Visual Representation of Tax Issues Hegemony and the Control of Technical Devices Silke Ötsch, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Sociologist, Innsbruck (Austria)
[email protected] Conference Intersections of Finance and Society 2017 2-3 November 2017 City University London, UK Abstract: The contribution draws the attention to visual and narrative strategies used in a field perceived as technical and links them to problems of political economy. Ten years after the financial crisis start- ing in 2007/2008, main elements of the the financial system persists – among others the misuse of offshore finance. The system continues to exist, although it contradicts most citizens’ sense of justice because privileged actors benefit by breaking the law. I assume that one reason for the persistence is the technical approach to the topic. Most opponents of offshore finance are not aware that tax discourses address the unwitting level of perception and transport biased meaning. This implies techniques of framing, the use of images (e.g. tropical islands or shelters), narratives and theories. Critics of the system thwart the own intentions by using biased images, language and narratives. Nonetheless, changing hegemony in tax discourses risks to lead to symbolic actions if hegemony is not accompanied by the control over technical devices. Here, I will first depict conflicts of interest in tax flight and avoidance and most important initiat- ives to regulate it. Secondly, I sum up findings about the use of metaphors and deep frames in news- paper articles on offshore finance. I then reconstruct unconsciously promoted images by analysing visual representations of tax related issues in the internet.