Ku Klux Klan, and Neo-Nazis, Are the Present Leaders of FIJA
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@ Homegrown Extremists Nashville, Tennessee Aur 1st 16 -20. 1999 July 12- 16,1999 Conference center, Golden Nugget Hotel, Las Vegas, NV August 16 - 20,1999 Ramada Suites Opryland South, Nashville, TN Instructors Dr. Karl A, Seger, Ph.D. - Karl is an antiterrorism consult.ant who has worked with law enforcement agencies worldwide, a11 branches of the U. S. Militay, Department of Justice, Department of Energy, Treasury and Federal Emergency Management and corporations worldwide. I-Ic: is a contract writer for the U.S.Army Counterirzg Terrorism on LT. S. Amy XmtaZIutions and author of ZRe Ann't~rrari,~rnHandbook. In addition ta his training presentations, Karl provides security consulting to clients around the world. Gene Rightmyer - Gene is retired from the Bureau of .fdcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. He has over thirty years of law enforcement experience and has extensive experience in investigating organized crime and right wing tarorist organi7aions in the United States. Gene developed and coordinated numerous long tenn undercover opedons against these mups. Gene was also personally targeted by an extremists group while employed with ATF. He presently provides instruction in these areas at the Federal Law Ehforcement Training Cater, the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy and other law enforcement trainkg programs worldwide, Ken ICPng- Retired Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firems Supervisor. Km has 26 years oflaw enforcnnent experience with expertise in undercover and high risk entry tactics. He ~I.Sthc team leader for the ATF Now Orleans Special Response Team (SRT) imd concluded iris ATF career as a Progrvtl llmger for KT!?'$ SRT Trainins Progrim at Fort McCleUand, AL. Ken war a SRT Team Leader at Waco, TX and has developed a case smdy, "Lessons Learned," and "Psychology of Sunrival" Training Programs bascd on his experiences at Waco, TX Charlie Fuller- Charlie is a retired Special Agent with tlie Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco gt Firems(ATF). He has 27 years of law enforcement espffience with expertise in u~dmcover,ciectronic s~eillance,and training. Prior to his employment vith ATF be served rhnc years in the U.S..Amy Military Intelligence Branch. He \\.as a Program Manager at the ATF National Academy for six years where he was rcqonsible for the undacover/field oporatiotis training. Chadic is the author of TTie Bn of Undercover: Techniques and Stl~vivaE,the complete "how t~ work undercoverf'book. He currently presents undercover, electronic sundnance, physical surveilIi\l~ceand security training program nationwide. Other Guest Speakers to be Announced Agenda International Association of Undercover. Officers Dedicated to the safety and professionalism of undercover officers. Training The international Association of Undercover Officers is dedicated to increasing and improving the professionalism of training available to undercover officers. This will be accomplished through: . The Development of Training Programs . The,Locating and Advertising of Training Programs . The Evaluation of Training Programs . The Presentation of Training at the Yearly Conference . The Approval and Certification of Training Programs Homegrown Extremists Irztelligence Conference;- Las Vegas, NV July 12 - 16,1999 999 Advanced Undercover Techniques and Survival Mesa, AZ July 19 - 23,1999 San Antonio, TX October 4 - 8,1999 Sacramento, CA, October 18 - 22,1999 Lancaster, CA, October 25 - 29,1999 The 4th Avlnual Covert Operations Training Seminar Las Vegas, NV July 26 - 30,1999 High Risk Event Planning System (High R. E. P.S.) Nashville, TN August 2 - 6,1999 TI2 reat Assessment: Know Your Enemy - Who Are Thev? How did it get this rvq? - The economic "sorewing" ofrural America. - ~krslmentality vs. Urban mentality C'lrunic long-term stress related illness - Pressure dvcs, communicable anger and suicides Recruiting and Evolutimn of Extremists Public meetings, Pro-life movement, chmhes, etc. - The cult mentality Conspiracy Theories - The grain of truth behind them New World Order - God-given LawsmTheocracy vs. lkrnacracy - hternatfonal bankers control of money The Federai Reserve System vs. Gold Standard - Mnlri-national corporations control of world's food suppg Diversity of Anti-gover~mentMovement Size - Funnel Theory - Leaderless Res&mce - Level of Participation Extremists' Communications Internet - Websftes - Chat Rooms - Faxes - Shortwave Radio - AM-FM Radio - Newsletters Jury Nullification Movement Size of Movement - Tactias - Case Studies History and Classificztion of Groups Survivalists - Militias - Sovereign@ - Common Lsw Courts - Freemen - Jural Societies Wbite Supremacists - White Separatists -Nee-W's - Other ExSrernists - International Connectfom Religions of The Extreme Right Dominion-ists- End of Times - Identity - Asatru - Mainstream Sapport - Ar.magcddon - The Year 2000 Extremist's Intelligence Collection and Distribution Tactics & Techniques of Terrorists - Intelligence Staring - Operational SecurfQ - Violence at Bate RaW Investigative Techniques and Case Studies Undercover Investigations - Weapons of Mass D~ction- The Order - Branch Dsvfdians Oklahoma City Bombing - Army of God - CharacterAssasshation - Roundtable DTscussion - The Future Registration Information Registration fee for the five day training program is $435.00 per person and includes the cost of the instruction, handout material%and certificate of completion. If the registration fee is paid in advance or prior to the conclusion of the program, via cash, check, mc.r .v order, or VisaR'IasterCard. the cost for registration is 9450.00. Group dis~.~yuntsare availab' ?. CalI for further information. A11 cheeks or purcl9se orders muat be made payable to The International Association of Undercover Officers (IAUO). For further inform tinn, call Gene Rightrnycr at 888-449-6907 or Charlie Fuller at 888-249-3730. Training Site & Hotel Accommodation - Las Vegas Training will be held in the Convention Area of the Goldea Nugget Hotel, 129 E. Frernont, Las Vegas, YV. 800-634-3454. The Golden Nugget has arranged for a special rate of $44.00 (single or double) for the training event, Call 800-634-3454 for reservations, To insure this special rate, you must mention this program and make reservations no later than June 13,1999. Training Site & Hotel Accomm~~ations- Nashville Training will be held at the Cu: *reaceCenter, The Ramada Suites at Opl-yla South, 2425 Atrium Way, ;Yashkrll+ 324 615-883-5201. The Ramada Suites has arranged f .r a pecial rate of 559.00 (Suite) for the training event Call 615-883-5201 for reservations. To insure this special rate, yon must mention this program and make veserva lions no Iater than July 30,1999. Perpetuating Hate by Carolyn Fankhanel Who: The International Association of Undercover OfJicers, a private, nonprofit (?) organization; What: "Homegrown Extremists" Seminar; When: August 16-20; Wlzere: Nashville, Tennessee What does an aging AFT undercover agent do when the government forces him into early retirement? How does an aging ATF agent recover from a Senate Hearing about a drunken, racist party which that aging agent threw once a year for 16 years? How do you earn money when your bad judgment has forced you into early retirement and ruined your reputation? During Gene Rightmyer's years as an ATF agent, he hosted and sponsored a hugh, raucous party in the Cherokee National Forest along the Ocoee River in East Tennessee. Rightmyer proudly named this yearly bash the "Good O'Boy Roundup" to which he invited "federal agents, state and local officers and their friends within and without law enforcement, and any other Good O'Boy." By the time Rightmyer's annual party had been going on for five years, it lasted five days and included meals and a refrigerated beer truck. More than 300 state and government agents were participating in the Good O'Boy Roundup by 1984. Included in the week's activities were continuous drinking, rafting, golfing, cards, volleyball and racist skits such as "Redneck of the Year." July 12, 1995, national headlines read, "Law Enforcement Officers Have Racist Party in East Tennessee," and the jig was up. Finally motivated by the media, internal affairs for the ATF, FBI, Secret Service, Customs, federal and state law enforcement agencies, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ontario Provincial Police, Office of Inspector General for the Department of Justice and Office of Inspector for the General Treasury investigated the numerous allegations. Some of the allegations investigated were: everyone attending the party was a racist, racist signs were posted at the party site, racist skits were performed on a regular basis, no minorities were allowed to attend the "all white" gathering, two women were raped, marijuana and cocaine were sold to attendees, gang-bangs were common, people had sex with a goat, racist T-shirts were sold, attendees were given "Nigger Hunting Licenses," misuse of government property included mailing, copy machines, telephones and government vehicles and naked undercover agents were climbing trees and jumping on the women. During the investigation, more than 85,000 people were surveyed and 20,000 interviewed. The government's investigation lasted six months and more than $2 million of taxpayer's monies were spent. The investigation resulted in a Senate Hearing at which Gene Rightmyer, by choice, did not attend. Rightmyer explained to the "Homegrown Extremist" seminar class that "the Washington Times and Channel 7 broke the Good O'Boy Roundup story because they are owned by the Rev. Moon who plotted with the government to