How the Left Used Alinsky's 13 Rules for Radicals to Take Over the White

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How the Left Used Alinsky's 13 Rules for Radicals to Take Over the White Welcome, we’re glad you’re here! we’ve done everything possible to include pertinent information to show you where it began where it is going and how it infiltrated our backyards while we weren’t looking.. Additional information can be found via internet by searching topic title and subject name reading books, articles, papers etc listed as sources Portions of our program are based upon hypothetical scenario's / situations, those portions will be clearly identified Our program is largely interactive/discussion based, the more each person participates, the more everyone will get out of it. To ensure fairness to all, please : 1. Be respectful of others when contributing. 2. Turn your cell phones off or to the vibrate setting. 3. Take private discussions to another area. 4. Keep contributions directly relevant to the discussion. Please remain mindful that some individuals caught within this elaborate web don’t realize they are ensnared within it. Unfortunately, sometimes really good people get stuck in really bad things, it doesn’t make ALL of them bad, in some cases they are merely uninformed or misinformed of the dangers, and have been lured /mislead by others. On the other hand, some really bad people, are involved in really bad things, They work quietly almost completely undetected in the shadows, like spiders, effectively weaving intricate webs, one string, one layer, one victim at a time, always afraid of being exposed to the light. Our goal is to shed as much light as possible on those individuals, as well as the web they’ve been weaving around the American people for more then 60 years. We’re here to provide information, show you how to use it, and direct you on where to find more. Our goal is to arm you with knowledge, because knowledge is POWER. WARNING: Disruptive, confrontational, or adversarial individuals will be asked to leave. Those wishing to debate and / or argue the points made, are invited to do so in a forum of their own. They are not invited, encouraged, or welcome to do so at this one. We reserve the right to have any individual engaged in behavior seen as disruptive or distracting to any individual presenting or attending this program. We do not ask for or receive payment for our time/services in any way, nor from any individual, organization, group, or business. No portion(s) of this program may be copied, recorded, taped, reproduced, quoted, used, or referenced without written consent from presenters. – Frank Marshall Davis – Missing Documents and records – The Rules, 1-13 – Fast Tracking the Troops – The Tactics 1-10 – Judges, Teachers, College professors, and – Cast of characters other friends in strange but high places – F.B.I. informant Larry Grathwohl Things they – The Cloward Piven Method are planning for us – The Weathermen, aka Weather – Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers, the Underground connection – People involved with Weather _ The Cloward Piven Manufactured Crisis Underground – strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis – Ayers – ACORN – Dorn – Voting – Jones – ACORN's voter rights tactics follow the – Cloward-Piven Strategy Apollo Alliance – Barack Obama ran ACORN's Project Vote – Czars – Illegal Immigration – Mark Lloyd – Mortgage Crisis and Acorn – Valarie Jarret – Enter Barak Obama – Grove Park – Carl Davidson and The New Party (81) – George Sorros – Tony Rezco – It’s much bigger than the Rules – Van Jones – How to defeat the Rules (96) – Rahm Emannual – Fighting Back – Cass Sunstein – Knowledge is POWER – Those who do not learn from history, are – John Holdren destined to repeat it – Kevin Jennings – Anti Colonialism, A VERY dangerous Game – Carol Browner Tying it all together, the steps (48-57) – Special Thanks to Glenn Beck for making it a lot – Chi Feldblum easier to fill in the blanks! – The woods Fund and Obama – Additional information and where to find it. – Annenbuerg Challenge • Herb March- Labor Organizer – Father of community organizing. Born in Chicago in 1909, grew up poor in • Wages for those working in the back of the yards were cut 3 times in one the Jewish slums of Chicago, Alinsky’s Ideals rose in the 1930’s during the year, which understandably led to a great desire for some sense of height of The Great Depression. While Chicago was controlled by the security. “Kelly-Nash Political Machine and heir to Al Capone’s Empire” • Saul approached the labor movement and shared his dream of organizing. • Saul Completed a graduate degree in Criminology from the University Of ALL sections of the community, in a way that enabled them to, by their Chicago, but his “real Education” came from his work on the streets of own actions determine or control their own DESTINY. Chicago. • • He ingratiated himself with members of Chicago’s infamous Al Capone Gang to study “gang behavior” from the “INSIDE”. • Saul said “If you ever have an undo concentration of power in one sector of our society or an undo concentration of wealth in one sector, the • His conclusion was that Criminal Activity. Was a symptom of whole democratic system will collapse internally.” poverty and, powerlessness. • The Back of the Yards Council-1939 • (1a) Saul was heavily involved with a lot of youth committees. • • (1b) Saul worked at Joliet Prison • Saul envisioned an Organization or Organizations- Neighborhood groups, • Sound Familiar? small businesses, Labor Unions, and most of all Catholic Church. • How many of our current Presidents friends, advisors, or influences have • He was largely helped by the following people in this endeavor; been in prison themselves, are criminals, or have the ties to criminals or prison oriented influences? • Joe Mekan- An Irish American Youth Organizer with strong ties to the Catholic Church. At the time, Labor Unions were viewed as communist. • Van Jones- The “Green Jobs Czar Glenn Beck exposed who than later resigned in the middle of the night on a Saturday. • Bishop Bernard Sheill- Catholic Leader in Chicago who would work with Labor Orgs. • Valarie Jarred- Obama’s “Best friend advisor, and Social Secretary who has allowed several very serious security breeches at the White House or • Back of the Yards was comprised of over 100 existing organizations. during events. • July 14th, 1939- First Back of the Yards Council Meeting. This first meeting • Toney Rezco, Real Estate Developer in Chicago. was Revolutionary in America, it showed us the way to Community Organizing. • Bill Ayers & his lovely wife Bernadine Dorn, Home grown terrorists- (We’ll tell you more about them in a little bit) just to name a few, there are many • July 16th, 1939- Massive Labor Rally with John L. Lewis and Bishop more. Bernard Sheill one day after the rally the Armour Plant conceded to recognize the Union. • Saul also worked for a man named “Clifford Shaw” at the institute of “Juvenile Research”, Shaw assigned Saul to the “Back of the Yards” which • United Bishops and Labor Unions gave legitimacy to Back of the Yards was an immense slum sitting in the back of Chicago’s giant Union Stock Council. Yards Complex. • John L. Lewis influenced Saul Alinsky in a lot of ways- • This was the setting for Upton Sinclair’s Book “The Jungle” • Lewis understood conflict in that ERA. Shaw assigned Saul to learn the causes of … what else? • Understood mass organization of numbers of people meant power • “Juvenile Delinquency” • Ed Chambers= Industrial Areas Foundation Saul got his vision of the world, Lewis taught him the universals of organizing “In all • actions is an inevitable reaction, that every positive has a negative, the • On June 12th, 1972 just six months after finishing his Rules for Radicals, Saul kind of stuff we teach at 10 day training today.” Alinsky died of a heart attack in Carmel California on a street corner. • The first IAF Board Meeting was August 24th, 1940. • The Top 3 Principal Saul Alinsky people- • • Ed Chambers • In 1959 Saul Alinsky moved on to the “Woodlawn organization”. • Tom Gaudet • The Woodlawn Organization Organized Churches for Civil rights in • Fred Ross Chicago. • There is no, community Organizing in this country today that probably can’t • Challenged James Daley (Chicago Mayor) be traced back to those four people. • In 1960’s – Race Riots and Kodak. • • Rochester Area council of Churches gathered $100,000 and brought • The following people can all be linked to the top 3 ultimately to Saul Alinsky in. Alinsky himself. • Faith Intigration God Hope Trust Fight= Black Power • • Malcom X endorsed Saul Alinsky • Cesar Chavez • Ecl Chambers was assigned by Alinsky to be the lead organizer of FIGHT • Stookly Carmicle • FIGHT Headquarters-wanted a Confrontational title! • Heather Booth • Their belief was that “people didn’t have a right to welfare but had a • Wade Rathke right to a job” • John Bauman • Saul said, A company has a social responsibility to it’s community and • Dick Harmon stock holders. • (all people either worked directly with Alinsky or were influenced by • Kodak and FIGHT worked out an agreement –Kodak reneged him.) • Saul bought Kodak stocks on behalf of FIGHT and ruled them by proxy. He • The Industrial Areas Foundation was founded by Saul in 1940. said, “The only contribution Eastman Kodak has made to race relations • was the invention of color film” • • Rev. Florence set the time line and then used their massive organization Ed Chambers is the current executive Director. to force Kodak back to the bargaining table. • **see linked and learned from Saul** • Ken Howard- Foreman Kodak Executive – Saul Alinsky was a “Necessary • Evil” • While Mr. Alinsky was busy training Americas future Community • In the late 1960’s Saul Alinsky became a folk hero to many College aged Organizers, and being paid for forcing Kodak Executives to bargain with the kids.
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