Light Cone Gauge Quantization of Strings, Dynamics of D-brane and String dualities. Muhammad Ilyas1 Department of Physics Government College University Lahore, Pakistan Abstract This review aims to show the Light cone gauge quantization of strings. It is divided up into three parts. The first consists of an introduction to bosonic and superstring theories and a brief discussion of Type II superstring theories. The second part deals with different configurations of D-branes, their charges and tachyon condensation. The third part contains the compactification of an extra dimension, the dual picture of D-branes having electric as well as magnetic field and the different dualities in string theories. In ten dimensions, there exist five consistent string theories and in eleven dimensions there is a unique M-Theory under these dualities, the different superstring theoies are the same underlying M-Theory. 1ilyas
[email protected] M.Phill thesis in Mathematics and Physics Dec 27, 2013 Author: Muhammad Ilyas Supervisor: Dr. Asim Ali Malik i Contents Abstract i INTRODUCTION 1 BOSONIC STRING THEORY 6 2.1 The relativistic string action . 6 2.1.1 The Nambu-Goto string action . 7 2.1.2 Equation of motions, boundary conditions and D-branes . 7 2.2 Constraints and wave equations . 9 2.3 Open string Mode expansions . 10 2.4 Closed string Mode expansions . 12 2.5 Light cone solution and Transverse Virasoro Modes . 14 2.6 Quantization and Commutations relations . 18 2.7 Transverse Verasoro operators . 22 2.8 Lorentz generators and critical dimensions . 27 2.9 State space and mass spectrum . 29 SUPERSTRINGS 32 3.1 The super string Action .