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PDF (V.87:22, April 1, 1986) Yes I ~(ovo~t Vo~t, [ VOLUME LXXXVII NUMBER 22 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY 1 APRIL 19861 Jan Aura: Caltech's New Human Relations Adviser by Diana Foss beautiful, and, while she aware of dent life-related problems and, Caltech finally has a Human the special problems posed by such more importantly, would have the Relations Advisor. After several a small community, she finds administrative power to recom­ years of effort by members of the Caltech's intimacy very attractive. mend changes within the system Organization for Women at She expects that her job will be a itself. An O.W. C. committee Caltech, the administration has challenge, but she also expects it researched how other institutions created the part-time position of to be very rewarding. such as T.R.W., Harvard, J.P.L., Human Relations Advisor and "I work for everyone" Stanford and M.LT. dealt with this hired Dr. Jan Aura to fill it. Dr. About the job itself, she stresses need, and sent in the spring of 1984 Aura brings to Caltech a great deal that confidentiality, impartiality to the President and Provost a pro­ ofexperience in psychology and in and universal access are its most posal for the creation of such a making communities work better. important features. "The Human position. She holds a doctorate in clinical Relations Advisor will be a Vice-Provost Chuck Babcock psychology from V.C.L.A. and resource for groups on campus in October, 1984 appointed an ad­ has served as a psychological assis­ without resources, and will create visory committee to investigate the tant with the Los Angeles Family positive relationships among peo­ establishment of what he dubbed Institute, a faculty member of the ple on campus." She hopes to the "Campus Counselor." Don Ar­ Women's Studies Department at facilitate negotiation, conflict cher, Associate Director ofPerson­ C.S.V.L.B. and as supervisor of resolution, management skills and nel; Sally Asmundson, Director of the V.C.L.A. Psychology Clinic. communication in dealing with per­ Career Development; Sharon As described in the ad which sonal matters serious enough to Beckenbach, staff member in Civil announced the position, the Human disrupt a working environment, but Engineering; Morgan Gopnik, then Relations Advisor "will serve as [a] not suitable for formal grievance Assistant Dean of Students; Bruce confidential, impartial advisor and procedures. Dr. Aura sees staff Kahl, Director of the Counseling counselor to staff, faculty and members and graduate students as Center; and Leon Silver, Professor Jan Aura, Human Relations Adviser. What does she do? Read the article! students in the resolution of intra­ having a special need for a Human of Geology and Chair of the In­ Caltech complaints, informal Relations Advisor, as they often stitute Affirmative Action Commit­ grievances and problems. These lack the support that tee constituted the Vice-Provost's Data Analysis Center sensitive classroom or workplace undergraduates and faculty enjoy at committee. After five months of conflicts would cover a broad Caltech. She says, "Although I deliberation, the committee submit­ range of personal problems and report to Vice-Provost Chuck Bab­ ted a detailed proposal for the crea­ For IRAS Dedicated might include such issues as sex­ cock, I work for everyone at tion of the position of "Special [CNB] - The center for scien­ 1000 times more sensitive than any ual harassment, perceived Caltech, and I am also independent Assistant to the President: Human tific analysis of the immense store infrared instrument before it. discrimination on any basis, and of any group on campus." Affairs." Some essential elements of data gathered by the Infrared The satellite was a joint project general personality conflicts." Dr. Jan Aura's office is in 4 of the proposal were: CD that the Astronomical Satellite (lRAS) in of the Netherlands Agency for Enter Dr. Aura Dabney, and she is there Monday position be full-time with a cor­ 1983 was dedicated by Caltech on Aerospace Programs, NASA, and As soon as she read this ad, Dr. from 8 to 5, all day Tuesdays and responding commitment to learn March 19. In its ten months of the United Kingdom's Science and Aura knew that this was a job that all day Thursdays In addition, there how Caltech functions as a system. operation, lRAS provided the first Engineering Research Council. she wanted and would enjoy. She is a Secretary to the Human Rela­ @ that the position involve not on­ panoramic view of the sky at in­ Caltech's Jet Propulsion does not see her role as just one of tions Advisor, Virginia Hockwald, ly individual counseling open to all frared wavelengths, revealing a Laboratory was the U.S. manage­ counseling, but as an impartial and she will be in the office Mon­ members of the Caltech communi­ startling array of new phenomena, ment center for the project. The mediator and facilitator, one who day from 12 to 5, all day ty, but that it also play a much within our own solar system, in the V.S. co-chairman of the Joint can have an effect on the entire Wednesdays and all day Fridays. broader advisory role concerned galaxy beyond, and even to the lRAS Science Working Group was community and make it work bet­ The office's extension in 6990. with overall Institute policies. @ edge of the observable universe. Gerry Neugebauer, Howard ter for all ofits members. Although In the beginning that the Special Assistant be direct­ These discoveries included new Hughes Professor and professor of she knew very little about Caltech The decision to create the posi­ ly accountable only to the Presi­ comets, immense wispy "cirrus" physics at Caltech and director of when she first applied for the posi­ tion ofHuman Affairs Advisor was dent, to maintain the autonomy clouds of dust in our galaxy, stars Palomar Observatory. Once the tion, she was very comfortable not as sudden as it seems, however. necessary to deal with confidential like our sun in the process of be­ lRAS mission was completed, the with the idea of working at a Members of the Organization for and sometimes controversial ing born, rings of gravel-sized project switched to a data-analysis technical school; much ofher train­ Women at Caltech, having heard problems. material orbiting other stars, and mode, and has now moved to the ing has been in quantitative numerous complaints of sexual Not the way it turned out distant galaxies that glow intense­ Caltech center. psychology, and she has no pro­ harassment, difficulties en­ The is obviously not the way it ly in the infrared. Infrared observations are im­ blems dealing with scientists' countered with Personnel when turned out. Vice-Provost Babcock "These reels of computer tape portant in astronomy because much exactitudes. trying to transfer within Caltech met with President Goldberger, are in a true sense a buried of the universe is composed, not of Now that she has come to and other personality conflicts, Provost Vogt Vice Presidents treasure," said President stars and galaxies that shine at visi­ Caltech, Dr. Aura is heartened and decided that what was needed at Morgan and Morrisroe, General Goldberger in his dedication ad­ ble wavelengths, but of warm, impressed by the people that she Caltech was an ombudsperson who Counsel Don Fowler and J.P.L. dress. "As extensive and solid material such as dust and gas has met. She thinks that Caltech is could advise people on job- or stu- continued on page 5 remarkable as the first IRAS that may glow only with infrared, discoveries were, we have only or heat, radiation. Also, besides gleaned a fraction ofthe knowledge emanations at other wavelengths, that lies hidden in these data. We stars and galaxies emit infrared are honored that Caltech has been radiation that can yield valuable in­ chosen as the site for the ongoing formation about their formation search for new insight into the in­ and structure. frared sky." According to Dr. Soifer, the Caltech's Infrared Processing lRAS data will continue to be sear­ and Analysis Center is a one-story ched for evidence of solid material 17,600-square-foot building at the orbiting other stars. Also studied southwest corner of campus. It will be the infrared emissions from houses approximately 40 scientists, clouds of dust where stars are be­ engineers, technicians, and support ing formed, from cold interstellar personnel. Also, abolit 100 scien­ dust clouds, dying stars, from the tists per year will visit the center center of our galaxy, and from to perform specific studies using quasars. the IRAS data. Chief scientist for In particular, IPAC scientists the center is B. Thomas Soifer, will study a new class of galaxies Caltech senior research associate in that glow up to 500 times brighter physics. at infrared wavelengths than at visi­ lRAS, cooled by 135 gallons of ble wavelengths. Scientists believe liquid helium, was launched on that the infrared glow may come January 25, 1983, from Van­ from dust heated by large numbers denberg Air Force Base. When the of new stars igniting like strings of helium was used up as planned, firecrackers within these galaxies, IRAS ceased operation on perhaps due to collisions or near­ November 21, 1983. By then, the collisions with other galaxies. 2,200-pound satellite had scanned Further studies ofthe data may the sky at four bandS in the in­ also yield other surprises, said Dr. frared, detecting almost 250,000 Soifer. For example, evidence of infrared-emitting sources, as well a tenth planet in our solar system as producing spectra and wide-field may yet lie undetected in the lRAS images of the sky at infrared data.
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