corsicana Maybe the reason that I have There is not a single ad in the A tentative list of stations car­ the parents of the boy buy him a is a tennis center. The centers are 6. Spacing irregularities are Sun. no suspicion of the League's hav­ LEAGUER and no charge is assessed rying the broadcasts, which are sweater, not through the school located in Austin, Beaumont, Cor­ not to be considered errors in the "The most frequent complaint ing ulterior motives is because of for either it or the "Constitution sponsored by the Magnolia Petro­ Nat'l Honor Roll but through some local store, that, pus Christi, Dallas, Fort Worth, transcript. we have heard during the past year our thirteen years of close asso­ and Rules." By keeping free the leum Company, are: Rates Texas First of course, is a matter in which the Galveston, Houston, San Antonio, These rules will be announced in criticism of the City Conference, ciation with it. Why Rodney Kidd League has never had to listen to school has no jurisdiction. City . Station KC Texas, which was fifth in 1946 Tyler, and Waco. Other cities can by the directors of all meets. A is that it produces no clear-cut and I have knocked coffee cups advertisers on any of its policies. Abilene KRBC 1470 and third in 1947 on the National become tennis centers if they wish. check-list for directors in the state champ. The City loop and all over the place arguing about Had the League authorities so Q. What is the rule regarding Austin KNOW 1490 Such cities as Amarillo, Abilene, Shorthand Contest containing these AA both had champs, and who some of the League policies and chosen they could have really "gone Honor Roll listing results of the using a university student to as­ Austin KTBC 590 San Angelo and many others and other suggestions by Miss was' to say who was the best? The regulations, but I still consider to town" on advertising because various state outside track meets, sist with *ne "B" baseball team? Amarillo KGNC 710 should be designated, provided they Stullken will be mailed to all con­ addition of an AAA loop would him one of my best friends—and not only would the sporting goods moved into first place last Spring. Should he be assigned to assist Beaumont KFDM 560 will work at the job. test directors. contribute still another state cham­ I have every right to believe the houses be interested but also the with the "B" team and a boy be Big Spring KBST 1490 In amassing a total of 71 points, Tennis coaches should see that pion, and the question of who is feeling is mutual. And as for the music instrument and publishing moved from the "B" team to the Brownwood KBWD 1380 she tied California's previous high their players have available each Excerpt from "It's Tough to be best would still be unanswered. coaches—it goes without saying houses, the slide rule manufac­ "A" team, would this jeopardize Corpus Christi KEYS 1440 month a copy of the official Bulletin Young" "But does that question neces­ that I feel that they're on the ball turers, etc.—but Texas has not for a single state. Texas totaled the "A" squad? of the United States Lawn Tennis Of genuine humor (among the sarily have to be answered? A too—else I could not justify stay­ chosen to go that route and the state tournaments for their own 27V3 points in '46 and 44% points Association. It costs only ?1 per A. It would not be a violation young) there is very little. In middle-weight boxing champ is ing in the profession. Those three coaches wonder if the Federation coffers. Texas coaches like the in '47. Her total this past year year. Another good publication for of the Baseball Plan, Rule 2, for seventeen years of teaching I do not expected to fight a heavy­ groups are Mr. Extra-Curricular is as free of "entangling alliances" proration idea the League has of was due largely to four firsts and both coaches and players is the you to have a university student not believe that I have heard five weight champ to determine Education in Texas and can best as the UIL. returning money to help pay the two seconds in the thirteen events. American Lawn Tennis Magazhie. assist in coaching the "B" baseball witticisms from students and out which is the best man. accomplish their common objectives 5. The Ahnighty Dollar: Many traveling expenses to the tourna­ Texas is one of seven states Juniors (boys and girls) can get team, as they do not accept the of several thousand themes I can­ "So let's have the new confer­ through co-operation. of the state organizations in the ments. finishing among the top during it for half price—$3 per year. It Baseball Plan. However, if the not recollect ten that brought an ence. We don't think it will hurt The Tipoff Federation have other money- Admittedly there would be some the past three years. The other is a good investment if you read it boy moves from the "B" team to intended . the present gate receipts in AA, Several coaches unconsciously making ideas that the coaches advantages to affiliation—and the states are: California, Ohio, Illi­ and get inspiration! the "A" team, this would jeopard­ Nothing said by any lecturer AAA or City Conference too much. tipped their hands at how they don't want to see too widely spread coach can see those too, but he nois, , Pennsylvania and Are you coaches and players who ize the eligibility of the "A" team, could hope to provoke the delight And the members of all three loops actually felt toward the League in Texas. For instance many of just feels that we're in pretty good Wisconsin. read the LEAGUER interested in as they have accepted the Baseball that would be caused by his falling can still play non-conference games at the last meeting of the Board the state athletic associations take shape as it is and wants to retain The Honor Roll appeared in the more articles on tennis? If so, Plan. See the high-school team off the platform or dropping his between them for added attrac­ of Directors of the Association held all the profits from the various the status quo. January issue of Athletic Journal. say so! rule, Article VII, Section 23. notes.—Bergen Evans tion." ,